The Herald, 1903-01-16, Page 6I I
� A +' � 1 u ' Three-
� • ,�• .�; ,fait 'p� l , � d' , 1
.� 11berals
i n 1 r, r 4
yy Majorities,
r' C t r j H ��' r` '
IfTciberals......................•......«.....................11 ............ 5Y
''.Y Conservatives.........................1...... ,..•.....I............ 46
Liberal runjority............. . 5
Vacant—North Renfrew
Tklf- li
Nortah •Grey—.t1. G. 31ackay (Liberal), majority, 260.
North Perth—Jolla Brown (Liberal), majority, 221.
North Norfolk—A. M. Little (Liberal), majoi ity, 55.
11 P. o —
�, TTfi
Men Chosen y Ota° Neighbors -to manage
. Their ,affairs.
1leafor6 .................. J. D. Hamuli!1
.. J. J. Brault
Napanee ..................... J. P. Yrooman
I North B.iy .................... W. McKenzie
Arnprior ...........................
J. Harvey
Niagara F a,11s .....................
G Harlan
Bmeebridge, •..•
• ••. ......... J. D. Shier
I Orwugevlho ...... ......
...... — Marshall
Brockville ...................
. J. Ilarrisun•
Ottawa ......................
.. J Cook
. Il J. Graham
i Oelmwa.......................
Brantford ..................:1f.
X. Halloran
Orilliat .............................. J. ;afeCosll
.. J. R. Isdcn
Yarns .......................... D. Brolvn
Chi thaut ....................
W. ifciieown
Yeterboro .................... G. Af Rogers
Cl, Iton
— Jackson
Porth .... .................. . J. A. Ste -wart
Cobourg ..................
W. Il Floyd
Yrecott ...... .,...,....
... ii'. wtej711exLSOII
Cornwall ........................
D. C. Jlguire
Parry ounlf ..................
A. Johnson
Collingwood ..................
W, A, Bugg
Polletancai..he2le ......
ll. C. Copeland
De,seronto ................
.. Dr. Newtun
I'ieton ....... I ................. W. Boulicr
Dunnville ..............
C. IV. Winsloly
P(nrhrr:kc ...... ......
.. (*, DO Lahey
1:}tlrhaln ..-..
............ .N. aieTntytt
f Rr n;rc:w ................ W. E. �:mallfieltl
.Fssses .... ......
...... ... Dr. J. O'Brien
1 `tratlir^.y ............ ......... J, ljobertson
...... C.1icLcan
Fot•est. . .... .....
'-nrn}a ...... ...... ...
Ti,cm's H. Cook
............ . J A C. Grant
`:. T;lolu ti: ...... ......
...... C. -lax)^r oil
Guelph .....................
G. H. Iramilton
�traticra ................
1W, Hepburn
Galt ...... ..............................
11. Caul
;;t.-Lxry'a ................ F. r. Butcher
Ganatnoque, ..................
W. 1. Roguro
;•mall':; FaLs ...........
G. F. McKinnon
Godericlx ......
...... ...... ..... I U. N. Lowi.s i
'SV J 110 4,c•, '
�a(:It Ste. 3fa.rlo ...
`^t C•tllarines
W. IE. Plummer
SSr E Bur a no
SLmii on ......•............. . . k._J
73untsvfiie. ...... ...... ...... ...... — Bart n-rutoi .......................... J. Funned.
Kingston ...... ...... ...... ......... — DC -11 Til-ioliburg...... ...... ...... ...... G.11rasker
Kincardine ...... .................. J. Ruttel Ti>rontu .................. Thos. Urquhart
Kingsville ..................... 4 L.-IcI�.ay Toronto Junction ...... J. Il Chisholm
London ........................ Adam Beck L'S1)r;l.g,e ................... T C. Nicholls
Listowel .................. F. IV. Hay wool:.=.tock ...... ".... ...... John White
Lindsay ................. J. It. tiootheran Windsor . 1V. Drake
Leamington .......... L. wlr1n Vater•Ioo ......... .......".. . 7D Boan•
Yount Fore»s't ............ J. A. Halstead I atlkriton ............ ...... S. W. '1-o in
ll•Iltcheil ...... ............... H. Campbelt Wallaoc•b-arg ................ T. B, Dundas
!- 01'"I'M
1-1 dD i1 STRIKE -10
Continuation of Heating Before the Coal
Strike Commissioners.
