The Herald, 1907-02-15, Page 4• 4 LEG'ALL. CARDS, up. 11..f„ D. COOKE., 13AP:ResTzts AND SO - liter, Notary Pub Ilensall, Ontario. At Ztrrieh (Zeller's eel* ovary Mon - dee,. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BkIt. risters, Solioitore, Notaries Public, etc., Qederich, Cant. W. Proudfoot. K.C. It. C. Hays, (4. E. Blair. SLISIN Eer8; CARDS,, _ a .1. R. PHILLIPS, LICENSED ALTOlioner for the Comeies of Huron and Perth. Farm :steel-, sales a apecialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay, All .orclers left at Lob 23, Con. 2, Hay, or addressed to I-Ions:al P. 0. will be promptly attended tel. A. sEL'utet?...r. DENTIST, GRA - &ate of. the Repel College of Dental Seegeon' s Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Departmone of Dentistry, To - route University. Painlese (2e:.taction of teeth. Plato week a speciality. At Dominion Botts°, 2e....rich, every Mon- . clay. 1-26 E. ZELLER. C01:7EYAN0EB, AND tfotary Public. I'.;e eds , Mortgages, AVMs and other .Lee,a1 Documents care- fully and promptly prepared, Office— Zeiler block, Zurice, Ont. &NDREW BES1i, DIVISION COURT '• CLERK. Village end Farm Property inFiured. .All the leading Companies represented. .Agene for Accident and Sickness Innura uce. 4 17 la 17 lo,ki ILA VI PT/I)LISMID BY E. ZBLIZIt. FR/DAY, FEB, lt5h, 1907. SOUTH HURON LIBERALS. The annual meeting of the Liber- al Association for South Huron, as constituted for Dominion purposes, was held, in Brucefield on Monday, Feb. ilth. Notwithstanding the storm the meeting was fairly well attended. A. Mustard was re elect- ed president and 3. G. Stanbury secretary. A convention will be held in June for nominating a candidate. Steps will be taken amalgamate the association With that for the Local House. Short addresses were made by Thos. Fraser, G. MoEwen, ex -M. P., D. Urquhart, W. McLean of the Sea - forth Expositor and R. Holmes, of FARMERS SHOULD GET TOGETHER. London Free Press. By being present at conventions farmers rub their shoulders with farmers and exchange and com- pare notes, with the result; in Many cases of making better agricultur- ists of them all. "As iron sharpeth iron, so man his neighbor " ••••----- There are still many men who F'Of? SALLE ,• may not believe in this kind of thing, men who would rather stay IDEGISTEREDEHOLIT HORN BULL around hoine doing chores or hug - .111•11 for sale, 2 ye/to: old. He in a sure ging the stove on a winter's day, sire end will be eold ;:easonablo. Apply than drive a few miles to attend a to Lot 2.1, Con, 14, Hay, Melee Move- farmers' meeting, but they are not 7io P. 0. so plentiful OR formerly, when book farming and scientific teach- ing were in manner despised. Near- AUCTIO 6/41. -LES. AUCTION MALE 0 EAJi,1\( STOCK, Implemento, Furniraeee, ete., on Lot i2F.?, Cori. 14, Iday, en 7.'enrsde,y, ;Web. eStb, cenneneneng 12.no o'clock. No re eerve as the in.ot)thri.has-i Fiold hi. farm and is retiring. 7.7. Boson herr v, auc tioneer; ;14i}In , pinto, , AUCTION 4A1.11 .211,000 ti'14ET OF Lumber. anti : t., of STj1 1i Lots in ilenrii.11, un Mat ,..?,;;;.(1. B. Niel/one'', B S. [t41L1 s, ituetioneer. Teritit‘.rs Wanted., T,nlieri• for oeniqr work of the ;Clinraal i&v,111 be to '2,1,A1, 1997. Plans and F.peclifissution,, ho neon et'<.