The Herald, 1907-02-01, Page 10EAT KET We would like to call your attention to poultry Stock of meats sausages, bolognas, etc. Nothing but the -very best and choicest goods kept on handl. 'We use all our cus- tomers the same. Give usa call YUNfiBLET D lC ERT. lvlMANUEL CHURCH IL -iv ngelical Association eralcl -+•--, t a< r "k�'. e�'` s °`t regi---7,7-••r;44.44.^47(sa, ., .ma• eS,A4,a X,14'4 4,,e4`:n�A�.r- yA,. ax�,�r{a, .ti••v5.�..��rf.:,•°x,.. 9,,.•,. �4�J.f t.��t OF'S AND,tLIG'1'i�IGS NYIL BE FIELD 1. IN I11, c AS FOLLOWS o i7it0)3, zuiuut . Sunday School 'at 2 p. a tiervice, German, 10'° a. negro„ t 7 p, a• in, ; English Service, � Tues- day rsl ; Senior Alliance, 7.30 p, day evening ; German Prayertm7 3 ing, Wednesday evening o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock Choir Practice, PridaY evening- at 8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur ; day afternoon, at 3 o'clockps�olz.' Riev. A. D. Gismtana, SLrRVI ICiiIVtANtiYL 14yANGrEliIOAL IT'S NO TRICK to sell a, poor article at holf price --but it cannot be done on GOOD GOODS. This Season as before, I will try to give Sou M,oney's Worth. •,,,All kinds of,... liGLIDIAY GIFTS LOCAL NEWS The council of Hay ay'eb. 0th hi meets on Wednesday, t o'clock, p. m. Miss Nettie Fulton of Wallact burg is the guest of the Misso, Witwer of town. Keep one of those papers with D S. Faust's Great Sale for it will last 30 days. Read it carefully. A very enjoyable party was held at the Houle of Miss Lottiiel alster l sport last Thursday evening. a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm MoClinchey, of the town lino, mourn the death which and of their infant daughter, event took place on Sunday. The snowfall during the past few days has put the roads into splendid yhsligh for can again bT the merry heard in this vicinity. Fred Demuth had the rnisfc - uu to slip and fall on Saturday, clishi eating one of his shoulders. I> Campbell was called and attend to the injury ed. and from the effeetr. Demnth e nearly r of it. Mrs. McCormick has incr aSed the size of her confectionery atom by having the stairway moved .to the rear. Owing to the increase in business she has been compelletr.to make mor e room sohe as to be wants ofpree- patred. to supe y many customers more speec'iily. Dr, OVENS, It. D. iiendons; Snr„eon eye, ear and nose, -wll oe at the Queen's Motel. H . o w al Thursd av, Febi ua; y "''�ts .z o er. 4 p. m, to 9 p. nt. Glasses -Proper p fitted for relief of failing vista gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafnf s tt d asad catarrh treated. 23t generally foune n a $rst-class s Store. Prices Right :: :: Goods 'RYA ht F. W, BESS - . Seweler. SO YEAR TRADE MARKS Inman?. COPYRIGHTS &C. Aurone sending a siceti n and description mag patentable. Col stunt an quickly ascertain Our opinion enta free v' ranuU n lionsatrinventiois ctlypco tidebObly atfentf- ee 1't tree OldestagenCY fa seaiiring p tcI t- s Patents t aken-through hro el nrge SntheCo. recetre ypecia tr t handsomely illustrated] 'weekly. '1'rr Largest s. is s -- lioldbyallnewsdeplers. ciliation or any scierxtinc jrrornnt.grench Oiiice. M t St.