The Herald, 1903-01-16, Page 21;
OF THE 1C.�g
By Derck Vane.
*vie`'"".ke^^avw.e. r^5
She had just returned from the
erosveled concert halt, where she lead Base wondered," he repeated, " if
enjoyed •a veritable • trium• h. Her you would like
ICeee was flushed and smiling, and she wlg 1"
11•el•1 in iter teinds the great bon- flighting up with joy "Need
said quickly. "He needs a great deal
of care—be could not stand much."
Ceuta d he mean that they her
.oi y
no longer? She' asked herself, with
a thrill o1 feria
"as yeti say, he • needs 'a great
deal Of care," he answered, slowly.
"Hcy also needs more comfort and
different surroundings to what I
can 'give him. I have wondered—I
pto take him with you
w teYl you •o .
} . , "Like to take hint ?" she 'echoed,
lief nue
l civet of i o;c'e, her favorite flower, you ask me ?If
eWhIch had bani given her as she left "No; perhaps not, I have thought
the platla.m. She tva.s recalled to that yon seemed attached to .him,"
Jeer suri•o..nuings by the voice of her "Attached ?" she repeated again,
Mold, Fanchon, with a laugh. "I love him with all I
"There is a teiegra,r for madame ; my heart. I couldn't bear to be
parted from him now. But don't
you mind ?" looking at him with
inward resentment at 'him for his
indifference. "Won't you be very
lonely* without him ?" t
"It will be best for the child to
be with you a time at least, I
think, as you are willing to have
1 n
o r the ladle," she eakl. "Denise
picked it tip; it wa.s addressed to
"'Mrs. Fie weir," wheel Wad unusual.
She wasir...own to London wo?id and
her fc•ieu e: as " Al:uiaine Elena." She
opened it &liarply. it was brief and
to the
"I think it raja .;lit to let you know
that the gray• le seriously i11.—Mich- hit . pis you say, he is not strong
e'e1•" enough to stand any shock, and he
Uxnconsciouale she crushed the would miss you.. I suppose your
message lit ice hand, and her engagements will necessitate your
thoughts dew Lc. the Lintoinshire return to town soon ?"
.village wile, e it hail ben written. "Yes, I thought to have gone be-
i "lii•!nk r au :A. B. l'.' and track fore," flushing at his evident anxiety
a hag. 1 tee ac,leg into the country.' to get rid of her. "We will go as
"1 Wo:i.x-.• Z. alts i.,• really very ill?" soon as the doctor says he can tray -
she poncie. e 1 as sue sat hi the train. el." Then, as he was leaving the
"1 tuiek lee i,a•_•1 t; i tud eearcely have room. "I—I should like to thank
:sent fox me u tic ss he were. The you very much for trusting me — for
rae E..i.IS Wil. it awkward and un- letting me have him."
•coue.o: sabl , toe to. him a,s for me. Dour "There is no need. I have been
left 0 M. h :el - 11 t at nam; to give thinking it over, and It seems best
ti. cilia ti -1 weeder what he is like .for the boy," he answered, as he ,
, .. wit.. v. a lees*. or Il,- closed the door.
tieiresliu. eli:le!. 1 remember he was "Of course there would be no
eh. rccog.;.ia.-.1 a i'aan.liar gateo-ay; hates me so much now? Once upon
a time," the rose color in her
cheeks growing deeper, "I am sire
he eared for me more than a little
in his curious restrained way."
It was still early when she went
upstairs to bed, but she was tired
"I will go up a:t once, if I may," o'f her own company. As she lit the
and before: II email could raise: any candles the boy opened his eyes—'
objietion .:fee 3,1: WI. half way up the he slept in a little bed in her own
stairs. room now—and called to her.
What a great room it was. And "I'm not a bit sleepy. Come and
bow solitary those two tigures talk to me, mother," he said. She
Looked in • it. sat down in the low chair, and
'"1 am rb rt• to trouble you," the laid her head on his pillow, as he
'soman saki, getting up as she moved. :liked to have her.
"I am afrai,l you have had a long, ""I've got something to tell you,
: tired jour rcey ; but I thought you sweetheart," she said, tucking one
;:ought to kr:ow." of his hands under her cheek. "What
"Oh, you poor little soul!" she do you think has happened? You
,cried, a sob in her voice, and the are to come with me to mother's '
. ext moment her arms were over home. How will you like thaty?"
