The Herald, 1907-04-26, Page 2M+eMiN - + a y Fine muslins, dainty lin- gerie, iron easier, look better, last longer if the laundress uses the only cold -water (no boiling starch that really saves work and really won't stick. Try it. Get BRIARWOOD IS IN DEMAND, Supply for Pipes Being Sought in Medi- terranean Countries. Here's an item .of interest to all fond di the solace of pipe and tobacco. In answer to a letter from an Ameri- can manufacturer of briar root pipes re- questing information as to the market for briar root in Spain, Consul General B. H. Ridgely, of Barcelona, replies as follows: "There is no briar root industry in Spain and pipes are virtually not manu- factured in this country. The compara- tively few which are used are imported from England and France. In the dis- trict of Gualba there are forests of eestnut trees and the country people in that region occupy their spare time dur- ing the winter cutting this wood into rough ehapes of pipes, which are shipped from Barcelona to Marseilles, where they are finished and marketed. I was also advised in the course of my investiga- tion that briar root was largely found in Corsica. and I at once wrote there for information on the subject. "The result was a. letter, from which I take the following interesting para- graph: Briar root is unobtainable just now. The two Corsican manvfaceurers here have already refused orders from .America amounting to 15,000 bags. A commission firm has a great many or- ders, amounting to thousands of bags per month, but the goods can not be had. There is an immense demand for the article, and I• repeat that this can not be supplied in Corsica." a•aa Growth of a'Greal Horse Remedy. r No better illustration can be given of great things coming from small beginnings than $EiNDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It was cona- i#ounded and used in a small way about 30 years,,ago by Doctor B. 3. Bendall, in the then-'ebseeneevtnage •il}i??!Sbnrr. +lama, •:Vt., SPAVIN CURD' has gone -to "all parts'' of the world. The merits, and the merits alone, of the renvedy, have done it. While Dr. Kendall was practicing he wrote s. litho book entitled "A Treatise on the Horse and Ills Diseases." It is safe to say that no more popular work on this subject Les even been produced down to the present @ay. It ,was originally handed out to the horsemen with whom he canoe in personal contact. It is said that now upwards of 12.000,000 of these little bootee hove been pub- lished' and' gratuitously distributed, The cures of spavin snob, ringbone, splint, wire cuts, sores, etc., and the expense and labor saved to horse owners by KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE aro beyond comprehen ton. Por the greater part of these 30 years KEN- DALL'S SPAVIN CUILE hoe been the chief, and with thousands of horsemen, the only remedy used. It must be remembered that it is not confined to North America. It is decidedly a world remedy. With the lttie book mentioned above to guide, and with IiENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE at hand to treat promptly any case of speain, wound, lame- ness, incipient bone growth, etc., the ordin- ary horse owner is well fortified against all the common ailments to which horse flesh is liable, It is unquestionably a more efficient remedy., said adapted to the cure of more of the ailments to which the horse is /table,. than any other now on the market. He Over Did It. She -You remember what you promis- ed before we were married? You said you would make every effort to make yourself worthy of me. He -Yes; and the result was that I overdid it, and made myself better than you deserve. -Punch. O ► ee- Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Me. Cityman (loolein•tr for subway= dome) -'Balt the ada-entisotnent said the glace wwse only ten mdn•u-tre'7v' Iva& from the station, Native -Weil, the fellow WM. ~smote that advertisement Irsed to be the ametcur long-dietanee walker of the United States. Before deciding where to locate in the West, let ue tell you about these landas. The' beat wheat fields -the richest grazing land --care in this