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The Herald, 1903-05-01, Page 3
PI'X'1H11~tN11A'ICJN�AIa IrC+7SSON 1VO, it mALT 3, 1003. Paul Arrested.—Acts 21; 30.39, Study Verses 17-39. Commentary;, -I. Paul conferswitb tfh!e1 C]hu'rch at Jerusalem (vs. 17-'25), Tlha day after their arrival at J'eru'• ,aalem' "t'h'e elders and leaders of the ChUTc11, 0f whom James, the brother of our Lord, was Chief, !net together, anA Paul gave' them), as report of tris 'pork, %be settlement by vote, eight years before, of the question as to ,the necessity of keeping the Jewfah .law•, Mad not changed the .opinion od” all! tile J'ewlsh Christians.” Their friendship, at tills time was very, doubtful. , Tl. Paul purified in tba Temple, (vs. 26-29). Pour men had come to Jerusalem to complete a Navarite VOW. Paul reluctantly agroed to PAY their neoessuxy expenses, and for 4 week- to live with them ,while their 'heads were shared and while tRrey took, their hall, to burn it "un- de!r the sacrifice of the pea0e-offer= 11398,", This was not a compromise, it was Concession; but w'1'i}le Paul attempted to, refute certain sin nders, heel hit the same time rani the dent; of almost certain misrepresentation on dire ,other side. III. Thie snob and the rescue (vs. 30-89). Paul was fn the court of titre women in the temple, in or near tlh'a room, set apart for the ceremo13- Ie0 ar a Nazarite's vow. Certain Jews Who had been Paul's opponents at,Ephesaswere watching him. They, h'ad ,seen Tlrophimus, an Ephesian, In thel city with Paul, and wheb they tsta,w Pau'l in the court or the women w-fth` strangers, they supposed lie had taken '1',rophimus into the temple. M130Y stirred up a mob against Paul, charging blur with having polluted the temple. He was dragged down thee, steps through the gate Reatiti- 1`41 into the court of the Gentlles. . He would have been killed but for the arrival of the RomdA .gu'ards from the Tower of Antonia, 30. Was moved-T1]at a Gentile was entering the sacred precincts of the temple appears to have been sufficient to startle all Jerusalem. Dragged him. -=Pa ill was b+a.ncilcrl roughly -out of tine temple -Out of the women's court into .tile court of the Gentiles. "Miley wished to murder 'flim, and yet not politite tine . temple. Tlhey strained ax gnats and swallowed camels." 31. -Seeking to kill bim-There wa.c murder In their hearts, and they were beaturg 11Im with the expecta- tion of causi.ag ills death. But the onset was Sudden, and they were not furnitslleld with proper weapons, and there appears to have been a little delay. It wasa this short do:la,- that gave the Romno officer time to rem cue Jlfm. Tidings came -When a ae t- vauit of Jesus is ]n great distress, God sends him affil at the proper time ithont waiting for his prayere.- Lange. Chief captain -'"The chief 1111,1- Itary officer of tate Romnalo in .7eru- salom was stationed ht the Tower of Amitonia, which was situated at the northwelst corner of the temple area." Ile was nearly equivalent -to our colonel, and commanded a thou- sand men." 32,33. Soldiers and centurions -A centurion. commanded a hundred ulen. The chief captain ordered out a force sufficiently large to overcome all op- P031tian and restore order. Ran down —The tower was above the temple on the ]Till Acra. This quick movement on the part of the Roluatn soldiers WAS wjl,,t saved Paul's life. When they saw, etc. -The Jewish mob was Intimidated at elght of the .Roman troops, and at once ceased their mur- deirous attack. Took Jilin -The verb Implies a formal arrest. -Cam. Bib. T00 Chief captain did not come to relieve caul. but to protect hinl anal give Jilin a Izc;tsinb. Two cllaiiis-He was probably bound between two isoldiers. t I , t 34, 35. -Gould not know-Itwar:- dif- ficult for the slob to make ont a charge against the prisoner which woald be intelligible -to the Ronin officer. If a Greek had entered into tb.e holy place lite wasp liable to death; but Paul wa,s ltu.own to be a Jew, nor was'there any Greek to be found on the spot.