The Herald, 1907-12-27, Page 44
The Zuiric
r emir meepQ QD 1IDOO DQl lap®QD %aD Q 0
13§§tablisbed, 1855
Assets $33;739124.4. 8
Capital $3,360,170 Surplus $3,360,170
i-IE---� Q
Molsons Bank!
d v
Solicits Accounts of Firms, Corporations and Individnals, to
wbout it assures courteous treatment and every facility, consistent
with careful Bauking. We invite your business.
Interest allowed on Barings from date of Deposit
, Notary Public, Heusall,
A+l!t$rich (Zeller's office) every Mon-
riaters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
aoderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R. G. Hays. G. F. Bair.
chased back my business from E. W.
Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend
• to all business !as formerly. Calls at
Rau's Hotel.
Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's residence.
Notary Public. De e d s , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents. care-
ftl,jly and promptly preparqd. Office—
�91Dler blodk, Zurich, Ont.
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My
rates are reasonable and I will guarantee
the 'best of satisfaction. For the cou-
venienee of my friends in Hay and
Stanley, dates and terms may be ar-
ranged at TILE HERALD Office, Zurich.
1ioneer for the Counties of Huron and
Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. An
orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Bay, or
addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be
promptly attended to.
,lu,te of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons; Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto 'University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every M.on-
day. 1`26'
Lumber For Sale.
' After Nov. 20th, 1 will be in a
position to fill all orders for Maple,
Beech, Hemlock, Basswood, Soft
and ?dock Elm Lumber.
1S-8 Bayfield.
VirjbLic NOTICE is hereby given that a
L meeting of the Electors of the Police
Village of Zurich will be held in the
Tcwnehip Hall. In the village of Zurich,•on
MONDAY DEC. 30TH., 19117 + -
at the hour from twelve to one o'clock p.
In., for the purpose `of nominating Can-
,liJates for Police Trustees fur the year
1908 and in ease a pell is dem'.ncked a poll
Iaill be opened on
'lON9)AY, JAN. GTTL. 1903
in the Clerk's oilieo Town Ball.
• ;raid Poll will he kept open from 9
o'clock a, m., until 5 o'clock p. m., and no
longer. Dated at Znrich this 9th day of
December, A. 1). 1907.
Notice is hereby given that the 33rd
Ann;:al Meeting of the members of the
:Flay Township Farmers':•M.utual Fire In-
surance Company , will . be hold at the
Town Hall, Zurich. on Tuesday, January
14th, 1908, et one o,clock p. in. Business -
'Receiving the Director.' Auditors' and
Treasurer's Reports, Election of Directors
and such other business as may be neces-
sary for the good and welfare of the corn -
A 1 are requested to attend.
Obrietian Stade, Esq,, Seery Either,
President. Secretary.
To cheek a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy
Cold Tablets called Preventics.
Druggists everywhere axe now dis-
pensing Preventies' for they are
not only safe, but decidedly effect-
ive and prompt, Prevention • con-
tain no • quinine, no laxative,
nothing berth , moi' sickening.
Taken at thea; "sneeze stage" Pre
ventics .vii `prevent Pneumonia.
Bronchitis, Lai •t,.rippe,etc. Hence
the name,' Preven'ice. Good for
fev'erieh children. 48 Preventics
25 cents. Trial Boxes :, otn. Sold
by All Dealers.
FRIDAY DEC. 27th, 1907.
Saturday Night says of the Con-
servative member for W est Huron :
—Mr. E. N. Lewis, M. P. of Uode-
rich, made a speech in parliament
the other day for which he deserves
credit. He talked sense without
regard to party polities. spoke•up
as a thinking man should in a par-
liament supposed to be represent-
ative of the people, instead of mere-
ly re hashing approved party opin-
ions, he stated his own views on
many questions that require to he
dealt with. There should be more
of this in parliament, and members
of the house should not miss the
significance of the fact {that daily
newspapers,—even some politically
opposed to Mr.. Lewis—gave his
speech a hearty welcome. The
people are ready for thinking and
free speaking parliament whenever
the members are ready.
