The Herald, 1907-02-01, Page 2A GOOD FIRM TORONTO PRESS ON THE WOQDS- UORRIS ADVERTISING AGENCY. To the Woods -Norris Advertisiug Agency, Toronto, the Globe recently made thiscomplimentary reference: The business, which was established tieveral years ago by Mr, J. H. Woods, one of the most experienced newspaper- men of the Dominion, has grown so rapidly that it was necessary to add to the firm, an4 Mr. Charles 0, Norris, who iwas one of the best known and most rouIpular advertising agents in Canada, Ifeuded the firm, as announced, some the ago. Woods -Norris, Limited, 311iail building, Bay street, Toronto, is inow one of the best established firms of ,advertisers, and can arrange business for all desirous of advertising in any paper, maga•zine or other publication, not only Canada, but in any part of the world. ` telte well-trained and experienced staff of the firm is prepared to write out all classes of advertising matter, arrange for such illustrations as may be desir- ed and to deal with every detail heces- eery to make an advertisement the suc- cess it invariably is when placed by a capable and experienced firm. A member of the staff will call on any firm desir- ous of talking over advertising business, and whether the advertiser desires to use space in one or in a thousand publica- tions, the exact cost can always be as- certained before tendering on the busi- ness. The Toronto Star said: The principals of the film are J. H. Woods, who for a number of years has been head of the J. H. Woods Ad- vertising Agency, and Mr. 0. C. Nor- ris, who was for eighteen years con- nected with the Mail, of which he has been advertising manager for the last eight years. The union of these two men, both well and widely known in' advertising circles, opened the way for a large expansion of business. The firm confines itself altogether to ad- vertising of the better sort, for com- mercial, financial, and educational in- terests. In Too Much of a Hurry. An Illinois parson believes in the ef- ficacy of speed rather than prayer. He advocates the madness of it and says .the world doesn't go half fast enough for him s.nd that too many preachers think they are stili in the middle ages, while the fact is Providence has sent the means of doing more in one year than our grandfathers could accomplish in ten. All of which may be quite true. Yet grandfather was a much happier man and more agreeable to his fellow crea- tures for not being in such a hurry. With rapid living comes discontent. restlessness, that is very upsetting to unfortunates who must stick to their last and thereby accomplish a certain amount of labor in order to live at all —Boston Herald. 1 Bottle Frk Di. IL.Nick's Rhumatism Compound Is a wonderful cure. I want you to try it-- and will send you a full size $1 bot- tle free. It will cost you only the ex- press charges, about cafe. Write for it to- day. Dr. H. H. Mack, Gil Yong° street, Toronto. PROFIT IN YUKON FARMING. 4 CAVALRY CAN NOW SIWOT, This Ar reef the German Army Given. an Increased Efficiency. With the opening of the new year of military training a new manual of regia-, lotions for rifle practice in the cavalry:, arm went into effect in the German army. It is designed to improve greatly the standard of markmanship and to render the cavalry independent of infan- try support in making expeditions into the enemy's country where it is separ- ated from the main body of its own army for days at a time, and wherein rapidity of movement is as essential as ability to resist attack. In the k'ranco-German war of 1870 the German cavalry for the most part had no firearm except the cavalry pistol, which was no better than a popgun against the French chassepot, The oper- ations of the cavalry were greatly re- stricted on this account. Later the carbine was made the stand- ard arm of the service, and the present effort to develop its effectiveness is a result of the part that cavalry played in the Manchurian campaigns of the Japan- ese -Russian struggle. During the winter the recruits are drilled in highting, and their sight is trained by obliging them to distinguish at average battle distances objects not easily separable from the natural back- ground. In the season of outdoor exer- cises opportunities are taken to test the shooting capabilities of the men under something like conditions of actual war and these performances are under the Sion commanders. To complete the efficiency of the eav- spocial supervision of brigade and divi- airy as an organization capable of con- ducting independent operations machine