The Herald, 1903-09-25, Page 4The Zurich Herald.
S' ti a G q
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• 74173117 TITh SDAy . • 4VENIN0;
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E. ZELLER EDIT0l2, Zuxa:cz3, P.O
The Practice of ITnderdraining.
In a, previous article some of the
advantages of under. draining were
pointed ont ; in this ease an outline
of the method of draining practised
Try our best farmers will be given.
'Tc secure satisfactory results oare-
fnl study should first of all be
given to the best manner of laying
out a system of drains ; the aim
Tieing to secure the greatest fall,
the least outlay for tile, the least
amount of digging, and the most
perfect drainage.
TILL:. For under -((raining there
is nothing better than the ordinary
round drain tile. The size to be
need can only be decided by a study
41f the conditions under 'which the
drain is to work. They should be
large enough to carry off in twenty.
fuer to forty-eight hours the sur -
phis Crater from the Heaviest rains,
hut it is important that they should
not be too large, as the cost of
tinderdra2ning is governed ,l0.arge iv
by the size of the tile need. It
may be mentioned tlzttt the (einemte
a)f round waster pipes is i21 propor-
tion to the squares of their diatne-
ters. Th•tt is. under the sane eon-
ditionc, e. two-inc'h pipe will carry
four times as 211ueh water. and a
three inch pipe nine times as much
a. onei)a'll pipe. In fact, the
t..i'ger t)ipc' will carry oven mo..rc•
than lllis proportion. p--'eanse of
the greater friction in the S311a11
ipe. in t.7ralinarr rases. fiwt' or six
inch tile are recommended for the
fewer part of main Ilrlil arid le
inch for the tipper portico fin test'
I';'anehe s tYwtt and tt Bali to three
Irish are preferable.
Dm'T1l AND D2sT.1y,'E
is seldom nave ssatr to lay drains
more than fere fart below the e ;r-
ars. and in 13)';st easesz ttwn-und- t
'tat 1f to three'-aal l-o-..aap. feet -will he
found e1 fdc•ient. The proper dis-
ist anc l between l etn••lz drains do -
Tends nds t n the quantity r.f water tet
he tarried ct' and the llatnrt'a of
the sttle«iil. In general prootic e
the lines of tile are ns:tully p laece1
from fifty to one hundred feet
apart, Ina t('Ilacaous e'ia;r sr tl.
ho ever. thirty feet would net In
tell C1o:0.
a H41./I (•a THE DRAIN. The drain
nay lie open•'il np in the firet
by passing three nr four t1(aar's
along, the same trade with an ordifl
•try plow; Then the y',lbsapil mar
be broken up with n. c. cl strong
snhseil plow. In this way the
earth may be loosened 'on depth of
ttwn feet or siert' and thrown (''u,
with narrow slt,l''rC1•.. The It tt e -47 -
of the drain should lac: drat* With
li narrow drtaii:lii r spades. made for
• in
11Iii kept straight per net - ns ,..f a line
s=tretched tightly near the gronndu
and about fem. 1nel e_ back iron'
ltHe he edge. In ordinary ceee t7.i.'
It ditch need not he liteee fee,
prate `
`wide aft the. tip alba loth. to is
sir inche ; at the 'bottom, the r a(lt c,ctf
e onrSe»? in pro t tuon to . depth
?retort' p t � •' the , t,
Sir Iiia • the drain and the
erns, of i Gamtext,-Ae, as rule .skein. heed(»
elle eie Niven as much fail as p essi lye
atts of ofd the gradient r 1tonpcl not 1.e less:
to yoeter' n two o inc he' rn cant'. 1st ndred i
atjlon /33' :,t, if this can be -e .user(. C ;re
T3er11n eveling is neceesaary to ci'' lr
�filanoelloz nifornl fall tliront le tat the
l n ingEruof a drain. '�s a simple
proughfII� simple
The ontap'pc1 for this purpose, ono of our !I
61.0n ltt pet:} " authorities es reto � mend tlw
aid a resaylut'ir to use several cross-heacl;:1
drill to the *ruin trips of one inch hoards
The Ieader !`tr four inches wide. The
$ositi ;n teas s'tif the standards varies Cts.
