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The Herald, 1908-05-01, Page 5
till the last minute to select your HOLIDAY GIFTS ; ; 'My Showea.ses are Brim Full of all kinds of WATCHES, JEWEL LEY RINGS, Etc., Etc. Only the Best in Each Line NO Plated Rings in stook "Prices the Lowest" "Goods the Best9' :.r JEWELLER P. S. A pair of Gold Spex make a nice present for your mother. y 1S U CAN has p t � 4 c 4:1:44:1:4h.i.zs , f kaf BLAKE bdt S. Swayze and Mr, R. Doug- las, Sr.; are both very poorly at present,. but we hope with the warm weather, to see both around again. Our town has now telephone pol- es erected, and in the course of a few days will have connections with a few of its suburbs. Mr. C.' Meyers, will soon begin his season's work, as mason. Farmers in this neighborhood, have about completed seeding. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jennison of near Grand Bend, spent Sunday with H. Talbot. Several from this neighborhood, attended the funeral of the late (;has. Troyer, on Sunday last. The following is the complete class list of the pupils of the U. S, S. No. 0 Stanley for the term. beginning April 27th, 1'ar. Class `i.11otna.s Sl_erxit. Albert Keys, Gorden Manson, Flossie ("splines, Isabel Manson, Mary Douglas, Pearl Zapfe, Ethel Zapfe, Myrtle Meyers. Sr III. Ebnor Oesch, Amos Gascho, James Ester, Peter Gin- nerioh. John Brenneman. Mikie Kennel, Jacob Brenne'tman, Peter Naushwanger, Clara 1'aushwanger, By bn'yinfe• your PRINTS Mary Jane Dieser$• Jr 111. Odwill Nicholson, Jacob 11IUSL1Nta. DHES ;GOODS, Dloyer, Emanuel Moyer, Emma (ROCERIEt II A li 1) - l3echler, Annie I3rennernan, Pearl WARE, \V''AALL PAPERS McBride, and S1-IOES front us. Sr III. John Aaron Meyer,. Ectnhunct Oesch, Percy Zirk, Wil - A Large a n d t`p-to-date best Hall, Sophia Desch, Katie Stocktoselect from. Oesch, Susan Baker- Wilfred Zirk. Jr IL Lorne Manson, Roy Mc- Bride, Edrxiuncl Erb, Aaron Oeseh, Allan Oeeele Rachel Geselho, Nancy Brennernlan Pt II. Willie Manson, Clarence i Hall. Menne Oeseh. Alberta! BILA Janeo Baker, Olive Zirk, Clara. I Zapf t Pt I, sr, Gladys Hall, Gladys Douglas, Lillie Meyers, Ruth Zirk, Lydia Gingerlch. ,r ei�''t emmtrt'ik'ii's i t1IS �;r 1: Pt 1. Jr Abraham Zapfo, Eddie I of I� inlay, .Tohn Moyer, James Baker, That Newhire Erb, Ada Meyers. Total F3ix_:t HIGHEST PRICE.; Paid. For Farm Produce R. 1 it N. LOU �a`ss9 Lied a:a Petal Moyer, Acta Kennel Winter Sutit. When looking for your new: Winter Suit-,. do not -forget to ; g ' a All. �' havo a fine 1F9 usC 0 1 range of 'Tweeds, Worsteds, �$ etc., to choose from. Our l'j prices are as cheap as arty. ii Suits made tit abort notice. 1 We also have A large nitmla•r of ;a ,.0 1's Samples to stlect from. 1 r i Laundry in connection, Trip r Ap tkl.d 6S a u r k. 1: 55' S n© t5 cry �J, 'cliff ti a � ai, �nF�qy^ �p .�qa' ulild li,ad 112JrtL'iluhos Fl WE keep 111 stock ft full line 0 fresh meats, ilallIS,, fete. etc 0111' cuts tU'(; note(. for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep sealing but the 'best. W e make our 0w11 sausages. Give us a call. Y i1N'L naiuirnr efe. G. ;3. Howard Teacher DTotihers have always held a very .high place in the history of the world, because they are the mold - ere of the destiny of nations. A true mother should possess the following five qualities: She Should ba' a godly woman ; she should have an anl.)rralatlon of end a syilhpathy far iehiid nature ; she should eonlbinegentleness with firmness in r1i.':r'ipline ; she should have the wisdom to guide and mold by taking what is known to clrug- the intellectual as well a:. hie I t t rt Orgy, here lbs Dr. Shone moral life of the child, end she Restorative. One twill absolt ele- should pn,,ese;;s an undying I°" i'tlr i note a chan:,�cd feeling within •i`: her children and an undying fttit.il F hours after 1,t,.;innil`g; to tul.o flu* in '-heir Llvetion. Restorative, The ylia 17Qwf'iN gf,i. The world today needs woolen I sin ugislh in the winter -time, thee, with the !nether heart In its'circulation efi n slows un, the: sohools—women who, even if they 1 Kidneys are inactive, r cryo, and. wen ;he ,, never be mothers Ors the solves can I