The Herald, 1907-04-19, Page 44 LEGAL .CARDS. 4I. J. D. COOKF, BARRISTER ANI) 50 - bolter, Notary Publie, l3ensall, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. .c ROUDFOOT-, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc;, Goierieh, Canada. W. Proudfoot, K.C, R. 0, Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS GAROS. DR. E. W. STOSKOPP, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. Office over T. & M. Johnsons Sboro. Night calls at T. Johnson's residence. S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT., LICENS- ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My rates are reasonable and I will guarantee the best of satisfaction. For the con- venience of my friends in Hay and Stanley, dates and terms may be ar- ranged at Trtz': HERALD Office, Zurich A, S. PITILLIPS, LICENSEI) AUC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, ]lay, or addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be promptly attended to. OR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate o3 Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless estraetiou of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. A.'QDREW HESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF PATTERSON'S Planing Mill property, together with machinery and plant and two-fifths of an acre of land, in the Village of Hensall, on Saturday, April 2,1th, 1907, at 2 p. rn, H. J. D. Cooke, Vendor's Solicitor; B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CAT- tle and Pigs, on Saturday, Arril 20th, at 1 p. m. at the Hensall Stock Yards, Hen - flail, J. M. Matthews, proprietor; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. Suffered for Five Years with Kid- ney and Liver Trouble "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused . severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I had despepsia and was so constipat- ed that I could not move my bowels without a cathartic., I tiva,s ..cured 117 Chamberlain's Stomach and'' Lever Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Arthur S. Strickland, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by J J' Merrier. The Department of Inland. Re- venue is completing an analysis of some thousand samples of butter collected from various parts of the Dominion, with a view to determin- ing the quality and purity of the article being turned out by Cana- dian farmers and dairymen. As a whole, the results of the analysis have been quite satisfactory, but in ten cases it has been found that oleomargarine hash been used as un adulterant. It is against the law to either import, or manufacture oleomargarine in (1'nada, end the Department of Justice will prose - tette the offenders. 50 YEARS' TRADE MARKS DrSIGNS Cnpvr1CHTs &C. Anyone. son ding a snot( n and description ;nnv rintokiy as, ertain our °Pinion free'w ether rn invnnt.ion is probnldg poteuiable. Comnnnttc.a .t0ns.rrteilrronaanrttla. Handbook on Pa.nhty scat siren. Oldest si:ency lot remains parew.t. Patents taken thrauab Mann it: Co. reachs socia notice, without Ohanre, i... the r handsomely illustrated IT (.4; r" 7+r.'a t e°r enlntb»g or any 8-,ent.lan +aur g„1 1',•fn,r, ; 7 is Har; font .ao�u3lin ,$1 Sind by all ttewado,dnr- ;98 Rl && 0.301reacivrt+, New yfut rCti er1ahfs Cough _`r :. e y The Children's Favorite aII3tLn9--- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Coargh. Thio remedy is famous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world. It can always be depended upon. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as ooaftdently to a baby es to an adult Price 25 ata; Large Size, 50 eta. Wils? E. fa la it3A PIIBLIBBED BY E. ZEELLElt. FRIDAY, APRIL 19th, 1907. FRUIT SPRAYING. The Minister of Agriculture for. Ontario has, for the past two.years had under consideration plans for further assisting the fruit .growers of the Province. Spraying has now become, in TwcAuoing a super- ior grade of fruit, the most import- ant operation of the year, and while widely practised in certain sections, has not yet been given the attention that it requires in the apple sections. The advent of the power sprayer is of such recent date that the advantages it gives. especially in the spraying.ef apple orchards. is not yet nppreeia,ted. For many years the Delta rtmpnt of Agrionitere has been advnr.ntine more and better spraying. Demon- strations in the use of band and power nntfit'. and the preparation and n.pnlication of the most effec- five mixtnree. have been given thrnngbont the Province with satisfactory reenits. It ' is now felt that arch information has been snife.iently diifnsed and another sten forward is proposed.. The Provincial Fruit Growers' Association has within the past three years