P,h}ladelphia, Pa., despatch: ton- jj call have effective d}yefpl}ne ultle:is
t union men continue to occupy ills j yUu snake investigations yourself
r al,tl brim:• the men up and punish
attention of the coal strike cam- 1 than in .;umu way? I risk you, as
mission presenting evidence of law- I a nwilibel of the Order and as a mail -
lpesbless in the anthracite reoiou I calla wu1,1.} be glad to see your or-
dnrin the, strike. The test' , dr.r come itis out of tilt: mire and
:, i; ' ; til(? clouds that are around tbo
to day included many acts of vie,-, l)al e_r parts of it into tile sunlight
levee. from murder down to plain I anil, into the air of free ;;overnritellt
assault and petty larceny. a2ul a free country.;'
Dynamite played a leading part " Tl;ere was a further dIsoussiou on
the suay c t and then lir. 'llitr it it
In the alleged persecution of lion- arose anti said to ('lularinitn Gray.
union men and their relatives. Five "I Bio not know wbeLher I gait•,a
witnesses testified to their houses ilndexstarld you in expre0 6r .your -
1 heing more dr less seriously clam- self to the lvttnesn as to your so-
licitude for else organization that It
aged by persons, some of whom should rise above the nitro or that
were known to be union men, plat- I pact: O[ it MiouW rise above the
Ing the high` explosive oil the pro- I 'hire• 'I t
party; other witnesses talcl of a I C'llairman Gray-•- lvi-lial)s I hzve
, , baen misunderstood. It was not au.
-lam being blown up, one laCOmO- 1 unfrienrily wish that was expressed.
;tire damaged, steam pipes in two I I ,Raine I hoped it would left Itaelf
different coliier:es either broken I out of tho lire and of the condi=
` or damaged by cls natmite, bri,l es i tions created by Lllr:l,o things winch
and fences damaged by incendbiry I have been testified to, around its
1baser parts.
fires and attempted -wrecking of ` I �,id dope," coritilalre<I the ,,oat•
trams. One youth said he was 5 1- ,*that that i'L -would dlbl,ntau-
stabbed, several of the -witnesses ; .) itself entirel ' from. these reenus
were boycotted arid several other-., of yriolencc tvlth wlilclt the strike v, cls
told of being beaten by crowds attended.
f T}ley may have been ex-
and of theft houses being atoned. i a� •.r t ^ you contend. I a
Besides this, a young woman I �•gE a ere, aw, . c u c,o 1 (,nd, nr
told elle caminis;ion she '-wits clic- [ not passing upon that no -v, We
ares not'saying that, the virga tea-
nliised as a school teacher because t tion. is reel?on1 fWlo for every ac of
icer brother chose to work during violence, and the only want::d tosee
tete strike; a young roan test}filed whether the org;ant:tatlon has intor-
•that he was attacked as Ile was
erred it;eelf in maintainingfile or-.
. comingt
are of Church htrrcll after being rlgr-vilic;ll ,•Ou lt.'tvr, advised, ;,.nci
married, forcing Rifat to see:. re- whether it }ups diitipli iod thosewho
fugo in a colliery, w f
%' 111e 111.x, .toile
1 actually 11 21 y'' 1
1't, C aCti a VCO .tP. Of disorder."
l oma a
g best •
412fl Could arid Mr. r
1', 1tC1•P 1 li.11,1 llc' did not ILxU-
xlS 11 ,1 ) O I v
another witness sail he was afraid I that any menibOr of the union bald
to attend the funeral Of Ills Mati.t- 13; expeilet7, a•nci added that unta;ss
or* vrbo had dlotl' V'ir'ile Ile -vas' snare are coiivt(ted of violation of
working behind a colliery stock- law the organization had no right
I, ado,
to e • t :e
expel, Ir it l� prejudice
1s. ibvin and thus r u( it ,
One witnr?s told 1
)ld df having been
n ,
tl r .i. . it court.
i ,lI c r before til( t ..t u
) 1 L
' r
- .
punished by a luob forcing him to Cl]ihirrlral, r,,1,1y Naicf that D/,{r. 3litc1l-
walk lit miles at the bewa of a � • i'. : a
Cheering cro4vsl c f strikers, n^ I c l g point w t.. well taken so far as
Cheering ) 5 r ers, Oth. concernis thosce parlor indictment.,
y watti also presented alt , but what he witrttecl to know -vas
the endeavor to shalt/ that a reign I whether any of ttlose men wens
of terror existed In the strike af- � over Called lip, wlio had been notor-
fected territory of the State and S r , r, , p
t t 1 cn .)t,e(I in illeant acts lend.