guns of light build and extra horsed, so as to be capable of rapid movement, are eo be attached to each cavalry brigade, Ready Market Found for All That Can • Be Produced. W M. Swinehart has compiled for publication the results of hie experi- ence in farthing at Tort Selkirk, and these show that. taking one season with another, the erops raised and the prices received for the product are sufficient to cause the average farmer in the States to look to the north with envy. Oat hay, the chief crop produced, yields about three tons to the acre rune sells readily in the spring at from el00 to $125 a ton. Demand has never been Iacking for all the hay the farm pro- duces nine the Rawson -White Horsey stage line on which from 250 to 400 horses are used every winter for sev- eral months, passes within a few miles of the farm. 'Potatoes yield from three to five tons to the neve and bring as much as 25 cents a pound. Rutabagas yield six tons to tilt• acre and sell for 0 cents a pound, or $720 an acre. Carrots yield three tons to the ewe- and ,sell for 15 cents a pound, a return of $000 to the acre. Cabbages Miry in production according to ,season, ranging. front' three to eight tons in the acre, and the price ranges from 15 to . 20 cents :t pound. It is an exception- al ,season when the Swinehart farm 'dace not, net its owners an income of $10,000. --Seattle Post-Intelligencer. obs SPLASH ! e,°' a. lit tlesplash--that's all— W^lien you Iet a pebble foil In the 1lice,+ The waters e1oee An' in dignified repose Pii.ture beck the hills an' ',un a Sea' as they havo always done. Ferry;eirig C,C•,ms. as before: doe' ,a spleee; op' nothing more. Mightv?Men eh' small ones, too On41.0by fate, we view, rhaaowa 'eke feegntfulhieze Soon surround Sven more or less. Like for glistening waves they taste Those sli,'bt rirnlr" feet they made. Recollection kin reran des' a erlseh-.-that's all. -..-'eVashi ngton Star. Mother Railroad Outrage. (Arapahoe, Ok., Mee.) Fisted Shirley, who drive:; the dt'ay oon- eluded he v.-ould move a box ear at.the depot lust 'Wednesday and put tee ear as a wail %yeast to his four -horse t'ut it ,'after much bard ;tufting •evsryielrig alerted' to' rola. Then be hollered "whce' Olverythia, whoaed but tide oar, -AI MAI. ra11YtH'tin;a. just. ran over the !esror e chi ?al t I'' a.r' 1 ue bis wagon. Region of S Simple Names. (Fernadinal Fla., Star.) The Caloosahatchee river people now want the state to build a dyke across the marsh on the lower side of Lake Hicpochee to shut off the surplus waters of Lake Okeechoobee. Deas°t `ounee Your little ones are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you: :now about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many ? It is raid to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. ltis absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Itis guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 314 IL This remedy should be in every household. The Sunday Little Boys. On Sabbath morning there are rows A11 up and down the street Of people in thrlr Surday clothes,..', Alt orderly avid neat The world is very sweet are And : r,, ,r <e. .0 a gror Sam nal` oe, and Tint and Willi Are Sunday .Kala boys. Their hair is parted very straight, Their faces shiny clean: They have a very steady gatt— A very sober mien. They :told their chine up stern and stiff, And think about their looks; The Sunday boys all seem as if They lived in story books. Their hats are even on the head, Their hands aro by the side; Their pockets spare and thin, instead Of bulging full and wide. There has been given ,very one A hanky square and at Hite, To wipe his Sunday face upon When Sunday sloes are bright. They do not whistle, do not May, They do not sing or shout, But manfully upon their way Go treading strong and stout. Oh! All the world is still and sweet, And no one makes a noise, When all the boys upon the street Are Sunday little boys. THE EVIL SP1 CfALXS TIC1.1 r, Why Bit median i1ute of test nese, sallow mems peen: is consulted° potion, All;; common are appear to Bileans cure 1, the liver and.. which is the body, Mrs. 5, E street, Toron eans for cone found most e do not Cause cure eonstipte general'. heals; Mr. A. Mogi proved this lar way 1cf suffered fro piles. Nothin compared for They have zn if any sssffou question on value I will; formation I' Such is ah, of Bileans. is invaluable (due to bile, greasy, sailo've generally:. 