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The Herald, 1908-10-16, Page 4
4 The Zurich Herald, DOMPODOMIIIIDSDOMODAIIIIIDGOODGIVIDODOIIIIDGEAMISIDSDONIIDGIJ The MOLSONS14N1( 8Q Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL - - - $3,374,000 EST FUND - - $3,374,00 0 I Ha`s 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in ale the Principal Cities in the World. A A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 4t v SAGO GS at all Branches. Zurich Branch ANK :DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate. - H. ARNOLD, Manager A ftp c.^:•., a qp t, a dDCIRESSDl C OODGE4®QD®SD®©D®dU AD. ER TTS I NG '0R AOVERT 1.S.P10 "WON,lwtlp devateigthls*space regularly „.to a serlesP.orzsdver. tise,nente to; stlmulsteiliiterestl En*ourteineeh4od •Want:Ade Wet, am!' public Ityvadvocaies and praotice our ;owntproceilts 'tbo oaueolwe tapgreeiatelthelr. �vsluo.� This iaerl®i9 bo pregnant ;with pertinent points of general Interest,t whether,; you E Wishto buy torlsoagtoiemplor'lor, bs employed, to barrow or to lend; ,�t-o'flnd,sl,flde► nOf aa,stvnerr 7t inaDayriusit'sfrimfthes'd aavrrt;Lemont,. 'TMati,ls itha bes(jiroot wo have to"ott'or that %Ft be arrofltablettoiyoulti 'crWQm iCissaltlsd WasatAd: ..t LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieit'r, Notary Public, Reasall, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PRODUFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderieh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. G. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER, FRIDAY OUT, 16th, 1908 AN ADDRESS To The Electors of South Huron. Gentlemen,—On the 22nd of Jan, last you did me the honor of elect- ing me as your representative to the Dominion Parliament, for which I return you my sincere and heart -felt thanks. As Parliament has been dissolved and another election will be held on Monday, Oct. 26th, I ani again.a candidate for your suffrages .As I have only been permitted to have part of one session I think in justice to the constituency as well as to myself, it is only fair to ask a renewal of your confidence for at least a full term. This 1 now ask at your hands, and should you see fit to thus favor me, I promise you that no effort will be spared on my part to advance the best interests of my constituents and the welfare of our growing and prosperous country. Before the close of the campaign I hope to have the privilege of meeting with many of you person- ally and of discussing with you the great public issues which are now so earnestly engaging the attention of the people of this country, Again soliciting your suffrages and support, I am, Your Obedient Servant, M. Y. McLEAN, CARDS. Liberal Candidate for Sout'i Ha ron. B. S,, PHILLIPS, AUCTa®NEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. H. CI DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, T am in a position to attend to all busiue,as as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel, OR. F. A. SE.LLERY, DENTIST, GRA - &late of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons', Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto Universi'y. Painless extraction of teeth'. Plate work a•speoiality. At Dominion Nouse; Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC 1'1 I S 8 V. MAASS, Prepares 1 Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres, Address : LUTHERAN PARSONAGE, Zurich. SALE REGISTER Farm stock and implements, on Lot 28 Con. 1, Usborne, on Thursday Oct. 22nd. John Welsh proprietor, B. S. Phillips, auctioneer. Auction Salo of personal f3Cfects, on Lot 18 Con. 12, Hay, on Saturday Oct. 17th, at 2 o'clock. E. Bossenberry auctioneer, Jacob Kaercher, proprietor. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Don't forgot the baseball meet- ing this (Friday) evening. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson returned on Wednesday evening, from their visit to Palmerston. The contest between. Chicago and Detroit is the absorbing topic with baseball cranks at present. Mr, H. Randall also sustained a broken arra by his recent fall from a scaffold, besides his other injur- ies. 1 Messrs. II, Weseloh, A. Schilbe and Rudy Oesch are working a,t the Lutheran. church, Dashwood, this week. Exeter bowlers beat two rinks i from Dashwood on Thursday last, t by a score of 60 to 48, in four f names, .w, c. T. U. THE FLOUR SACK AND BEER - KEG. -Indeed !" replied the sack of .flour. "That is very fanny. I should like to have you give me an instance of a than who was provok- ed by eating a nice fresh sandwioh or a loaf of well baked bread to quarrel with his neighbor. or throw a chair at his wife, or break up the dishes, and drive his children out of the house. It is strange my plaster's customers are not arrest- ed for doing these things, while yours are. You speak of giving strength and comfort to men. How many glasses do you hold?" "About sixty," replied the beer - keg. -And I." said the sack of flour, "contain fifty pounds of flour, and each pound makes u loaf of bread. Now, suppose we call to that man across the street who is going to his day's work, and ask him which one of us will give him the most strength to endure and to earn wages for the support of his family a glass of beer or a pound of bread. The beer -keg consented, although rather reluctantly, as though it did not have mucti confidence in getting a decision favorable to it- self. The man cause and stood by thein and listened to the statement of the case, and then said : "If ! take a keg of beer home and call in my neighbors to help me drink it, we will have one boister- ous, disorderly night. We will lose our sleep. We will disturb the the neighborhood, We will become angry and quarrel with each other ; we will destroy property, perhaps, if not injure one another, and be so unfit for work next morning that We shall lose each at least a half - day's wages. "But if I take the sack of flour home, my wife will bake it into bread, and she and myself and my children will have enough to eat for a week, and something to spare for the hungry children whose fathers spend all their money in the beer -saloon." This answer so discomfitted the beer -keg that it was glad when, a moment later, a heavy wagon came rolling along the street, and it was Trolled to the curbstone by the bur- y driver and landed on top of a Dore of other beer -kegs, which were being hauled back to the brewery to be refilled . Just then a baker's wagon drove, up, and tho sack of .floor was lifted n and taken away to the kneading rough and the oven, to make food or the customers who would be in waiting for their daily bread. CANADIAN NEWS Rural mail delivery was inaugu- rated between Hamilton and An - caster on Saturday. Two new churches, one Metho- dist and, the other Adventists, were dedioated at London, Ont. The Atlantio Hotel at North Bay, with two .valuable residences and the hotel stables, were destroyed. by fire. Loss about $25.000, The Bank of Montreal will spend $400,000 on a new building in Win- nipeg. J. McKay Calder and Edward Bishop two well known residents of Ingersoll are dead. Canada's postal revenue was in- creased, $195,000 in the first six months of the present fiscal year. John Patterson has written from England, that he has arranged to build the Hamilton, Waterloo and Guelph Railway. The Ingersoll Nut Company has purchased the plant of the Niagara Falls Nut Company, and may transfer it to Ingersoll. Ames Forman, an Indian half- breed, was arrested on the charge of stealing a horse and buggy at a political meeting in Stoney Creek. James Shambruck, a Stamford township farmhand, who has been missing for setae time, was found dead in a'fleld, with a bottle con- taining carbolic acid by his side. • A party of fishermen arrived at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., with a boat, in which bullet holes were plainly visible. They got a new craft and returned to Lake Super- ior. They are supposed to be the gang of poachers who were fired on by Canadian game wardens. More Than Enough is Too Much. To maintain health. a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and sup- pid energy and body heat. The habitual consumption of more food than is necessary for these purpos- es is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right again. For sale by J J Merner. The latest crop report issued at Ottawa deals with conditions up to the end of September and points out that the total yield will be soruettIiaras than had been• es- timated but well ahead of dast year's yield. Canada's total yield of wheat is now put at 115,651,000 bushels, of which the Western pro- vinces yield 95,818,000 bushels. The total yield of oats is set at 267 651.