Itlie bed, and the little figure was A wiser and more prudent mother ,
!gathered to her breast, where she would have hesitated to excite the
lerooned over it, calling him her child at that hour, but Denise was
;baby, her little Michael', whom she a creature of impulse.
Tea a so a. g Go'away with you and see all
lberself and showering soft kisses on
Itsthe wan face in the same breath.
"He is very weak ; younust not ex -
!bite him," a warning voice Said. •
"I shall not hurt him," she said,
!holding the boy closer to ger breast.
""8ee,, he is already more content."
I'�he little face certainly looked lees
'tired and troubled, and one wasted
aro,. had gone up around her neck,
while he made himself at home as a
matter o: ;:parse in those' unknown
as . % ,
"ries he been long like this?" she 1 the beautiful things you have told
• bbefo e "You ought to have told me j me mother?t How Do y1o'vely1"really
mean it.
""Ile was never strong, as you may ' up in bed with shining eyes, "and
erermember," he answered, coldly. "He is father coming, too?"
sloes+ not take after my fainly; he : "Father does not want to come,
= for w.Lxlatlh and sunshine, as darling."' The childish face grew
you did. 1 !must remind you that you grave.
baavo never given me reason to think i "It will be dull for father all
yon took aey particular interest in ! alone here," he said seriously. "You
him. I was not at all certain you i ask hind to come, mdther,; he'll
would coxae now;"' come for youe"
"Not came?" she exclaimed. Then "Not for nie,for me, perhaps least
she remembered. "1 beg your pardon," • of all," she murmured, forgetting
;she said humbly; "you are quite right.' that she was talking to a child;
lit isI 11rho am to blame—I who am in but little Michael was wiser than
the wrong. But—but," bee voice his years.
;growing husky, "I did not know be I "Go. now, mother," he said, coax-
lev'anted mel so badly. I was 6o young , ingly. "Try - Wait, I'll
when' I went away—I am, not very ' tell you a secret ; �it can't be
old now—and I did not understand ' wrong to tell you. Father keeps a
Many things. Perhaps if you had rea- picture of you locked up, and I saw
enamel with me—if you ha.d pointed him looking at it one night, and
! '-'--" —and," in an awed whisper, " he
"Do you. think I wanted a captive kissed it before he put it away.
';lnistead of a wife?" he asked harshly. People must love a person very
"I saw how you fretted and pined like ! much', to kiss their picture, mustn't
to oay ed creature. I saw the hunted they, mother ?" Kisses had been
,look in your eyed; I knell-; you would rare luxuries in his life.
• wear your life, out in a. little If it "Kissed my picture? Are you sure,
went on." little Michael ?" The child nodded,
"It. was so dull—so dreary," she
• murmured, "and nobody wanted me,
not even youI, I think, after a little
-now? !d' it
,liv:ter e: y . ei ;." thought of me in it," she said. to
After a cirii e cif nearly an hour herself bitterly. "I wonder why he
she remenexere.l the o✓1 coat -of -arms
cut in the s.anework, though she
could not see it no:-, with the mot-
to. "1 livc+e 1 d,e 1e
•'Master. is up ;Lairs.," old Hannah
saia, diata;rcly, in reply to Denise's
}Riad t t d b diy, reproaching
A public-spirited association, anxious to
relieve slckness,will be glad to send dyspepsia
sufferers an illustrated book explaining the
cause of dyspepsia and pointing out a cure.
It has brought joy and health to thousands.
It is absolutely free. Write to -day. Do not
pass by this generous offer. Address Ameri-
can Health Improvement Association, P. O.
Box 5316, Boston.
watching her intently. Denise
thought of how she was going to
make the desolate home more dew -
:whale. 1 ought not to have married." Late, and the tears rushed to her
"No doubt, it wag a mistake, but in eyes.
f$astioe I must say that that was "I'll try, my sonny—I'll try far
!more my fault than yours. I was your sake,", she cried, and she went
'yearns older, and I took advantage of from the room. Her heart was
your youth and ignorance to fasten beating fast with fear and excite -
aa bond on you of which you did not. meet as she hurried downstairs be -
;Understand the import. You have the fore her courage failed her. What
fife that suits you ; you were free to if he should be angry ; what if
Igo soup ower way." he should repulse her. She shivered
"As you pours." at the ,thought.