131.1 debility, rheu ailments and; feelings,". live• headache, slee palpitation, etc, front the Bile sell at 50c. a b+ upon receipt of $2.50. Ice Cream PATIO IPI . PA Ells, i.neficial. ei that eight �iaehe, dizi- earlotrs. ail - 4+ ftjr which he eidgi)t .z i eonsti- 1caput is very Teems, women tern suffferers. r .stimul tiing e $low of bile, ;t Hive of the ae St. Paul eve 'taken Bil- ti"lzziness and i„ , eetalts. Bileans and not only Yr improve the ;Io rlin, recently ' Hedy in a simi- F • many years I eeljpation and cr jiried is to be -melt ,to Bileans. tferent man and r to ask me any ;ti an and their give all the in- exhn tzstive testa vegetable remedy 1'.it)w complexions ' hood), pimples, t blood impurities ,;re indigestion, 'anaemia, female ,'rules, "rim -down ',idrtey complaint, •e, • wind spasms, ruggtsts and stores •;Tonto, upon re- eteinable post free (r boxes sold for for Convicts. 1? "Socia water, ; I :n!tel" These words, spoken in a wle may be heard in the halls of the lacy in the even- ing nowadays, alcsuld has given permission to eelleee e, soder behind the walls to the otinyiele,wie" eagerly look forward to the 'c ening, v. hen during hall permit they arilieabletto get this delici- ous refreshnteiite Old prisoners who serv- ed behind the wells file many year and know what it is to be held so strictly to rules that they ahiwst forgot how to talk look 'it1t wonder on the develop- ment of the element= Cf. humanity. The soda. however, is "the goods" with the convicts and many a man who laughed at the person who drenta' soda on the out- side likes his little lee„eteam now as well as he liked his little whiskey before. - 0 ., Cil.rl P f .Ell m t 'aces ,lflisolden.' star l:a>g ti ax rs tc. sic your nit or -rt—. —Delineator. Save Your Earnings The difficulty often experienced of safely investing small sums, can be ob- viated by securing some shares in a first class Loan Company, paying down prem - 1 ium of Ten Dollars per share, and then obtaining 6 per cent. on all subrsequent payments. Write for particulars to John Wright, I- Broker, London, Ont. References, Mcrohants Bank of Canada. Story Tellers in Demand. In New York there is a banquet every night at which men make espeeohes and sad and dismal and gloomy are mast 'of them. Conhmitheen of arrangements are always working evertime to find good talkere. They search the country over for speakers who can tell anecdotes, eon yarns, manufacture epigrams, make the welkin ring of wisdom, wit and allegory, aid the digestion while relaxing the mind, etc. Alas! Too many banquets have become mere mogaphones for Political bluff and bluster, speaking trum- pets of Solemn statesmen unable to obtain a hearing elsewhere. Let us get back to the cheerful feast of reason and flow of soul and leave serious ,problems to the heavy periodicals. b e Blew His Head Off. Rotel-meter, Jan. 5.—Joseph Waddell, aged 40, committed suicide this after noon by blowing the top of iris Stead off with a shotgun. The net vas committed in th,e pre. ssenee of i Y addell's 13-y ear•'cld daugh- ter, in a piece of woods near her home, near Fairport. m k'O. Lots of Room for Improvement, Fiwheatmen (beginner) --Don't yet thin'k, Peter, I've Improved a good dud t ,sna•e I began? Peter {anxiertm to pay a coentp''timemt) —You ,hand, carr. But, ams'e, it Nes a *ley for you to i:n.pree •score, -*- Loindosi Plimesh . Nurses' :ladloners' Treasure —25 p--6 bottles $1.25.. Nation Dreg to Ch}einicnl Co., Limited Montreal. .444. TH]3 SEC ;OF EASY RIDING. ;SPIRIT OF THE BOULEVARD. e The boulevard le a kingdom ---an im• "Sri*. in impede ---without any acicnowl- 1.1,ged kiug, but with a large number of pretenders to the throne. With the rise of. the republic in France an aristocracy esf'intellect has taken the place of the old aristocracy of birth and actually gov- erned the oou'ntry in its stead. A sim- ilar change has been effected on the boulevard. The days of the dandies, of the titled noceurs led. by Due de Gramont Cader- ousse, the Marquis of Hertford, Lord "Arsouille,” are over. Even the liaison Doree, on whose narrow staircase the Duke of Hamilton, after a copious diho- nes, fell and broke ills neck, has been swept away. One must go to Mont- martre, to the Tavern du Taibadin (a far less aristocratic haunt, with none of the culinary attractions of the defunct Mai - son Doree), to find a similar staircase which can claim to have recently caused under like eiroumstances—though in what company—the death of an English peer. Half a century ago the title of "king of the boulevard" would: shave been given to some great courtier and wealthy no- bleman, a f,forny or a Demmidoff, whose equipage and outriders would have add- ed a summer