The Herald, 1903-03-20, Page 8THE ZURICH HERALD The People's Store THE P TRA ULAR wry I Ladies rind uniforms are the prce- dominating features of the picture presented About the dais are .groupednleni- ber.' of the Cabinet arrayed in Court Costume, Senators, the Chief Justice and Judges of the . Supreme Court, in official robes, dignitaries of the Church, Military men of all grades and every kind of uniform, G „.11 anti peo))llic�feof proluinenee in eve i y wall. of . His Excellency tabes his seat on the dais and after D1rayer= have been offered by the Chaplain of the Senate, the business of the occasion begins with the reading of the speech from the throne. This pur- poses mainly to outlinefire business before Parliament, but as has been said, it is usually remarkable for what it omits than • for - what.it contains. *With the reading• of the speech frrut the throne,' the cere- mony of opening Parliament is concluded. • The departure of the Governor- (teneral is similar to his arrival. Cannons are fired to announce his departure, the band plays the National Anthem and. this con- cludes the demonstrations of the "Opening Day" of Parliament. M. D. We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J. D. MERNER ZURICH • s V Atek 01/44 Lady Missionary Speaks. ONTA RIO Cutters at 'Right bites. et* -.D.4E+•E+40+3.+3•+3•- I have put in a stock of Palmerston Cutters at prices to suit the times. Call and see them. ALL RINDS OF JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. H. 'W I S M E 1Z, GEN ERAL BLACKSMITH Zurich Carriage `Lorhs. Cutters ! sj Sleighs ! A few Portland and Square Cutters on hand yet, which will be sold cheap to make room for Spring work. E. HESS & SOH ZUricl1, Ontario K.albf lei ch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. . All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills l ith Con., Lot 25. J. C . Kalbfleisch Zurich P. O. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat .. 68 to 70 Oats ..,. 28 30 Barley 38 42 Peas .. 50 60 Flour .........1 75 1 85 Butter .. 14 15 Eggs.... .. 12 13 Chickens ib ........ 4 5 Ducks 6 6 Geese...... 5 5 Potatoes . iiia , iiia. 50 60 HElSALL MARKETS, Wheat 70 to 72 Oats .,.. 30 32 33arley , .. 40 40 Peas...,...,.... .. 65 75' 'Flour . 2 00 2 10 'dogs (live) per cwt.. 5,75 6,25. DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE We have now a large and up - to -elate Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings -which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mclsaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO The Opening,Day of Dominion Par- liament. The approach of the day named for the Assembly of Parliament is marked in the "Buildings" by a general renovation of the cham- bers and apartments, and a notice- able quickening in the movements of the usual leisurely officials. The opening day, itself, which this year came on March 12th, is regarded by the public as the occa- sion of a demonstration of pomp and circumstance for their special delight. The gorgeous ceremonies without which, it appears, Parliament is unable to get to work, are modelled on the practice in vogue in the Mother Country. It has been said that the performance of thein in Canada is like the efforts of a small boy to wear with dignity his daddy's haat, • Nevertheless, the scene is interesting and not alto- gether impressive, when the origin 'of the formalities is considered. The well -kept grounds about the buildings swarm with a mass of spectators. These are the less fortunate, or less socially import- ant, who have been unable to secure admission to the Senate Chamber. The crowning glory of the dis- play is the arrival of the Governor- General. His departure from the official residence, Rideau Hall, is heralded to the crowd by the first gun of an artillery salute, fired from Neiman Point, which backs upon Parliament Hill. 'Before the twenty-one gun salute, allowed to the representative of Royalty, has been fired, a four -horsed careworn, guided by postillions aid surround- ed by a glittering escort of brass - helmeted cavalry, arrives with a swing and clatter. Here is His Excellency, with members of 'his staff, The guard of honor salutes, the band strikes up the National Anthem, a loyal cheer arises from the crowd, the Governor-General raises his cocked hat and disap- pears in the Buildings and the out- side demonstration is suspended. The scene within the Senate Chamber on. the appearance of the 'Vice -Regal party, f.ti most brilliant. The chamber, itself, with. its state- ly architecture, is speet:aily tlrltlli- lied as a fitting beak ground to the splendor of the .spectaele. The galleries and floors are crowded with ladies in elaborate costumes, Sunday tvtas the opening day of the Christian Missionary Alliance Convention in the Christian Work ers' church, London, and Mrs. G Woodward, a returned