The Herald, 1907-09-27, Page 64
lieitr'r,NotaryPublie, E ensit,ll, Ontario,
At Zierieh (Ze11er's office) every Mon-
rist'ers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Gotlerich, Canada. W. ?roudfoot. K.C.
R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair.
ohased hack my business from E. W.
Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend
to all business ,as formerly. Calls at
Rau's Hotel.
Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Storo.
• Night calls at T. Johnson's residence.
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My
rates are reasonable and I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con•
venience of my friends in Hay and
Stanley, dates and terms may be ar-
ranged at THE .HERALD Office, Zurich.
tioneer for the Counties of Huron and
Perth. Farm stook sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All
orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Hay, or
addressed to Hensel" P. 0. will be
promptly attended to.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1907,
A very interesting event took
place here on Friday evening in.
the Town Hall, wlien the Sebool
children of Hay Township present-
ed a handsome flag to the children
of the town of Hay, Herefordshire,
England, The flag will be handed
to the school in England by Mr. J.
Lewis Thomas C, E., of London.
Ont., who intends going to thn Old
Country shortly. Mr. Thomas is a
native of Hay, England, and it was
through his efforts that the idea
was brought about. The evening
was spent by singing and reciting tt
number of patriotic selections, in-
terspersed with some choice se-
lections by the Jubilee Silver Band
and an address by the guest of the
evening, also a few words by Reeve
Lamont and Chairman Fred Hess.
The program :_Ohairrrtttn's Ad-
dress ; Band selection ; Chorus—
"Maple Leaf" Recitation -"Orr
Canada" Luella Brown ; Recitation
—"The Swing" Gertie Iiaerober ;
Band selection ; Chorus -"The
First Mouth of School ; Recitation-
"Chain of Events"—Flora Hess;
Recitation "The Flag" Emerson
Bossenberry ; Band selection, The
most interesting part, the pressnta-
tion of the flag carne next, the ad-
dress of presentation being read by
Marshall Zeller, during which time
the flag, a handsome one, about
four feet by ten feet, with the Coat
of Arms of Huron County, in colors
surrounded by the words "From
Your Kinfolk in Hay Township,"
was held at full length by four
school girls, Flossie Hartleib, Mand
McAllister, Luella Wurm and 'Al-
berta Geiger. The evenings pro-
tluato of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality, At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
day. 1-26
prich Herald.
444 43. s 43.43.-€4,044.4+-€4,444
Mr. lien 0. Case, principal of the
Thesstlon linbiic school, formerly
of Exeter" trace a brother of Thos.
Chiefs, ;l:;endon Road north, has been
grade the reoipient of a handsome
rocking chair, accompanied by an
address of avery flattering nature,
expressive of their kindly love and
high appreciation of his painstak-
ing efforts, by a number of his
pupils eelho have passecl into a
higher class this terra,
A sveitk stomach, causing dyspep-
Sia.. a wk Heart with palpitation
or int pittent pulse, always
means ak stomach nerves or
weak' He ,,..t nerves. Strengthen
these hie or- controlliag nerves
withDr Shoop's Restorative and
see loos, c :riekly these ailments dis-
appear. Dr Shoop of Racine, Wis.
will nasal «atnples free. Write for
thepi. . test will tell. Your
health ie certainly worth this
simple tr :el Sold by All Dealers.
Notice is hereby given that a court will
;be held, pursuant to "The Ontario Voters ceedingg were brought to a close
Lists' Act," by His Honor the judge of by singing "God Save The Ring".
the county court of the county of Huron THE ADDRESS.
at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday, the To our Kinfolk the children of the Town
llth day of October, 1907, at 10 o'clock in of l[av, England.—We the school ehild-
the fornoon, to hear and determine cunt- ren of the Township of Hay, County of
plaints of errors and omissions in the vot- Huron, Province of Ontario, Dominion of
era' list of the municipal:tp of the Toss ti -
hip of Hay for 1907.
Dated the 31st day of September 1907.
Clerk of Hay.
Canada, have met for the _purpose of pre-
senting a Canadian Flag to the School
Children of the Town of.;Hay, England.
we are dislrous of espres'sing our patriot-
ism in honor of Great Britain.