Province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates, etc. Local representative wanted in each county,. i T[LFF. & i S6 0 Eastern Soiling Agents * O CO el TINE BuR.Dii'a Largest Things in the World. The largest bank in the world is in London. The largest chureh is in Rome. The largest stock exchange is in New York, The loftiest structure in the world is ie Paris. The largest brewery is in St. Louis. There, also, is the largest tobaeoo fac- tory in the world. The largest suspension bridge is in New Yorlc. The largest hospital in the world is in Paris. The largest stone structure in the world is in Egypt. The largest falls are in Africa. The largest public gardens are in Paris. The largest river is in South America,. The largest monument in the world is in Washington. The largest life insurance companies are in New York. The greatest stove factory is in De- troit, Mich. The largest, match factory is in Ohio. The largest gun works in the world are in Essen. FOR. ALL 191U MOV Enema, Salt gliteu i, lusting, etc. -no remedy heists more quickly teas Mira Oitumewt. Ivliwt relieves inflammation. soothes pain, causes sew &sue to cover raw anrfoees, and mamas the skin to health' smoothness. slfrs. J. Webb, 275 Deaacourt Street, Tarsiste, writesr 10 is a monderftt1 cure." J. Trowket. Han,etun, says: "1 highly recommend your Ointment fur Ecsensa.' Mire "Tablets and Blood Tonic help to a more thorough care. At d s -or from The Chemins' Co. of Canada. Limited, Hamflton- Toronto. insist on gating • New Engines for War Vessels. (Savannah, Ga., News.) A day or two ago we commented on an interview by Lewis Nixon, the naval archi- tect, in the course of which he said the steam engine was doomed in ocean ships and predicted that the time was not far distant when heavy vessels would be pro - Veiled tbY QytU5nntdl+-etr,Ile'Qdon engdnes. dt seems, as a matter of fact, that the British admiralty has already .had plans mode for the construction of cruisers and even battle- ships driven by suoh engines, and may be- gin the construction of suoh vessels before a great while. That will mean the disap- pearance of all togshamper, such as masts and funnels, from warshtps and the fight- ing craft will to outward appearance be hard- ly more than a floating gun platform. seer Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Pneumonia the Great Terror. (Kansas City journal.) To -day .pneumonia stands as the most fear- ful danger to• which the American people aro normally exposed during. the winter and serials` eeas0yne. ^ tiSatics pi pprr4 by inis ni e . s 'is 1, '5. ;amines ne ex-, tidbit o'f •the, tfe evrougjit by It: Sot only has it had more deaths to itseredit during the ;pact winter than consumption, but it is becoming more virulent each year, While consumption is of less deadly effect, as it is boin. studied and climatically treat- ed. Consumgption is gonc+rally of slower progress and its victims .are given time to seek remedial agencies. But pneumonia at- tacks the vigorous es well as the weak and it throttles in days or hours. Against con:- sumition there are many remedies and regi- mens to etay its .progress. But the victim of pneumonia. bas little chance, and it is the very irony of fate that the stronger one is physically the quicker will he succumb to its fatal attack. -oo Demagogues and Gamblers. For business undertakings there is no way to success save through businesslike management. The exploitation and loot- ing of railroad systems for private gain is as unbusinesslike as the exploitation and paralyzing of them for political gain. The people of the country ought to pray with equal fervor to be delivered from the demagogues on the ono hand and from the manipulators on the other. Both are dangerous, -New York Times. Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion, It never fails. Sold by druggists. His First Country Visit, A little 3 -year-old was on his first vis- it in the country. says Lippincott's Mag- azine. IIis mother allowed him to go out and see the fowl„ fed and the cows milk- ed. Soon be came running to her in great excitement and concern, "Mamma, mamma," he called, "the calf is eating up the cowl" Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. �.m Bishop Potter's Question. A young clergyman in a remote coun- try district wrote once to Bishop Pot- ter, saying that he was about to take a wife, and atiked if, to save some other clergyman a long and weary journey, he could not marry himself. The bishop's reply was marvelously concise. It said: "Could you bury yourself?" o•�-� Wise Man, Wise -He doesn't feel that he's eligi- ble for membership in your Browning society. Woodby-You mean because he doesn't know anything about poetry. Wise --Not at all. I mean because he's sensible enough to admit it. -Philadel- phia Press. Good Man to Leave Alone, Mohican, Kan„ Globe.) Wo have noticed that the man whose only comment as he reads the ,paper is a "kick" on the things be does not like is the same one who "kicks" on his friends; thinks the town ho lives in is the dullest on earth; complains because It rains too much or does net rain enough; thinks the Weather le too o cold. Pt is no use to discuss Any - 7;., t�.:M1?tit Evi DRESSIVIAKINOSCHOOL roaches Drees'.slut- ting and' Making:,1st ail dts branches by mail (0 lessons), The best system Over. in deduces ' in Canada. is. Cost of ,full course IS now Oal3' $16, ia;clud- lug ong •,of the most perfect , fitting systems In use given tree. Adopt tele method and increase year In- c o re 0. Satisfactory bank refet;ences .given as to your safety in remltting,money. to us. For r, full particulars write to -day, ELITE DRES8MAKIN3 SCHOOL Puss Verities, Ir. etruetor P., ti'. ii3Ox ei CI> LO. din ti�5 Q'0A "r A clergyman was talking with awe about J. Pierpottt Morgans determina- tion to stop the production of "Salome" in New York, and his willingness to re- imburse Mr. Conned to the extent of $50,000 rather than allow the music drama to be seen at the Metropolitan Opera House. ' "Doubtless," said the, clergyman, thoughtfully, "Mr, Morgan's $50,000 could have done more good than stop a music drama that is, I have been told, a great work of art.- But, all the same, I admire the spirit of the man. He is a man who achieves what he wants -a rare gift. "I remember how, one Easter, a Meth- odist minister in the south wrote to Mr. Morgan and asked him to `subscribe to the erection of a new church. "'Since I am an Episcopalian,' Mr. Morgan wrote back, 'I can't conscien- tiously join this Easter subscription to the building of a Methodist church. Be- fore erecting your new church, though, you are going, I .understand, to tear the old church down. For that purpose I gladly inclose my cheque for, $250.00.' " IENGL,ISH. SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. A Big Man. (London Canadian Gazette.) We cordially welcome the selection of Colonel the• Hon. J. M. Gibson as com- mandant of the Canadian Bisley team ,.-of 1907. It will be a year of big things, and we want bi:r men to honor the year, Mr. Gibson has 'bows, president of 'the',: Dominion Gifte efehtlrelatiOne ho bras been', in command .;f a .'ariadio;li team before: in the Wimbledon days of 20 years ago, and no 'man has done more to give Cana- dian riflemen their place or honor among the marksmen of this Empire:. The ad- jutant is to be Captain Duff Stuart, of the 8th Rifles, Vancouver --pan excellent shot. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a liniment was required, and have never failed to get the desired effect, C. A..teING, M. D. INDIANS POND OF BILLIARDS. Some of Their Favorite Dishes, Times of Feasting and Dancing. The Kiowa, Comanche and Clhey erne tribes in aouthwettern Oklahoma consid- er dog meat better eating than any oth- er meat. When the Kiowas have a feast dog meat is given the first plaice as a special honor to the invited guests. When the guests happen to be a white man, he dares not refuse 'dile' proffered delicacy if he desires to preserve the friendship with the rad man. Many a paleface ,has thus been compelled, to eat dog meat or lose his Indian friend's good. Will, and as a result comes away with a longing to again taste the toothsoni;e meat. F`env white men in Oklahoma who -have eaten dog meat tvill gay that itis not good. Here in, 'Mountain View most any day it is common to see neatly dressed Ifio- was riding into town. oet the finest equi- pages than 'money can buy. They are principally blanket Indians, wearing �.