missionary f'roru India. preached to large erne rogations both horning and even ing. In her morning address Mrs. Woodward confined herself to the work in India, and drew a power ful picture of the condition of the people living in the most abject poverty under the influence of un- scrupulous native priests. The force at present in the field was shown to be entirely inadequate. In some cases one missionary had to preach the Gospel to a city three times as large as London, and. in many districts the Gospel had never been preached at all. in view of the need, Miss Wood- ward thought Christian people should make a special effort to send out the Gospel and especially was there need of personal conse- cration in the work. •The trouble is not that God is not calling us, said. she, but that we don't here Hint. He is calling as He never did before, calling by the open door, and the chances of suc- cess in His work. May we heat that call and answer it. Older people may pray for others to be sent, but the prayer of the younger should be "Here am I send vie," and if that prayer is offered• from the heart the way will he opened. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET WELL. You are offered Dr. lhase's Nerve Food as the most perfect restorative, blood creator and system builder that was ever pre- pared. The name of the discoverer, Dr. 'A. W. Chase. is enough to guarantee this, and besides you have the testimony of scores and hundreds of cured ones in 'every part of Canada and the United States. You can use it knowing that it is bound to do you good. HILLSGREEN Special to THE HERALD. " Wm. Jarrett cormuenced to plough on the 12th of March, Well done. Wm. is always ahead, Edmund Troyer sold one of his horses, last Week, for a good priee and purchased another one;.it is a fine one. Jos. Hudson passed through om' village on Tuesday, on business. Edmund Troyer had a wood. bee on Tuesday with the circular saw. Ho had a lot of wood. out. Wm. Jarrett done the nutting with his traction engine. Wm. is a hustler. James :EIagan, Sr., is busy put- ting up a wire fence along the con- cession, There will be no more snow drifts along the road. SL.ABTOWN Special to '1'Its;1-IsttALn, The debate last Wednesday night "Resolved that a clean cross wife is preferable to a dirty good-natur- ed one" was decided in favor of the affirmative by Mr. Battler, who acted as judge and chairman. Our sick are greatly improved since last week's issue, we are glad to say and only hope that they may continue in that Fay, John Hey butchered for his brother -iia -law, John Geiger, of the 14th, on friday last. On Tuesday of •this week he butchered at hoarse and on Wednesday for George Broderick, John peeper and wife were clown at Mrs, Decher's Uncle, henry Rader's, helping' to butcher o•1 Tuesday. . All the spring birds are here and the buds are showing out pretty. well, so prepare for your spring Work. Maple syrup making looks to be a failure in:these parts this spring. Dave Sobnell wife and family visited at John Decher's on Sun- day. George Campbell spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Stanley. George Broderick disposed of one pf his horses., which he delivers on Friday belt has PrIrchesed another frot» Date Schnell of the Goshen. }le has quite ti mated teat/114w, Action of Wood Ashes, Ashes differ from lime- in that they carry seine plant food, :soluble potash, from ten to tw lvo • .per cent., insoluble 1;3 per cent. Much lino is also found. The beneficent action. of ashes is not clue to' potash alone; but to the i,oluble nitrogen and soluble phosplior'io acid •th(y contain. •Much effect is due also to the limo -contained, --One hundred T)ounds ashes con- tains thirty to forty pound:; Hanle, the alnottnt of potash varying somewhat, If We change the water holding capacity of the sail we are changing its physical nature. Wo must consider the kind of ashes Used, as thea different woods vary, 1 Soft wnod does not contain quite cis inuolt potash as hard ; beech has only six or seven per cent., -while manic) has ten. There is • a differ- ence in the same kind. of wood grown in different places. Cana- dian birch has but WA; per cent. potash, says Prof. 0. D. Woods, while that in. Maine contains twelve. Cedar in Maine also bus a, larger per cont. than that grown in Canada. volt A (+1GRTATIQTY I AM etruaD. Mr. Danlos Trerletnan, butcher, 530 Adelaide Street, London, Ont., writes that for two years he was I laid up with kidney di:;ease and urinsary troubles. He becnrne drop sical and his legs Would swell so that he could scarcely go round. He never used anyr medicine that did hila so much good. as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and knows for a certainty that this treatment cured. him. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. BY A BIG MAJORITY. The Panama Canal Treaty Ratified by the U. S. Senate. Washington, March. 