The Herald, 1907-12-13, Page 5The Zurich Herald.
The Popular
Store at Blake
E have just
opened out a
large and up -to
elate Stock of
Xmas Goods and
Would. extend a hearty
invitation to our Cus-
tomers to come and
see them before buy-
ing elsewhere.
R. N. Douglas,
Pain in the head --pain anywhere, has its Gauss
Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure -nothing
else usually. At least. so says Dr. Shoop, and to
prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That
tablet—called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet—
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers,
Its effect is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently,
though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circa.
, If you have a headache, it's blood pressure.
, If it's painful periods with women, same cause.
If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
congestion—blood pressure, That surely is a
certainty, for Dr. Shoop's headache Tablets stop
It in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressure.
Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get red, and
swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con-
gestion, blood pressure. You'll find it where pain
Is—always. It's simply Common Sense.
We sell at 25 cents. and cheerfully recommend
Dr. Sheep's
Next Sunday the 3r d. quarterly
meeting service,.in connection
with the Evangelial Church here,
will be conducted by Rev. L. H.
Wagner of Berlin, the Presiding
Elder of the district.
The Christmas entertainment in
.connection with the Evangelical
•Church of this place will be held
on the 25th. Dec. The committee
are putting forth every effort to
:make this entertainment , senpass
'thy thing Of the kind heretofore
held in this place una. all who'at-
lend will no doubt be richly repaid
for their presence.
Don't forget to be present at the
Public School Concert to be given
in Zimnmer's hall on the evening of
Dec. 20th. A good programme is
being prepared by the paqils and
will be delivered in good taste.
Mr. Lonorci Grill of Michigan, is
.at present visiting among relatives
in and around this village,
Miss Laura Goetz who has been
in Detroit for some time returned
to her home last week.
Mr. Henry Willert and Jacob
Kellerman, who were in attend-
ance at the session of the County
Council held in Wingham returned
home the latter part of las t week.
The union prayermeeting of last
week was not as well attended as
we could have hoped. We trust at
the next occassion many more will
turn out.
Mr, William Brown received
word on Monday of the very
.serious illness of his son John of
Rostern. He left on Tuesday for
that place to',see, if possible, his
son. who is not expected to recover,
On Wednesday evening of lust
the Y. P. A, here elected week
thatofficers for the coaling year
President Rev. L. K. Eidt;• 1st
vice, Miss Emma Callfas ; 2nd vice,
Miss Letitia Schnell ;3rd vice, Miss
Ethel Kellerman; 4th vice, Miss
Trasa Miller ; Sec, Miss Theo Haart-
leib ; Treas. Sam, Ooitreicher ; Or-
ganist, • Miss Ethel Kellerman ;
:assistant, .Miss Tillie Miller.
With such a willing staff of officers
we are quite sure the Y. P. A. will
•tlo noble work during the coming
A tickling cough, from any cause
is quickly stopped by Dr. Sheep's
Cough Cure. And it is so throughly
harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop
'tolls mothers everywhere to give
at without hesitation even to very
young babes. Tho wholesome green
leaves, and tender stems of a lung -
healing mountainous shrub furnish
the curative properties to Dr,
'Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the
•cough, and heals the sore and sen-
sitive bronchial membranes. No
'opium, no chloroform, nothing
.harsh used to injure or suppress,
*.`limply a resinous plant extract,
that helps to heal aching lungs.
,The Spaniards call this shrub
which the Doctor rises, "The sacred
herb" Always demand Dr. Shoop's
•'Cough Cure, Sold by, All Dealers.
Mr. Jacob Kellermale's driver is
At present• laid up with What is
-called, the white leg.
(intended for last week)
Mr, Jas. Allen traded horses this
week, with Geo. Douglas Jas. now
is the proud possessor of a fine team
of working horses, and has a beaut-
iful driver besides. Watch Out a
little, ladies. •
Mr. W. J. Howard was the loser
this week, of what at one tithe
was a valuable beast. Faithful old
"Mag" is now numbered with: the
dead, in her low and silent ,bed.
