The Herald, 1907-11-01, Page 54111
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iii 0 * iA THE tai 4fz t$ 0
0 0 0 0 ZURICH ey 0 0 0
Strictly up-to-date in modern
provements. Dining rooms is sup-
u -
plied with only the very best. !f¶
Bar contains choice liquors and
cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶
Excellent Sample Rooms
for commercial Men.
00000003n9000000*00000000 ql
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the '
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
o etter Viable in the pominion.
R. R.J Ohnston &Son,
The Popular
Store at Blade
Come and see our
Bargains i
an d Tinware
Also a lot of Remnants in
Prints, Mus=
lies and
Dress Goods::
R. N. Douglas,
vangelical Association
Sunday School at 9.30 p. m. ;
Preaching Service, German, 10.45
a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p.
m; Senior Alliance, 8 p. m. Tues-
day evening ; German Prayer meet-
ing, Wednesday evening, at 7 :30
o'clock ; English Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ;
Choir Practice Thursday evening at
8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur-
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
Anvonrisendlmlg n s cot( n and description may
g i ciy ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Comrnunim^.
ions strictly eonndentlal. Handbook on Patents
sant frau. Oldest ammo, for securing patnnts.
Patents taken through Brunn A; Co. receive
Special notice, without charge, to the
I' handsomely' ilI titrated weekly. Largest nir.
^aShition or any scientific eahal Terme, $3 a
Fear; faun ,nenths 51. Sold ball newaclenlera.
M NN & Co361Broadway, Nair York
eanelf O5iat', L was'„nrtoa. r?. C
Clubbing rates.
liar We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
ra yes with THE HVRALD:
Daily Globe . $ 4.25
Mail & Empire 4.25
'Weekly 'Globe . 1.75
„ Mail & Empire 1.60
Berliner journal (German) 2.50
Family herald & Star 1.60
Daily Advertiser 2,25
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly. Sun y ,75
1~arnier's Advocate 2.25
Panning World 1,25
The Recital given by pupils of
Miss Vera Murdock in the Oprea
House, on Thursday evening was
a splendid success. The house was
filled and the variois pieces ren.
dered showed that the training was
done with much care, Miss Mur-
dock rendered several choice sel-
Mr. McAllister of Smile() Mich,
is visiting in this section.
H J D Cooke was in Toronto last
week, in connection with the Local
Option suit.
F Smallaoombe took a business
trip to Toronto last week.
Thomas Handford shipped a car
of horses to Winnipeg on Monday
last. They were accompanied by
P. Coleman.
A very pleasant time was spent
on Tuesday evening at the Town
Hall by the large num'her who were
able to accept the invitation of the
St. Anthony Social Club to attend
their assembly. The music furn-
ished by the Routledge Orchestra
of London was of -'excellent order
and much appreciated.
Word has been received that, the
provision store of Messrs. Yager
Bros. at Swift Current, Sask., for-
mer residents herr, was destroyed
by fire one night last week, to-
gether with all the contents. The
loss was a heavy one as they had
Inst received xi large supply of
goods to carry them over the win-
ter. The insurance carried was
light compared with the loss.
The Misses Dearing have pur-
chased the fano", goods business at
the Chariton stand. ,
Mr and Mrs. Percy Westaway be-
fore leaving here on Thursday even-
ing last were presented with a pur-
se containing $25 by the young
people of town who are interested
in Epworth League work. A large
number were at the station to see
them off Mr. and Mrs. Westaway
are being sent to China, 3000 miles
inland, by the Sabbath School and
Epworth League of Dundas Centre
Church, London, which organiz-
ations on Sunday evening presented
the young couple with $100 for their
personal use on the trip, and are
also niitvintaining them while in
the field.
The annual meeting of the Blake
Branch Bible Society., was held in
the church last Wednesday even-.
ing, The reports show this Branch"
to be in a healthy condition. The
following officers were elected for
the ensuing year : Pres J. A.
Manson ; See-Treas., G. S. Howard,
Executive committee, G. Sparks,
G. Douglas ; Collectors, Misses S.
Allan, M. Johnston, L Pollock, L.
Snowden, Messrs. G. Murray and
W. Carnie.
After the routine business was
concluded, Rev. Mr. Davidson
gave a brief talk on the work of
the society en ; 'lashing its gradual
increasing neeas of greater con-
tribution to meet the great influx
to the North West.
N. Boyes, teacher in Kent Co
who was home, sick with Typhoid
fever, has now recovered sufficier t-
ly from its effects to enable him to
return to resume his duties.
