The Herald, 1903-01-16, Page 44
.f''HF Z[,.JNle 1` '(Ll -A1 -.L
TERMS OP SUBSQk U1'T'ION:—$1.00 per
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it will be sent until. such order is given
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r ADVERTISING, RATES.—Trans i e r t
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
eachsubsequent insertion. Small Advs.
aueh ae"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen wi,1
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25
eents for each subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of advertisement must
be handed in not later than Tuesday night
of each week to insure change in follow-
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Notices for Church en-
tertainments or other benevolent institu-
tion at special rates. -
Contraets for column, half-eolumn and
quarter-eolumn rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
communications to
The 1 -Mer .,1
Iwheat bran, 3 lbs. bs'ewors. t r Gins,
food lues often be substitntoct:` or alinnet' part of the hay with schen•
trite to the animals''• appetite and
Where the work is harder, the
amount of grain in the ration
should be increased.; • but the
amount of, hay should retrain sta
tionary . The iucreesc in feed
should be greater proportionately
than the increase in the 'amount
of work done, end as a general rule
old horses should be feel better
than young ones. That judgement
which comes Of experience will
always be a safer guide than any -
mechanical rules for feeding, but
this is certain however ; whatever
feeding stuffs are used, and what,
ever order of feeding is adopted,
regularity and uniformity should
at all times prevail in both feeding
and watering. If water is always
available, a horse will not take too
much to injure himself, but with
working horses it will always be
found better to give, them their
regular and largest "supply pre-
vious to feeding, :init may also
be well to supply a limited tp antity
after feeding. When much heated
or fatigued a horse should have
water only in small quantities.
The Arabs have a proverb.—
' FRIDAY; JANUARY 10; 1003. „R
t ilage, roots onother green
est and fat aro . the greatest
enemies of the horse." Hurd labor
FEEDING WORK HORSES, or an abundance of exercise should
go hand in hand with heavy feed -
Food required by the working ing, and when a period of idleness
horses.—The horse has a smaller comes for the horse the grain ra-
d tion should be cut .town one half at
stomach tlian elle os, an c ---� least,or even withdrawn altogether
Itquentlyaaiust be fed less ata time. where the fodder is of particularly
It has less power to digest coarse
foods. It eats much slower, as it good quality.
must, do all its chewing before the •\'\'. l', howARns lI:a:'rrion OF PEED-
food is swallowed. For these ING:—Some years ago the \� . C
reasons it requires a longer time to Edwards Co., of Rockland, Ont.,
eat, and its food should be more adopted at system of feeding their
itwants only a little horses •which has proved vel•,
concentrated. satisfactory. Mr. Edwards gives
coarse food at a time. l4Iost people the following description of it :—
feed too esmuch rather than t "We elu )lo, slt forty horses about
little, • especially of hay.1 y y
our mills here in the summer sett -
According to the tables of standard
~ed by the German son. In the rear of our stables we
s prep
Investigations, a 1000 pound horse have .a feed room where our cut
1 bedding and 'it bay,
requires 11.4 pounds of digesible
Complaints Made Regarding Amari -
can Wheat.
, Berlin, Jan. 14. --The Society of
(:rain Dealers . of the iluanbur 'Worse
Bars pu4>lislted the .following notice
- Lainewed rohnpla'nti •tgatus.t the inter-
ior quality of A ;akar( shipments 'of Intended to Sack the•Town of Cu -
wheat and corn have been made to liie maga, in Eerniudez State-152any
Doe 1 of Managers. The latter, there-
fore, intend. to as ain make a protest Prisoners 'Taken.
to the American 1'roduce Exchange in
order to remedy the evils complained
of, and to secure strict supervision of
straw for Iec c in. our c:t
tc, n 1 r Utlncl i'
food daily when doing, moderate oa a c t r red are kept
13.6 pounds for average work
and 16.6 pounds for heavy work,
With a basal ration of • 10 pounds
of hay, the grain needed to furnish
the above quantities of digestible h(rur., lief. we it is feel. The ground
nutrients, when consisting of a
feed is mixed dry, and before feed -
mixture in equal parts of corn and ingfeat is thoroughly mixed with the
oats, would be approximately '11.5 wilt hay. The ration we started
pounds, 15 pounds and 20 pounds
here we have two mixing boxes
where the rations for the horses
are mixed before feeding; the cut
ha;; i - put into these boxes and is
thor'.tighlt- soak with water 12
for the three sorts of labor.