Social card .parties aro the order
of the evenings nova•, and some of
our young people are becoming
quite proficient at the game,
Mr. Thos. Wiley collected taxes
at our burg one day recently.
Stanley tp, taxes are every year
getting higher, and higher, and
people now are paying a good year -
ly rental on their property in taxes,
Mr. Ross Johnston butchered,
some monstrous pigs last week. Mr
Johnston is a good feeder.
To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy
Cold Tablets called Preventics.
Druggists everywhere are now dis-
pensing Preventics' for they. are
not only safe, but decidedly effect-
ive and prompt, Preventics con-
tain no quinine, no laxative,
nothing harsh nor sickening.
Taken at the "sneeze stage Pre•
ventics will prevent Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence
the nano, Preveneics. Good for
feverish children. 48 Preventics
25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold
by All Dealers.
The concert in the Methodist
tchureh on Monday, given by the
children of the Sabbath school was
largely uttended.
Wm. B. McLean has been ill for
the past few weeks with a severe
Dr. Seliery was called to Kin-
cardine last. week, to attend the
funeral of bis sister, who died there
Miss E Caldwell returned recent-
ly, from an extended visit in the
Western Provinces.
Sndden Death —Our villagers
were shocked on Monday evening.
last to learn of the sudden death of
Dir, Wilfrid Houghton, youngest
son of Mrs. Houghton, of this vill-
age. He -eyes as in Mr. John .Me -
Arthur's hardware store, where he
was talking and joking ;with ,tl
.criiup1e"'of boy friends, white w
senflin ; for fttn, .Alexi Wafted;
stepped up, with the words in his
mouth, -'I am going to seperate
stop) you boys," he instantly fell
dead frog) heart disease from which
he had been suffering. He was
carried home on a stretcher. Very
ninth sympathy is felt for tho be-
reaved mother,8;who has now lost
three sous and one daughter all
apparently from the same cause,
and in the same sudden manner.
The deceased was a bright young
man in his 19th. year and had been
working in the village all summer
and fall, and; was quite a favorite
with his companions. A funeral
service was held in St. Paul's
church on Wednesday afternoon,
which was largely attended, and
an impressive sermon was deliver-
ed by Rev. W. J. Doherty. The
remains enere afterwards interred
in the Staffer cemetery.
(Intended for last week)
Quite a number in the village
have been bnying timber. in the
swamp. and are leaking preparation
to get it out,
Bring along your dried apples,
butter and eggs, and get the high.
est price at the Blake store
Mr. Chris, Bechler is doing a
good chopping business, chopping
John, Thirsk has completed a
good season's threshing.
Mr. McMartin, traveller for Gor-
don and McKav Toronto, spent two
days with R. N. Douglas last week.
Mr, and I,Irs, G. Douglas, moved
their household effects to Seaforth
on Tuesday, intending to spend a
while in that flourishing town.
A few cutters were seen since
the recent faill of snow. A few
inches more would make things
Mr, 0, Bechler met with an un-
pleasant mishap on Friday last,
He was operating the crusher when.
in some way his fingers 'were
caught, and torn so badly, that it
required a number of stitches to
close the wounds. We hope Chris.
will soon be round again.
Trial Catarrah treatments are
being mailed out free, on request.
by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Those
tests are proving to the people—.
without a penny's cost—the great
Value of this scientific proscription
kn wn to druggtsts everywhere as
Dro Shoop's Remedy. Sold by
Al. Balers.
Extras, attraotions are the rule
for Christmas numbers and in this
particular the December issue of
the "Rod and Gun and Motor
Sports in Canada," published by
W. 5, Taylor, Woodstock, Ont.,
is by no means behind, The qual-
ity and chaaraoter of the contents
are both high and snob as roust
prove attractive to every sports-
man, while the Christmas flavor,
though not too pronounced is well
in evidence, An exploration pia
per of exceptional intrest leads off
the traveller, with at half breed
guide, making his way. front file
End of Steel on the Teniiskaming
& Northern Ontario Railway to
Moose Factory on Hudson Bay.