a'^' cried alto the depth of the drain.
xaally,' Illiece about two feet long is 1
Oolosiia,i ,t the top of the standard. t
c e,rnor.:C,�iss-head are then placed
vilIin for tll` .
thibited at line of the ditch: so that i
L ui sauthaziplpees are in line. The
stare are, goectde is ascertained by the.
iibition being;, ordinary spirit level,--
ixt ear, accorVy to lay the tile a stand- j tr
the pu.rpo se: The ditch ehould b
and should be set at the bottom of
the drain ancltnark in, line with the
tops of the cross -heads ; this will,
by testing ever; few feet, give a
true grade for the tiles.
Le.ern(t snit Ttnee—When the
bottom of the drain has been
brought to .the proper • grade and
shape. the tile Should be laid very
carefully to secure perfectly close
'joints. With the aid of a bile hoot
they.lnay be placed rapidly and ac-
curately without getting into the
ditch. Some prefer to place the
tile with their hem's, standing in
the ditch, and Stepping carefully
on each side as laid. In covering'
it is preferable to put the surfuee
soil next the tiles, for if properly.
--packed, it will prevent the subsoil
from getting in at the joints. The
laying should begin at the outlet of
the main drain, and where eonnee-
tion is made with branch lines.
enough of the branch should bo
11)1(1 to permit the niuin to be partly
filly in.
Jti t'i 1N Al n OuTLwr.—All junc
tions of branches With the plain
line should be nude at' an acute an-
gle, or where the fall is sufficient,
from allure. rho axis of the main,—
This is necessary in • order to pre- i
vent the deposit of silt and the con-
segnent blocking, of the tile at the
junction. Specially made joint
tile may be used, or the connection i
may be made be cutting• a hole i
the main tile with a tile pick. Th
outlet of the drain should be
placed that there will be a free fin
of water. If protected witllana
sonny and a grating to keep out al
Mats, so much the better. In th
country glazed sewer pipe or glrc'e
drain tile may be used to advantag
, for the last ten or fifteen
` to prevent injnry by fruit.
In closing it stay be well to reca
the fact that trees should not be a
1 lowed to grow near a line of tile
i through which water flows Burin
NoTrem.--The Fruit Division of
the Department of Agriculture, Ot-
tawa, has -recently issued two time-
ly bulletins, copies of which have
been receiveii at. this office, The
first is entitled "E2:part - Apple
Tracle" and is, in a lanae measure,
a review of the generally accepted
principles 'which forum the broad
basis of success in the growing find
exporting of C'uzadiaa apples for
European markets. The bulletin
deals in the most concise and prac-
tical manner with such subjects as
varieties to plant, care of the orch-
ard, selling the crop, picking, grad-
ing packing, tho package, handling,
shipping and storage. be ether
bulletins. a ite name implies, deals
in al similar wary with the growing
and marketing of pears. Each bul-
letin also c c,ntains the text' of the
Fruit Maall.s Act in its amended
form, finer explanatory notes for in-
spectors, growers. owners and
packers of fruit. Everyone inter-
ested in the fruit business should
write Mr. W. A. McKinnon, Chief
of the Frttit Dit-ision, Ottawa, for
copies of these bulletins, which
will be sent free to any address.—
Letters addressed as above. do not
reclitire postage.
A whp2X' (4001) R.CLI1.
It is Well known that the ma-
jority of human f11s arise from
u 1 constipation of the bowels and on
e i this account mans' people snake it
so a rule to see that thin bowels move
a-, once every clay. 1f you are sub-
-- to constipation you can be
1.1 cared by the nse of Dr. Chase's
is! Kidney -Liver Pills, These Pills
�-df not only make the bowels active,
e j but by their action on the liver
et ensure a regular flow of bile,
nature's own cathartic and so
pI i remove the cause of serious disease.
and indigestion
the greater part of the year, ass t11
roots are apt to enter at the joints
lin search of water, and in course o
r time, close the drain. Willows, pn
tars. and elms are particularly ob
' j'ctionable in this respect.
