The Herald, 1907-10-25, Page 5comametESIEBEININUMER That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call, We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFFMAN HOTELS. EXETER ************************01 Ss*>`g*eY+*t9f��1 Q 0 0 0 or T H E e fif 4� ' COMMERCI t HOTEL. 2 * ret aunicH 5t A &7 4q 0 e Strictly up-to-date in modern im re es provements. Dining rooms is sup- al plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ 2 •s, Bar contains choice liquors and Ziy :rtg cigars. 1( 11 i ¶ ¶ e Excellent Sample Flo oms * a:• for Commercial Men. 0 v se J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. m t** t0E'ts*c`'13t?+61***0£3t:+eFiitlamo4i}•* 00 the flominton 1bouse. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. WO petterwctble in the l ominion. A. Dearing of Stephen has taken up his residence here and is settling down to take a well earned rest after 50 years of toil. Harald Bissett of the Molsons Bank has been transferred to Sim- coe. He will bo missed in sporting circles, having been treasurer of the baso -ball club this season. R. R.Ji ohnston &Son, PROPRIETORS. L. H. Dickson attended. Goderich Assizes last week. Our bakers have reduced the size of bread loaves to 11/4 lbs. owing to the bigh price of flour. Peter Moir returned from Crystal City, Man. Mr. Moir says that wheat averaged 27 bushels to the acre in that section. S. Martin and Son, are putting a fine plate glass front in their store, I have been afflicted with sore eye's for thirty-three years. Thir- teen years ago I became totally blind and was blind for six years. My eyes were badly inflamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Salve and gave me half a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and my sight came back to me—P. eP Chamberlain's.Ear Cynthiana, Ky• Salve; is for sale by J J Merner. THE RECORD OF THE LAKES Windsor, Oot Orale hundred lives were lost and $1,500,000 dam- age done to shippi,ug is the toll of the great lakes, 50 far this near. with the, most daxlgerons part of the season yet to come. The death list is an almost v.nprecedented one and the property loss is also ex. trernely high. The chief item in the monetary losses is that caused by fire, the steamers Naomi and City of Cleve- land going far towards bringing up the grand total for destruction through this cause to $1,003,000. Loss of life onaccount of fire was also considerable, ten meeting their death on this account, The Naomi again` is responsible for the cig total, seven of her crew and passeugers meeting their deaths in the fire which destroyed the ship, The loss of the Arcadia off Pent - water on April 23 is b4 far the greatest accident of the season, four teen people—every person aboard the little boat—nieeting death in the lake when she Went dowu. The total losses for the season thus far number six, giving an es- timated loss of $1.11,000. The boats are : Pilgrim, struck in storm on Lake Huron. $16,000 ; tug L. B. Johnston, turned turtle, $5,000 ; Arcadia, wrecked in storm of Pent - water, $10,000 (Darrington, went to pieces on beach in storm, $30,000 Nimick, driven on Lake Superior rocks, $45,000. Other big losses were sustained by the burning of the City of Cleve- land and Naomi, the hulls of which were saved and are being rebuilt. The losses on them were $175,000 and $135,000 respectively Early in the season vessel cap- tains, in an effort to make more money for the owners, tried to force their boats through the piled - up ice. The result was that the principal losses totalled $53,000. There were innumerable smaller Tosses, for scarcely a boat went through the ice without receiving some damage and repairs on boats quickly mount up. The most serious losses of life occurred on the Arcadia. Search- light, Naomi, Nimick and when a rowboat was run down by a tug, Walton B. in Duluth harbor and five Hien drowned. Five seamen committed suicide from their boats and one was murdered by a com- panion. • The Popular Store at Blake CANADIAN NEWS, Dean Farthing, of Kingston, op- poses the submitting of a lhcal by- law. Canada's exports for September were $27,322,977, an increas of 0,- 340,534. Mr. Geo. Watt of Brighton, has purohed over 5.000 barrels of apples in the vicinity of St. Thomas. Pelee Island will have a division court. This is the first in the his- tory of the island. Charles Treemeer, of Si, Cath- arines succumbed to heart falure on ; Saturday while shooting. Thirty-five bodies have been taken from the St. Lawrence at Montreal in the last six months. Mr. Geo. Griffith, engineer for Perth County, has been appointed engineer for the pity of Stratford. Canada's total trade for the six months ending September was $332- 661,155. an increase of $32.156.422, Chatham council will introduce a new bylaw protecting the city more thoroughly from the trans- ient traders. The police in Woodstock claim that they have clues to the high- waymen who held up Operator Walcott some time ago. Several New Yorkers will erect handsome residences ou the banks of the Speed River, near Galt, for the summer homes. Vernier Felice, an Italian laborer in the cement works at Attwood, was killed in the works Saturday night. An inquest will be held. A farmer near Dresden was held up by highwaymen the other day while on his way home. The rob- bers got some whisky but no money. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stringer, of Woodstock, had to flee from their home in their night apparel to escape the flames that destroyed their home. D, D. Mann has written the Win- nipeg board of trade that 81 engin- es 34 passenger cars and over 1,200 other cars have been deliver- ed to his companies lines this year. Mr. Bert Mills, of Lucknow, a tanner fell forty feet off a roof the other day. His leg was broken, and be was seriously injured in- ternally. His recovery is hoped for. HENSALL. The Commercial Hotel pr operty whs. sold>•to Mrs. Hodgins for the 1 sum of $3I00.00. Nelson-BOutherby has purchased J. Pinkney's blacksmith business. Mr. Pinkney intends leaving town. The Miesion Band of Carmel Presbytrian church held their annual Autumn at Home on Thurs- day evening last, Corney Cook will move to Mr. Hopper's residence over the drug store as soon as the latter va cates. John Buchanan of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, visit- ed nis parents, on Sunday last, Will Hart occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday, and preached two very original sermons. The young man has a style unique and peculiarly his own. He says things that make people sit up and think. Rev. S. Toll preached anniversary sermons atiChiselhurst. Come and see our Bargains i n Graniteware:: and Tinware Also a lot of Relnnalcts in Prints, Mus= lins and Dress Goods:: WATCH THE BARGAIN COUNTER R. N. Douglas, BLAKE. MNIANUEL CHURCH vangelical Association A weak Stomach, causing dyspep sia, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermittent pulse. always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves, Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr Snoop's, Restorative. and gee .how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr Shoop of Racine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simp- le trial. Sold by All Dealers. A GREAT EVENT. The aotnal opening of wireless communication between Canada and Great Britain marks the con- summation of what is undoubtedly the greatest marvel of the age. There has been witnessed within the last hundred years the applica- tion of steam power as a moving force in transportation ; the light- ing of our cities and towns by electricity ; the creation of a system under which a net -work of wires conveys messages not only to the ends of the earth, but under the sea ; and the invention of the telephone, which brings the voice of a friend hundreds of miles away within hearing distance, All these are marvelous fruits of the human mind. But in all these cases we are dealing with things which may be more or less seen and felt ; in the case of wireless telegraphy, however, there has been made to serve our purpose a power which, outside of the transmitting and receiving stations, can be neither seen. felt, or heard. That which has been accomplished by Marconi is surely the culminating event in a century of marvels. Even the inauguration of a system of aerial navigation, which seems to be al- ready in sight, will not eclipse the accomplishment of the son of an Italian father and English mother. It is cause for no little pride that a point in Canada forms one end of the latest and most wonderful system of communicating the thoughts of man to his fellows in distant Jands —Weekly Sun. SERVICES AND MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH, ''ZURICH, AS FOLLOWS : Sunday School at 9.30 p. ni. ; Preaching Service, German, 10.45 a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. m; Senior Alliance, 8 p. m. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, 'Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur— day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. REV. A. D. GI5OBLER, PASTOR 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Bending a aketcn and description mag qulokly ascertain our opinion free w tether an duvontion 10 probably patentable Communion. '10110 non cittlal. handbook on Patent* tent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Pateute taken through Munn 3G Co. receive St,recfal natio, without charge, lit the eaeiitllke Jaaneraean. f haudsmneiq illustrated weakly. largest clr. cnlation of nay scientific ionrnal. 'i'ernls. f3 a lout nonthe gl- Sold by all newsdealer'. yetr, IViONN St CpyU 3Sltiroadway, NOW York granoh Office.., ' It Wneiinglon-n.V Clubbing rates. it was anxioiineea the Ontario Educational Depil tnent ,.;Tuesday last, that the mister of Ed- ucation.liad rlefli,!�t flit decided to prepare a raewset"gf`l:"ublic School Readers for the schools of the Province. irhe official statement says : '•This decision is in accord with the views of educationists general- ly. .At the last meeting of the last meeting of the Ontario Educa- tional Association the following resolution was adopted : "That the Ontario Readers, after twenty years of service should now give place to a set of readers that would reflect, more correctly our nationality of to -day ; that would be more in accord with ed- ucational principles in character of matter, arrangement and adap- tation to the needs of the various grades ; that would be models of excellence in illustration, type, paper, and binding; and that a separate reader be supplied for the work of each grate. "In carrying outthis project the Minister will entrust the work to Dr. D. J. Goggin, who will be authorized to consult from time to time with a committee of teaohers, whose knowledge of Public