The Herald, 1903-05-01, Page 6BRTIS1L RELIEF FORCE ST WE Only 30 of a Party of 220 den Escape with. Bad News Prom Soznaliland—The War Office Ellespatclz Giving Particulars —Col Plunkett Went Out to Relieve Capt. Olivey, Thought to have Been in Denver and Was Attacked by mounted Troops --Gallant Charge When Ammunition Was Exhausted. Allen, Afabia, cable: The Brit - lab transport Hardinge arrived here to -day from Berbera, the capital of Somaliland, East Africa, and con- firmed the report of a British de- feat in Somaliland. The officers of the Harding: say that ten officers and 1SO men, out of a total British force of t32O men, were killed recent- ly, in an eugagemenl; with the Soma- lis. The War °ince Informed. , London cable eay-,s :: The. War Office to -day received froze Brigadier-Gen- erat Manning, in commend of the ,British• forces in Somaliland, a de- spatch dated twenty miles westward of Galati!, Somaliland, April 18, as follows: "I regret to report that a flying column, under rite command of Col. Coltbe, which left .Galadi, April 3.0, to reconnoitre the road to Wal- wal, hail a most serious check on April 7.th. On the morning of April 17th Col. CoJhbe was at uumburru, forty nines westward of Galadi, and had deckled to return to Gated', ow - imp to the serious difficulty in find- ing the roar.! to Walwal and to the shortness of waiter. He was about to leans his zarel~ia (protected camp) when firing was beard In the direc- tion of a small party, under ;the command of Capt. Olivey, which had been sent' in a westerly direction to reconnoitre. , !' A Relief Party. "At 0.15 in the morning, Colonel Cobb° despatched Colonel Plunkett with 160 men of the second battalion af, tale King's African Rifles, 48 men of the Second Sikhs and two Maxim gums, for the extrication of Capt. Olivey, if necessary. las a matter of fact, Captain Olivey had not Leen engaged. Col. Plunkett, on joining the detachment, continued to push on. At 11.4,5 Col. Cape heard: a heavy firm in. the direction taken ,y Col. Plunkett, and about 1 in the after- noon '<. few fugitives coming in re-_ ported that Col. Pfu'nkett had been defeated with loss. "The news has been fully eorrobor- aitodt since, and I have to report the total loss of Col. Plunkott's party, with the exception of 37 Yrios who have arrived here. Survivors' Stories. African- Rifles; Captain Vizey, the Seconal Sikhs; Oa,pain Sime, The latest information extracted from the fugitives, is to the effect that Col. Plunkett pushed on with his forces to the open country, seven miles westward of Gumbarra, where he was attacked by a strong force of mounted troops and the enemy's iniantry, who o att tkt t t close quarters, He kept back the enemy until he had no more am- munition,when he formed a square and charged with' bayonets in tete direction of Col. Jobbe's zereba. Ile moved some distance in this. wan- arer, but a great many men, in- cluding Col. Plunkett himself, were killed or wounded by the pursuing eeneiny. At last the enemy's infantry over- whelmed the square and annihi- lated them all, with the exception of the ;37 fugitives above stated. An Appalling List. The despatch'. closes with a list of the "officers and men missing, and no doubt killed in action," namely Col. A'. W. V. Plunkett, Cap tains Johnston, Stewart, Olivey, Morriss and McKinnon, and Limits. Gaynor and Bell, alt of the Fang's of of the Indian medical staff ; two white A. Toronto Chinaman was buried Privates, 18 0f the. Second Sikhs with, oriental customs. • and 121 men of the African Rifles. The Salvation Army barracks at The two Maxim .guns also were lost. Listowel were burned. w..•,-...mw..r,-,iR...N.,...;,,a.—.:.......M�TAb(x,,,.Yt,.xe.kwM?