The Herald, 1907-02-08, Page 5ban rELS, r& 4l► rs t1, 'rem Et+ ry ' COM ERCP L ' IEL ZURICH t 0 0 tE3 Strictly Up -to date in modern im o provements. Dining rooms is sup- Etta plied with only the very best. 'f ¶f p ,; Bar contains choice liquors Ind 4- etgass, If 11 11 es Expellent Sample Rooms • for Commercial Men. EI( 0 J. P. RAA, PROPRIETOR. Ube ©n -inion butt e. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and besi con- ducted Houses in tho Province. fAIo Better Viable in the peminion. R. R.Johnston & Son. rrzorrrxTOBS. Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry .. We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. O 'F A Tb.0 gra reil Po filar for 1907. ;)l The Zuric DASHW00D 'Johnnie Stier, who was hurt souse two weeks ago, still continues to make some little improvement and it is thought lie may yet re- cover. The supply of ice for this village was stored .away last week, the quality is very good this year, Jonas Hartleib, who has oonduct- ed the hardware business here for about a1 year, last week sold out to David Tiernan, We hope Mr. Tie - man will have the sante liberal patronage as did Mr. Bartleib and we beleive he will, as he is a good business man and is worthy of the patronage of the community. D. Geiger has the contract for lighting the street lights this year. He should be able to render good service as lie has plenty of time to look after them. Miss Mary Winkenweder left last week for New York. Fred Kibler of Listowel visited his brother-in-law, J. Kellerman, of this place, last week. On Friday night of last week Mr. and Mrs. W. Heama.n enter- tained a number of young, people to a social hop. Rev. A. D. Gischler of Zurich occupied tne pulpit in the Evangeli- cal ()herds several nights hist week assisting the pastor with the re- vival meetings which are still in progress. This Thursday night in Zinmer's hall the young people of the Lutheran church will give a very entertaining concert which will no doubt be well patronized. Dame rumor says the wedding bells will soon be heard. in our midst again. William Shrum, general iner- ohant, of this plane. is all smiles these days over the appearance of a baby girl which came to his home on Saturday last, both mother and child are doing well. Joseph Ziler, Sr., has disposed of his fifty acre farm on the 13 con., of Stephen to Jacob Zeller, who takes possession in the -spring. Mr. Ziler intends buying a lnr;er farm.. ..ir ..-- H/LLSGREEN. Mr. Edmond Troyer bus sold his fine tenni of heavy horses for a big figure. He delivered on Friday. Mr, Troyer always raises good horses. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Horne were guests of C. Troyer last week. Arnie Stelck ris under the doc- tor's care at present. Hope to see him around soon. Wm J Jarrett had a party on Monday evening. It is a good place' to enjoy yourself. Our school teacher was laid up a few days last week with a sore throat. #SLA Misses Ethel and left some time ego winter in London. Wna; Swayze left Thursday last, to peenticesllip 'its` a. tin- firm of that city, R. Allan, a,ccoml. sister, Mrs. (Rev.) it little niece, Anna, from Little Current, land. Saturday night: his trip but thinks •$; enough for him. John Gingerich int both a house and barn north. of the village busying himself with. Jas. Johnston, v'ns Thursday last having performed on hfslip' cancer. Ile stood well and is now doing' Wood -hauling is x of the day. Mark Drysdale of turned to his home Tie week's sojourn with .fr Messrs . .3 ohn Th John Schnell wht sold some time ago intend t tion sales soon. • Quite a family. g held at the hoarse of 1 Tuesday evening in .11 Allan's birthday. The following report, relativo standing of the U. S. S. No. 9, tab month of January. Tb:. based on marks, at.saigne; regular and punctual preparation of lesson demeanor. The three, i attaining the highest are reported in order of. V class. Rai t..h Ke Esser, Thomas Meyers. IV class. Flossy cap Manson, Pearl Zapfe. III class. Mary Doug 't ardon Manson, .Albert Keys Sr II. Mary Jane 14?ner , :7ttl;ie Brenneman, James Es. pr Jr II. Odwill Nieh son ' Irl McBride, Annie Brenda,,email Sr pt