. ha, members nt the union:• tv(.rO whether they were nbjeeLi:d to,lis-
largely responsible far it. cfpline b3 thr) organ}zation. This
.lir. Parker asked a. witness if cnr;ed the incident.
fere men were expelled from tiro ,1t to -day's sr?"lon Rev. Carl
. 11111:011 for twist ,they had done, but i Irauser, of Vrvel:ln(1, :;a}ti when he
+.lee foreman dad ndt know. Mr. was cal(r�cl upon to officiate at the
Mitchell has stated on the witness funeral of a non-Imigll elan In the
stand that till membarci of the un- Panther C.rrek Vailny-, hr, experl-
Ion. found guilty of crime are ox- meed till, grerttp,,it difficulty 0i so-
ell r
No -
Polled ed frons tela LLnIOn. curing pall-beatrrazr. Zillr,n tiro 1)o•ciy .
The lawyers for the nom -union 1w•as tai•.en from tho house Rev. I
men called on Terrence Willey, a rfauser stild the strikers yelled
member of the executive hoard of II I'sca.b." and spat upon 'the coffin.
the union, for th3' inforina,t5)n see- i sonle of that ntn.sie isuch remarks
sired. Oinlny sa;;tl If'o di(l not )cncnv as, "It'cs a shame to bury a 'Scab';
millether the local union to -which throw, Win to the clogs."$
. tete man beloug(xI took any action. Counsel for thr non-union men
e told of the attempts mado to called John liitchrJl to the stand
I'll P the peace at• Shenandoah be- and asked bila if he know Willira,ru
Sere the beg riot there and gilder] IDettre , were, wiry estCtul.a,y e1aCt-
th4at there had been no disturbance eel President ofi the Uniati in the
until the ,Coal &, Ivan police ware 7th District. 'L itchell roplied in the
seat to the plaoa, affirmative and tlr(,n counsel called
i C.' 61rivan Gray then asked: Jolin Sherman, Of Nouremberg, 1Dot-
"13r_i 7011 Ivalt for conviction by t:roy's Home towin. Sherman testi-
.title civil authorities Before cliselPlin- find that' ho heard Dettrey say that
�Wj your wen -'2 Do you think 3;ot1 anybody Wr fo-,W,,orked during the
strike 10,19 it tog have figs 'throat
out. Fraaik Rehley, of Oneida, a
fiusman w1io worked daring th,
strike, said he heard De, t isav
all men caught working should bs
given a "goad th•umping."
Tragedy Heads to Suspicion of
i Murder.
-Winnipeg, Xan. 13,.—Newp h'as been
received in Winnipeg of the tragic
death of a. .girl north of Teulon,
which may prove to be a case of
murder. Only the most meagre par-
ticulars have been obtained, but it
appears that a woman was shot and
that a, man Is being hold. pending
an Investigation, which is being con-
looted by tele Attoaney-Ocnera.l'sDe-
paartment. Tho names of neither'
the victim nor the accused have been
received in elle city.
On enquiry at the AtLornoy-Gen-
erttl's Department it was learned
that; i). message, had been received
from George Chatfield, J. P., of Tell -
which road as follows;
I "Last Saturday it was reported to
me that a woman had been found
dead at the ri`,p. 19, Rge. 1, sec. 3,
Bast. It 1s supposed to be a case
Of murder. I am leaving to investi-
gate. An inquest will probably be
The department acted on this in-
formation, and at once sent Detec-
tfvo ATeKeuz}e out to enquire into
the matter, azld on ti unday ire wired
bade from Toulon as follows;
"It is necessary to have a, coron-
er's inquest. Tile accused is under
arrest. The, murdered girl was but, -
led orf Saturday. Will wait here
the arrival of t,1. coroner.""
A telegram was immediately sent
to Coroner McLeod, of Stonewall, ask -
Ing him to proceed at once to tile
scene of the tragedy. Ile replied
that lie would, and event out on to-
day's local to Tpulon, whence he will.
lwoeoed with Detective � CK.enz}e and
others to tile N(!Pl]e of the crime. It
will be a• cOul)le of clays before par-
ticulars can be had.
� - I
fast I rain Crashes Into a
Passenger Train,
Ada, O., Jan. 1J,.---rl',Ifrea men dead
ai, 14: or murc persons injurod, one
fatally, is the t'Cia1L of a collision be-
t , 1'
1t/ .en
e taro tr
glut of til(, 1 ennsy1-
vanlia s'y'stem oz the nlitin street of
i II!$ city. •
The acad:
Joacim titch], Fort, Kayne, Ind.
—• McYoo!, Fort Wayne.
Alonso Hadtly, 'Van NVcrt, 0.
