The Herald, 1907-10-11, Page 51 $it
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0l�0ety ?tp0a�t>l@t9eo9i8i®Baf�HttS4**0
te $ 0 0 e6 0.3T H E $ Qt 4i a 0 :
e p e e* ZURICH el $ 0 0 it
oeesesee etecto0000$
Strictly up-to-date in modern im
provements. Dieing rooms is sap-
plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶
Bar contains choice liquors and
cigars. ¶ 9 11 if 1f
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men.
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
o setter 'able in the Dominion.
R. R.Johnston&Son,
Simon Campbell is the new mail
carrier between Dere and Mitchell.
He leaves Exeter daily at 7 a. m,
and returning leaves Mitchell at
2 p. m. •
Bruce Dignan and Miss Raycroft
of Hamilton were united in marri-
age at Hamilton on Thursday last
Miss Martha Curling who wrote
on the recent senior leaving teach-
ers' examination at Brantford and
whose 'name did not appear in the
list ,last Saturday received her cer-
tificate. Miss Curling is to be con-
gratulated on her success.
At the quarterly meeting of the
Main st Methodist church, the sal-
ary of the pastor was increased to
$1000 a year.
Earl Hardy is getting ready to
open a restaurant here shortly.
Exeter expects to get a branch of
the Jackson Mfg. Co., of Clinton.
T. E. Handford recently received
a telegram from Winnipeg announ-
cing a drop of about $100. each in
horses in that market.
The Popular
Store at Blake
I have been afflicted with sore
eyes for thirty-three years. Thir-
teen years ago I became totally
blind and was blind for six years.
My eyes were badly inflamed. One
of my neighbors insisted upon my
trying Chamberlain's Salve and
gave me half a box of it. To my
surprise it healed my eyes and my
sight came back tome—P. C. Earls
Cynthiana, Ky. Chamberlain's
Salve is for Sale by J J Merner.
Come and see our
Bargains i n
and Tinware
Also a lot of Remnants in
Prints, Mus=
lints and
Dress Goods::
R. N. Douglas,
vangelical Association
pair ewes, C B Middleton, W
Glenn ; pair sheathes ewes, 0 B
Middleton, W Glenn ; pair ewe
lambs, W Glenn, G B Mirdieton ;
fat sheep, G Penhale, J Stewart,
LINgoLNS—G Pothole took all
prizes awarded in this class,
FINE WooL—A Dunkin took all
the prizes awarded in this class,
BICn11sniaR—Snowden Bros. took
all the prizes in this class,
YoniesRIRs_Snowden Bros. took
all the prizes in this class,
RED Pias—Snowden Bros. took
all the prizes in this class,
Best boar, any breed, Snowden
Bros ; best sow, any breed Snowden
The following report shows the
relative standing of the pupils of
U. S. S. No. 9, Stanley, for the
month of September based on reg-
ularity, punctuality, and general
IV class. Isabel Manson, Ethel
Zapfe, Myrtle Meyers.
III. James Esler, Mike Kennel,
Mary Jane Meyers.
Sr II. Odwill Nicholson, Emma
Beckler, Emamel Meyers.
Jr II. John A Meyers, Percy Zirk,
Kate Oesh.
PtII. Lorne Manson, Roy McBri-
de, Clara Zapfe.
Pt I a. Albert Finley, Clarence
Hall, Ada Kennel.
Pt I b. Willie Manson, Glady
Hall, Lillie Meyers.
No. on roll 58. Average attend-
ance 45. G. S. Howard,
Sunday School at 9.30 p. m. ;
Preaching Service, German, 1.0.95
a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p.
m ; Senior Alliance, 8 p. m. Tues-
day evening ; German Prayer meet-
ing, Wednesday evening at 7 :30
o'clock ; English Prayer meeting,
'Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ;
Choir Practice Thursday evening at
8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur-
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
Anyone sending a ekoloh and deacrintton may
,quickly ascertain o,tr opinion tree. w r.ther an
'tovoution fa probably patentable. Communion.
Mons ntrictl7 oguildontini. IHooudbook ou Patent"
s ttntrgotaKoreLatei ekothrough occulting potence.
venial notice, without charge, its the
$ricntlfkc American.
f baadsemelp lllnstratt4 weekly. Lsrrtent elt%
oulation or ons*d inured. Terms, It a
rear • tour .aontha, 8k se Q by all newedeal.ra.
