The Herald, 1907-08-30, Page 7The Zurich Herald. HOTELS, l*** raA*rdtsd ***(**6101A*a4cD8t0: 0 * .4i O TH E * * Cil Aa ' CU•MMERCI1L HOTEL it as * 0)* r4 ZURICH * * 0 0 tft ,Rt «u Strictly up-to-date in modern im • provements. Dining rooms is sup- Sa plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ 'a iBar eontains ehoiee liquors and , eigars. ¶ 11 e ¶ it a. et g: , Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial 'Men. J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. el the Torninion 'bonze. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. netter able in the ;dominion. R. R.J ohnston & son, PROPRIETORS. The Air Ship that is coming to the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, will make a trip, from the Exhibition Grounds down to the. City Hall, around the City Hall. tower and back to the place of starting, thus exemplifying the great progress that has been made within the last twelve months in aerial navigation, It is not so mitnc months sinee Santos Dumont the Great Brazilian aeronaut, had his name on the lips of pretty well every man and Wonsan in the civi- lized world for his great feat of rounding the Palace of the Elysee, and now within a' year of that per- formance the feat is to be more than repeated in the City of Toron- to, Canada. The Pioneer, • organ of the tem- perance people, says : "Under the law as it formerly stood. the licence holder was personally responsible for all that was done in his house If he hired another elan to sell liquor unlawfully, he had to bear the hea'*y penalty of the offence to which he was a party. Now the poor tool may be used as a scare,: goat and comparatively light fine imposed upon him, makes the. license bolder exempt from punish= ment. The system,' it adds, "is a distinct encouragement to law- breaking, and a shield for the trickster who, under the former plan would have to take the con- sequences of the crime which -he permitted, including the risk of losing his license." The Popular Store for 1901. The people have shown by their increasing patron- age during the past year that they fully realize that this is place to buy their r , Goods,.. Groceries, s and Shoes, , Hard - Paints and Oils, at the right price, ,the right quality. g:our many cusp. qt, favors we. continuanc_e,. . of N. Douglas, BLAKE. EMMANUEL CHURCH EXETER Rev. E. and Mrs. Grigg returned missionaries from, Burmah, Tndia, will givea talk .on their work in that land illustrated by brae light viev(+'s on Friday Aug: 30th in the Main St. Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Grigg have spent some foprteen years in the mission work in that country and no doubt their talk will be very interesting. Ad- mission fee 10c, and 15c, Wm. Bawden of Bawden aucl MoDenell, returned recently from the Old Country with four Clyde and two Shire _ stallions. Before Magistrate lay on Mon- day last, Mr. Heid,. the proprietor of the Tenipero,noe House at Exe- ter North, was fined $25 and ousta. for selling liquor. leer. Reid also waned to close the 'hotel altogeth- er. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few' doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. •Mr, J. H Seitz of Detroit, Mich., says; "They re- stored my appetite whin impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels." Price 25 cents. Samples free, Sold by J J Merner. I will mail yon free, to prove merit, samples of nw Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia. The Heart or The Kid- neys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment.' Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment, is treating the result of your ailmedt,,.and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kid- neys as well, have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made ita fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves" Also for bloating, biliousness, bad. breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me. today for sample and free Book. Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora- tive is sold by All Dealers vangelical Association .sERVIOES AND MEETINGS WILL BEHELD IN THE EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL OHUROH, ZURICH, 3S FOLLOWS: Sunday School at 9.30 p. mar. Preaching Service, (Uernian, 10.45 a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. m; Senior Alliance, 8 p. m. Tues- ' day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Choir Practice Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock, REV.. A. D. GisOHLFR, PASTOR The Liberal Aeso couv'e'i "`is ti k'iTtf Japanese immigration in Columbia, checked. It a that the :Caps are. flocking into Canada's Pacific Province at an alarming rate, and it is certainly not desirable to have our Country