-Whedon. Tlic odstle-The literal menu}n,g is encampment or barracks. Tails was not the castle or tower of Alrronfa, but only that part . of the tower whiall,' was u',: -N] as per- manent quarters for the soldlers. Till,; stairs-Wh]eh led front the court of the Gentiles up into the tower. Was bowie -"111h? crowd pressed on. Paul a -a as to aw:Ikell] tl.te fear of sone e41t11.•t:ge el, trcach•r,,ry," n,u-ti to fully protect their pri.so1wr the soldiers ear.riecl hint, either in their arms or oil their Shoulders. . 6, :37. .luny -with hi.n]-The apos- tle I,s rrjt--otod it] the sri.nio terms used nearly thirty years before, when Christ wary ltnrr•Irsl to Ilip cross (Lulce xxiii. 18 ; John siN. 1::)) , "yet in the midst of thlg -wild storin of l,n- mam passions a, divine result is being worked out," ,.38. 39. That Eirrylitinn... ')'lIe Egyp- tian: to whom ,illusion is made is described by Joseplius as one. of the many i.mpoators of tll'at time, who announced 'tUxt• he was n, pro- phet .and ga"tleered an army with which' he undertook to overthrow the Itoman' government. A large rnumber were killer[ and athers rverr, taken prisoner, but the, lead - or eseafled a.nd the whole city -was searching for bliss. Lys]as hoped tilat h'e w;tt.s now, caught In tho Person of Paul, ThouglAu.-It Is often' wise to submit to the judgnteltt of oth'crs, "11141, it y tin honest nian ruins a 9000 cn.tise shulily because lie ahlinnt dfufinguish thIngs whioli tire necessary and nesentfal front th.ose rrhlclh a.ie n,eeklonta,li, and tricl:al." We •should 1eal-n' to be calm anti composed in the mtalr of the/ moat trying. e.rcumiRtaree:a, - PRACTICAL SURVEY. Paul assalled. 3'hough. lie hart been tarevlottvly WArned by; his 'rr}enol or the cmiling conflict, yet, as CA *tiler simi]av oocasions, be was not Warmed, nor did hp,-llesf- ta;te to move fol-SrA l in tau] will of God. TO their weellings, en- treaties atn,:l wtrning", lip replied, "I Am reatty not 'to bet !round only, but also to, ,db� at Jr,rusnlrut rot, thA nail a of tile, lj,:%sal Jchr.ls C7hri.5t. Paul arraid ed. Thsi Jvws stirrixi UP tike pe+olgo itl;rh.ila+, i'.t itl, '1`hcty became onrage41 aatcl rr•c»ccs l.n sin uti. "ar, thus lncre7sing th!(a prinsib}li.ty of creatine; false reports, lltirre"d -r- �.r w"'.( ew. b mill out of ""fYf} "tZmip�Ar and were about toX1,11 hien w(henf worts- reached the chief oap'tain of !their unlawful aetio'ns, L: sias Immediately dispatched sol- dler•s to release him. 'J h's chi,eef cap- talars, Sint enquiry was, "Who is he and wh"at has he clone ?" How often til ease of trouble are various reports circulated, mdst)y from "'hearsay" and supposition, for the purpose of Injuring the accused. The right way. is to Inquire first of the rson supposed to be guilty, and than follow 'Lite directions given by the Blaster. In the midst of their anger, which Iiad reached such a Pitch that the soldiers had to pro- tect Paxil, ]le said to the chief cap- tain. "May I flpeak unto thee?" 'ffbat a manifestation of slabmission and humility ! Indeed,'he followed the path his Master had trod, opening not his mouth as they cried', "Away with him." • Pain's defence now begins and In answer to the enptain's questions he said, I anz a mail a citizen of no mewil city ............ suffer me to speak unto the people." An innocent man needs no one to plead Ills case, for Jesus "taught els, saying, "When they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take YO no thought !tow or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye sball say ; for the Holy Ghost shall teach you." Then let its learn, not to try to avenge 0,urselves, but calmly wait God's time, and utterance and words will be given its by the Spirit. The Lord is able to protect Ills own (II. Chron, Lvi. 9), When In Cor - inch the Lord hind .said t•o :Maul, "Be not afraid, bilt Speak, aril ]told not thy peace , for I am with thee, and no Ivan shall set on thee to hurt thee" ; and now in Jerusalem the apostle is trusting In the same pro- mise. c _ DYSPEPSIA OF OMEN, Mrs. E. B. Bradshaw, of Guthrie, Okla., c'as'ed of a severe case by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compowid. A treat many women