The Herald, 1907-09-20, Page 41-412Ai. CDS
licher, Notary Public., U eussll, Ontario,
At Zukrieh (teller's office) every Mon-
ri.5ters,Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc,,
Gotlerich, Canada. W, ?roudfoot. h.C.
R. O. Bays, 11. F. Blair.
chasecl beak my business from E. W.
Stoskoto all business !as foara rmerly. attend to
Rau's Hotel. •
Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T, Johnson's residence.
S. d Auction EXETERer for Huronn and Perth. My
rates are reasonable and I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con-
venience of my friends- in Hay and
Stanley, dates and terms inay be ar-
ranged at Tun Hzxai n Office, Zurich.
*Ng 11
FRIDAY, SEPT. 20th, 1907.
A reactionary storm period whioh
is central on the 20th, 21st and 22.
Many volcanic and seismic convul-
sions will also be reported within
forty-eight hours of sunset on the
he wind-up of this pro,
21st. At t
longed time of general and violent
disturbances, look for a phenomen-
ally high barometer, fierce north-
westerly gales, and st dash of al-
most early winter out of the north-
west. The boreal change will lie
approximately between the 21st
and 25th. All the lake regions
especially should beware of these
storms and tbe change following.
A regular storm period covers
the closing week of September. It
is central on the 27th and its out
nninating days fall on , Friday the
to Sunday the 29th. This period
C will bring its change to warmer.
falling barometer ural return of
LIC NS>;D 4L'C 1 marked storm oonditions. The
; chances are that September will be
Veneer for the Counties of Huron and
!disturbed, if nothenomenall
p y
Perth. -Farm stock sales a specialty • stormy and l out of joint, to the
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All ;
orders left oe Lot 23, Con. 2, Hay, or last. Such may not be the case—
promptly attended to. 1? 0. will be }, we do But.t we do
do rslay e thatat it
p p y ; astronoeuic outlook for this month
DR. )R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- l strongly points to stick results.
duate of the Royal College of Dental `We do not mean that great calami-
Snrgeone, Toronto, also honor gradu- , ties are inevitable, or %that the
ate of Department of Dentistry, To- 1 foundations of nature will be out
Geste University. Painless extraction I of order • but unless there is a com-
Dixie Watson tis former resident
of Godex ioh but for many years a
resident of Regina, died at that
city on the 4th inst. The late 'Mr.
Watson held the: responsible posi-
tion of clerk of the Supreme Court
of the 'Northwest Territories for
25 years and was to have retired on
the 16th of this month.
This disease is caused by a de-
rangeuent of the stomach. Take a
dose of Chamberlain's Stomaoh and
Liver Tablets to correct this idis-
order and the sick headache mill
disappear. For sale by J J Merner.
The annual meeting of the Gode-
rich branch of the W. C. T. 11. was
held on Monday, The election of
officers resulted• as follows : Presi-
dent, Mrs. J. H. Robertson ; vice-
president, Mrs. .•. P. Brown ; oor-
responding secretary, Mrs. E. P.
Paulit> ; recording secretary, Mrs.
Tames Bogie; treasurer, Mrs. G.
M. Elliott,
At the Toronto exhibition this
year the Huron Old Boys' tent was
again an interesting feature for
visitors from :this county. This
tent is maintained every year at
the exhibition by the Huron OM
Boys' Association of Toronto, one
or two of the officers of the As-
sociation being always on band to
welcome visitors; and it is a con-
venient and pleasant meeting place
for former and present r esidents
of Huron county.
y .. pensating resultant of warring
on -
of teeth. Plate work n speaialit
Dominion ]3o se Zurich,
every 1•t forces that we can not now see.
day. i-26 !forces
meteorological record for Sep-
tember, taking the whole world
over, will approach the phe nomon-
300,000 Bill CK
To cheok a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy
Gold Tablets called Preventics.
Druggists everywhere are now dis-
pensing Preventics, for they are
;not only safe, but decidedly certain
Iand prom,p,. Preventics contain
, no Quinine. no laxative. nothing
harsh nor sickening. Taken at the
-.sneeze stage" Preventics will pre-
vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe. etc. Hence the name. Pee-
t -pieties Good for feverish children.
