The Herald, 1907-09-27, Page 7The Zurich I-10TELSS• . FAIR PRIZE LIST. The classes in the outside de - 1 tnlent of the Fair were extreme - well filled, there being no less ttn 173 horses entered and 87 cal th tle. In the apple section of eside department the entries mberecl 127. The Fair was witb- t doubt the best ever held here. lie following is a list of prize win- es in the outdoor exhibits : 0 0 0' f;1 O THE * * 'as a 0 al ORIOtte p re* Q* ZURICH e se 0 p ---- .. th allu n re ne i - El 3-, D J. 1a li S L or E 0 Ft a,g le E R h: B D D s a B .3 - P C s h C 1 II a 0 Strictly up-to-date in modern im re a peovernents. Dining rooms is sup- sy 14 plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ 2 0 Bar contains choice liquors and D cigars. ¶ 11 T ¶ ¶ t3 DExcellent Sample Rooms D for Commercial Men. i n J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. ** 9 kt ot3�T'it ".11'•"'JtO::,'€.7e�3s$Ci.`@"�i+e,rC'tF�34t"l'."•,lE�30* 'rhe Dominion llDouse. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the { most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. MO 13letter /gable in the Dominion. R. R.Johnston&Son, PROPRIETORS. -- -- ThePoplllar Store at Blake .�^ Come and see our Bargains 1n Bargains Graniteware:: a n d Tinware Also a lot of Remnants in Prints, Mus= sins and Dress Goods:: WATCH THE BARGAIN COUNTER 1 *I . 1 E R. N. Douglas, >i BLAKE. 1 ; M[MANUEL CHURCH I—P.va Association SERVICES AND MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THIS Eir MANUEL EVANGELICAL 'CHURCH, ZURICH, AS FOLLOWS : Sunday School at 9,.30 p. m. ; Preaching Service, German, 10.45 a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. ln; Senior Alliance, 8 . p. n. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, 'Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at 8 o'olook ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. . REv. A. D. (ISCHLER, PASTOR 50 YEAS' EXPERIENCE' .,fie s'see eit'f.i;' %ti+. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS: COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a akett.n and descrinUon may .entekly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Cnmmuntra, tinea strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest n enay for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. reeetvo •rpectaintotice, without charge, in the**pp}},y�y {y, Stientific f handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Op snlatlon or any srlenttlr. journal, Terms �a s ear; four ,confit-, I:1. Studbya newademors. '<IUNN & C0.3618roadway, New York ' raOett oma n+ :' 'D. washinctou..1). C. Clubbing rates. 1V—We have made arrangements -to offer the following low drubbing rates with THE HvIRALD Daily Globe . $ 4.25 ,, Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . . 1.75 Mai.! & .'Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2,50 Family Herald & Star 1.60 Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's .Advocate Farming World 2.25 " 1,50 J.75 2.26 1.25 HORSES CLASS 1 --DRAUGHT HORSES Foal draught, John Campbell ; yr -old gelding =filly, J Dearing, W Drover, J Dearing ; 2 -yr -old, Nott Bros, D Taylor, Leo Poster ; yr -old, W Love ; Span mares or ldings in harness'and wagon, J enholui, LASS 2—AGRICULTURAL HORSES. Brood mare accompanied by foal, Oampbell,L Restemeyer, H Vol- nd, Sr ; Foal, L Restemeyer, El- ot Bros, H Volla.nd Sr ; 1 -yr -old elding or filly. P Deichert, David chnell ; 2 -yr -old, G Coleman, R L, Ross Johnston; 3 -yr -old, W Wi.tzel, R MoArthur ; Span mares geldings in harness and wagon, Gies, J Decher Sr, J Hagan. CLASS 3—GFNLSRAL PURPOSE. Brood mare accompanied by foal, Waiper, .P Deichert, Joe Foster ; sal, E Bender, A Hooper, S Saran - ;1 -yr -old gelding or filly, F, Wil - rt, W Smith, Leo Foster ; 2 -yr old Rader, Eliiott Bros, W Witzel ; yr -old, J Sparrow, P Willert, E oder ; Span mares or geldings in irness and buggy, J Decker Jr, J !ooh, H Neeb. CLASS 4 CARRIAGE HORSES rid.' MANUFACTURES Horse shoes, (hummer) L"Prang ; Horse shoes, filed, L Prttiig, Judges—Ja0ob Barents, Zurich, W Wenzel, Crediton, SPEED CONTES'.i'S Farmers' :—W Eglesnn, Corbett, G Broderick, Zurich, 0 Sebroeiier, Dashwood. 