Water for Darb Animals.
A Aman was driving a. beautiftt
'• horse, At the read -side was a twat
j ening trop»h. The animal swerve(
front the road. Its delicate muzzle.
was quivering, and a short whinnie
said as plainly as a horse can talk
,Master. Iatu1 thirsty ; please. can
l,a�'a'' a think
The answer was at jerk on the
reins. a blow with a whip. and the
rig -disappeared in a. dont). of dust
That tats eruelt.y—unthinking,
criteltte -an,l it bring• tip the twliolc
(lnestinn off hot weather treat)nen
of 02111)1aals.
14 your horse given water fro
gnentiy: 1)o yon :rive your !log
and eat ..ester as often as they de-
sire, t 1 c e) you simply guess they
will iY id all the water they neect
The owner of 011 animals. large
'or small, who does not think t•f
tit'::,' things is not fit to own 0
dumb (watt'. Not to (provide' for
tete warts of dnluestio. aninlnl; and
nets 1. (:rnelty' that causes torture.
It 15 tilt. sats to trust to an animal's
favus lis; focal or drink. In a trial
state they were able to do tltis.—
l.pwae fieat'd they Nati'(' learnt?(( to
rely en 212at1), and in many Cass
they Have met with base 'betrayal
\Vntt,r is as essential as fond. 1n
tit' hot (Lays of .Tnly and i.iign t
and e on yet, it really comae be-
fore fo,all.
15.1ndr?ss to animals is more than
•kindnc s. ; it is ;justice
Themin who beats a horse van
be molted by the law, aalthr,ogh t•ata
seldom ( he meet with his ,past
e a'se ts.
The ,man who cpr'F+.s not beat his
Nor•-'' end 011•a for rets tli Wattvr hitn
for 1.-i'., p.erit'ds can seldom be
1ca^3 , 1 1'' the lair, and yet his ern
ltw far greater them temporary
pain that :follows the feel ;f the +1
tat .4' a
- Think about these things. RR
:nelni rr. how it feels when your own
throat is dp,;- and par' lietl. and look
atter the nel.tls of your four -footed
f1,a:nls, Great
C1a31^;..a,,,,, °Illustrated Weekly.
In ke- +)ing witli the ppr'lrrl•a� �.s ,,f i
ti.,,' ns t.. - CANADA'8 GREAT Nil- i
telt est,, . • 1It )3.tE NE '.;,1'. PER. 1
Dlcxiness, and siclt'lt(adaelte cured, and
P a health built up by Dr. Chases
- !icl•vtt Food
OArT. Wn.I.IAat lIrasaansr, Sd Lockman
St:, Halifax, N,S., states: --"Before I began
using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was troubled
a great deal with dizziness, nervousness and
1 sick headache, which seemed to be caused
1 from indigestion. Since using thi preparation
for a time, all these distressing symptoms have
disappeared and I con-
sider that I am entirely
cured. I never used any
medicine that seemed to
build me up so thorough-
ly, and to•dav I am in
better health than I have
been for several years•"
, By noting yotirincrease
in weight while using this
great food cure, you can
prove for a certainty that
tt 1s adding Ile:v, iiran
t Capt. Henoebery flesh and tisane to the
body. Through the medium of the blood and
-' nerves Dr. Chase's Nerve Food sends new
vigor and energy to every organ of the human
'system, and nd overc medisease.
o s
50 cents a
box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and
Co., Toronto. To protect you against imita-
tions the portrait and signature of Dr, ,i W.
Chase, are on every box.
rt.", (•WEEtls.l.y' (LOBE will be
I ;aterntiiy improved for .
e , " fir - i,111to2•tatnt ((tang e are' ;31
contemplation, n pl (tion, bilt the leading f+•a-
tiro will I the introduction t : stn
1'A1. ER. This will ulldiallst tll',
emit(•' it the most popular weekly
ri'f ; ted to the people of the Densis- I.
on. For particulars see silver tine-'
neilt in another column of this]
liar pcl•.