48 Preventice 25 cents. Trial Bdxes
5 cts. Sold. .by All Dealers..
Trial Catarrh treatments are be-
ing mailed out free, on request, by
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests
are proving to the people—without
a penny's cost—the great value of
this scientific prescription known
to druggists everywhere as Dr
Shoop's Catarrh Remedy.. Sold by
All Dealers.
George Spotton, of Wingham,
was in Goderioh last week making
arrunren Sts for the establishing
of a business college there. Mr.
Spotton is well known as the hexad
of several flourishing business col-
leges in Western Ontario. A little
less than three years ago he organi-
zed the Wingiutm Business College
which now employs a regular staff
of three teachers. Last year it en-
rolled over ane hunched students,
and the opening attendance this
year was t •'slthirds larger' than
last ve o , Fears ago,. Mr.-
e Singer
when in need of, a SEWING MACHINE
or Needles and 011
HE SINGER has been recognized as main-
taining .the highest standard of excellence
among family Sewing machines, and now
sold at a lower price—quality considered—than
any other.
Call and see them at my Store.
Furniture WELL Saccllery
'I he Old and Reliable
Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils....
Shingles! Shingles!
? --t5 io . a college . at
a; c'ricee before yeti 13,1,13r ,„.1_ . •.Old Da.deepn11 ifl•;i7 a
there's no use of talking::et ilei
sn e youngsters picking plums for
�,, ��,�� . � •him all week, and lie�doc>srrd them
a. 0
For the balance of the -
year to New Subscrib-
ers in Canada for....
for what they devoured:
'Dad has never heard of that pas-
sage of Scripture whioh says that
we are not to muzzle the ox that
treadeth not the corn. Surely . the
child picking berries in the pateh
or pulling peaches or plums hasa
right to es rn:neh as he can eat,
even as the ox hes a right to take
a mouthful of corn every now and
then as be goes on his rounds.
But there be millions who never
taste the fruits'of their own toil.
They haven't time to sit down
and enjov tbe peach that they
planted and grew. They wouldn't
think of etlting a piste of straw-
berries and cream, the frinit of
their own fields. They never kill
eine of their own chickens and eat
.25 Gents
if yon have sons or
daughters . at distant
eoitrts, how conld you
please thein more than
by sending teems their
0'. i. .ilr";U
'11 P
I have fotmd a tried and tested cure for Rheu.,
enstism 1 Not a remedy that will straighten the
diptorted limbs of chronic erioples, nor turn bony
growths back to flesh again. That is impossible.
Out I Can now surely kill the pains and pangs of
this deplorable disease.
In Germany—with a Chemist in the City of
Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with
jwbich Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
st perfected, dependable prescription. Without
that fast ingredient, I successfully treated many,
{{mmany cases of Rheumatism ; but now, at last, ituni-
tformly euros all Curable cases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Thooe granular
wastes, found fultheumatio Blood. seem to dissolve
iniid pass away under the action of this remedy as
freely as does sugar when added to pure water.
ind then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes
sly pass from: the system, and the cause of
heumatism le gone forever. There is now no
1/mod—no actual excuse to suffer longer with..
Vat help. We sell, and in confidence recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
it, and they never roast a duck.
After all, a big injustice is done
some people. Many folks complain
that the rich boss is bard.;on them,
hut as a matter of fact the hired
man lives better than his master.
In thousands of oases he is better
off than his employer. By the time
the boss pays bis wages bill and
expenses he hasn't a cent to bless
himself wiih. No one lives so ex-
travagantly as the hired man.
It is the hired man's wife who
buys creamery butter at 40 eents a
pound, who gets her potatoes by
the peck, and has leer sirloin steak
brought in by the butcher boy.