�W•»TYIw"-p»nw,-.W• ..4... ,..u.. NEWS BRIEF g i"✓E•�7°""�3 �",,*o.tA �."k+1C" g6�'ta,,. � &fes �b CANADIAN. Mrs, Shirley was acqurttetl at Quo - bee or the murder of her husband. Plans have leen got ready at Mont-. zeal for the elevittioe of the Grand A Young' :L,lgiiehulan named Chas. Partridge wad drowned at Rat Port- age, Terrence McFarlane, a Laborer, Giga from lh•ju Int rescued at Toronto aunetion. The Crown will take proceedings against an alleged pool 'room at To- ronto: Juncttou. The Executive of the American Fed- eration of Labor were banqueted by tho Mayor and corporation of To- ronto. The trial of Karl Barham for mur- der ttt daze Uornwall Assizes was Postponed at the request of the de- fence. Mrs. tirilltern Newlands, of Kingston, was found dead in the attitude of prayer in her room at, Kingston last eight. Four children survive. Col. Cobbs in Peril. Another despatch from Geo. Man- ning, who, Immediately; on hearing of the defeat of Col. Plunkett, s•tart- ed foe Gumburru.with 460 men, say's further information reached him from Col. C;obbe to the effect that the latter, with :320 troops, was encamping with plenty of food and supplies and four days' water. He has ,about one tliousau•d camels and door not think the can withdraw from his position without assistance, be- cause the scrub is thick and the enemy's forces seem likely to ,act on tete offensive. Gen. ,fanning adds : `•1 march, again directly arta expect to arrive at Gnmburru to -morrow at noon. I shall accomplish' the extrication bf Col. ("abbe, with a,3 'much transport as possible, and return to Galadi. I can only carry sufficient water for tete march to Gumburru, returning dir- r •tl T' - I therefore bo nn - , 5.a1 able to advance against the enemy if the 1.4ttter holds bask." • Later report : 1 despatch. prom Aden, Arabia, conveys news of a uer- ieus reverse to the British forces in Sonin1L1txucf at toe !elude of the ivad alu,lah. A llylah,g coluunn, anuer Col. 1'iu;nkett, cousisting of 2n0 men, was a•ttaukctt, and tell officers and 1e0 matt were .;Lain. 'quo ie palish de- euribes the uis•:tster as an ambush, and Iepreseuts tee 11u11aih's army as being 10,U0u steatite. Cut 1'lunitett's men, with tlxo cacclhtion of the 0111- cers anal two I3rettan orderlies, were all Sikn;s, lana and Somalis. Col. Plunkett hath an ultimate auqualut- alnce. with the ct>untly and its inhab- itance, havnig been in Somaliland. since the operations began in 1901.. He trained the loos and Somalis, who formed• the Bind's Afrlean ifle;s, and br ongut diem to a high state of efficiency. Tale Taos and Somalis, Iike most forth Africans, are line fighters, and the manner in which they alcquitted themselves at Gumburra woe wihat was 10 have been expected front their own grit and Col. llunkett's discipline. 1 1',ho fight occurred in Italian coin- enien:l, not a great distance from the Abyselnian border. An Abyssin- ian force of from 5,000 to 10,000 men, to ;which two lr th!l1. officers are at- tached, lately, occupied a position boutlbwt-est 01 the ee.eale of the opera- tions t0 elft off e possible: retreat of the Mullah, but they were riot supposed to be co-up'rating actively ivitai the Bi'itislt expedition. General Mannans .bee. advanced from. Ohbia, anal the abandonment of that place as. a rase precludes his retiring eastward if a retreat is nec0sestl'y. He must therefore fight his way nottltw:trti, or the British co- operating column, whose base is at Berbera, and its advauced base at Babette, notes; force its way south to support him tit oaeo of need. Gen- eral Manning'S column now numbers about 2,000 Man. Nothing has' been heard of it ainco it advanced to,as- sist Gel. Cobbs, tvno is likely, in a tight ,position. The British cruisers at Aden sailed for Berbera to -alight. • The troopship ifardina: 'Lias ber.iu ordered to pro- ceed forthwith to 'Bombay to take rein forceanents to Somaliland. Argument on the redistrihution ap- peal was begun before the Supreme Court at Ottawa, The Body of William Jordan, rclan, miss- ing dance Christmas, was found at Swan Lake,. Man. Mayor Urquhart welcomed the Ex- adct, alts! dullnt^ his disht h t,,d11 insezec1 the i .Illi+ :get,'lll. G'e'neral S,lttu'i' has a bit!, which lie will press in tih • ltd tttrfli c urn- neons tlnrtng till, scs,lioll, to ('li(lu:l� e oi' to Int+ i' -'rat plat 1 1 3 ilf oolozflatl nut die tl college:: no the saline foot - Ing as those O, 1 tiii,tll univcrb ties, in the aritly, anti tilt' uolonnservice, :lir. (Jtl. lt„ 1>evlis, •M l'., at the Na- tiuuatl.0014v0011011 in 'Mello, moved a resolution as:ser tins that the re- lease of Arthur l,yuclt would tend to secure bitter feeling among Ir- ishmen, Irrespective of creed or party. The resolution was caz'ried unanimously. :The condition of Sty. justice Louut, Ycho has been ill lot s001e time, is cauhting grave anxiety to „his family. There ha's been 00 satisfactory rally since his return from Bermuda. a. few weeks ago. In recognition of fifty years spent in the plac•tice of medicine, during forty -aline of tvllirli he was located in Ottawa, Sir James 'Grant was last night cntortalned to a banquet at the Russell House by the medical fraternity of the capital and pre- sented with an address and a silver loving cup. TRIBEISMEN AGAIN. Madrid, April 27.