Ge Ltiile praise consists in milll-
nr a man's faults to hi(, face!
Incl his good tlnalitie.e to his l:pack..l
Anxiety is milking t kicking hcif
r with one hand and holding her twitlt the other.
The man who knows the least, I
- . oan.
For Profit
0 2 0
Lvery Farmer should keep
these three words constantly
in mind and conduct his farm
en strut business Ilrinctples.
Gutess work and haphazard
.nu'thotls ere no longer used by
successful and up-to-date far-
By reading Tau 1'�'tti':act,w
SUN. the Farmer's nosiness
Paper, you will get the very
latest • and most accurate in-
formation your Nusi-
THE Sea's market reports
are worth marry times 11)0 sub-
scription price to you.
hrere Farmer in t acnada
should t�:e the full t afire of
the service 'I'111 ; a•N :tats ren-
dered him i21 at p5uhiic way.'" It
was clue to tht action of "Terra
St7x in giving voice to the
or -inions of the farmers theft
the law relating to cattle
guards, drainage fere s
tt at:-, tanti 101(21 fire c ,t.sed by.
r aall ar locomotives has been
•, •
�. 'E e tt t i send Triu 1t� 1ntn (or
SUN from now to lst Jcinu:arv,
19115, in.Cotilbanati(in 'twit()
lltw I:fh' ,t_ a:) with the Weekly
.Stai (iv ;,?..](� trcr t no\w .till next
Cook's Cotton Root Cb 1po'n,
4 is successfully used monthly by over
I0a000Ladies. Safe, efi'ectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Gook's Gotten Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as ail 141ixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous, ;E�riee, No, Y, $11 Per
bow; 2 o. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box.. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8•cont
stains, 'J hie, Cook d2ompany IVindsor Ont.
responsible aaa 2 sold and recommended by all
Druggists in Canada.
No, 1 and, No. 2.exe soul in Zi.0 icli
it Dr. Eitel anan'S t:1i^tl >` st
less to toll the most, •
IT- .AT' 1, . . S ,%CO. ..
are this week
Opening up a large shipment sof
General Dry Goods
"• Goods personally selected, up-to-
date lit style and quality, and at
prices which we shall bo glad to
quote you. We (kindly invite
and ti'e1co111e you to inspect our
splendid stock of goods.
The highest prices
paid for all kinds of Farm Pro.
duce, Poultry, Dried Apples,
Butter, Eggs, Tallow, Lard,
home -spun yarn, etc. etc.
Hensall and Dashwood .i11iree1 importer;
URN:1 Ur n
Always in stock a full line of
Single and Double....
sr,�_r' For Cheap
Travelling Goods,
This is the Spot.
Fancy Rockers,
I ,allies Secretaries
Morin' Chairs,
ROCKERS, Recining Back
Dining -Room Pictures.
Agent for SPROETZEL'S PIf1 TIIdATIC COLLARS. They are well rot
commended. Fly Nets aria Dusters will be sold at a bargain.
1-m 777 `:Ela 2
NVY MSSrigYui w'•+t i `
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for uses(, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. Tliey are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and. used by every physician. Ripans Tabules
are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Rilpalls Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy, They are a dependable,
honest remedy. with a long and successful record,
to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
born constipation, offensive breath. heartburn,
dizziness, palpitation. of the l.ieart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, soul' stomach, bowel and
liver complaints. They strengthen Weak stom-
achs, build up run-down systems; restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep.
Everybody derives constant benefit from a regi -
laar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells
then. The fire -Cent packet is enough for an
ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents,
contains a supply for a year.
LiYti t .t °7, st n "l b r. aiMS ' s. sr
Canada's Great
fflustrated 'Weekly.
.A leading feature of The Berri .;r, r,v Gonia; to be added
this fall will be an
Eight=Page Illustrated Supple
Por the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping;
photo -engraving and printing plant has .been adcteda�,to The Globe's
mechanical egtiipnient, This will. make The WzmtifY Gx,OEU ungues,.
tionably the most desirable home paper in, Canada,