As colonial representatives of our great
mother Country we homy the Bing, we
also honor the British Flag and firmly
stand by the principles of liberty, fully
believing that wherever the union Jack is
ter lace the t -the fullest measure of a
nutter there cnnnti7l Only moderate change
Ily to Life; Itabnitn and Property. , of bar onreter and tetnperature will
airing as we donn''the rural district of j follotip t, period.
ay, si-e stillo,hide as loyal subjects of his V
Majesty and ever desire the prosperity of A reetilur storm period is central
Did England and the unity of her Colon- on the 8th. covering the 7th to the
ies. 11th. The new Moon falls on the
Signed in behalf of the Schrole in the celestial equator on the 7th. This
Township of Hay. Dated at Zurich Ont., fact will precipitate storm condi-
September 20th, 1907. tions at the beginning of this
Davia'13a 31, 12 years old, son of
Isaiah Hall,. Exeter north, on Mon
day .afternoon while bedding a colt
in the cable received serious in-
juries by being kicked and tramp-
led union. He was kicked in the
jaw and its was broken in two
places. The blow knocked him
down and the • colt trampled upon
him. The young lace is now in a
critical co=t'iltion .and recovery is
Pain anywhere, pain in the head,
painkutperiods. Neuralgia, tooth-
ache, all pains can be stopped by a
thoroughly safe little Pink Candy
Tablet, known by Druggists every-
where as Dr , Shoop's Headache
Tablets. Pain simply means con-
gestion—undue blood pressure at
the point where pains exists. Dr
Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly
equalize this unnatural blood pres-
sure, and pain immediately departs
Write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. and
get a, free trial package. Large box
25cts—Druggists. Sold by All
A reactionary storm period is
central on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
On andetonching Wednesday the
2nd to Friday the 4th, return to
storm conditions will be noted, in
falling barometer, change to warm-
er, bringing cloudiness and auburn. -
Intl rain; progressively over the
3005000 BRICK
0.' ' l'i-. M'• 4
when in need of a SEWING MACHINE
or Needle's and OU
"10111•0114.1111.00•1 MEM
HE SINGER has been recognized as main-
taining the highest standard of excellence
among family sewing machines, and now
sold at a lower price—quality considered—than
any other.
Call and See them at my Store.
Furniture H, WELL SaddierY
1 he ?I Id and Reliable
Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing £fills....
S 1 gle.s! Shingles!
To cheek a cold quickly, get from period. Low barometer, very warm
your druggist some little Candy for theeenson and general storms
Cold Tablets called Preventics. of thunder, wind and rain will set
Drut;gits everywhere are now dig• in about the 7th in the west, and
during the 8th. Oth and 10th these
storms will take- wide paths in
their eastward sweep across' the
country. People along the gulf
and Atlantic coasts, also the Paeific
shouldnot forget that equinoctial
storms aro very probable about
this period. There will be wisdom
inkeeping storm and weather eyes
wide open on and about the great
hikes t the windup of this period.
High h rometer from the north/
west will bush severe to clanger-
ous gales over the lake z'egions; all
to he followed by marked change
to collier, bringing frost to much
of the country. central and north-
ward, from about the 9th to 13th.
A reactionary storm period will
culminate on and touching the 14th
and 15th. In fact, the CaUSes are
such that threatening ce editions,
with autumnal rains. may continue
from the preeeding period, the 7th
to 1l th, ending in a secondary cul-
mination or crisis on the 14th and
15th. Much of the country will
experience very cool dais and
frosty nights not far from the 15th
to 18th.
itl -GLASS TILE pensing Preventics, for they are
ALL vi'7 ., O\ HAND not only safe, but decidedly certain
and i>romp,. Prevented; contain
no Quinine. no laxative. nothing
':a• '{lest our Prio s before you bay. harsh nor sickening Taken at the
"sneeze stage" Preventics will pre -
FTE R vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
4_-1 4- (4rippe, Este. Hence the name. Pre-
ventics Good for feverish children
413 Preventics 2`i cents. Trial Boxes
cte. Sold by All Dealers.
0 C► - BLAKE
0 W
For the 1)alunce of the
vara to Now liubyetib-
,era in Canada, for,...
