The Herald, 1907-04-19, Page 2Ntat\INit
„..01,0,,,,,,Save s \,::
pf 'r 1 me
,:t ¢3'S'N'4(E'iktd:.. .ei:4r,`'w
• Celluloid S torch needs
r��▪ � no cooking—just
cold water and •'tis
ready. 'Twon't stick,
yet gives a better
gloss, with less iron -
rubbing, than any
starch you know.
Its price is little. t
Your dealer sells it.
Try it this week. 204
�.to•A1 lit . ,... ,:r\\\I
- - -e- , : - - -. _ ..--e.,,p-o---
t .4°'�h.
.,„,,, .-.4241t,,
" SNL trItt
Kissed the Book.
A curious incident at Raleigh, N. C.,
the other day illustrates the absurdity
of nonsense, In the Supreme Court in
that city there are kept two Bibles—one
on which to swear white witnesses and
the other to swear negroes. A scholarly
gentleman, a professor of law in Shaw
University, was on the witness stand,
and the Sheriff gave him the Jim Crow
Bible to kiss, whereupon the judge sharp -
Ly reprimanded the officer for giving it
to a white man; so the other Bible wiles
given hint and he kissed it. Now, is that
Bible profaned, for it turns out that
the professor is really a negro, though to
ail visible appearances as white as any
other man?—Independent.
Steel Trust Saving on Fuel,
(Philadelphia Press.)
Someoas has produced an engine which
may do a great deal toward cheapening the
price of steel. The United States Steel Cor-
poration is Installing twelve monster en-
gines et various plaints, the unique feature
about them being than they do not require
ell, coke, coal, wood or ordinary gas for
fuel. They are to be operated solely with
t'be gas which is ,generated in the oompany'e
West furnaces during the process of steel
Imanu5aoture. This gas has heretofore gone
to waste, but hereafter It will be made to
turn all the wheels. For a steel ,plant to
bo able to save the cost of its fuel Is taking
sa very big stride toward economy. To be
able to abolish smoke at the same time will
add to iia popularity In communities where
the smoke-beicbing stacks have smothered
the err with blackness.
Spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There le a constitutional cause for
this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. 8,
Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother
her successful home treatment, with full
Inetruetlone. Send no money but write her
to -day if. your children trotible you in this
•'vray. Don't blame the child, the chances
are It tan't help it. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled with urine
difficulties by day or night.
n Keep :the Straight CTbads' ,t ioannn:,
r '* ' (Plfiladelphia Prece.)
'I notice, major," said the inquisitive man,
"that you always take your whisky straight,
Don't you Kentuckians ever put water in your
Some Kentuckians do, suh,' 'replied Maier
Bluegrass -
"'Indeed?" •
°:'es, euh; but they sell it."
41+linard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
$10.00 round trip from Suspension
bridge, via Lehigh Valley R. R., Wed-
nesday, April 24th. Tickets good 10 days.
Visit the Jamestown Exposition from
Washington. For• tickets and. further
particulars .coli on or write Robert S.
Lewis, Passenger Agent, L.V.N., 5 i King
street east, Toronto.
Stylish Though a Freak.
(Detroit Free Press.)
He—That Easter bat et yours is a regular
Creak! g
She—I know it la, dear, but think how sty-
lish It 1s!
r m
inard'a Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Neighborly Amenities.
(Cleveland Plain Dealer.)
The steamer W. E. Corey made a wonderful
record last season. The big freighter, which
was in commission 2.10 days, covered 44,629
miles and carried 302,5.47 tons of iron ore.
She delivered thirty cargoes, which means
that the average cargo was a little over
30,000 thong. Most of the Corey's trips were
from the head of Lake Superior to Lake
Ririe ports. The Corey carried more freight
last season than was ever moved by ono
vessel in the same time In the -world.