2.50 Uls.sS—H Bos. senberry. Grand Bend, C Eiiber, Zurich, Noah Sararas, Zurich. HOW 'CO CARRY FIREARMS, By J. A. Hope in Rod and Guu, Brood mare accompanied by foal, ESchnell ; 1 -yr -old gelding or filly, Schnell ; 2•yr-old, D Schnell. J Hey Jr, W Smith ; 3 -yr -old, E J Walper. E Cudmore, W Smith ; an mares or geldings in harness nd buggy, 0 Welker, J Palmer; uggy horse in harness and buggy, Mcleaac, B Smillie, W S Ruby. It is no uncommon thing to see pictures of men. which tell you et once they know nothing about fire- arms. These pictures show them resting on the barrel of a gun, which brings the muzzle toward the body and that is' very danger- ous. In the recent issue of a well known sporting magazine a picture is shown of a sportsman carrying a gun over his shoulder right side tip the muzzle on a level with the body of anyone walking behind, or who goes past him ; such a mistake in a sporting magazine, is to say the least, too stupid to be funny, too inexcusable to pass over, if the novice, always prone to learn bad habits first, is to betaught the right way to carry firearms. A great many accidents occur in loading all kinds of firearms. Here itis that the novice undoes with his hands all that his tongue would make the olcl woodsmen believe ; ignorance more than carelessness is responsible for this, Take a breech loading shot gun for examp- le. Most men when they place a pair of cartridges in the chambers jerk up the barrels to close the breech. This trips the muzzle up on a level with a person's head. Now if you examine cartridges made for any kind of firearm. es- peciallyithose of at;cheap grade, you will sometimes find that the primer is not seated well home, that is to say the primer, or cap protrudes so slightly over the base of the cartridge Therefore, in closing the breech such a catridge is like- ly to explode. This being so why not ()lose the gun the right way, viz Place your hand 'under the seock (known as the toe) and raise that until the breech is closed. to raising the stock depress the bar- rels. This will bring the mozzle close to the ground and in front of your feet, where should the cat - ridge explode it endangers no one. This applies to all more: n firearms when loading or unloadi.ig. Accidents happen, -when least ex- pected even to the most experienc- ed men. Therefore you can never be too careful. It is easy to learn bad babits, but hard to unlearn them. Facts go to prove it. Here I have only touched on the fringe of the matter, indeed my only excuse for writing this article is to point out the seriousness of flirting with your own " and other people's lives by taking unwarrant. able liberties with life taking weapons. I have seen many men shot in many lands from the rea- sons I have stated above, and have been shot several tunes myself. once so seriously that for six mon- ths I fought at close quarters with Death. (The encs) OL.1.RS 5—ROADSTER HORSES. Brood mare accompanied by foal, Decher Jr, 0 Greb, J Preeter ; oal, i) Schnell, •.'T Decher Jr, J reeter ; 1 -yr -old gelding or filly, R ampbell, E Esser, Jos Foster; 2- -old, W H Pflle, E Merner, A' oster ; 3 -yr -old, P Fassold. 