suffer with a form of incl] gestion or dyspepsia which does not seem to yielrl to ordinary medical treatment. While the symp- toms mem to be similar to those of ordinary indigestion, Set the medi- cines universally prescribed do not seem to restore the patient's normal condition. MTS. I'inldiarl claims that there is a kind of dyspepsia that is caused by derangement of the. female organ- ism, and which, while it causes dis- turbance similar to ordinary #ndiges- tioa, cannot be relieved without a medicine which not only acts as a stomach tonic, buthas peculiar uterine. tonte effects as well. Thousands of teatimon ial let- ters prove beyond question tba� nothing will relieve this distress- ing condition so szmely as Lydia E, Pin-kbani's 'Vegetable Com- pound. It always worlcs in har- molly with the female, system. Mrs. 311hilchi,iu advises sic!; woimen freeJ_9.d dress Lynn, Mass_ Citron and Chiffonier. When 'the folding bed was still a novelty, Col, "Jack" Chinn -vent• to Chlea-go at a tittle when that city, was so full of transient guests that rooms were at a pt'eminn ,n the ho- tel,s. The Colonel finally: found a ho- tel where tite clerk a,poio;'ized in advancn for the inferiority of the ac- commodations, but assured Ilim that Ito could at teast have a room. The ColonvI went, to tho room with mis- all right fn mo.,t re. sheets, It was all 1•IF111t: in ma;t respects, it was in- deed ,411ort of acenuln]od10ons. Thinking that lie nfight not be able to got anything better.,the Col- onel ,,tarred thorn for three nights, incl the his Irritation with the lack of `'aocolnmodalion't" orereame him, :lad ire rilshed into for office and dema tided t.hht a bed be put into his r. 0,0113. "Why. Colonel," aid the astonish- ed clerk, "there t:t a hits bed in your room." "Show it to ill"!" retired the in- dignallt Kentuckian. + i The clerk sent it, beIll]cl,y illy tothe Colonel's room, and there, before Clialin's astonished eves, he•, evoked a bed out of aL piece of furniture. "Great Snakes !"" g:Lsped Chinn. "Do ;yon know what I vn been doing Y When I got hero I thovghl: that thing waw a chiffonier, but I find to myself, 'Well, UICY are a trifle ,shy of accominodivtfolls at tills bo - to) ,incl I'll have to rough ft,' so. I vzpread my oTeroLnit on the floor, and for three nigh Ls I've been sleeping an thalt BOD jtLnlill Of in - sright along"Ido the chiffolnlier l"-• New 'cork Time. ; A Pi011s lvlal•ille. hdnriral. "Bob" l;vnns tells tills one: .Umong the 'jackles' or tile Ameri- can fleet that did the hnsiness at Santiago was all extremely plots chap—a lied from Verinotlt•. We had been telling him all along that eaol] day would probably witness the long laOkrd for brittle between the .kill- ' eric,i n and -Spanish vessels. When he prgved Lhat n1glit he placed ,Special upon the plea that the• vessel ulrOn,-rhloll ho aald his Col) us(let$ in alis, Iverc sprvilig 1111glit rscnpe dis- a.sivi,, saying• •1.11)(1 -lig ut)wr things:. "()h, Lord ! silllrld Its front the, shells and other projvctilcn of the onemy; but if luny ishells a.nd sold shat tlo come to our Tessol, I. prtty Thee that titry finny tit'' diArlNited.:,s OMzit lmMoy its cl]rrt:ributed�--mostly; among 'tilt officers.' "' r , 0��w RtCH HERALD,, 1...._. ,� .� r, ,^,, T.M w•M,ia.+'.+•,.«w..r,..•,.vw..•p•N-ht�-'w'„nw,g9^°b-„n,W,.-W+•,w,q•n4.+w4 }uuw,.s#+M'w'�"'ynYSMwn,MNNi„' R V �/ • GROWN Y \^�^AA vn,++e u,...A s,•9+'MM �,�'y�'1✓• DYSPEP N TEADRINKER The Markets. I ' 1N :till j�' ' khnM4.,,,n..'M„/�M1•M4 ISR^' iii"Ji J p • Ft� �^11 it - � �, , f s r �w-.r.....r... ,,y Tho m1oeries of "rll-e;r '1'a>rc6ri3o tYt-,,e• r .........,.. 4 I C.cnrccl by g4l i° r 3oiant4l 04AI'lliers' relat-ltets I 0,1��,y�" n's i�pgp,810811;'1r Curl, April ''7,-'1'lh0 offrl'i11 s of gt.' ll I calltilillo shall, ants filices in wast + .otlSCS afro liamlrlill, 1 �nIte Nile;lt .*k' , told at 73c a b'uslrel for 011e toad, ' * 'i ,4� ' Sgoose, ext 67c rot, Olio load„ and Daub dit , ` at .