The Herald, 1903-05-01, Page 4GHURCWiES. THE ^I -t Its iNki,\
a ole,
Older of servlee'for the summer.
indays: Riggs `Mess at 9.30 a, m. ; Cate-
(shism and lnst'uotion at 10.30 :"'clock:
Vespers axed. Benodietiou of the Most
Blessed Seca'alnent at 7 p. m.
ly Th ye: High Mass at 9 o'clock; 1
Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. m,
el,} Days: 1Vfess every morning at 7,30
'ctlock; First Fridays, Mass with
*position at 8 o'clock; The Holy
1p,ur, or one hour a visit to our Lord
A the Messed Saeralnet every Sat.
evening from;7 to 8.
tism on 4nndays ab 2 o'clock.
Commue"on Sundays before Mass at
cT' chase.
orlon* to St. Anthony, every Tuesday,
7.3'I, A. M. Send in petitions before
at h',ur.
.. Father Aloisius, P. F. M., hector,
VANGELICAL, German and English
,uuday 'services:-
services:-'man, at 10.45 o'clock a. m. English,
'clock p. m., Sun. echool at `.', p. m.
esday evening; Junior Allianee, at 7,
nior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9.
dnesday evening; German prayer
eting, at 7.30. Thursday evening;
glish prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
ming; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. W. J. leseger, Pastor.
(eutfcile ev. lutij. St. Petri -(ird)e.
($ottesbieuft norm. hall) > ( Uhr
b abenos 7 libr. Santitagfctiule
rm. l;o Zt(lr. i`,ehrerverianmllung
littwocli abases um balb8•
E 5dliilfe. pastor..
Dentist, graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
Toronto University. Painless extraetion
of teeth. Plate work a speciality.
At Dominion House, Zurich, every
Monday. 1-26
�V. BACHAND, St. Joseph.
• Notary Public, Fire and Life In-
surance Agent, Money to Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
E.BOSSENBERRY,Licensed Auctioneer for Hur-
on County, respectfully solicits the pat-
ronage of those who intend having sales.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
PHILIPe SIPPLELiensed neel for the
County of Huron. I would request
those having sales to call on me.
Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran-
teed, Your patronage solicited.
19 P[TBeasreED
year paid strictly ht advance, When tho
paper is not ordered to be discontinued
It will be sent until such order is given
and errearages paid, $1.50 to be eharged
when not paid in advance.
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
eaeh subsequent insertion, Small Advs.
such as"Lost" t'>;strav" or "Stolen wi,1
eharged 50 cents first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of advertisement must
be handed in not later than Tuesday night
of each week to insure change in follow-
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Notices for Church en-
tertainments or other benevolent institn-
tion at special rates.
Contracts for column, half -column and
quarter -column rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
communieations to
Clerk IOth Div. Court, Huron
Commissioner for taking Affidavits,
Conveyancer etc, Valuator for the Hu-
ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co.
Office— Zeller Meek, Zurich Ont.
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris-
ter, Solicitor, Notary Public.
Hensall, Ontario.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street,
Goderieh, Ontario
FRIDAY. MAY 1, 1903.
Among the numberless difficul-
ties with which every publisher of
a newspaper has to 'deal with, is
the overbearing demand of some
people in regard. to giving their
neighbors or someone else a "rip-
ping up" through the columns of
the newspaper.
Many times it is essential per-
haps that persons in all localities
receive through the columns of the
e Successor to COLLINS & STANBURY
Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village
and Farm Property at lowest rates of In-
terest. Documents in original German
read and advised upon.
Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter.
b E:i 4x1 E3 THE1">i fig 41 1 0 0.
Strictly up-to-date in modern im
o provements. Dining rooms is sup-
* plied with only the very best. ¶ ir
Bar contains choice liquors and
41S cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶
111 fj: 45 a]1 ZURICH Oil 5 f'' 0
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men.
f an angel who- could ...promulgate,
at t.trii'i which would please every
one -•even if he possessed a free
hand—and desired.. to do sq. The
numerous delegations to Ottawa
from time to time, confiieting inter
osts of t11e;o different olassCis show
that mai a tariff is next to i111-
possible, and the present one is,
perhaps, as ulnen in •favor of •the.
ma ees a; any which could be.
devised under the cirounistalloes.