MUNN & si4etNew Yrjrk
Nranoh OMoa. Co.""'is -' qt. Waahin.ateu. i).
DAIRY PRODUCE -50 lbs butter,
R W Delgatty ; salt butter, 25 lbs,
R W Delgatty, R Penhale ; 10 lbs
butter, R W Delgatty, Beatty Bros
5 lbs butter, J Campbell, R W Del-
gatty ; cheese homemade, J K Wise
homemade wine, J K Wise, Miss P
Nott ; honey, G A' Cooper, 5 Cleave
honey in jar G A Cooper, 5 Cleave ;
collection of honey, R Brown, ( A
Cooper ; homemade bread, J Camp
bell. A Westlake : maple syrup, J
Sterling, W R Battler.
GRAIN AND SEEDS -White winter
wheat, J K Wise, L Aldsworth ;
red winter wheat, J K Wise, R W
Delgatty ; spring wheat, J K Wise ;
large peas, J K Wise ; small peas,
G A Cooper, J K Wise ; 6 -rowed
barley, G A Cooper, J K Wise ; 2 -
row barley, J K Wise ; white oats,
J K Wise, G A Cooper ; black oats,
J X Wise, Snowden Bros'; timothy
seed, J K Wise, f.I A Cooper ; speltz
J K Wise ; yellow corn, Snowden
Bros, D C Galbraith ; corn Snowden
Bros, Beatty Bros ; sweet corn,
Snowden Bros ; J Campbell ; any
other variety, J Campbell, J Tough
The pleasant purgatiue effect ex-
perienced by all who use Chamber-
lain's Stomach .and Liver Tablets,
aad the healthy condition of the
body and mind which they create
makes one feel joyful. Price 25 cts.
Samples free at 3 J Merner's store.
Clubbing rates.
The people of Bayfield were fav-
ored with an ideal day on Wednes-
day last. with the result that a
good crowd attended the fair, the
gate receipts being $225. There
was a very good display of fiuit,
ladies work and vegetables inside,
while the display of sheep, cattle,
and horses brought out exeeption-
ally good stock. The prize list is
as follows
eg$T-We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
Tates with THE Hv%RALD :
Daily Globe . $ 4.25
„ Mall & Empire , 4.25
We+tklyt Globe 1.75
Mail & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2,50
Family Herald & Star 1.60
Daily Advertiser 2,25
Weekly Adverti3Or 1.50
weekly Sun 9,75
Farmer's zldvcnitt3 2.25
Fertning WOrlVi . . r., . 1.25,
HEAVY DRAFT—Brood mare, El-
liott Bros ; Foal, Elliott Bros ; geld-
ing or filly 2 -yr -old, Elliott, T
Nicholson ; Span,- G Penhale, A
FRUITS—grapes, J H Hewson, A
L+ Matheson ; collection of grapes,
G H Hewson; Mrs Hudie ; collection
of apples, D C Galbraith, G A
Cooper ; fall apples, D C Galbraith,
0 A Cooper ; winter apples, D C
Galbraith, Thos Bell ; collection of
pears, Miss M Wild 3Sterling ; fall
pears, Snowden Bros, J Sterling ;
winter pears, J Sterling, J Camp-
bell ; king Tompkins, G..Lindsay, J
W Tough ; greenings, T )31jl1, D C
Galbraith ; ribston pippins, J W
Tough, J Tough ; 20oz pippins, 0
Hewson, G A Cooper ; wagners, A
Scotokmer, D C Galbraith ; golden
russett, J C Woods, T Brounett ;
Blenheim pippins, (l A Cooper, D
C Galbraith ; snows, Miss M Wilds.