*M6C for one load. 1 - 1. Ceylon GREEN Tea is PUre Healthful and Delicious. Thm, supplier of dairy produce were � c ,' Y 9fair. •Iaaund dairy rolls of butter 1 It is scald only in sealed lead packets, the same as the sold ,ati 221 to N4c, (and. choice !rube - . �c �� rolls t °� r . well-known 6ALAOA black teas. 25ic and 412c pe'r l at 18 i ct Hoe iso g„ 1 s, to Ile retail, and occasioilctlly 15c. t' pound. Ray In moderate ssI'}rply, ]with sides ---_' I. __- -..� a!f � > load's a,t $12 to $1�1 a, ton �,, "- % >; . r "'I. - fo.r timotyy, and a,t $6 to $9 for it �© �`p• ' �� ° W 4 �•Uf 05piii L I I R ___.. rni: e.d. ,o',traw, dull, throe lo,acis sell- iu.g at $i3 to $U eL, ton. 1)rm"sed.,h,rigs are dull, -vfth few of- ferings, and prices steady at $8. o to 9.00. Dyspapsla YE the parent of R. and the harvester of blasted hop( Munyon. ,. , It I tried I do not believe I could estimate the Yalne of my Dyspepsia . a -to,Cg - --moi` "` ..- -_ 1�o1:"�rvfng is the ran.go Or quotat tions; MIleat, white, bushel, 711¢ to 73c ; dU., red, btr> ilel> 71 tU 711,0 ; CIO.., 'goose, b'tlf,ill�el, 66• to 670 • oats, it has brought peace and happine'sp thousands of homes where all lead discord an account of sick and a stontaohn it cures all forms of pepsin and indigestion, such as Asia bushel, 37 to 371,,c; barlcly, bushel, food, distress after eating, bloatir �° rost Wire Fence is a Stron rence 4f;' td 45c; pe e, bn's lel, 75 to 78c ; the stomach, palpitation of the I ivtl timothy, shortness of breath,. and all aftec The IO -vires' and 6 stay fence !las gaer�L[ryr uprights. There is y' y+ per toil' �]', to Sid'; of the heart caused by indigestion, do., mixed, psi ton, $6 to •$0 ; straw, on the stomach, belching wind or not a weak spot in its constrltetion. It will last three times as long .food, bad taste, ofmonsive breath, lo. r $1. ton, $8 .5 {;9 ; app}es, per Mere0 appetite, faintness or weakness of gother fences. Place Sour oxder for Frost Fence, satisfaction $1.80 to $�.a0 ; . drev`sseft hogs, 8.50 stomach, Improper circulation, of guaranteed. 'Write for catalogue. tot $9.00; eggs, the --q laid, 13, to 14c; longue, heartburn or waterbrash, in.. the Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd., wellaud, Ont., and-viuniperr, Sian, butter, dairy, 20 to 1•1•c; do., creaau_ ed or ulcerated stomachs, shooting 1; 2`2 to :'6c ; clhtckousl of the stomach, r•onstipatlon and co. ---- cry, per Ih-, bowels, dizslne s, faintness and 13Lc 10 to 12c ; turkey's, pr's' Ili., 1.8. to i enerry'•,v. It makes good rich blood tC ir....... 3 •S 3 13 3 i ( t fi .......... 1...... i sr 19 i dr i....... tr43r+*U 21-1c ; potatoes,, per bi,l , $1.1a to I vitalizes the whole system.: Makev �°" �` * $1•"0. ! and worn-out stomachs almost as f Ir I * • as new. Permits You to cat • li4t , �' 1 tc:urt :ult7 all s'ou want.-lUltinyon. THE Toronto wlec er c tt :►L 11 1 i o . Al '1' I%x;iorL firth il,uice, per clef $4 ill I c $�5 illi 1 ii?IJ,',7�-t�:tij" s REltIiEDIL,rti. ,i, i do rnrdltrm 4 4Z, lu 4 70 'a' do Cod r ..... , ...... 3 :Su to •1 t!0 ]'f' c, nn s Dvspept+:a Cure rent. 'j' $Y A:nm a H. ADA1ts Ix BLACK AND Wr3IrE. + Jtirviio ro.rr.... .... 3 75 to '3 :;, slo% colt dip -Irv!- :s SnsLantly. Price 25C ' 4' Butlehers rnttle,}nikerl.•..... 4 40 to 1 iw Iter::rival f"•tress n"!dressed to. P `i' nutchere cattle, choice...... :3 PA to 4 •M) hfnaryon, philadelni'f i, U. S• A.,-cent2 K q j�`p•1 p •� q„.q„t } 4 F4 i`-0 p i pf.i"yg p N1 t p'1 +"4"g'4"i'.4;'"rd'f..9 I lineehera cattie, fair......... '/ 7:i to 3 10 ; ins detnIic of sir :uess, trill be anew "It has Conte I” said Balrbara, tra- sort of skirt thatHillis. export, heavy, .,,,.. :3 5l, to a On ed promptly tin,) "ree advice as to tre y et1 are going t0 1u light ....... ,.. •1 00 to 3 50 nient will be glvr.n. lit: gically, as I picked my way eau wear?" Meeders,ahort•keep..... ...... lou to 440 tiovsly towards her across the dimly= "Yes," she said, sadly. "illy dress- do madium............ 3 co to s ;ll,, - _ , lit drawin room. It was not her maker told me so this morning. She du light .. ....,•............ 312.5 to 3 60g- g' Steokerschoice................ 8 50 to 3 75 A Se•r }trrcl a Service. day, but Barbain was accustomed. is not making any other kind." Stockers, canmon............ 