• rtOre. • '• " 7 • Pg. -42t MOS. TrUli;Y BIA11 Ta. Loca] Sagesgran 7.rTJ ID 0711.10 'CM' 27:1'i Olt Arai htlr. 1'0117111171g ill:4110S. HIGH -01,A ele• PF,CI A n Fiet;t, ornamental 16tcck grown for eale ley CAli.11:3iJEST HURSIMS A Per) a nee., :4i tr 131 (111 f eerty. • eeereerre- p.tv weekly. !Arita, f WriTo tor nod. • ',i•3511,, 1,111' f eor oee. Itiee.ov Stone 700:02:1-17i.ir .tlLl 13) rEff20111.1-7 • • - '4: eee " Z,612".=-..."-nmetge,7.scylmmze, eaCoor. 4 • 4 ,i;•• 1/ ;P•• e /e .4d • ,FMCS4letWfrgii: ge‘ •• rag • :1110113e1,0-,,,,.6 43A • ,I3.13133111 1»5 .1,i313c A ro. 3.313 31lne11A- Ai,. • d• Crd3 a 3.i 1,111..1.:1i 3NIA.1.."1,...44j; !rebind oAg.1313 enrowants 1••-; ;Patioo<i, ,;•;;;,i4r. for • f• irruvfar, 1 31,01.y: 11333131313 3 .3 0131 11 1=1.Y 1,11111314. Vrgit% , A _ 1 1,c; fra '3.13M. d to..L i:'•1 4'0 Sre.X4ttet5 A2tM8 ILIV:0 TOOL CO., •P 403( C.Ittre,AVr• T/ 5. A., 11' TEE 1LT PTit\fl'itu. When -yomi v'ant a bvso ;mild. and gentle. easy to take ttnd Pleat in eteb, take Ohttmhor- htin'a StomeJ.lh and Liver Tablets Price 2.t cents. Every- box war- ranted, Net s, free fatteple at). 3, Moruer's store and tr,y • ly all that hes passed away. The old . feeling against scientific farming has given plaoe to one of apprecia- tion and conformity. The snecess- fel farmer nover.days is he who atteneivelv beetle. the result of modern knowledge. The..:,,Zurich Herald. re+3•434-e-34-+ 44.434-*Ei4e9;46,44;44$4-*Sela 90.rttr.r5c. NEWS, $ deleerei-30-44-434+4E-10;046404040 bought (Ai, hotel business at Dr, Blackt11, liae of ,Hensall bps BothwelL‘ , While et` hog ioe with a plow on the Goderi ;:harhor last Saturday a team of h ses broke through and Was drowne' , Theive.$44.Cudnaore, of Kippen, have shippetV their *hay pressing outfit;to the teighlaorhood of Chat. ham, where hay is more plentiful. C. Monteith of Usborue had the misfortune,Abreak his ankle a few days ago ; e -was carrying a bag of oats do ."the stairs from the barn ,into t ',stable when his foot tshlieppberdeab4t, pn the steps causing Hog phal 8.;was discovered last week in 111 rove of John Elliott, who reside ear Clinton. He lost fifty befor elle discovered what was wron ?...and when Inspector Perdue., ,tif Iliatham, arrived he killed t4lit Ire more. St. Jose$ on Wednes of a prett. Etnrua Qut church Clinton, was a•of Feb. 6th the scene „Wedding, when Miss v. of Hallett, and G. Kra•usk9041 Dublin, were joined in the holv4honds of matrimony, Rev. Fathcir)attnlon offleiating. At the apunal meeting of the Seaforth Tail Club the following officers werq:elected: Pres., Rehr,. Wilson ; elee-pres., .las. Dick ; secretary, t‘,Broderick ; treasurer. 0. E. Forges ; directors, D. T. Pinkney, 0M11 Henderson, A. Win- ter, J. Ca; ''no, F. Kling. The dates for tli Year's races are June 18, 19 and Croup cati.posiblvely be stopped in 20 minnte-t:e. No vomiting -noth- ing to sick1 pr distress your child, A sweet, p teant, and safe Syrup, called. Dre, Mep.'s Croup Cure, does the work cl s it quickly. Dr. Shoop's 0:11eup tire is for Croup I Iti related that a boy once ask. alone, repeal reemt It does not claim to care adozen4ilinents. It's for Croup, that's a e sum by J.1 Mer. ner. ; ed. his