over run with Asiatics, Below is the resolution sent to the Dominion Government on this matter:-- ''Resolved—That we do most esr-nestly request and demand that i the Dominion Government im- mediately take steps to restrict this dangerous and undesirable immigration. We do -so with the more confidence sinee at the late Colonial Conference Sir Wilfrid Laurier laid it down as a maxim of policy in the Empire, "that every community knows best what does for itself," and as the Canadian Confederation was formed upon the same principle, our unanimous expression of alarm at the Asiatic immigration into this Province should have the greatest weight in inducing the Government to con- sider this protest." DASHWOOD It is reported that the Block re- cently destroyed will be re -built. Mrs. J. Kellerman left on Tues- day for a visit to Toronto Exhibi- tion. 'John Grigg an old resident of Dashwood died last week, aged sixty years. Milton Goetz returned to Detroit after a pleasant visit with his par- ents here. . .Miss Lily Hartleib returned on Saturday last from a visit in Seb- ringville and London. COUNTY BOARD MEETING - The 13o'ird. of 9 xltminers for the County of Huron, met in Seaforth on Saturday; Aug. 24th for the transaction of business. All the members were present. Mr. Robb, B. A., I. P. .5., was appointed chairman for the year, The follow- ing resolutions were then passed Resolved thattheioandidates who wrote at the Junior Teachers' or Senior Teachers' Examin[stion in July and failed be allowed to at tend Model School in accordance with the regulation of the Eduea-. tion Department in 1906. Resolved, that students be ad- mitted to the Model. Schools who will be 18 years of age on or before the opening of the schools at the Autumn term of 1908. Resolved, that students who fail- ed to write at the Departmental Examinations in July on account of sickness, but were recommended by the principal of. the Collegiate they attended as being sufficiently prepared to write, be allowed to attend the model. Resolved, that teachers whose. Third Class Certifi- cates expire at the end of the year mai have a Renewalfor a year and a half bypassing tbe final examina- tion of the Model School. After some routine business the Board adjourned to meet again at Seaforth in December. GEO. BAIRD, Secy. ow— ST. JOSEPH, Nelson Masse,, Sr„ of Seaforth, spent Sunday with his family. Mitis Pauline Plante left on Sat- urday for London. Mies Mabel Cbarrette is at pre- • senfvisiting he. `''seer, Mrs. Luke Nigh at Se Th brive Board is 0 The Sovereign of Canada HICKS' FORECASTS. A regular storm period covers the first week in September, being central on the 4th. A very threat- ening barometer, with high tem- perature will appear in western ex- tremesby the 3rd and 4th, and storms of much energy will sweep progressively. over 'the country from the 4th to 7th. The culmina- tion will come on and touching 7th. Seismic shakes will be probable in many parts of the globe within forty-eight hours of noon on the 7th. A reactionary storm period comes close after the crisis of the first period. It is central on the 9th, 10th and lltb. Remember, this is at an annual crisis of mag- netic unrest, added to all the dis- turbing factors shown in the storm diagram. Heed all warnings and indications of growing storms, in- land, on the coasts and on the seas in the south especially. Heavy storms of 'rain, hail, wind and thunder will move out of the north. - se, and be followed by ae to cooler, with pro - • auk HEAD OFFICE: -TORONTO. Paid (Ip Capitals + $3,000,000.1 BOARD OP DiRECTOiRS: 2Earrrxi s jAavxs, Esq., - - Fresident R,&NDOLPrr nAeao,rALD, Esq, rsl Vice-Presidenc A. A, ALLAN, $sq„ - - and Vico,President Harr. D. McMxLLAN, AIME. CAMPSSLL, Bsq., M.P. A. E. DXsasxx, Esq., M.P. Horr, PETE& MCI,Axcaxt, W. IC. Mei wGST, Esq„ M.P. ALEX, Batten, Esq., EC. It, C. janrnrETr, - General -Manage> A. CASSELS, - - —Asst. General-Managert Savings Bank Department 0 Interest at beat current rates paid quarterly. , ZURICH BRANCH Jos. Snell, = Manager ALL GOOD THINGS must win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. A. H. Salve, LLD., D.D., of Oxford University, England, has recently said of it: It is indeed a marvelous work ; it is difficult to conceive of a dictionary more init-not only what we mig it expectgto tend in such a work, but also what few of us would ever havo thought of looking for. A supplement to the new edition has broughtit fully up to data. I have beet! looking through the latter with a feeling of astonishment at its completeness, and the amount of labor that has been put into it. THE GRAND PRIZE (the highest award) was given to the in- ternational at the World's Fair, St. Louis. FREE -"A rest in