The Herald, 1908-05-01, Page 118 )r. e- V©IA VIII. The Official Organ of Zurich a Hay Township. SUPERIORITY thoroughness, progressiveness utility, ons) u n, expertness al are our watchwords. °mintier - (j cinl, Stenography. Tolegraphy. 1,.. Mail Coarses in :.ny subject. clan No vacation. Clinton liasiness College « � (:EO. SeorsoN. Principal. ,S,DMVO GDMEM CV211 )(3DMI CIDGMCPMOD ODMIZXIDCr"JD0 The New STORE I have purchased the Stock. and Business of Mrs. Mc. Cormick and will take possession Monday, May 4th I em adding a full sioek of the Best Goods in season, and will appreciate a call. PCHPAP Baker and Confectioner ZURICH FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 1 1908. Try Ta: -its for removing ol'i paint. J. Preeter. Miss Laura Steinbach return ed from Detroit, last week. See mar roller window shades,' at 25 cents. At Hartleib's. Mr. James (green has purchas- ed a Handsome Newcombe piano. Mr. G. Holtzman spent the past week in Mildmay, and other parts of Bruce County. Mr, S. Rennie, intends building a house on the corner opposite the . evangelical church. The Jubilee silver hand, has been engaged for the Crediton Victoria Day celebration. Butter and eggs, wanted in ex- change for hardware, harness, and furniture, at Hartleib's, On Standee- the 3rcl, of May. the V evening service in St, Ee er's LT1theran church, will be conclttet- 1 e(1 in the English langnage. Before buying an up -to -elate White sewing machine or a New .National cream SSepnrafer, see Mater Klopp. Prices right. The Rev. A. C. Geiger of Pem- broke will address the W. 0, T. U. •' meeting- to he helc1 at the home of Mrs. E. Zeller, nn Wednesday etternnon, May rth. et 2: 3O Al] are cordially invited to attend, elThe hunt for Private Moir, who recently Snot and killed a 'omnan- ion named Lloyd, at London .Bar- racks, has been given up by the London detectives. It seems stran- ge that this man could not be caught. Mr. John Geiger e of Zurich lately bought a very fine Register- ed CIysdale brood mare frani Robt. McLaren of Hensel], the price paid was well up in three figures. Mr. Geiger has now root something for which he ougll)t too he proud of. as she is one of the best. hares an the T.o,vnshiP 1} f &me)1 Oi': atrle1i a1' o 'botiglat from the satire gent tnan a very fine brood mare. Mrs. John Hatiiachei•,'whose death took place at Osborne, Kan- sas, on April 15, will be remember- ed by the older residents of alis section. Her maiden nettle was Elizabeth Roeder. Sha was born in Germany, and canna to this country in 1865. She was married in 1867 and soon after Mr and Mrs, }Tatnacher, left for the United States. Ten children were horn, to them. eight of whom. are living, all being residents of Lenses. eft DWED (1241JG DliL19GDGSM CDGD(g,SFJGDODD.OGD=0+,yb nam tame; sere Q/y LOCAL NEWS. See those rockers, At Hartleib's. Five-year-old cow, for sale. Ap- ply to E. Zeller, Zurich, See our barn paint, at $1.00 per gallon. At Hartleib's. Mrs Sanders ..o.E Elora, vis ted `heir fatte Mgr: - '`red Darnutb, the 'past week. Mr. J, J. Merner is busily en- gaged' excavating, for the addition to his store. 1Vlarket baskets, buggy baskets, clothes baskets. A new stock just in. J. Preeter. Rev. Geiger of Pembroke will Preach in the Evangelical church, on Sunday e , ening. Exeter is going to celebrate Victoria Da,, and have prepared a good list of attractions. Miss Ethel Kellerman of Dash- wood, visited with her cousin Miss - Pearl Wurtz, over Sunday. The Junior V. P. A. of the Evangelical clewed' will meet here- after, Sunday afternoon, at 2.3o. Eggs for hatching, from choice Rhode Island Reds. 50 cents per setting. Apply at Ilett:tri) ofi3ce, Zurich. Dr. Ovens eye specitilist will