ii ovt in many cases grow:; tie. t sympathize with and direct the i (etletilr weui;c:r. 13r. f3lhnpll-s 1. s- lives of the children tinder their 't,rrattrr. is 1t �';Ihi't.Otl everywhere in a way which will maket as a feminine tonic to these vital them the best citis;ens in afterlife. °reline. It btlilas up and strength- • Oils the. tvorn.nnt weakened 11 •ves ,1 Arrangements have been corn - 1 pastr..;1 for the ri:tit of the PrinceofIt sharpens ihte; failing appetite, � Wales to Quebec in July to attend end universally aids digestion. It the tercentenary ctelebraticns and al•,vays quickly bl•arni re-nowedl inaugurate the monument on the strength, life, vigor and ambition. t sold Try and .. convinced, Sill '1 �' rt b1 it plains of Abraham, to Wolfe andbyMontcalm and the Ill en who STANL EY TOWNSHIP Misses Sadie Vi atson . and Lulu °Sniner hlh,ve r>.ettirnocl to Seaforth; after spending their Easter holidays at home. Miss Laura Horner, A. Horner, and L. Shallet, have again rettlr- necl to Loddon after spending their Easter holidays at their home, Mr. James Howard of Clinton, was a guest of Mr. Paul Cleave last Senday. Mr. Wil]iain Chowns of Exeter, called On sone of his old friends, last week. - Mr George Lilley, \Vtts the guest of Mr. James Watson last Sunday. Mr . and Mrs. Richard:Peck were the guests ofMr, George Denver, last Sunday. -' Piles are easily and quiekly checked with .Or. Shoop's Magic Gintment. To prove it I will Instil a small trial box as a convincing test Simply address Dr. S11001), Racine, Wis.I surely would not send it free unless I. was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would stand tlia- test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or it'uh- ing piles, either external, or inter- nal. Large jar 50e. Sold by A.11 Dealers. . fl 4SNWOOD WHAT BABY CAN D • O It can wear Out a pair of kid shoes in 2.4 henna. .Lt can keep its father busy adver- tising in the newspapers for a nurse. It can occupy both sides simui- tanoonsl;y of the largest sized bed manufactured, It can pause its father to be in- sulted by every second-class board- ing house keeper in the city, who "never takes children," which, in nine cases out of ten, is very fortn. Hato for the children. It can make itself look - like a fiend just/when mamma wants to show "wlhat a pretty baby she has' It can make an old bachelor in the room adjoining use language that, if uttered On the street, Would get him into the penitenti- ary for two years. it can go from the furtlherest enol of the room to the foot of the stairs in tho hall adjoining quicker than its mother can just step into the closet and out again. It can go to sleep "like a little angel," and just as mamma and papa are starting for the theater it can wake up and stay awake till the last act. These aro some of the things a �aby can do. Bat there are other things as well. A. baby can make the commonest ! - house the brighest spot on earth. I It can lighten the • burdens of a John Procter and fancily, spent loving mother's life by adding, to Sunday with friends, intim village. them. It can flatten its dirty* little; A bus load of young people drove fare against the winctow-pane in I over to Crediton,: an.Friday night, such a way that the tired father and took in the entertainment can 500 it as a picture before he given in the Evangelical church. rounds the corner. Yes, babies are They report the entertainment as groat institutions, partieularl ,� being very p1easi� tg avid Weil ren- one Osyn batty. derr�cl. ,T. K. Goetz, lias dis;msed of his driver to fly. Guenthe 11 r. Goetz A cure may be t�il'ertecl by :molt -- has since purchased ore from :Ir. ing Chamberlain's Salvo as soon as; Rowlands, of near Alt. Carmel.the child is done nursing. Wipe it Several of our Villagers have oft with a soft cloth before allow- 1 boon out fishing lately, and t in.