The Herald, 1903-05-01, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, 0E111., NO. 40 ZURICH, ;ICIJ, .ANT., FRIDAY, MAY. I, 1903. PER YEAR. Iei: //.1.E ',�lI, ',-` ,• , (I !_1 4' • - .. M • ._.- THESOVEREIGH BANK beu14'er m:~ a Is now fully let -lipped for .Ef.+ 3.43.+43a.43. -epi' ."ye•,.3°-+3...+3-'43, e, _43.43..'43.43 ." + 3..€1. Book Work. cl,Catalogue word ee+,+E4-ffaE*aEae£aa£+a-Ea fa oE4,-.Eadie €,+aeeaE4.. ,. .�y. � -0,-a-3.4-34-9-3,-e804-3e43 -.134-eaew8e- +3.-034-+3.-434-. 1 ' AH 3.-4'3.43•-4e - AH kinds of Work. -e£a .£i -•.E4.+3. E+4£*4-3,:+3•-•s.-►£+w£+b£+.43.-...9.- + 0 not pass your Home Paper When you want Printing Our Prices are always the Lowest, I A$14 KAU' WHERE TE BEST • Are Made. .Call and see uiy Stock on. J. 1?.J. F..ilickbeil, • !land. Zurich. HANCc . 0J:�' PPAOP9IV.O. SES 0 A. choice variety of Field Seeds, including Mangol, Carrot, Beet, Seed Cern, &,c., &c. ' • Our Seeds are the hest m lacy p buy. International Stook Food. �� Good] a Stock Food that is Best Grades Of Family 6 • rices ars C. SCHRAG, �^ a s Z .RICH. (ladder f3locl> ) Successor to R.: R. Jonston. ..ptbals'amsj 1.00AI NEWS This is Arbor day. • Mr. and MTs, Kellerman, of Dash- wood, were visiting ut C. Fritz's on Sunday. We are pleased to hear that Miss Corsi Hamacher, is recovering from her illness. Where do you get your Seeds? At Feed Store of course. Best field' seeds always on hand,, Mr. Ed. Wurm left for Crediton, Tuesday, where •be has acoepted a situation in the brick yard. • . • Mr: and Mrs. J. B. Dennis left on Saturday, for • Exeter, where they intend to visit' for a few days. Mr, Dow, Mr: Foster and Miss Handford, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Miss M: Handford, in town. C. Hartleib & Co., have the con- tract to put an iron roof on Dir.' A. Geiger's barn, on - the Goshen line South. The wife of Mr. Josia Saraxas, of the Bauble line, presented her husband with a fine. baby boy, on Tuesday last. • The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. William Hildebrand died on Thursday, The little one had been ill for several days. Mr. John H. Schnell has a re- markable ;young hog on his farm.. She is five months old and tips the scales tae 234 pounds. Mr. Robert Stelek was forced to dismiss his class in the pubic school, on Friday last, owing to a threatened attack of the mumps. Mr. John D'echer recently; pur- chased a 2 -year-old trotting stallion from Colosky Bros,, sired by Lord Setland. John is • always looking for first class stock. Mr. John Hey, Jr,, disposed of a 3 -year-old colt to Mr. Abraham Geiger for $162.50. Hey is an expert in fitting up horses, and always gets good prices. Dr. Campbell left for the old coun- try, where he will spend a few months, in the !audible purpose of inquiring into the latest and best treatment of the various diseases to which loan is subject, on Tnesday. Mr. Daniel Surerus had an un- pleasant experience the other day while breaking iu two colts but beyound a good scare, nothing serious occurred, although the horses ran for nearly two miles before they could be got xznder control. Messrs. 0. Eilber, John Hcy, E. Mage1 and W. Schoellig, have put tiro nice track in first class shape. Tho manager, Mr. Eilber, intends keeping it in good condition this year. and will charge horsemen the small sura of one dollar for the use of it during the season. Mrs. Paulin, of Dashwood and Mrs. Eeyrock, Pres. of Zurich W. 0. T. U. were in Goderioh the fore part of the week attending a de- lightful reception tendered Mrs. Acheson, Provincial Rec. Seo„ who has just returned from a six months' visit in California. Mr.R.R Johnston took possession of the Dominion Hotel, this morn ing. It is about 19 years since Mr. J. retired from the proprietor- ship of the same house. Mr. Shoe- maker will live privately for the Present, occupying the house which which his successor vacates. The regular meeting of the W. 0. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Steinbach,on Monday even- ing, May 4th, at 7,30, p. m. The County Pres., Mrs. Paulin, is ex- pected to take the meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of the town and vicinity. The Township of Hay has pur- chased and received a carload of cement. and will, under the super- intendance of Mr. McKay, a thor- ough practical pian, make all its culvert tile in the village this year. No doubt the saving will be con- siderable besides giving work to laboring men. Mr. Fred. Rummel has convict- ed the foundation for his new house, in the west end of the town, the dimentions of which are 27 x 36 feet, with a kitchen and wood -shed in the rear. of 18 x 20. It will be built of the white brick, so much in use in the village, Mr. Rennie has a large number of recd brick on the adjoining lot, .and report says, will commence the erection of two or three now houses in the near future. Reeve Lamont is still making improvements on his faros. He is laying down between 150 and 200 rods of tile drain, 'clearing the roots from a, large field and is con- templating the erection of a drive - house, hennery and !lig sty, all under one roof, Looks as though his bachelor days 'are nearing an end. 