visit Henson, aRoyal Hotel, on Thursday April 2tat]a. If you re- quire glasses dont fail to sec Dr. Ovens. Cleasing Sale of personal property at Hillsgreen, on Tuesday May 5th, at 1 o'clock, the property of the late Charles Troyer. L. Bossen- berry Auctioneer. Miss Lizzie Rennie, is taking a four months' course at the London Conservatpry of music. She will return to town in Juno, and will then be ready to take pupils. The annual meeting of the Re- form Association of South Huron, as constituted for both Dominion and Provincial purposes, will bo field in Dixon's Hall, Brucefield, on Saturday, May the nth, commenc- ing at 1.30 p, m• From past expori4noe, the worst wind storms occur in May and June. Insure your property, in the Huron Weather Insurance Co., and you will feel easier when the next '•blow" comes. G. Holtzman general agent, Zurich. The engagement is announced of Gertrude Frances A., youngest 0_ i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angns Murray. to Mr, William R. Mc. Kewen of Welland, formerly of .Dashwood. The niar.'ria.ge witl take place early in June, The funeral of the late Charles Troyer, at Hillsgreen, on Sunday, was the .largest ever seen in that section. The deceased was a gene. gal favorite and known by every- one veryonce in the Township of Hay,,having been tax -collector of this munioipa. lity for quite a number of years, 's.. 3k a, No. 39. Mr. Louis Jeffrey has ,purchased another lot, froth Samuel Rennie,•. Mrs. u. K. Wing of Berlin, visit- ed her mother Mrs. .Bauch, the past week. • Long handled shovels 2l5 cea'nts each, while they last. Colne quick, J, Preeter. 3 set of single hatross lef ta, at He! Well's stand, will be cleared at s bargain. At Hartleib's, The prospects for a howli for the Village are good, twenty so far have signi,e intention of joining. Mr. C. Fritz broke 13 of g cili, e early their•. of '50 rocks at Exeter, on Goocl 'riday.i Mr. Fred Kerr of Creditoei, made high average with 168 ont'of 180. We have now a full tori of barb and coiled wire and cement prices just a little cheaAer than the ordinary run. At Harileib'S. Mrs. George Baeker of Iii uesels, who was visiting with herrelatives Messrs. H. Nell and E. Gies for a few weeks, returned home on Mone day. The road -grader was started this week, with Mr. W. O'Brien at the helm. Mr, Callfas is furnishin' the motive power, with his bi traction eugino. Zion. Dr. Willer ghby, thriniste without portfolio in the Whitney Government, died at Colborne, orl Tuesday morning, at the age of 04 years. He was elected to the: Legis lature for the riding all: Earl Northumberland in 1886, ,and e" held the seat ever since. • ' ' The Editor of THE HERALD a.gai>I urgently requests. Subserib: re it arrears, to send in the. .airpounta due at once. The indijridua amounts to you'aro a •trilIe, but il the amounts, from a dollelr to 3 oa 4, scattered v.Inona' several hundred subscribers. Would, all be sent i2: during this bea-itifultiaonth et' ?.,Tay, it would make .y-ot'trs titbit feel like. a 3 -year -el (1Ing ^a Rev. D. C. Hos acic of Torun o,: who created a big sensation bef re the last Provincial election. )y turning from the Ross Govetn- ment to the then opposition, 1 d by the present Premier, has tau s- hed another boomerang, this' tit ie dropping it into the Oonservati e camp. - The reverend gentleni• n has published a three colntpn letter in the Globe of Tuesday, which fairly bristles with ac- cusations of Broken promises and other sins of tt:' «"hitr.ev Govern - .'tent. • 42) „41 3.4.91 LINOLErt1.1MS lit in Line Tring .and . .,... ar.., rte. .,.... - New Nodes In Black, Ellie and Brown. Prices 60 and 4.1 cents. YE,ETFANS Black, Blue, frown and I:€ed, Price 00 and 85 cents. fIIJ5UNS In all colors and prices 10ets to 18ets. 2. yds and 4 yea we. eeg �ts§v>`J,St; from Cor dor oyr Velvets Blur, Brown and Lied for GO cents. Ladies , r hite', fists prices tit) eta, *1.80 and n etc ilea's Ties, Men's Ilat:, and A flesh steel,: of tlrocery al- ways on hand. All farm pro l tee taken in ex:h age for n{ . ete a D. SD 3f. A1US �;(,1 (9 ftP,MR,MPAMMr';;;;; �•� •tip a� �.