The Herald, 1907-02-22, Page 8...n.1um w.1.0 ..naraw:aau.wc:w•
o r e U I C m r
WE keep -in stock
full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted.
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
`nothing but the es t.
'We make our own
Give us a call.
MMANUEL CHURCH €:e'f,;f_:.
yangelrcal Association r,
Sunday School at 2 p. m. ;
Preaching Service, German, 10
!L, in, ; English Service, at 7 p.
in ; Senior Alliance, 7.80 porn. Tues-
day evening; German Prayer meet-
ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30
o'clock; English Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening at 7.80 o'clock
Choir Practice, friday evening at
8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur-
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock,
The best ` 5 cent
Mouthorgan made.
A. full line of
Repairing a Specialty.
F. W. HESS - • Jeweler.
Just arrived a lot of newest
and latest Suiting*, which I
am selling of a very reasonable •
Our Suits are made to fit and
latest styles.
Call on us before you buy.
Laundry in connection.
75 cents pays for Tor I E tALI) 1.o
January, 3903.
The snowfall on Wednesday has
/nit the roads into splendid shape
and sleighing is good.
The auction sale of Hy. 7 ebeau
last Friday was largely attended
and good prices were realized on
the horses and cattle. The proceeds
cif the sale amounted to over
The Ontario government receiv-
ed last year over $200,000 in cor-
1)oration fees, and $30,000 drying
the month of January. Them;tgni-
tude of these figures, which greatly
overshadow those of previous ;,-rare
is doe to the number of mining
r'ompanies wlriuh have come into
',It's queer." remarked a prosper-
ous farmer of Ray Township, the
other clay, "that those beet sugar
factories get a bonus for manufac-
turing the sugar. while never a
word is said about bonusing the
farmer who toils and sla,vee in the
hot summer to raise the sugar
beets, which are snnplying the
factories w itis raw material.'',
The chief provisions of the bill
of which the Minister of Inland
Revenue has given notice to pro-
vide for the inspection and the
regulation of the sale of 1)r. nprie•
i'ary medicines Neill probably he to
compel all manufacturers of patent
)medicines to submit their prepare.•
tions to the department for analy-
sis before they shall be allowed to
put them on sale. This will involve
the filing of their formulae with
the department, a course which is
likely to provoke considerable op-
position on behalf of the patent
medicine men, but as they can be
assured of absolute secrecy thei;r
objection may not be material.
Another provision, it said, will
absolutely prohirait the sale of co•
mine in rrny form. • All patent
medicines are to bear an official
Sf;Lmp iestie1 by the Department of
nlatn(1 Revenue,
Tho Rev. E. D. Becker of Alsfeld
will assist Rev. A. D. Gischler dur-
ing the revival meetings. Mr.
Becker is a soul -stirring preacher,
Come and hear hien.
Read Preeter's ad for a list of
genuine bargains in spring goods.
Miss Lizzie Truemner, of Detroit,
Mich., is visiting at the borne of
her sister, Mrs. L. Prang.
A number from the village were
in Hensall on Wednesday evening
seeing a game of hockey between
the Hensall and Clinton teams.
Tho big wolf hunt in the north-
ern wilds was not a success. Only
three pelts were in the possession
of the hunters and it is said these
were purchased.
Dr. ;OVlllh, .„
Surgeon eyes ear and nose,' �'be
r:t the Queen's Hotel, Hensall, on
Thursday, March 7th. Hours
4 p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly
fitted for relief of failing vision,
gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness
and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf
Hay is being sold at the high
price of x+10.00 per ton this winter,
and in some instances $11,00 has
been paid for it. The large amount
of cattle being feel and the :severity
of the winter is keeping the price
up but it is likely that it will be
sold cheaper in a few months.
Messrs. S. E. Faust and Tall
Mimi went to Goderich on Tnes- -:
day, to witness the hockey match CI
between Berlin and Gncler•ich rn-
ter:nediate teams. Berlin was I-
victorious winning by a score of
10 to 8. Mr. Ezra Dumart, who
formerly lived in Zurich, and now
of Berlin, is the star player on the
senior hockey team of that town.
It is said he is the hest stick hand-
ler in 'Western Ontario. His bril-
liant playing this season has put
hirer in the front ranks of hoekey
Stock taking time will sooEi be
here and before we start we have
decided to reduce our stock to the
veey lowest notch and in order to
et them down where we want them we
ropose making this Salle the most attrac=
IVO ever Meld. Here is a list of a few
s we are offering:
All tie •iia, which were 12e and 150 a
for 3s100ayd.
able Closes
Wh Y;3' sere 05c for 45c a yd and those
\Forthrf';'far 85o a yd.
We oral 10c a.yard for Se a yard
" cc 10 c:
Towelli : gs
A b sap in this line. b•rom 5e up. A
big lja gain,in ready made Towels
F1anne letter
Ugually sold at, 10 cts a yd for 7 cts a yd
4"4cc Y`12.'_>L ca cc 9 cc cc
Big Snap ilt Dinner and Toilet Setts.