17.—The Panama Canal treaty was ratified by the Senate 73 to 5. The treaty between. the United States and Colombia, which was ratified to-day,wa.s signed. at Wash- ington January 22, 1903. It was negotiated by Secretary Hay on the part of the United States, and T. Herron, charge d'afl.'airs, on the part of Colombia., who signed the document. It was sent to the President January 28, and by hint to the Senate on the sante date. It was sent to the committee on foreign relations the sante day, and reported. back February 3. The treaty was discussed at some length cluing the last Congress. The day the special session of the Semite convened, March 5th., the treaty was again referred to the commit- tee on foreign relations, and March 9 was again reported to the Senate, since which time it has been under discussion. Neither in committee nor by the.Sonate was the treaty amended, and it was ratified as first negotiated, Proof Spells Destruction. Winnipeg Free. Press. As for Mr. Gamey's extraordi- nary narrative., it has plot enough for a historical novel. It begins in the lunch room at Allendale junc- tion on Aug,. 7, and ends in the office of the Crossin Piano Manu- facturing Company on the evening of Tuesday last, March 10, with three young men from Gore Bay lying concealed behind three pianos, armed with sharpened pen - ells and shorthand note books. Until the whole story told by Mr. Gamey, with the proofs submitted by hila in the shape of money, letters, telegrams and other docu- ments, including the notes of the three young stenographers from Gore Bay, are gone into by a com- mittee of the Ontario Legislature or 11 judicial body, and. all the necessary witnesses examined and cross-examined under oath, it is only just that judgment upon ldr. .Stratton should be snapendod in. the public mind. :tt is permissible, lie ever, to say that the whole .natter has a decidedly ugly look. It Mr. Gamey's story, when it is judicially investigated, can bo proved to be founded in fact, the result will be, so far as Mr. Strat- ton is concerned, a very serious one, and justly so ; while to the Ross Government the substantia- tion of Mr. Gamey's talo will siinp- ly spell destruction. Chunk Bro chills Mr. Wm, Davidson, St. Andrews, Que., states :—"lDr. Chase's, Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine .las cured .me of bronchitis, I have, without suc• cess, tried malty remedies for the past six rears. Last winter when I had a Severe attack and Was Unable to work I procured a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and am happy to state that the third bot- tle made me e, well man," Me, W, E. Alger, insurance agent, Halifax, N.s,,, says :--"I used Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine for a severe attack of bronchitis. Permit me to testify to its splendid curative properties. I got better from the taime offamily takingofyoung the firstchildren, dose, Itamy v- ing doctors' bills have annually come to a considerable.Dr.Chase's Syrusump. Ioccasionabelieve llay bottwillleaofid me in reducing. them very materially," 25 cents e, bottle, all dealers, Dr. Ch se'$yrup of insee"rt AO Turpentine. Ts the place to buy your HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRANITE, SILVER and GLASSWARE, ASBESTOS FILLED SAD IRONS, Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons, and costs very little more. PAINTS, RUGS, OIL, DUSTERS, SWEAT PADS, PORTLAND CEMENT, DASH APRONS, WHIPS, - have the best Cook Stoves rliacle, war- ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters. Agent for the Loudon Fence Machine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the market, and all kinds- of fence wire on handl. Eavetrooghiogi Furnace Work and Mdta) Roofing a Specialty, ZURICH, Main Street, - O 1! C4 H Flt R® O . We have a large stook of Spring and Summer F=oot=wear, all sizes and styles, at prices that will be to your advantage: We have also this this season, the American Outing Shoe they are a fine cheap Summer Shoe We solicit your partronage because we know we can satisfy you and give you value for your money. P. BENDER, , & Co. urieh. Eggs taken i11 exchange for Gtlods. • ee That Single Harness we sell at It is a world beater. Team Harness from $20000 up. We use best Leather, up-to-date tivorkxnan- ship and lowest pos- sible prices. Balance of Robes, Blankets and Plass Rugs at cost Call and see our big assortment of Trunks and valises. -•.AFflas ._._ese___ _ ._,.airs _ ______..___ _. gars ars _ _ _fM *- C. t 3IRTLEIB (SV CO'S. The Big Hardware and Harness House. ZURICH - ONTARIO S as dial al For the next 6o days we will offer Special Prices on all Winter ' Goods SUCH AS RfiPi?E YEATEC, ",i BEDS, IBA Odd lines, Underclothing Etc. Etc. It will be to your interest to examine these Goods and get prices. %tin y �.jc ch, MERCHANT ZURICH NTA IO