John Drysdale returned to his
home hi Hensel]. after a two weeks
sojourn with relatives ,here.
Farmers are busily engaged with
their fall pioughing. while their
wives are drying apples.
Go to D. S. Faust, for your good
Chapped hands are quickly cored
by applying Chamberlain's Salve
Price, 23 cent. For sale by J J
asercrILMIGCLIUMOZIZIAM ¢tam>fl MEID®IPHIUs¢rrsratgti
O u �fl
Trus remedy can always be depended upon and
is pleasant to take. ft contains no opium or
other harmful drug and may be given as coal.
dently to a baby as to an adult.
Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents.
A regular .sterna period, which is
central on October 3let, Will have
its culminating stagef On and
touching the 2nd and 3x,`d of Nov-
ember, The MerourY , influence
will dominate weather "conditions
up to about. the 8th, so that dis-
turbed, cloudy and di'sagresable
weather will be natural (even after
the close of, the regular, Vuloan
period. General autumnal rain
storms with touches of lightning
and thunder to the southward, will
center on the 3rd, possibly tonch-
ing the 2nd and 4th in their forma-
tion and progress, from west to
east. The barometer will most
likely remain low and : the tem-
perature high as we pass into the
next storm period.
A reactionary storm period is
central on the 5th, 6th and 7tli,
having as an additional cause of
storms and other disturbances the
conjunction of the :1Yloon with
Earth and Sun on the 5th. We
predict that storms will take on
decided boreal conditions from
about the 5th to the -7th-that rains
will turn to sleet and snow, gener-
ally to the n orthward, withrising
barometer, .change to colder and
very stiff to dangerous gales from
the northwest, espe:ciallyin all
regions of thegreat northern lak-
es. Tendency to seiouiie perturba-
tions generally, will be at a maxi-
mum for a period of five days cen-
tral on the 5th. The Moon is at
extreme south declination on the
9th, and this fact will cause ,a con-
tinuance of cold atmospheric cur-
rents from the north until we
Dome under the influence of the
next storm period.
Trial Catarrh treatments are be-
ing mailed out free, on request, by
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These
tests are proving to the people—
without a penny's cost -the great
value of thls scientific prescription
known to dx;uggists everywhere as
Dr Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold
by All Dealers.
The fifty-second annual report,
which was submitted to the share-
holders of the Bank on Monday
last. reflects great credit upon the
able and careful management of
tb':t institution. The net profits
for the past year, after making the
usual deductions for expenses of
management. reservation for in-
terest accrued on deposits, exchan-
ge, and provision • for bad and
doubtful debts, amounted to $344,-
038.. This is equal to a, fleaatinn
over' 16 per cent. - I+ cnu xralateeirlie
dividends at the rate of ';1i1 Per
cent, per annum, absorbecl'$320,8o1
of this amount and after ether
appropriations the profit and loss
account is credited with $53.687 or
double the amount at the close of
the preceding year. Amongthe
sums expended is that of $151,232
on bank premises at branches.
The liabilities to the public aro
$26,781,187, and the assets amount
to $33.739,24.4, of which nearly one-
third is what, is known as readily
available. The importance of this
feature cannot be too highly ap-
preciated, especially at a titne
when an unusual call for funds is
possible. In this we have striking
evidence of the healthy condition
of the Bank's finances. In: his ad-
dress to the shareholders. the Pre-
sident, Mr. WILLIAM M. MnoPHrat•
sox, laid. specialstress upon the
anxiety to bank managers and the
caution exercised by them in meet-
ing the demands of the business
corn ntnnity, He drew attention
to the Bank's Loans of ,discount
this year, which amounted to
$92,280,362, and exceeded those of
the preceding yc:.r by $82,375.
His remarks deserve • to receive
careful attention, as the eirenm-
stances cd the . past year. were
somewhat abnormal, A fact which
is highly creditable to the Bank is
that its capital paid up and its re-
serve fund are of equal amonnt,
that is to say, $3,360,170.' New
stock is being issued at a premium
which will maintain the proportion
between the two, and innate- to
the Bank a strength which will
place it among the foremost of the
Dominion's financial institutions.
Under the trying circumstances
which attended last year's bttnki ng
operations it cannot but be gratify
ing to the`' shareholders to• have
such a satisfactory result, and we
were not surprised at the expres-
sions of appreciation at the Bank's
excellent management and the
consideration shown for its em.
pioyees, We ask for the financial
statements and the President's re-
marks a careful study.