father to allow him to go. to ,r1 agricultural school to study Per-trLg. Hie father was one of • thi-Ne sel &ma de men who did. not Samnfl Whit ;sen or Mrc: Tag lieVrilm in book farming, and ke White Xtensall, ied on the tram te,M his ::on Ito did not. The boy near 04tra1ia qi• Feb, 2nd The asked his father if he did not know deceaSc4had been living in Detroit e-reab deal about framing. and the for a' niiMber of 'tears. and some 1LT tt /71(10 the success he did. T7 (311 man said he did or he would. tienealgo *,ent So. noaount of The then asked his father if his eincle did not know a lot about fit-remg and again, the a !rt.11.0,4111, ,Ibe best farmers ine the country.: n',.,„ takeit 4Then hOY, "If W h at you thaiiittp,ever he,grad- t'enee- and what uncle knows was nallY,:kk V*A,enerd. was on his wrireen rip and pat into a look it ray f#,Veaall *beak' death over. lung. 'tennile, Lit. full he was tni.T.exi to Ili Mother at L. ought- best HARNESS, heavy anti light — Blankets, Bells, Whips, Truuks, Suit Cases, Purses and Ladies' Satchels. Schram Roters, Fancy Roden, Morris Chlirs, Easy Challis, EIEDR0011 HUES, SPRINIS and IPATTRESSES, SINfin HUNMAINE High Grade ORGANS and PIANOS it WELL, = = Zurich, Ont. 1 he Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's:Saw & Planing Mils.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SI-91MCLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do . C• USTOM SAW1INC and PLANIIRte nr"Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEIS0H1 Mills 14th Con. ZURICH tligatle, ,7,5m..,,,mowit'Rmvaw.41,7„6)-mrtmvx-sAmmtzv.w.i,c;:eivpliwn v. Zurich firocery Va; and Feed Store wnrild be pretty gond staff for a took . ' a 01U'with Pr eve u tics” is safer -than toe'let it run and cure it afieraihrds. T1en nt the -sneeze s ta.gg Pikeren fles w111 •lead off all c an d';'• Gri pre, Ind per h ps 1,-c ZDISON eqops-, wt)RK, von fromtneulionia er Bronchitis. Prevent -16 • little toothsome York, Feb. 11.—Thom1s A (land (1e714,tttl.1•;1'11:b1ets SPlling in :5 '"'33 '.,t" the 'nventor, is 60 years centand'2t.cee, ;boxes.- If you are .r ' 1*.) ClaV. 1)1 an interview ,yester. chilly, if ykin 'gin to sneeze, try 11113' he said. it was now time for Preventics y will surely check 11; play a .tjhae e.11.:;,,r ease you. •Sold bY i" him to knock cir work and have been making The Honse.of Refruie Committee I met in Clintfin Fob. ;1st, Warden (turrie, al1d. ,0111,tleill s Willert, of Stephen ; Geiger. (4 Hensall. and Middleton. at• Godericb township, being prestenl,i;, Mr M. S.T. IVIcLea 71, of Sea forth: chairimin of the (.0nonitti.P. Wit 171154 no t nl•PSent OW: t ilinese, and Mr Middleton efticieted in. this citparity The besiness trebsectecl pertained en- tirely t() the ; 111331S0. It eves the first time eithea. Messrs. "Willert er Geiger bud biter in filo T.T.ims;ri, and they Woregria.tly improsec‘d with their visit. Yrs. Q. IIartnell died rill Wednesday, and the remains were seni, to; relatives in St. Thomas cis Se turday4 fareier to read, would it not?" '2:e4.; Is what is meant by "book end what attendance at !the institutes and farmers' meet - leads to 'xp-r1u1eot. vth electricity.," said ..hat .111 t.1.10,1413 years 1 lei VP 1.1f;'ell teel.:ne eeperiments to ('0313- mvelue so fast that I have • re;.