-A despatch to the Impartial from Ceuta, Morocco, says the coinznander of the G'overne ment forces at Tetuan has yielded to the demands of the Kabyle tribesmen, who are besieging that port, with the view of gaining time. MRS. BURDICK GETS $25,000 FROM PENNELL ESTATE. Insurance Companies Will Not Contest Any of the Policies. • Buffalo deepatcb : Attorney Chas. B. Sears appeared before Justice COilIds yesterday afternoon, and in beb,a,1f of J. Tired. Pennell, adminis- trator of the astute of his brother, the late Arthur Pennell, withdrew his objection to the application of the Prudential Insurance Company, of America for an interpleader in the shit brought by Attorney 'Wallace Thayer t<> x ecover the 1523,000 blear - aline payable to'kir, Thayer In trn,stt, . Mr. Sears also an that Mr. Pannell would make no objections to the payment of the stoney to Mr. `Niay' e1'. !this 'action was taken incons:- queincc of the revelation made yeu'- terday afternoon, when Mr, Thayer Opened the waddle paoiiot ,left in his posse 9lcei lay the late Mr, Pennell, timet rdlbx:ovareal t rth,t the money 'filsr Agee" to Mr. ',i;,itt er in trust Was for the benefit of Alice Hull Bur- dick. , 1 i,, l: I •The amount involved.in this action is $15,000. There is another policy for ,$'10.000, given- by the Mutual Life I,neuranca Company, and Mr. Thayer has also brought. an •action against the company to • recover this am- ount. It is believed that there wilt be no opposition to the payment or this moony to Mr. Thayer, so that firs. Burdick' Is entitled to and will probably get the entire money left her indirectly by Mr. Pennell. - WheV Justice Childs took the bench this afternoon tit Special '.Cornu, At- torney Sears ares() and saiii: "Per- haps the burden is on unix to silt' ,solnetlzing !u regard. to thin matter. I will simply •eny that in, behalf of 3, Feed, Powell, the administrator, we withdraw all objections to the payment of this money to lir, Thayer, rind sclu,nelon all canters easiest the tneurtutco company for t;l i i•r: mon ey-." 'Viten that di poses of this 'no- tion,' ,.lid ,7lhxtice Cftii<ls. Inn .1 081.100 01020 blade 11:0 Order :110.1 Clirort;:i1 tflatt it he denied, and the money, will be paid Otte" to Mr, T,,haser, W'VILLiAM MORTIMER CLARK, K. C., The New Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. Mr. W. Mortimer Clark, K. Ce the new Lkutenant-Governor of Ontario, was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, on May 24th, ].836, and was educated at the \Vest End :lcadetny Grammar School, the University of :\.Ltrischal College, Aberdeen, and at the Uni- versity of Edinbnrgll. Ile Is a, life member of the general council of the latter university. He is it son of Mr. John Clark, general manager of the Scottish Provincial Insurance Com- pany, and founder of the Caledonian ]lank. In 1830 Mr. Clark was admit- ted a writer to Her Majesty's Signet. In the same year he concluded his studies and came to Toronto. He was afterwards called to the bar, VORK OF ESL GOES N ACE Fifty-five in OAO Murcered by a Neap' Vienna, A1ar11.'27,-Despatches from Sofia, Bulgaria, announce that a band of Macedonians recently surrounded and slaughtered •forty 13ashi Bazouks and fifteen gendarmes, near Petritch, ifacedonia, oat of revenge for the „murder" of their leader, Capt, Saeff, W.11.0 was recently killed in an en- gagement in the district of Melmik. The .band subsequently captured the district chief of Petritch and twenty- five soldiers, whom they stripped and released. A Bloody Brawl. St. oi?tersburg, April 27, -It is re- ported here that many men have been killed or • injured in a brawl between troops