The Herald, 1907-06-07, Page 2A STEEL CANAL ACROSS TR SAHARA. +++-t_ art ti l Two important contracts have re- tly been carried out for a comprehen- mouse irrigating scheme in upper Egypt, EsIr which 125,000 acres will be eventually 11 rigated and put under cultivation. The RIM is one of the largest irrigation &J oiee ever promoted in that country. ri portion of the Nile water supply dared up by the Assuan Barrage is now ng utilized. The irrigation estate is ionsi.ded on the east by the Nile and on tem east by the great desert. The soil ese dry and parched and is supposed to Reeve received no water for the last 3,000 ear 4,000 years. The east bank of the lLe at Kom-Ombo is too high to allow ate the land being irrigated at flood time bes. the usual manner, and in order to ob- tain a sufficient supply of water for the Iese tinual irrigation of the entire tract, Ilkt was necessary to install pumps. These y amps discharged the water into riveted itatarel rising mains, which in turn deliv- ered into a service reservoir . This reser- ' emir is connected with the great steel' r>:renal, which delivers the water into dig - t` 'etsuating earth canals or culverts, from etrb!eh it flows onto the land. The canal is constructed of riveted :estate! and is nearly semi -circular in • germ, measuring 19 feet 8 1-4 inches in diameter, total length 517 feet. It is emelt of seven plates around the cir- em neferenee, the plates being connected by 1-2 ineh snapped head rivets of tneich a total of 650,000 was used. To slow for expansion and contraction the ,:reeetal is subdivided into seventeen sec - ane. These were connected together any masonry basins and packed expan- en joints . At the end of each section sf canal as it entered the masonry basin a stiffening band was rivetted on, the .terual rivet heads being countersunk alkali. This band is made to slide in and e.itet of the basin on short sections of �rul let into the masonry. The joint is gbagt tight by means of tarred or tallow- esel rope packing enclosed between two ` areae et semi -circular angles placed back to ,Oak with bolts passing through them. .111e weight of the water flowing through ' keeps the canal floating on the packing, 'And each section can therefore expand ser contract, according to temperature. Seven hundred Hien, including eight -i ishmen, the remainder being chiefly Arabs, with a few Greeks and Italians, eurere employed.. The work was eomplet- eed in five months, working day and 'saight. The loose, shifting sand founda- �'..T' en caused much trouble and tools were constantly being lost and buried. The natives did not like night work and it Was difficult to make the Arab "holders- 'it13 -work at night underneath the canal (An. account of the scorpions in the sand. Je.enabswerealso fond `.ofaleaf:€zzsi m -'ate achine oil and anointing their `; .dies with it. One of the chief troubles ins the natural inclination of the differ- Inct tribes to engage in petty warfare, sand they would frequently fight with &ticks, knives or stones.—Ideal Power. ° R ALL U S Emma, Salt Rhtnm, Paett es, etc.—no remedy hams mare quickly than Mira Ointment. !Mire relieves inflammation, soothes pain, causes ewer tissue to cover raw surfaces, and =canes the aide to healthy smoothness. Mrs. J. Webb, x7q Doveeoxrl Street, Toronto, gametes: re is a wonderful cure." J. Troalett, „,�ef�,e�#dIlaa, says: ' I nish0 recommend yourM Aiwa igiistosekt for Eczema.' Mrs Tablets and Blood Tonic help to a lucre 4,orough cure. At dtuggies—or from The Itemiitc' Co. of Canada, Limited, Harni toa— Toronto, insist on getting �.aai�wsw�; Sahni MARK FIEGISTFR£D, Proper Care of the Young, Care for its young is a distinguished /mark of any progressive society. The tllplessness of infancy and its prolonga- tion as a phase of nigh culture are incul- ,eafel by biology and recognized by com- passion. Science and sentiment alike 1nree the fact upon the intellect and the amations and if parents cannot or do not fulfill their part men will provide tifsese phiranthropic and state agencies to take their place.