� the child to nurse. Many train been quite successful, having Made ed nurses tlsu this salve with the ,a '68DaDsaeasansassar GDq aD=amcaweDel/WiDO,�ii 5 e 1g t9 i SORE NIPPLES a good haul. best results. Plicas 25 cents per Mr. C. Witmer of i nrich, i1r1, box.. Sold by J. J, Verner. been busy lately in the village, hanging paper,. Rev. L. 1 . Eitlt. returned 1 en ,Saturday evening, after bring in attendance at the Annual Comer ence nerence Session, which convened at St..)acobs. Hi) hasbeen stationed here for another year, which is very satisfactory to his people hero. Mr. Ross-Jrihhzsfi 'ncl children, of BIake viseed'at r, home of Geo. Edi he si.c',.*t .ruday. A gond brick d :,, icing for sale. Apply to E. 1,1. Brui;:`nshiro, real estate agent, 1)ash�voctd. Tired nerves, with t'.ilat •'ne an1. bit ion feeling that is commonly felt in spring_ or ea' ly sunini r, ran be eaiily and puitkly altered ` All De't'er fought under them for possession of what is now t11r, Dominion of 5,0001 PACTS ABOUT (A:NADA 1 Canada. This will be the Pi lilee's ,» t second visit to Canada. tltr. first The l;lll`,.'-tlitimn is tint r'f that 4 having ).leen nearly ten yrars ago, utn:.t useful told vtilttabltt booklet. when returning frl,tn his wr.rld "5,080 Facts about Canada," wen. tour, he visited all the chief t•Ilct na piled. by Frank Yeigh of Toronto, also sten .nine time fishingthroughout and <1, o -1-e t r tow is widely known and hunting in the northwost. This time however,• he will go no farther than (weber, and hie stay will not be extended over a fort- night. The prince will cross the Atlantic on a fast trusser, probably the Minotaur. which will be ac- companied by another cruiser a:;. an esec-wt, He wi11 •leave Par•ts- n,muth July 16th and reach Quebec the 23rd. The British Atlantic, fleet will go over in advance of the Minotaur and here scort to take part in the celebration and give to fitting welcome, to the heir to the British throne. His Royal High - nese will be acoompanied by a brilliant staff, so that none of the pomp and ceremony will be miss- ing. tsp h C To chock early colds or Grippe with "PreVenties" means iProvonticss is safer than to loti t stop anddobe obliged to cure it afterwards. To be sero, Pre - Verities will Cure even a deeply seated cold but • taken early—at the sneeze sago—they break, or head off these early coldsThat's surely bettor. "That's why theyBaro railed Cold Cures. No Quin- Proventfes are little rue, no physic. nothing sickening. Nieo for the children—and thoroughly safe too. If you feel chilly, if you sneeze, if you ache all over, think of j.?roventies. Promptness may also save half your usual sickness. And don't forget your child, if there is feverishness, nightor day. iierein prob- ably greatest efficiency. sold in a,o b xes Provo �c boxes for the pocket, also in 25c boxes of 43 reventies. Insist on your druggists giving yon Pre tics "ALL DEALERS" A BARGAIN Two Chatham (120 egg) Incuba- tors, and three brooders, also Sec- tional chicken brooding house for sale. Having decided to'build a large steam Incubator and. Brooder combined, will sell. together. 'or separate, my present outfit, at a sacrifice, for cash. For particulars apply to Rev. J. A. Loiselle, Drysdale, Ont. the Dominion as an ttlttl'1a1'ity* 011 things; Canadian. Nearly ere: 'o copies were sold of the no; edit ion the demtuid miming from every HENSA.L T. FTngh Carroll of London, visited • friends here recently, his first visit in 17 years. Diek Sutherby has joined the construction gang of the Bell Tele- phone Co., after spending the win- ter, at his honho here. Mrs. H. Cook is visiting her daughter, Airs. Johns, of Guelph, for a month. - Charles Linder, former leader of the FTensa1l band, visited his old friends recently. Thomas Kelly received a. visit from his mother, of Sten fYs-i]le, last week. 0 a 5 8 What can - 1 Do Por You? Ilow Often have you watch- ed the road for some of the neighbors going by, that they might save you a trip to town! How often you have lost half a thy or a clay -doing an errnn'l in town, when -yon could ill -afford to spare the time! i-1"ow often have -you plan- ned planting, harvesting, inarketiug, etc., only to find, when you drive 'round to your friends, that they can't conte at just that time! - A Telephone saw's these delay-; anti disappointments VV' it anTelephone connect- ing your borne with the Heir libor,'youu can save yourself no 5101 of unnee- (Teenry walking and driv- ing -anti keep in close touch with friends in case of ac - nide te and emergencies. 