The Herald, 1907-02-22, Page 5HOTELS.
4.00?i)o : S'd043fd'w"�"+i 0***ci1*vfaa€3ab1E'j16i)r1a 0
J* 0* 10 011.1E0 0 0. 0 0
cs,ca 4 c3 * zuRICH ea 0 0 et
0 .....,�.m....u, -.—._ . 0
ee Strictly up-to-date in modern im es
0 provements. Diningrooms ooms is sup-
plied with only the very best. 1,1 ¶ 0
.*, Bar contains choice liquors and E3
0 e/ II . 11 s If ' ff q
el cg Excellent Sample Rooms t8J
0 for Commercial Men, fl;
0 ..�,.� ..
.a,�.._. spay. ay..,.n,.,,0 . ..�,-.,�� .�, , 0
rmaa et
SO 00*oew****0 11a0 3'3a",4$$000e
ant. ...vatemaurarroasta•
This House lags recently changed
hands, incl is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
;o etter dyable in the 2oluinion.
R.J ohnston & Son.
`n Popular
The Zurik`'
Business change.—Mr, Bert
key, -who heat been conducting the
bakery business for the past two
years, last weele sold out the same
to Levi Hamacher of this place.
We titre indeed sorry to lose Bert
from our village as he wets an all
round gooti fellow and as, a, baker
could not he heat, When he came
here two years ago the trade was
in its infancy but by perseverance
and pluck together with tli.o turn-
ing out of Nn. 1 bread he. now en-
joys almost the whole trade:. We
hope Mr, Hamacher may be ac-
corded. the same liberal patronage.
Mrs. Dunke of Morriston visited
her sister, Mrs. D. Sachs of thio
place, on Saturday last. She was
accompanied by Mrs. Winer also of
Morriston, -
We are sorry to hear of the ser-
ious illness of Master TC'u11ie Hart-
leib, who is in a critical condition
stlf3ering from brain fever. • We
hope he may recover.
Mrs. John Eidt is also very ill.
We hope or long she mays be re-
stored to her usual good health.
Several from the village attend-
ed the auction sale of the farm
stock and implements of August.
Wainer on Tuesday afternoon.
Ed. Boyes of flake delivered a
supply of wood to our school.
Howard Bros. bought a fine lot
of young cattle from Mr. Lebeau,
one day recently.
Ed. Dowson is not improving
very fast. We hope to soon hear
of his recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pollock of
Yorkton. Man., visited in the
neighborhood last week
Mr, and :airs. Wm. Dowson in-
' tend to leave for the West soon.
Ezra Smith, having traded farms
with 43o1. Jambe. will soon he
leaving us. Mr Smith is one of
our trustees and it is rumored that
there never was a better one .iu U.
S. S. No. 1.
W. Howard has purchased an
Irnperialice-cream Freezer, of large
caps sty, and is now ready to take
contraacte. Bill is an ideal man for
the business and may success
crown itis efforts is Mile wish of his
many friends in the comuinnity,
The people have shown
by their increasing patron,
age during the past year
that they full), realize that
anis is placeto buy
Dry Good; Groceries
1 1
Boots and ;;!loos, Hard- BLAKE
ware, Paints and Oils,
Etc.. at the right price,.; Born to Mr. and Mrs. E, Bey
and .also tlxo tight q, G.A+ da>t
Thanking our many cas-
Milers for past fat -ors, we
ask for a continuance of
the same.
R. N. Douglas,
Clubbing rates.
iW We have inad.e arrangements
to offer the following lata clubbing
rates with Tari T 'u AL1) :
Daily Globe , 4.34
„ Mail & Einpivre 4,25
1 5
Weakly Globe y 1.7:a
„ Mail & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal ((•ermitn) 2.50
Family Herald ea Star 1.50
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1,50
Weekly Sun 1.76
Farmer's Advoce t 2.25
Fnrmrn;g World 1.25
Weekly Montr'eul Herald 1 25'
Weak Tiitincys, sturdy point to weak kidney
'Kerves. 'T ie 1i idney$, 1i1:a the ]:Dart, and the
Stomach, farad their weaknens, not in tho organ
xiself, basin the nerves that control and guide
and strengthen them,. Dr. slaoon's Restorative is
medicine. prepared to roach these
controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone,
-is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as
If your back aches or is week, if the urine
aacalds, or isdarken d5 rong,idyouharesytnptoana
of Iirights or other e,istressing or dangerous kid-
. nay disease, try Dr bh rap :.1' ani ttiv,, a month—
Tablets or Likuid—mid sae, what it eau and will
40 Druggist recommend and sell
Messrs. G1aiit't
now occupy their
which have been
the most modern st
IEinsinan will` 00
floor .