2 75 to 3 au to me, and received me even wizen " But -vhy don't you go to a dress- ,Milch cows, each .............. 3.i 0•! to ou ou I clipped m%' ,in'll t :.foil-ble a so Salemaker who will do as you want?,' I Light Sheep ................. . .1 ,50 to 5 00 As the cluo-:k ,core .•.:o cl trk— wa was not at home•ome. You see, there asked. heavy Sheop.................. 9 uo to 4 Al The scrap w a hami. ng melotivp wxtis that indefinable but eonveni- BLcks tser ewt................. 3 75 to d (w Or the dtt 'ri a"riim rug Spark. . est thing called "an understanding" " O !" impatiently, "you men never Omit -fed eci as, weti; rs., .... 5 ou to 5 1,13 p` understand. That is the sort of skirt Grain -fed bucks ................ ti ;a to 0 00 But th" snng r"tp- `Parr deeper ton• between its. ivo've all rot to wear, whether it "arnyurdlambs.... .... . 3.30 to 4 1 1 0 As tho 11110610.',09 Swelled a. I have, come ! I corrected her, suits us or sat." Spriuglambs.................. 2.10 to •i 01i swoUt" , gently. I Riad never seen DarbarA Calves, per hoad.............. 2 00 to to ell) Awl oirt of 'tb-i lost ittiont of day. so tragic. Me received my kiss with " But surely, anything -anything do per Ib ................. 03;5 to 135)5 A ful#rwr 11 Q.;,:' Ni 1. a distrait+ air. I took advanta o of will suit you ?" I said lit surprise. hogs, ,elect, per e,vt.........• 11 41) to 0 uu p p g Hogs, light, per cwt .......... 6 m to 0 oil 1 tiny thntt •lit t hn i pall, died f her absent-mindedtless and kissed her ' I've seen you lit morning dress and Hugs,fa't, per cwt ............. 0 15 to o oo ( noon, twice. One was my allowance -Dar- afternoon dress, and evening dress, I RrAumlell as a, !sp:r : t. on, bara h'ad been very '' and they all become yoti." It is a Toronto lhtir;y Nar]r.ets• y p!articulaar about And sant we out rr•o.t: th:: realm c thlat-once when I met her and once notewarthy fact that Barbara has P,titter-:Itece]pts moderate, w:tar cirtamms when I said "Good -by e" -though .,the the becoming faculty even rn dress- prices as a rule unchanged. !'x't•.,ti, sTo the rte l r rout] , ,n 'n. "Good-bye" one I was allowed to g ' large rolls, 18 to 19c; ehoiee 1-11). , I cast W%Id,o 00 5na,t�:.: 0+ song, . linger over. "Anti I think the skirt you've got roils, 19 to -"0' • selvated dalry; tills, ! And I lime! r:d the v;dl lar art: on now;" T adder], "is very graceful." 17 to 18c; hcertnd,iry gruct.s, roils I gil.Yo my ntr,angli. t{b a trembllnl 8o, I kissed her twice this after•• now." just it," suer tired round hand, ninon -and elle never noticed ! ,Some- incl tubs, 1:, to 16c exeu.nl, ry i int;, at ate, Impatiently. " A long skirt ,; >. , ' *20 p Ani nth• levo t0 a lonely hellr•t. C4xtng was the matter, decidedly ! �. :.;, to; -1,fc ; solids, to e. µ „ ?, suits me, . because I'm -no,, too tall; ' Anr1 I k!mrv� th ,: ni b,, aci, I stink to Oh, hots can you?" ' silo said, im- but how I'm b Eggs- Phi zilarket is firm, r;w in;; going to wear an abbre- mast patiently. vfateti thing lateated all round and tc' searcit�. Demat:d good, with That I lia,'li mcv6 dura} .it wrong "I like it," I admitted. respect myselfI can't• dream." Sides at 121je per tlDZrll' 1'; item I halt( i an act for a llurnina D,Lrbara gazed distractedly at me. " My dear Be'rbara," I said hastily. Choose -11 ii eL ,ontinnes stcadl ; i the'^•ihrt, yhe, is very pretty w,J]en• she gazes I thought I saw the tears c6liting, Old cheese, 16 to 11! C; new, 1",?111e. A7131 :t "d l;�d of a !idle song. distractedly. 'lou like it ?-you P and though Barbara looks adorable Leading Wheat .11ark-s. ,elle said, astonished. "'lou' know my with wet eyes, she looks equally r i'ittsl„rr3>, Dispatcle: figure Is -well, unsuitable.” adorable smiling, and she uses trach Following are the closing quota- "Unsuittible?" I said. "My dear an economical scrap of a ,handker_ tions at important, wheat contres I No name should be without It. Pain. Barbara, wheat are you talking chief that I always get a nsious. tc-uay : hill! -r, tin• hest all-round mrdicina ever anade. about ?" "bf� deal Bal'hal'a, I think • 'Cast]. ':flay. 1't ,1 u„ it lintlnent f„r hruli;(to aincl eweiliugrr. yoI' Irternalli for t•rittnps and diarrhoea,. Avold "But you said you liked it," she divine in anything." dew York ... ... ... ..