She softly opened the library door
"As I sone."' Something in,the voice where he was in the habit of sit -
made Denise move uneasily. For six ting at night. A lamp was burn -
!years the man and the child had lived big dimly on the table in the centre
; Here together ; her hasbar,d, her child. of the room, and its light fell on
eVor six 'ears she had nearly forgot- the bowed head of a man ; some ,
ten thein both 1. not quite, though sb.e books and papers had been overturn- '
!had tried to do• so. The man, and the ing as be threw out his arms and
Icbild had been growing old together mutely emphasized that aspect of
i --without love or happiness—while despair. Denise forgot her fears.
!she had laughed and sung. There "Michael i" she cried, in a sobbing
was nothing young in the house --not voice, her arm round his neck, her
!even the little form she held in her cheek to his—"Michael, I've been a
!etono. , t
Denise was strolling along bad m.e, bat I want be a beC-
ter one. Will you take me back?"
. ' g b one evening in the ftyded drawing room He looked up and saw she saw that
,When her husband came in. As a his eyes were wet.
rule she new very little of him; "Is that
you?" he said,
heavily.theyseemed to avoideaeh other by 'What
is it ---what has happened?"
tacit consent, "Nothing," softly, "except that 1
":There is a ametbing I wish�� to have found out that I want you.
Say to you! if you are at leisure, he We both want you, little Michael and
!began. L You won't send us away or you
"I amu quite at your service," she will come, toxo 7"
answered "i.ittle M chael is in bed "Want me --you?" he said in a
• and asleep, and I have nothing to husky whisper. "Is it really true,
id, o.," Denise 7" He held her in his arms •
"It.Is about him I wish to speak," as one holds something very precious
Imo said, as he sat down. "He is ale that one is afraid to touch "I had
lllost well again now." almost given up praying and bop -
"He is very delidate still," she lieg "—Philadelphia Telegraph.
elaaafeS ` `'+ ,',e , ;aye' `'„t.•,e 4/AMT., s •;n''N C:i;: ,r., a^• 1;70e, iv)
Why do we wear
y &x
Rubbers ,'toll
Dealers all over Dominion say they give better satis-
faction than any others. The they people sayfit better,
look better, wear better.—Because they are honestly
made out of pure new ew rubber,
"Granby rubbers wear like iron.”
.,..6..11.1,... _.. 1111....,
dss if Flesh
When you can't eat break.
fast, .take Scott's Emulsion. you ou can't eat bread
and butter,, take . Scott's
you When have
been living on a milk diet and,
want something a little more
nourishing, take Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener, a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
toasues, not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all,
bone, flesh, blood and
F,r invalids, for con-
valescents, for consumptives,
for weak children, for all
who need flesh, Scott's
Emulsion is a rich and com-
fortable food, and a natural
Scott's Emulsion for bone,
flesh, blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free sample.
Be sure that this picture
In the form of a label is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. and $1 r all druggists.
The Socialistic Tendency.
Detr:xit Free Press.
Mho people are coming to believe
that organized capital seems to have
little sense of responsibility and in
eeeking to avoid this Charbydis of
irresponsible capital they are dash-
ing toward the Scylla of socialism.
The! tendency is not to be mistaken,
and in awakening to the serious-
ness of the situation men cannot af-
ford to blind themselves to the true
To prove to you . that Dr.
Chase's Ointment is a certain
and absolute ours for each
and every form of itching.
bleecling and protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors what they think or it. You can use it and
gob Sour money back if not cured. 60c a box, at
all dealers or EDbiANSON,BATES & CO.,Toronto,
Drs, Chase's Off alert
There are Many Prescriptions but the
Subjoined is Recommended.
In old farmer—old enough to know
better—says that the way to cure
r scow of kicking is to catch her
by the leg just as she is about to
kick, She should be grasped firmly,
aseclose to the hoof as posblbie, and
tbo grip must not relax until the
kicking impulse is over, Of course the
kick must be headed off, as it were,
and not met half way, nor even
three-quarters way. It is a good
idea to get the hired man to accus-
tom himself to this simple fact,
but at the same time it must net
be forgotten that a good hired inan
pan easily be spoiled by careless in-
attention to directions.
At first It might be well to use
a cowcatcher or possibly an ordinary
fender, together with a °atelier's
mask and padded gloves. Naturally it
will be well to conceal your appear-
ance from the cowl as much as pos.
sable, because so many cows are timi.l
and easily scared by strange object:.
