The Herald, 1908-05-08, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
Vol, V1l1.
No. 40=
,gsa-,,,.S,'K For a nobby Hat and Crap, call
tl; , SUPERIORITY at D, S. Faust's,
dtib thoroughness, progressiveness Gents, The steeliest hats can. bo
had at J. J. Merger's.
t p utility, enthusiasm, expertnes
yet= are our watchwords. ()emitter-
.. tial, Stenography. Tolegraphy.
Mail Courses m any subject.
r 3 No vacation.
Z. Clinton Business Collego
. &g2 Giro, SPol'TUN. Principal.
4,00,29ODf11M DMI/MdDC=C,•r..DUDEZ9aD<ILIMODC'"' dt;tt,
The jp�� New
I have .purchased the
Stock and Business of Mrs.
Mc. Cormick and will take
Monday, May 4th
l am adding a full stock
of the Best Goods in. season,
and will appreciate a call.
Baker and
DC.L.�ODCCAOD47IMOD6929 =1:90:cI+e:o
See our Horse clipping machine
for 410 00. At Hartleib's.
Another new lot of ladle's white
'waists. At D. S. Faust.
Shovels given away while they
last. At Hartleib's.
Sprayers, screen doors and win-
;,ys, hinges, eto. J. Preeter.
S, Faust has -a full supply of
e'rd, and Turnip seed, all
,!.s seed.
r. Tombyll of Ottawa spent
few days with friends at St
Joseph thisteek.
If you aro in need of a good
Harness FN? oars. Make prtees as.
low as eny and Metter treatment.
At Hartleib'e.
Mn W. II. Schmalz, manager of
the DeCi:i .i aicel Fire Insuravcc-
Gotnpar, e .of i'•i•r1 n, was in town
this week, on business.
. Constable Thiel, wishes to notlf`v
residents that weed, rig:( and all
rubbish must be removed from the
streets at once.
Mr. C. of Mi When,
has opened a photo gallery in Hen -
sell, in the , Rennie Block, and
is ready for business.
Rev, Alfred € eiger of Pembroke,
a native of this Township preached
a splendid sermon in the Evan-
gelical church,. on Sundl .y e'r ting.
Mr. Noah Zeller, leader of the
Berlin band, who was injured by a
train at Guelph, is not progressing
very favorably from his injuries.
His foot will likely have to be am-
The West Huron Teachers As-
sociation; will hold their unwise'
Institute meeting in Goderich May
21st, and 22nd. T]•nis promises to
to be one of the best in the history
of the association, as in addition to
a, large number of live topics to be
discussed, by members of the
assocation. Dr. Goggin of Toronto;
is to bo presemt and deliver throe
Connell met Iday 6th, The fol-
lowing changes were made in the
list of Pathtnnsters: Otto Miller,
in place of W, Rader ; 3. Gagetetter
iaa place of J. Howald ; A. Love in
place of C. Troyer ; Joel Baechlor
in place of D. Witmer.
The Police trustees of Zurich.,
were granted a credit of 8500 for
current expenses, until the taxes
aro collected.
The council will pass a By -Law
at avert meeting, authorizing the
opening of the roads and streets in
the Township, required for general
use of the Public.
After passing a few accounts, the
council adjourned to meet again on
Monday the let of June, as a Court
of Revision of the:Assessment Roll,
axed far general btlsincsss.
F. Hess, Sr., Clerk..
Postmaster Pause attended the
postmaster's association at Exeter
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs E. Stoskopf, visited
the formers' parents near Mitchell,
over Sunday
Mr. Herbert Bloch, who is work•
ing near Kippen, was home over
Mr. Duncan Hay, merchant of
Kippen, was a business visitor in
town, on Wednesday.
Thoroughbred Birkshire pigs
5 weeks old for sale Either sex.
Apply to Elmer Klopp, Zurich.
Mr. W. R. Davis of the Mitchell
Advocate has entered on the 49th,
year as proprietor of that paper.
D. S. Faust has just received a
new line of men's ties, the very
noweSt. Call and see thein.
The party who took a wheel-
barrow out of Mr. Louis Prang's
yard is -requested to bring it back
at once.
Mrs. Elsner Klopp visited a few
days this week with. her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Jabob Rader, at
If you have :anything in the tin
:;nlithing line to do, cull on iIaarf
leib's. He has a first class man
who does jobs right.