Among thri Injured is J. .}. Casey,
Toledo, who it is expLcted canuoL
recover. r
The aLecideut was highly sensational
in, 4111 its details, occurring as it dirt
o the e ti):airl street or the town, at at
elate -viten the thoroughfare v;a.�x
crowded With pcopl:,. '.Frain l:o. 35,
wm1bound, for fort Wayne, lead
started out of the station, but at
tile main street crossing -vas com-
pelled to stoat on atccount of sotuo
accident to tile air hrakes. A flagman
was sent back to rteti y No. 10, a fast
train, going fn the same direction,
which was several mi:.utcs late. On
account of the d�iwitlg Lino wriwrlill,
the engineer' of No. 13 -cat's u 1 lllie
to. Cee tel(') signal it). time) to slacken
life speed,and Ills engine oraslied into
the rear coach of No. 35 at the rate
of (10 nti.les an hour.
NO. 35 eowistcd of tiwO co c'.e:=, the
roar lmo being a combination ba-:
g., go and pa/: -wager car, with another
passenger car in front. Both -were
te.ick,coped, and scarcely a passetlgcr
ceca,ped injury of some Hort.
The scene about the wreck was
frigh tfu:, ,lana- people. -were congre-
gated about the shot at the time, anti
the street was well filled with way-
farers on their way honie from -work
in the various stores. A.ssistanco
came promptly, and the dead and in-
jured -were at once carried to the.
freight houses and station, and laid oil
InlilrovLeod cots. T10 engine of '19
was almost deuiollsbed, but the car:,
bebind it were not damaged in the
least, and none of the passengers
were, bruised. „'very pltysiel n was
snmtnonecl to inhtister to rho suffer«
Ing victlms, and by midnight those
not scrlous:y wounded were resting
easily in their roa};•h hosplial nuts or
hard been removed to more comfort-
able quarten,s. I r .
Ill,ty-t-vo arc, Being •.1311411, . 39 tier
'Sicel Combine.
Toledo, Tall. Ii._ Annual. r'evio w
shows that ' -inn b ]
•u,J u..
-P Fill I,
of lake b
are being built for ,(us. 1 hlu•y
and that the a ggrega.te -LLlue a r,l bc;
5181-1911:-30-). Of :.hese, but four •tro
he 1 r', l.'•
']' ,li 3
t i t 1 h. � .1
y a n e
has :39 boats trndrr way, and of til••r;e
only three are other than stere cargo
sterl meth ips.
Tell c;1nal stze boats are being billit
by ,�. B. 'ltalviv, of Duluth. J. t;;.
1 , (.d c ., ,
• ordered ..Oat(
a. JTl
has x
ow 1 of C" ov,-
' 73r 1 r
fleii,h-Orb i�
land bits or(larcci six bouts. ",pile
4,900 -ton freighL barge 1whig l,utlt
by Taanos Davlls•.)n is thr Only vio0don
vvSS(?1 tln(ler construction.
Tills (anormou, ]ncrc•;ic; in tonlirlRe
can .be taken a., all indication chat
the •owners have unboill,ded c nnfut-
ence in. tho future. Of the. 1n.k0 t"afle.
1lucll. has been Wild to 'tit(' offset
that owners are not 170,0171'11'g' 11�hrLt
they should ort tbri. luvestnlc•nt,y.
lfiith all owners closed up nolo for
til^ season of 1.003, it was stritvq t)y
a local vesselman that boats of t!Ie
larger class cleaned up front 8 to ]0
per cent. oil the original invast'ntent.
The entire Stock of I<nOwi(m ti�
Gardiner's department store, Buf-
falo, was destrO;yed by fire last
night, alit'( the Inlilding, a five.
story brick, extendinf; frons cif,, to
565 ,&Tarin street and throu 1, the
block to 'Waslltn9tOn street, was
blitliy damaged.
Tile Vii.ited States railways alone
a, uniform advance of tell per (lent,
in the Opeclal fates ole so-called iron
coramoclttlos from United 'States
poln•ts to Canadian po}nt;s. The Can-
adian xa,ilways }law r, also marl4 tabu-
liar ttilvances on bone commodltles
from rho prlylrfp t1 )nrtiltlfactlarIng
points in,ila, vir,,, libntreal,
Guelph, London, tillil Brantford,
__.. __ _....
__ ..
sugar' tare, will exceed $37,500,OOC
British statistics indicate in
time to private, theatricals, which
creased .emigration to Canada dur
Ing the past twelve months of 61,
Was burned.
per cent. I
Effective Manoeuvre at Re-
Major Glenm, 5th United States In
Pretoria, cable. Alt in-
tan'Ery, is on 1rial at Manila, cllarg•
view Before Vice -Royalty
sanols of ,war g elle murder of pri•
I land, passes her time, between Lon-
Gloucester (Mass.) fishermen ar(
Protesting against the ratificatiox
of the United states treaty; wits
A new Separate `3ehaol has be oil
Delhi, India, cable, The re -dew;
t°-"da.v by
At Iieystone, Nevada, the manager
the Viceroy, Lord Cuti-
of a copper mine shot and kills.
zon, Or 80+,000 British and native
three and wounded three others, o
troops. led by Lord Xltc.hener, -vas
twelve men who attacked him.
the last important event of the
In an address at Washington, 11fr
curonatiol] durbar. The l tecta the
( Carnegie said he hind on hand 80
new applications- for free libraries,
Dul:e of Cbanaught, and the Grand
I and would likely grant, thein all.
