The Herald, 1907-10-11, Page 44 The Zurich Herald. Tn E---------- 1 eh aMOLSONSBANK Established 1856 Assets $33,000,000. a o place of safety and security for `� the accumulations of all who work 8 a w and a save. a 1 Deposits of any amount accepted and interest paid 4 times a year at highest ourrent rate. I © HENSALL BRANCH H. J. BILLINGS, - - Manager. a J�Dc�aaDa�� a �a•A2 �i>eir D6{t9�cp + G +D DkUD® LEGAL- CARbS. ea. J. 11. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - Reiter, Notary Public, Herman. Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Godorioh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS• Oi DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PCR - chased back my business from E. W. Stosltopf, I am in a position to attend to all bueiness ;as formerly. Cally at Rau's Hotel. DR. E. W. STOSROPF, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store. Night cants at T. Johnson's residence. S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT.. LICENS- ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My rates are reasonable and I will guarantee the best of satisfaction. • For the con- venience of my friends in Hay and Stanley, dates and terms may be ar- ranged at THE HER:tLE Office, Zurich. *NE 4 1 " L'" PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY, OCT. 1lth, 1907. B. 5. P11LLIPS, LICENSED AtC- tioaeer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satis1act4on guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Hay, or addressed to Honsall P. O. will be pro(nptly attended to. FROM THE WEST. the waist, fearing the next would bring the Witter over niy head I pulled back, for the bed of the lake was a regular ' muskeg and, how- ever I longed for roast goose. I didnt quite fanov going the mus- keg -way to the Happy bunting grounds. By the time 1 reached shore, Lloyd was there, and I pointed triumphantly to the dead goose now being drifted by the wind out into the lake. He was for making a raft, I was for going two miles back, to a settler's house and get- ting a boat. Finally we decided to eat dinner, after which we oould go to the far side of the lake and pick up the goose which was now being carried quiekly in that direc- tion by the heavy gale that had arisen. Oh 1 My ! it was certainly easy, at least we thot so, as we licked up the last spoonful" of syrup ,and washed down the dry bread and biscuit with two or three quarts of scalding hot tea We set out blithely for the far- ther shore on foot but what ap- peared a mile's wall: turned out to be over four times that distance and the fine looking shore was a regular jungle of jungles, an ag- gregation of bogs, muskegs, slou- ghs, and quagmires. Lloyd was walking along brave- ly on terra firma, as he thot, when he suddenly more than half disap- peared in a bog. I got out on a floating mass of reeds but found that location rather rickety and made my way to shore ; ,as well look for a needle in a haystack, as for that goose among the reeds. Quite .disappointed and down - cast we trailed our weary legs back to camp, looking wistfully, every now and then, at the lake, in hopes of sighting Mr. Goose, but this hope proved vain. We quickly broke camp and hit th.e trail for the East. For two three weeks after I dreamt of nothing else but grey geese. but dreaming had little ef- fect in assuaging my appetite for roast goose which remains as keen as ever. If you doubt it, just try me. Yours faithfully, R. F. Stelae. Edmonton, Oct. 1, 1907 Dear Readers. Five o'clock in the morning Sharp is the air and chill, The earth is wrapped in darkness All frosty lies the hill. But look ! the East is breaking, Sure now, they cant ba long Hist l get you ready comrades, I think I hear their song ! Houk ! Honk l The geese are com- ing! Cronolt low, they're just ahead ! Baulk ! Honk ! Now all together, Dont waste a single lead. Well done! By jove, we've got them, They're dropping—one ! three!! A fourth is badly crippled. Just leave him. boys, to me. two! That's one side of the story but wait till you hear mine ; plenty has been written concerning the captured goose but around the gone goose hangs a mysterious sit- ienoe, ASs .quickly and quietly as possib- le I made my way down the little DR. P. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- ravine. that led to ;Passan's Lake. Haat.