The Herald, 1908-02-14, Page 5The Zurich Herald. till the last minute to select 'your HOLIDAY GIFTS :: . My Showcases are Brim Full of' all kinds of WATCHES, JEWELL EY RINGS, Etc., Etc. Only the Best in Each Line 1O Plated Rings in stock "Prices the Lowest" "Goods the Best" JEWELLER P. S. A pair of Gold Spex make a nice present for your mother. eCW In order to retia e clic Stock before -opening' up our piing. Goods, we have decided to have a BIG • CLEARING SALT!: to 0011)1il epee 'TU L:1DAi, FED. 4th ; continuing to Feb. 25th, `1u1(1 will give our custonless 1111 op- portnnityof securing bargains, in Dress Goods, Wrapperetts, I Prints, Shirtings, Underwear, Mats, l'!allss Raincoats, Shoes, • Crockery, Granitel'are, etc. A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL. R. N. Douglas, BLAKE rem 2�sins eeseig�C f= �llt~a That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, .do not forget to give us a call. We have a finis range of Tweeds, Worsteds; etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Snits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. It Holl Bl Gide iii SZ r" I lr'' ,i a nlinz " �,?1I- tt 0 c ZURICH 4 C fl MEA T MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness• and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing built the best. 7e make our own Saul ages. Give ns a call. YONNEDEICER Weak Kidneys, sorely point to weak kidney 'raves. The Kidneys, like the :Heart, and the ;Stomach, find their weakness, not in tho organ ;itself, but in the nervus that control and guide land strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is is medicine specifically prepared to reach these !Controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone, ;is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as well, If your bank -aches or is weak, if the urine localds, oris dark and strong, if you have symptoms of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid- liae'y disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month— ;Tablets or Linuid—and see what it can and will ..do for You. Druggist recommend and sell `I ii C` ,`, r �rp's Resiorahve HENSA L,L., Our hockey. tearer easily defeated the Theclford thane on the. local rink on Monday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. `R, Stewart have returned from the West and will reside in the dwellingrecently purchased from D. Steart, Lon- don Road. • The first Carnival of the season was held on Thursday- evening last and was a splendid success. Oyer. a hundred attended the Leap Year Ball given by the ladies on the 31st of January, in Me- Donell's Opera House. Will Hart left on Monday last for Dauphin Man., as assistant to the Methodist minister in that Western town. Asocial will be held in the Opera House this (Friday) evening, under the auspices of the ladies' of St. Paul church. Mr. David Cantelon's little child who has been very ili. is slowly recovering. EXETER - A WINTER NUMBER OF "ROI) AND GUN." When Winter;is King in (4.40.a the delights of the 'Dominion Conic out in manifold force. The wools put on new beauties and spo :tsnlen turn to the open, sure of fresh pleasures and increased onjoynents Winter scenes are so characteristic of Canada, so much misunderstood abroad, and so heartily' oiejoyed within the borders of our own 'wide country, that ROD AND GUN, AND MOTOR SPORTS IN -CANA- DA, published by W. J. Taylor at Woodstock, Ont., in issuing a Win- ter Number and directing attention to the wonders of that season in Canada, is doing good servieo:, The delights of a snowshoe tramp are not exceeded by any other form of outdoor pleasure and etperrs toll. of experiences which sake the blood tingle and the longing 'cordo agein with ten -fold force tosag**ttin find one's self on the shoes. While Winter fs lir•eminent throughout' the number there is plenty of ether fare for the sportsman who may be particularly recommended to the ' David 1'uowclifl (t and family mow- valuable paper on the Woodcock, ed to Granton last week. Mr. R I by Mr. John Arthur Hope, and the has gong into the general store fine story of Crossing the Water- 1)llsiness in that Village. way,, by Martin Hunter, In ad - Miss Bowerman of North D,a- clition there aro stories of hunting fat 1. Aruistron. 'S i2) Nova Scotia, New lirenswl•ick l.gta hsavi tiln4T `I and British Columbia, while. the The 0. I' R. surveyors are nihil- echoes of the dog controversy clon- inga lino at the South end cif the ; thine to be heard in three short, town, cine West. i. ! f, i ,l nc.eful papers tv1G111form no Mr. Harold Bissett of the Mol- mean contribution to question, sons Bank Siinece has been trans- the, full effects of wIlielh midst be ferrel to Tnro:ito. ! 0,,n idrrecl by the Legislature ere Mr. Joseph Snell was laid up ; long. Mountain elimbingie given last wee:- by illness- i a place and the dop artuieufa all Fred and Frank Walter of Mehl- 1 i1 "play ;•ignrnos life and aro full an wrero here last week visiting of interest, 11.11 whole 'number is such their father, who is ill at, engin only be prod :c.1 by a magazine having • Canada as its Stop that tickling Cough ! Di: field, and both in subjects and in Shoop's Cough Care will surely- method. of dealing- with them must stop it, and with perfect safety. It Iinterest every sportsman, let his is so thoroughly harmless, thatparticular dobby in outdoor life be Dr Shoop tells mothers to use what it rnay. nothing else even with very young babies. The wholesome green tem -- Grippe is stvee])ing the noantry, es and tender stems of a lung heal- ing mountainous shrub furnish the Stop it with Preventfcs, before it curative properties to Dr Shoop'sgats deeply seated, To check early cough cure. It calms the cough.colds with these little Candy Cold and heals the sensitive bronchial Lure Tablets is surelysensibin and I membranes. No opium, no chloro- "ate. Pre contain'no Quin. I form nnthing harsh used to injure ine no laxative, nothing harsh or sickening, Pneumonia would never appear if early colds were, prompt- ly broken. Also good for feverish children. Large box, 4$ tablets, 2.) eents, Vest pocket boxes 5 cts. Sold by Alt Dealers. • �ST;CC't+�`SS1iUL CAf'tV1tir L The first Ga.rnival _of the season was held on the Honsa ll rink on Thursday last, There was a good attendance and overyt3: ing passed off sati .factorily. Quite a num- ber appeared in Castenie, The following were the judges —A. avottncl again after an attack of Whiteside, N. Cook, A. Reichert. typhoid. H)' brother William also The prize. winners were :—Gents' had the same disease at Port Huron P' Ln( y W. Perkins as a, Hobo ; hospital and he is expected 11011101 boys Comic, Arthur i'lcArthur, tin sport ; Girls Fancy. Alexis Mur - shortly. dock, Cowboy (lirl; Ladies Fancy, M. D. Westlake los two vain- Edna eelanals, Silver Heels. The able, horses recently. '1110 loss is i races were exciting, Gents, 1 Inile estimated at least i400, 00. ! Wilbert Ben a:�lugh, Boys mile, The following is the report of Arnold Ilobkirk, Ladies' and U: S. S. No. 1 Hay and Stanley for Gents' , mile, ,Miss -Jessie. Hobkirk the month of January. The and ��'.�Bengouch. names are in order of 1nerii V. Norman Johnston. Sr, IV Henry Dowson, Gerald DAS HWOOD Snider, (egna].) Thomas Johnston, ' Milton Johnston, Lorincla Dawson. Jr, .EV. Earl Shiibe, Mamie Johnston. Jr. IIT Pearl Schilbc Jr. II Annabelle, McDonald, Gordon Johnston, Irene, Polloeh, Noah Hartman, Bessie Snider, l't. II (a) Arnold Sellflbo Pt. II (b) Minnie Johne ton. Ver- ne, Jacobi, Priscilla Dm:ha;•nia, Pt. I (a) Alice Dnchtirme. Pt. I (b) Louis Hartman, Evelyn A. Morton, Teacher. N /AL ARTIST For a quick and easy shave or an up -to date Mair -cut Jos. Dirstein's Stand Opp. Commercial Hotel THE TELEPHONE ON TIME FAR14I' Galt Reformer : A farm house with a telph.one is no longer wholly isolated; thntlg}1 ont of sight of every neighbor, for they aro all within call. The conditions of the market can be ascertained and goods bought and sold without leaving horde, the doctor e,an be 4tjnimollecl without loss of time, and distant friends can be oonh mttnicated with at pleasure. or suppress. �Deinand Dr Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by•All Dealers. DRYSDALE Mr. John A. Talbot of Sossevain Man, is home for a visit. It is '. twenty- One years since he left here, and elevenyear.•s since ho last visited Ontario, Mr. Alfred Talbot of Kenora is also visiting relatives in this seetion and paid a visit to his sister Mrs. (Rev) F. a. Ling at .i?ort IIuron, whom he head not seen in 24 years.. It is 10 years since he was 1101110. Robert Turner Jr. is able to be The editor of the Brussels Post commenting on West Huron poli- tics says :—"West Huron Liberals are now in battle array for the codling contests. Robert Holmes, the well known Editor of the Clin- ton New Era, who has had M. P. honors previous to the last general election, will try conclusions again with E. N. Lewis, the present member, who resides in Goclorich and the needle of the compass points to a victory for the pen wielder of Clinton. Barrister Prouclfoot will carry the banner for the Provincial election and will make a doughty candidate who will stand a good chance of winning, His opponent is not yet named. Some say it may bo Rev. Joseph. Elliott, of Goderieh; others name Jas. Mitchell, of the Gode- rich Star, while not a few put their hand qn the shoulder of David Cantelon, of Clinton, and say "Your the boy." Time will bring the solution. The seat has been held by Barrister M. G. Cameron, of Goderioh, who declined to be re -nominated. We ei:peet to see Holmes and Proudfoot the winning team in West Huron," The Youi'ig People's Society of the Lutheran congregation here! will Ilolcl an entertainment in Zimmer's hall on the evening of February 27th. The object of 1 this entertainment to rtaiso a fund. wherewith to p irclaase an organ for their new chnroh which will be built this season. This congregat ion has great talent and will no doubt render a good pi -ogre -men on the evening of the a'sve date. It is reported theta young coup- le from this community has cleoid - ed that it is not good for man to bb alone and will in the near future enter into the state 'of Matrimony. Rev. J. P, Hanch will give an' illustrative lecture on. Japan in the Evangelical Chur^la here on the evening of Feb, 13th A small fee to defray the expenses will be taken at°the door. Mr. William Brown has returned to his home here. How we ao enjoy the sunshine after the dark and stormy days of last week. (From another oor) Mr. Nicholas and George Stire left Monday, for Fish'erviile, to attend the funeral of their father, Mr. E. Thiel spent Sunda,; in Dashwood with friends. Miss Lovina Koch, spent Sunday at the bonne of her parents, • A number of young people spent Sunday at the home of Mr. H. L. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ketch, left Wednesday morning, for Logan to .visit friends and relatives. W. C. T. U. WE WANT A Reliable Local Salesman for Zurich. and adjoining country to represent Canada's Greatest NURSERIES Largest list of commerical and domestic fruits—large and small ; ornamentals and shade trees ; flow- ering shrubs. vines, roses ; fine seed potatoes one of our specialties. Stock that is hardy conies from us THE MARCH E'O11WARD. A permanent sittuation for right man, for whom territory will be reserved.. Iay Weekly ; P'ree Egtiptnent. Write for Particulars. Stone & Welling -ton F()NTIIILL NL USER.LES ( Shi ACRES. ) TORONTO (in TA.RIO • r Cool ale. to returns from ott I ( vot- ing . 1 1 t l'J � t ing on local option in tiro province of Ontario on Monday, January 0, are not yet available as we write, but we have heard. enough to pro• noune' elle campaign as splendid triumph for the c,auee of te:rtper- ance. ()f eotll.'e, we have not (lone all we (11110(1 t() do, and aro really disaepeinteil over the, resclts in some gnartere, but the sunt total of the earnest 'Lnit enthu.iaastie work. of the fr 'nils of sobriety and peal citi ell.wh ph., something that we can rejoice in with unfeigned joy. The 1 etc ,t report from headquar- ters gives thirty-six victories to the prohibitionists, six of these being on votes to repeal. Thirty munici- palities.- therefore, will be for the first time brought under local pro- hibition in May next, and adding these to the number already under prohibition, we have no loss than three hundred and sixteen munici- palities in this province the citizens of which have voted the liquor traffic out of existence The recent vote will clot e over one Hundred licensed place, ninety-six being the exact number so fur as reports have been received, and there are sure to be several to add to this. These figures are certainly cheering. So fax as returns are in,- the pro- hibitionists have failed to carry the local option by-law in twenty-seven other municipalities because of the requirement of the three fifths elause. In each one of these eases there was a Inajority of the voters favnrin ; lecttl prohibition, and ill some cases that majority was a large one, brit in nu ease did it reach the sixty per cent of the vote. We believe that ninety-nine out of every one hundred temper- anee workers in this province persist in considering that require- ment an neinst one, and claim that a Ijttst law would give sixty- thrco instead of thirty-six. Victor - les to the party of reform. And there is hardiy any doubt that every local option contest tends to fix firmer this conviction in the 1 minds of the people. In only twentyfonr places, so fares reported, did the local op- tioniste fail to secure its 