Duke of Hesse, surrounded by d
The Aussfau strainer Baron DrIe
brilliant staff, tog;: up their post-
sen has arrived at New, Orleans
'tions at the sa.lilting P(Ant between
alld will load 8,500 tans of liar -
the grand stands._ from every stele
Seavesting machinery for the Black
all immense multitude of Europeans
'incl natives -vaLtched the parade
the town of Webster, a summer
and cheered its favorite regiments.
resort five miles above Cassels, DII
Lady Curzon and the Ductless a}'
Matt Canon, Col., has been des-
t"ollnollgh't lvitnessetl rho review
troyed by fire caused by a spark
a passing ,locomotive.
The scene to -clay was not less
T]lo Crown Princess of Saxony and
brilliant fol coloring than the pre_
M'• Giron, liar lover, have temporar-
eediil,g events, and it equaled them
ily separated by the advice of I1,w-
ill piCtitT(.'sgLleIlgSB, r.cheve was a
vers, pending the trial of the divorce
particularly effective manoeuvre ref-
suit at Dresden. 21E. Giron has gone
ter the passing of the h'o'rse aril_
to Lausanne.
Ivry, illi: Cavalry, field batteries,
once the infantry lit tile order
Through its executive committee,
rel. The Cavalry in line of regiments,
Chicago IIisturLeal Society has
expressed itself in favor of the
followed by tlrl? artillery, gallops([
hast again and formed half a mile
commemoration and celebration of
August 1st, 1903, as the centennial
in front of the grant stand, and
front this Pdsition charged do;vn in
anniversary of the founding of Chf-
M long and magnificent limo to
within a short cbsiance of the nal-
The majority of Lord Dalmeny, eld-
lititlg• point,
est son of Lord Rosebery, was cele-
Of all 'the soldiers retie -wed to-
(lay none made a better impressiotl
brated last night, by a ball at Edtn-
burgh, which was attended by 400
than the native volunteers, which
representatives of the county fami-
lies of Uldlothian. Tho festivities
were led by native princes magnifi-
cently uniformed and horsed. The
will be continued until the close of
Imperial Snrvice U'ores, composed
the -week on Lord Rosebery's Scotch
nC natives, lvhirl sate sorv!ce in
estate, tvherr. there Is a large house
1 Nina, e.xcitrlii great admiration, I
c 1XI was gvtell a t.retnci dous re-
-vas advised to -day that the Govern-
Cr"pti0ll' __,__.�,__ _�
;`t�]�. 11-1
6(Yr 1I�p�
�1lY *TY
,-'y,�--.T 1,,1,oi�en Ci°�a�(C%
6ti 6®OG.
i Y
lnenis :ere net settled. Cape papers
tlo from Canada ,and the United
Chamberlain Replies to an
9.2 5 ,C'a�:.,,)c.a ,,�,�e.�a
Ad,dress by Boers,
Domestic Trials of Marquis
of Anglesey and Wife,
d Loudoin cable: English society -,;Aa%
f no Moro remarkable example of the
semi-detitebed couple than the mar,
quls a,nd Marchioness or% Anglesey..
=J Marchioness is the daughter of
0 Stir George Chetwynd, the second hus_
band of the Bit(trchioness of llast-
inge, the daughter of the second ft r-
quis of Anglesey. As Lu.c(,y Flora,
Paget, this lady. (the mother), a
reigning belle, was engaged awta,y
back in the 6(ye, to Retry Ciiapllns
TWO days before elle wedding she
went to Marshall and S�neigrove's
dry goods store in Oxford street, os-
tonsibly to make final arrange-
ments for leer trousseau, entered the
store by the front door, left it I}y.
the side door, ran away and mar-
ried the ML•Lrquis of Hastings. Hove
Henry Chaplin's "dark horso" Her-
mit boat the Marquis of Hastings'
first favorite in the nest year's
Derby and seriously crippled the lo,t-
tar's fortune is one of the romances
of the lirittsh turf.
When, five, years ago, Mass Cliet-
wynd married tide Marquis of A)1-
glosey—or Lord Uxbridge, • as he
then wa.s—}t was Considered a great
matrimonipl stroke. lie had an in.