�.... A Pattern for the Cook. "Children," said Judge Willard Me - Ewen, at a dinner in Chicago, "are the great home builders ..A lack of children means unhappiness, divorce. In the ma- jority of the divorce suits that I pass onand I pass on a hundred a month - the couples are between 30 and 40 years of age and childless. "So children should be prized and cher- ished despite their faults . Faults they have, I will admit. "Only the other day I heard of a lit- tle girl, lunching out, who was detected in the act of cramming a large yellow handful of Spanish omelette into the pocket of her pink frock. "`Why, you little pig,' exclaimed her mother, 'what on earth are you about? Put that back on your plate at once. Why, I never heard of such a thing. What on earth do you mean by it?' "It's so good, muvver,' the child ex- plained, `that I thought I'd take a piece home to our cook for a pattern.'" RA WANT USK LARGE OR SMALL LOTS Write for price list. W. C. GOFFATT DRILLA ONT. The Pocketless Woman. It is said the women do not want pockets. Of course they don't, They are loyal to the style. They don't masse themselves unhap- py thinking what aught to be. They take the fashions as they come and make them- selves as happy and beautiful as it is pos- sible to be and they succeed wonderfully. But when Jennie comes home and tells Wil- liam that she doesn't know where she left her pocketbook, and says there was 127A5 in it he arises in a guste of submerged wrath and goes up into the bath room and de- nounces M. Blanc and all his Parisian gang In words almost profane. But does that do any good? Not a particle. The world swims along' as before and is the swim the pocket - lees woman, as radiant and serene as U there were no husbands 10 the world to cross their flowery paths, So what's the use -the birds sing their own tunes, the flowers breathe their own fragrance and the women go without pookots just the same. Teething abie are saved suffering -and mothers given rest when one uses N s'amtd othg,s' Treasure cheickly xeBeves^: r ulatee the e• -"-gym•,t . enerrulsiols;,, 7lsed o yettsu, li salttbely Safe. At drug -stem* 220. 0 bottles, L'IttS. 10hdfanal, Heng it Chemical Co., X,imited, Sole P,roprbeters, &footre tl, 41 Fears Which Seem Ill Founded. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) The inference that the comic opera "The Mikado," the Gilbert and Sullivan masterpiece, will not be included in the London revival of the author's works because the Government fears the Jap- anese might be offended by it will strike the American reader as highly amusing. The oharacters of the piece aro so ob- viously burlesqued that it doesn't seem possible that any real Pooh Bah or Ko So or Nanki Pooh or the Mikado him- self could be offended by the far-fetched imitations. It is to be feared the dip- lomatic Britishers give the Japs too lit- tle credit for a reasonably developed sense of humor. Bad the Example Bandy. Teacher -A tyrant is a ruler that's bated and feared. Now give me a sen- tence with the vror'd in it. Scholar -The teacher swatted de pupil Wid his tyrant. ISSUE NO. 17, 1907. HELP WANTED -FEMALE. WANT2bD-GOOD PLAIN 000K FOR family of five, on the mountain top. Hami,tani all modern conveniences; house- maid and gardener kept; good wages. Ad- dress Mrs, R. M. Breckenridge, Hamilton. MISCELL,ANEQUS, l�. L eROY'S FEMALE POLLS tors Tlaiese Ytlladb'are loon used monthly Fusee tfi },�gi fel-aver arty years. and .found larebtabbb ``ee+ Dees l "5t teethe propose designed, and are mesio. eP1�'t t' teed by the =akers. Enclave ;damp for seated cireular. P,ico $1.00 pet boo of ie*�Lts; yr ,y mail e -.surely 9euled, ou receipt or pros LB ROY PILL 00.. Beg • 11, IYomilton, Canal . He Sold Bad Goods. Sir Thomas Lipton, whose grocery shops, "Lipton's Limited," are as thick in London as the fog, was talking to a New York reporter on. his last visit about pure food laws. "And that reminds me," said Sir Thomas, "of my youth, when I was run- ning my first grocery and sleeping under