0 Greb Hagan ; Span mares, J Decher sr, lagan Bros, O4 T Truemner ; Bug- orse, A Buchanan, J Ireland, Joe renner ; Lady driver, J Ireland, 'E udmore, P Fassold. CATTLE . CLASS 62—n.unn .ii . (:OWS4Dr qe-ifx 1`t, R;Pa,der,. it 2nd ani rd; 2 -yr -old heifer, E ader, E Klopp, E Rader; Yearling eifer., E Klopp, W McAllister 2nd nd 3rd ; Bull calf 1007, E K:loppt: J limbers 2nd and 3rd; Heifer calf 907, H Rader. W McAllister, F-', tater. CLASS 7-0THER THAN THOROBRED Cows in milk or in calf, II Rader, Klopp, L Rader ; 2 -yr -old heifer, Klopp, E Rader, EI Rader ; Year- ing heifer. D Haugh, W 'McAllis- ser ; Heifer calf, H Rader, D Haugh H Rader ; - Fat cow or heifer, E Rader 1st and 2nd, H Rader ; 2 yr - old steer, P Lamont est and 2nd, E Rader ; Yearling steer, E Klopp, D Haugh, E IClopp ; Steer calf, D Haugh, W McAllister, L Rader ; Fat steer, P Lamont let 2nd and 3rll ; Jersey cow, W Hoffman, Fred Rummel. Judge—H Smith, Exeter. SHEEP CLASS 8—LONG WOOL Aged ram, G Penhale, J Haberer ; Yearling ram, G Penhale, W Bat- tler ; Yearling ewe, G Penhale 1st and 2 ; Ewe lamb ram lamb and ewe having raised lamb in 1907, G Pen - hale 1st and 2nd in each class. CLASS 9—FINK WOOL Yearling ram, 4 Duncan ; Year- ling ewe, A Duncan Ist and 2nd; Fut sheep, O Penhale, A Duncan ; Ewe having raised lamb in 1907, A Duncan 1st and end ; Ewe lambs, A Duncan lst and 2nd. Judge—Thomas Prior - HOGS CLASS '1 0—BERKSHIRE Snowden Bros took 7 firsts in this class. OLASS 11—TAIVXWORTH Snowden Bros took 8 first in this class. CLASS 13- YORKSHIRE .. Aged boar, John England ; Spring boar, John England. Judge—Thomas Prior. POULTRY CLASS 14 Pair Hatnburgs, W Battler ; Ply- mouth rocks, W Battler, W. Love; Wyandottes, W Battler, 5Beehler.; Black spanish, W Battler ; Dorkins W Battler ; Red Daps, W Smith, W Battler ; White leghorns, E Gies, W Love ; Brown leghorns, G Claus- ius lst 2nd ; R I Reds. G Clausitts, E Gies. CLASS 15 Pair pekin china ducks, Snowden Bros, Aug 'Mines ; Rouen ducks, G} Clatlsins, W Battier ; Meeks, W Battler, Snowden Bros ; Geese, G Olausius, W Battler ; Turkeys, Geo Olausius, Snowden Bros ; Toulouse geese, Snowden Bros. '[i A, few doses of this remedy will in- variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrh cea. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera, morbus. It is equally successful for slimmer (Hari -hew, and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of ninny children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now. Brace, 250. LAMB SIZE, )UC. HENSALL Mr. Heffernan of the Commercial leaves shortly for Jarvis, where he has leased a hotel. Crown Attorney Seager and Constable Gundry were in town this week in connection with the alleged assault of Miss Brown. who was a visitor here from Seaforth. The directors of the Huron Weather Insurance Co. held a meeting here on Monday. Hrs. Carden left for her home in Detroit on Monday last after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. James Moore. G. C. Petty was at London on Tuesday last, being one of the favored ones to receive a ticket to the Bishop of London's address. 92 cents was paid for wheat here on Tuesday while new oats were selling at 45 cents. Stomach troubles, Heart, and Kidney ailment can be quickly corrected with s a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Restorative. The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative no- tion uponthe controlling nerves of the stomach etc. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Robert Armstrong accom- panied by his daughter, Miss Anna May, ]eft Friday on a, .week's visit to the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Armstrong, Bay City, Michigan. The Sovereign Banks. of Canada - MEAD OFFICE:—TORONTO. paid Up Capital r y $3,000,.00041 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: .EL:cr ets JAltvxs,1 sq., .. Press ttst RANnaLPn mecnoNALD, Esq,1'st Vies,Pr[tidenni ,A. ALLAN, Zsq., - - and Vice -President HON. D. MCMxLLAN Aacri, CAMPB5LL, gee., MP. A. E. Dereeee, Esq., M.P. EXON. Parra MCI,AtrEN, w. x. MCN VG?rT, Esq., M.Bw ALEX. Banes, Esq., X.C. it. G. Ja zau rr, . - - General-Managni IR. C&sssx s, - - . Asst. General-Manageall Savings is:aak Deparinient' Interest at beat current rates paid quarterly. 