Rev. A. H.
and accepted aux
tion to remain ;.'ft's
as pastor of #li
Methodist chnrdil',.
Hon, T. Gre
City, ]fan., visit
for a. few days la,�
Will Muir has
tion in the Mol
count of ill heal
The Exeter Gtix
arratngements tai
shoot on Good Fri
Councillor A. 'l
Tnistortllne to Salo,
while working
ine in the Ross -Tay
Mr. N. D. Hurdon
ly recovered to ata
at tale haLsik.BAY
A St. Valentine
in the basement, {f
church last Thurs
Robt. 'l owalt of
friends 'in the villa
Richard McDool
painful accident•.':r
while skidding '1
Moore. H:'. wits tt
the side of a hill syr•
caught his leg betty
crushing it bad1,
one of the bongs. ':
Dir and Mrs. JaS„
child of Brookdelet
lug the former's b
ear offices
()defied in
tile second
s received.
oas b.ivitt--
third year
Ines ' Street
of Crystal
lives here
r'his posi-
ik on ac-
re malting
ng a big
!past" raphe
Cee fingers
iing mach-
.a oient-
o his duties
etl «as held
rich a very
days age
'or Samuel
a log down
it rolled and
two logs,
a breaking
ttwood and
are visit -
ler here at
John Davidson t`i',moved into
, ,.r' , Ferguson
Mrs. Morgan's ho 7, lier„u,ou
jr., has bonght alis residence known
as the 1:3nrus' new owned
and eccupied•byTVii1 Jowett.
The ice on the lake went;: out on
Miss Lena Gnvenlock offSeaaforth
was the guestaf Miss Lexa Erwin
last week. 41
The flslxernk n put in their' .stwisty
of ice for thesxmnner lastweek.
Geo. Mc(3raney, M. P.,`.: of Itos-
tbern. Sask , ,visited his sister.
Mrs. (Dr.) St h, one day ireeentiy.
tilReiw" i3lanndicn, i.
t;�aasi : nCtaa to 1 . e , err
fed ,..Sirs.,
a1 fPS'r (1ti,in Go( .with sthe
latter's nir7abe.r wh very ill.
Mr. C. l '. Reid n in this xicini-
ty buying cattle bet t week which
are to be deliV ;red in Clinton.
P. J. Cautelon of Boissevain,
Man who lux§ w
been 'reneing ac-
quaintances in, this vicinity is at
!present visiting relatives ay' T4 yom-
I insunci Petrolia. '.
We are sorry to bear that Mr.
!Henry Dowson of the Goshen Line
' is very ill.
Valentine Wild is hinting the
metered gotten net for his barn
and stra w -shed 'Which he will have
erected the (tontine season The.
1 barn will be 40xtie _,bald. the shed
40x45. Mr. Wild r'.- thirty steres
of fine brash and a1T ryd s. out 31000
feet which is now 1 ..i# in his ward
I sand Munn tivhicll 1a , •have Billie
'Slack's saw -mill at "•.irk in a short
Ted (linter .• has h the .las.
Armstrong propene-
'Varna and
will convert it intro , ulwelling and
I shop. He paid $25:1 ter the place.
James Porter, ;1 t had bis left
slap sr) terribly .ale rated by its
being can eht in the `etre w -cutting
hex a month" ago, is ianl)rovinc
nicely. The won ts!,•, `which was
four inches wide senaiettohed from
his wrist to neat` hie' elbow, has
n ea almost closed. y •
few weeks vacation . under:a_ b
parental roof, bus returned to De-
troit to resume her duties at. the
Sick Children's Hospital.
W. Douglas had the nontract of
delivering a supply of wood to our
Quito a nnrnber frenl this neigh-
.1,orhoocl attended the Formers'
Institute Meetings held in Zurich
Monday afternoon and evening.
Miss Least Bechler left for Ham-
burg on 'r'nesdav where she in-
tends to remain for some time.
Miss McIntyre,
whois assisting
Mrs. (Rev) Ilart during her illness
lied the m)afortnne one clay last
week to fall down t]le cellar steps,
bruising her heard and fracturing
her wrist.
There is some tall: of at nail and
tack factory starting In Hensall.
John McArthur is making pro-
pevationsfor erecting' a new cltvel-
ling on the lot adjoining his own
McDonell Bros.. have leased the
store vacated. by T. Per1mer a nd
will use it, es a fnrnituro ehow
Dr. Sellery has donated a gold
medal for con)petition b;y i.ndivid-
nal members of tho Hensall Curling
The Masonic at home on Monday
night of last week was a big sue -
Miss Margaret Bonthrnn loft on
Friday to take a emnrso in . the
Toronto General Hospital.