Lrvaalard who made observations
covering a number of years with
32, 000 omnibus, army, and draft
horses, came to the conclusion that
a horse performing ordinary work
requires at the rate of digestible
nutrients per 100 pounds of live
weight. This is equivalent to 12.1
pounds of digestible food daily for
a 1000 pound horse, a quantity not
inconsistent with the German
Suitable foods For horees.—Jt is
necessary especially with' hard
working horses, that a large pro-
portion of the daily ration be .com-
posed of the snore concentrated
feeding stuffs. A horse would have is this the case, but our horses are
to consume over 401bs.. of hay to healthier and better in every way.
obtain 17.7 lbs. daily of digestible
out 'with was 4 lbs. cut hay, 3.4 lb.
bran and 5 lbs. ground oats and
barley to each horse night and
morning, and four lbs. dry oats at
noon only. Our horses are gener-
ally of large size, and are doing
excessively hard. work, and we
found this ration too small for
thein and we gradually increased
it until we settled down to this :-
5 lbs. hay, five lbs. ground grain,
and % pound of bran to each horse
morning and night, and 8 lbs of
dry oats at noon only (no hay), and
this we find ample for the largest
horses doing the most excessive
work. Our saving is at least 10 lbs.
of hay per day for each horse, and
6 lbs. of grain for each. Not only
nutrients. the approxinate amount
required by a horse at severe labor.
Ten to twelve pounds of hay daily
is quite sufficent for a draft horse.
The mangers of work horses on
farms are kept constantly supplied
with hay, which is not only waste-
ful but injurious to the animal as
well. Recent researches have shown
that muscular effort is largely sus-
tained by the carbo—hydrates an d
and fats of the food, and it is prob-
ably true that rations composed of
the ordinary farm produc ts.
meadow hay,straw,silage,roots and
two cereal grains will be found suf-
ficiently rich in protein without
the addition. of nitrogenous feeding-
eedingstuffs: Doubtless in cases of heavy
labor, the additon of a little oil
meal or other nitrogenous food
would be beneficial. According to
the German standards the nutritive
ratio should be from 1.7 to 1.6 ac-
cording to the severity of labor,
the daily weight of protein to be
from 1.5 to 2,5 pounds. Oats are
regarded by many as essential to
the maintenance of the driving or
working horse, but many other
foods are successfully used in their
place, wheat bran, corn barley
dried brewers' grains etc.,are often
used instead of oats without any
bad results, and frequently with
,,with considerable advantage in the
cost of the ration. titnc+thy hay,
although not particuti r ly rich in
digestible nutrients, in preferred
by most horsemen, chiefly on 'ac-
count of the freedom from dust,and
the ease with which it may distin-
guished from other grasses. With
wl'rking horses whose sustenance
is largely supplied by the grain
food, timothy is probably the most
satisfactory roughage, but bright
clean clover is excellent for idle
horses and colts, and requires very
little grain in addition to form a
suitable ration.
good rations for 1000 pound horses
at Moderate work are suggested by
.Jordan —(1) 10 lbs. timothy or
mixed hay, 11% lbs. oats. (2) 10
lbs. hay, 10%lbs. oats and barley
y,, n. Y
equal parts by weight. (3) 10 lbs.
hay, 8 lbs. oats, 4 lbs. -brewers'
grains. • (4) 10 lbs. hay, 8 lbs, eats,
4 lbs, wheat bran. (5) 11 lbs hay,
3.y‘ lbs, corn, 4 lbs. wheat bran, 4
lbt. brewers' grains. (6) 10 lbs,
hay, 5 lbs, corn,. 4% lbs. barley.
6) 10 lbs, hay', 5 Ms. Dorn, 6'
Wheat bran. (8) 10 lbs, hay, 5 lbs.
corn, 6 lbs, brewers" grains. (9)
40 lbs. bay, 41 lbs barley, 4 the,
Under the old system it was a
common thing for us to lose from
one to five horses every summer
with eolic and inflammation, but in
the past seven summers in the neR'
system uot,only have we not lost
one horse, but we have not had a
sick horse. A mueh smaller ration
than we feed would be ample for
farm horses, or for any horses
doing ordinary work: We may
add, also, that with this system of
feeding hay together wit11 the free
use of wheat, bran and a little
ground oats mixed with it, we find
that we can develop colts in a man-
ner that we have never seen them
developed before."