Como of nearly a million dollars a
year and gave to her $50,000 worth
of jc•lwelry.
Tuley separated after sig. weeks. in
six months she brought suit to have
tile marriage nullified, but a fete.
days .Blore tele case w;Ls to ]naive
I)e•en heard She applied to have it
TJIo facts never came to light, the
case being heart} "In camerra," but
J'nstfce Jeune, who ]las baa a 12nique
experience of matrimonial matters,
wild it was the most extraordinary,
'that had evor come to pita notice.
The suit was withdrawn, tha Ww-
riuis settled $00,060 a, year on the
(-fltrelhfoness, and since then they,
( have gone their own ways.
The Marquis has a Bard case of
stage mania. IIB devotes all ills
time to private, theatricals, which
'1'!1+• electric light station itt'L'tvee(1
he carries oat on a lavish' smile at
Ills castle, P}as Ncwyiid, in North
Was burned.
The city of Toronto has resumed.
the solo of coal.
Pretoria, cable. Alt in-
Tile 111hreh}oner,s, considered the
(I most beautiful Marehioneass in Eng
1,. •. , .,
.t]alc, s Hotel. at Ilderton, ryas
fluential nhrcting of burghers yes-
terday drafted an address for
I land, passes her time, between Lon-
cieatroco.} 1)y tire. Lass, X3,500.
septation to Colonial Secretary
don, Paris a.nd the Riviera.. She is
A new Separate `3ehaol has be oil
Cthamber]ain and the Legislative
or tile, airy, fairy type, with° won(ler-
o) r n ( .,
C 1 On ('lose `.l.y
1 1 e el] e
u luronto
Council, ci embodying the ti(.wb of the
fill 1 lnl. .
t and II't
d 1
white tom ,� . i
et on.
P Tlt1-
lion. E. J. Davis has dullied the ru-
1 mor, that he ha -s resigned. 1
leaders. Mr. Chamberlain, replying
to• the address of the burghers, said
anesque hair and eyes that only
(Ircuzo could do justice to. ,.%he ex -
John I.. Costigan, x. C., a son of
the terms already, granted were de-
cites unbolrnded admiration, and in -
the Ilon. John Co,tigan, dropped dead
eldedly generous, and there was na
teres- in her is 1)eightenPrl 1)y the
at Calgary.
prospect of a gearerai amnesty. The
ens-stery that surrounds bor brief
By the official r,turt.�s .1 Uad,
cases. of the burghers now In Eur-
matrimonial life.
hart's I)Iuralfty Over Mayor Ilotwland.
ope -would be considered individually:
Of TIOTOltLO, IN given at 707.
oil their merits, said Mr. C.`hamber-
i,cnics -vital cluplaaiy a
current .tor` that he had become
Iain n
, and trim„ t actors should prove
their loyLlIty by aecowntillg 'tor the
� l)3-Iraconi
gaged to 31.i..,s MOUillivray, of ,'y(lley.
bold taken to lEnrope. The Secretary
said also that the anne:tation of
Step,.) may lie taken to attack the
the 'irryheld and Utrecht districts to
election of the Ln.bor a'..ermon of St.
Catllarincs on the ground that tbcy
Natal was irrevocable, and that'tho
natives -would b•: compelled to
Mr. Burke Talks About Cattle
, , ]lot properly quaiffird••
seryl their Oblig."AlOns. Ile declared
Thr' Ralik Of 1ltslitreal }las decided
lee would have been better pleased
Disease and Trade.
bie•rv,we its Capital stock to I
had -the address of the burghers, in -
v(11,000,030. I
stecld Of consisting merely of de-
T11,+ arguili 11,t of ter, appeal ill 'the I
]llands, contained SOlnr) recognition
Lennox election ca7se local,, net cot)- I
of Itis 9Ptjesty's GOv?rnment
, r
ellided at adjourninalit,
had already done for the Doers.
Thr,` new llrlll'.`i ):Ll Uf 1') ):•i• ('anada
Bader-Powellio Leave Constabulary.
Ottawa despatch says: The De-
('c>Wl v, Mr. II. W. All-liF will •til
> 1 ri
London bible: 'n •
It 1 arinaunced
)ar•tment of Trade, and Commerce
i L nmer e
for i7mla.•fa on I'ebruary 501,
to -clay that (.ren. Baden-I'o•tvell will
-vas advised to -day that the Govern-
. I1031. (ief)r;;e I;, Foatr„•r was nonli-
naLtctil for the ('oulmons by the Con-
retire from Cllr, command of the
South African Constabulary for a
Illent of Jamaica. )lad an order passed
e:ervattivPs of North Untar}o. lie
better post, though his future move-
}uolaibittng the importation of eat-
lnenis :ere net settled. Cape papers
tlo from Canada ,and the United
The thirty x;.11 annual (convention
Or tilt, L'astetn
are full of acrid Comment on the
general administration of the South
States on account of foot and
(tntatrio Dairymen's .