A very pleasant surprise parts
was held at the hotne of Mr. -and
Mrs, Julius Bloch, on Tuesday
evening, in honor of their daught-
er, Miss Clara- Tho evening was
spent in ineue . s iingin„ and other
The following from a distance
attended the funeral of the late
Charles Troyer. His sons ease and
George from near Ala)ns'en.
James front Fort Erie, 1': ;Hudson
and wife frem 'larlett, fiich., Mr.
.Rico and wife from biarlctt, Mich.
Mr. Rice and wife of Toronto, and
0. Sheffer of Marlett, Mich, all
immediate relatives.
Tho following particulars have
been taken from the assessment
roll 'which assessor II. Lipphardt
returned to the clerk, last week :—
Population 3140 ; Persons from 21
to 00, 001 ; children from 5 to ?l,
1118; business assessment 83317:1 -
t]" ; income, $1050.00 ; total aeeeas-
ment 2,325,o70.00, There i•, a
gradual falling' off in 1 epelati:in,
especially in the rural dietrict .
Big value in lace curtains, 'at J.
J. Merger's.
If you want a fine stishite bed
spread. Call at D. Faust's.
Mr. Crich, baker and confectioner
of Seaforth, assisted 0. Olen, on
Monday. .
Another shipment et carpet
squares, choice patterr43. J. J,
Mr. M. Ash of Briton, Now
Ontario, visited at the ;home of
Thomas Johnson, last week.
Mrs. William Truemnni',' of the
Babylon Line, visited her' parents
at Milverton, the past week:
Floor paints, buggy paints, stains
and varnishes, a full line of the
Sherwin-Williams No bet
ter made. 3 . Preeter.. '
Miss Ida, 11'indbeiner left on
Tuesday for Crediton. Miss Fink -
bother will leave in a few, weeks
for the Nest.
The English services in : the Lu-
theran church are heoornieg very
popular, the large church being
tilled, People come on Sunday
evening from a long distance to
hear the popular pastor of the
Did you ever stop to reflect that
it is one thing to talk about people
and another thing to have pncple
rials; about you? If those- of u
who use our tongues a little too
freely, about our neighbors, would
stop and reflect about this matter
and know the great evil that comes
of too . much gossip and. tattling,
we aro sure we would call a halt.
Magistrate Greb had. a case in
the town hall, it being a charge of
acs:anit with an :sxo,p referred by
111.r. Henry J rnege1 against ]l,,nic'l
Henhefor, both residents of the
14th. Con. The assault occurred on
Menlltty while Krueger .seas driv-
ing along the road., The defer,
dent was found guilty and re-
manded to stand his trill at
Goderich at the next court of
eoulpetent jut. LI diction. Bail was
furnished, whiob, will save Da:i a
trip to the County to tiinrc ant
At a nleetin ,:, 1 cn n
;shads an '.',�' ,
now being ons, niztlii
in;ofcerswere elect c-:`,.4:se �1 ent,
B. A. Campbell ; Se( 'Press R.
W.Williamst ,,:nl• tri o, E. Zell-
er; A. F. Bess0, Fritz; A. Heide
man. .A11 members re requested to
he present at another meeting on
Friday events= dials lith, when the
of the,'rorinelt; will be
made and other :1:i n::•:; transaet-
WMS+L MAEAMMWJY 4 4d 34t ' IWA aICd' MAnt3a
in ._I..' Cti1
111, rit0
a..n tea» »i,.=...�s_- tea.:. .. .
• New Voiles
In Black, flue anis Brown.
Prices 00 and 85 cents.
Black, Blue, Brown and Red.
Price 60 and 85 cents.
In all colors and prices from
10ets to !Sets.
yds and 4 yds wide.
Cordoroy Velvets
Blue, Brown and Red for 60
Laces ''Vhite Waists
prices 90 eta, 4''1.00, $1.50,
81.80 and $:100..
j'J ei^'s Dress Shirts etc
lien's Ties, Men's hats and
A fresh `tock of Grocery al-
ways on hand.
All farm produce taken in
exchange for rroo is,
D S.