Hr. Hyde, of St. Marys, the en-
gineer of the St. Marys and West-
ern Ontario railway was in town
Tuesday looking around to see
where would be the best place
to pass through Exeter. The
engineer consulted with Reeve'
Bobier and expressed his belief that
the old market site would be the
best place to locate the station,
and run the tracks northwest pass-
ing the G. T. R. under the bridge
Mr. Hyde expeets to return to town
either to -day or tomorrow to go
into the matter more fully.—Exeter
•.It appears the t-tteakisa ' sir viae
fully decided to build- . a =branch
through Exeter, to' Sarnia. The
people of this section should try,
and get the company to connect
their. (ioderich� terminus with .Ex-
eter, via Zurich. The branch would
be less than 30 miles in length, and
would prove a valuable feeder for
the main line besides giving Cide-
rich almost a direct C. P. R. line to
London. If we keep our hands in
our pockets as In the past, another
opportunity will go by and our
railway facilities remain as they
wereifor thirty years. We believe
a that Zurich should organize a
Board of Trade at once, as we
could then deal with such import-
ant matters as t.sey present them-
selves. Why not call the business
men together, and .discuss the
A tickling cough, from any eau ie
is- quickly stopped by Dr. Shrop's
Cough Cure. And it is so thronghly
harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop
tells Inc -Ogre everywhere to give
it -Without •hesitation even•to very
young babes. The wholesome green
leaves, and tender stems of a lung -
healing +mountainous shrub furnish
the curative properties to Dr,
Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the
cough, and Heals the sore and sen-
sitive bronchial membranes. No
opium, no chloroform, nothing
harsh used to injure or suppress.
Simply a resinous plant extract,
that helps to heal aching lungs.
The Spaniards call this shrub
which the Doctor uses, "The sacred
herb". Always demand Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. Sold by, All Dealers.
W. C. T. U.
The question is `very frequently
asked whether anything has been
'really gained in the temperance
and prohibition reforms ; whether
With all the outlay of effort and
wealth, all the consecration of life
and service, any real progress has
been made towards that day when
drunkeness will be no more.
There are pessimistic features in
the outlook to which one turns in
seeking an answer to this question.
The consumption of intoxicating
liquors hiss increased and is increas-
ing. We look back' to lthe early
years of the "century as to ;"drk
ages of intemperance,"' yet). the
American people drank that less of
alcoholic beverages per capita
than they drink today. Rocl1011y
the drinking custom has still great
respectability. Not only- do the
elite of society indulge in intox-
icants, but nniny who stand high
in the foremost professions, even
the ministry of the church, still
give the custom of •drinking al-
eholio beverages the sanction of
their example, The liquor traffic
i$ almost wholly in control of the
means:for 'disseminating intellig-
ence. It so nearly owns most of
the daily papers of the country
thatetthey could scarcely serve it
better were the ownership formal.
In politics the saloon is in great
Yet there aro many things that
have been accomplished during the
past one hundred years. One hun-
dred years ago total abstinence
was not believed consonant with
health. One hundred years ago al-
ebol was the chief of the materia
medico; One hundred years ago
drunkeness- Was hardly disreput-
able: Sotno of the greatest of Am-
erican ' statesmen. at much more
recent periods than that, were in
the habit of being seen in public
places in an intoxicated condition,
and. lost nothing of their reputat-
ion therefrom. One hundred years
ago' on. ' the most advanced think-
ers iatraced the drink evil be-
yond tbo drinker, and the right of
a mania() poison his fellows by the
sale of a '-commodity that tempted
the weak and the unfortunate was
hardl;so• much as challenged.
Now -all things are 'changed.