'Twould, indeed, be a pity to keep .such a handsome and comfort- able dwelling, as he possesses, idle much longer. Of course we expect a bid to the important event. Otherwise .we will feel at liberty to invite ourseivas to the Charivari, more in honor ' than dishoner, in his ease however, of Canada. Hx An Or 'rata - E1RauTIvit 4r'szaRs Authorized Capital Capital paid up - - H. S. D. M. HOLT EstQ„ STIMART T ESQ. TORONTO - MONTREAL $2,000,000,00 81,200,000.00 President (den. M'gr Savings Department. Deposits of ;1. and received and highest rates of interest allowed. Deposit Receipts issued at favor - rates. Loans male to Formers on their own notes. A , GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE --OFFICES AT— Exeter Crediton F. G. KLRN, C. W. GILMOU , Manager. Manager. F, W. GLADMAN, Solicitor, SALE REGISTER. rriH.ORouGHI3Rg) DURHAM BULL for sale, 13 months old. Eligible for registration. Good dark red oolor and pronouneed a first class animal. Apply to Rola r N, DOUGLAS, —Slid• Blake P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. -50 acre.,, West half, Lot 2.0, Con. 10, Hay, one and a quarter miles North of t he Village of Zurich, about 40 acres cleared, balance good pasture land. Good frame house and kitchen and frame barn 40 x GO fret. This farm will be sold cheap as the pro. prietor intends going West. For particu- lars apply at the premises or address tior.o\ru .1ACOBE, 39.6 . Zurich P. 0. 'LIAM/ FOR SALE.—Lot 22, N. B, 1 Hay, 100 acres; half -a -mile East of Blake, 88 acres cleared, balance good hard wood bush, 41 aures seeded to grass. Good°water, (3 wells). Good Stone house and a large frame barn with stone stabling underneath. A frame pig -pen, driving and implement shed and other necessary out -buildings. This farm will be sold very reasonable, if disposed of within the next two months. Apply to E. Zeiler, Zurich, or t0' '` r 140n5aT N. D(mM:is proprietor, . 38'--8 Bake, 1'. 0. Notice. TOTIC;B IS HEREB1 Gr'CFN THAT a 13y -Law was passed by the Council of ti e Township of Hay, on the 6th day of 160:3, providing for tl,e issue of Debentures to the amount of $1641,95, for the purpose of the "Schwalm Drain" scheme and that 'such by-Iaw was registered in the registry office of rIuron, at Goderich, on the 11th day of April, A. 1)., 1903. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months from the date of registration, and cannot be made there- after. Dated the 18th clay of April, 1903. FRED HESS, Su., Clerk, Garden Peas at Feed. Store, Zurich. Mr. Ireland of Clinton, was in Town, on Wednesday. Zurich. has, so we hear, the best material for the making of a girls' base -hall club, of ahnost any town in western Ontario. Some of our young girls attending school, are said to liit and catch well. Were such a team organized here and an- other in a neigboring town, a con- test might he arranged between them, for some trivial thing, by the Agricultural Societies of both pla- ces. Such an event could hardly fail to draw out a big crowd to each Fair. The very novelty of the thing would go far to make it a profitable venture, aside from.. the interest it would arouse in the friends • and citizens of each of the competing parties.• Many of the people now go to such places as much for enjoyment as to look at live stock, and of course anything like a novelty is sure be appreci- elatecl and largely patronised,— Base-bail too, strengthens and in- vigorates all who participate in the game. 1 1 d Hoffman's ! Jubilee Laundry . We use no oheanicals tri destroy or injure your Clothing, and. we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. R. HOFFMAN votioneftwompO 1 Ready far krabe. UR New Spring Stock is complete. We think we have good reasons for feeling proud of our new spring lines, such as Men and Boge' Ready-made I Men and Boys' fine uprto-date S U !TS, DRESS SHIRTS, Mens and ]3oys' HATS, of the very latest American. Styles Nof �, MUSLIN all kinds, of the newest designs Many.Inore, which space does not permit us to mention. We invite you all to come in and see our new goods, whether you buy or not. you are llxdtkeo��always welcome to come and styles at FAUST'S, Prices will be made easy, and produce takers in exchange for goods, at • the rich and surrou :ding country, 1 would kindly call your attention to the the most modern Shoe made in Can= ada, and the best value for the money. CHAS. FRITZ, THE SHOE/14.4A/ ZURICH, O101TARI0 Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Newand rv48rintablt itc �f s" ro We have in a nice stock of Ladies' whitewear of al( descrip- tions. Night Gowns, z,oet to $1.50 Drawers, From Underskirts From 50cts to ;11.50. 500. to *1.25 CORSET COVERS from 20 to 50cts. We are also showing a large and up-to-date range of New Wash Goods Here is where you get all that is new. We are always strictly up to the moment. Call and see for yourselves. Highest Prices paid for Produce, J. ZURICH, Ont, 44!1NSS TRUNKS VALISES WHIPS FANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS Agency for Spaetzel's Pneumatic Collars Try there for your tender -shouldered horses ft !! N1TUkE A POLL .,INE ALWAYS IN STOCK Trois. G11A1)E PIANOS AND 'AN A number of second-hand will be sold at .BARGAIN PR CRS