1 ,:m need n telephone. Yon need it's assi,taii e, its con- vealen ee, it's time and n1•?ney saving possibilities. Consult C. Z1ILLER, Zurich p8 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 Q 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 yiaecsaaDtom aDrumm a=anq op =Es ae=oaDa as h rY M �'• . � r\ (LL�8 .,, 5}d 5e,-4 Rs ALL KINDS AT 'S LOU PEED TOE Farmers should avail themselves of this . opportunity of getting GOOD CLEAN SEEDS. It pays. Our stork of Flour is complete. 4 Brands to choose from. Stock food and all kinds of Feed con- stantly on hand. Our; grocerie s are clean and well ass;orted,our sugars are the sweetest and vinegars tho strongest. 1 Wilbert I3 n gtrinh and Albert Richert ,.f Port Huron, are home 1j L31IL ~ rees at pr(. unt. H. F 13iliinae and two children, The laennlif'er Nurseries are spent Easter ter• '4'?xntav, .,t Landon. noted for 11•e exocilrll,'e :h11,1 Oliver r (,eei.,er of the 32,?..,on's itv of the Trait tretee Ranh Wateel+ct'. visited. his i�:u•ents over the Plaster holidays. On a mental Trees At the an111011 meeting of theshrubs �}r p d r y ens t. '�• '.i67N W1 �1��•i 6LLlAi.g tw<�'�.1 '�Q �'1r Y6+'7 117C. tor (.'un:llil! (1 1(1 Pre' ervi2I'^ '<-v,.<n,.w....,,z...<.-_,n...e,.,-..:z.xr.,..,e_c,-'4xr_:..n•--••-r.e..o, Company on tV'tetlne et ty aftarnoon last, in the Town hall. A large r,uniher of s1s r t't') Iderei Wore pre- sent, and the director, 101' tills year worn elected. Ali but eleven declined. to run among them. sever- al of the old dl Oral's. When the httltots were e')ri.te.i it wu.s found that the view b l t i. rcnlsisted of S. Martin, J. A, Stewart. t T'. W. Glad - man, 0 II. Sanders, J, Mennen A. Q. Dobler, C Luker, .T. Snell, C. 1;. Snell, Later et a meeting of thO the directt,ti1•5 who NVOre present tli I t vera were elected as follows:-- L'i,`,., S. Martin; '�'1C�e•Pl'E.�, , 1. A. iitt w it, t ; Secretary -Treasurer, 1'. A 'good eonec11011 suitable for planting in perks and lawns. !RI ,,� e. oses and P:mi.1ei°a e,n�'na',C-,C ' ^J7X 41L"17w1CbS ti:h::1 m r1110 beet t ti rit ics. Plant in a good riot clay soil, and they will give the ]la.it of satisfa,,tion to the buyer. Any orders sent by ,nail before i sn1 Aptil, will be in time for our tls,ll:hl delivery at Johnston' Hotel, sur=.ch. .A. d lyes tm�i YT(ii +�. h ltX at \V. (T htdnist.n. ,ry{ (g�@ grr.,:::z..: M.:..&..wrvu .r ..r. r., n.(•Rryr_,r „rc. .r W, _t1 �'d it, r. , ki �J�" part of this Continent and th'1 British Empire. The idea vs01ked Ivlr to ljtii? t .rlY i -,y !`1 ' SS' out, that of a concrete fact in a sentence!, is an excellent one, the ditto being arranged under such self -indexing titles as area, agricul- ture, banking, commerce, finanec,. mining, railways,,tvlheat fields, etc. Tho wealth of inaterial euntaizied in stn(t11 space is ••-et revelation to even n, well informed Canadian of tho standing anri roscurces of the country, The book is published at 2;) gents a copy hy''Tho Canadian Facts Publisning Co., 667 Spadintl Avenue, Toronto, Canada, or may be had from Newsdealers. • Weak women should read Ivy "Book No. 4 For'Woznen". It was written expressly for women who are not well. The,Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's •`Night Cure" and jtist how theeo soothing, " healing, antiseptic suppositories can be suceessflilly applied. The book,. and strictly confidential medical advice is entirel3- free. 'Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The night Night Gine is sold by All Dealers. its t�rlr tt; ktsd:.� a"1„1,U 0ITSa-,ca li CoughsCoi r OUK OO]ll This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to tette, it contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi- dently to a baby as to an' adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. 13EN11IF.LER, ONT. A sore protection from lightning, when honestly put up. In my 18 years experience as insurance agent, not one fire has oe- curecl through lightning that were protected with rods. Arid dont pa`r 2 or 3 anprices f1whennods I ut there up for you at an honest price. G. Holtzman, ZURICH