and marines at Kron- stadt. fl'he commandant of Bron. stadt, 'Vice -Admiral Marakoff, is among the wounded. It is rumored that some officers were killed. To Expel Mormon Missionaries. Berlin, April 27. -The Governments of Prussia and of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg have decided to expel the Mormon missionaries, of whom hitch. there are 345 In ttc:rnrn•ty and ;h0 in Prussia, on the vetted that they are propagating a form of religious be- lief incompatible' with the lawn of the state and public morals, and be- cause polygamy IS nut au:lulled front• their doctrines. The missionaries, who are all Americans, will be allow- ed sufficient time to settle 0f tih'ir personal affairs. One Step Earward. The Hague, April 27. -The First Chamber of the Stats General fa - day adopted the treaty of arbitration between Holland and Yeeeetiela,. Severe Measures in Finland. Stockholm, Sweden, April 27. -Des- patches from Helsingiors, Finland, announce that further expulsions have been ordered under the decree published on April 16th, prescribing measures dor the maintenance of order in Finland. 'The persons who Have been instructed to leave the country include ,ex -Senator 11leehe- lin, two editors, a former British consul, Eugene Wolff, and several leaders of the young Finnish party. They have received notice to leave Finland within a week, otherwise they will be deported. • USSL 4'S 1 .' EACH OF FAITH. United States Regard Vier Course as a Violation of Agreement. . Victoria, April 27. --Mr. Jas. Mar - later Conger nes tabled to Secretary of State l (ay hn Iw-Is of t.ite de- mands made upon China by Russia respecting control of 'Manchuria. Till's account agrees precisely with the press report of Russia's last coup. Secretary Iray will 'take mo action in tJte matter until he has comuzuni- eatr•,l the lasts to the President and ]hag learned the latter's wishes. 'I',ho present iutl,l1'ssiott Isere is that the Rm5*1a.n action 18 a distinct: broach of faith with the i Inited States. The Russian Government pledged Itself three times, formally, once' the doC1ii11Cii1S al's 00 record, that the "open door" should be main- tained in Manchuria, and that the Russian troops. should be withdrawn as soon as peace was restored. Fin- ally, the latter 'pro -mise took the shape of a treaty stipulation. It was l:rovi:l,c'r1 that the evacuation should take piuce•within three distinct per- iods. The Inst liussian soldier should have quit Manchuria on the eighth of this month, according to ti-m.t treaty. :0 lit a plausible explanation for a temporary retention of the remaining Bxiss:ittn troops was of- fered by Russia, in the claim that the eouattry was still disturbed and that vigorous Inilita,ry methods were necessary in the 'interest of sanita- tion. TFUT FIifflIEL EU DEAF MUTES STRIKE. BI . t a '1'bt•ir Going Out. Throws 1.000 Persons Out of Employment. t' tiettH +. 111., April 27.-1t a. signal front tarp lae•iness agent, 7.50 deaf '{ Victim One of Band Against anti became a ta. C. a few years Later, Mr. C1ark is a prominent Presby- terian. , rr, with teriaat. II. has been rt n i , it_d wz t Knox Church -11100 itis arrival in 1830, being an elder most. of that time. He has been clta.irnhau of the Board of :tf:tnagnntent of Knox Col- lege for twenty-three years, neregu- lar commissioner to the General Assembly-, and for ten years past delegate from Knox in the Senate of the University of Toronto. • Mr. (lark has travelie'd v'•ry extensively in all parts of Europe, Egypt and Palestine, antl when at home finds diversion in his splendid library, in admiration of art, and in writing for the press. ecutivo °aerial! 'of the American Fed- eration of Lahor to Toronto. The Toronto Police Commissioners again discussed gamuling and in- structed Chief Grasse,tt to refuse permits for boxing eoniests. The bill cancelling the grant to the Columbia & "Western Railway passed the British Columbia Legisla- ture yesterday. It is reported that the' Western Federation ot Miners have ordered a strike at Mr. lhtnsmuir's mines at Cumberland, 13. 0. Calgary is to have a college or- ganized • lay the Presbyterians, but undenominationaj. ate. ,W. McKcazvht'a bnildings, near Morden, Mae., wore berried byprairie fire. fiwol hersers and all farm im- plements, grain, allay, etc., were Joel:. 