F. W. Hodson,
Live Stock Commissioner,
"He who has ]health has hope ;
and he who has hope has every-
thing." But hope flees at the ap-
proach of kidney disease with the
dreadful pains which accompany
it. With the flesh gradually fail-
ing, the backaehing, and the des-
pair which often comes to victims
of these ailments, only the use of
Dr .Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will
res tore bol:e,confldtnce and health
One pill a dose, 25 cents a box.
People Niko
Have Used It
• The Western Dairymen, t '
B-entford, Jan. 13. -The nth annual
convention of the Dairyreu'a Associa-'
Lion. of western Ontario opened in the
Opera House ]fere to -day, with a satis-
factory attendance. This ei'etting the
dial greeting was extended to dela-
gates by Mayor M. K. Halloran on bo-
half •of the city, and papers of general
interest were (elivered.
Grain is Higher Firm Tone In tho
Live Stock Markets.
Tuesday .Evening, Jan. 13.-
Toronto St. Lawrence Market. -
Snowdrifts block the musts). smuts In
every direction, eonsequtntly receipts at die
St. Lawrence S1arket were very light and
business generally hull. The total grain re-
cetpts amounted to ;300 bushels.
1\'ileat--Is slightly firmer; 100 bushels
each o' red and white sold at 70c per bush-
el, and 100 bushels of goose sold at 1;-t>f,c
to 05e.
Oats—Were firmer, There re wt t e no trans-
actious, but quotation:, are ;1st}: e to Sae perbushel.
Eggs—Trade Butter and gs--Traube was dull, with
Sight receipt.. and quiet demand. Prices
reuutin about steady.
Hay—Receipts amounted to about 12
loads. Nu. 1 timothy sold easter at $12 to
$15 per tun Lula mixed or clover at $7 to
Straw—Item:11ns steady. Two loads soldat $J and ,lo per ton.
Dressed Hogs—The receipts to. lay were
fair. There Is ;t goof•[ cetntu>d from the M-
eal butchers, but holders v; et'i' firm. as they
are able durhlg the cold weather to stay!:
the hors. Prleev (pintail re $7.75 to $3.25art farmers. waggons here, nod probably' 230
more would. be paid for small lots of 1.1101(0
light hogs.
Toronto Live Stock.
Trade at the Toronto Cattle .Market to•
day was quite brisk. 'file oll'0rinest Leo.a
fah•. bet not large, 5aruw bht(•kades on 11111
rullruatls beta; respmistble 1"ur the lute au'-
rival of many vonsignutents. Prices were
well tuaintained thruughont, autd in some
cases went above quotations for extra
choice stork. The excellent demand eel-
• dent. coupled with the small receipts. help-
ed to keep priers of some stook slightly
higher than tate actual quality of the stub
u•t11•ra11tt,d. A fete extra t•hule•e lois were
on the market and fetched fauc•y prlees.
The total run was 114 loads -92n cattle, 5:14
sheep, 734 hogs and 21 cubes.
Export (';tale—Tire ()inn tags 17010 not
plentiful, but iu must 111505 of fair quality.
The demand was not strong, and there was
an cosy tendency- In the tune of the mar-
ket. This feeling Is, however, not likely to
last and quotations are unehauhged. The
highest price paid' fur good ('11ttie today
seas ,$3,50 per cwt.
Butchers' cattle—The demand ryas brisk,
while the supply wa•i to some extent ntnit-
ed. Priers 101 this ,Yasuo Were Vet•y firm.
The quality of the stuff 0:t'eting was fair to
good, but not 80 muds 50 as to Justify She
good prices paid. The bursa demand gave
the market 0 strung feeling. which floes not
affect quotations.
Balch Cows --About 15 cows Were offered,
mostly of fair quality. 'No extras fine stook
was on baud and prices remained steady at
$nu to $50 apiece.
Sheep and Lambs—Remain about stteatly.
There was a good trade atoll at slightly firm-
er tendency in prices, with quotations un-
hogs—Receipts were fairly large 11110
trade was brisk. Paves remain unchanged,
with the demand continuing good.
(salves—Are steady. The demand for good
stock is still evident. Iso -day's otret•Ings
sold readily at fair prises, with a slight
tendency to firmness.