Do you ever reflect that the mail
order house is, from the very nature
of its business, unable to “carry”
you when times are bast, :that it,
takes no credit' risks, and never
does a thing for you except on a
cash basis? Is there not some are -
turn due the neerehant alxtr 'has
favored you when you needed a
2 mouse traps for 5 cents at
On Wednesday, Oot. 16th, the
83rd Birthday of Mrs Jacob Weber
Sr., formerly of Dashwood, was
celebrated at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Wrn. Battler,. on the Babylon.
Mrs, Weber was borne in Hert-
er, Prissen Germany, Oct. 16, 1824
anct came to America in 1852, loca-
ted near New .Hamburg, Ont.. In
the same year she united in mar -
nage with Mr. Jacob Weber, which
union was bless6d with 7 daughters
and 1 son.
In 1854 she came with her hus-
band to Hay Township, and settled
near Dashwood. where her husband
died June loth, 1896. Since then
she has been a resident of the vil-
lage of Dashwood, until this sum-
mer when owing to her declining
years she decided to break up house
keeping and move to her daughter,
Mrs. Win. Battler. where she has
a comfortable home and the best
of care. Owing to unavoidable
circumstances it was impossible
for several of the children to be
present at the celebration.
A short programm was rendered
during the afternoon consisting of
vocal and instrumental musio, also:
a short address by the pastor, Rev.
A, D. Gischler. Mother Weber was
the recipient of some valuable gifts
by her children. Mother Weber
still enjoys unusally good health
and thoroughly enjoyed the ,cele-
bration. A richly laden table of
earthly bounties had been provid-
ed by Mrs. W. Battler, upon which
all feasted to satisfaction, Her
children are the following r. Mr.
Jacob Weber. Mrs. Mary Miller
and Mrs. Ehlers, of Dashwood ;
Mrs. Louis Pfeffer, Milverton ; Mrs
Raffle, Grand Bend ; Mrs. W. Bat-
tier, Mrs... Dan Sararas of Zurich.
Mrs, Weber has 38 grand children,
and 9 great grand children.
LAWli,S. -
Many people do not realize that
navigation on the Great Lakes is
very different from that upon the
ooeen, not because of the lakes be-
ing fresh water and the absence of
tides, although there is a slight
tidal influence in Lake Superior,
but because of the decreased depth
of water after a dry summer, in
which respect the lakes resemble
rivers. This summer has not been
a particularly dry one, yet Lake
Superior was the only one of the
Groat Lakes which did not fall
during the month of August. Dur-
ing the month it rose two and a
quarter inches and has now practi-
cally the same level :asii4 zicl. dttr-
ing the corresponding month of
each of the last three years, but it
is nevertheless a foot lower than it
was in 1876 at the same period of
the year, During August Lakes
Michigan and Huron fell a little
more than an inch and they are
likely to fall two inches this month
At the present time they are both
more than two feet lower than
they were in 1876. Lake Erie fell
three and a half inches during the
past month, but is still five inches
higher than last year, twonty inch-
es higher than in 1895, and thirteen
inches lower than in 1876, During
July and August Lake Ontario fell
three and a half inches, but is six
inches higher than last sear thirty
inches higher than in 145, and
fourteen inches lower than in 1b76.
—Shipping Illustrated.
For years I was troubled with
biliousness, and constipation which
made life miserable for pie. My
appetite failed me. I lost my usual
force and vitality. Pepsin pro -
partitions, and cathartics only tna;de
matters worse. I do not know
where 1 should have been to -day
had. I not tried Cliamderlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. The
tablets relieve the ill feeling at once
strengthen the degistive function,
helping the system to cie its work
naturally.—Mrs. Rose Potts, Bir-
ininghain, Ala These tablets are
for sale by 3, J. Merner,
URIC r P r
JE keep in stock a
full line o fresh
pleats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness..
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
That New
Spring Suit.
When looking for your new
Spring Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. • We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to 'choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in connection.
The best 25 cent
Mouthorgan made.
A full line of
Repairing a Specialty.
F. W. HESS - • Jeweler.
Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not
In itself a true disease. '1Ve think of Dyspepsia.
Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet
they are symptosis only of a certain specific
Nerve sickness—nothing else.
It was this fact that first correctly led Dr, Shoop
In the creation of that now very popular Stomach
Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct
to the stomach nerves. alone bronght that success
and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With-
out that original and highly vital principle. no
such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had.
For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad
breath and sallow complosion, try Dr. Shoop'a
Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for rour-
seif what it can and will do. We sell and cheer -
luny recommend
estorb five
A Newspaper
The Zurich Herald
The Family Herald and Weekly Star $L69
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The combination of the Herald and The Family Herald and Week-
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