A Sootohmer ; • peaches. G R Hew-
son, Mrs McDougall ,plums or
prunes, Beatty Brok:, ST A Cooper,;
Baldwin apples, Miss Wild, J Ster.
ling ; northern spies, Cil II Rewson,
Mrs McDougall; yellow crab apples
A Sootchmer, T Brounett ; red
crab apples, D C Galbraith, Beatty
VEGETABLES—early potatoes. G
A Hewson, J Campbell ; late, Nel-
son Cook, 1) C Galbraith ; mangolds
long red, Snowden Bros. J Cump-
bell ; yellow mangolds. Thos Bell,
Snowden Bros ;mangolds intermed-
iate Snowden Bros, T Bell ; field
carrots, S Cleave, Mrs Ruston ;
takle carrots, G H Eewson, D C
Galbraith : table beets, G H Hew-
son, S Cleave ; cabbage, G Lindsay,
A Anderson ; cauliflower, A Ander-
son, G 11 Hewson ; musk melons, G
H Hewson ; watermelons, A Wes t -
lake, S Cleave ; parsnips, 3 Camp-
bell, 5 Cleave ; pumpkin, W J5 Bat-
tler, G A Cooper ; squash, 5 Cleave,
Snowden Bros ; held turnips, W B
Battler, T -Bell; white celery, R W
Delgatty, G H Hewson ; red celery,
G H Hewson, J Tough ; . winter
radish, W B Battler, -.4 iCampbeli :
citrons, R W Delgatty G A Cooper ;
small beans, T Cameron, R Pen -
hale ; large beans, J X Wise ; onions
M Westlake, R Penhale; white
onions, Snowden Bros large rid or
yellow onions, R W Delgatty,
Snowden Bros ; red tomatoes, G 3i
Hewson, Snowden Bros ; large red
tomatoes, A E Matheson, 0 R Hew-
son ; large yellow tomatoes, Snow-
den Bros; small yellow tomatoes,
Snowden Bros, A E Matheson ;
salsify, R W Delgatty,. J Campbell ;
sugar mangold, T Bell.
LADIES' WORK -Pillow sham, Mrs
Howrie, Miss Nott ; toilet mat, M]as
H Wise, W B Battier ; crochet mats
Mrs Howrie, Miss Wild ; crochet
work in wool,.. Mrs C'ParsOn, Mrs
Ilueston ; crochet work in, cotton,
Mrs Hueston, A E Matheson; opo.
Chet. or knit slippers, J K'Wise, A
E Matheson ; quilt, Mrs Howrie ;
sofa pillow, Miss Nott, Mrs Howrie
hemstitching, Mrs Rowrie, Miss M
Ross ; embroidery Mrs J (e.4 Forrest ;
eyelet embroidery . Mrd Parsons,
Mrs Howrie ; canvas embroidery,
Mies Wise ; embroidery letters, Mrs
Howrie, Mrs 3 G Forrest ; embroid-
ery table cover, Mrs Howrie, Miss
Wise ; fancy whidlr holder, Mrs
Nott, Mrs Uueston ; lamp shade,
Mrs ROSS, Mrs J 0 Forrest ; pit►
cushion, Mrs newels, bsrt Rowton
_knitting in wool, Miss Nott; A E
Mathesteu ; knitting in cotton, Miss
Nott, Mrs Ross ; knitted quilt, Miss
Nott, J R Wise ; tatting, 111r8 How.
rior Miss Nott; fora cozy. Mitis Nett,
Mrs .;Howrie ; applique work, Miss
Nott, Mrs nowrit9 ; betted doylies,
A. E Matheson, Mrs I owrle ; etch-
ing, Mitts Nott, Mrs SredtOn; pain
hand sewtno, Mrs itatasto>a, Mrs
Ross :kitchen apron, Mrs Matheson
Mrs Reiss ; laundry bag, Mrs How-
rie Miss Nott ; drawn work, Mrs
Howrie, Mrs Hudie ; bardanger,
Mrs Parsons, Mrs Forest ; centre
piece, Mrs Rewrite Miss Nott ; solid
embroidery centre piece, Mrs
Howrie ; cut work, Mrs Lowrie
Mrs Heuston ; cross stitch, Miss
Nott,, Mrs Heuston ; patched quilt.
