The Herald, 1907-04-19, Page 1The Official Organ of 'Zurich and ITay Township
Vol. VII., No. 39
ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRii. 19, 1907.
$1. Per Year.
Clinton Business College
W (Affiliated w OV' g
!-! Individual 'd 1
with in ham B 0)
et 2
(- me ivT ua instruction.
z• Write for handsome catalogue.
Geo Spotton,
itaeatraVarmr-,- ti•s4-10� 4'w
+sloeMratacara.4•141)4s4-s em®
Are you vaccinated?
50 cents pays for TRE UERALD to
end of the year. to new subscribers
Farmers are anxiously waiting
for seasonable weather to begin
D. S. Faust has a supply of Wil -
eons Formaldehyde, for killing
smut in oats.
Mr. David Sohuchter of Pigeon,
Mich., visited friends and relatives
bere for a few days this week.
Mr. Daniel Smith. of the Bauble
Line, returned Monday from a visit
with friends and relatives in Ham-
Victor Appel assisted at the
Dashwood office of the Sovereisn
Bunk this week, owing to the
illnes of Mr. J. Rennin.
Far till kinds of ttnsmithing.
roofing and furnace work, call on
t) Hartleib. then you get his 16
years experience and you will find
it will pay you. C. Hartleib.
Mr and Mrs. S Dietrich of Mt.
eearnnel hit" In creed into J: Fosters
house in tl is village. Mr Dietrich
recently sold his hotel tat Mt. Car-
• mel to Me. J. Ziier. who has taken
Mr J'- A. Culver of Tilsonhurg
visited relatives in Stanley on Tues-
Rev. and Mrs. A. Geiger of Elim -
vine are visiting relatives here
this week.
Mrs, (Rev.) Leibold of Normandy
is visiting her parents et the Baby-
lon Line.
Provincial Health Inspector Bell
of Toronto was in the village on
E. M. Brokenshire of Daehwood
was a business visitor in the vil-
lage on Wednesday.
Leather going up harness coining
down. Team harness with collars
for $25.00 at Hartleib's.
Hen!ntll will soon be "dry." Still
they can always fall back on the
pump for refreshments.
Mr. Samuel Bennie was in Berlin
last week assisting in the celebra-
tion of the 100th birthday of an
D. B. Faust's millinery depart-
ment is in full swing. under the
management of Miss Wanless, give
as a call.
Constable Thiel has been busy
this week notifying the people to
clear the streets of rigs, wood, ash-
es, etc. The Trustees intend to
enforce this rule to the letter.
On Monday the close season for
brass. goal kinonge ftncl pickerel cont-
bmenced, For the first two named
the close season will last till .June
15. Pickerel can be legally taken
The Yonng People's Rally at the
Annual conference of the Fvange-
lioal association at Creditonwill
take place nn Saturday evening
Bev. S. P. Spren-e D. D . editor of
the Evaan,gel.ical 11!iessenger, Will be
cr t.he' s''thr it CU. irin>. .Dr
Spreng is a very forceful speaker.
The young people onglit to avail
themselves of the opportunity.
Louis 7Fffrey. foreman at Kalb-
fleisch's 'flax' mill, 14th con.. had a
narrow escape last Friday. He was
oiling the main shaft in the mill
and tad taken off it. cover to get at
the nil cans, when Ya set screw,
which is fastened to the shaft,
caught his smock and in a second
be wa.s being whirled around.
Luckily the engine h d jest been
started and had no• attained it=
regular speed or Mr. Jeffrey world
have been killed. 0 'e of the wen
ran to the engine hues end the
machinery WKS stop ed, bot not
before Mr. Jeffrey ba 1 been tenn-
siderabiy bruised and slra+ken up.
The weekly shoot of the Gun
Club will be held on Tarsciuy after
noon hereafter. A hia'h west vv inti
bothered the boys on Ttesclay last
but notwithstanding this. good
scores were made. Deiohert hit
only two but a fellow will have his
off days. F. W. Hessa„ain reaming.
r al the n°e(lal with ten i'traichts.
31•e is making good. The score ;
.1 PL;an ...,...1 001 1 1 111 1 R
7 Sehrtettler....1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 7
CI Fritz - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.