'AU5 T ,
/J�JE�1`� ie�yt,��i, q�ap•,��. )T.{��F^,� p) uTiq`f�f�, FSM. jet rf,w��Fr�G. (���€; F'; 4^, .'tu y�!l Pq�r??,r4�n ?�. ��;�+T���•ao;`�,
L U U r A V Y 1! V ll U k` PA i+ U Y 1✓ 11 ll a3 Y ti Y 1l V 11 U V J li��J JP�Y U •Y tl Y L U �i y 11
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s sta. x;
{ t
h tf
.j }
Have you pickez out ?
your spring Shoes
If not, Zj e would like to suggest that
you do it NOW. •
All the new shapes in
just arrived.
No Matter wbot style ,you like, we try and i•,•t :t :'Gr _
sy tto t�17 7s=
4' lCw, J u a'`g':.•.c!..!•�. r,• .�,,,r ,�m•�rW£.,.w.�. p i�...mT�,.'vR°:...f,Da,..-v X., r?+yG.;' T:'E .T!' ,C�+'-:�w � w v,,.. 4: ''ri a...�>...."�'..'..:a+a,..•...0 �.:i w•T. `+. .. ,._ ..,.
�lu....>•+..A.i:•c:.a:"�w,:ai•.aii+t':u'''cX'..:iba'7..k,....ai3wihl: ai...:.,az,. ,.+7 r_mo.... - - •.
..x." "..-L=nYfL,C:S3S===0::=.,.t•....„,,,-.SLSC.:io.'5,::>.,,.:.,iris
...wmSS.11:..-Y.,-,,,,1-..,=.1,7.71e,11....,,,,,,.. -
This s the tw fil
: /f the,year to nm,, -1 -t3ni?"r Fi"
up around the some once 67, year is n�es=
YJ� and
f� t�] to ,fj� �.�p, k �: the ° ° ar easy matter
said y9 and do in rI� o� f3 way Its an easy
.a „ . visa
our store
t^y L make
S'. 'rJ a; "Y Co ,.�rC,>.la A'?^.'y "'r^1 .'�Z "'o
loll you v isI �: sto: e andi- a�; :, ��,ity �.::�u'F.,71',Io.,nz ur�O1<... our
large and well as�::��-o1°te stock
Wail Papers, Blinds, etc
If you intents brightening lie your home with Wall Papers,
�ti ]1ndow Shaded, Lace Curtains, i.inoleutns, Oil. silo;lis, etc., see
our lines• before you huy. s Our r;to k is large end prices and
duality are right.
SummerDress Um&•
BRIGHTEN UP is OUT motto in mir Dress Goods depart-
ment., and we feel satisfied that we have the net;'cst and brightest
stock of Slunmer Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings,_ etc., ever be-
fore shown by our store. We cordially invite the ladies to tali
and see these goods. W le continually adding new lilies.
Mi Hillery Department
Bright and new is everything in our millinery' department.
We have 1.nkl particular attention to.etu' buying tl,is'year and are
pleased to state that we are showing the very newest in shaft
trimmings, etc. The ladies are cordially invited to gall and in-
spect these lines.
D fit' v/ is Nrrvi'
ti p; :ni bring.; a desiro to nit -tilpi;!',A,.'. ''1`. A04; 1 t
1)'11.h iilhi•iii and. e,ti•ldo, i' :i. •1 ea ,,..1,. .,:.•ll ..'.il.. 1u.:ll;.
aL:itl varli ' h be used and au :1.. ertain tax.: .Fro the
''.file lit': ti'Iit Williams Co. i i,.:>:C 7n. L... .. for i`t
yourho',1+1'- a pi:uo: tea e l air ;1 t,00r c a pi''.'ure
hide monr'y spent t?11 g•<lOd ..-.t will "'e: tly
and adi verymuch to the a le:tea-le:nee tees ionise.
7-"c'•�' i,� a r••s� t("�
-net;-,i,. ,
t: s 4_ .t 1: .
frame. -.
yo.r.• `'i(s:
1.V4?, have. ,1, reeeire. : inienhes e nib' ::,
eas (yiir hare.,. i' e: Meg reelsliy, the ( ,.;Y,y al 1 erees be:;.';
Iioht, We carry in stock, bin,. :+sous: riegs, hrone stenie, Salter,
chalks?, (11I'1',' co111b:s 131'118i1t' , L tr.-.• w :'t' :l`.' hittnese int 1(11'(. 1.'(!n
• Garden Rakes, &Spades, etc
A full iin6 of gardltn rakes, hots, shovels, tC,:'sling epad:i-,
et+:., On hand.
tookamcDerzw=eaw!,,v,z,N2iscamr4moctozvecracaarr.alcesecal, mg,