• ---- 81. 1-d' substitutes. '!'here is but c-ua "Poi a1t311er"-- sighea pathetically. "Of course you do," she said 01,10-1190 ... ... ... ... ... -- 771-8 ferry Daviq'. "i8o I do." I stuck to my, point. haughtily, "because you don't know Toledo .............. ... 76 :1-8 70 5-8 • "Like--" anything about it, and you're it 111.1111. Duluth, \o. 1 north., 76:;-4 761-3 Li1c i}rrrywlrere. "Like kissing:' And there's a girl like Mimi}e Gray, 43rit sh .Live Stock Markets. Whothe•r we lock or whether we Barbara cvaas contemptuous. Con- all scragginess and height, like a fac- London, April `27.-Tr:ule is clult ; listen, tempt also becomes Barbara, In tory, chimney-s}to'il rejoice iu the We !hear life murmur• ,PT lice it li facet, I can hardly recall an emo nely skirt ; she'll come swaggering -ire unchctugc.d ; Canadian cattle g &" Lion under the stress of whir Bar- round bore all pleated and short- itro quoted at 101-2 to 121e per )b., ten, dressed weight; .American cattle, ( Emery, el'otl feels a stir of might, bara does not look nice. But that, ened, with all the thinness 'filled 3 J , An instinct within it that reaches out, and crow.. over me; and I'll have 1.1. 1 to 1.• 1-2c per lb.; sshcrp, 1'1 a® she said, -v»xs not h'el fault. She to p, quite to 14c per lb.; refrigerator beef, 9 and towors, • assured me that she took no pains pleat and skim -when I'm to 9 l "c per Ike• And, groping Idjudly above it for to be becoming when She was an- pleated and skimped enough b p I light, gr•y. But fit is a fact that even nature already. 0, yes, I am ; I don't Br•a.detreet's on 'Grade. Clirul s to a soul In a cold in file h`eatcl becomes Bar- mindadmitting it nor- ; bec.luse it Trade Is getting more active at ere grass and flow, bara. It aoddis to her expression will be'plain enough when I'm short- Montreal. '.GILL' :hipt!ing busfnros is The flush of life mar well lie seen that pained, ll'eipless, reservedlook skirted and pleated." showing groatt activity :Litt] the ThriBint; back orer ]tills and Tall - of salemt suffering which, is so re- "But a short skirt," I said, "swill movement of freight fn �h:Lt con- legs; fining to Barbara's reatures, be so much more hygienle, won't it ?" nectio13 has helped trade !generally The Cowslip sta,rtIEs in meadows "Iiissing ?" she said. "W.hlo was ,,Hygienic!" still] Barbara. •'As if and led to new business on a con- f green, talking of kissing?" any pretty girl with any sort Of sitlerable scale .ivitli tai: old couutr; , The buttercup catches the sun In f`I was, dear;" I murmured. pretty figure -canted to be hygienic I" At. Toronto the caul wea[.11. • tills Its chalice, "Welil, I nvals talking of same -"But medical men and scientists week has Ir.ssened the sorting trade And there's never a leaf oa• a blade. thing much! more Important." I say` 11 In suin.u]er goods, and to some: de- too mean was about to protest, but she went Bile looked tip at me with per- partm'ents has been less active., To be bone Nippy creature's pais.. on., "I meant tine eb'art skirt." feet scorn; Scoria suits B.i.rlimra's nose but this is expected to la:: only ace• In the dreadful pause that en- adorably. I fancy she guesses it. teinporary, and the bright, hnfid The little bird site at his door In sued I taas(ta a Stealthy. look at Bar- Sometimes I have suspected that weather ivlil.clt• prevailed at the the sail, bara':s sikirlt. I w;as reassured. at she has practised it -before a glass. close of the w eel: caused some re- A tilt like a tllossom among this not being able to ,notice anything "As if scientists realty, mattert" newal of activity. Bnslnrss "Iui'ing leaves remarkable about it. Her skirts she said, the past week at ttl,utbar, shores 1].t- And lets his illumhi(ce being olerrial have a faculty, unusual in sjrirts, "But you know you do gather up tie improveinent over the preced- With the deluge, o; summer it re -%, of. ahvat's beconing Barbara. Tor