The Herald, 1907-10-11, Page 1E J4ERAL The Official. . Oran of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. VIII. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 11, 1907. .N o. 1 1, CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE EDUCATES to gleet the 1� living demands o f a progressive age. Most exac- ting, modern city offices de- lighted with our graduates. Our management rains more young people annually than any other in Western Ontario. We have incorpo- rated the counsels of our TEN TEACHERS into one grand unexcelled whole. Both courses for price of one Day students may attend night classes free. FALL TERM from Sept, 2nd. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL .11011 —ROYAL— OEycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure or speedy. For Sele by Dealers. Afull line of black smokeless oar- tridge and all kinds of ammunition at Preeter's. e Mrs. Carrie Heyrock and Lizzie Rennie are spending a few days in, Clinton and Goclerieh this week. House and lot for sale in Zurich. A good cheap home. Easy Terms. Apply to J. A. Truemner or to E. Zeller, Zurich. H.artlieb's is the cheapest spot on earth for hardware stoves tinware. Call and see how much cheaper you can buy than at other places. 40c per 100 lbs for good peeling apples at the evaporator. Bring your apples soon as we can not guarantee this price very long. J, J. Merner. Mrs. H. Wurm has purchased the dwelling now occupied by Mr. Ferdinand Hess, from F. Hess Sr., and will take possession this month. Mr. Hess will move to the new dwelling adjoining this . pro- perty. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments, can be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Restorative. The prom- pt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is en- tirely due to its Restorative action upon the oontaolling nervts of the Stomach, etc. MEN WHO ARE BALD. Did you ever think of replacing the lost hair by artificial means? Prof. Dorenwend can do it for you so that your most intimate friends would not see it.. He will be at the Commercial Hotel, Zurich, on Thursday Oct. 24th. 1907, where he invites you to call and witness a. practical demonstration of the fact. LOCAL NEWS. Yq� 8a�a•�1r ac ^ 41 .415 A ss49s Dan Mcisaac visited his home in Dashwood. over Sunday. For Sale—next week only, 19 dos dippers 10 cents for 5 at Hartlieb's bliss ,Louise Wurm of Detroit, is visiting her home here, at present. Miss Luella Weber is visiting friends in Clinton, for a, few days this geek. For sale -25 set single harness from $8.00 up. Call and get one of these bargains. C. Hartlieb. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Fritz, on Wednesday afternoon Oct. 16th, at 2. 30 to hold their annual election of officers. Mr. N . Holtzman of the Chro- nicle -Telegraph staff of Waterloo is home nursing a sore hand, which he cut on a paper cutter a few weeks ago. Dr. Ovens. Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Oct 4th. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. CAW THORPE—DICK On Friday morning of last week while it was early a very happy ita3t event took plaee at the home of Atres Mrs. Dick, when her daughter, Jean, was united in marriage with Dr. Par nd.. Only the; contractingparties and the very immediate relatives of the bride witnessed the . ceremony, which was performed by •Rev. E. F. McL. Smith. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple boarded the 8.20 train for London and other points. We understand that Dr. contemplates opening a practise in this western section. The Observer joins with the All kinds of good eider apples bought at the cider mill, J. X. Mer - nor. For Sale -12 doz, double and stit- ched halters will be sold at a snap at Hdartlieb's. , A large number; from thie vicinity attended the convention at Hensall on Thursday ,&[r. Dennis Bedoir, wife and family, Lave moved to the village and are living with Mr. J Corriveau, The W. O. T U of thisplace is being well represented at the coun- ty convention held at Clinton this week. Our hunters are roaming the woods daily in quest of . the fleet footed rabbit. The result usually is one, which the dog generally chews up, so they say. Apples Wanted—At the Hensall Evaporator. 40 centsin cash per 100 lbs. for peeling apples and 10 cents per bag for chops. 11-2 Cleo-. Joynt prop - Mr Hy. Koehler's skin Ezra took three loads of wheat' to McEwen's Elevator Hensall, this week, aver- aging over 113 bushels each. The heaviest load contained nearly 120 bushels. . An accident by which Roy, son of Mr. Adan Faust. lost part of the thumb on his left band occurred. at Kalbfleish's flax infill on Monday morning. The young fellow was oil- ing the binder and in some manner his hand was caugb t in one of the gears, EVERY LADY'S RAIR requires at- tention at times. Let Prof. Doren - wend point out what to do to pre- serve it and dress it by means of his very beautiful art special styles in bangs, wavey fronts, switches, etc. Fashion hinges Fein his advice At Commercial H,xtel, Zurich mar? eet,' ise, fight the wife until she could put herself un !nd` that of her aunt. Nor was it until i;At w : jarmerhad totally declined such a ehau v.UN RETD-1doLTZ—At t.hei}ia— o r illi rd. bride s parent, on Thursday Oct. I d b many friends of the contracting 1 10th, by Rev A. D. Gischler. John I parties in wishing them much I C. Reid of Stanley. to Edna Holtz, happiness.—Hensall Observer. 1 of Blake. REN OR F L. NEW FALL DRESS O*S THE VERY LATEST FLANNELS cc FLANNELETTES A LARGE NEEWSTOCKJUSTlN LAPryrS' FURS A FULL LINE Y invite one and all to visit my Store for Fall Supplies. It will pay you.... l o,000 lbs. Dried Apples Wanted 20,000 lbs L,. rge Onions Wanted ALL HINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED SeF43USLL uric. o,.o•o o•o o.go•o. o. o,o�o o.�•c..o�.0,;4��ao�o..'�1. ��,0.