° et. the Royal College of Dental It was a One day in October, 1906, Surgeone, Toronto, also honor gradu- we had camped in the Beaver Hills ate of Department of Dentistry, To- for dlnner, so leaving Lloyd to route T.7riversity. Painless ex-tractionkindle the fire and get the pot of teeth. Plato work a epeeiality.. Dotnurlcu House, Zurich, evert dray. DRYSl.)ALE. The following is the report of U. S, 13. No. 1 Hay, and Stanley for the month of September. It is based upon regularity, punctuality, good condnot, and general proficiency. V Jos,De La Franier. IV. Lorinda Docason Milton John. cton, Harold Sobilbe, Earl Schilbe, Sr 111. Mamie Johnston. Sr 11 Pearl Schilbe, Gorden John- ston, Noah Hartman. Jr 11, Irene Pollock, and Anna - bell McDenald., (equal) Bessie Snid- er. Pili. Arnold Schilbe, Minnie -Tnhneton. PtL. Verna Jacobi, Lents Hartman. Evelyn A. Horton, Teacher. N!LLStREEN, The .`ohlowing retort of 5. 5, No. 3, Hay, for the month of September is bas- ed on attendance, conduct, and general proficiency. Jr V. William Wilson, Wesley Caldwell. IV. Sophia Farquhar, Annie • Cockrane, Maude McAllister, Robin McAllister, Ada Gram, Orville Taylor, Anna M. Love. Sr II:. Doris Elmslie, Annie Wilson, Gordon Love. Jr Ill. Bertie Reritnond, Hazel Red- mond, Myrtle Taylor, Ila Johnston, Percy lr .11. Eldon Jarrot. Jr II. Edison 4loA1lis1er, Pearl Consitt, Harry Dietz. Norman Elmslie. Jaynes For- est, Addie Green, Allie Kuepfer. Jr pt II, Lucy Redmond, Cecil John. stony Soloman Kneptor. Br pt I. 'Clots, Green, Gracie Love. Jr pt I. Olive Redmond, Olive Ehmslie. J. A, Cameron, Teacher. BABYLON LINE r i1iW 1 shouldered my Winchester sevande, directly for the lake, rvias I did so, that I wished ty fad a -suitable watering -place for the team, but just why a man should shoulder a repeating shot- gun. for the above purpose, was not quite clear to Lloyd. However, he said little, and I was quickly lost to view in the thick bushes and heavy grass that grew in the ravine. I approached the lake quietly, for the ground was new to me, and peered cautiously over the tall weeds that lined the water's edge. There not thirty rods distant, a sight met my gaze that fairly took my breath and caused me to drop in my trercks. Mallard ducks! No, they were too large for ducks and besides looked almost black as they floated on the surface of the water. Grey Geese! To be sure they were ! about twenty of them and as fine a bunoh as over I saw It was the season when the wild geese were making for tb.eir Southern home and. this flock bad dropped into this quiet bay to rest and feed. By the time I had thot of a thousand and one different modes 6f procedure, my nerves were quiet again, so I peered very carefully to locate them and then threw my- self fiat on the ground and corn menced to crawl towards them, I had crawled about half the distance thru the dry grass, when, unexpootedly, I came on a little stream running into the lake. It was impossible to keep on quad• raped -fashion so I decided to try my luok, rising quickly I sent one shot into the midst .of the flock leaving one dead goose on the water and, as they rose towards me against the wind, I sent two more shots into -them, bringing two more to the water, one very badly wounded and the other with a broken wing, a fourth shot at the latter only hastened his speed And he was soon out of range. When I pulled the trigger the fifth time, in order to finish the badly wound- ed goose. which by this time was getting out of range with most of his body under water, and found that the gun had only been loaded with four shells instead of six as should have been, my dismay may be easily imagined and what 1 said while vainly trying to force an- other shell into the grin, wrong end to, might not look well in print. What would I heave given for a beat or a good dog 1 sighing and tItinikang "Of the glorious chase I. Might have had after the wounded geese I turned my attention to the dead. goose. Why of oeurse, it Was a otw h to get than one, ao I *tided in but the first strap took Me to the knaves and the next to ,,1OD AND GUN. Single Buggy 1Tarness and Team Harness IN STOCK Trunks, Suit Cases, Travelling Bags, Fine Leather Purses 1-1 use Furniture A FULL STOCK AND ALL STYLES AND PRICES. 