—Macmillan's Magazine. ate" Sverige, Prairie Scratches and every form of anntagtona Itch on human or animals oured S9 r. se minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. never fails. Sold by druggists. do Why He Got Degrees. Woodrow Wilson, President of Prince- ton, was deploring the promiscuous giv- 4ug of honorary degrees. "Our universities have learned of !Pate," he said, 'to distribute honorary rirees judiciously. But in the past—" He smiled. "Well, in the past I met an uncouth meson at a dinner, and, being 'told by *ex acquaintance that he had three de- grees. I asked why it was, "`Well,' said my friend, 'the third was ; siren him because he had two, the eec- . rd because he had one, and the first ra +,use he had none.' "—Providence Journal. ;Xeep Minard's Liniment in the house. Murders for Revenge in Corsica. °ortunately the dark days when Cor- ot:ea resembled a huge battlefield survive eanly as a terrible memory of the past. To -clay we can hardly credit the fact ttlsat between the years 1539 and 1729 ;'300,000 people were, murdered out of re- s;e, and that dni'ing thirty-one yearn ,•af last century -•--from 1821 to 1852—the, =umber of murtars was estimated at 41,300.- -Wede World Magazine. A Soil Offer For the month of June a fine Course in Dress Cutting and Mak- ing will be taught f lr Ten Dollars, including a Perfect Fitting St -s- tem. You can -ay for lessons as you tame them. Che Chart will be taught for $3.00 and each of the lessons for $1.00. This offer is only good for a short tint,. All those wishing to learn, write to-dny. ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Mist; Valens, Iustruotor P. 0. 130X C 1 pe, Le Lal is 4:16..1�, a lied -Ir . French Peasants Odd Business, "In France, at this season," said a bird dealer, "the banks of the streams are yellow with bonfires every night. About, the fires loaf peasants, men and women, smoking, chattering, spooning. "They keep the blaze going all night,;; and at dawn, behold, the ground is an, inch or two deep with May flies, fire- flies ,moths—little creatures that, ex- pecting some unknown and divine sensa- tion, flew out of the darkness into those clear and gemlike flames, fluttered forth again in agony, fell and died. "The tiny corpses are sold to the French bird dealers at 5 or 6 cents a pint, and are resold for food to the own- ers of pet birds, finches, thrushes, can- aries, nightingales and the like" New Orleans Tinges -Democrat. Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields —the richest grazing land -are in this Province. Write us ror full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates, etc. Local representative wanted in each county. 'GOOD Eastern Selling Agents 200 COR1STINE BUIi.DING iloONTREA3L, .,...,.t.,..-.......,.,.,.. ..,.,may Kept Ten Dollar Bill Forty Years. Chid Smith, a farmer near Indianapo- lis, called at the office of C. W. Morri- son, this city, and asked him if he still trusted in the Lord. Morrison replied in the afifrmative, whereupon Smith said: "It was the Lord that sent me here to return $10 of your money.I have kept it for forty years." Mr. Smith then explained that one day in 1867, in W. A. Bodine's store at Morristown, he saw Mr. Morrison' drop a $10 bill from a roll which he had re- ceived from the merchant. Smith picked up the money and on this occasion he carne here to return it.—Indianapolis News. o• 8' ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $i;0 by use of one bottle. War- ranted. the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. Knew Neither Nurse Nor Baby. "\Vhat a bright little thing!" exclaim- ed the society woman, patronizingly cooing at a baby out for an airing in the. park. "Whose little one is this?" "Yours, ma'am," replied the nurse. "I'm the new nurse that kern yistherd'y," —New York Press. Ask for Minard's and take no other. .0 am Shameful Waste of Money. ,. (Judge.) Pa Smith threw down his newspaper 1nr" disauet. It's shameful," he exclaimed, "the way. these 'ere oolleges waste money on furniture! Here's an a000uat of somebody giving Har- vard $200,000 for a new chair." Minard's Liniment. used by Physicians. In a Studio. (Transisted for Transatlantic Males free "Le ;Saeta." ) "1 erdered you to paint me some cows to a stable. I seo .the stable, but where are the cows?" They are in the stable." "So is your pay for this picture. You had better bring both out." Minard's liniment Lumberman'a Friend. SABIARA'S ORETS UPVEILED. irndergrounce :hili g in the ]heart of Desert. Interesting details have reached Lon don coneerning the remarkable trans - Saharan journey undertaken by Mr. H. Viseher, one of the protectorate' residents in',Bornu, from 'Tripoli and through the "Fbrbidden Hinterland" of Tripoli to Lake Chad. The successful completion of the 'journey] was announce1 in the Over -Seas Daily Mail in December. In the r ountains of Gharian Mr. Viseher found people living in subterra- nean dwellings. Through entrances ten 'yards long and one yard broad. he came upon a square courtyard, which was in reality a. great hole open to the sky. Upon this all the rooms and stables converged. The rooms were very dark and there were no windows, but the most absolute cleanliness prevailed. Beyond Gharian the expedition pro- ceeded over rising ground to the hills, where fig and olive groves..lay among Roman ruins . andunderground villages. Nearing leluruke,. Mr. Fischer came upon stretches of petrified forest. I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Lot 5, P. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNA011.1. Bridgewater. Cow TAting Associations. Dominion Department of Agriculture, Branch of the Dairy and Cold Stor- age Commissioner. At Cowansville, Que., the average yield of 119 cows for 30 days, ending 27th April, is 567 lbs. milk and 22.8 Ibs. fat. The highest individual yield is 1,360 lbs. milk, testing 4.8.. The Shearer, .Ont., Association has an average yield. for the same period of 624 lbs. milk and. 18.9 lbs. fat. The best in- dividual yieltihere is 880 lbs. milk, test- ing 2.7 only. In the Asocia.tion at Culladen, Ont., the average of 209 cows is 759 lbs. •milk and 25.7 lbs. fat for the period ending 7th May. There are several indivitiatal yields here oe over 1,000 lbs. milk. The highest being 1,385 Lbs., testing 3.2.' The 30e cow's in the Spring Creek Ae- sociation sire? age 762 lbs. milk and 26.4 lbs. fat, ze�i e?'al individual cows here go'` over tb a,l,gatt A marl,, one good yield being 1:47.) s,, r ,testing 3.0 for the 30 days end a. Iet May. At Hatiey, . Que.. the average test is''. the sameas at Spring Creek, Ont., nano- ly 3.4 for the same period, but the average yield is only 543 lbs. milk and I9.0 Sibs. fat. The highest production 'of any one cow is 840 lbs. milk. testing 3.1. St. Armand. Que., from 161 cows aver- ages 48 lbs. milk and 18.8 lbs. fat. Woodburn, Ont.. with 79 cows. has an average yield of 671 lbs. milk and 22.2 lbs. fat. Almost all the duly organized .associa- tions are now at work, the members sending in their bottles of composite samples rremptly.- In another two weeks much fuller and better records than the above may be expected. A Praying Church. (Christian Guardian.): The minister may be a man of God, but be cannot do the praying for his congregation. The aggressive power of a church will depend very much upon the individual prayers of its members; and every prayerless or semi-prayeriess mem- ber will bo a source of weakness. But bben—we fear many, who complain that the Church is not praying church, them- selves spend more time in groumbling than in praying. It is so easy for a sinner to grumble and so uard't' r a sin- ner to pray; and, by the way, it should be true, that it le hard for a saint to grumble and easy for a ,aint to pray. Let us quit our complaining, and get down upon our knees. Wo are persuaded bleat the great euro for the ills • of the church is to be found in cepetant and full communion' with our Lord. True, there are prayers that simply tell the Lord what He ought to do, but such prayers are vain. True prayer brings men into direct oontaot w:th the infin its purity of God, and humbles man into the dust; but out of the 'pert ho rises, a purer man, one Who hat power with God and men. This comineinion is not a matter of privilege alone, ' but a real necessity to true spirit till life. The man who talks with God will walk with God. The man who walks with God will not stoop to meanness or dishonor; he will not, he cannot, be n bare and fruit- less tree, but God will work through him to make the kingdom come. Fine muslins, dainty lin- gerie, iron easier, look better, last longer if the laundress uses the only cold -water (no boiling. starch that really saves work and really won't stick. Try it. Get Hero Died Hero's Death. Private Kennedy, V. C., of the High- land Light Infantry, who has just met with a fatal accident in Edinburgh, showed conspicuous bravery in the South Arfican war. At Dewetsdorp in November, 1900, he carrid a comrade, who had been dangerously wounded and was bleeding to death, from Gibraltar Hill to the hospital, a distance of three- quarters of a mile, and all the way under a hot fire. On the following day, when a volunteer was called for to cross att exposed space, with a message that it was almost certain death to deliver, Pri- vate Kennedy at once stepped forward. Before he had proceeded twenty yards he was severely wounded and unable to proceed; but the daring will was taken for the daring deed. Kennedy met his death in Edinburgh while endeavoring to stop a runaway horse. Filod Products Li by's Ireai Loa With 44zei and Pork Do you like Veal Loaf? You will surely be delighted with ibby's kind, made from choice. ash meats, in "Libby's: spotless kitchens. . It is pure, wholesome and delicious in flavor. Ready for Serving At Once.