•�. O G '1�v n •c-\ n.� .� R>.ry.c�.c�.C� :.U. c c.— c -mac c c c cam. �'j J G 'rJ'•✓ t/•`y [7 rJ v °G''iJ•ri'•✓'d •G! G''c� U'.J'r 'U �+" ,ri .�'•`�� �lVv GJ r?l�� Ye\ pV4 A (%ljv Have you picked out your spring Shoes If not, we would like to suggest that sot. do itci\To `a u.•, -A.il the new shapes in TANS PATENTS 1 t,'t e ;i i-st arrived. No matter what style yon iii:e. "V, e try and eget It for yen. TH��_SHOEMAN ZiJi CH `,` � � q• •�.C^a•\�,• �•4• � C:,• ter. •�:. �:.�•t~~,�'>..� •4".., it4.w�: �h�'�.�',., u��''� ey's •��nr?"X ,p'TM.*' .x ,; ui;tl. ate, r i;.p,.w.,C ;C"' +' ...t+;`^r-",.... �,M,. R*•.t„'".'+6 'as J +a-•,.., •_*-.p•. i �! s�- "'�...:4..:-,7, •h.>•ax �a.• - •iii "zS�....,. 1... u..-"i�r",•"w�t "..'� �': 'a:b'•" y9?.'W'."_33'A� 3C "_•AS ^'°'�s'E''-'"�.t�r"T:..-. .w�'�+ Via.: �cra•.....: Y'�"''�. .v .-+: ...-3..._,.. .� pv .. ...,..n . _.! rzffir_xvc .n*r,.r�.e,a�:.-rr-•�-ac.. .ter .ttar.. �am�cr::et�awr_-... ^c+r-sa.xs�.•X..c+.-a�:_:.. xrsrm=cr.rsra-.a This is 1 e time of the yea ;i to B n g .Rr4-eP' iJ o •�y A brightening lu1 around the home once a year is sary, . d to do it h i the'right way s an easy matter if you visit o S n M rf and make your salections from cur ' large and well assorted Stock. Wall Papers, 'finds, etc SHERW N=W hL AJflS If yon intend brightening up your home with Wall Papers, Window Suedes, Lace Curtains, Linoleuins, Olt Cloths, etc., see oar linos before you buy-.. Our stook is large and priees and quality are right. Summer Dress Goods BRIGHTEN UP is our motto in our Dress Goods depart- ment, and we feel satisfied that we Have the newest and brightest Stook of Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, et,, 'ever be- fore shown by our store. We cordially invite the ladies.to call and see these goods. \V re continually adding new lines, Hhlfinery Dep rtment Bright and new is everything in our millinery department. We have paid partienlar attention to our buying this year and are pleased to state that we are showing the very newest .in shapes, trimmings, ete. The ladies are cordially invited to call and in - spout these lines. ttii7�i Jig/ t� F� P R C FA S P A J efeceeseelaz zit -7 Spring brings :L desire `o frighten u,, 'ihlil :,flit «llc' 1::.:Ft both inside and untsido. This is a wt.:arisoine t:a,h bell:,:::; and varnish l,.'iived, and 111e'.itlllttl bilis '•''1 use the fres-. Tile Sherwin 'Williams Ce. make a ti° -ash for e.very earfac- your house ---a piano or a eh air -ea floor or a piee ere frame. .A iitt:c money spent on good paint will ; e tly ice ,6•n your S, and add very much to the d•:l:earanee epee house. HARNESS, ETC 'We have , n:,t ee eict' 1 .ir°other o ''1t of :;:irnols, led l eg,, Our harne's's is s`ilina rapidly, ) silt, ' i , tie _ t.y } right, We est1V in stock. flits. snaps rags, haine slihlas, hailer, ;:hanks, curry eeu1'J', bl'nshee, etc. Sch:•,fir liar es,: before t.t',ii buy. ��(( �gg ,��yy�� �r Spades, etc �-larden Rakes, Syf" ades, .A full line of garden rake,, ilei; :?fiuVtls, tiitt'iling spates, ete., on hand. FOS. FA ROD ' { yE maw. ormtitt¢,^smastrtlarY ...rMamiti 1u!Flnaela outsranasaaam. eaten kovnaltrmes.... .r. 1...r.......a•A...r6merre W....."44.04-,X3C.1-11400ladatiMMACITZM:X 8C1,1 RerCW i N' 3i 1 A G3 fid 4r.'4r.."�w'S3 r` ..3a�7.r.�itiY`C..os:'"=':.'m:V".' •i°;