% ;;'ill at choice to play with elee- trie..ey fey the tan of the thing. r, can find ont .ee,-;:t ititot. eeeln to morrow on .:" re, sails to give up the eommer ,--01 and work hi my o htery perely ASa $0117t1t.1t, will • pleasnre 1. have ht,•011 promising 3133 sit ". --Ts it pessibl<•i• to ferete-11.;What eyeet ixtrra step in the -applies.- •;•f r•lortfricity to the »ieelilini(3a .f present cl.ay. life will be?" Edison WaS asked. : •• 1 wonld he a daring luau to ven tere a prediction?" he answered. • 'eV...! are all 1,t1;.,e,•• collecting data. y;,•,: Investigators, and may be in ,60 years It)("7I'e we will begin to enenect somethirig.'' fit,''hmberittin s 9 • 5 0 gh Remedy The Children's Favorite Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thin remedyie famous for ite curets O'er a large part of the civilize() world. /teen alwaYs be depended upon. It contains no Opium or other hatmtol drag eta may bo given as conadently to a baby ea to an adult ?rine 25 eto; Large Size„ 50 cts. Is the spot to buy yoUr GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, FANCY OAKES, BREAKFAST FOODS, FLOITR, FEED, STOCK FOODS, ETC., for 1907. Our aim is to keep the hest class of goods and by so doing we are sure of keeping your trade. Give tis a trial order and. we will please you. Goods delit ered to any part of the town.. 8aniuel Rannie •nm: eaeseerie.... ******-******************* Ot• * FORECAStS FOE FEBRUARY, 1 - •=0./.1. By Re V., Ii']. R. Hicks. The third Omen period will rail- minate. on atid touching the 15th t - and 1 tith . The Venue and Mercury periods still (oyer these dates, and the Earth's *mai equinox will al- so be felt in the perturbations through all this part of the month A rapid, (*lied fall of the barome- ter, rise of teuipera tare, With pos. sibly electilelj storms, turning quickly to Sleet ,and snow, will ap- pear on and tetiching tho 10t1i, the* date of the MOon's passage over the celestial eqe4or: Another (Venus revulsion ;eohn. eleotrio fire to colcl wave and. Will come from the 16th to the leth. If your hoino and your property are so situated as to. be reached h- ice gorges, and floods resulting itiagie.'such obstructions, we repeat or ,otintion—watch the colnainatingeitorm periods and be ready esPeeitialy during the Venus period, for the breaking up, crush- ing and damining .of frozen streams and.riverr,,, • 1;:.; ; • ; Chambit.I . , _ choleta I; 104; 91; niaithOWitt-ittedy. • Itkove.tfaiti. n owe niay: 30110 M. 0 *: .„.. International • Harvester - Implements. we keep in stock a 'full line -of the above celchrated make of Foxin. pleinents. rirley ate used in every civilized. country in the, world and are; giving universal satisfaction. 110 other. • ; \\e handie thcgMa,;41.tot Cream]Ser.,ara.- • ; tor, the best onthe market. .•'; • • ;e tat Pig. Troughs, last much longer tFi.ui.; • ' - wooden ones, in fact WO handle e Tery—; thing in the line of binders, inowers, plows,: etc., etc.; and repairs of all kinds. Wo.33.. in 1131.1.joi. • a. flew Buggy, Carria.ge,AWagon. or Cutter see our linesi before il you buy. They will please:you. FRED. HESS SON, ZURICH. * Rickbeil's Old Stand . *****-**-***.*** ******4.**