—"Simply garnished with sauce it is an appetizing entree for luncheon or dinner, Ask your grocer for Ltltby'e and !Hetet upon ratting Libby'''. Libby, McNieill :;, Libby Chicago Catching the Sunday Worm. Minister (meeting small boy on Sun- day afternoon carrying a string of fish) —Johnny, Johnny, do these belong to you? Johnny Y -e -s, sir. You see, that's what they got for chasing worms on a Sunday.—Philadelphia Inquirer. ISSUE NO. 23, 1907. FORE CARTRIDGES FOUND. mr6,000 Seized This Month in North of England. Another seizure of secreted cartridges has been made at Edinburgh. The police visited a blacksmith's store in the Piers - hill district and took possession of 20,000 Mouser cartridges. The complete list of seizures made in . different parts of the country le as fol. lows: Sunderland, April 3 .. .. .... 35,000 Newcastle, April 9. .. .. .... 37,000 Newcastle, April 10.. .... .... 100,000 . Glasgow, April 12 . . .. .. .. 15,000 ' Ed inhurgh, April 15 .. . .. .. 15,000 Edinburgh, April 10.. .... 20,000 Total number of cartridges 216,000 • As already recorded in the Over -Seas Daily Mail the cartridges are imported from the continent and secretly conveyed by trawlers to the coast of Finland, where they are delivered to Russian revolutionaries. He ratelealt's Spavirn Curse PORTAGE RIVER, R.B., March 5 'c6, "I am usingour Spavin Cure and can say there is nothing- to othingto be compared with it." Gzlberill?ttrerall Cares: Spavins Thoroughpin Curb Splint Ringbone Sores Swellings Sprains Bruises and an Lameness $r a bottle -6 for $5. Our great book— "Treatise on the Horse"—free from dealers or 32 Dr. 5.1. liFICALL CO., Smasher: falls, Venacqt, U.S,A BU ITRid CAKE. BOXES NOT WANTED—LESS COLOR AND LESS SALT. J. B. Jackson, Canadian commercial agent at Leeds, England, writing home, says that Canadian butter shipped to the north of England markets should be sent in casks. Practically every dealer makes this suggestion: "Box packing has so long been asso- ciated with inferior butter in the north of England that Canada's present system of sending butter to this country in boxes is simply ruining her chances of making any decided impression on the large imports of continental and other foreign butters. In fact, it is said that for this reason alone Australia's at- tempts to compete in the north of Eng- land markets in box -packed butter have not been so successful as expeEted" The reason is not far to seek; the north of England is the stronghold of the Danish butter trade. Two-thirds of all the Danish butter imported into England is received from special butter steamers at Newcastle -on -Tyne, Hull, Goole and Grimsby, and immediately on being landed is distributed" by fast ex- press trains on the different railroads to the various centres. Canadian butter also would appeal much more to the public in the north of England if it were not so "highly colored." It should be made as near approaching a very pale straw color as possible, and should not be salted more than one-half as much as in Canada. '•O Hoax—Bright children don't all de- velop into smart men. Joan I know it. Some of them become wofnen. Many a self-made man marries s tailor-made woman. ASK YOUR 11D SALE FO Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hou Strong an Gibraltar limit of Strength Princess EgYP sri` Acla For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool end Silk 'Tips All Wool nee Hosiery Manulaotured for the Whelessle Trade by the CHIPMAN-HOLTON KNITTING CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. PI Saw His WayClear. A Leesvillephysician, who ealled re- cently to attend a wealthy stockman who had a pain, in his side, diagnosed the case as appendicitis,'seoured the pa bent's permission to operate next week, atad then went borne and wrote to Den- ver for an automobile price list.—Denver 'Post. VI 5 ii fit three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pur- poses, inside walls of summer houses, refrigerator plants, etc. GET OUR PRICES. 1 The a 1IULL 's E—1 Agenciea in all principal cities. aKOMerr e+ams+ Limited CANADA $i Weds of High Carbon arbon Wire,"ve11 prove ib to youCOILS not ringed. makes it still stronger in service. It Stays taut, Paitod WHITE over heavy E dci IR I5Ciii WY, li,, E3►'I LIC rD.. rretrpdealers 07oelaes 209 gasinmeit.. Gt illustrated booklet 1907 prices WckliIIlfer fabs. Toroate. Mo►satriea►*y .4'4. John . •Wiraniipo