II. John Antron Itherrs, Sophia. Oesch. Percy ,2trk. Jr pt II. Lorne Madison; NtrncyF plin th cl<�n cixt int en. ' filth. a his Id. and attire] ed oulin Is_ enjoyed. is good eventing .'ilil',tarnl is now zx)e, Ion on erati.on .move a creation order ill re - after a Lere. ill and farms atm- cl lg was tn, on fMis. ivs the pile of or the port is ily for nano?, en eras li class egate Figgie Isabel Bvenncrman, Roy MkBritl Pt I. Clarence 11/1.11$Re No. on roll 59, av0i.e. ce 40. Parents are earnestly - to see that their to school regularlrjti How can the. abrulte l,: a er. ndaa,n- issted sen't IX*, 'r MgrG:nt ... examine the growth of The Sovereign Bank. In /-11/2 years, ending 31gt October, 1906. Assets have increased to . . . . $25,343,401 Excess of assets oyer Liabilities to the Public has increased to 5,278,557 Deposits have increased to . . . 15,578,920 $ 1.00 opens an account in the Savings Department. Interest paid 4 times a year. 4 sig T e Sovereign Canada, Zurich Branch = J. SNELL, flgr 1-1ENSALL A very. pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wog. Caldwell on Wednesday Jan 30th, when their eldest daughter Alice was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. Joynt, of Hensel', at high noon. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. L. Toll in the presence of irnrneclinte friends and relatives of the families. Mr. and Mrs. Joynt left on the evening train for a trip east and on their return will take up housekeeping in their new house just erected. The groorn's present to the bride was a handsome piano. Guests were present from Gode- rich, Lucknow, Winghpzn, Dakota, Amhersthurg and Exeter, Little Ruthie Caldwell acted as ring bearer, and Maggie Strang as flow- er girl, Miss Mamie Joynt, of Luck - now, niece of the groom played the wedding march. The bride's dress wits crepe-de-paris, and her travel- ling dress navy blue chiffon cloth with hat to match. Hensall hockey team met defeat at Ailsa Craig on Thursday night by a score of 0 to 2 Wm. Sinclair intends moving back to this village in the spring. Mrs..13. Kaiser recently fell on the walk receiving painful injuries. The local option bylaw at Ailsa Craig was carried by one vote. The recount resulted in a tie and the returning officer cast his vote in favor. of the by-law. es Walter Layton has left for Lon- r t Hay (sot:mea l Flay Council met in, 'the; .Hall here en Wednesday, Feb kith All members present. Minute$, of tree ou ii plevts rneetin ret 1 1 d The Auditors' .R,erlcirt 1 1 tLl e s lOwn was i rr The following is the report of S. before the Council, naso; the by their increasing patron- urer'iis boots, which vv 're exa age during the No. 8, Hazy, for January, nand is i i:lte past year 41,11(1na,lly adopters and 4i based on attendance, conduct and the reeve: gn tient they fully realize that general proficiency. 5th. Bessie.Cochratne. 4th. Wesley. Caldwell, •Villiaru Wilson, Maggie Wilson, 'William Gram. Sophia Farquhar. 3rd Sr. Robin M'Ailister, Roble ., Pc t.l, , seen, Mande NTr,.Allister Gordon this is place to buy their Dr y Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hard. ware, Paints and Oils. • a, { The following auditor, orders we .�� ., ,l, light% price, Love, Orville Teylor, Anna Rias, - and also tho right quality, Love, Annie 'c.Vikon, Arthur Pur- 1—I3 .; e e tiff ; .ti 7�' l tc'rtac:Id. FI Milton range A • , aralitt,r, Ct6 ;Herald, prints A petition of John Messeat others asking for to detach .c lots from S. S. No. 3 azid. a them to S. S. No. 10, was ,. and will be considerecl at • sheeting doormen. tltiil ill.lt our man L'US- 1 Annie (; ETartleih, rep furnace t.nchralne, AtIa {;rum, Arthur Rei..'('11 Tress, exchange oxi ell � 1 'Sy'E. cheat. towers forh. B• It t )1;, 1 '`:l 71; C Troyer, refund 'fa tisk fOr n continliti.n :e of Sed .Tr. lector. Porterfield., Mary # Council will '1ll 1nee tf again the same. 1; Consit't, Dlyrt.lo Taylor, James reeday, 14larcll Stiawhen Smith, Pnrey (:tram, Iiertie Rfere and nthcrr o'i , mond, Hazel Rerintaalid Ila Johns- P. Hess, T ton, David uepfer,. pointed. Bess, 2nd Sr. Eldon Jarrett. • `)nd :Tr. Barre- Dieu. Eilisnn lti o ,. IN. v s Allister, Tztnmes.Ft-est, (nisi° Trn,•- EXE TER BLAKE. Pearl Oonsftt, Addle (seen, Al- W. H.Hedger bas zno x LAKE. lie KnspfE+t', the farm in Usborne Part :i: Sr. Soloman Knepfc'1•, which Iic rest+nt1y puzc,l1 stomatilt trouble i3 but a symptom of, and no itself ss5i,,.na;diseete. We think- Of Dyspepsia 13o•trtbarn, and" Indigestion as real diseases, ye thej''.