'The faniily escaped with difficulty. The machinists' strike at • the Canadian • Bridge Works, Walker - vine, remains practically unchang- ed, though the company has been gradually. filling the places of the men. . • BRITISH AND FOREION. The German sugar trade expresses alarm at the prospect of a tariff war with Canada. Elft �'',' :persons wrre frozen to deathring Sunday's snowstorm !u various parts of Silesia, Prussia., Itr. Sninuel r7ope Morley was elect- ed Governor of the Bonk of Eng- land for tete ensuing year, Bette, Mont., office of the We t- er n ,Union Is closed because of it strati) at messenger boys, accompan- ied Sitio, violence. 1 ntrmbor of •U. S. nrmy officers J lnskn, will be court-martialled on charges of schist; commissary supplies for their own profit. Officers Of the North American Fire Near/trice Co„ Boston, 110,50 been no- tified b,v In ,urance Commissioner C'.tln•ililg.that 1Ls financial condition is riot up to the standard recoir'etl !ry t;ho statute(•. The management of the G. T. R. eXpeOt that the: President of ilia company, Si' Charles llivcr:s-Wilson, tidill spend about six, week's in Can - SMUGGLED FII TOREIIJTO Chinamen Taken Across the Boundary Line. BIG BUSINESS BEING DONE ,Buffalo, N. Y., despatch: The oper- ations of a well organized gang of smugglers who have, it is alleged, brought hnudreds of Chinamen into the United States over Niagara River were disclosed to -day by James Fox, .years old, white on the wit- ness stand. Fox was placed under ar- rest while riding on a street car with a. "contraband" Chinaman named Bock Can. Upon the advice of his mother, Fox told the authori- ties he would., make a clean breast of all he knew about the smuggling of Chinamen in this vicinity. During hie examination Fox told the authorities that there were re- gularly organized firms in Canada, who make it a business to 'bring Chinamen across the Pacific to Van - Louver, thence by: rail to Toronto, and finally, across the border into the United States. Upon the testi mony of Fox the Federal anthori- tice have arrested George L<<'..3 udsen, of this city, Who, it is alleged, is tete leader of the smugglers. The hearing to -day was 'merely jrreiimin- atry to a. trial, when, it is bald, evi- dence will become paleie, eh,owing tete smuggling • operations and the participation 'therein of persons do - leg business in Now York, Chicago and Toronto. Only tt few names were made public; to -day. They. lncinded Sim Lee, alleged to be hetet of a Toronto myndicate, and 1 Wan who does -business in Fort Erie, Cant. Whom Was III -Feeling. GREW OUT OF COUNTERFEITING Ncw York, :April 27. -Stronger evi- dence v idente tlm.ri any yet. obtained against the men who are believed to be res- ponsible for the email of Madonia„ the matt whose body: was found in a barrel in the east side a. week ago. was found to -day by Cillef Flynn, of the Secret Service, in the form of at letter written by the arta who was stain to Morello, who is declared by ilir. Flynn to. be the chief of the band of alleged counterfeiters. This letter, which was turned over to Assistant District Attorney lar - van, is considered by him so impor- tant that he declares he will not even produce it at tite inquest, which will begin before Coroner Scholor next :Monday, out will hold it in re- serve for the actual trial of the men. "Written from Pittsburg on Marelt 2:)rd, the Tetter contains evidence of tete close connection which existed between Morello and ilLtdonia. It alhpears that Vito Laducea, accord- ing 'to evidence obtained by Cillef Flynn, went to ;P'ittsburg some time ago, and wail two companions was. arrested oti a charge of passing counterfeit money, Laducca was dis- cltau'ged, but the other two were , held for 'trial. It here devolved upon Madonia, who i was then in. Buffalo, to go to Pitts- burg and look after the interests of these two men, but it would appear from his letter to Morello that he was not satisfactory 'to the chief of the band. At a,lly rate, in, the let- ter he announced his intention of returning at once to Buffalo, blam- ing Morello for trot hoaxing