- Washington. A. C. i,totfce, w of,`� $ years lour •ntltbs, a & Ce 36iBroad..,, tier yore hS i M iIIENyoV SRN” You want to IiI1 what yoare aiming i o yout at —be it bird, beast or target. shots counts STLY;nNSAR iS } 1 s. For ed years . ve carried off PREMIER HONORS for AC- CURACY. Our line; v Mfl s Shotgun% Pistols [end4cminsta irs tit pato Dealer—in. a Cataio.r Siston canno t Potain, for ont„nt. A If you cann(rett r.r. raivai+lebooK ofrefer. Mme ship direct c: �reas Preaz,d t'o`'a once for present aan recetntofrata r.r:e prnUnecti,e sa,aters. BCabeEforwarded for so cents n stamps.~ill Stevens Arms & Tool Cods Y. O, Boz 4086 cBicoPLIS VA-I.LS, MASS..11. S. A. n n' Mr. Napoleon Lebeau rett:irne on tiaturday from a trip to, Teas. He states that the people were dig- ging up potatoes in that ootlntry when he left. Quite a diiferenee between our zero weather Here. We understand that Mr. 1j bC1Att and his father, Henry * : to d their families, intend moving,,.. that state in the spring= be atal� ed Croup can positively l' in 20 minutes. No vomiting-noth- ing omitingtroth-ing to sicken or distress your ehil d,' A. sweet, pleasant, andsafe SSSyr r np� called Dr. Shoop p quickly. the work and does it q Shoop's Croup Cure is for Crn alone, remem ber. It does not cls: to cure a dozen ailments. It's Croup, that's all. Sold by d J M ]ter. I >;niALL FLOUR MILLS -- to announce that we have rece enitrged the services of -a iii' with 25 years experience, and h: overhauled our mill. We sell int Family Flour, guaranteed duality. at 2+1.85 per cwt. , have "Five Roses" and txA t. Queen" brands of pure Maan? Flour. We have in stock. Amein 'yellow corn; Chopping fi4o' per bag. Highest wheat.COOK 8 SO That Zurich will have e, rink next winter is now 1 assured fact. A joint stria' any is being formed and tl nioters are meeting•with n]i1 couragement. The location rink will likely be in the reit Preeter's store, in 0. t reit'; This is a central spot and eco easily furnished with eleotr ]e; etc. The boys are already ,`, of organizing a hockey tetil? curling club will also likoi� other of the attractions. 1 A man was fined five dollars and costs in the Toronto pollee court the other day for using profane langguSge on the street. A policeman overheard hilt+ and doespnlotetappm ato n- +ler. arrest. people at large be known to the 1. ' � is forbid - that the use of profanity Iden by law, and that • one citizen y].]ay cause the arrest of anotia} slicer this offence, and that any 1 than is as liable to dismissal for failing in his duty in this as in any other respect. The 'law i5' a good one, and there is need for and ;;dot re e strictenforeelanentthe Boysdost remit, green swear Il public ;liaises, de- Tlt1s give language itter some notion the nomination..n el An Act will be introduce Ontario Legislature at the' session to amend the mitres Under present eonditions towns and villages, norn"i file a declaration in qualification before 9 o'cl day following noininaatio the name etricken i namesfor'tlie ballot In the act works the 'other nominees are allowed to ballot paper unless they. fore.") o'clock on the shay rivingFrom tit n that their abandoned conversation inakes Hien of them, whereas those foi'cecl to listen to theist experience ]]O sensation but otic of utter dis gust. There should be more arrests ttnd dn,es-there should. be a crustals against ti s senselessltttz]r- 'chest Night, great annoyaU C r townships, where rnat137 have been. notnina,teC1 V consent, while other hove been made a,. amendment will, ', pia in the ea rie pr)S towns, fire t 4 Stock taking time will soon be here and before we strt we have decided to reduce our stock to the ' to very lowest notch and in order get them dow { where we want the we propose making this Sale the most tive ever held® Here is a listoft c w Bargains we are offeringONIgaaalMoOmmel Prints All prints which were 12r',c and 15e a yd for Se g and 10e a yd. pRI,m a.,Maa `able Linens Which were Fisc for 45e a yd and those worth 50c for 35e a yd. Wr a'nerettes Well worth 10e a yard for Se a yard <t44 1.0 ct tc 1`ra- `o►relli.gs A big snap in this line. Towels 50 UJ). b' bargain in ready ]nails Toweis 1g,:. F lsrl net tette s A Usually sold at 10 Cts a yd for t Cts a yd tt xtt tt 9tc :tt 2e Crockery Big- Snap in Dinner and Toilet Setts. l titan cost. ,Lamps at less rrvictori.a Laws Which Iiich were 25e a yd for 20e, a yd 20c1 :c 150 ,t tt it 5c " " le cc t: tit: cc tt 12',c Dress Goods All our Dress Goods at less than t De y clos ess cot ct cc 45c " tc Dr. G is worth i 10 a yd for tt ii5u st 400 tc " 30c tt t4 130e c` " 20c <c tt t: Groceries here are a few of our Bargains iu5 oceries 4 - boxes starch for lbs best aeleet raisins for use 4 Ilia 1) st currants for 255 :i cam corn peas or tomatoes 25u 10 ib; oatmeal -for 25e 2 lbs roasted coffee for 2:te lien's Filmic thoats30 r�� 1 only men's F ,c $28 4t $20 1 tc cc c< ac tt 4t $20 cc $15 1 44.c '2-�o,. " Sib 1 fur -lined men's Coat Ladies' Fur Coats 1 lalies' Fur Coat worth $35.00 for 21 00 cC r•30.00 " 2e 0,. 1 `t cc a 28.00 4t. 9.0,410 1 `t Fur Caps Men's and Ladies' Fur Caps, were from 3.00 to 5.00, all for 2.50 each. Readyrr4 ade Clothing Men's Suits 'worth 10.00 for 7.00 cc tt ct 7.00 for 4.15 Boys' Suits worth 5.00 for 3.50 A lot of Child's Suits for 1.00 per. Snit. All men's and boys' overcoats at. less than u0sl. rla•.�oma' Coal Oil We have the ;eninne American Coal Oil 5 gallons for 7 Sets. Ladies' Coats All ladies Coats will be slaughtered at regardless of cost. Carpets Good Union Carpet Forth 350 0 for 350 c. cc t< 05u." 45e Iyinoleum 3 yds wide vas 90e Fos 000.0 yd Cali early and take advat.. Cage of these snaps before stock taking commences. lair: lsibA. Mansz of Tavistock visit- ed relatives and friends in the -vit- ., Monday'. l e Mr. W. A. Oriole, of Crich Bros., bakers, of Seaforth, called on Mr. O.Sohrag on Sunday. Mrs. Schra,g of Tavistock is mak ing an extendedoviSit with f this village. rr son, Mr, (3. Schrag, The Zurich Quartette assisted with the programme at the tea meeting held at Hillsgreen on Mon- day evening. W AThe undersigned' FAUXFAUXI�`�I,D-- -would like to rent a farm for a terra of four or tive years. Apply to 3'oseph Jeffreys bee was A quilting bee and rag r held at Mrs, Louis Wurm PnesdaY afternoon and in the evening a very }interesting dance was held in wbich all ei1 b V0d themselves immensely. rxhe.'township auditors, Messrs, J. I atberer and H• Neeb, went over the township books the other day- and ayand found everything in the usual satisfactory shape. The Ontario ,Legislature is in session and some new acts and a,- inendmeiYts are promised. The pre. sent school Act .will be amendedcltLti and < the minimum The 1 quor salary ill ense Aot abolished.. amended, the three- will likely be a local option three - fifth vote to , carry y, -law' being brought down to a clear illit;joritY. Besides this many t1rer'•important bills will be in. ,pet.. t� o. 0 ,-4"-774r. AlWays, the 7 v The balance of our Stoves will be sold tt a Big Rt d l.ctiaxl.. Call and get ,pries before yo11. buy:. 0111 motto is as'vital Cheapest. The People's Hardware an' ZUriG Hares tit