`r';are sr7nftema only of a certain specifi NerVe.siclriesS"—nothing else. It seas thus factthat first correctly led Dr. Shoop in the creation' of thaatnow vary popular Stomach Remad9—Dr. ShoeY,':4 Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With- out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. 'or stomach distrees, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try'Dr. Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid -and sea for your- self what it can and 'will do. We sell -and ehoet. .fully recommend d as ae by 1 and tatn tach elyecl next Massed borer, +27 $15.50; ries, etc S, `$2. tp :w ed- i tam as- • be ap- r Clerk, rite n,ihip, 1. Luny Redmond, ID)'. Malloy has pore ed the c,t Part I Jr. Marion Porterfield, Dr, Rollins property, we And by air. Beverly. Gracie Love, Irntat Green The low position of some of the names is easily neconntecl for by irregular attenclatnce. Parents 'wonlrl enconramn the teacher and edt�anne the interests ,Ma of their children by sending them to school when it_is at all possible t to do so, For it is meson to sappese a if they gain anything by being at school they limn certainly lose something if they are not there. J. A. Cameron, Teaeber r 1, 1, MERNER. I , Clubbing rates. tartWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tem HsctALD : Daily Globe . $ 4.N5 Mail & Elnpire 4:.;35 Weekly Globe 1,755 Mail & Empire 1..60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.50 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Adver tier 1.50 Weekly Sun 1,75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Fanning World 1. 5 Weekly Montreal lase ld 1,25 McS.`'14. Arinstt'ong cl tori(,]' shipped 397 hogs- . wean')a a f• SU310 Ibs., fruln Hensen an .; xetor• stations recently, TI1ey i "ant out 5282.85 for the .lot. Vii, A carnival was held at a?� Ci 7vst• ing rink on Friday nigix' � The Metropolitan He, (° .'will be offered for silo by pn.bl'c�� axtotion to -day, Friday. T. E. Handford shipp a car of horses to Winnipeg last , eek. t 'in Us - endorse)), ,, tispector paid an to take ase from litagious. Sheep scab is prevalie borne township and D government veterinary, of live stock, recently official visit to that seen stops to prevent the 'di e1)reading, as it is very ITCHING PIL If you are acgnaintecl one who is troubled wit tressing ailments, you c no greater favor .bahn ti try Chamberlain's $alv instant relief. This saiV sore nipples, totter anti Price 25 cents. For sit Merrier, ith any - his dis- do him 11 him to, Gtr gives y,o,oures U 'rheum . by J. J. brothe, S 1'r 8t l eek Quarterly services were held in the Methodist Church last Sunday CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. 5, Brown have re- tittrned from a visit to Berlin and •PIattsville• Henry Lamport, one of the •pioneers of this vicinity, died on Jan. 28th, aged 68 years. He had been ill for ae year with a complica- tion of diseases. Two sons and six dangbters survive llitu. Isaac Ilial, jr.., will erect a new residence in the spring. Miss Vera Sanders of Detroit visited her sisters here last week. .A. large quantity of bricks ere being sold and t11e, yards 1lreeent a busy appearance at present. • Geo Redford h ' ,1 situation in Sarnia and left for tha town. • The Foresters of Crediton ar giving ars oyster ;upper on Feb 13th. FORECASTS FOR FEBRUARY: By Rev. IrI. R. Hicks. The second storm period is cen- tral on the 9th. The Mercury dis- turbance is also at its center on the 9th, only two from the center of the Venus period on the 6th. The Moon is at extreme south declina- tion on the 9th, in perigee on the 10th and at new on the 712th We will put down the 7th to the 12th of February as one of the greatest storm periods of the 'winter. See if your barometer doesn't fall phenomenally ' law. Torrential rainy will he witnessed m' heart. from, with possiale tornadoes in the south. The most general and destructive sleet storms of the Will ter will follow rains in many sections, while terrific blizzards fierce gales and blockading drifts will enclaanger the lives of than and beast to the west and north. With- in forty-eight }tours of sunset on the 12th. our planet will pass. an- other seismic crisis, As a natural result look for many ice -gorge floods and disasters during .this and other February periods. As a sequel to all this, look for a pheno- menally sudden awl high berme. ter, wild northwesterly gales, and a sweeping cold wave generally. from about the 12th to the 15th. Died. QIUtaLny—In Detroit, Mich„ Feb. 2nd, Mrs. Mary Qiugley, at the age of 65 years. Born. • DAyrDSOY—At the Goshen Line Harv; t�rz Jan.; - 16th; to bar. and. - Mrs. W. Davidson, a daughter. WAc4vtR—At Shakespeare, on Feb. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Wag- ner, a son. WALTERS-1n Hay Township, Jan. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walters, a daughter. DURAND—In Hay Township, Jan. 80th, to Mr. enables. Louis Dur- ' and, a son. W1'lX—Ica Hey Township, on Jan. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs, J. Wein, a son. Sttittiet—In Dasb.wooal, on Feb, 2, • to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shrum, a daughter. Married. JOYNT—CALI)WELL--At the horse of the bride's parents, Zurioh Road, on Jan. 20th, by Rev. 5. L. Toll, Miss .nliee, eleughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Caldwell, to Mr. George Joynt, of Hensen, Vm.i tNn—ALFri.i.CljT•—At Clinton, on Feb. 5th, Henry Yolland to e 'Ake I.ir, .Ica .Albrecht, both of ', Hay Township. Mrs, Treitz, one of our oldest residents, died on .Tau. 28tH, at the age of ti i yen.re. STANLEY' TOWNSHIP IP 'Root•, Morrison, of Stanley, re- cently dnlit'erecl to O. Dick, at: lI•'. n- sall, five pigs five mon the and six days old which titapt'd tho scale? :aa 950 pounds. Two of tiles' pig ct E i•ghed 200 portiele each, Mrs. Charke OC1S.innon of Luck. - now is visiting her al.11lt, Mrs, C. b 011 neon. • Ties :rltaitnie Reid anti 2,I1...:elson Reid slave ret',unecl .home from visiting friends in .Bruce county. 1'. ,laaselall Caa.ntc-lnn of Boiesl:vain Ma:n,,•has been visiting; his miule, o.aoph Richardson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. T)a.vitl Armstrong left for thud' new home at Pilot Hound, Man. The best wishes of numerous friends go with them for u happy and prosperous future. • A meeting was helot recently for the purpose of reviving the Orange Lode on the Goshen Line which lens been dormant for some time, R. Drehmtlnn, who left Bayfield a few months ago for r3olyrood, where he started a gents' furnish- ings business, has returned and will'onnduc+t u, similar business in the old Queen's hotel. WedsC eat M ht, Il SwReastl_ W. C. T. U. A MEDICAL OFFICER'S TESTIMONY. In itis annual report as Medical Officer of Health to the 'SVigton Rural. District, I)z'. Briggs gives a little lcretut'e upon the evils of clrinkincr and its effects upon tltt: death rat.', in the course of which Itostrs; A :Medical Officer of Health sees nnieh et the evils of drink, and fully the offer ts of its abuse on the public health, and, there- fore, no apology Is needed for draw- ing penile attention to them in:i report of this kind. The direct and indirect mortality from tiring: is estimated at 19,000 per alinniti, or U)t (leen) i11 'v'er'y seven. is eith- er entirely or partially due t o And this a.ppailing estimate ite not all the; tale. Every one is aware - that the death returns do not give even au approximate idea of tho correct number. The direct, 'Cathie is often politely veiled on the death. certificate, for the sake of thefeel- iegs of the friends. Brit even if we know the correct number, it would give no idea of the `•anount of injury done indirectly to the public health from this oouse. It would not include those cases which had prematurely succumbed to the -inroads of disease owing to the fact; of the constitution having been insidiously undermined by drink fly. (Concluded next' week.)