East Buffalo. Cattle Market,
Say that Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine affords wonderfully
iprompt relief for coughs and colds,
vet body has confidence in Dr. Chase,
In his great recipe bookand famous
family,remedies. 'J:hey have learned by
experience that it pays to insist on hav-
ing Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
Turpentine instead of accepting the
various unscientific "mix-ups" which
Nome druggfsta offer as "just as good."
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseh1 and
Turpentine contains many of the most
valuable and most effective' remedial
*gents for' throat and lung• troubles
that science has diseovered'r It acts
No directly and promptly as to he of
incalculable worth in all cases of croup,
bronchitis and whoeping cough. It is
so far-reaching in its effects as to
loosen the tightest chest cough and
cure the cold of long' standing. 25e a
bottle ; family size, three times alt
touch, P)Oc, at all dealers', or Edman-
son, Bates & Co., Toronto.
Dr.Chase's Syrup
e. tin N
and �'nrp�n+�
• East Buffalo, Tan, 13, --Cattle -Receipts,
1,700'!ead; fairly active, ,rte to 20c lower,
seals steady; tops_, $U to $9.7o; eounnon to
good, $5,50 t0 $5.73. I I u---1t0(r Ipts, 14.700
head; active; steady to .[roux heavy, $0,50
to $13.00; mixed, $0.75 to $0.40; Yorltetz
and pigs, $0,70 to $0.75; roughs, .r5.13 to
$0.10 Stags, $4.75 i to $ t,23. Sheep tied
lambs—Receipts. 10,1(10 head; 10c to _.;e
lower; top lambs, $0.30 to $0 .55; culls to
good, $4.25 to $043; yearlings $3 to 143.21;
ewes, $4.2.' to $1,30; sheep, lop lyixed, :$4
to $4.23; culls to good, $:3 to $3.00.
Chicago Live Stock,
Chteatgo, Ttu1. 1;3,-- ('suit' -•Receipts, 0,300,including 400 Texans; sloe; good to prime
steers, x$3.23 to St; 15; poor to medium.$3.'2 i to $3; storlters and feelers, $.. ',-, to
x4.00 cows, $1,401 to i4 00: heifer $2 to
`3: canners, $1.4(1 to $' a0; bulls $.2.23 to
$4.40; enIVeS, $11.50 to $7.10, resit, red-
8teers, $1.73 to $4.73. hugs—fteeelltls to-
day. 32,01)1'; to -morrow, 113,000; lett over;
0.000; opened steady null 15c lower; (Stew!'
See to 1.5e lower; mixed and Mashers ,
$0.25 to $0,33; good to choice heavy, $11.03
to 50.00; rough heavy, $6,30 to $0.35; light.
$5.00 to $13.23; bulk of sales al $0,10 to
$0.00, $heap--liic'eipts, 10,1(110; sheep
steady- to lower; Iambs toe to oft lower
aoorl to choice wether., 5.1,25 to $4.75; fair
to choice nixed, 51.21 to $4.23,
Leading Wheat Markets.
Closing previous airy, ('losing to -day,
Cash Slay. Cush, Slay.
Cltica(ro 72 + t a S . , sink
New York ' .'50(3• SOIS
Toledo -. .... 751/1 Sot% 77%
\[iunenpolis .. 75?,. .
Detrolt, 2 red ., 7S?1 80 74
Duluth, 1. laird , . 74i,( 11 74%
:tllltt'aukee, 2 nem 7011S2 75% 71t..
51. Loris 711,i, 74% 70r,
• British Markets,
CAverpool, Jan, 1R,—Open tug- Wheat, snot.
firm No, 1 standard 1 a (l "_, ai16 per cental,
as sitsd: walla. no stork: So. a red whiter,
us iuy 1 to ns 114.E No 1 northern sitting,
04 steric; futures htartive; Marsh, Its 1ysd=
• May, 0i, %d N. (:Urn, spot. s ,
mixed American per modes old, nominal;
• 4s 17d to 4, 11 d; futures rex in e'
! 111110th
-el 4s 7%d; Morel", 4s ;,%d Ns l[ny,
41 2:Ad 31. Fiout, Minneapolis, -0s 80 to 21s -
1,nnrlon, 1511, 1 .—ope tilt •--w'heat, on pas-
satat rather firmer; (argots; about No. i
California. batt November, itis 00 sellers;
iron prompt, 31s st lleh s; \Valla, trolly
0 ,
white 'passage, 20s (id sellers La plata,
f.o.1 t taniiat3' and 1`edtranr 00
sellers. Engi tIt country markets of res•
term*. firm. (`aro, ell passage, less 01101-
ltg; sargoes of mixed.ttm'risenn, sill grade,
launairy 81(0 lrt:hr11:11v: _its 41/rl salters.