Two stories of hunters lost in the
woods are most interesting ex-
periences which will come home to
those who are acquainted with
onr pathless forests. Some Christ-
mas Fox Hunts, a Christmas Day
spent in Marine Zoology on the
shores of the pacific in. British.
Columbia, and astory of a police
patrol under great difficulties in
the far northland are all notable
artioles. The story of how an un-
grateful settler met his end in a
snow blizzard on Christmas Eve,
and bow a • bear was defeated by
snowballs are •specifnens of the
variety of contents which make
this number an advance upnn all
that has gone before. ',Three
Hours in a Bear Trap" is a vivid
piece of description of tt misadven-
ture in the backwoods, while In-
dian Cooking in Northern Canada
supplies another view of; life in
Canadian forests which prove so
attractive to e.11 students of out-
door life. For variety and intrest
this number is unsurpassed and
should'be the one magazine no
sportsman means to miss. Every
article is interesting and many of
then are of special interest:
G Sweef to Eatba -etS A Candy Bowl Laxative,
Well old editor, lam back again
from my long visit, after the.harcl
summer's work, which I pe petty
appreciate, but cannot -help but say
that I am proud to have the visit
of Jack Frost, which means to me,
a rest, and while I take this rest I
will 'furnish our great pepar, "The
Her, " which circulate: n. our
threugh dis ant Ones
setae islI e,"eaelltite�
• ,• Pollock and M. Castlia'of
Bayfield, wore guests at.At'r. J.
Howard's the past couple of weeks.
Mr, H Talbot our veteran thresh-
-er is again in the vicinity, hulling
clover, and cutting straw, for his
many customers. Mr. Talbot re-
ports an extra good season although
crops were not of the very best.
Who was a visitor at Mr. J.
Ducharme's last Saturday evening?
Mr. Janes Denommo of St. Joseph,
Mr. Denomnte has not called in our
town for over eight months, as he
spent the' past tinge navigating on
the Great Lakes, He reports an
enjoyable time spent during the
summer. This young gentleman is
heartily ,welcomed back by his
many friends, in this vicinity.
Miss Florence Turner is at
present visiting friends in Guelph.
Mr. John Talbot of Manitoba, is
at present visiting in this vicinity,
lilr. and Mrs John Lena,way
have made their home on the farm
of Mr. J. Johuston for the winter.
Mrs. Ed. J. Denommy visited her
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Dncharme
of Zurich, the past week.
Mr. j. Corrivean of Zurich, was
a guest at Mr. Simon BeCtard's last
Mr, Ed. Bedard who for the past
summer was engaged with Mr.
Stinson of Bayfield has moved to
the village.
Christmas is nearing, :and we
join with our neighbors, to extend
onr hearty welcomes to our many
friends, who intend visiting us
during the holidays.
Mr. Arthur Geoffroi who for the
past summer, macre his home in
Goderich, is at present visiting an
this vicinity.
Clubbing rates.
:V -Wo have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tin IHFaa.Ln :
Daily Globe . -$ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1,75
„ 'Mail & Empire 1,60
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.60
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1,50
Weekly Sun x,75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
Farming World 1,25
'fcoa anyCsamberian$ Colic,
Never fails. Buy it now, et way save life.
are available with renewal
of industrial activities in
early SPRING. If yon de-
sire one, you must enter
NOW. Short, sharp, snapcly
conrses for those whose
time of money is limited,
and the broadest and most
comprehensive eurrioalrn
for those who would attain
more than ordinary success.
mercial, Stenography, Tele-
graphy, Civil Eer vice, 1Ylttt-
rilulation, Pennanshil% etc.
Write for particulars to
Clinton Business College.
rMen and Women of Ontario
is for
The Great Provincial Charity, The
Hospital for Sick Children,
Calls On Yon For Aid.
Remember that this Hospital is not a
local institution, but Provincial.
9 It cares for every
sick child in the
Province of Ont -
at lo whose parents
Cannot afford to
pay for treattnlent.
Busy dollari are
better than idle
tear,. The syln
patlly that Weeps
h gond, but the
Hospital hastehave
the sympathy Lhuw
"I MICE PIc"rultl a3" Works.