fulfilled certain promises he had made, the exact nature of which does not ap- pear. Throughout the letter there is evidence of bad feeling 1hettveen Morello and Madonia. It was in Morello's trunk, in the a.ttie 'of No. 173 Clu•ystie street, where he lived, that the letter Wats. found.. There was also Potted a page, evidently. Vern on t of a book, on which appeared the name of Madon- ia.,. written In red int., teitli hl t Buf- falo address. The fact that Madonlat vas a member of the halal of coun- terfeiters nad been established 'by, other.Ineen,s, but aas showing • the close Connection between him and the leader of 'tete band, the latter to cens1dered of the utmost itnport.anee. The Medellin, family is reported as beilig in very Straightened circum- stances. Yesterday it was said -that they were. In laced of the actual rte- ur:settles of Ore alit, that Mr's. Ma- d on la - donia wits wast f rig +tYv sty bean if se of the look of fond. Overseer of 'the Poor i%enugott. tient inipa•ctor Burns to make tin invcstigeti n, Upon his re- port the Ovttrsete t11r eaten Beat the Me:do•nlai he y,apl+l'.r 1 with Atli limy the ,',C rood Ratti ►i::J i- ne+:d0d ]n n;t,` .ot. cine as Will es to>:ti. t Negotiations Oft'. BcirIin, April 27.--TIie negotiations whieh have been in px'Ogrese for some thnc past, looking to British par- ticipation in the construction of Bagdad Railroad, has suspended ata the British Government has refueed to cam+en't to the German conditions.. mute 1.lrrtricnl worker:., employed in the Ant0Iu•ltic J:loctric.. .Company's t,l:ult hau-e begun the llrs't deaf mute >'trike on r4'e or 1. The plant, employ- ing about 1.000 persons, was closed flown.. The mutes are skilled workmen,' members of the Telephone anal Switchboard Union. They wore y>ald the union wages, but joined the brass workers, metal workers, polishers end buffers and platers In ademand tor ,Herter hours. NOT Too. SEVERL. Torturer of Children at St. Louis Sent to Pr Mon. St. Lowe, April 27. -john Earl, who was .arra-stud for torturing two children -whom he hall adopted, has l,oen fined $1,000, and, in tie fanit, WAS sent to the workhouse. Testimony showed that Earl, ivho Is a showman, heat :with sticks and strops and )turned with a !vat iron a troy and girt whom he attempted to train for an acrobatic show. The eldldren were in at horrible eontlition when rescued by the pollee. LEG TO B13 AMPUTATED. .Jos. Malt ie. I.C. A'. P., \V 11! Crullers° Anuthe. ()pc'rntlun.• Weebington •April 27.-.1:. S. Min - tin lino (Redden to submit to the •eluputati, n 'of itis leg above the knee. It alas fOr some time been icuo1v:l tlo.t 114.1.5 alone 0001411)e connt- etl upon to afford pereetnent re- lief, anti i oiler than tttl t1u t• post - pose: the i' e ita.iblc he will under- go the operation duriuhg hie present s.ta.y in t•lro !tc'sp :t•I. 111c trouble 0-111011 makes !t necessary ;MA re- curred at intervals ever since ehild- hood, ilei longest cessation being for a, period of tvrouty yeta,rha. It le ex- pected Mr. 1:ti•tiu will be retired from active- life for ail: months at I most. GRUESOME COINCIDENCE. EErotlteri Meet heath 1'nder Circum etas Y.s strangely Slnlitar. Cat.lgarY, :r. W. T., 'Apra 127. -Tho body of Jobe Christie, at rn.ncher, was found -near :fere yeatcrtllty. At the. inquest .it was eoneludchd ate had been thrown Ir'em Itis buggy, which Sate founts. Pieng Witih •flue horse, near, the: •body, into It pool of Yvator, and ills brother died within afoot 100 yards ot where he wag retied. under ocin,Jltiatis n.lurost iden- 11(011, 'f'lin ChrisLioson'.igirally„ cane front Ot'tu^ vtt:_ - iLLI, WFi'ti THE LI[) OFF." liritisJi 1,abor Leader's Olaiii1031 of Industria! t11ne.rleat. London, :\Pirie 27. --Daring :t dinu'cus-i ,Ion or railway. rates in tizc IlotisO, of Commotos to -day, • John 13au•r'ns,. labor leader, comipl,tined tiuvtt then hoard of 'l`x•ztile 1 0 uol m'ado -any;• experiments i1111t 111trmail,ie coup-, lin€,o. '.111> say tlttly wore rruch ahead/ of Anreritxr. In tivis regard. iter. Berns said, was•nc, n,rgntnYilit. In -his opin*.. A1tlel`1e11. mil:A 1iltla1otrlally. easel With the nil off. lie maid he hoped lath;,Iaitei would novo' Canova' Its (ix -1 ant: 10. . , • 1 , ,