The Herald, 1907-02-15, Page 1• Voi. VII., No. 30 The Official Organ of Zurich nd Hay Township. ZURICH ONT., FRIDAY FE1RUARY 15, 19O7. $ 1 Per Year. IlipptIMIMMegatonnamalltagromft....nmona. 04E1 PER YEAR f;giss Snell, formerly of Blue - is receiving. $45.00 per month from the Calgary • Milling Co., Calgary, This estimable young lady had only a .conittion school edu- cation, and in a few months with us prepared for the a- bove situation. With a few • years' experience Miss Snell will receive at least $75.00 per month. Stenography is better than school teaching. What we have done for others we can do for you. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. Clinton Business Gam GEO. SPOTTON - Principal LOCAL NEWS. eareareare,c--ereare,e-a-a-aaaavalia-leene Did yon get a valentine? The lenten season began on Wod- day. • The days are gradually growing longer. Mr. Allan Klein of Aylmer is visiting at T. Johnson's this week. 'The Revival services conducted in the Evangelical church are well attended, Wm. Smith, of Detroit, Mich., was here over Sunday visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Smith. of the 14th con., who is seriously ill., Mr. John Dunn, who has been visiting friends here for a week, re- turned to his home in Port .Huron. Mich., on Tuesday. _ • ., - Messrs.' Joel Erb of Nebraska. and Chris. Erb of Wellesley are visiting their brother, •Mr. Jahn G. Erb of the Bronson Line. The former has been living in the states for twenty-three years, and has not been here in that time. TELEPHONE CHANGE. The telephone question in Zurich will he satisfactorily settled in a -week or so. As the system was up to the present the service was everything but a satisfactory one, as a conversation carried en be- tween two points in Zurich, St. 'Joseph or with Hensell could be heard at any of the phones in Zurich or St. Joseph, except if a person spoke from the centra office at D. S. Faust's store. Mr. Richmond of London was in the village on Friday and completed arrangements for installing a switch board in Zurich and making all the -phones in Zurioh private ones. The free exchange between Zurich and Bonsail will be continu- • ed. This arrangement will do away • with "listeners" and be much more • satisfactory to all the subscribers. A number of new telephones will be installed in the village. Mr. D, • S. Faust has changed the interior arrangement of the Post Office to • .•makuroom for the switch board, etc. • CHARLES HEY'S ASIPRATIONS, We note with pleasure the sue- •.' cess which follows many of our native Canadians who are making theirI Mark elsewhere. From a Mfchigan paper we notice that Charlie Eey, a farmer resident and • native of this Township, is making an appeal to the Republican elec- tors forthe election as commis - stoner of public sehools for Huron • County, • Michigan. Mr. Hey has spent nearly 15 years as teacher in that state and for a number of years has been principal of the • Kilmanagh public school, whore he has shown his Canadian ability and pluck to good advantage and there.is little doubt of Ma. election. as Commissioner. The only fault we Canucks see in his appeal for support is that he does net appeal to the Demooratic voters as well. We are sure there must • be some that Charlie's eloquence could swav • TO his own way of thinking, al- though Thin Hsiang would bo in- clined, u general principals of • :policy and a.dvanced ideas, to sup- port the Democratic party in pre- i'orenee to the Repu.bhea.ns. W • will however use "our vote end I • influence" for Charley this time. Mr. Michael Meidinger has mov- • ed into the dwelling which he re- cently purchased from S. Bennie. A convention of the Liberals of South Huron for Dominion purpos- es was held at Brumfield on Mon- day. Dancing parties are -very popular this winter. Hardly a night passes without one being hold in or near Zurich. New ads—H. Well, C. Hartleib, Yungblut & Deiehert, W. II. Hoff- man, 3. B. Schnell, 3. E. McDonell, Sovereign. Bank. Mr. Ezra, Smith will give up pos- session of his. farm on the ist „Of April, not the lst of Maroh as re- ported last week. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Wiekens, of Ingersoll. visited. at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Eley, Sr., Babylon Line. This winter, so far, has been a poor one for fishing through. the ice on the lake but the present cold weather should make the ice strong enongh. John Schafer of Parkhill was a visitor in ihe village for a few days this week. He takes over the Powell House in that town after March 1st. F. Hess & Son have under con- struCtion a large number of new rigs for the coming season. They are building some of the latest styles and designs. The treasury of the Township 0! Hay was enriched last week by the sum of $107 50, being the share of the railway tax levied and collect- ed by the Provincial Government from the railways operating in Ontario NOTICE—Parents sending their children for mail, should. instruct them to be orderly while in the office, and only one in a family should be allowed to cull for mail. Unless strict order is observed in the office hereafter, the disorderly offenders will be brought before the magistrate and fined.—Post • master:. Either run a own -with Ay). or just sell out and loaf. One thing must be done—run the town for all it's worth, get up steam and keep it up. Do you want trade? Bid for it. Do you want business to come to your town? Encourage what you have. De you want a prosperous town? Then never per- mit the jealousies to rule your actions, but work together for common prosperity and mutual benefit. J. IVIerner as clerk at ,,i-,-^ sent!. last week. Elkton, Mich., tire ',1,, forrner's sister, Mrs. „{ Gelgex, at Weber visited friend$ 1 Edgar magei, fa'anaa",..1/ la wit.h, J. Mr, and Mrs, Val 8iwtainngtz,thoef Mrs. G. Imes" and' '4"uissELeunesialiai ter. .4,.., present. Has the skating tri t:IlinoVernent lrlied a. natural death?"I :7 n)t call a meeting and tippoin (3 onnnittee to see what can.be doril.fl the mat- ri Mrs. Abel Schilhe ' -I lined on Saturday frona Lando 41 where she ,t. underwent a suceessf 1Toperation. Her many friends, will 1.r pleased to hear that she is :044,,,,,„ recover - Alum the size of a ing. dissolved in a pint of arch will brighten the colors f gingham and calicoes Iter -wash- ing. . Wm. Tnrner, who h heeet em- p]oyecl on the gover ent boat, -Bayfield," at Owe aotind, is spending the week his home in Stanley township. Wm. Becker has a la a gang of men at work makina, clod and logs on the land 'lac s leased from the Canada 00. Stanley township. A large qn;... ty of fire wood is being made. An earthquake was .0 SOSea to pass through here o inlay or Sunday on its way to,,ifae `,Past. If it did go through th vay, vust have been a slight ofee nothing shook here except - people, who were out in the sto The death rate in'uiicbn 1.906 was two in a popul,ition ok.about 5C0. This would. a rage; Nur in 1000 population. ,1 iefferage death rate in propo `" ion to iientila- tion in Ontario is qont 9 every 1000, so Zurich muat be a excep- tonally healtliv smith to IV in. Hon.. C. Hyman tint le of Pub - 1i Works, in the ',lc ,10,"; cab: Et who is in ' • ,frr; lit& mf , tains the por tion will be held " again be the Liba' a• 4'A man in' a nei,..4*.borin more paper for thsamoney, NN;As fire escape whielV. *mid lie a copy of the tow, tes,,' me warded on receipeof,f2.00. traeted by the adviortigement o the Cosh and in a few days, eei who took a city pa to a country paper lecause 1118 Zt rich' Ei:tOt1fft© Sttre threat. Slaughteriing Sale will close on February ...„, , . Keep bast week's Herald and follow the list. Sonne of my new Spring Dross GoCs, Prints, Waistings and Muslim have ani'nd. Call and .see them .1229•62•IDUrili 1.426•1711.1l111. S. They are vp-ts-date MM.R1IINZ,4M410.11$161. ifeneraY Merchant (101 0.6 a.0 You'll be prepared. to meet the.st, ana Si) 0 W the rohl wiriJ f you 2nalie your feet happy wit. a • pair of our Shoes. All leati.-F?fr, • r and tie -oarA ROTECTIO wn nee* at ntr- sd • • of felt shoes and rubbers ot all Y01117 :patront,..ge, for it)C,7 C. FRIETZs The Shoemn. —te.6,,trniitAip14 „ 10 It •4' e • ' '1‘ nt %ARM% '4414.,44,4 OP, '41:444e4I10,j'i";. „ •* • 0. eu• A, • •• • • • • • C Q 1 ich Cr 41.'","7•V "ttra, .-vetkolsvP,m 11400,1,4 Ali a r stock. .'.••••••• • 4d. MitiEte.,'"OE11. are busy taking I'Watch this space ara !,,10.1040440454S. *0 ,1414%10,4' -- HARDWARE; ZURICH 5 0"- • 9 - E... ,„ 7, GENERAL MERCHANT ONT4RIO .$/z0:14, ,•4•44,:dii,,St4.1•140!'' '64414511d04444il • ' .1,•,,•-•`,,,Ati,A 00 .491; . ' NOV, ery ±ov oratAe. .Voleotions ore rain gOOd , A grimuntraa Mk• uollege, erueleu.