It is true that it is, as shown by.
the record, a departure from •the
principles advocated by the Gov-
ernment party when in• opposition,
Then it talke.l free trade, or at
least as near free trade, as the
carrying on of , Public • works and
the necessities of civil government
would permit and better under-
stood, perhaps, as a Revenue- Tar-
iff. On the policie3 of either p trty
THE HERALD has had very little to
say, for we take it for granted. that
all Hien are conscientious and all
have good arguments in favor of
the policies to which they adhere.
It is a big question and one which
we have no desire to keel) everlast-
ingly harping upon, for "who can
decide when doctors disagree, and
ablest casuits differ like yon and
me?" and We merely refer to this
" For 25 years 1 have never
missed taking Ayers Sarsaparilla
d every spring. It cleanses lily
blood, makes me feel strong, and
does mo good in every way."—
John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the `body. You
are invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
active, Youbecomestrong,
steady,courageous. That's
what Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
$1.00 a bottle. All druggists.
Ask your doctor what lie thinks of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. He knows all about this grand
old family medicine. Follow his advice and
we will be satisfied.
.1. C. AY EE co., Lowell, Mass,
ZURICH P. 0. .
Is open daily except Sundays from
8 a. m., until 9 p. m., The mails are
distributed as follows :
MAIL FOR HENSALL, close at 6 :55 a.m.
" 2 :55 poi
" a0 ST .JOSEPH, " 11':10aIn
" L. H. &B., " G:55aln
„ 4, 44
change of views on the part of the " " L, H. R B., " 2 :55 am
government party to show that the " FROM HENSALL, arr. 11 :00 am
,{ <° °° . 7:30 pm
< " ST.JOSEPH, " .10 :45 em
" L.H. &B., ". 11:00 ani
L.H. &B., " ° 7 :30 am
ones advanced at one time may be
impracticable at another. Nearly
every year since the Laurier party
cause into power, the Finance Min-
ister has been able to announce a be posted half an hour previous to
surplus of Revenue over Expendi- the time for closing the nails.
dure, and this year it no excep- 1.)- .FAUST, Postmaster.
papers a good dressing down, but tion, but is much greater, so that
the person generally who wishes to had the government desires, a
decrease in taxation alight have
been announced from year to year.
This if carried out, would have
been in the interest of the consum-
er, but would it be well to create
the impression that we had an
unstable tariff? This you can
decide for yourselves.
The Budget speech is, therefore, one of
the events of the session, which is looked
forward bo with interest by many, and
with dread by some, in as much as any
changes contemplator. by the powers that
be, is then announced and usually comes
into force forthwith. This year Mr. Field-
ing had the pleasure of being able to
announce the continued prosperity of the
country, as demonstrated by the receipts
from all sources of some 7 million dollars
in excess of those for 1901-2; and estimat-
ed that there would be a surplus over
ordinary expenditure on the 30 of June,
this year of no less a sum than $13,000,000.
He also announces an anticipated reduc-
tion of the Public debt, after providing foe
all expenditures, of some five and a half
millions of dollars. Ho announced no
changes in the the tariff for the next
year, except in the case of German goods
coining into Canada- These would be
taxed ane third higher, as, that country
had discriminated against Canada to a like
extent by refusing to concede to us what
is known as the favored nation clause.
The increase would not however be levied
on goods purchased in Germany before
April ]6th for immediate shipment to this
Country. It was also proposed that the
government should be given power, by
Order -in -Council, to impose a duty of
seven dollars a ton on steel rails, whenever
it can be shown that such rails, in suffi-
cient quantities, can be made out of Cana-
dian material, to supply' the demand of
Canadian roads. The abolition of Canal
tolls, as an experiment, would be conned
el, at the request of a large and represen-
tative deputation of Marine men. Many
other things are also dealt with iii the
speech. Average rate of increase of debt
under both parties, cost per capital of
public debt, more Dominion currency,
pressing, for a preference on the part of
Britain,and the fee admission of machinery
not made in Canada for the manufacture
of beet-roo , sugar, as well cis machinery
u -et in Alluval gold mining in the Yukon.
On certain articles manufactured in the
country the duty on the raw nutterial was
higher than on the completed article. The
government would take power to make
such things free, or reduce the duty there
on to a minimum.
♦*41000*4'J4y4 4'J4 iJE34i7�+aQF3 i;'34114j *,
"tbe Tominion"
see the newspaper do it, would not
dare to have his or her name sign-
ed to the article under any consid-
eration, because it might injure
their popularity or reputation.
But they are willing to let the
eel:1 sr publish it and father it
simply because he hasn't any repu-
tation to lose, perhaps. A publish-
er at all times reserves the right to
Publish any or all communications.
and as a consequence there are
more cast into the waste basket or
placed on file for future use than
are ever printed.
By some people the editor of a
newspaper is not given the full
amount of credit he deserves as a
public benefactor in a community,
simply because he is too . open at
times in matters that are a benefit
to the community at large, but
happens to strike some one or more
individuals unfavorably.
Many tinges we wonder what the
community at large would do if
the editor published all or even one
half of the communications receiv-
ed, the contents pf which he knows
to be as true as gospel.
All the unpleasant stories that
are set afloat finally drift around to
the local newspaper office. The
good name of the town is always in
the keeping of the editor and he
seldom abuses the trust. A news-
paper Ueservs as much credit for
not printing some things its it does
for printing other things.
Equipped with all modern
conveniences. First–class
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always suppled
with the best obtainable.
C, 1, Shoema
ohel Prop,
• • _u R t c. H....OMIS..MIl....r.Y
good building lots £or sale at
A the North end of the Village, Any
person desiring to build will find this a
'Woe location for a residence
Apply to E. Runout, Zurioll,
The position of minister of
finance for the Dominion of Canada
is no sinecure. On him devolves
the responsibility of providing the
ways and means for keeping the
machinery of Government in run-
ning order, and to be successful, he
must not only be an expert in
figures, but possess a clear head,
good judgment and a large nloa-
sure of firmness. Not only has he
to estimate the expenditure for the
year but to provide for that ex-
penditure in a way least calculated
to oppress one class more than an-
other. This in itself is no easy
task. But when it is remembered
that men in different lines of trade
can rarely, if ever, harmonize their
views on the question of tariffs,
it will readily be seen how difficult
must be the duties he is called
upon to perform. True, he is not
alone in making the tariff to bo
placed on the different articles
imported into the country. The
whole Cabinet has snore or less to
say, on the matter and here again
there may be difference of opinion.
These differences, of course, have
to be brought into harmony as
well, after which it becomes the
policy of the governing party and
the entire execrative is pledged to
support and defence it. The tariff
question is, perhaps, the naost . im-
portant one which every govern-
ment is called upon to dells. It is
a question upon which there always
were differences of opinion and on
which no doubt there always will
be. It is a question upon which
the different parties agree to . dis-
agree', for ho would be little short
ith Gro
Croup is the terror of every mother
and the cause of frequent deaths
among small children. Dr, Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine
brings prompt relief to the loud, ring-
ing cough, makes breathing easy and
Prevents suffocation. It is mothers'
favorite remedy for coughs, colds,
croup, bronchitis, whooping cough and
asthma, •
Mrs. F. W. Bond, 20 Macdonald
street, Barrie, Ont., says :—“Having
tried your medicine, my faith is very
high in Its powers of curing cough and
th cup. My little girl has been subiect
to the croup for a Jong time, and 1
found nothing to cure it until I gave
Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine. I cannot speak too highly 'of
25 cents a bottle, all dealers, or Ed.
manson, Bates & Co„ Toronto.
Dr., Chase's Syrup,
of Linseed
and Turpentines
Cook's Cotton Root Compound,
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pousd. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
"Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended Windsor, all
responsible Druggists in Canada,
No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich
at Dr. Buchanan's drug store.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate of
Joseph Zettel, late of the Village
of Zurich, in the County of
Huron, Gentleman, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to
The Revised Statutes of Ontario
(1807) Cap. 129, that all creditors and
others having claims against the estate of
the said Joseph Zettel, who died on or
about the 1st day of March, 1903, are
required, on or before the 15th day of May,
1903, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver
to John Zettel, of the said Village of
Zurich, one of the Executors of the pro-
perty of the said deceased, their names,
addresses and descriptions, full particulars
of their claims, a statement of their account
and the nature of the securities (if any)
held by them.
after the said last mentioned date the said
Executor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which notice shall
then have been given, and that the said
Executors will not be liable for the assets
or any part thereof to any person or per-
sons of whose claim notice shall not hare
been received at the time of such distribu-
Dated at Zurich, the 14th day of April,
A. D., 1903.
JOHN ZETTEL Executors.
Highest prices paid for eggs in
exchange for seeds at Feed Store,
A large number of hogs were
delivered at Hensall, on Wednes-
day, for shipment east. The price
paid was six dollars and ten cents
per hundred.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, worsen and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. 'They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules
are widely used by all sorts of people—but"to the
plain, every -clay folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable,
honest remedy. with a long and successful record,
to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
born constipation, offensive breath. heartburn,
dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and
liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom-
aehs, build up run-down systems, restore pule
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep.
Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu-
lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells
thein. The five -cent packet :is enough for an
ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents,
contains a supply for a year.
i .CSTtr0:
"itrIty,Llh git4W re.xtre,sTid r Xtts'^g5R' wl;' r.,...p"?:? :ii'. • :Matz
Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Tradernarks,Copy4
rights. Will return fee if Patent is not ,secured. Send for
Inventor's Guide, or How to Get a Patent.
]Mention this Paper and secure special rates. -6-41
Advertising Suggestions from the The seeding iii this
Canadian Grocer. just about completed.
Mr. G..Holtzmann of this village,
has sold his fine roadster. The
price receival was :,140.
What a tremendous amount of
money is spent in advertising. Is
that money wasted? If so, it is
the fault of the advertiser. There
aro merchants wlio have spent
enormous sums on advertising, and,
because the results were not so
good as they should have been,
have made the sweeping assertion
that advertising sloes not pay.
What is the reason that advertis-
ing pays some merchants and not
others? The reason is that some
merchants know how to advertise
and some do not. A style of ad-
vertising that suits the city will
not do for rural districts ; advertis-
ing that brings good returns to one
store may not to another. Adver
tisements to reach a certain class
of people must be placed in a cer-
tain medium, and to reads other
classes must be placed in other
media ; nor will a system of ad-
vertising uses by a Soil -known
firm .do for one just starting. Some
firms haven't tune to see that the
money they set aside annually for
advertising is judiciously invested,
and thus neglect the most impor-
tant department of their business.
Is it any wonder that such firms
have reason to say that advertising
does not pay? Advertising, if done
well, does pay.
One should always be honest in
one's advertising. You may "fool -
all of the people some of the time
and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all of the
people all the time."
Some time or other the little
deceits in your advertising are go-
ing to copse out and count against
you. Each. time those little deceits
aro exposed part of your good repu-
tation goes, until finally it is
entirely lost,
"You may mends al broken repu-
tation, but your neighbors will
keep their eyes on the crack." It
is also much harder to "mend"
your reputation than it was to
build it up in the first place.
Honesty is certainly the best
policy in advertising, although at
the. time better results may be had..
from "ads." which are not strictly
Never say anything in your ad-
vertising that you cannot verify
in your store. An advertiser who
believes thoroughly in what he is
going to say has a far better chance
of convincing people than he who
only half believes what he, is say -
ins. •
"Truth is mighty," especially
•when it loons up in Ian attractive
advertisement, --The Canadian Gro-
Mrs.L.N.Donolny died. at the San-
bee Line, on Thursday last. The
funeral took place on. Saturday at
St. Peter's cemetery, Drysdale.—
The deceased leaves a husband and
a family of shall children. She
was a sister of Mr, N. M Cantin, of
St. Joseph.