assisted in organizing n terve number of fruit growing nesociations. One of the tissue of these associations has been the era - operative spraying of orchards of their members, snd it is now nrn- posed to assist these and kindred organizations in such spraying work. With this nim in view. the Minister of Agrionitt.re has asked the Legislature for a grant of $$6000 to he devoted to the nes'fetance of fruit growers in the purchase and operation of power spraying ont- fits. Many essoclia.tintjs already own and gra nperating such mae.It- ines end these will receive the same aid as those orstenizing dnr- ina 1907. The conditions under which Mite grants are available hare been 'made at: simple es pos- sihle with the hope that a cleoided stimulus will be given to the prop- er epraying of nrclllt.rds dnring this and: coming seasons. Following are the regnla06ns covering the vmere 'elf *be grants':• A are fit of $V0s, will be made to. Any five or more harriers who unite to form a fruit growers' assooifl- tton for the purehase'n.ncl operation of a power spraying outfit during the season of 1907. These associa• tions need not be incorporation of cn-operative assncintions should be obtained in the full benefits of co- operation are desired. Co-operative fruit growing as- sociations owning and operating two or more power sprayers will be eligible to draw a grant for. each machine operated. 'S' The number of such associations receiving assistance during the present year shall not exoeed 100. At lea't 25 arses of frnit trees must be thoroughly sprayed. during the proper serison with each ontfit, A. reasonable portion of such spraying must hedone on the. farms or orc:hatds of each of the parties forming the assneistinn. Such assncintiona before reeeiv- ng env portion of the grant Oen satisfy an inspector of the Denart- ment of Agriculture that the above conditions hate been eoaaplied with and shell make such reports as shall satisfy the Minister of Agri- culture. .Associations clesirons of par.tini meting in this grant moot Apply in the Department not later than the first day of May. Before you buy a Cream Separator, Plow, Cultivator, Seed Drill (both disc and boel, Dian Harrow, Stuffier, Mower, Rake, Binder, Buggy, Carriage or Wagon exam- ine our stook. We keep a full line and only the best and our prices are as low as the lowest. --Fred. Hess & Son. Large frame dwelling; with kit- cben, and two-fifths of an acre of land situated in Zurieh, for sale. Frame barn on property and gond hard water well. Price reasonable. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. The breeding and selling, of can- ary birds in Germany, according to a consular report received at Washington from Magdeburg, has reached such proportions as to control the markets of the world, Referring to the industry on the Harz Mountains of Germany, the report etates that many of the birds after being trained to sing are exported to the United States. The business is estimated as being worth $3773,000, about 50,000 Cana- ries being raised yearly for' -export in St. Andreasberg alone. For an exceptionally good singer and breeder about $70 is paid. The normal price for good singers vat,. ies from $2 to $8. +4 -' -+ --^E4»€4 .€$, s.O 'oQuN rY NWS. Al Bissett has sold his faros property at Crediton .East to A. S. Parsons, of the London road. Mr, Bissett intends working An the brick yards. ,A quiet'wedding took place at the home of Isaac Bastard, Shipka., one dt.y last week, when his daugh- ter Annie was united in marriage to Louis Plainer, The Willis Shoe Co., of Seaforth, began operations again on Monday. A large number of oedors have beep booked. A joint stock comp- any is being formed to capitalize the business. John Broderick, of near Sarepta, while returning from Exeter a few days ago with. a lead of corn and salt had an upset with the result that he sustained a sprained tinkle which will lay him up for some rinse. C. a. Russell, B. A:, of Edmon- ton; son of Wm Russel, of Hay, has been appointed by the provin- cial government of Alberta inspec- tor of schools for F,tlmonton.. ble commences his new duties in May. No motion has yet been taken re. gardin;;' the resignation of D French manager of the county house of re- fuge. The coulinittee has not met and Mr. French will probably re- main in charge of the county in- stitution for a few weeks yet. T eea nual excursion of the Hu- ron Old Boys of Tornoto to the home county will be held on Satnr• day, Tuiy 6th, returning Monday, the 8th. Two special trains will leeveToronto. the official" train running to Goderich, the other to Wiagham. A happy event took place at the hoose of Mr. and, Mrs. Stephen Troyer, Parr Line, Hay, on Wed- nesday of last week, when