the dust, ar:d mlorobes, and germs, int; -week. Wholesale trade at the cr•}veh, could I Bre any par,ttcular short- a.nd things, when you sweep clang I'a.cific CO;1st i:, lnolciag up, itellorts Ilts mate feels the s.cprr lieneatly bei+. ness about it. SShO �cas standing tare streets that -way,. And you're from N,iltntpe„' show th,tt the, far- winta, 1 bt the mantelpiece, anti the trail- always complaining about 'having liters are btitiy Foaling now anal And the heart ,n h(rr tlum'hl breast, o told I'p your skirts. there ].s solnc'N>il'tt of a lull in flutters and sings. Pa thing behind ul. I thought, "'Yes, but what daps it matter how Ile sin s to the milts -world and she, Particularly tiraceful. But then country trark3. ],nsinr:sr, at Harm]_ � g , Barbara's tratkts aro always parr- many microbes a girl sweeps tip as ton has bmni iriirly active, consid to her nest. tioularly graceful: tang ,as her Skirt !pings nicely? And t rine the: coot st'eil ,experienced In the Hier stir of na:I'res, -sb'iah song. "'1�'hat eliort Skirt 711 I asked at ; Ili these new ,ideated things there the past week. With fine, warnn is the best? Iast. The thought that perhal)o i isn't any ban; rLt all. They just weather tho nlovClnonL Ill season_---Lolwel,l. ): flop'. Besides, what is the good of able oohs n•ill aj,r t,iLjnly res fond Barbara twlad reforring to an iiit{ler- i; I skirt, I dismissed immediately, w'o"'tring a pri-tty underskirt If with, IL ninrlcnd vxpnnsion, TIV, dp- "Il has been decided on," said ,v0,u`ve got no skirt to hold. up and ma.nd for size hill is quiLe active' t Barbara, wf.tli av note of hopeless let people see it? O, I call it hate- owing to the Outlook for a large. ST. T ���� MAN . fkarbar in itch voice. I f h heard fel, ..and I'm sore tiro fashlan has huslne.5 "thence. Shlpntcrnts to var- belen introduced b}i sane sorag;g,y, ]ons trildt' CPIlt.ro, of the country �! that sots. only once before, when stringy, tow•erin'•, u'•1 • thin r, like elle told me tIL'r.tt it rr;iLs perfectly „ b b 5 6 r3.rc lirtai}•. lu l,crtlilnn there ],:ts GITES �'S ,�DV�,Cs useless to hope. ,Shb had decided 111innle Gray,. liven it steady dvin ail for spring hLy Barbara was moved to tears. a,ucl fall p;ou,ls. '-;herr. h:Ls bi?.r]n it "- never to snair,y.• l3ttt that��waslOtlg I There was only one thing to do, toad- dowl.t3tr1 for stall(, 'noels in ketose rrc; calve to the arrallg ;it'd I did it -several timem. s � 1 I' Tells His Friends tit Usw Dodd'a! aren't" WhOlesale trick t+ircIes `Lt Ottawa. We had quite a happy , ft'er11009- "lCs," contintie;l Barbara, sweep- We bard such tL lat of thins to the past ac'cl,, til<'paits frOnl tivtr- Kidney Pills for hlai[ley Ing I'll to me, "Like short skirt has I rllers are of tilt'. most encouraging come. The dvessuiak rs have settler} ' talk a -bout, and the new skirt ,wae nature. Pall's. it. The fa.shilon. a. i not mentioned. I had never seen papers all announce Barbara, in so sympatheldc a mood. Vailures T'his Week. • 0 tthls-- 01c at tlids-anti this -and I 'Look advantage of it. '.'Chat. even- I;, G. Dun & Co. le):ort liabilities L,e�vAal.e, CPcll-katowr: H;in;l•keeper., I ng I spaie to her another. I aim of Commercial Ia11t1rp's fn April to She put Into m -y hands all the i Inclined to tTtiuk t1uLt Barbara riL- Hato �lU,'�99,'37J:, tttiraiust $•l,u�il,a37 Gives Ills Experlcnce 'Wi0i C,tm-1 w dj:ieen scat re the heaflo They tlier, exaggerated her mother. She hist 'yoar. 1'ailurns this ivock in the sttiras Creed Kidney Remedy. had 'Jaen scattered on the floor, :Incl gb� '' v when I entered Bar ara had risen was quite nice About it.. Barbara United States are 1.66, against 23.'2 w , , r � 11 bad.always given rile to, understand last Seel., 1.07 the, !receding week, 5t. Mhomas. 01t., 11 r.il 20.-(90"* from their white pages, like 'Venue g .'' 1 ti from the foam. But I didn't *Loll that her mother would never con- and 212 .the corrosponding iveek cl a3.)