21111011 as is majority in favor of their mea- saro. This is surely a record of which no ono need be ashamed. One of the straight defeats was on a vote to repeal. and this was one of the eases over which the tem- perance people wore especially disappointed. However, it is worth while remembering that the by- law was carried in the first instan- 00 by a very narrow majority, and that the defeat • only meant a change of seven votes, while the six inunicapalities that defeated repeal piled rip their majorities. in favor of local option by over eight hundred votes, This showing strongly supports the contention of the temperance people that where local option is given a fair trial it wins its way with the poop- I le, who having once tried it are very unlikely to revert to the olcl order. Temperance people have learned how to take defeat, for they have had Soule experience along that line. They have learned, too, that very little is to be gained save through persistence and determin- ed courage. They are encouraged by this year's results to move for- ward more aggressively, yet more patiently incl more wisely than ever before. Had results been very much worse than they were they would not have thrown down their weapons, for they are in this „war. fere till their high and holy cause mightily triumphs. There can be no surrender to 'the man who works in God's name,—Press Supt. Bona. GInsoiv—In Stanley. Tp. on the Bth, inst. to the wife of Mr, E. Gib- son, a daughter, Tit,`() DAYS S TO LONDON N 'i'hc> /011,W.1.21 g 1105 handed in by one ,(t our friends not a hundred mile, from here and play 1)0 of some int( et to ruin readers." The morning of Wednesday going Soutli the L & B train became stalled at C'inndeboye and did not get to London till one o'clock Friday and when the relieving en- gine 0111110 up it was -impossible to thaw out the steam pipes in the coaches and the passengers were put ie the Van. The following is a list of the passengers and their place of residence :—"Miss Louie O'Neill, Denfield ; Mrs. Wrn. Rob- nson, 5t Marys ; Mr' . enc. Mrs, F W. Cooper, Clintoh Mr. Wn1. Addison, Londsburagh; Mr. and Mrs. T• H. Crooks, Detroit; Dr. Holmes, Pt. Hill Oklahoma; James Slherbrook, Londsburogh ; Mr. and Mrs. G. Turner, Bluevale: Miss Annie McEwen, London ; Miss Bertha M, King, Manchester : Mr, and Mrs. James Laidlaw, ()miss; well Mich. ; WIn. Swayze, Blake ; Micheal Tobin, Goderich ; Mr. D. Com bee, Loudon ; Mr. B. Bray, London ; Wm. Sweath Bhman, Wingham ; Mr. T. Christie, To- ronto ; Norman Martin, Parkhill, Mr. A, K. Dawson, Hamilton; John Ehlin, B. C. ; W. J. Bayge- mart, Wingham ; Mr. King, Blyth ; W. H. Stogdill. Varna; F. Lei - bold, Zurich." It is hardly conceivable that . the Government will interfere with tho decision of Council to cut oil thirty-four liquor licenses in Torrent•). The Ncws has not con- coaled its opinion that in view of the adverse vote on the reduction by-law two years ago, Council should. not have ordered a reduct- ion without tho concent of the people. On the other hand, it is entirely within the right of Coun- cil to limit the number of licenses and any action by the Government to reverse its action would be nn - wise, improper and dangerous. It is doubtful if popular feeling again- st the liquor business ever was so strong in Ontario as it is to -day, and any attempt to veto the de- cision of Council to limit licenses in Toronto would. rouse this senti- ment against the Administration in Queen's Park, and probably would imperil its candidates in many constituencies. Toronto is not alone in reducing licenses, and there is no more reason to inter- fern with this municipality than their is to revise the action of other communities. Whatever ar- gument may be urged against tate course of the Board of Control and alderman, anct interference by Government with their decision will be arbitrary, improper and politically inexpedient to the last degree. Toronto News. The right thing to do when you feel bilious is to take a close of Cha:mberla,in,s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regulate the liyer and bowels. Try it, Price, 25 cents. Samples free a J. J Merner. Have any steps been taken to build a skating rink in town? Now would be the time to get the ma- terial ready. There are a large number of young people Vele wl0 would patronize a rink and some of the moneyed tenon should get to- gether and form a local company. A good building could be built for about $2500,00 and a fair return honld bo assured front the invest- ment,