The Herald, 1907-02-15, Page 5HOTELS.
m sf * ei sit r el E * s * * 0
€s * 6'i OA ZURICH ri * e e 6:',
0 Strictly up-to-date in modern im
0 provements, Diningrooms is step-
"' pitied with only the very best. 'j Q
Bar eontains choice liquors and 4
.0 cigars; ¶ il
et . Exee..nent Sample Rooms £g
I'or Commareial Men.
.o :.... _ 0
4 30Otard]xri6ird"vsti#0t30£dk3f�Q�3**8Gs
This House has•recentlychanged
bunds, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
M, o getter Table in theominion.
R. R.Johnston & Song
Store for
as �
riille people have shown
by their increasing patron- '
age during the past year
that they fully realize that i
this is place to buy their ,I
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, Hard-
ware, Paints and Oils, 1
Etc.. at the right price, ;
and also the right duality. 1
Tha,nkiug our rnauy sus -
towers for past favors, we 1
ask for a continuance of
the sauce.
IN1. 'V, . Doug bis,
Clubbing rates.
: 4.25
1.75 1
1.50 1:
1 ; 5
eeei c
i..25 c
'We have made arrangements
iso offer tiro following low
rates with Trr II':RALT)
. Daily Globe .
„ Mail & Empire
"Weekly Globe . .
.„Mail Se Empire
Berliner Journal (German)
Family Herald & Star
Daily Advertiser
Weekly Advertiser
Weekly Sun
Farmer's Advocate
Farming World
Weekly Montreal Herald25
i'CnriSitati 0
naked sweet a.pplea, with some people, bring
litetnpt relief for Constipation. With others,
Coatseell-wheat brad will hole the salve effect.
nature undoubtedly has a vrgetahie remedy to
zelievo every ailment known to man, if physicians
can but find Nature's way to health. And this is.
strikingly trate with regard to Constipation.
The hark of a certain tree in California. -Cas.
Cara Sai;racla--offer, a most excellent aid to this
end. nut, combined with ggyptian Senna, Slip-
irery Nim 13ttrlr, Sod xxtraet of Prunes, ate., this
same Cascara bark is given its greatest possiblo
power to .correct constipation. A toothsome
Candy Tablet, called Lax.ets, is now made at the
br. Shoop Laboratories, from this ingenuous and
..most effective proscu'irriion. its effect on Consti-
pation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach. .tad Breath,
SCOW Complexion, etc., is indeed prompt and
No griping, no unpleasant aftereffects are ex-
perienced, and Lax-ets aro put 1.1p in beautiful
lithographed metal boxes at 6 cents and 25 cents
per box.
�'or something new, nice, economical and
�tleotiye, try a box of
The Zurich
The Y. P. A, Tonic on Sunday
evening; was very interesting and
helpful, A quartette was roost
beautifnlly' rendered at this meet-
Miss Eidt of Berlin is at present
keeping house for leer brother, Rev.
L. K. Eidt, of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Oliver of Grand
Bend were in the village' on Satur-
day last.
a Miss Bertha Bastard of London
pent a few days during the week
with friends in the village.
A pedrn party was held in Ziin-
mer's hall on Friday night by some
of the young' people of this place. It
was an enjoyable affair to those
who were present• •
Fred Fin kbeiner. 11cc0rnpanied
by his two sisters. visited their re
latives here on Thursday lust.
Mr. G. Nadiger and wife. who
have beton visiting their daughters
in Detroit and M. Clemens. for
some time returned tp their home
last week.
The entertainment given by the
;voting people of the Lutheran eon-
greeatinn nn Thursday nirlht me a.
most decided snccr ss The enter-
tainment was good throuehnut,
the spall was packed to its utmost
eanacity. Proceeds something over
fifty dollars.
Henry Staiibus, who ling been
working in the lumber woods at
South River during the winter, has
returned to his home here.
(ler nhlieing furniture man. P.