`hen when the mew slightly raises his
poor and shivers apprehensively along
the ankle don't wait for further de-
velopments, but' grasp the lower
leg firmly and hang on for dear lite„
A man named Mullins bad a kicking
cow of fourteen horse -power aid
somebody told him about the grab -
the -leg cure. Mullins told it to his
hired man. The hired man had had
the milking stool kicked from under
him several tunes and the milk pail
battered into scrap tin and he uaid
he would be glad to try the re-
cipe. So he put on a pillow, for
a chest protector . and jumped for
the leg as soon as -lie saw. the pre.
monitory 3 y
n or symptoms.
m oms,
Well, sir, he Went through t:he
stable window as neat as you; please,
taking the sash along with him.
When Mullins reached him he was
as dazed as a mudlark,
" 'Nearthquako ?" he feebly mut-
"No," said Mullins, "the cow kick•
ed you."
"Cow kicked me !" the hired man
repeated. "I wonder how it ha
pened?" p
"I wonder ?"' said Mullins.
But Mullins thought he knew,
though he hesitated aboutsiu'yIng so
for fear of hurting the victim's Leel-
ings-rand he was hurt enough al-
ready, i s
The trouble wail that the hired
man was so awfully cross-eyed that
be had grabbed the wrong • leg!_..
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Allis Future.
(Chicago Post.)
"Are you educating your Doll ,.for
any Particular calling ?""
"What '?"
"Well, he made his own seleotlon
and ae near are I can find out he is
educating himself to be the husband
of an helrees."f +,.... ;'....._
All the Accessories,
New Xork'World.
"I eras coming along New jersey
arcane the • other day." said lean -
tor Dubois, "and I saw two little
boys playing horse, as 1 thought.
011e boy was in a small cart and
the other boy was drawing lain.
Trailing along behind the cart same
a most disconsolate looking little
girl, a sister of one of the little
boys, I - stopped the boys, whom I
knew, and said to one Of - them :
"Tommy; what are you playing ?"
"We're playing automobile,' re-
plied Tommy.
"'Well,' I asked, 'why don't you
let elster play, too ?'
"'She is playing,' said Tommy,
'She's tile gasoline smell,"
•F,ugllsioSpavinLiniment contpletely removed
acerb from my horse. I take pleasure in
recommending the remedy, as it acts with
mysterious promptness in the removal from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood
spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and
Sold by all druggists.Markham, Ont.
Glaring Misnomer.
"At least, Miss T,ieklowell," said the
young man, pale but firm, and stand-
ing before her with folded arms "I
am entitled to an explanation."
"I never supposed„ Mr. Hox`ve1l,"
she replied, facing him with equal
firmness, "you would ask me to
merry you."
"That is not an explanation. Leav-
ing out of the question tine fact that
you have accepted my attentions for
a period of a year or morel, which
I might plead as ample justification
for my presumption, if you so con-
sider it, in proposing Marriage to
youj I atm wholly at a loss to under-
stand the reipugnance, amounting to
horror•, with which you have turned
me downs Am I so disagreeable, per-
sonally, that--"
"Noy it is not that,". she inter-
rupted, eovesing her face with her
hands. "I admire you as a gentleman
and esteem you highly as a friend!,
but can you not see—O, can you not
see?—why any nearer tie is Impos-
sible ?"
"No ! For the file of me I can't!"
"Mr. foxweli," she said, with re-
stored calmness. "I had hoped there
would be no necessity for this ex-
planation. but I can never, never
xnnrry a man with black bait and sea
grotesquely inappropriate a name as
Rufus !"—Chicago Tribune.
We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any case of Catarrh,that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business trans-
actions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
WEST & Tauri, Wholesale Druggists, To-
ledo, O.
WALDING, KrERAN & MAavIN, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,act-
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
face of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price -75e per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
In IDays of Old.
In days of old, the long ago,
When blushing belle and dashing
Drew round the cheerful Ingleside
To play the games of Christmastide,
Those merry .games, wllirh—comma it
We of to -day vote rather slow
Grandfather never golfed, I trow,
And "Bridge" was not tho social guide
In days of old.
A qulaint old age of calico, ,
Of ruffle, frill and furbelow,
An age of honest, simple pride
(When grandmamma was made a
bride) ;
'llhey' know , they kissed, and did not
Mriat microbes lurked in mistletoe.
Jahln N. Hilliard, In Life.
Gents,—I have used your 'MINAR1Y
LINIMENT In my family and also
In my stables for years, and consider'
!it the best medicine obt,alnable.
Yours ,tru'ly,
Peoprletor .Hoxton Pond Hotel and
Livery Stables.