If Ton have sons or
clan: titers at distant
isolate, haw could yon
please there more than
by sending them their
heu atism
• 1 have found a tried and tested cure For Rheu-
anatisre 1 Not a remedy that will straighten the
digtorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony
growths back to flesh again, That Is impossible.
;But3 can now surely kill the pains and pangs of
this deplorable disease.
In germa.ny—with a Chemist In the City of
,barmstadt—I found the last ingredient with
(which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
to perfected, dependable prescription. Without
*hat last Ingredient, 1 successfully treated many.
sn&ny cases of Rheumatism ; butnow, at last, Stunt.
dornniy cures all curable eases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Those sand -like granular
. and Vass away und in d
ertheaction of this remedy as
freely as des sugar when added to pure water.
.And then, when dissolved. thote poisonous wastes
freely pass from the system, and the cause of
Ithoirmatism Is gone forever. Where is now no
'real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with-
tint help. We sell, and in confidence recommend
Dr. Shoopfs
Rheumatic Remedy
N. M. Cantin of St. Joseph spent
a few hours, of last Saturdu.y in
our burg.
'Miss J. Ester, of J. T, Kerner's
millinery deperttnen t Zurich , spent
Sunday under the parental roof.
Rev. and Mrs. Davidson spenta
few clavi visiting in the neighbor-
hood, this week,
Mins S Allan visited friends in
Hensell on Monday.
Word reached here Tuesday an-
nouncing, the death of Mr. John
Thompson, which took place in
Muskoka, whither he had gone to
spend a short time visiting friends
His remains were brought home
and laid to restin Bayfield ceme-
tery on Wednesday.
Messrs. R. Johnston and E. E: -ler
each succeeded in carrying off a
prize at Zurich Fair for colts.
It is our sad duty this week to
report the death of Alvin, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Brenner -
man, of this village. The little
fellow had been ailing for some
weeks from, an attack of diabetes.
.All that medical aid dotted do was
done hut he passed away on Wed-
nesd.ay. The deceased was three
years old, bright cheerful and a
general favorite among the Child-
ren. His remains were laid to rest
in the Bronson line cemetery to-
day (Friday.) The sympathy of a
wide circle of friends gees out to
the bereaved friends in this their
hour of bereavement.
This disease is caused. by a de-
rangement of the stomach. Take a
dose of Chamberlain's Stomach. and
Liver Tablets to correct this'fdis-
order and the skit headache will
disappear. For sale by 'J J Mercier,
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price
is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to your interest to see me before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
price. Custom Sawing and PIaning.
"Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Mills 14th -.Con. ZURICH
Existence of Canada Threatened,
Says B, C., in Petition to Premier.
Vancouver, Sept. 24—A petition
numerously signed by residents of
the Province and endorsed by tnin-
ers' unions will be forwarded to
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, pointing out
that there are 30,000 Orientals in
the Provinces, that the existence of
Canada is threatened by the influx
of non -assimilable races. and
praying that, "regardless of forei-
gn countries and all sentimental
and politioai considerations, the
Grovernment . immediately pass
such legislation asmay be requisite
to insure the absolute excursion of
Orientals from the Dominion of
There was a. meeting of the lea-
gue last 'night. Mr. Macpherson
Spoke, Mr. Wilton, the Australian
inernigration expert, explained
Australia's methods of excltisiot.
The league n0W nt'rinbers over two
thousand paid members, including
three Vancouver.tnernbers of the
Loci.1 Legislature,
a ,16,6-A:$0' 3� st g� ' y ��ac s F c3" i.�i 4 d -Me a el4
to izgvir�:„gamin
. mr �.y.��C-
��n• to annoinee that we hare
.',a ` « ete line of'r°<.rarden and Field
Seeds. In Garden Seeds we handle
the celebrated L L May & Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
g packages Garden Seeds for 10 cents.
We also have a good line of Field Seeds.
Turnip and Mangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Groceries,' Flour, reed, Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give:us a call.
SameI angle
o p
International Harvester
. . .Implements..
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make of Farm lin-
plements. They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Bay
no other.
We handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e tery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all
When in need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or.
Cutter see our lines before you
buy. They will please you.
Rikkbeil's Old Stand - ZURICH, *
** ***** *** ****3