1sso,.intion at Ottawa, with
-Lirican Constabulary.
mouth disease being prevalent in the
Mr. D. I.)grb,•bhitc, i'resident, in elle
--__ —_
weir England 4tates.
e, Dominion
.about •10 nl:tubc:rs of tiMU9
�� MUL[g
:1 report wits received to -day at
tile Trade and Commerce Department
Methodist Church, Ottawa, inter-
from E. Eust.Lco Burks, Canada's
vieWod IZev. Ur. ]rose alld protested
COmmere}al Agol]t In Jamaica. Mr.
;•gaitlet their paslol lvearillg a tier-
1CA1 �;a1wn.
Burke, says that two Ontario brands
A,t a `
of tilt Silver Lead
Called a Palaver and Massa-
Of flour aro finding favor and amar-
nerincs f
1i�inc owners+ or east anti west I�.00-
tenay, field
,., •�•t,
rred Those Who attended
kat in the Island. Ile relteratesthe
at ,'andon, A. C., resp-
complaint against Canadians not en-
luttuus favoring a protrvsit-e duty
deavoring to meet the requirements
on lead holo passed,
of tho trade by better methods of
Icon. Io lintcuar n suggested new
Tigard of I:iucu.tion for Toronto
paek}ng and studying tl o sizo of the
would' be raid( 1x}1 of tern or twelve
„ Blurted by the
elle)• nl,) j,ie
,— I
L01ldon, Jan. I.C. Lass; news of
packages, In regard to butter,
choose, boots axed shoes, there is not
whole City, flute rile c)th0rs Lelrpointed
the )-Mullah was that be was at Hurl-
much cOm pinlllt. � Halifax 'firm, he
by >-po iatl bodles.
ug with 600 riflemen and several
sa,3-s, moots all the requirements of
The 8(iti. ,annual ounrentfon of the
thousand spearmen belonging tothe
the butter trade, and sends choice
Dalryulaills .1bz:a.-laLtion of Eastern
surrounding tribes. Ile has suffered
creamery. 1`11x: United States trusts
have, rinsed the price of and
Ontario began aL the Normal School,
Ottawa, yesterday, the Pmaitient,
11111,01 in prestige of late Olving to
('amad}an packers should het the
Mr. D. Derbyshlre, in the? chair. Thero
the desertion of a large sectio;) of
trade. The sugar Industry shows
sway all attendatce of about i3o
file powerful 'Midjertain tribe, who
rii;ns of improl mr nt. The lack oY
left him, owing to a tre;Leherous
better steainahlp s arvico with Can-
acla i. -i severely felt. here were fre-
At at, nl�cetnu,b, ()f the Catb,nc.t at Ot- (
u rt. I
qu,ntly entluiriels tram Ontario and
tatwa the cha.ractcr Of the repre- I
� Tile Mullah, ander the pretence of I
(.,1nrbP:; .Ls to 1h(' raLes for oranges
ii- t' tions t0 e . • i ,
Ln a ) b, ,n,t r. to the crit
L Ie
palaver, 'aOC e q i'1 let. -
IS a d d 1
"Ind ba Ll.)la
n 3, )tet Yi21 t0 tl] high
US 411 g
i h (lar erl;w nt on t( .o t
b c c uzi of Llle, I
tiletie 1 reJ:Lt o, of the c:atttle guar- 1
iu+ a number of these people to
b 1 P
IV1 "(; '
t and thein'"t forward
1 1 1 foal; to
t o
them nathinl�• c•o�tllcl be done. The
antinr, regaiat:ons in favor of vessels 1
front United States )urLb was itis- •
leave their tort. Declaring that they
were friendly to the British, he fell
Iat.t4 was praihibiti-'e. He thought a
upon thein, cut elle throats of some
ln}f;ilt Ux arranged with tete
Llder-Dempster people. At present
. Gordon (•
IZ.v. I r xor on Nils been .onfined
fiery of elle chief then, and .tore-
( uratedecapitatedt hem.