� �•o •o�•o• �•0 0 4•v.o. .o•o � ©o o•c� v 0.0 0.4 •D.D QQ4 The youth trembled for his "priz Ile felt that under some circumstan it was possible to be guilty of an abdi sized vessel had been righted, the lit girl's relative, and at 'he same time' formed her that she. nater aecompc him home and remain, nder the care his parents until her natural protect could be -heard. from. This 'Augusta, first politely but peremptorily refu to do, persisting that she would rem under the protection of the farm Our store is making a record in mantle selling this season. Our stock is complete with the latest and most stylish. We are constantly adding more lines. J. Preeter. Wanted at the Blake store—One carload of bright, well dried apples, also two tons of stood butter, for which, we will pay the highest market price R. N. Douglas. The gain practice on Tuesday brought out mine members and as usual O. Fritz made the highest score. The weather was not the best as a strong wind was blowing. The score : 0 Fritz 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 Sam Faust 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 P Sipple ,1 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 4 H Yungblut....1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 7 JPRau .1001111111 7 W O'Brien 0001'101100 4 Deiehert .1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 7 F W Hess 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Fi .T Preeter 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 GENTLEMEN ARE You BALD? Don't miss seeing Prof. Doren- wenal's famous Art Hair Coverings, demonstrated at the Commercial Hotel, Zurioh, Thursday Oct. 24th 1.007, with toupees ani wigs that are so perfect in construction that when placed in position on any bald head will defy detection. Over 85,000 gentlemen of every . profes- sion in. life enjoy the wearing of these art goods to -day. They are a protection and comfort to the head and beneficial to health. Gentlemen, throw off those old style grandfather's caps you are wearing in your stores, offices and residences and get nature's own protection for baldness, hair,, as invented by Prof. Dorenwend. If you value health, youthful and nice appearance do not stand back, hut investigate for yourself, as no charges, are made for•full illustra- tion. Remember, Sateen underskirts, from :ia !tents isp to $22,25 at S'.,J. Merncr, . Shoe Satisfaction Our aim to supply our customers -with nothing but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- tion, and the result has been, that our sales have increased wonclerfiilly, Whether you want an up- to-date Shoe of the latest style or leather, or a Shoe for every day. wear we can suit you. Our prices are as low as any and. it will pay your to call on. us befory For Our line of Shoes for summer wear ;will soon be complete and your inspection of same is respectfully solicited. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange_ C FRITZ, The Stoternan. 4.44��4444`a�`�Ci�`�44�'4 • dli •.=>-==>G'�C7pG7C1 'f e3E3 ?• #3 3 3 C ? 3..C3 3 3s r=r0 s 3+ 3Z e•a:300Ki 4 Ei 3 3 ? 3 t ?= ,gyp(( 4 ...�: , � i .:r ��, � ,�,�, �,�a �L 11 �.. t n. ,i ,, k ee il YOUR FALL sHO PING At Zurich's Biggest Store promises greater pleasure and more satisfaction this season than ever before. Think what it means to be able to do your shopping at a store which has anticipated your every need by buying only the best to be had in the leading markets. We maintain duality to the highest standard, yet charge prices so extremely moderate as to set a precedent ofvalue-airing. No'trouble or expense is spared to make this a most desirable store to shop in- -a store to which all may turn to, to do .their shopping. We guarantee the style, value, condition and wear of every article to be exactly as represented, either in our store or in our -advertisements. Gents Furnishing Department We have installed in our store a department devoted entirely to Gents' Furnishings. We are in a position to fit out any man in a most approved style. All the latest and best in Tweeds, Serges, Pantings,- -Overcoats, Underwear, Neokwear, Hats, Caps, etc., etc., at right prices. Look through our stock. 3 3# 3 F £3 £3sZ3812 h' '3s%3 c 3 iESIOC SCeeeiti3+s Ladies' llantles We haveet most complete and up-to-date stook o9' Ladies' Mantles. Tho latest styles cuts and cloths. These goods are moving out rapidly and we advice intending purchasers to call early and inake their selections. eCiie CX 3 yhae.ei£>itae.iC,.30:Ceie0•nyi76.Y7..Ms..<lez=e1yS...«,•�t Fur Coats, Jackets, Stoles, etc Our stock of Furs this season is larger than ever, We bought in the best markets and have the satisfaction of showing all the leading styles ;and shapes. Call and inspect. 34aE3a 3C2 13t8C'i£ e—MeC> eVe f3 i3 ? ee le0C3 C24)' 3C#O2' rlillinery Department Our Millinery Department is now complete with the most up-to•dato stock of Trimmed Hats, Trimmings, etc. Courteous treatment to all. STOVES mild- RANGES The stove question is again to the front. In cooking ;stovers we Move a complete line of the fanawes Peninsula, make, known throughout the oountry as fuel savers ;find first-class c r opera and bakers. Will burn wood or chai satis- factorily and are fully ataranteed to give entire sats: Ration. "frau will make no mistake if yo': t uy a Penia.:mils. We also handle other makes, such as Grand. Jewels, Crown etc., et.. See our Peninsula. Steel I3,tinge, It as the acme of 1•.erfection in store snaking and a rapid seller. .List tLe stove for rase i.)n the farm, It is ar.ediuin iii peice and ,guarantee(: in price. HEATING STOVES If you need a heating stove give us tt call before yen buy. Onr line. of Suis Oaks gave splendid satisfaction Kist season and they burn either coal or wood. In Baseburners we have the Elegant Peninsula, with and withont oven. It is handsomely nickeled and a splendid' heater. Be sure and see them. 10 JN E—ET , d ZU • tit•. XMOCX3 1 e3 3 13 ►£3 ' `'i 3 arZZ CX=•- 51 iw f3 •"34. 9E <' '. 34,Dr3`:3Xl=0‹:W e .: : z.` . 4