Wm O'Brien0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 7
NV Hess 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
Iv f1 Hess 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 s
Ts Sipple, 0 0.1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6
nd Zeller 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
4Vrn Schenck.. ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8
7 Trueinner1 0 1 1 1. 1 0 1 0 0 f;
.T Deiohert 0001000001 2
A modified form sof smallpox is
prevalent in Dashwood, Stephen
Township and southern portion of
Hay Township. Dr. Bell, of Toron-
to, Provincial Health Inspector,
was here this week and as a result
many houses have been quarantin-
ed. One person, Herman Nceb,
auks succumbed to the dreaded
,r, ,rose. fie bacl been employed at
faaiz's Drill, Stephen, and is sop-!
rrosced to have caDctht a cold while
illi. The disease ltad not been diag
• r used us smallpox when it first ap-
peared and as a result has spread
over N, large section. Stringent'
treasures have been taken to chock
the spread of it and it is hoped to
confine it to that neighborhood.
The origin of the disease cannot be
found out but is supposed to have
come from a family living in the
south westerly portion 'of Hay.
Dr, Bell has ordered all schools and
churches to be closed in that sec-
tion until the disease has been
sttaml)e(l Out,
D. S. Faust has it fine range . of
wall paper, call and see thein,
Mr. Alfred. Gtallman is confined
to his rooms on'u.ncount of illness:
Wanted -1000, bus, potatoes by
nest Tuesday. Delivered at Hen.
salt station. J. J. Merner,
J. M. Matthews will have au ex-
tensive auction sale of horee' , cat-
tle and pigs at .Stock.. Yards, Hen..
salt, cn Saturday, April 2.0Ih.
Everything in < the hardware line
has gone up in price, We. have•big
stooks of everything at the old
prices while it lasts, at Hartleib's,
The Ogilvie Flour Mills Company
report conditions in the Canadian
Northwest backward, seeditlg ope•
rations from three weeks to one
month later than last year.
Farmers who need ,Massee;Bar-
ris machine repairs can grit same,
at niy shop,* as I atm. ` agent
for these repairs. Also hah*e genuine
Verity plow points. Jacob Reich-
ert. ." ry 38•2
There will be no preacl ser
vice in the Evangelical oh);:next
Sunday, owing to the ,n , Seine of
the pastor, who is attending the
annual conference at Crediton.
SundaySchool will be eotdnneted at
the usual hour 9-,30 a m.
Mr. David Schnell sold a splendid
general purpose horse to J-. Mc-
Bride, of the Blind Line, the other
dor for $200.00, Mr. McBride now
has, a well mated tenni of ohesnnts,
with lightmanes- and ;tails. and:
after May l th. white faces, and he is justly proud
One dad last week two men from of th
Dr. (lnnn, of Clinton, and Dr.
a neighboring village carne to Campbell, of ;this village performed
Znrioh with a horse which they =mother operation on Emerson, son
wished to sell. While unbitehia '
of F. Boss4nberrr, • on ` Tuesday-.
the animal itt one of the hotel 'rhe little lad. injured .his left let;
stables it ran away, going tro Min some time >a o, causing tht: Done to
street at a rerrifir, pace. It was bee. tme affected. Tiie•doctors found
raptured on one of the hack streets it necessary. to remove (-omit of the
and brought back to the stable bone He is'doing as v‘ -ell Bis tan
Naturally the sale of the horse was he expa�at'ecl,
stopped for that clay et least.
The .tnembere of the W. 0. T. 'L On S tturdav there pais -ed away
held their regular meeting at the .at ber,h'otne in Stanley' town
borne of Mrs. Ma gel on Wedne ciny era'b Ann Culver, -widow e.` 'e
atto TToon, i nary Dow> on., c t tb
t} i s az s. DeeoaTsed iia il""' y 11•
dent opened the mcetin - with de. "re Tee
votional oxer cjaes, Mrs. CI; ev } �rnlr: ak short time being
White: -isle reading the sera ptnre down Wit Warr lysis on Saturday
lesson. A programme on Law 811- rrtarning. She was born near
forcetnent wars 11.Gt•n cep in the uohnurg,ancl was united in mar.