1 ZURICH BRANCH Jos. Snell, = Manager 1 REDITON The' many friends here of George Zwicker of London; ae former resi- dent of this '` village; deeplys' S, .• pathize with him in the sad be= reavement which has come to his home, en the death of his wife, Lizzie Sample, daughter of the late Robert Sample of Brussels, at the of 29 years. Mrs. Zwicker was ill for six months during which time she has borne her illness uncom- plainingly and with great fortitude She was of a kindly and pleasant disposition and has a large circle of friends. She was a soloist in Memorial church for several years. Besides the husband she leaves a six months' old child, three broth- ers, two sisters and a mother to mourn her demise. The funeral service was held at her late resid- ence Friday evening, 13th inst, the remains being taken to Brus- sels for interment the following Saturday morning. EXETER Mrs. George Armstrong the old- est resident in town died on Sat- ttrday last, She was over 34 years old. Mr Charles. Lindenfelt has rent- ed a dwelling on Main St. and will move to the new premises shortly. Angus Ford, a young man from near Shipka was arrested'' recently by Constable W. J. Bissett for stealing a, number of cattle. Ford pleaded guilty and was taken to Goderioh to await trial. , Mrs. Ecl, Dyer of Brantford was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dyer for a few weeks, Harvest Home Services will be held in the James Street Methodist church on Sunday, Sept. 29th, when Rev. James Livingstone, of London, will conduct the services and Mrs. R. Smith: Baker, of Ailsa Craig will assist the choir. On Monday evening a tea Meeting will be held.. Addresses will , be given by Rev. Livingstone' suit! resident ministers. Music will be furxtished by Mrs. Baker, the choir and other local talent. Charles Dyer, of the Molsons Bank, at Clinton has been trans- ferred to Anaherstburg branch. Trial Catarrh treatments are. be- ing mailed out free, 'on regtaest,'by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people -'without a penny's cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as De Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, Sotd b All Dealers.' ...ZURICH.., MEAT KET E keep in stock a full line o. fr esh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wliolesoineness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUN6BLUr BEICHERT., 1 That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Salt, do nob forget to give us a call. We have a fine range:,..of. Tweeds, Worsteds, 'etc , to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a Iarge number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. it HOFFA HARMONICAS IMPERIAL HOHNER The best 25 rent Mouthorgan made. and A full line of WATCRES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS - • Jeweler. ADDITIONAL NORTH. WEST UXCURSI ONS t CANADIAN' ',PACIFIC When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is fatuous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world. Homeaeekers' necosd-cines round•trlp :Excursions leave Toronto a TUESDAY„ AUG. 27 SEPT. 210 6® OCT. 228 66 66 64 • LOW RATES for return tickets to all North-West points, ratting from Winnipeg x;32 to Edmonton $42.5. Good for60days. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS os, each excursion. Comfortable berths at small extra cost. Must be reserved early, through loci) agent. Fein pomphlats, totes and an intern:taloa any IN: o WI:tedfrometrast C.P.R. Ticket Agent, or direct horn C 8. FOSTER. District Pawnor Arcot, C.P.R,. Toronto.