their daughter, Effie Jane, was married to Albert Bell, of the London road. Rev. 5 Toll of Hensall performed the eeremony in the•presence of the relatives ofthe contracting parties. They will reside on the fartn of Mr. Bell, London R;nad. ',: '"Preventies" will promptly cheek.a' cold .or thee'Grippe when taken early or at the"sneeze stage" Prev'entics cure seated colds as well': Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and ' D.r. Shoop, Racine, 'Wis, will gladly' mail you samples :tildes 'boeleon `Colds. free. 11, n v-iil write him: Thesanapl:es th'ei'r Merit, • Chet), steres .,. ei it,h ; I'reventics and top ' . ,. oma. .Sold in a"o and ` 25o bore byJ J Merner. - Henry Carroll, a. deal; and dumb men, agetl'39 years, wasfound dead near Maguire four miles from home 'on 'Wednesday morning of last Week. He had left his home on Tuesday afternoon to bring the cows from the field and not return- ing at a reasonable hour the family became Uneasy and began a search for him but without;'snecess. , He was found the next morning on the roadside dead. • He evidently lost his way. end died from exposure. He lived on lot 3, con. 8, Stephen. The News -No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough. Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Clough Cure is—and has been for 20 years, .. The National Law now regaires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture, it must be printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers. and others should insist on Lavin!.; Dr. Shoop's Cough Core. No poison marks on Dr. tehoop'y labels—and none in the medicine, else it must by law bo on the label. And it's not only safe, but it is said to be by those that know it, best, a truly remarkable cough' remedy. Take no' chance, particularly with your children Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure • Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison 'narks there 1 You can always be on' the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by J 7 Merner. The fourth conference between the Premiers of Great Brit -lens self-governing colonies opened at London, England this week. Chamberlain's Salve is good for any disease of the skin', It allays the itohing and burning sensation instantly. For sale by 3 J Mother. A horse eating hay ignited a matoi.iying in the manager which caused the new baths of the Hadley Lumber Co., Chatham, to be ba'dly damaged by fire. The first application of the cop- per -sulphate solution,on apples, Winespears, ms and graps should be made before the leaves appear. Dissolve 4 lbs. of bluestone in 40 gallons of water and apply with a, sprayer, The vexed question of the main- tenance' in 'High schools of pupils froth ether municipalities will be diecussecl at a general nleotine of those interested, to be held at the Parliament Bundin ;s ilitlnediately on the close of the. present, session of the House, HARNESS, heavy and light Blankets, Bells, Whips, Truuks, Suitt Cases, Purses and Ladies' Satchels. Schram Ro ulcers, Fancy Rockers, Morris ChJJrs, Easy Chairs, EDROO.1 suirEs, SPRINGS and IIATTRESSE, SINCER SEW111Th :JUNES0 High Grade ORGA,N5 and PIANOS 1 ELL, = _ = Zurich, Ont. The Sid and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils.... 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that .I am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. REO CEDAR SHU c LES and all kinds of Building Material. It -will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my tiim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWINC and PLAI'UNC SY-Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. ,KALBFLEISCH, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH Ikea icr MON tlIMIENEM SEEDS! SE DS We beg to announce that we have complete line of Garden and Field Seeds. In Garden' Seeds we handle the celebrated L L May & Co seeds. They are 'the good' kind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages Garden Seeds for to cents. We also have a good of Field Seeds. Turnip and fangold seed at lowest prices Try us for your Groceries, Flour, Feed, Stock .Foods, etc., we can supply your wants. Give us a call. San-tuel a nie ,��,��''i,' + exs>1nk5vors y 7?,,�,i� d} �jY * International" Harvester .. I mplenients.. We keep in stock a fall line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving 1'iniver'sal satisfaction. Bay no other. We handle tllo Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on. the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ; er,y- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. Va2,:i la need of a new ,Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 ED. HESS & SON, * Rickbeil's Old Stand - - ZURICH. * * *** * **** yam.{