They will always be . poor. The
hose is the ox who treadeth out the
corn. He is the only one in the
whole caboodle who wears a ilnuzz
le, and if he didn't the rest of them
wouldn't need a muzzle, ,for there
would be nothing to. eat,
We have got so far away from
serfdom that to•day'the hired men
with worn and anxious face and
the hair prematurely grey, for the
boss, while the bebonair person,
with the silver finger ring, and the
silk shirt and theroiled.-gold watch
is the hiredman. He has no wor-
ries or cares; he lives on the best
and he is not muzzled. --The Khan,
s topped .by a
thorouX'i y' i'litfle Pink Uandy
Tablet, lrnown by Druggists ever"-
wherei as Dr Shoop's Headache
Tablets. Pain simply means con-
gestion—undue blood pressure at
the point where pains exists. Dr
Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly
equalize this unnatural blood pres-
sure, and stein immediately:departs
Write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. and
get a free 1riai package. Large box
25cts—Drrggists. Sold by All
Here is;t good paragraph from a
select soil;oe : Take life earnestly.
Take it asan earnest. vital, 'essen-
tial math•. Take it just as though
you persdpally were born to the
duty of pe -forming a noble task in
it—as the igh the world waited for
your comieg. Take it as though
it was a g•and opportunity to do
and achietc, to catty forward great
end good;; scheme, to help and
cheer a suffering,
a heart broken taro,
is,life is Butler-vals
majority isf wank
made half,as much
the case. Now and; then a man
.stands aside from th( crowds, la.
hors earnestly, stead
eptly, and straight
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price
is right. Colne at once if you need any as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to -your interest to see me before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
price. Custom Sawing and Planing.
ER -Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Mills 14th -Con. ZURICH
We . beg_ to announce that
- complete luxe ;of Garden
Seeds. In Garden Seeds
the celebrated L -L May
They are the good kind and
give satisfaction.
g packages Garden Seeds for Io cue
We also have a good line of Field Seeds.
.Turnip and Clangold seed at lowest prices
We are pleased to report the
gradual recovery of Miss Lena
Denotnny, -cello has been an invalid
for a -period of five or six years,
after tinderg oing two operations
and taking treatment from varione
dootors. She is now gradually re.
covering her former good health
under Dr. Wilson'stlsssiduous care.
Miss Denemy is very grateful to
the doctor and ascribes ber recon-
erjr to 1'iiS able treatment.
airy, it may,be
her. The fact
d by a great
d. It is not
•f as should be
A weak Stomach, causing dyspep-
sia,. a weak heart with palpitation
or intermittent pulse, always
means weak stomach nerves or
weak Heart nerves. Strengthen
these inside or controlliag nerves
with Drinside
Restorative and
see how quickly these ailments dis-
appear. Dr Shoop of Racine, Wis,
will nail samples free. Write for
them. .A. teat will tell, Your
health is certat.inlp worth this
simple trial. Sold by All Dealers.
stly, confit'
ay becomes
The Directors of th Exeter Fall
Fair are to be cons tulated on
the ver.•v successful a ibition this
year. The gate receip amounted'
to over $600.00, wbic with tbe
membership tickets wi bring the
gross receipts to nearl $1000.00.
11 -
Hienosseksrs° s•coact.ciass Thud -trip
Excursions leave 'reread:
tis SEPT. ':10-
•i •• 2
ass OCT. t,
es id
LOW RATES for return ticke'tn all
North -Wert points, rangingfrom hsipea
$32 is'Amc etota $42.50. ood for kisys.
ea each excursion. Comfortable be'rks at
small extra cod. Must be reserved" 'erly,
through local agent.
Fra pre a¢lett, met and aft infortesti.a ;iisi b•
obtsiaedrtonscrest C.P,R. Ticket Arent.a1reet
from C. 8. FOSTER. Mario Panesier 'SAyeat,
C.P.R.. Toronto.
Try us for your
G-roceries,1 Flour, feed, Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give us a call.
Samuel Rannie
U•7��5yu,��l !py�vS�—,� R U MMA E c i , 'z
* T� . ** ` ',!'gib * ****** •l ***** *** •T�
International Harvester
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make of Farm Im-
plements, They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Buy
no other.
We handle tho Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. Metal
Pig Troughslast much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e eery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows; etc., etc., and repairs of all
When in. need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or
-Cutter see our lines before you
buy. They will please your
Rickbell's Old Stand .. ZURICH.