0 rgan & Pianos 1 Furniture • eimawasommannonsI WELL Saddlery - ZURICH ONT air,. The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Hills.... Shingles! Shingles! Hunting and Hunting Topics just now fill a considerable 'share of the Faking thoughts of sports- men throughout Canada. They are full of evehat they have done, what theyope to do, and arrange - motets of rrange-mentsof all kinds which shall en- sure them success in this; year's hunt. Nothing can help them more to a frame of mind suitable for backwoods' expeditions than it perusal of the pages of the fine fall Bowing Number sent out as the October issue of Rocl and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor. Woodstock, Ont. Very opportune, indeed, are the articles on the Nigh Power Rifle and Fatalities in the Woods and the account of how one very suc- cessful bunter has made a success of his hunting should give hints even to experienced wren. Back- woods etiquette is amusingly por- trayed in an account of a law suit is camp, while Observations from a car window are but samples of the many good things to be found in the cnrrent issue of this maga- zine. Every hunter should include it in his package of good things to he taken on las trip and none will regret the at call effort in view of the very large fund of enjoyment to be .obtained 'from its .pages Every story s"maoks of the actual and the whole combination is so good as to explain the reason why the magazine has gained and re- tains its position in the front rank of sporting publications. Tho following roport is the for the month ti Septenaber for S. 5. No 6, Hay. The names are in order'of merit. V. bIi.ton Haugh. Br 1V. Clara Eisenbach, Arthur Haugh. Jr JV. dntonetta Foster, • Sr :II, Aivina Baechler, Laurette Deeher, Moline Baechler, Flossie How - add, Cornelius Foster. Jr .#I2. Lizzie 1 isenbach, Beatrice Ren- nie, Winfred Regier., Adlebert Snaith, Cora Haugh, Koletta Foster, Albert Hey, 'FAerlbert Hey. fir 11. Robert Tisonbach, Jacob Ginge- vieh, Etlwaard Bey, Christopher Baechler, Herbert Witmer, • ,411, I1. Hurley flowald, Isidore Smith. Pe If, Loniie :hosier, Philip Eitenbach, Pearly,Witmer, Pt. I. Herbert Daltus, )Gogh Smith, Willie .Witmer, Clayton 'ry iidicng. Ne en roil 35. Average attendance -2L M. Persons, l'atee Icor Sale -15 sot team lasareaees olll be sold fn rn $9.10,(10 up nand be clear. eel at Rattlieh's- Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going fast. BUILDING MA'T'ERIAL.. of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed. It will be to your interest to see me before you build, as my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable price. Custom Sawing and Planing. or Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLLISCH, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH Pain anywhere, pain in the head p inful periods. Neuralgia, tooth• ache, all pains can be promvtly stopped by a thorougbly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by druggists everywhere as Dr Shoops He..dache Tablets. Pain sitnply means congestion ---undue blood pressure at the point where pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this un- natural blood pressure, painand de inirnetliately departs. Dr Shoop; Racine, Wis. and get a free trial paokag9, Large box 25 cts— Druggiste. Sold by All Dealers. For Sale -lo doz horse blankets $1.50 ter $1.00 rat aartliebe's. iarrhoea tri,;,• :*6 v g "'j MEM E ler)ii SEEDS! SEEDS cif?; Rtt L VV't' ' beg to "announce that we have a complete line of Garden and Field Seeds. In Garden Seeds we handle the celebrated L L May & Co seeds. They are the good kind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages Garden Seeds for to cents. We also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and Mangold seed at lowest prices Try us for your Groceries,1 Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc., we, can supply your wants. Give:us a call. Samuol Rannie 52sil:i!r@h�Sw�';;.S:F?NFtt*W,��''... ..Zye. 4.L .' ry When you ,rant a quick cure without any lose of time, mid one that 'ie followed by no bait results, use Charriber{ain's Colic, Choieiegii and 1errhoea Remedy It newer Belie and is pleasant to telte- It is equally Valuable for children. It is famous for its cure* °Ver it large part of the civaaleed world 0. 0 0 0 n 0 0 c8 c ************************: International (Harvester ... l mplements.. We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated snake of Farin Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle theMagnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ; ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. When in need of a new Buggy,.: carriage, Wagon, or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. FRED. ESS SO ,► Rickbeil's chi Stand