Weather In t aghlual, frost.
Landon --Close W ht tst steady. Corn, spot
quotations, Anterial, "nixed, 24s, Mous,
3011)011(1ph ,d.
Paris, .l0l18ip( -' 3,;--fh onlur--lvh111, Sono
firm: Jannnr3. 23f. Me; 'May incl Ausatst,
221 '63e, '1"tour, tour tt, ut 1 Tannery, 292
10e; 31ay and Angnst, 21)1' Oto 1,'reuch
.country markets Brut. Weather In b'rantle,,
Palls--Close--Wheat, tone quiet; January,
22f 20(; May and Auust, 22r (30e. I four,
(one ))1(101: January, 2i)f Lie; llay and AU'
u8t, 201 cos.
Liverpool—Close—Wheat, spot firm; No.
1 silt110Ard California. as fl1/ztl; \Vella: no
stork',. spot, No. 2 red ‘winter, 38 luso 00
05 11/a1; No, 1 ntirthet'n, r. 01,40 to tis 7tt,
Far the present No, 1 northern lfranttoba
Will he used in )Harr of white spot No.
1 U.' S. Wheat furores quiet; liare]fl (;s
1.ty.0.1 value; Martel, es 111.d value; nay, Os
0140 value, C01,11, spot steady; spot, mixed
A.mericarn, per cerise], 010 nominal, new 49
Lid to 4011.14e1; futures gniet; January, 40 value3 'March, 4 33§(1value; 31aV, 44
2 A value, t''lonr, 31,1;its;apolis, 208 )d to
2s ad. .- ..
Caracas, Jan. 14.—About, 1,100 reyo-
httionists under General Manuel tIorales'
attacked Cumana in the ,State of Ber-
niudez on the 4th, 5th and Oth of this
month. •Cuniana was defended by 500
(iorertlmollt troops. :()0 Jan. 0, atter a
hard fight, -which lasted for seven hours,
and which was witnessed by the British
cruiser Tribune, the revolutionists aban-
doned the field, lavi,ig 300 Mauler ti-
tles and 211,000 cartridges behind them,
and 200 of their number prisoners in the
hands of the Uot ernntent force,. The
statement 11a2i beau obtained from rebel
,'' " "'t" t G 1 'l II had t.
11"st tat. a t a [ l n tau been t n taken
the revolutionary leader would have• al -
loved his soldiers to stir]: the town.
ILc Sultan of :Morocco 52id to be a
London, .Jan. 11. The 'Tangier corres-
pondent of The horning Leader reports
serious lighting outside of Fez. He says
the Sultan has been defeated, and that
110 escaped to the westward, War Jlin-
ister llettabbi, one of the Sultan's
strongest supporters, was killed. .111
the Consuls excepting the British repre-
(t'ntati1 U licit 0 11'.1 1' ez. 1't 4 ittlilg athunig
(he tribes is also pro:Tailing neat' enough
lo '1 tthtgtei for tile sound of iiia shout -
111 to ie heard itt tike city. The popu-
laalun or 'Tangier is alarmed, and is ask-
ing ties the protection of warships. A
lural pasha took out a force to restore
order. but he found it impossible to
proceed, and has relurned to Tangier.
in a despatch from Tangier, dated
Jan. 1.3, too vorrespIuult'itL of The Times
says:—.1 serious Valli. neiur•red to -day
two miles outside of Tangier. Several
hundred tribesmen attacked a village de-
fended 1.y only sixty men. Thu attack.
ars wore repulsed, and Eons of theta were
killed. The fighting may 1)1' resumer. at
any moment.. .1t does not. involve any
danger to 1•:mops.•':5. but it shows that
the Moorish Government i, paralyzed by
the rebellion and intapa100 of maintain-
ing order.