Prontuxeiation," struotive and entertaining for the whole family. Also illustrated pamphlet. y� G. & C MERRIAM 00., PuaLlsHEtls. SPl31NatrIni-c, MASS. -elst.3 CA Candy BowSweet el to I 1.zaIW Far We have in Ontario, in many re- spects, one of the most satisfactory statutes to be found anywhere in Canada or the United States, for the regulation of automobile traffic Under this law speed is limited in country sections to fifteen miles per hour, to seven miles when ap- proaching a horsedrawn vehicle, and when the horse appears to be frightened by the presence of the machine the driver of the latter is required to come to a fail stop. Furthermore, if damage occurs the onus is on the owner of the motor of proving that he was snot respon- sible forthe injury caused. A weak point in the law is in the penalty for rinfraction. This is limited to a fine of $10 "to $50. A fine is a matter of comparatively little moment to the majority of men who own vehicles of this de- scription. A. case occurred in the United States the other day where the owner of a New York machine was found to have in possession nearly $7,000 for the purpose of meeting current expenses on a prolonged trip -with his machine This was probably an exceptional case, but it goes to show how little money counts with men of the class of those who can afford cars with a 'speed of anywhere up to sixty miles an hour. It shows, too how necoessary it is that the law should be amended so as to give power to a magistrate to impose a term of irprisonmeut without the option of a fine in oases where there is a glaring disregard of ,the 1 ublio.rigbts. ■ O a ZURICH a e7 a MEAT DilARKET TRE keep in stock a " full line o fr esh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for .their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own saubages. Give us a call. Il UMBLU T &,p! DE1CRERT S Clubbing rates. ar 'We have made arrangements to, offer the following lowc'olubbing rates with THE H'iRALD Daily Globe . . $ 4.25 ,, Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe 1 „ Mail & Empire Berliner Journal (German) Family Herald & Star Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate Farming World Weekly Montreal Herald orers WORK HARVESTING FOR 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL► t� GOING 1. • Additional for the Return Ticket, i EXCURSIONS $1‘..,1 TRW M to under conditions as below. Aud. 27 Aug. 30 Sept. 4 — .-----GOING DATES From Toronto and all Stations west in Ontario, south of main line of Grand Trunk Ry., Toronto to Sarnia, From Toronto to Sarnia on G.T.R. and all stations north to and in- cluding Can, Pan. Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. From Toronto and east, to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, ofalso noeth Junction fToo Canntnorth of Cardwell Jct. on G.T.R. and north Bolton ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WiLL tIE SOLD TO WINNIPEG ONLT Ropreaontative farmers, appo'nted by Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments, will meet and engage laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. Free Ry� wheretlaborersbare needed, hed easWinnipeg of Moose Jato w, Kama ek and oints on Can. Ton, neR ver, (includ- ing ing branches), and at one cont a colic each way went thereof in Saskatchewan A certificate ls rnished boticket, wshcroy farmer and Alberta. showing that laborer as worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers' trains and will be issued to women as well Nov. 80th, 1007. as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children. Don't forget the For lull particulars see nearest C.P.R. admit. or liomoseekers' Excursions with Tourist Sleepers write C. B. FOSTER, D.r. t.. C.il'.R.. TORONTO Aug, 27, Sept, 10 and 24 HAMWRACBERLAINS �i. '"ate A few closes of this reniedy.will in. variably cure an ordinary attack of diarnccea. it can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for slimmer diarrhoea and cholera infantuxn in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year; When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Everyman of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now. PRIDE, WC. Luton SIZE, 50c. "ALL DEALERS" est' f Fai The Exhibition the People all like to Attend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO ICNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP dairy and a full list of Attra-ctions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks after program each evening, con- cluding on- circ) "THwith tSIEGE OF dGIBRALTAR" REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Send to the secretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and all information W. J. REID, President ` F A- M. MINT, Secretary LONDON, SEPT. 6 TO 14