Trost yet r there were 1003 patients ad-
mitted. OF these 37S carne from 2.i 1 places
outside of Toronto—all were children of
poor people who could eat adoral to pay fol
treatment of their little ones.
Each child was in the Hospital 47i days
at a cost of
t.81 ea.h
per day, or ,.
.d2.22 for.' tr, \? 4,-
the 47hdays,
,loiter"+ i 4
the feet of
a little boy rl.dssau>♦
or girl with club feet, you would gladly
give it, and your dollar will clo that.
There were 70 cases of ,.tub feet treated
Give us a call.
. . 1tt UR ii CH . u e
E+' keep in stock a
W :full line o fresh
meats, hares, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and '4vh01eso1neness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.,
We make our own
Give call.
That New
Winter Snit.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits matte at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in connection.
last year. Out of the 70, about 50 were
from the country.
you know of any child in your county
who is sick or has club feet, and whose t
parents can not afibrd to
pay, send the unmet() the
Hospital Secretary.
The strrk books aro
open. Won't you let
the hospital write your
name clown for a few
shares in Heaven's own
work of healing little
,+hildron ?
A great mine of Mercy
—the mining stock that
always pays dividends—
is bought with the money
that helps The Hospital
far Sick Children to ex-
tract the Gold of Life
from the Quartz of one mass.
Please send contributions to J. Roe -
Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David.
son, Sec.-Treas., of the Hospital for Sick
Thildren, Corless Street. Toronto.
A one dollar bill cannot be bet-
ter invested. than by mailing it to
the Family Herald and Weekly
Star, of Montreal, for a year's sub-
scription to that great weekly. To
have it come to your home each
week means a treat all the year
round. One dollar is a very small
amount when one considers that
every week for fifty-two weeks lie
is going to receive a copy of the
best weekly paper printed to -day.
It pleases everyone ; to fanners
particularly it is a wonderfnl help.
At this season one cannot do better
than send a dollar to the Family
Herald and Weekly Star, of
Notice to U. 5, subscribers—
Owing to the increased cost of post-
age, we are compelled to raise our
subscription rate to $1.50 per year.
As an inducement however for
prompt payment we will accept
$1,25 if paid during this month.
After the first of January the rate
will be $1 50 strictly in advance.
The increased rate to each will
mean a trifle but to us the extra
postage on several hundred sob.
scribers is considerable,
The best 25 cent
1ionthorgan made.
A full line of
Repairing a Specialty.
F. W. KESS - - Jeweler.
Spoke Truth in one Issue.
It is not pleasant and profitable
to always speak the plain truth in
the columns of a newspaper, Melt
who have tried this heretofore
have always cone to grief. Only
at few drays ego the editor of a
paper in Indiana, grew tired of
being called a liar, and announced
that he would tell the trnth in the
future and the next issue contained.
the following news notes :—John
Bonin the laziest merchant in
town glade a trip, to Belleville
yesterday.—John Coyle, our gro-
cery roan, is doing a poor business:
His store is dirty and dusty, how
can he do much?—Rev Styx
preached last Sunday night on
"Charity." The sermon. was
punk --Dave Sonky died at his
home in this place.' The doctor
gave it out as heart failure. Whis-
key killed hint.---Married-Miss
Sylvan Rhodes and James eolith),
last Saturday at the Baptist par-
sonage. The bride is a very ordin-
ary town girl who doesn't know
any more about cooking than a,
peck -rabbit does, and never helped
her mother three clays in her life.
She is not a beauty by any means
and has a gait like a buck. 'The
groom is an up-to•date loafer.
lie's been living off the folks all
his life and is not worth shucks.
It will 'be a hard life—The Gover-
nor of our State, a very ordinary
roan and,who was elected by accide-
nt was here yesterday. He has very
few friends here now. He promis-
ed some of the voters of this
precinct a piece of the pie' in event
of his election, but had forgotten
alt about it when the time to handl
over the little ofliee rolled around.
The paper had no sooner roached
the public than a committee was
sent to the editor bearing a peti-
tion asking hien to continuo in the
good old way and stating that they.
believed hire to be a truthful,
honest lean.