The Herald, 1907-11-22, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich, andylIay Townshi,p. Vol. VIII. ZIJRICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1907. (.92.01111.11401691461111111111=11111ZIMIESEPOLOWSIveillit[0:63214 ER e I Beginning Nov. 3oth to the end of the year i9o7 D u , Nos 17. I. find my stock of Dy Goods rather large. In order to reduce the sto6li,1 am giving thislarge discount of 20 per cent for cash and all farm produce. You must bear in mind that this is no old shelf -worn stock. The larger portion of this stock is entirely new This seasons Goods. Do not listen to anyone when theY try and make you believe this is old Itack, come and you 'will be convincedAhat my stock is first class. This discount goes all throuh the General stock of Dry Goods and Gents furnishings. Such as DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, . m I BLEACHED COTTON, ' LADIES' UNDERWEAR, WEAR, MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS, MEN'S OVERALLS, MEN'S SMOCKS, BOYS SWEATERS, MEN'S AND BOYS' RFADY: MADE SUITS, AND SUITS MADE TO ORDER. FLANNELETTES, FACTORY COTTON, WRAPPERETTES, PRINTS, WOOL BLANKETS, TOWLING, SHIRTINGS, ,,COTTON BLANKETS, COTTONADES, LADIES' FUR RUFFS, GINGHAIVIS, SATEENS, WHITE BEAR CLOTH, SPECIAL LINES 2 dozen Men's working shirts, regular price 75 cents each, for 45 2 dozen -Men's working shirts, regular price GO cents each, for .45 LADIES' COATS, ALL THIS YEAR COATS, MEN'S RATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, BBACES, SOCKS ,titq, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S, .....'.DRESS SHIRTS. HOSE, MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER - dozen Fall and Winter Caps, regular price 50 cents each, for. .35 20 only Girls' Reefers, regular prices from$'2.00 to $4.00, for .75 iramsrammataaasmtiamorsteaummemsazem. CHILDREN'S WHITEEAR COATS. 1 coat size 20 regular price, $2.25 for ...... $1,13 1 coat sizs 22 regulor rice,$2.50 for. 1 25 2 coats size 24 regular price, $3 00 for:.‘ 1.50 Towellings and Remnants 40 yds Towelling, regular price, 5 cts for 2 cts 40 yds Towelling, regular price, 8 cts .4 cts A lot of Remants, at a big snap. 4.74,4, •41.3.0trikn.YArn,,101.,•01•04•1is-,,,o PAY.•••• $1. FC...2.1.1419.1.111-.101,21.1-11.118111112111111t...143661.91.:021.111.1...11•11Mr , GENERAL MEROHANT ZURICH, = ONTARIO It1,1,111,01.X. .11 1.,,11•1.0t r' . • Mr* srynozzassavniassamccomrsavamato =171MTMOZCSAZ41.412020.125102M' • —ROYAL— Glycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect+, ions of the Throat turd. Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure or speedy. For Sale by Dealers. eraaragracraceavaa-a,rsar.ve,--.1aa-aantas LOCAL NEWS ri steraaracTraraceea-24-14-sa-sa-ma-aeo Commencing January 1st. clergY- tuen's half -fare tickets. on. railroads be aboliShed. Members of the Zurich Y. T. A. attended a Y, P. A. meeting at Dashwood on Monday evening. The tax collector of Hay, was in town on Wednesday, collecting taxes and reports business good. Large numbers of rabbits are being shot in these parts this fall. Bunnies seem. unusually plentiful this year. • Mr John 0, Jeffrey of Drysdale, has leased Mr. Jacob W. Woods' farm on the Lake Road for a term of five years. . Mr. Henry Leibold, Sr., has re moved from thelael-ale ao4c.lu Mr. Oscar .1(loT$ and kiss Vila "Witham: lase weelt And. get Elopp visited their parents at, to Stephen, 2 or a visit, - Stratford last week. Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, Oculist, Mr. R. Zeller has disposed of his Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, interest in the Rummel farm to Hensall, on Friday Nov 29th.. Honrs Messrs F, Hess Sr., and John F. 4 to 8 p. m. Glasses property fitted, Rickbeil. Catarrh. deafness, and failing eye - Some of our young people spent sight treated. a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dowson re - Mr. A. Mittelholtz, on Monday turned from North Dakota on Sat - evening. urday. They are both looking well, and like that part of the Mr. John Brenner secures the Henry Greb property, while Mrs. State. They left here last spring to see the Country, and to visit Greb will become owner of Mr. Brenner's house and lot, some relatives. Mr, B. S. Phillips of the 2nd con. has disposed of bis farm and in- tends retiring from farm life, His sale of stock takes place on Wed- nesday next. Our merchants are doing a big business in fall and winter goods, and a party who knpws says there is not another village of this size in the County that sells more mer. chandise of all kinds than Zurich business -men. Mr. Charles Hartleib purchased a building lot from Mr. F. C. Kalb- ileisch, and intends moving the dwelling house on the H. Well stand, to the new location on Cen- tre street, Mr. Hartleib needs the space where the house now stands for his business block, which he • intends erecting in spring. Mr. Charles Witmer had a nar. row escape from being seriously injured last week at the farm of Mr, H. Volland. Mr. Witmer as- sisted threshing and in some way several rails on the over -lay be. came dWodged, and in getting out of the way Charlie bumped the top of his head against a post and received a scalp wound. Mr. C. Fritz again scored high in the practice match of the Zurich Gun Club. The following is the score: C Fritz 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 F W Hess 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 7 .7 Truemner 1 1 3. 