Miss Wise, Miss Nott ; patched
quilt cloth, Miss Nott Mrs Ross ;
woven quilt, hand made, Miss Wise
W B Battler ; irsh point lace, Mrs
Ross, Mrs Heustnn ; honiton lace,
Mrs Parson, Mrs Howrie ; mount-
melick, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Forest ;
ladies' underwear, Miss Wise, Miss
Nott ; collection ladies work. Miss
Nott, Mrs Howrie ; hooked mat,
Miss Nott, Miss Wise ; mat, Mrs
Ross, Mrs Forrest ; stockings, Miss
Nott, W B Battler ; cotton stocking
Miss Wise, Miss Nott ; sox, J Ster-
ling, Miss Wise ; gloves, Miss Nott,
J K Wise ; mittens, Miss Wise, J
PLANTS—Boquet of flowers, G E
Heuson, Mrs Wilds ; boquet flowers
small, G H Henson, Miss Wilds ;
dahlias, G H Henson, R Penhale ;
pansies G H Henson, Mrs Metcalf ;
geraniums 0 11 Henson, Mrs Par-
sons ; fuschias G H Henson ; foliage
plants 0 ni Henson, Miss Wilds ;
house plants, G H Henson ; aster,
G H Henson, Mrs Metcalf ; ,g1oxan-
ia,' Miss Wilds, 0 H Henson ; bego-
nias, Mise Wilds, J Tough ; calla
lillies, 0 H Henson.
ART—Pencil drawing'., Mrs Hous-
ton. Mrs Eowrie ; crayon, Mrs
Heuston, Mrs Ross ; color painting.
Mrs Rosa. Mrs Forrest ; oil painting
Miss Wilds, MrsHenston ; kensing.
ton painting, Mrs Ross. Mrs Heus-
ton ; lustre painting, Mrs Houston,
Mrs Ross ; painting on silk Mrs
Ross, Mrs Forrest ; drawing, Mrs
Ross ; burnt work, Mrs Howrie,
Mrs Ross ; pencil drawing scholars
attending public school Jean Must-
Glenn ; foal. W Glenn. J Stewart ;
gelding or filly 2 -yr -old, T Nichol-
son ; i.yr-old, D Schnell ; Span, w
Ament, J Stevenson.
L Aldsworth, A Scotchmer ; foal,
5 Cleave, G A Cooper ; gelding or
filly, 2 -yr -old, C B Middleton, 'El-
liott Bros geldidg or filly, 1 yr -old
7 Thomson, S Cleave ; span, T
Brounett, J McKinley.
ROADSTERS—Brood mare, R Mc-
Clinchey, Elliott Bros : foal, T
Archer, Elliott ; gelding or filly 2 -
yr -old, sT Sparrow, A Elcoat ; geld-
ing or filly 1 -yr -old, T Sherritt, A
Elooat ; span, T Sherritt, 0 Hudie ;
single rolsdster, R King, J A Mo -
CAeT$IAGE—Brood mare D Schnell
foal, D Schnell ; gelding or filly 2 -
yr -old, D Schnell ; gelding or filly
1 -yr -old, D Schnell, C Tippett ; span
C Walker ; single carriage, J Hyn-
lon ; lady 'driver. Miss Hobltirk,
Hensall, Miss McNaughton Tucker.
GRSDE—Milch cow, E B. Wise, G
H iitewson ; heifer, 2 -yr -old, Beatty
Bros ; J Reid ; heifer, 1 -yr -old, J
Reid, E 11 Wise; heifer calf, A El -
coat. J Reid ; steer calf, A Elcoat,
E et Wise ; steer. 2 -yr -old J Reid, 1-
2 ; steer J Reid.—Milch oogv. J , Reid,.
Beatty Bros ; heifer 2•yr-old Beettty
}eros, J Reid ;heifer i-yr.old J Reid
1.2 ; heifer 'elf. J Reid E ii Wise ;
ball calf, E Ili Wise, 1-2.
JR/Wei—Mach cow R Stnith 1-2.
LR.IioHtiTER—Ran W Olean, C
Middleton ; lfheelrliug ram A Elooelt
,rut i . tunit, Glenn
WE keep 111 stock a
full line o fr esh
meats, hazes, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
POULTRY—Dorkins w G Battler :
brahmas, Beatty Bros, black span-
ish, Mrs,Howrie, w B Battler, ply -
mouth rocks J Campbell. Snowden
Bros, white leghorns. Mrs Howrie
W B Battler, brown leghorns H
Little W B Battler, homburgs W
B Battler Mrs Howrie ; bantams
games W B Battler, andalusians
Mrs Howrie W Battler, wyandottes
R Srnith Mrs Howrie ; minorcas E
H Wise R W Delgatty, pekin ducks
Snowden Bros, W Battler, ronen
ducks E H Wise W Battler, ton -
louse geese A Westlake Snowden
Bros, any variety geese W Battler
Thompson, turkeys Sno4sdape-J3P
W Battler. collection of fowl W B
Battler Mrs Howrie.