1 y
till ) r;t••e far of •t barrel of oranges
n s
hill lUllSe iLt ].hfi6 f
to ) 1 IIr x oI a weekwas
kith a sr were cold, contra(:ti)el when
IIO tIhL1S aliGlhaLC' the ct esympathy °f
1'41. i
1. to 1.1,111fax as 11.nc1 Lal (i0 cents
� e
to �Te1v York, :ur:l 77 cents to Mon-
. Pictou visiting hit; mother, lie
? large Erortion of 'the Northern -fid-
Lllls, who, if they CIO not OPO'l-
trent by New York. Fruit had, there-
in recowerint; 11o1r, and r,Spects to
y Jai the 5outhcrn 1licljertains in
faro„ to be shillp,wd by Now York and
leave for Isin;;ston on 'Sa.turday to
n.ssuxxle his d -hies as I'r}ncipatl of
allegiance to the Britisl, will at any
I,oston. Ito nn:lrrstoa3 that rho
C tna(1fan I'anifie. hate Mader cansid-
Queen's. I
rn.te not assist the 11t11lah.
rl'nc lilst felw touches are being
c+raa,tioll the icloa, of :rennin;; their
IF),txcn-haircal little Robbie 1111-
bourn(, eil.,ht years Oki, lies in fieri
filven in Aldershot O the Spacial
own strainers It,, tu-nen St..lohn and
,inmate&. As for the present service,
at his }tomo an Alr,xan,Jvr street To- (
tion of the -::3rd Telegraph Bat-
ltoya.l Eliglneors, •Itnder orders
1Ir, Iiurkr� fia,v^ it is painfully anti -
gwatrd, an un(i!is};tii7 eel delusion, and
rarnto, an oil.o victim of it I
for against the. Ifli'llal,
tit aul;htless uta:, ne1•erthele:,s trace ,
prank Oa) the) part of four school- I
rhO sPetiOn which will be Com-
llorably ]ack}n i all modern
1 it n n
equillinoni, .tit nbr'°lute failure.,' He
alate:i. Thr. uuCartt)nato earl iy lett leg
Is bent into it, V sheipe, and lid sol (SIOnrr3
>yc}5er1 of -eight non -commis-
officers (ILII hien, will be com-
iuLys thin 'elite 1nalent()nt for closer
coinn orot:t1 rclationa) with Canada is
fers syn.:li pilin that he cannoL bear
mantled by Capt. G. 11 Roberts, R.
L•., an °Tierra' of consl(P,rable oXper-
enJorised til t}le island.
to be Moved. Ile will be fortunat'te
genre in the Sondan,
it ho doics not become at life-long.;
from trc�tttw(nL to which
A great (_m-l.ntityof telegraph
a h naa-
aerial -villi be taken, amoig
� 111canin,•r, Of Colors.
ti'h:ite is thO cater of light, purity,
},e }>a,s been sai,)jeato:l.
rltlle ,'gorritton inquoA Inas been ad-
are several limidreds of miles of
ill•Ileceney, falth., joy and', life. 7Bfaolc
journed till Ja.11.:.31.
noble and alt -lino apparatus. YO
vehicles are to be task.on,
'meoats mourning, wickcdnerss anti
deLlth. Rod si�,n,i.fie,s fire,, divine love,,;
as every-
thing is being arranged for Cantel
and, 1ldsciom. Blue ,stands for heaven.
transport. I
from; a celestial origin, con,
A score of Itvos wore lost through I
stanny and f1dality. Yellow or gold }a
the symbol of the nun, of mn.rri.n�;e,
floods in Austria.
David Fleming, of Inilladelphia, I a.,
and faithfulneasrs ; }rt a, bad sense pe1-'
-Wo hundred tbou.sand lf7LL1FCr rf-
files have, been ordered for the '.%fork- 1000
against -whom a ,verdict of -over 1$6,-
was rend^red• to the Supreme
IGIV 6"t,gn6fi.fhS InOOnfdtanL:y, jci,3ousq
and dc-eelt. Green, the Pmrrtt,ld, is the
ash army. 1
'Court about a rnon,i•11 090 at Eliza-
bethtowil, in the A'dirondacks, 1ia•s
0alor' of spring, hope, pctrti.cuJru,ly Of
the h0p4 of fmnlort ill.t:y and of vio-
fr-or-vc tare baric was wrecked
1 A g t t
off the 'Washington coast, eight
refused to pay the judgment, and has
surrendered himself to Sheriff Ad-
tory, as the color of the laurel alxe
men drotwned, I
loins, tit I',lizabetlitown, where he
pa,Ixn•. tsi.gnifiNg lovo and truth,
err', fl,$Aon rind sufferlli . Purple, and
The •foveate, for. the year from the
n tlSt stay on 'fon the jaAl limits,, for
soarllat . ]if tViln s oo and t ten
]British griail] registra,tzon duties and
a period of six months. . , . '' -
frolW a Copllossal origin �
.... ... ..-.• I .