the counter. "A rival in the next street was selling notoriously bad. goods and I heard a story about him with delight. "It seems that a customer entered his shop and asked for a pound of butter. "'Yes, sir,' said my rival, 'the real or the imitation, sir?' "'What was it you sold me yester- day?' inquired the customer. `That was the real, sir.' "'Then give nae the imitation,'" Cure Your Horse with Kendall's Spavin Cure— the PDC reliable cure for alt Bone Diseases, Swellings and Lameness. Bern GROIINn, Ont., May 3 '06. "I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure with great success, and drink it an excellent remedy for Spavins, Sweeney, Sprains, etc. Wm. Lrlensev. Accept no substitute. $t a bottle -6 for $5. Write for free copy of our great book-"Brentise on the Horse," 2e Cr. R. i. iSEpi = CO., Eo$sborg Faits, ►staiwst, Warned Away from Danger. (Laramie Boomerang.) A Laramie woman went to the theatre the other night with some friends, but when they were seated ale was separated from her friends by a man and woman who tsoom- od to pay no attention to eaoh other. The woman figured out that if the two people would sit over a seat she could sit with hel- 1 friends. -Bracing up her nerve, she said •s Q5ti;ya't,o the anent "Beg• pinion, on, are Tom hese alone?" The man stared at tho elir- I twin ae if ho were drawing a salary for It. "I beg. pardon," the woman said a little louder, 'are you alone?" "Cot wise," whir- ; corner of his mouth. "this is my wife," •oo. YOUR SUPPER OUTING If you are fond at fishing, canoeing, camp- ing or the study of wild animals Iook up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A flah and game p.'esorve of 2.000.000 acres interepersed with 1,2.0 lakte and rivers in awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Nature can bestow. Bfag. nfflcent canoe trips. Altitude 2.000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the place for a young man to put in his summer holidays. An interesting and pro- fusely illustrated d'tcorlptive ipublication tell- ing you all about tt sent free on a,pplicativa to J. D. 'McDonald, Union Station, Toronto., Ont. Orders Must Be Obeyed. 6 (Kansas City Times.) "The best disciplinarian I ever knew," says a retired army officer, "was a colonel I served with during the civil war. Ones we were reconnoitering a position which the en<anv held with a considerable force. 'We will take that place to-mors*w," he said, Why, colonel,' 3 exclaimed, 'it's im- possible!' " 'Impossible! Nonsense, sir,' ha mortem. 'I have the order in my pocket.' " ovvvreVe ASK YOUR UR DEALS }l FO Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hoses Strong as Gibraltar Liaait of Strength Princess Egyptian Usk For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' 'Wool and Silk Tips All Wool Fine Hosiery liillenufaoiured for the Wholesale Trade by tho CHIPMAN-HRLTON KNITTING CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, ,,, .,,,,,ter. .,.,.M ,nvvrtmer. srt; their long hair hanging in neat braids ;- , eeeeeteeteteeeeee. down their baeks or plaited with bright colored strips ef muslin;; gaudy blue, red and yellow inteamin.gleti,with white. The squaws early the Indian babies in crit- dies or "pontkas" strapped, on their backs, and go about the streets appar- ently not the .least hampered by their burdens, ' The ycvung bucks are, fond' of playing billiards, but seldom bier teen in the bowling .alleys, presueinhly because bil- liards to the average young Indian re- quires less exet'tion, .A+t bight not an In- dian is seen on the streets,dr in the pier - es of arnusernent. They: return to the reservation before sundown. March 1S is the day they are paid off by the Government This,ss followed by feasting and dancing till the money is all [spent: Vieie eredit, $d ,g0d. at the stores ancleithd ' are 041• says '•prompt to pa;y off ti eir'•debMoe receivriug their money ,from U1 o 8attl--Mountain lebe-them t. In three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pur- poses, inside walls of summer houses, refrigerator plants, eto. GET OUR PRICES. i ,„, t..•...t., . s.; , The E. 0. Ei1 1' 1J 9 +L in all ._ rincipal CANADA , i r r,