- 000 bushels and barley 50, 723,000 bushels. These figures represent considerable decrease from the figures announced at the end of August. In wheat there is a differ ence of about 9,039,999 bushels and this is almost entirely due to re- turns from the provinces of Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta where climatic influences have been somewhat adverse. The re- port states eve stook is in good condition in all directions. HAY COUNCIL The following amounts were pas- sed at the last meeting of the Council : M World blanks etc, 3.95 ; Zurich. Flax Co teaming, 38.25 ; W. E. Turnbull work on road, 25.00 ; R Turnbull lumber, 1.00 ; Conrad Trueniner stone and work, 3.25 ; Hooper & McDonald work Con 5-6, 79.75 ; J, Stacey hlg plank and rep. bridge, 2.50 ; A. Hooper Can Co, st labor and work, 14.00 ; W O'Brien, 2 0, cul Con: 4-6, 30 00 ; R. Love teaming .k stone 10 00 ; N Jarrott tile cut Con 1, 6 00 ; A Wildfong, cul con 4, 14.75: C Aldsworth grad- ing con 4, 5.00 ; 5 Colosky work C R 5.75; J Neuschwanger 2 cuss and work con 11-12 10.50 ; G Troyer hauling gravel for cut 6.00 ; A Luk- er tile across road 3.25 ; J Gould gravel 18,00; E Axt work culs con 4.6 24.00 ; A Brisson gravel cut N B 8.00 ; A Brisson . gravel com L R 23.10 ; J Goodehild assisting engi- neer 1.50; B Cbarrette road to lake and gravel 27.30; D Shirray hauling tile 2.00 ; R Munn tile 2.00 ; R Mc- Arthur tile 2.50 ; Robt McArthur bridge con 2, 3.25 ; L Luker cul con 2, 4.50 ; G Fee cul con 3, 6.25 ; W Bell 4 sleepers for cul 1.00 ; J Beck- er cern cal eon 9, 2.00 ; T Dinsmore gravel N B 15.00; S McBride gravel N B 6.09 ; J Baker gravel N B 15.00 J Baker gravel N B, 9.00 ; H Zapfe gravel N 13, 7.50 ; J Parke gravel N B 8,75; W McLinchey gravel N B, 3.75 ; H Rupp hauling cement and grader, 7,87. Baru. ?'f'e'lts --At Eensall, on the 3rd inst, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Perkins, a daughter. SON' 4. ---At the Salable Line, Hay, on the 9th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Jatries X. Sopha, a daughter. WAG saki—.At the Goshen Line, Hay*, on Oct. 10th 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wagner, a son. We want you to see the Steel -Ribbed Firepot in the Hec1a" Furnace The V irepot of a furnace being in direct contact with the fire, contains its most effect- ive heating surface. Any increase in this surface therefore, greatly increases the efficiency of the furnace. That is why STEEL RIBBED FIREPOTS, which have three times as much radiating surface as any other style of fire - pot, enable the "HZCI,A" rurnace to save from io% to 15% of your fuel bill. This is only one of the many exclusive features of the"Hecla" Furnace. We want to explain them all to you—and prove, by actual tests, that the "Hecla" is the best and most economical furnace you can buy. Stop in any time for a'•Hecla" talk and demonstration. JOHN P EETORS - Zurich Shingles xxxx B. For the next 3o days will be sold at a reduced price. We will be ready early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. .e. Logs Wanted F. C. KALBFLEISCH, ZURICH 0 International Harvester 0 0 .Implements. . We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im - pleinents. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfltction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ,•ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs • of all kinds. oWhen in need of a new o Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or o Cutter see our lines before you o buy. They will please you. FPED. HESS & SON • Rickbeil's Old Stand - - ZURICH.** yy��,� y�.�� yyc�•�� yy,.�� yy�,.! yy�� yt� y�.� y,� �,. � y�,. y�• �.+� � y.� ye� �'jF` *`***•'Y� ****7r * °�*K+***7i:*° * ° ** 0 orm. Bock Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly. and neatly done. Now is the time to have your home brightened and fixed up for the Spring and Sum- mer months. Charges Moderate N. BOCK, Zurich 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS ' DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending n ekoteir and description may qurolciy Ascertain our optnton free *Mettler an invention is probably patentable. Con,tnunloa. Mons strlctlyconfidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency torr securing stents. Patents taken through Diann A CO. radian special 'toffee, lwlthoutcharge, in the Scientific Jlmertkan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr- cntation of any scientino journal. Terme for Canada. s8.7b a year, poetise prepaid. Sold by all neandealsrs. MUNI1 M00.Co ° Washington, N w York