1,1'cIsnen, last won't delivered n
large lnerl of furniture to a man at
St. Tneenh Peter carries a large
and tuatn-rdate stook and can satis-
v the Tenets of all who come to
im for nnvthing in his line.
R. Rneen11 of Montana, who has
been visiting his mother on the
lath con fur some time. last week
rirra'to the village amps rnrchaeedl
a Bell organ from Mr. l TeTcane. the
a�•'nt here. He presented the organ
t' his sisters. How nice to have
brother like that.
This week the'tvedding bells peel
orth in our midst and Dnshwnnri
montrihutes to the happiness of
mother beim' We refer to the
nnrr'ittg' of Mies Lydia. Schrader
rnil Mr 1+ahner of Crediton. Rev.
• TZ F+,idt of this nlaee officiated
incl before him rind in the presence
rf these ecernhled the ynang entre-
e tied vvith their tc,nenrs, a knot
hey cannot untie with then t-,eth.
�Te Petrenrl ems„rratiRla`f oil
tune that the journey over life's
ea maty be attended with greagreatllessi ngs.
DEMISE --We are called upon this
weett the death of anoth-
r of the oiettlers of the 'town-
ship of Stanley, in the person of
14 m. Carni', Sr., who peacefully
passed away on Sunday last.. at the
agre of seventy-two o years.
Some two months ago the de -
eased was stricken with paralysis
w.hiob, together with weakness of
time hettrt, gradually so exhausted
iia vital energy that medical aid
wag of -no avail.
His departure removed an elder
of the church here and the Superin-
tendent of the Sunday school, both
C which offices he held for many
He leases behind to mourn his
oss a widow and fire children,
\dirs. J. Tough Bayfield ; Mrs. D.
Sheppard Gai1t; 'Mrs, J. Douglas,
'airgrove, Miceli ; Janes, of the
Bronson Line, and SVillinm at homeThe remains were laid to rest in
the Bayfield cemetery on «reeinee-
ta.y least whither they Weare follnmc-
3d by large ooncottrse of friends.
The pall -'•leasers were DavidTou�wh. Goo. Sparks Walter ;te-
ens, John Donglan, John Manson
incl Robert Del„ aty.
*Mrs. (1. A. McDonell attended
the.funeral of her mother, Mrs.
(Dr ) Hutton Forest, list week.
Mr. 0, Cook hits been on the sick
Wm. Fairbairn, youngest son of
E. Fairbairn, passed away at the
home of Jas. A. Bell, London Road
on Feb. lst. Brights disease was
the clause of death.
Hens all will likely get a cage
lockup if a, grant from the county
council is forthcoming.
J, Harvey, one of the pioneers of
this district passed away on Feb.
50, aged 82 years.
A quiet wedding took place at
the Kippen circuit parsonage on
Wednesday of last week, when
Miss Alice Whiteman, slaughter of
Mr, Whiteman, Kippen, was united
in marriage to Robt. M, Dinsdale,
of Stanley township.
$74.48 of the taxes of Hensel foe
-1906 are still uncollected,
Rev. Dr. Daniels of London gave
a lecture in the Methodist church
on i . onda evening.
The Creditor). Lig
organized and soon
be lighted tip by 40
' The Literary.
holding a conoert o
The little son.;of
underwent ail =o1)
Siok Childrons' 1Ira
last week.
A bridge to o'os:t
$5,000 is to be ereot
Sauble River' betwt
ti 'sitar been
t)r vill:tigawill
lene gas.
csety intend
`larch 1st.
5. W. WK.4ner
gation at the
ital, Toron to,
tcm $4,000 to
l over the Aux
n Huron and
Middlesex counties,*ear Crediton.
The cost will be'borlio equally by
the two counties.