A number of new books have
boon placed in the public library.
T. Parlmer has Ilnovecl his re-
stanrant into the block recently
tlx Ct a,
h Sed byS.Rennie..
L .
t for-
merly occupied by Miss Carlisle.
Jas. Snhillie has opened a sale
stable in J. White's old stand.
A successful carnival was held in
the sink: on Monday night.
The Farriers' Institute meeting
on Tuesday was well attended and
the addresses delivered were bene-
ficial to both farmers and villagers.
The North Dakota fanner tunne-
led from his house and looked over
the vista.
''There's one comfort,'hemut-
tered, trying
to peer beyond the
drift that covered his barn; "talo
cyclone can blow away a farm
that's weighted de'wn like this."
Jacob Ifaist, an eia',1 ztt)tl resneet-
ed resident of ugly eixase,'recently
eelebreted the 80th *Mils ersery of
his birthday. IJ•rs ' Sons, Jacob,
Nuel' and Sara,. :t -.t Ii ib/mi a,gb,
Mieh.. were present.
Messrs, Argos • &131iu'aia have dis-
solved partnership, eon -
tinning the pain txng,';'stye) hanging•
etc., in thisplecs Mi . Ami; has
secured 8, position a }rand Bend.
At the sale Ole ;it ,eher 1 n�i.
sot d.l.. )
ne.a, fixtures, etc t •weelz. tJle
purchaser was A 311vlho is now
looking for a 1]ew 1a Aller.
Tho ice harvest rs errs at work
last week. A` goer' tislily was ob
Mrs. Herr he; Oovered from
her recent illness�
Croup can posit!! olyf" 'be stopped
in 20 minutes Na ve tong—noth-
ing to sicken or distroWyour ohilcl,
A sweet, pleasant, ancrilafe Syrup,
called Dr. Shoop's-Croup!Cure, does
the work and docs it tl,ui.:i;kly. Dr.
Shoop's Orolip Clare s(`f or Croup
alone, remember.It to snot claim
to cure a; dozen eilnisilta, It's for
Croup, that's ail, JJ Mer-
es T a:a e
—the tale of success, strength and safety.
A new Canadian record accomplished in 4;4 years;
Assets, over . . . , $25,000,000
Deposits, over , . . 15,000,000
Capital, Reserve"Fund and Undivided Profli1,,
over . . .
Your account—large or small—is invited.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received in the Savings
Department—Interest paid 4 times a year— 26
The So'vereign.kMa.
Ali riCh Branch- J. SI LL, Mgr.
.brus-, , . – – mc.. Newa,..,.,,:+.=,arawman,r.., m r amer„d.,n,...s.,m..mram,
Greatly increased interest is
yearly manifested at these gather-.
ins of farmers and the time has
happily passed when the Institutes
were considered a pack of "grit:"
and the speakers generally accused
of being out for `What was in it.
Progressive farmers are fully alive
to the benefits derived from these
meetings and through them many
a farmer has been gradually pulled
out of the rut and brought to look
upon his calling as the most Inde.
pendent in the world.
The first speaker of the afternoon
meeting was Mr. R. B McLean, of
Ripper) and while his speech was
not bristling with new ideas and
methods, he gave the gathering his-
isown practical experience with
crowing various grains, and was
very strong in condemnation of
raisin; sugar beets. He also men-
tioned two pests in the shape of
weeds that farmers will be well tit
be on the watch for ; these were
hind -weed and perennial sow thist-
le, tite latter appearing to be -aa
particularly bad weed to eradicate.
The next speaker wee Major Shep•
pard of. Queenston,•and his subject
naturaly would he the culture of
small fruits and the ' care of the
apple orchard, as he is living in
fruit garden of Canada and from lung practical experience in
growing apples, etc , he gave many
aal,,lalle hints and suggestions as
w` e ,oar P3 a e o .. the
�� KA A�(H S: P.•V .1 I _ 4 � ,'I:P;Vaj,�„p l,, i^'Q.A:
re Reed of Georgetown, • gave a
very interesting address in the
breeding. and mating of the horse,
and if his advice was more gener-
ally followed by breeders of this
valuable animal, it wouldet not be
long before Ontario would be on
the top notch of this profitable in-
clilstrw . The doctor has been in
town on several occasions, tho
last time as a judge of horsey: art
our fall fair, incl where he gave
universal satisfaction. The doctor's
pleasant smile and his occasional
frown will be welcomed at any
future time and his practical ideas
relating to horses and cattle will
be valuable to every farmer.