radiance to the Avenue de i'Imperatrice (now the Avenue du Bois de Boulogne), who would have been a habitue of the "grand sixteen," that famous dining room at the Cafe Anglais where on on oecaeion Cora Pearl, the most extravagant demimondaine of her day, was served up in the costume of Eve on a silver platter. The automobile, with its water;proofs and gaggles, has supplanted tlhe brilliant equipages a la Daurnont and the sump- tuous liveries of the imperial epoch. Seekers after more sensual pleasure and riotous dissipation no longer have their needs supplied by the boulevard.; they must go farther afield—to Maxim's, the Rat Mort, the Nouvelle Athenes, to the Tabarin, where the jeunesse donee of the present generation repent at less ex- pense of either taste or manoy the wild junketings of their fathers and, grand- fathers.—Harper's Weekly. What is cal ed •awkwaranes, is begin- ning to ride rs due, often to apprehen- sion; every muscle stificus itss'f against some result which Is `feared from the new unlertaking..This wilt disappear when the balance is acquired. If one can arrange to d. -(k -a.- a few moments' prac- tice at the 'setting up"'drill of the army and navy, it 'tvll lool•ah up the members and supple the muscles. "Be easy! Be easy! Do"Iiot try too hard!" should be printed in huge letters upon the walls of every riding school. and the pupil should never forget the advice, and what it means. Flexibility is every - thing, and, properly untie althea, we should see many more good riders than we do, To convince one that he cannot readily fall, it is beat' to go through a few exercises of the arms, legs, wrists and body, and even advanced pupils will find them advantageotte if they pray tiee them at all paces) When seated. the head should be roll- ed about on the shoulders, forward, backward, and sideways;, time, the shoul- ders should be moved tip,:de ✓n, fore and back, at first together, then separately (five or six revolutions of these exer- cise are enough) ; then ache arms, first hanging quite loose with the hands and wrists limp, should be sn!ung forward, backward, and rotated en. the shoulder joints; next (the teacher keeping the legs in position), the pupil should. lie back on his horse with arnee folded; then the legs, one at a time are removed from contact with the saddle and return- ed; then the lower legs are .swung up and down, the thighs remaining close to the saddle; then the ankles are flexed up, down and sideways. All 'motions should be made slowly and carefully, and should be repeated daily for some time, and always in relation to anymem- ber about which the teacher may notice any stiffness er want of pliancy. This will be especially noticed in the .arms and backs of men, and in tie arils and. right sides of women riders., All exercises of the body and the legs should be clone finally at the •canter and the trot and without stirrups. Above all, slteilld the head and neck be free from stiffness: for want of pliancy there is communicated to the whsle body._... M. Ware, ill: ° Learn- ing to Bide," in The Outing -Magazine. Lynched First, Tried Liter. "'What became of that man, you sxrestval its a horse thief?" Lynched," answered Piute Pete. I suppoeo that ends the matter. ' "No. Some o' the boys 1s44 their doubts. ee we're gain' le cail emcee wttneese au' glt mvtdeace that be .really were the guilty parte.." t. $1,000 PILE CURE. A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with ev- ery bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Roll. George Cook. St. Thomas, Ont., writes:— "Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid cured me of a very bad case of Piles of over ten years' standing. I had tried everything, but got no permanent cure till I used Rem -Roll. I had Blind and Bleeding Piles, and suffered every- thing. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Road cured me perfectly." Hem -Rodd removes the cause of Piles. $1.00. All dealers, or The Wilson -Fyfe Co„ Limited, Niagara FallTa Ont. Assassination Never a Success. /i.seassinatton never yet wen a victory for an individual, a party or a cause—and It never wilt The murder of Lieutenant Gen- eral Pavioff adds another to a shamefully long list of similar crimes in Russia, but like all those that have gone before this one will brink Ito fruits to the assassin and his friends. A class of people, whether under a esar or a president, who resort to the torch and the bomb ere not entitled to liberty, The man who slays in the dark. or who shoots down in cold blood and the panty which supports such a man are unfit for self-gov- ernment. The yoke of national oppression can't be broker by anurdering individuals. ISSUE 1N10. 