-EverybrKl in St;. T11103114E ' her then. I dict n thi the no- sent. But she seemed ,perfectly, re- Inst year, and it] C'a.nada'18, agninst the* earrowx1jng• aout,tl,y kcows Llan ment a propitious one. n Besides, I signed to letting Barbara go -from 16 last -Week, 1.5 the pleced,ing week, Dake, aroprlottir ,al, th"a 114kt4 .13ouse( could Usti ilio simile ri "ala. her side, rn fact, site rather htirried and 18 last year. f failures t:bis 1 a, , , b ivnd one, of this r,nZ -•:ry- cc's res most "Tbeiv I" she said, lilt a tone of the mutter. it Is to be in three -week In the.. 17nftel SMUs E30 were months' time. Barbara stipulated In the East, 4> In South, 42 Wast, knpn,ltLi cftfse,n,y a.*-; man,! People despairing late, pointing to the p know t.uat for ,-,•ix:»s+•: hit -rzt,s 1.41e vie - angular f]"ur+e oC a la<t de}]ictecl for a, long strain. and 19 in the Pacific Stenos, anti f,7 g y tiro of"a rory a,,4.t rav,xtvd form Oar, dols nothing 313 stiff ensu estnd an report !]abilities of $5,000 or more. Kidney 111se.,so. Tc -•t y her its a b't Uc1q' impossible fiat, hc+nitliy ta,.n. Ile 11.4, l Dcrn.id's Kidney;! n "Where ?" I ,'asked. Barbara has ,� I Ory ,Yie !Cues'' Senator 'Hoar's Creed. 1'1}1,3. i not the fault of esplicttpess."' 'V1111 your eniployer be in after "My croed in general„Is this; Spanking of the rivttt.cr rcoent "'Can't you ace 2” she askeit, p,ty- � dinneir ?" Inquired the visitor of the " First -I believe ih.2t the great 'Ur. !lake sutii : ly 4 Ingly. She+. put !:ter dainty finger ! office boy, things, thtit have been u on thalt fa•lf -- + •� art, y Faintdinthese "I. hurl bec`m traubl+ul for over f11f�� p b l ori plate lady ssk . •r ,. "'Nes"e'T suis the ;,eol]ie an e . oountir s,a ages In rrilich men' have yyears! with my tiidtwyil itind� pains 11sl "Cant you see . Sts quite short.' I p 1 w r d m' back. \olhin'r; 1: 1100 col -14 >'tV61 Yes, it certainly suis short. 'J'tiere ! "1Vhrr,t makes you tills!: so ?" was been dwelling on this ,planet -and I nt alt relief till flraally, on the �a1- thil.ik that run have gained great y ( was an -Lir of skimpiness -au air of f the azext gucary, g` rico 'Qf iL h]c11c1, 1 si irt,�il .$cr usa,' !taster-ailQut it tlailt a,r'resCeti the Caz," z'Opliet9 the bays iLS lie pro'. t11I11gs -ha1'e !ices accomplished k): i)Crrlv9's I, }ikticr'r 1'i1iR, wtitentlon, I agreed with her that I parCd to. dodge, "that's ,what hp a.. vez•y slow growth indeed. So let t'� rl rl , I r.tr' f ] "By tire' hne I 1 t , ftlls.bo.l oil's, It was too short. "And Is that tiler; went out after." -Judge. use Slava the pa once o God !l „Y box the 11zlir,s :I.rUi Jic,lay lllsFatsra': ,- ,Seaclud-I 1arlievo thalt things are were gone, JuLt Is 011m, five yeare3. - tet:dtng toward w1int is good, .find • not tervard' w:liat is }Incl, a.ga no -v, t,n+l tis 7 isata,a lead 'no rte" In, summer the o0tiizuous Coil Page wb Q»'n Wire Felice ,, . tura] of the trouble ,thm-:h, 1: think 1i . i. t'akBoupt!"sDolaolt, all fences slaclietl in -visas weather and 7lhfrd-1 bellevc; in3ptfeitly that the am ,cafe In Coll eluditi9 Uhr,t the c . the Pago.fence, desire"', or the kilm'iont, eo to are r tires,,; _,......••-„,�..r”-^,......--,_.�--. p' h p w,'t,s pcsrnin,ncnt. ' fn the (vinier saasoil, c. sit ick, 1>atdo sprint; co11 ta�kCs Ftp tho slack 3n sunt• for jttstloc anal ri'•htootisnoss, hate " di ., r .. , - °��—. _.�• -=�„. "pc � .„:, .s, mer audlctsitoutzttivintenl:TolooseRrggipk n,.. I )IFA! ill rxL fsly f, isattils sir.lyda are tneummer,nostratintngorbrmkingin will- e -la tnur.h tits 133 be nllsled at trauhlral rtt t'it, quire way to 'txeo•: ter•Comruoncrim138dwtreisnots sin tempered andifitslackons,„ fsl'sslaeltoneci-lilt times. `Tilt, pormnnent things are DoddIsKiclllpy f`Ills," . ti33htans #t bosons a girt raorso t.tpian ever. I'alfie wire 381 tet>xporeal �ol cgulate its own tile star," 11116 t ill,' gilt). a.nd not the cis 1's ]i'' ' ' • .a 1 e ' f tensioneutnnrcr s,ud w;rtt.er, OO,OUOm#lasofPagowlrefenco3nuseltorv, 1) It Is" .xr.cy 1 ill 0 1l,.. sill stn{!: clonds or tiff, fiiNt," of Kidnc,y illm-ml-s', frons fail] In U4,1 ifhoi?tLg9W3reEer]oeCo., f,i,im#ted, Walkorville!Ant. ltldntxeal,i':Q•,artd2t,Johat,N.lt,9 Frim ll•i]oahllc'.: �Lngazine. Lzttok to F9ri~hVS Imgi i, �z...a b a► 'r o. • i r