L.iups at less Than cost.
Victoria Lawns
Whi `;were `shoe a yd for 200 a yd
20a 15e cc
Plain vaseline, the yellow pro-
duct, rubbed into the scalp nightly
or several times a. week. will pre
vent your hair from corning ont
and also induce a new growth. It
is not a new remedy, hitt the petro-
leum. has a wonderful effect on the
growth of the hair. Many of the
Irish girls who come to this coun-
try with surds fine heads of hair
owe the growth to kerosene, which
is a favorite remedy for strengthen-
ing; the hair follicles in Ireland.
But as that is unpleasant to use,
the vaseline comes next in order,
possessing much the same proper,
The man who handles the local
department of a newspaper learns
after doe experience not to expect
even briefly expressed thanks for
a column of pleasant things, but
he knows that as the sun rises each
morning a single line in which
there is an unintentional misrepre-
sentation or omission will cause
someone to be heard from es if
from a housetop and we may add
that when he has made pleasant
mention 09 tunes on some person,
place or thing, but on the hnndreth
time fail to do so, he must not ex-
pert to he forgotten. The omission
may have been from accident, in-
advertence, lack of knowledge,
want of space or other reasons. It
'natters not. The simple facf•. 're-
mains and he will be judged by
res ` ciOS
All ei. Dress Goods at less than cost.
'tress ^xoods worth 1.15 a yd for 75e yd
05e " " 45c ac
ck 400 cc cc 30c tc
30e cc
t, 20e ct
Ilere area fev':"cri our 33argaius iu Groeor•ies
4 boxes starch for 25e
ibsbest select raisins for 25c
'4 lbs b• st curr.ints for 25u
Bans Orfr pees or ;Urn:t.toes 25o
10 t1lis oatnncal for 250
' ll'as,:roasted c•oftee for 2 ;c•
flen's Fur Coats
only men's Fur Coat worth x;30 for $22
at $28 " $20
cc X20 cc X15
23 Sts
c cc c;
tc cc cc
fur -lined men's Coat
Ladies' Fur Coats
1 ladies' Fur Coat worth $35.00 for 25.00
1 "C 30.00 " 22.00
1 cc cc cc 28.09 " 20.00
Fur Caps
Men's and Ladies' Fur Caps, were from
3.00 to 5.00, all for 2.30 each.
Ready= made Clothing
Men's Suits worth 10.00 for 7.00
tt cc c. 7.00 for 4.75
Boys' Snits worth 5.00 for 3.50
'L A lot of Child's Suits for ].00 per Suit.
I1 men's and boys' overnoats at less than
Coal Oil
tVc have the geniune American Coal 'Oil
5 gallons for ; 5ets.
Ladies' Coats
A, w' 3, Mit:r will be sluughtc-reel at
regardless of cost.
Good Union Carpet worth 850 for 230
, C: , c 50c t. 350
cc cc cc 05o 'c 45e
Linoleam 2 yds wide was 00c: for 00e a yd
aeia'.seeemR2nmeRM-Ma10,11 IC Aa^VuM»vuvas m!• -an unarm ..v*4a..
John Du
the village
week. Joh
hides, tang;
Bros., Best
C. Hartle
of Mr. A,li;
insta.11in a
tub, hot /III.
the house
and receutl,
P ll
'` of Berlin was in
Call early and take advan-
tage of these snaps before
stock taking commences.
a .few"td b last 'a�a M` `�` 11�� '� ice' '�'
On the road buying' �. .� . c
, tete., for DunitLrt
it. present.
`with the assistance
r of Sebringville, is 374,
°Deplete system. of
insisting of bath
old water, etc., in
bred by J. S. Merner
tjnrehased by Alit. E.
o iee>}neal,
Harry Downs and
Thos. 13 ltCM;,wer e severely injured
on Sattattlay bvening in the fiercest s
street fight i nftit has occurred in
London fo ria 3n'n time. ,The fight
was the •ani ota'reof a drunken
brawl, and Iflw wile quelling it the
policemen �,}1,e'• hit by as whiskey
Here az, ,,'F t expressions of a
minister apprdeiates the �tse
editor. f v, cent editorial con•
vention he i' red the following
toast , tt rise an editor from
starvation; 4� 4 ke his paper and pay
for it prornaft, " hint from
bankrupt° rja Ldvertise in his paper.
liberally. save hire from de-
spair, Ser.'tevery item. of news
of which „on eau get hold. '[o
save hin>. ”, from profanity, write.
your cotrespondeuceplainly on one
side of the Sheet and send it in as
early as leo Bible. 're save hien from
mistakes, 'r, •y hien.. Dead people
are the o Y$ya Lnrhe cvlio.never make
To Farmers
E have been appointed agents
for this section for the
celebrated lvaxon.Implements
We find it impossible to canvass
the farmers for their wants in
this line, but if in need of any-
thing in Farm Implements it will
pay you to get our prices. We
also keep in stook the leading
]:wakes of Plows which will be
sold at close prices.
C. HARTLE B = = Zurich.
The People's Hardware and Harness House