schools and whose literary attainments will insure the preparation of a highly desirable series. in addi- tion to this committee, the mem- bers of the Educational Council tt.nd other educationists will he shown advance proofs of the books during the course of preparation, so that expert advice and: opinion will be taken advantage of. "The Consultative Committee, to assist Dr. Goggin in his labors, will include Inspector W. Atkin, St Thomas ; Prof Alexander, Uni- versity of Toronto; Prineipal G, E. Broderick, Lindsay Model School ; Inspector N. W. Campbell, Durham ; Inspector T. A. Craig, Keinptville; Inspector Hughes, Toronto Principal'Ward, Toronto; Dr. Waugh, Whitby ; Principal Young, Guelph. . MEAT MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fr esh. meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own SaubageS. Give us a call. 1UM1 LUT HEICHEHT. The Disciples of Christ held a convention at Poplar Hill last week, It was theopinieel that 'an- ion between the Baptists ttnd the Disciples would shortly be consum- mated. Mr. Andrew Dunkin's dwelling House near Varna was destroyed by fire one day last week. The men were away from home at the time and as a consequence nearly all the contents were burned. Tho cause of the fire is unknown. agrWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE Hn%RALD 4.25 Daily Globe . $ Mail & Empire x.25 Weekly Globe . . 1.75 Mail & Empire 1,60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1,20 Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate Farming World 1,50 J.75 2.25 1.25 The Wingham Advance says : "The question of local option re- calls a -very peculiar case, as re- ported existing in Meaford. Last year it was decided to submit local option, and as a preparatory step, the temperance people --very pro- perly --took steps to secure accom- modation by purchasing one of the hotels. The local- option by-law failed to carry, and those who purchased the building for the travelling public were obliged to lease the building, and no one would take it without the license. Hence they were under the neces- sity of leasing it to a man who sells liquor. As the leading temperance igen and some aniniisters are in the company, the Situation is to say the least, very Peculiar. Mr. Wm. Lewis J. P. and division court clerk, of Crediton, met with what might bave.been a very ser- ious accedint recently. While go ing out at the back door of Mr. J. Holtzman's tailoring establishment he inadvertently stepped into the celler way. Being a heavy pian, the shook was serious and he was considerably bruised. His many friends thronghout the country, however will be pleased to learn his injuries were not serious, and he is now nearly recovered. Borrie. At Parr Line Hay on Sunday the 20th, inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle, a son. Trial Catarrh treatments are be- ing mailed out free, on request, by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. tests are proving to the people— without apeany's cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to deuggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by All Dealers. Pain anywhere, pain in the head p inful periods, Neuralgia, tooth• ache, all pains can be promptly stopped by a thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by druggists everywhere as Dr Shoops He.dacbe Tablets. Pain simply means congestion --undue blood pressure at the point where pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this un- natural blood pressure, and pain immediately departs. Write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. and get a free trial package. Large box 25 ets— Druggists. Sold by All Dealers. D. S. Farst is buying Thatch Setts, bring thein aloxu;, IMPERIAL HOHINER The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. , Auryll line of WATCHES, Y,',�ATC HES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. and F. W. HESS - • Jeweler. Indi'istion Stomach trouble is but a symptom of. and not in itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia. Heartburn. and Indigestion as real diseases, yeti they are symptoms only of a certain specific Nerve sickness–uothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr, Shoo" Remedy- Dr Shof op's Rhat e tw ort�ve.p Going direr cb to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success. and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With- out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had_ For .stomach distress, bloating, biliousness. bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your- self what a it can and will do. we sell and cheer-. s Dr. ' Restorative "ALL DEALERS" a A Newspaper ';► argam The Zurich Herald D and WeeklyStar }$4i The Family Herald ONTREA.I. THE HERALD will furnish you with everything of interest in this local territory. Every borne in. this district should receive the local paper. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is the acknow- ledged best family and farm paper in Canada. Its magnificent news service; its numerous special departments; its interesting magazine featti• res; its great serials and popular short stories make it the greatest dollar'a worth to be had. The combination of the Herald and The Family Herald and Week- ly Star novides the agre ll parts of the amount ofd. wholesome family reading and telfableews Send your subscription to The Herald, Zurich