Rexton Pond, July 4, ,1901.
And the Cardinal Wondered.
When Cardinal Manning was red -
tor of Lovi,ngton, he went to visit
a parishioner, whose ten children
had - married and left her. Every-
body'e Magazine tells of, the car-
dinal's effort to sympathize with
her. "Dame,' you must feel it lonely
now. after having had so large a
family." "Yes, sir," she said. "I do
feet! it lonesome. I've brought up a
large family, and here I am, Hying
alone. An' I misses 'em and I wants
em; 'but I misses 'em more thou I
w'ant&' 'em."
40th Anniversary
For over Forty Years
r 's s Syrup
Red Spruce a
Ran been tested and has become the
Family Cough Specific of thousands
throughout Canada and the united
States. It never was more popular
nor more largely used than it is
to -day.
Cough Remedies come and go. New
preparations are tried and abandon-
ed, but the old reliable remains.
The present is a trying sc¢aen for
both old and young, and colds, easily
caught now are apt to remain for the
winter unless promptly cored. No
better remedy cad be found than
Gray's Syrup
How to Get Rich.
Take a quantity of silica costing
one-fourth the price of oil ; mix it
With oil, and sell the compound to
the public at the price of pure oil ;
offer "prizes " with the compound
to make it sell ' It is such a
compound the public get when they
buy common soaps, in Sunlight
Soap—Octagon Bar—the public buy
a pure and well -made soap. Sun-
light Soap reduces expense by
P I' :olonging the life of the articles
washed with it, which is much mpre
profitable to the public, than com-
mon soaps with "prizes." 204
The Prayerful Ashman.
Chicago Record.
"A neighbor of mine out at Rye
bars a mast observant youngster,"
said Francis Wilson at the Players'
Club, New York, the other night.
"Not long ago he said to his mo-
ther :
Mother, I think the man who
takes away our ashos is the best
mean I kil,ofev. I 'th'ink he is even bet-
ter than father.'
"His mother expressed surprise,
and asked why he thought the ash -
man better than his father..
"'Well,' said the boy, 'he came
with a poor old mule the other day,
and after he had filled his wagon he
told the male to get up. But the
mule was tired and would not go,
Tho man whipped the mule Hard, but
even then it would not go. Then
that ,good Ivan sat down on the
grass and told the poor mule all
about Jesus and the bad place.'"
If you are coughing, take Dr. Au-
gust Koenig's SIamburg Breast Tea.
Row Scandals Arise.
Buffalo Commercial.
A religious paper published in Eng-
land makes an explanation that
shows the misleading character of
half-truths and garbled quotations.
A. rumor is abroad in London that
our minister at Canonbury is about
to remove to another sphere. There is
no foundation whatever for the ru-
mor. On the occasion of Mr. Craig's
return from his holidays, and in view
of his winter's campaign, he preached
from the text, "i will go in the
strength of the Lord God." An old
lady who was present went home
and scf°d, "Mr. Craig is going." Bence
the rumor. y, e r •
Minard's Liniment Cures Distem-
The Rights of the Court.
Buffalo NOWT.
In an Iowa court recently a law-
yer arguing his case ;became very
earnest. Then he paused a moment,
and said, "1 see Your Honor shakes
your head as to that statement, but
I desire to reaffirm what a have re-
marked." The court retorted: "I
have not intimated bow 3 shall
construe your evidence or meat my
decision shall ,be. Your remarks are
uncalled fqr." " You shook your
head," retorted the court. " There
as a fly on my, ear, and I reserve
ho right to remove it in any man-
ner I see fit. Proceed with year
argument." co
Minard's Liniment Cures target
to Cows.
Diseases of the Writing Trade.
From M. A. P.
Many occupations have diseases
which are more or less incidental to
them, and literature is not exempt.
The two most prevalent literary
maladies are writer's cramp and
swelled head. The unfortunate
thing about writer's cramp Is that
it Is never cured. The unfortunate
thing about swelled head is that it
never kills..
Minard's Liniment. Cures Colds,
A Classical Diplomatist.
Baltimore Sun.
"I thought your wife's name was
"So It is."
" Then why do you call her
Peggy ?'r
"Short for Pegasa."
"What has that to do with it ?"
"Min Pegasa is feminine for Pe-
gasus." s:
"Well 7"
"Well, Pegasus is an Immortal
"What of that?"
"Sh I 'Not so loud. She's in the
next rooxn. You see, an immortal
steed is an everlasting nag, and
there you are."
Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant—is strongly
recommended by the medical profession as
seafeguard against infectious diseases. ,s
The liuling Passion.
The rulingpassion is strong , in
death, it is averred, and many stor-
ies are told to illustrate the fact.
Not long ago a young New Yorker
of good family and education, but
prone to dissipation, was taken in
hand by his friends, who thought to
euro him of Ills fondness for liquor
by Heroic moans. They procured a
a d I tI
time a he came
home under the influence they dress-
ed him like a corpse, put hire in the
Baffin, darkened the room, but plac-
ed a few lighted candles around the
coffin and left the friend to watch
lie awoke shortly, and appeared•
greatly puzzled by the surroundings,
when, catching sight of somebody in
the room, be remarked;,
"Say, where •am' I ?"
"You're dead," answered leis friend.
"Dead! um 1 that's awkward. Say,
how Long have I been dead?"
"Theee days."
"tJm I and yctz are dead, too ?"
"Yes, Ir am dead, too:"
"Um, that's funny I Say, how long
have you been dead ?"
"Three weeks."
"Um, good, good t if you havobeen
dead three week's and 1 haye only
been dead three days you met know
more . about the place than I do.
Wtherel can we go and, get a drink?"
Ilnf'oreerneat in - Afty .hent.
Washington Poet. '
There aro a great many people
who don't know oxaetl,y what the
Monroe Doetrine is, but who are red
hot for Its enforeemont.
ISSUE NO. 3, 1903.
.ter ..,—
Mrs, Winslow's !soothing Syrupshould
always be used foren Aoethin b
soothes the child, sotens thegums cures wind
colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.,
thoroughly taught. Expert instructors, Indi-
vidual attention. Send for handsome Data.
loguefor particulare, Correspondence Depart.
WANTED,AGENTS Tit evarY town,
tend village tri
Canada to sell made to measure LADIES'
Sults,7ackets and Skirts; good commissions.
Crown Tailoring Co., Canada's Largest Tail-
ors, Toronto.
WANTED AGENTS In evens tela
� and village !n
Canada to sell MEN'S ordered clothing; good
commissions; union label. Crown Tailoring.
Co., Canada's Largest Tailors, Toronto.
WY man (without incumbrance preferred)
must be experienced in general farming an
care of stock, and be well recommended; also
a single man. Address Post Office drawer
27, Hamilton, Ont.
• Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your evenings
at home by making from $5 to $10 per week.
Address, with two cent stamp,
Butter Wanted
If any choice 1 -pound roll butter to offer
please advise by letter. Choice large rolls are •
in gond demand. Wanted. a quantity of
young chickens, dry picked. Will pay 30 cts.
per lb, for beeswax delivered in Toronto.
Consignments and correspondence solicited.
301115 J. FEE. 62 Front St. East, Toronto
m sk
10 cent Cigar
Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled
fl see -eke eireollbaSasse.
Increase the usefulness of your camera
by getting a set of our improved
Multiplying Slides
/slakes six different pictures on 4x5
plate. Can be used in any focussing
camera. Sample photo and price list
mailed upon request.
518 Queen St. West,
is one of the most important
things for every farmer to
Blood Purifier
will build up a run down horse.
It tones up the system, rids
stomach of bots, worms and
other parasites which under-
mine an animal's health.
leo cts. a package.
A -sire-
Happiness is the absence of pain, and mil-
lions have been made happy through being
a cured by ST JACOSs Orr. of RHEUMATISM,
,1 SPRAINS, BRUISES and all pains forwhich
an external remedy can be applied. 1t never
fails to cure. Thousands who have been de-
clared incurable at baths and in hospitals have
thrown awaytheir crutches, being cured after
0 using ST. JAcoss Ort. Directions in eleven
languages accompany every bottle
gyp' Iglh,"�,t 1a:�je
Great Presence of 1!jind.
The .presence of mind of an intpe-
et•nious lover . was illustrated 're-
cently at a bazaar where there was
a stall for the sale of watchcitarme.
"Ohch,armG./°rge," she said, "buy' me
lo"ciSarms nahy'," answered be. "you have
Minard's Liniment
They Were Agreed, but ---
Philadelphia Press.
"Pretty tiresome, isn't it?" rely..
marked the first man at a reception.
"It is so," replied the other.
"I'd sneak ont if I could, but my
wife would get mnd., Site's a friend
of the hostess,"
"I'd sneak' out, too, but my wife
would be furious. She's the hostess."