MAN QFACTunns—woven blankets
Miss Nott Miss Wise, single light
harness P Wanless J Tippett, set
double heavy harness J Tippett P
Wanless, woolen yarn Miss Nott J
K Wise, homemade carpet Miss
Wise, collection of flannels Miss
Wise, Miss Nott.
for best pair of bacon hogs, C Mid-
dleton, Snowden Bros, A Robinson
for the best roadster or carriage
team in harness C Welker, the
Canadian Bank of Commerce, Sea -
forth for best team in harness, J
JUDGES— Horses P McGregor,
Brumfield, R McLean Golerich 0
Johnston Clinton, Cattle, W La-
mont, G Stanbury Stanley, Sheep
and pigs, John Sheppard, Hensall.
John Walter Saltford, Poultry, P
Becker Blake, ladies work Mrs D
McNaughton Miss A Johnston,
Stanley, Flowers and fine Art, Mrs
Stanbury Bayfield, dairy produce
and manufactures, T Johnson, Zu-
rich, W Scott Bayfleld, J Connelly
Goderioh Tp, grain and seeds, J A
Williams Zurich, Jas Thompson,
Bavfield, fruit, H W Cook, Clinton,
A Middleholtz, Zurich, vegetables
IN Warnock, . Goderich, F Hess,
To check a cold quickly get from
your druggist some little Candy
Cold Tablets called Preventics.
Druggists everywheae are now
dispensing Preventics, for they are
not only safe. but decidedly certain
and prompt. Preventics contain
no Quinine, no laxative, nothing
harsh nor sickening. Taken at the
"sneeze stage" Prevention will pre-
vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, etc. Hence the name,
Preventios. Good for feverish
children. 48 Preventics 25 cents.
Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by All
That New
Spring Suit.
When looking for your new
Spring Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in connection.
The best 25 cent
Mouthorgan made.
A full line of
Repairing a Specialty.
F. W. HESS - - Jeweler.
PAC1Fl1 "
'.'pnl4+vRl '
Sennaaeekara° sacaati•olass rountf-tripe
Ezctarotosa ioavr Toronto
SEPT. 24
OCT. 8
60 22
LOW RATES for rotors ticket, to 411
North-West points, rangingfrom Winnipeg
132 to c.dmontoa $42.50. ood for 1)0 dare.
as each excursion. Comfortable berths at
small extra cost. Must be reserved early.
through local agent.
Fro. pemphtons, rata and all information ono tr,
.bt.inedf rem nearest C.P.R. Ticket Aaeat, or direct
freta C. B. FOSTER, District Percent* Great,
C.F.K.. Toronto.
We are pleased to announce to
our many customers that we have
engaged Mr. Hayes of Hamilton ,es
harness maker. Mr. Hayes has up-
wards of 35 years experience and
is pronounced a professor in that
line, he Is also a oollor maker, any
work entreated to hien rest assnred
that the job will be executed in first
class style and workmanship. C.
Efler tlieb.
Weak Women
To weak and ailing women. there is at least ono
way to help. But with that war, two treatments.
roust be combined. One is local, one is constitu-
tional. but both are important. both essential.'
Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. tl
Dr. Shoop', Restorative, the Constitutional.
The former --Dr. Shoop's Hight Cure. -'is toplcat,
anucous membrane suppository remedy, while
Shoop's Restorative ie 10:1011T an internal treat-'
hent, The laeatorative retches throughout theentire system. seeking the repair of all aerdo.:
al] tissue and all blood ailments.
The "Night Cine", as its Hama implies, does Sts,
work while you sleep It soothes sore and hattam-
ad mucous surfaces, deals local wealtaessee anal
dfseberg'es,'while the Resto#*Qire. oases nervous
excitement. gives renewed vigor and ambition„
builds up wasted tissues. brfna1nk about renewedi
strength, rigor. and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's
ostorstiver TsbletsorLiguid-as•generaltonics
10 the system. Ivor positive local help, use as weak
apple butter, evei!
I am ready to make cider and oop
r' day in thel lit
'eek 3. 3. Merrier, Zurich..
A. timely question in Germany l dear Curer
the lets.-••-Etatre volt made your ALL DEALERS"
Stine kraut already tet?