Vienna. Jan. 14.. _ '1'3(1 A1lgenleinez
Zeitung. which is well inioruled in po-
litical matters, expresses apprehension
of at vellisiot, between the British and
French it Morocco. The paper soya
tiu1 after tie Spanish-American. war
France and (4 ant negotiated at .special
arrangement. to take seamier Military
ant1 V01410111 10111 neti011 in Morocco, and se-
enred 1talv's neutrality by promising
her n free .hand in 'Tripoli. France,
tated by She disturbance of the balance
of power in Africa by *Great Britain's
conquest in the 'I'rtutsvaati, .says Thu
.11lgemeiuez Zeitung, has an opportun-
ity of revenge, and the restoration of
baloney of power in 1lorose°. In this
eonneetlon (treat Britain appears to be
isolated unless she obtains the support
of Germany, whose attitude. is 3111-
knot3 u.
General Baden-Powell Inas Been Ap-
London. .Lan. 14.--A telegram from
;Johannesburg anlotuu'es that (leneral
Baden-Powell has been appointed an
Inspector -General of Cavalry, rf that
he will come to England in .June to take
np• his appointment. The General has
been in (gunge of the South African
They Want the Manitoba Grain. Act
\\'i-lnipog, Jan. 14. ---•At a large meet-
ing of the Northwest (train. Dealers'
soeiation, e001p1,011 of elevator Wren, held
here, a resolution was passed
declaring, "'fit t he operation of the
Manitoba, grain act, as 1(0.30 111 1orce, is
detrimental to the best interests of the
country in restricting and interfering in
trade and 0010111eree, and is manifestly
unfair to those in the grain trade who
have capital invested in elevators, and
we -therefore request that the Domin-
ion Government bevy ,suelt legislation
enacted at the con11115 session of 'Par-
tiantcnt as tvi,l remove such restrictions
and make the operations of said net
fa 10 a1tl egttittt,ble to all." litter in
the day, at the request of 1 he grain
dealers, Tion. _\1r. Sifton, Minister of
the Interior, attended the meeting, when
uh•' s
the 3 ( 1 r oltttiu )
t was presented.
The \Bolster said in reply that it was
out of his power to say how or when
the amendments --if there were to be
any amendments in the grain act—will
be brought; ltbnut,bnt when 'they are next
bought lip the representatives of the,
assnc•i,11 inn would have the fullest and
freest opportunity to discuss the whole
subject: with the 1 e nti'mher
1 s. He would
1101 saute to say that tic House would
adopt their views: He entertained
doubts es to that.
r t is { J et ,Ye r
You will need a good strong pail' of Shoes. We
have what you want.
Men's Heavy Shoe, a
dandy, only. . .
eisp,.13++8.-1C-Sse•,.S-S`p. Sassmeq-sas.s3s-
f w Bargai s n tarrner Good
Call and see them before they go.
-si+ 1aC4ssEissO.C;13Va3Y+i
G. /OH
) M"°ate;;e r „M EM210. 2„
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription fel'-111e11, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. T11ey are easy to take. 'I'hey
are glade of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripens Tabules
are widely alse(1 by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable,
honest remedy. witi.l a long and successful record,
to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
born constipation. offensive breath. heartburn,
dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, solo' stomach, bowel and
liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom-
achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural. sleep.
Everybody derives (constant benefit from a reatl-
Iar use of Iiipaus Tabule~. Your druggist sells
them. The fire -cent packet is enough for an
ordinary oc•('asion. The l+amily,I3ottle, GO eeuts,
contains a supply for :1, year.
Blockade to Continue.
London, ',Tarn, 14 —President Castro's
request that the powers raise the block -
tide of the' coast of \'eneztlela is still un-
der..discussion. The Foreign Office in •
clines to the belief that a suspension cf '
the blac:katle would reduce matters to
the same status than existed at the be-
ginning of the tliepnte, and it appears '
probable 14
that 0810 an expedient is de-
cised (creat Britain will it'ch'ocate aL eon- '
tinuankr of the blockade in some forma.
Berlin, ,tan. 1:1.---'l'he Foreign Otiive of-
0011315 here, ('on:I:renting o11 the state-
ment; -that Italy is supporting President
11 ,.
Castro <in his ileulitnd that the powers
raise the bicedeade before eenlmeneing
negotiations art Washington, Say this is
quite incredible. They also assert that
the United States has not aakodethat•1
the blockade be raised
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