Total abstinence is reconized as the
correct rule of life. In medicine
the hold of alcohol is daily weaken-
ing. Dttink'e'nness is di`seputable
The public man who is habitually
drunk suffers from it in his rep-
utation, and takes great pains to
concelel it. Theedrunkard is not
wanted anywhere, and gravest
suspicion upon any other man even
men who drink looked with the in
important position when the is
known to , indulge in the seine
habit:" The-- saloon's right to do
business is not only challenged in
the realm of law, but the challenge
is practically substantiated. Court
deeisidns of the strongest character
have been recorded against it, and
again.the infliction of damages for
the common to -be -expected results
of its business has spoken of the
slender tenure of life that it holds
before the law.
Noris all that has been aocomp-
lished visible at a glance. A great
evil, pereistentiy attacked, for a
long series of years, may exhibit
almost no signs of yielding, when
in fact it is honey -coalbed with de
struction to its very ,foundation.
A11 t e va rk thet e� .have. done
neat r a 1?rq,, -Fa1�6'1#.t4311l!•
Foiwce+ Aeief Be' -pato.-
iniiu r e un inflitenets, ea-alltat an
error nus' polder, the existence of
which is bfrdly realized, has been
created and today exists—lurking
like oneof the giant explosives of
modern science, unsuspected, un-
til tho crack of the detonator sets
it free to appall the spectator with
its work of destruction.
Perhaps the most important ac-
complishment of all the years of
teniperance effort is the arrival at
this—what we may call te sur-
charged condition of society. the
coming of the day when the com-
plete destruction of the traffic is a
perfectly thinkable thing, a pos-
sible result of events that may
happen any Sear.—The Defender.
Press. Supt.
A very pretty house wedding
was celebrated at the home .of Dior.
and Mrs Thomas Johnston. Zurich
Pint, on Deo 23rd. at highnoon,
when their eldest daughter Adeline
was united in marriage to Dr. E. W
Stoskopf. The ceremony was per-
fornied'byRev. Maas pastor of the
Evangelical lei thern, church, inthe.
presence, of male, the ttnni'ediate rel
atives and friends,of the contract-
ing parties. The wedding march
was played by Miss SusieIJohnston,
sister of the bride. After congrat-
ulations the wedding party pro.
ceeded to the dining room, which
was beautifully decorated with.
evergreens and holly, where a
sumptuous dinner was served.
The bride looked pretty in pearl
grey taffeta trinnmaadrwith 411 over
English porntlace, carrying a bogn-
et of bridal roses. The bridesmaid
Miss Matilda, sister of, the bride,
was dressed .in •.pills' 161 :•. taffeta.
Mr. George-Stoskopf of Mitchell,
brother of the groom, acted as
groomsman. The present from the
groom to the bride was a gold
crescent set with amethysts and
pearls To the. bridesmaid a ring
set with pearls and diamond chips
and from the bride to the grooms-
man a gold fountain pen. The
happy couple Left on the evening
train for L'etrcit, Grand Rapids,
Howard City .and other points.
THE HsIt4LD extends- heartiest
congratulations, and wishes them
ahwldant happiness and prose•
erty'iii,their journeys thtough life,
Mr, Bohn Strang, et farmer near
Kippen, rind who has been confined
in the London Asylum the past
year, colnmited suicide en Priddy
lust, by jumping into the reserrior
of the ifistitution
Organs, Pianos & Sewing Machines
1 he Old and Reliable - -
Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing 1`lills....
Shingles! Shingles!
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
They are the B. 0. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price
is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to yoar interest to see me before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable:
price. Custom Sawing and Planing.
'Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Webeg to announce that we have
a `c"�'ompte" e me, o
Seeds. Tu Garden. Seeds we handle
the celebrated L L May & Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
g packages Garden Seeds for io cents.
We also have a good line of Field Seeds.
Turnip and Mangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Groceries," Flour, Feed, Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give:us a call.
.i ..i
1. r
Samuei . Raumie
International ' I-Iarvester..
...I implements.
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make .of Farin Im-
plements. They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Buy
no other.
.We;handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. -Metal
Pig Troughs, last much lonnerj than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e tery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all
When in need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or
Cutter see our lines before you
buy. They will please you.
s ��yy /��y
Rickbeil's Old Stand M ZURICH.
r. F.