1 1 0 1 0 8 SFaust .1111100111 8 W GI:Tess 1 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 5 H Weber 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 J Schuettler0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Mr. Charles Troyer, tax canto - tor of Hay, received taxes at Ilen- sail. on Tuesday, and not finding acconatnoclation, had to make his headquarters in Jarrott's livery barn. There seems to be some. thing wrong with the local -option business mea hi that town or they Would have, long ere this, provid- ed hotel accommodation for travel- lers and transient visitors.' The prohibitionists are dealing local Option a very black eye by their carelessn loss. on Saturday at the home home of 04,-*e7'e%-•"•,=5""e%'-'e-7'.`"."."".,::7'•=r7fir''-e%"•'''‘=7"4.7`.%"'.%4a-'''•==''.%"'• 1) on 't forget the Sale of chattels -,:a....-ce-",aszt,-,•-•••";a`za2.-ze'ras.?eczt,...-=,-.`z=e'z'a•a'''e•••••"•••`-.`",•.p. the late Henry Grob. . Rev. .T. C. C. Maas, of Preston, .T, ee '." t: Y:::..- lo will take charge of the Lutheran ', v a , ,1 j: i 1*..42.....i.laIartea V W `',4...,.„„ ,...N .,, „ ,,, ...; last week. - T 6 .....*................' ' ' ,...,..,,.,.,.,.,,...s.,.... congregation here, on the 15th of Q P Dec. sie, and Miss McDonald of West g•:N McGillivray, were the guests of 0 Mrs. Stewart and daughter .7es- i little better than others at the same Cost money.— but you vvill find ours a leeP Mrs. McCormick, on Sunday. A price. Just now we want to talk .ve , Lost -A black hand satchel, on (j.0,5 , 4 Tuesday the 12th inst., on the road 4% WATERPR.00F SHOES AND ,It * b ween, Exeter and Zerieh, via vw' GUARANTEED RU B BE RS n. ' Finder wilt ,..e3ease corn- . 0 dfi, ite \vial Miss .4a,-,ait Binder ,,, ,:—,ve have an th6 Leading makes and o urich, P. 0. Styles. PRICES ALWAYS RIGIIT. Rev. Sol. Schwartzentruber and 8 wife of near Bay Port, 1Vlich., Mr. 4'- - Butter, Eggs and Dried (I'P and Mrs. Gunden of Johnston Co., .1 Apples taken in exchange QP Iowa, Jacob Schwartzentruber and (, wife, of near Baden, visited here AA. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seim and Mrs. 2 0. F F? IT Z P Hartuug, have moved to Mrs. H. Am, Walper's dwelling, west of the V.UN THE SI -10E AN ,— ZURICI—i gp school. The vacant house will shortly be occupied by a young .v.w..--...<.-,.-‘,•.:,.......,:.--..--...o..s,.-,,;wo.o.',,•-•,•.,::,..o.-.....-=z,: couple from town, so it is said. faCtaZ=IWZaC)X3e3OCia80.3SS3=z=i513C3R0=lat,CZJae:X= S:M)Car..20Cie£,-e-S=F10:1:4 0 0 1 ZURICH'S Ungelnall=g1T- BiGG EST , 4•40 pto,raVtt 4,40 A:POO!? 11.441,1* .f STORE Et5322=FERME aa k4-,,rto row 40 4.1te,W,015: DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY Of seeing our splendid. stock of Fall Goods in all lines. Never before has our large store been fiilled with such money saving values. We purchased in the best markets and have the satisfaction of knowing that every article we sell is genuine and worth the money we ask for it. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Caps We have the very newest in Fur -lined Cans. See our line of jockey shapes, very stylish and dressy. Overcoats Our line of Overcoats for fall and avinter wear is 00M- plete with all the latest styles and cloths. Toppers, plain Black Beavers, Fancy Tweed Ulsters, Fur Coats and Per - lined Coats, and Cravanette Coats. Gloves & flitts A full line in Buck, Horse, Mocha and Pigskin. All guar- anteed gooct wearers and good fitters. Prices Right. Underwear We handle the celebrated 1VOOLNAP. All wool and unsbrinkable, Special values in other lines, )C39C}9C*C2( 434)C3"j6C104310DOC",00000000000CZOC,000,0000CMOZ240,0000,100C.900049124(At4mnorzeococrocKacxraao04=K000lamx x2ocmcNozakx-Jos:wax.:==rdPCJVC1,92:10C31 LADIES' DEPARTMENT ress Goods We have the largest, best assorted and most up-te-date - stock of Dress Goods ever shown in Zurich,. and at pies that cannot he beaten. They are selling fast but we still have an immense varietY to choose from. elloves, Scarfs, Clouds, Hose, Underwear, etc,, in endless variety. Ladies' Coats e still have a good selection of Ladies' Coats left; in black and fancy cloth. 10, Iankets We have a, full line of Flannelette and All Wool Elan- kets. These are splendid goods at right priaes. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A full line of Ranges and Heaters. Buy a PENINSULA and you buy the best that money can. buy. A beautiful line of Hanging Lamps just received. Lanterns, Axes, Handles, Etc, Market Prices for Dutch Setts, Dried Apples and Farm Produce of all kinds • J. P R E -ET E RI OZT8C38sOKAZZIE=8C2C,MIOCX8413$8C:K=KIOX2K3CMOC184:20gAM5. 3:1= ZURIC 3CK C4'F3Itet:e4CXE ,mt" sve•-• 1 1