Maintaining good health is to the
majority of people the Most vital
question in the world and nature
affords no more efficient strength.
ener for the,systeln and restorative
for the nerves than Dr. Chase's
Nerve Foocl, Naturally, gradually
and certainly it forms new, red
corpuscles in the bloc& creates
new, healthy nerve cells and puts
into the system the snap, energy
and vitality that defies disease.
Our merchants should, we think,
devote more time, and give greater
attention to the dressing of their
windows. Besidee being a cheap
way of advertising, it gives an air
of importance to the place, has a.
pleasing effect on the public, and
produces a. rivalry amongst the
clerks of the different establish-
meats, and who cannot fail to bene-
fit by such practice ais they receive
in this way, So advantageous ,is
this considered in the cities, and
large towns, that a fairly good win-.
stow -dresser commands from three
to five dollars per week more than
those who only serve behind. the -
counter. Young men, now is the
time to learn the art. In other and
larger places you may never have
the chance, as many of the 1a.rgor
establishments keep high -salaried
men specially for that purpose.—
Try it and both yen and your
einployers will be pleased with the
Anyone sending a sketch and desoril,tioon may
quickly aseortahi our opinion freon etbor an
invention is probably patentable. Communion.
tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sant free. Oldest ngonoy for scouring patents.
Patents taken through Mundt Sc Co. receive
special/tottoe, without charge, in the
$cientlitt fititerican.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Imraest elr-
eulation of any selonttao ;lonrnal. Terms, $3 a
year 1our &months, $l. Sore by all netvsdc:aers. .
N Ca 8G10roadway, New Y �1rk
Branch ()Mee, tt' ''St.. Washington, 1). 0.
district is
Bush fires; near iho big swamp,
is the cause of the smoke which. has
been much in evidence the past two
or three days.
A sale of some 30 head of regis-
tered shorthorn cattle, and 8 yorlc-
shire sows are advertised to be sold
at Exeter, on the Gth. of may
Mr. Paisley. of Clinton, License
Inspector for West Huron, and J. J.
Merner, of Dashwood, were in the
Village on Wednesday and Thurs-
day, as valuuters. in the transfer
of the Dominion Hotel.
Mr, Cantin has issued a writ
against tho Toronto News company
claiming $50,000 damages for the
injury, he alleges he sustained,
through the publication of the arti-
cle entitled the " Romance of the
City of •St. Joseph."
PilesTo prove to you than Dr.
Chase's Ointment Is a certain
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itching.
bleedingand protruding pilus_
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Soo tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask yourneigh-
bors what they think of it. Fos can use it and
get your money back if not cured. 60o a box, at
all dealers or EnmArmoN,BATEs & Co.,Toronto,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Before. After,
Wooer PliOSPIOCline4
The Great English Remaly.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please,
el -Twill cure. Pamphlets tree to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Phospholine is sold in
Zurich by Dr.Buchanan, Druggest
Take year herno p Lper. Iu thi
day and ago the outsider is likely to
judge of the iulpgrtanco of a place
by its appearance, size and variety
of -ifs advertisements. If it is not
neatly gotten up, is small or insi ,,-
nificant in size and its coluins poor-
ly patronized by the business men,
the public are not slow to draw the
inference that it is published in it
sleepy, non-progressive and dead -
and -alive town. Of course, we
Have little to complain of perhaps,
in Zurich, but a more liberal pat-
ronage, on the part of the public,
would enable ns to put out even a
larger and better paper than Two
HERALD. Such an undertaking
would. render an increase in • our
staff necessary, of some two or
three hands, and would result in a
direct loss of from 15 to $20 on every
issue. A. 1111111 minable of taking
charge of the Editorial and Local
columns, cofnxnaan& large pay and.
even apprentices at the case, get at
least double what they received in
other days. Of course where there
is a very large subscription list, a
good advertising patronage and a
liberal amount of job work turned
out weekly, such improvements.
can be undertaken with confidence,
'f'1.11r fRRALn, however, compares
favorably with most of its contem-
poraries, even to some published in
nitioh larger plaices, than Zurich,—
We are now making an effort to
reach the thousand mark, and will
feel very grateful if our friends
and well-wishers in the district will
aide us all they can in this attempt..