Mrs. C. Zwicker
covering from her r
Mr. Wesley ,
mother bad a thril
while returning •
Mich„ recently. Th
they were sttgeing'
during the night t
had a narrow esct
rescued by means oil`
Margaret Boyd, r
Thos. Huston, di
Sunday, Feb 3rd,
and 3 months. Deo
of the oldest lad
s slowly re-
ent illness.
kbeiner and
g `experience
0!n Badaxe,
ores at which
urnecl down
d 'the guests
0. All were
t of the late
suddenly on
bed '73 years
sed was one
;residents. of
Dr. Brown of Lon ,,.+.n visited a t
the home of John ' hidden last
The melo drama, •Out on the
World," was prese ted before a
Varna audience on Monday even-
ing with great suocets.
Mr. Mustard is ge ing in a large
quantity of saw Togs
Miss Mary U. Far
of Mrs. Parsons, pe
away at her hone in
deceased was en exp
worker and will be
those dicks. The
were held in the
Dr. Smith has
the house form
Mr. Drehman, '
A petition wil
Dominion Giver
pose of building,
the Bayfield Ri
�vus largely signs
EX,TTHR 's..
Thos. Russel -end H, Smith at-
tended the OnteatjQsodizatian of
Fairs and Deb; ti • .�F at: Tgronto
last weep.
Tuesday night
Jessie Machiolli
Ed. Bissett of Winnipeg was
newingg aequelettances here
Richard Terry,has purehast d the
farm of Geo. Snmalbtcombo, let 34,
con. -1, Usborne, for 1,',020 Iii-
nmetliete possession i`, gi' n. l
The Metropolitan gFio b1 was sold
by auction on Fritlgty, tite purchas-
er being Mr. 1Stlit .tell i ^'tubo pays
$1050.50 for the piiipeiityp'
The temperance en;
ing for a, reclrictio
licenses in Exeter
ns, daughter
d peacefully
Bayfield. The
llent church
eh hissed in
oral services
v Methodist
sell Iris office to
Occupied by
1)e cent to the
ent'for the par.
gree kwaitor en
r. ` The petition
Strength and You.
-A Sae Combination
In 4=a years the Assets of The Sovereign Bank of
Canada have increased to over 25 millions, and exceed
the liabilities to the public by over 5 millions, Deposits
have increased to over 15 millions.
Your account -large or small -is invited.
$ 1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept.
Interest paid 4 times a year.
The Sovereig I Canada.
Zurich Branch _ J. SNELL, Mgr.
Feb. 70, 1907.
Mr. Editor -Will you allow nae
a small space of your valuable
paper. As I have spent nearly two
years in this town,.I would like to
give the readers of Tait HERALD a
discription of the place. Naperville
is a town located between Chicago
and Aurora, Ills.. twenty-eight Afternoon Meeting : Addresses
miles Northwest of Chicago. on the by Major Slaepphard, "Propogating
0. B. Q. Railroad. Its population fruit grafting. budding, etc" • Dr.
is 3000 or over, It has one of the H. J. Reed, "Diseases digestive
largest lounge factories in the system of cattle." Also addresses
United States, which means work by M. Y. McLean, Seaforth, R. B.
for the poor the whole year round. McLean, Kippen. Evening meeting:
There is also one of the finest Major Sheppard, "Three historic
Institutions, namely the North clays on Niagara River"; Dr. H. J.
Western College. There are at Reed "Horse breeding and care in
present -between four hundred and relation to diseases,"
fifty and sixty students attending GRAND BEND, PUBLIC HALL
this College, and here they meet Saturday, Feb. roti.
from all states of the Union, four• Afternoon meeting; Major Shep-
teen from good old Canada, which pard "The improvement of country
helps me feel at home This part roads"; Dr. H. J, Reed, -Horse
of the conntry dont know nineh breeding for profit" ; and addresses •
about cold weather, lint stillyester- by R. B. McLean, pigpen, Pani
day morning, Feb, Sth. the ther Madge, Thames Road. Evening
mnmeter showed us that it was meeting, Major Sheppard "Oppor-
thirteen below zero. That was the tunities on Canadian farms" ; Dr.
coldest it had been around here for E1 J Reed. "Principles and practice
many years. There is at present of stock breeding."
about four inches of snow on the ZURICH, TOWN HALL,
level and good sleighing in town, Monday, Feb. 13th.
which does not often happen here. Afternoon meeting : Major Shep-
There are many other things I paras, -Planting and care of fruit
could mention but I do not wish to trees" ; Dr. steed, "Horse breeding
take up to innoh of a space. Thank- for profit," and addresses by R. 13.
ing yon for the same. McLean and P. Madge Evening
I remain yours truly meeting : Major Sheppard. "Three
Joseph (aaallmmnn historic days on Niagara River";
Naperville Ills Dr. Reed "Diseases of digestive
00V «'r. ,.. ,rr at;a ,„,,az .e systetn of cattle,''
�� " .Hb �aAI:T., MILLER'S HALL,
Tuesday, Feb. 19th.
(Continued from page t;) Afternoon meeting; Major Shep-
Peter Lamont shipped another para. ••t3ui1 tillage for fertility and
carload of cattle to Toronto from nloieture" ; Dr. Reed "Horse breed-
Housa11 station on Saturday.mug and care in relation to diseases"
Acltlreasess by rl'. Fraser Brueefielcl
Supplementary Meetings of
South Huron Farmers' In-
stitute for 1907
will be held as follows, viz:
Friday, Feb. 15th.
re -
J;'.the hotel
four to two.
A number from team .: attended
the Liberal oonventirin at Bruce -
field on Monday last.
At the last meeting:0f the Stan-
ley council the worst for the corning
year was talked over. The same
officers as hist year were appointed
the treasurer to advance
of $15 -in. salary. The next meeting
will -be field on March:4th.
Alex. Foote and wife, of Moose-
jttty, Sask., are . visiting relatives
,Joseph Ron, of the•Saublo Line,
is now actively aiigagers in sknnl,:
farming. He bas about thirty cog;••
ed tris and is still adclilfg,thereto.
Thu Stanley' Board r)f Health was n'r
rga ni ed. at talo 1aslt meeting; 'And,�wearied with 1U to oher 'fruitless
ter turned into pro-
Miss May Campbell I!fias retUrneilj�eesharedyandsperftimed wit], many
from an extended `reign to herghs and wreaths of flowers, seated
brother, Dr. P. Ca•nmpl ole; of Chic -self within its cool shadows and said,
ago, you may go and leave Ice here to
Miss Annie E Itey[' bf the 1.3a1i -t for half au .:out, l3uthren and then
ion Line is visiting'friends in Valcr,l. the carriage and return fur me."
Mich. f• he young man .dapaari Amerind. nothing seta itt0q'
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Brisson nf'running the motto :-"Wo tell the
Drysdale are spending the winter truth" at the head of his paper.
with their son, .7o?in,. in Detroit, The other day, however, he wags
Mich. ,;' compel'ed to encounter aevora 1
gentlemen, who objected to the
trnth being told, and, as a conge-
OiARNIN-Irl Stanley •tortriship, on quence, the motto disappearal ani
Feb. 1.Otb, Wee. Car lie, Sr,, aged the following was inserted "Until
72 years. 1; . lap recover from the injuries rc'-
Born. ; . gently received, this paper will lie
A nnlnber from the village tit- anti e1. �instard, Brucefleld. Ecen-
tended an enjoyable progressive ing; meeting; ; Major Shepphard.
pedro party zit Dashwood. last Fri- ••()pportunties on Canadian farms"
day night. Dr. Reed, "The brood mare and
T. Eaton, the merchant prince of ' foal."
Canada, died on Jan. 31st. He a Tuckerstnith, Strongs Hall,
founded the great departmental; Wednesday, Feb. 20th,
stores in Toronto and Winnipeg, ! Afternoon *Meeting: Major Shep•
Mr, Joseph. Foster of the Babylon! parts, "Soil tillage for moisture and
Line recently sold two colts for the #fertility," : Dr. Reed,Horse
sung sum of $175, one being valued! breeding and care in relation to
at *100 acrd the other $75. Loth;: disease.." Addresses by R. Hunt -
wore sired by Indian Chief.. ser, Elimvilie, J. T. Allison, Thames
R.oact, and H. Horton, Hensall.