The evening meetinas was largely
n- .
attended, the attendance being es-
timated at nearly four hnndred and
the presence of the Jubilee Silver
Band assisted materially to the
enjoyment of the meeting. Just in
passing we plight say that Leader
Bess has the. band boys well in
hand and ghear plaving.; would acld
distinction and credit to a hunch
larger town. We are safe in saying,
that outside of the military bands
of the County, there is no band in
the Cleinty today that surpasses
!our "Little German Band." Major
1 iihepltard's address, '.Three histor-
ie clays on Niagara River" was
very interesting, and was 111tersper-
sed. with Irish wit, end was ended
all too soon. Tho Niagara frontier
was the scene of many bloody batt
kiss in days gone by. and the Major's
address was replete. Ncitli the
historic events of the war of 1512.
Dr. Reed gave a short address at
the evening meeting his subject re
lating principalll3' to the (tare of
live stock on the farm. 'Both meet-
ines were presided over by the
president of the South Huron In.
stituto, Mr. W. D. Sanders, and
he makes 0n idoul chairman. The
evening g. 'ring was bron'}tt to •
a close at ton n'cloek, by singing
rite National Anthem, led by the 1
\Vhrrres]Dr1—At Hensall, on Feb. 9,
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert White-
side, a daughter.
DUC1rn.uu,1311t—At the Sauble Line
Hay,' on Feb, llth, to Mr. and
Mrs. David Ducbarme, a danght-
Boyles—At the Bronson Line, Stan•
loy on Feb. 16th, to Mr, and Mrs,
'td.y „ Dopes, s,
a daughter.
Bottom—At the 14th Con. Hay, on
Feb, 15th, to Id)', and Mrs. Cyrus
Schoch, a daughter.
By Rev. Irl. R. Hicks.
The fourth storm- period will
affect storax and weather conditions
from the 111th to the e3rd. The
central or culminating days will be
Wednesday the 20th, to Friday the
22nd. The barometer and tempera-
ture will show returning storax con-
ditions to the west -ward by the
filth, and during the 20th to 23rd
rain, wind and snow will pass over
the country, touching most parts
in their passage to the eastward.
At this period the incoming Vernal
equinox of Earth will blend, or co-
incide, with the out -going Venus
equinox. making it possible and
pr.)bablo that heavy equinoctial
hurricanes will appear along tho
southern coasts, in snob. case, per-
sistent and disagreeable weather
conditions w'
1i 2• v i overr
) e a most
inland parts of the country. Cold,
bleak winds from the north, with
constant tendency to snow squalls,
will be the order for successive
daays, or until low barometer and
equatorial storms glove out of the
south. A wave of quite cold -weath-
er for the season will conte out of
the northwest from about the 22nd.
to tbs 25th.
The fifth storm poriod is central
the last three days of February.
Threatening changes in tempera-
titre and barometic pressure will
set in by the 26th and 27th to the
westward, but the crisis of the
period will fall on the 2Sth, reach-
ing into March in eastern sections
of the country.
Cha b ri i u a
The Children's Favorite
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
This remedy's famous for its cures over
a largo part of the civilized world. It can
always be depended upon. It contains no
opium or other luarmtul drag rad nary bo
given as confidently, to a baby as to an adult
Price 25 cts; Largo Size, 50 cts.
Ttihr-att.. ,....., 6O
(r 70
Oats , ... 311 37
Burloy 4a1 45
Peas , t. .... 70 75
Figur .... , ... ,1 SS5 2 01)
Bran., .17 50 17' 50
Shorts , 20 00 20 00
Butter .. 20 21
kl:gice .... 2n 21.
Lard 11 11
Dried Apples 7 7,
'Sett Onions • 44 4?.
Letrge Onions, bus... 90 90
Turkey` . 12 12
Chickens ............ 0 0
Olds Hens 7
Dncks . 0 9
Geese ey la
'Will to Beans, bus...1 25 1 25
Clover Seed, bus ....6 75 i` 21i
Hay, per ton ......... 0 00 10 00
Potatoes 30 35
Hogs (per cwt) 6 00 6 25
To stop a Cold with. "Preventics"
is safer than to let it run and cure
it afterwards. Taken at the "sneeze
stage" Preventics will head off all
colds and Grippe, and perhaps save
von from Pneumonia or Bronchitis.
Preventics are little toothsome
caam1v cold etre tablets selling in 5
cent and 25 cent boxes. If You are
1 •f you begin to sneezetry
chilly, i
Preventics, They will surety check
the cold, and please you. Sold by
J J !toner,