Educational half hoar, and after 1ridgetothe late Mr. •Rowson, 56
the transaction of tmeineee iltw; Years ego, when they settled on the
Tneeting was closed. Jars A11•2'e1 , homestead farin nota* .occupied by
then invited the ladies to remainar ! tha! yarn, Calvin Dowaon. The
few minutes while she treat eft !funeral on Monday was largely at -
them to a; piece of her birthday j tended Muds sympathy is felt
Bake. 1 for the bereaved relatives.
Spring time will soon be here. My stock for spring
is almost complete. It will pay you to visit my store
and see all the latest Designs I have to show you.
A fall range in Black. Red, Blue,
Green and Greys. The Greys are
stronger than ever for the conning
A large range of prints, all pat-
terns and several German print's.
A full range and different colors.
Just what you want.
A. new stock of . Lane Curtains,
differeriiit prices.
Tapestry carpets, in 3 patterns
and different prices.
,Wool carpets, 30 inches wide at
low prides.
4 yds wide and 2 yds wide very
pretty patterns.
Floor Oil Cloth 2 yds wide and 1
yd wide.
I have some lovely wall paper do
not buy before you call and see my
stook. They are of the newest de-
signs. I also have some wall paper
which I am selling out at 5 Dents a
roll. Ther* papers are all high
priced paper. You will get a sna p
on them.
A full line of Li,c. s and Em-
Fresh stock of Growries aiwa} 1:
on hand,
We will handle Dutch Setts again tlfis spring.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange.
OcOeneele e n,G-e • •rte c�o `'"
O��!•O.400�•/'G•/J'G G•G•G•G11�•G•J'•O.4•
lnvestigate for Yourself, a
p A.V f' you seen our large stock 0
of Spring `hoes. Ra. Men, 0�1
� . Women find Children. It I
is nearly complete and wesn
feel satisfied that we can fit any `Ya
foot in style, shape or leather.
We.hsve soine very. stvlisb lines in
patent leathers, ',(•Binh are selling Qty
4.11.t:, -cve ee Sa1-1sile
you i11. st}'1e and price.
' Butter and Eggs takeri in exchange.
Ca F tRi C Z,
The Shoe an.
��a•*•'4 C+•4 C,• 4•`- Com• � 4• • v, •Cs•G' �ti• •v C:•'� �• •`'a''�
'MUM M'1 fY ' ',k'�i 01 '13iT
Figure 360 square feet, two coats
to the gallon, and you'll generally
have paint left over.
We can show you houses still in
good condition painted many
years ago.
The colors are clearer and cleaner
than any others and have a more
lasting gloss.
It takes less S. W. P. to do a given
job, and you don't have to paint
as often.
Most paints are sold short measure.
With 8. W. P. you get'a standard
Imperial gallon for every gallon
you buy.
Every body
Wants 5=W P.
"1 see be the. papers," said Mr. Hen-
nessey, *.that the spring painting has be -
replied Mr. Pooley, "and
u, funny thing, Hinne ey, that the
only pure parrot and the only one that
will stand the sun, wind and rain is the
Sherwin Williams brand, . They started
to maks plaint 25 years ago ; they made
it pure -then and they've rover changed
their minds since. Talk about chiidren
crying for Peruny, it ain't in it with the
way an old home will groan and creak
.in every joint until a couple of coats of
S -W P, are applied, when it subsides in-
to a peaceful existence and to the naked
eye ie it thing of beauty and a joy for-
-And where do you get et?" asked
It's made in f`ainada," replied Mr.
Dooley, "and you buy it. itt .1'. 1?rec'ter's,
Use No Other
L.4, •4.....„.
A few reasons Why you
should buy the Peerle's
r p
fence. yD!�c•ratrse it is IrlYtifi
of No..9 ]Jea.vy gal var i net
hard steel wire throe gbou1,
which will turn any kind
of etoela simple in a:1n-
str ort l r7r, need.; no repair.
in beran'e it is made
Weather cannot harm it, :t
is orale Grcnadn., Lna.k
tit the l,!.*i. above it is
vitt!? 'a•,rt '0 any f,`nt e, T1,P
PVerJP..' • i r"k eaenot
and al, ! :- not injure 1 <,•
wire tt...t i1 why a•,..
..n,1 •;r -a• >r.ttrlJle�.
J. Preeter Zurich
6 iffy G..; R h+m+" y ✓`'' . ,,