The extensive auction sale of :
nf!Evenin r meeting Major Sheppard,farm stock, implements, etc..
Hy. ',elven is Uein, held to-rlav, 1 `• kip •tunities on Canadian farina"
Friday. Mr. Lehpnu intends nine-+ Dr.. eed.••Principles and practice
ing to Texas with his family. in stock breeding."
Mr. •
M. Kestle attended the fan- i B YFIEs ny, Feb.2lst. L,
oral of his cousin, the Iate T Ir. .1 ; Thursday, Fe. Mat,
Chapman, near Exeter, on Saline !flux', lncaatifr' : *milt ti] and
p , i pard, '•Soil tillade fur fertility and
clay. Mr. (httq)mnan had i eaehrcl • liloisture" ; I)r. heed "Principles
the age of 28 years and was highly l of stock breeding." Addresses by
R. 13. McLean, Rippen, and d.. G.
Smillie, Hen,all. Evening meeting:
her it's mads alone for Piles -and. it Major Sheppard, "Three historic;
1days oil 1\ iagara Rivere ; Dr, Reed.
',works with certainty and settsfne-; '•Ilorsos fur profi.t.''
tion. Itching. painful, ln'ntrntlineal A meeting of the directors of the
or blind piles pisappear like magic, Institute will be held on the fore -
by its rise. Try and see ! Sold by• mien of the meeting at Ilaneail,
'eb. 19th, at 11 o'clock.
The afternoon meetings will com-
rnence-at2 o'clock. sharp unci even-
ing meetings at r 30. •
An exeellent program consisting
of musks and literaaty selections •
will be given at evening meetings.
All interested in Farmers'
tute _meetings are cordially invited
to attend.
W. D. SANDERS, R. (4A.1tDINE1 ;
PRES. slat.
Piles *et quick relief from Dr.
Shoop's i4Tagic Ointment. Remem-
RAU-At Zurich, on Monday, Feb. ilmst If to you Constipae the rest of ted, dull, nr
11th, to Mr. and Mrs.. I', Rau, bilious, or have a sallow lifeless
a daughter, complexion, try Lax-ets just once
ITCHING see what they will do for yon.
Lax.ets arc little toothsome Candy
If you are a.cgnainted. ` with any- tablets --nice to eat, nice in effect.
one who trot leled with this dis- No griping, no pain Just a gentle
tressing; ailments, you can do hint laxative effect that is pleasing de-
co greater fteVor toll hila to sira.ble. lir•ndy for the vest pocket
try'"Chamberlain's Saal.t•e. It gives or nurse. Lax-ets meet every de.
instant relief. This salve also cures sire. Laax•ets come to you in beanti-
sore nipples, tetter an salt rhejilal, ful litbcgrnnbed metal boxes at 5
Price 25 cents. 1! tar sale by:J, J,' cents and 5 cents, Sold by eT J
Merner, Merrier.
50 ¥ )f. i'
Anyone, sending a stretch and description may
enfolds- ascertain our opinion freowhether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica-
tlonsstrictlyconadehttal. FrandbeekolrPatents
tent free. Oldest agency for etcurang patents.
Patents taken through Munn r4 Co. recotvo,
Ipcetatnetice, `without charge, Su the •
Scientific iinterican,
t handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest air.
ciliation of any sciontttao Journal. Terms. $6 a
iiear; font inontlis, $1. Sod hien newsdealers.
19NN & Cc,361stoadwaY, New York
Branch Onioe. N.-.4 :' b- Waebinotoa a), C.