. r Strains
—of Back
—of Stine
—of Whirlebone
—of Fetlock
—of Pastern
S elii1Q
and all
ness in
flora -es
--of Shoulder
—of Hough
—of B nee
—of Coffin Joint
•lltlii� \1�
Two or three teaspoon-
fuls in a little Rates or Brandy,
cures Sprains, Bruises and
Lameness in 24 hour's—talcs
out all the soreness ---and puts
horses "on their feet again,"
roc. a bottle, If your drug -
gest does not have it, send to
1.ilexllll ihrues et Chemical CO.
Lheansal, i'i3.r archer 97
One of Norway's Peculiar Sights During
Harvest Season.
One of the moot peculiar harvest
scene's in the world is to be witnessed
some parts of Norway. Those are die;;
triets in which the rainfall is escessiver
a common boast of the country folk
there being: "Wire are sure to have one;;
dry day in a year."
When the hay is cut, to leave it upon
the ground to dry would, instead, mean
that it wouli rot and be rendered value -
leas, says CasselI's Saturday Journal.
Therefore, long fences are built in
rows reaching right across wide fields,
and to these the grass is brought in
carts. In the daytime the hely is tossed
about on the ground, but to*ard even-;
ing it is all carefully hung upon the,
fences to dry, In very damp weather,
it remains all day on the fences. The
peasants say, "Our women and men do
the same work, only while the women
hang out clothes, the men hang out hay,.
Before deciding where to locate
in the West, let us tell you about.,
these landts. The bent wheat fields
—the richest grazing land --are in
this Province.
Write tis for full information
about crops, climate and special
railroad rites, etc.
Local. repreeentative wanted iu
each county.
Eastern Se5ling Agents
00 CORISTllvlrx 5510ILDlNe
illIO? TRF.,14L
The Best Speaker in Germany.
(Washington Herald.)
"The most finished and effective speaker
in Germany," says Professor lamest Schna-
bel, of Berlin, "Is Herr Bebe!, the leader
of the Socialist party. This man had no ad-
vantages of early training, no university ed-
ucatlee, and indeed gained his knowledge
of lltepature through his own unaided ef-
forts. He worked at the trade of a 'wheel-
wright in his younger days, but even while
struggling for a living he was a Close stu-
dent, particularly of governmental Affairs,
and ,political economy. His views are ob-
noxious to a great majority of his fellow
members of the lteichstag, and yet when-
ever he rises to speak he ceramands the
closest attention of the legislators. Among
his .followers he is ldolizec} ;and they &bey
,eVr tpilraitlY'. as 414.eknitaVere their king.
tl itl.�1f3"Laerietii",Ot"titiefertelifit,and Is said to
be without even the smaller Vices of man-
Mango, Prairie Ser tches and every form of
contagious Itch on human or animals oured
in 30 mit'rtes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion,
It never fella. Sold by druggiate.
Utopia a Long Way Off,
(Washington Post.)
Because all men aero created equal and
endowed by their Creator with equal capa-
olty for e:ceumtulalfing property; bemuse
some men are constttutioaally industrious,
economical and ambitious; because anany
men naturally prefer eeiminsi methods of
getting a living while other men abhor that
course—for the reasons, poverty and riches,
Penury and bode vele by comfortable
ever since subsistencea
the record
the human family began. Numberless have
been the attempts of well-meaning persona
to abolish poverty and equalize social non-
ditioas, but all have failed signally in such
efforts to amend the work of nature. Pos-
sibly the time may come when a universal
commune will be instituted and all the in-
habitants of the earth being free men and
fellow citizens, will dwell together in fra-
ternal unity and social equality. But there
IS at this writing no Indication, hint or in-
timation that such a consummation is im-
mediately impending,
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the moot wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by druggists.
In Tacoma it is difficult to get anyone
to admit that Seattle has a harbor at
all. During the few hours that we spent
there as aBnquetees I happened casually
to mention the matter of harbors. The
Tacoma man smiled --sadly, tolerantly,
as he might at a foolish child.
"My dear sir," lie said, gently, "1 pre-
sume you are aware that a ship is about
as safe in the harbor of Seattle as she
would be in hell Gate. Do you ever
read the papers?" Ile regarded me with
that sante sad smile. "Of course not
everything gets into the papers. There
is hardly a day --hardily a day, sir—that
some ship does/it sink 111 Seattle harbor
while she's tied up to the dock. Harbors
Harbor!" He threw up his hands. "my
Godl" Then, in a few swift, paaasionate
phrases he blocked out the superlative-
ness of the harbor of Tacoma, and as
we parted he grabbocl the lapels of my
coat and whispered hoarsely: "And you
can mail a letter in Tacoma to—any—
place--in—the—world—and you will get
an answer to it one—whole—day quick-
er than you would if you sent it from
Seattle!"—From "In the Banquet Belt,"
by Arthur Ruhl, in the Outing Magazine
for April.
In a crowded street car it generally
takes a pretty girl to make a man rise
to the oceasion,
Teaclaee Droste Cut-
ttng and, )daiting in
mail 0th branohes by
boat s8 lessons). The
yetem ever In-
troduced ,in` Canada.
Cost of Pull course le
Sow lying one of thenutoet
perfect" fitting systems
to use given free.
Adopt this method
and Inereeee your In -
00 Al e. Satistaotory
bank reterenoes given
as to
°ur safety In
t k ;money to us,
For full„ particulars
,write to-dene.
Niels Valens, Instructor
P. O. BOX 9 1 p,
Settled a Serious Question,
A poor working girl noted for her pru-
dence and :practicality has lately been
pondering the problem of whether to buy
an umbrella,, which She needs very much,
now the 'rainy season is coming, on, but
doesn't at all want, or an Angora kit-
ten which she doesen't exactly need, but
wants so much that it keeps her awake
nights. The other day she settled 'it to
her own, satisfaction by deciding on' the
kitten, which she thinks is ever so much
more practical than an umbrella, because
you can only •use an umbrella wheal, it
is raining,, but a kitten you have with
you always, Besides, you can borrow au
umbrella, nut nobody would lend an Ana
gor•a.—Toptka State Journal.
Power, ' From Long Distances,
Among th+e sppi''ations of power at
long distance: ham its source is the
lighting of the crior passages and
chambers of file (n est Pyramids by elec-
tric current4 genr';eted at the cataract
of Assouan, sevens; hundred miles away.
The same power is intended to operate
pumping stations and cotton mills along
the Nile, In San Francisco it is proposed
to obtain 10,000 horse -power, for use in
that city, from the water now running
to waste on the slopes of the Sierra Ne-
vada Mountains. 110 miles distant.
1 was cured of Acute Bronchitis by
Bay of Islands. r. M. CAMPBELL.
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIELS.
I was clated of Chronic Rheumatism, by
Albert (e., N. 13, GEO. TINGLEY.
Supetstitiaus, as to Earthquakes.
Scientists still study the rause and
meaning -of earthquakes, but, according
to an exchange, uncavilizedl peoples long
ago dettled the questions involved to
their own complete satisfaction. In
Mongolia it is the breathings and skip -
pings of a huge frog that cause the mis-
chief; in China, a gigantic dragons in
India, a world bearing elepeant; in Cele-
bes, a hog, and in other countries the
idea is varied by the introduction of a,
bull and a tortoise. Earthquakes in Si-
beria are believed to be due to the fro-
lics of mammoths which live in this cen-
tre of the earth., while in Vancouver is-
land it is the spirit of evil, with his mar-
shaled hosts of all tae wicked people
who have ever lived.
Interested in the Wedding.
(Louisvifo courier -Journal.)
"Are you related to the bride or groom
elect?" inquired the busy usher.
ben What interest have you Is the core -
Pm the defeated candidate," ,
A -A
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, eta
What's This?
(Broadway Magazine.)
When bridge enters the smart house takes
on the atmosphere of a, public gambling place
and the hostess, in the flush of the excite-
ment, this ,turn-aboet-face of the law of
hospitality, loses sight of the foot that those
mresent are her guesta. She makes no ef-
fort to keep the poor ones from being fleeced
nor does she ,protect the amateur from
sharpers—and "eharpers" ,there aro In the
most exclusive drawing rooms, they may
be clothed as the lilies of the field and their
hands show that they toil not, neither do
they spin, yet they are there to make a liv-
ing. The hostess whe has become an av+ar-
teious gambler -who ie often, to tact, an ar-
rant cheat—has lost all regard for the wel-
fare of her guests, nor dices oho discriminate
as to their insane, The impecunioue youth,
maid and matron are forced to play away
beyond their alonder pocketbooks, in many
oases to their utter desperation and Donate-
auent ruin,
And Still Alive at the End of Sixty-
eight Years.
In this city yesterday, says the Now Or-
leans Picayune, March 27, two of her oldest
and most respected citizen., brothers, of
the same age, and yet not twins, but of a
set of Iriplotes, celebrated their 68th birth-
day. They are J. N. and H, F. Price, who
have made their home hero for several
years, send whose triplet stetter, Mrs. Nancy
Phillips, still lives, and he a respected resi-
dent of Calhoun county. The interesting
trio came from North Carolina with their
parents when 17 or 18 years or age, and
lived in Rankin county, where they were
ltving When the war between the States
broke out, and the two brothers, with the
other young mon of Rankin, rallied to the
cause of the South, The brothers, and their
sister, who atter the war became Mins. Phil.
lice, resided in Rankin until after the mar -
r &oo of the latter, when they removed to
Jacluoon, where they have slnee resided. It
is believed that this is the oldest set of
triplets in this "Saute or section, if not In
the United States, and the brothers Price
exemplify in their life and conversation all
that is best and noblest In the qualities that
adorn good amid honest cltlzenship,—Phila-
detphia Record.
Write for price list.
In Paris a subject which is agitating
all fashionable women at the present
moment is that of the coiffure. The
prices asked for some of the most costly
gowns which have almost reduced their
owners to bankruptcy appear moderate
beside the sums paid for the brilliant
locks which crown the heads of Parisian
elegantes. A well known opera singer
who recently altered the style of her
coiffure to meet the exigent demands of
fashion has been heard to deplore the
fact that her head had cost her quite a
fortune, and her case can hardly be term-
ed a unique one. No pains are spared in
matching the exact shade of the wearer's
own hair and both the real and the sup-
plementary locks are subjected side by
side to the most careful treatment at the
hands of an expert, so as to give them
exactly a corresponding 'brightness and
One great change which has almost re-
volutionized the eterotyped style of hair-
dressing is the introduction of the thick;
plait which is arranged in, a coronal
round the crown of the head, few fash-
ionable French women being seen with-
out it.
3lloax Sec's always looking for trouble.
fpr Wein,1 p>iess he can find it •w•ith-
*ft may tress/ale.
ISSUE NO. 16, 1907.
9 family of five, on the saountatn top,
Hamilton; all modern convenlenoes; house-
maid and gardener kept; good wages. Ad-
dress Mrs, R. M, Breckenridge, Hamilton.
fr}� La1tdors
A We, num and reheats monthly muds.
tor. Thom kers have beea turd fa p581s
oc over
fife years,eani found invaltiahlm
lgnal, and cru versa.
teed by the makers. Endues stamp tot circular. Price 81,00 per
ms! nssurely se*led, on receipt of pews ,
Booz 41, Hamilton, 0aruvda
Nuggets of Success.
A laugh is worth a hundred groans in
any market.
Pray for a short memory as to sell un -
Anxiety never yet successfully bridged
over any chasm.
Genius has a twin brother whose name
is patience.
"If you have but a word of cheer
Speak it while I am alive to hear.'
Someone asked Thomas A. Edison,
"Don't you believe that genius is inspir-
ation?" "No," he replied, "genius is per-
By sparing ourselves the daily task
we dig the grave -of our higher possibili-
"The world raises its loftiest shaft to
the man who "delivers the goods,"
True merit is like a river. The deeper
it 18 the less noise it makes.
You will not find poetry anywhere un-
less you bring some with you.—Success
• Magazine.
k ,a}•t l7c'r a
-• .rillfhienentasenea
remedaxcure ail slain and blood diseases—Eczema.
Salt Rheum, Sores, Piles, Constipation, Indigestion
and other results of imxtre blood. They correcn
the cause and destroy the evil condition.
Mien Ointment soothes and heals all diseased skin,
Mira Blood7bnic and Mira Tableisclaansetheblooif
and invlgsraia slenoach, lfzer, kmdnays and beaee5
Ointment and Tablets, each 50c. Blood
Tonics, $1. At drug -stores— or from Tho
anemias' Co. of Canada, Limited, l-iamiltou—
Advice to a Young Doctor.
"Naw, James," sane the old physician to
his son, who has returned tram medical
conese and 1s about to set no for himself,
thox-e is just one piece of advice I will
save you, and if you follow it you cannot
fail to be papular ,and suooesaful," ,
What je It, father "
"Tell evorm" woman else. nosd%. A ehango Of'
scene and ten every num be. le working too •
The Horseman's Fried
--Sale and Sure.
If you have a lame horse, get Kendall's Spavin Cure, If youhave a horse that
Bruise, get Kendall's ySpavin Cure. onou can't work you have a'horrse tt of a hat en A the
veterinary can't core of Spavin—or any Soft Bunches or Swellings—get
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
De sure you got KENDALL'S. Two generations --throughout Canada and the
Bruited States --have used it and proved it.
Txavts,214s' REST, P,L+.I- Dec.151,'05.
"I have been using Kendall's Spnvin Cure for the lost 20 yeas,
and always Nod it safe and sure." Iri18;~RT P. tercNUIr,I„
$1. a bottle --(i for $5. Write for a copy
of our great book 'Treatise On The
Horse." It's a mine of information for
farmers and hot St. men, who Rant to keep
their stock in prime condition.
Mailed free. 25
E0l0tFuRS FALLS, - VCRa0Or+T, U.S.A.
Duchess and Priscilla Firte Hosiery For Ladies
Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose
Strong u Gibraltar Limit of Strength
Princess I?'g,rpttatl ude For Children's Fine Dress
Little Darling and Little Pet For Infanta
Lasko' Wool and Silk Tips Ali Wool
Fine Hosiery litlanufaotatrcd for the Wholesale Trade by the
a a A ,'u,.•r" -- ,n. niers
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Stubborn to a Degree. • i ' iti 71 el 1-
"Haven't v you and 'lour frxend got
through that argument yet?" asked a ° ri
parent of his youngest son.
"it isn't any argument," answered the � ti
boy. "1 am merely telling Jimmie the r;;•, k 1" 4. �., 1 r,
facts in the ease, and he is so beastly
stubborn that he won't understand," -- �9r!
YOUR SUMMER OUTING' In three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pttt.
poses, inside wills of summer houses, refrigerator plants, eta
15 you are toed of tieing, oanoelTg, camp -
or the study or wild. animals look !pp the
Algonquin National Park of Onitar'o for your
GET OUR PRICES. outing. A fish and game preserve
at 2,000,000vers acres lnnin per with 1,200 lakes The
and fivers in 'manning you, offering all the
attracttuns that Nature can bestow, Mag- a
tttficent canoe trips, Altitude 2,000 feet above
SPS level. Pure and exhilarating niniotvphere.
Just the place for a young anon to put in hid
eistather holidays, An interesting' mad pro-"
timely illustrated descriptive.ptibl0totton tell-
ing you all about It stout free on applioatlon
to J. D. McDonald t Union Station, Toronto,
IE : y1Y r C& Limited
Agencies in all principal citleL
ismoressgroossor!Fomet CC"n.'r`m z s,Wre r RSrAm1 at uArnJl •+1etr itt mar y .