5, 1907. MISCELLANEOUS, Mrs, Winslow's Soothing .syrup should al- ways be usad for childrso teething. It soothos the 00110, soothes the gums, eines wtnd colic and is the best remedy for diar- rhoea. remelts. 55 nee. L FhWY'S FEMALE P?"i.. A sato, enraging rottaete tneoathty regalia. tor, Tbeea ride bavo been used to France for over arty years, and Wend, invaluable for the purputo tlealguad. and are guaren. teed by Me makers, Huebert) stamp fur` salad circular. Price 41.0 pet box er y mull, securely sealed, en receiptof Moe' eel ROY PILL 00.. Box 42, Hamilton, 'Cassaba. Lake Fleet in Harbor. (Newmarket Eveniag Wisconsin.) Mora than $3,000,000 worth of propertyis lying in the waters of Milwaukee harbor at the present time. This is the value placed on the winter fleet of boats hers, Never before have so many and so large tretghtera laid up in this port for the cold season, The total capacity of the grata and ore boats is placed at 360,000 gross tons of ore, or 13,000,000 bushels of wheat. Three of the biggest freighters, the Farling, Shaughnessy and Oliver, are included in the winter 4leet: All three are 10,000 ton boats, and ware constructed at an expenditure of $350,000 each. No other harbor on the Great Lakes Dan boast o2 such a anlghty winter mooring we' is tied up in Milwaukee. ITCHING PILES —Eczema, Eruptions, Pimples—are surely cured ---the moat intense suffering at once relieved—by "'l$31,: W/ sir aittty.•~vt:r•'+%"•,. TRADE MARK REGJsTERED. Ointment --the safe and speedy remedy. "I was troubles! with tehin Piles," leriler one wan whore address we will furnish on request "I used all the salver and remedies lever heard o/' Then I used Mira Ointment—and obtained .mare relief m it than all the others. I rtecomtnend it to atla ietcd with thrs complaint," 50c. each box -6 for $230. Used with Mira Blood Tonic and Tablets means a quicker cure. At drug-gores—or from The Chemins' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. Materializing the Flying Dutchman. (Westminster Gazette.) A strange Sea phantom, which very prob- ably has helped to create the legend of the Flylag Dutchman, is stated to have been ren to earth by the Argentine Government. Many vessels have reported atter rounding the Horn that they have sighted what seemed to be a derelict vessel, or one in need of assistance, sailing in through the straits with decks awash. Vessels have run aground awhile trying to get near this mysterious ap- pat'ltton, under the beitet that there must be a navigable passage for it to sail. Now it one of a number of jagged rocks, which at five mines distance has the appeaa'anee of a bark running under short sails. Probably the white sails of the visionary vessel are produced try the sea bird whitened upper parts of the Drag; the same course has often led the lonely islet of Rockall, which lies out is the Atlantic to the west of the Heb- rides and was the grave of a Norwegian emigrant ship a year or two ago, to be taken for a vessel under full sail. • 0 Q. Unearned Reputation for Piety. (Scranton, Kan., Gazette.) A Burlingame editor had a hiblo lying on his desk far a long time and was beginning to be considered quite a devout man, when noe day an acquaintance, noting the superior binding. picked et up and inquired: "Where did you run across this?" 'Why, it's a temperance book, I gueag," said the editor. One ea to W. C. T. U. women lett it here two or (three menthe ago." 4a'` T�h riG 4 e N. 0 A tl will convince everyhousewife in Canada that "lle1Iaen co Battle,g Poneedesr" is far snborior to any other oo has over .used. It is prepared from the best and purest materia s that money can buy, under the direction of au expert manufacturingchemist, therefore we aro able to sell it on a Casio Guarantee of SatCiofsoetion. Iorder to intodce "tRollanco iniakirsy6 P©enan:r-" we are matting wonderfully attractive premium offers to Boys and Girls. If interested drop us a postal. �" Vim: BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST GARBS ' y u Ra To any user of baking powder we will gladly send, absolutely froee, postage prepaid,riiltlncolors (Simply write latest answering the folio post ug cards,. lithographed in iet. fdarno your Crocor. 2ssd. Narrate 'lata Paper. International Food Company, Toronto, Canada. "Ask for the Purpio Pactet jo." 2 MAC CR LC) Pit gESU L1J l 114.X Ask for < ITZDT'S SAYETY IKATCHIN FOR HOTELS, W W)USES, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC.