The Herald, 1906-10-19, Page 44 The Zurich Herald. ••••••••••••••••ardeirelmor. ,LEGAL CARDS. j. D COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- ifei tor, Notary Public, Henault, Ontario, At Zurich offtee) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR. Mere, Solieltors, Notaries Public, etc., Gotterich, Canada. W. Proudfoot, K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. E. Blair, BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stook sales a, specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All -orders left at Lob 23, Con. 2, Hay, or addrossed to /Tensed P. 0. will be promptly attended to. DR, A. SELLERY, DENTIST, (.411A- tillate of the Royai College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department, of Dentistry, To- ronto University. 'Painless extraction or teeth. Plato work a speciality. At Dominion House,l.•.:Itrieb, every Mon. dav 1-26 E: ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeda, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Doournents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zoller block, Zux.uh, Ont. MUSIC. W./RICH BRASS BAND HA.S BEEN 0-4 ro-organized is now prepared to furnish first-class music for all kinds of amusements. Fol. t:rras apply to or Write F. W. Hess, Se ., Zurich, FOR SALE. GOOD 140 -ACRE FARM for sale being Lot 4 and part. lu: 5, concession 11, Hey. The farm. contains 20 acres good hardwood bush; goo.? brick house and -bank barn; plenty gond water in house and `barn; the farm its well fenced and under. .drainod and is in ,...:st-class. Hhape. For further partici:days apply at, premises or write to John Hartioan, Saropta, P. 0. 52-1m -F712.11I FO SAL -75 es acrof choice land on the 14.7:1 Con., Has, Town. 'ship. Good brick l'eise, hank barn, 40x *60. Good water and well feneed. - Will setfon reasonable terms. Apply at prem.. ises or to ,Williant Stelck. 4tf Zurich. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK ON lot 3, eon. 12, Stanley, I,- mile north of Blake, on Tuesday, 0:t. 23rd, at 1 o'clock Geo, Douglas, proprietor; E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. SrnaH—Swm —Saved. —systernaticany give you. the means to enjoy and. o-wn many things thought only possible to the rich. A vacation abroad; a home; a inoter-car ; a e0 lege education or anything else you wish for can be yours if you save. the dimes and dollars, $1.00 opens an account and interest is paid 4 times a year in The Imre* ad C, SN LL - Manager. ZUR1Ch g- itiKRALO PUBLISIIRD BY B. ZELLBR. Preventice, cit t•he mimic. unphs prevent all Colde and Gri lute whorl taken at the eneeze. stage " Pre. youties aro toothsome caddy isti- ts, Provout.'„:4 dissi pa to ol I of ids otplekly. Knit taken early, when you •first feel the it a leadia ootu lug, t check and proysto7, them. Pres -en. tics are thoroughly 54H f( for elaid- ren, teed ue effectual for adnitn aold and reeotemended in 5 eent and. !2-5 cent boxes by J J Merner. The Skne of hall trouble Yon cat Surely Secure Heart Health and Strength through Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Boort weakness wii:rh can be dealt with It 'mills nerve weakness. Just as your hand trem- bles when its 11(11'VC9 are weak, when your heart nerves aro weal< your hart, Mitten) and palpi- tates. Qther siglim art shortness of breath after slight entercise; tainting HP0118; pain or tender- ness about the heart caused by irregular heart action; (Molting sen Mon as if the heart was in the throat, uneasy ,,,, s'en s a ti on in the cuest, showing that51,„ the h o a r t is n 't working right; •o Pain when you lie on one side-- usually the left side, but fro- +,..„ q a 0 n t 1 5, the right, painful , , a n d difficult breathing; ,, , „ t soling. TNT, smothered There is ab - (1015(5811 on- ly one way to treat Weak heart. 1 s t, o bringbaolt natural and permanent etrensthl,u its nerves, Can you imagine how ally- thing else can be .done? Du, Shoop's Restorative w ill ir ng btbank t.,ii. iltrengli to the Leart nerves always. ,, There is nothing in this remedy to stimu-v late; nothing that leads to reaction. The strength that it gives im natural and permaneut. at is Just the same' strength as Ilature givus to those who are well. Dr. Shoop's naltorative (Tablets or Liquid) creates strength which extends over the whole eatea nerve systemt—it everc.orees the Catlett '.4lit the trouble as well as the reatilt. Field by FRIDAY, OCT. 19th, 1906. DRYSDA LE. The severe snow storm of the past week has been replaced by real beautiful autumnweather and the farmers are demonstrating their ap- preciation of the latter by taking up their roots and potatoes. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott of Bayfield spent Sunday last at the home of John Howard. John Etue had the misfortnne to lose a valuable mare one clay during the past week, the animal dying instantly while in Zurich. A. Murray has recently- purchaeed a large storage tank. It is Mr. Murray's intention to have a power wind mill erected on his barn where- by he will be enahreal to do his own straw -cutting, pulping and grinding, and also furnish his own water sup- ply. This will no doubt greatly improve the appearance of his estate and will be economical as well as convenient. Miss Pearl Walsh is at present spending her holidays in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ran of the Commerical Hotel, Zurich, were guests of the former's brother, Mr. .Toseph Rea of this place on Sunday bet. Mise M. Lamont of the Goshen Line Stanley, is this week renewing; old acquaintances at the home of W. Dowson. The revivel services still continue to be held in the Union Church north of the village. and marvellous resnits are being accomplished each night. Nov that the holiday ssa.sen is here many of our city friends are here to visit their country cousins NR)141 are glad to Fee them. to renew old acquaintances and probably to feral new ones. Among the arrivals are the following: Miss Celina Dur- and o f Winthrop, the Misses Lnla Snider and Sadie Watson of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, Miss, Rhea Sterling of the Goderich Col- legia.te Institute and Mr. A. Putth- arme of Stratford - Mr. William Stogdill of the Goshen line, Stanton, accompanied by his sister, the Misses Edith and Elmira, spent Sunday last at the home of J. Snider. J. J. MERNER. BLAKE Quite a snow -storm visited us last week and proved quite destruc- tive to many orchards. Several, hem -even seized the opportunity and slioek off thatr apples, a much &rick- er way thanlhe puling process. Miss Sarah Allan Simdayed at the horse of Mr. R. N. Douglas. Our milt is quite busy thee days. Thanksgiving DaV passed over quietly with us. A few of our 4 g ports spent the day in the woods in search of the furry quadrupeds. Mr. J. FL Tom, I. P. 5., intends payrta, our selioel a visit on Tues- day :orenoon, the 23rd inst... and iene.141 be pleesed to meet will: aet. ria, of the retepoyere as can fled it convenient to come. Ile Purposes eiviug, a 1 alk on the "New Public ;oboe' Act," which is the foremost question of the day. All are wel- uorns and should attend. 1$(1r. IT. K. Either, son of our M. P. P. of South ss eit, Mon- day forencion in our village collect- ing fre insurance money. HIENSAL.L. A large amount of grain has been marketed the past few weeks. The new residences being erected in oar town are fast nearing com- pletion. Hensall may well be proud of bur many beautiful homes.. The Thanksgiving services in the Methodist church on Sunday, Oct. 7th, was very successful. The collections amounted to nearly $100. We are having our first spring bore now. The second winter will soon be upon no. Garnet Case has started to -work at the station here. Mrs. Neelauds attended the fun- eral of her brother-in-law at Toron. to. Beaching the flax is now the order of the day- at the flax mills. .43.4-43.43.-49.4-0-€4.44.4+46.4-04 COUNTY NEWS. seelefleeale4.3.-4.3.43eeSesCeeeteeteeere+4Eses Torments of Tetter and Eczema Allayed. The intensedtching characteristic Of eczema, tetter and like skin diseases is instantlyallayed by ape plying Chamberlain's Salve and many severe cases have been per- menently cueod by its tee. For iaie by J Merner, Charles Snell, an esteemed resid- ent of Exeter, died at his home in that town on Thursday, Oct. 4th, at the age of 70 years. • IR a football match for the Hough Cup last Saturday, Clinton, the holders of the cup, defeated Sea - forth btr a Seeee of to O. Arthur Nelson, a young lad from Clinton. fell from a fourth story window facing Dundas street Lon- don, on. Monday, and when picked up it was found that he was not much, hurt. A wire, which he hit during,his fall, broke the force of his fall. John Delbridge of Ilsborne, had one of bis cattle killed by a falling tree and another seriously injured. He had set fire to a lot of brush and the tree became Ignited, burning it enough, to allow it to topple over. The animals were grazing near by and. were struck by a falling tree. A. P. Oundry, A., Science Master in the Brantford Collegiate Institut-, has been engaged as prin- cipal of Clinton Collegiate Institute at a salary of $1,400. Miss Water - worth has been re -appointed as Com- mercial Specialist 'at a salary of $700. During the storm on Monday ev- ening oflastweek, Wm. Ivers of West Wawanosh was driving home from. Goderieh with a load of lum- ber. In the darkness the horses got of the road and upset the load, burying Ivers beneath it. He was dead when found. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- hew England, on the 3rd concession of Stephen, was saddened on Sun- day, Oct. '7th, by the death of their bright little daughter, Myrtle Irene, at the age of 1 year, 5 months and 2 dare The little one hal been ill only a few daystfrom teething and pneumooia. Ifni Herbe rt of Exeter North had his barn destroyed by lire sue day last week. 1 he fire was not noticed until it had made too great headway and could not be checked. Mr. Willis' barn caught fire but the flames were extinguished before any damage was done. it is thought thentateu wrs -set on fire. • At azonvention of the postmast- ers of Huron County at Clinton on Oct. 0th', an association was formed with the following officers: Pres., D. 13. McKinnon, Blyth ; Vice -Pres., P. .Hanlon, Centralia; iieCy-TreaS., W. T. England, Crediton East; Ex- ecutive Comm itte, F. Farrow, Brus- sels; P. Fisher, Wingham ; E. Christie, Exeter and G. D. Suther- land, Seaforth and the above nam- ed officers. Word bas been received that Miss Jeseie Robertson, a former teacher it. the Exeter school, who disap- peared so completely at Quebec. some weeks ago, bas been located in Buffalo. Her state of health bad been affected by her poor health. When found she was employed with a china decorative firm. The giri will be taken bank to Goderich, ber home. When the tip of a dog's nose is cold and moist, that dog isnot sick. A feverish dry nose toeuras sickness with a dog. And so with the hu- man lips. Dry. cracked and color- less lips mean feverishness. and are as well ill appearing. To have beautiful, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get a free trial box et our store, and be convinced. Large nickel capped jars, 25 cents. J J Merner. Police Magistrate Humber of GoneriCh recently he trd a case un- der the Fruit Marks Act, a Gode- rich dealer charged with having sold Sonia alsely marked apples. The information wan laid by Inspector Gifford, of Meaford. Fifteen bar- rels marked XXX had only XX apples in them, but as the fault was evidently with the packer, not with the ahipper, the magistrate was not disposed to take a harsh view of the matter. The shipper pleaded guilty and paid a penalty Of 50 cents per barrel. The new Pure Food and Drug Law will neark it on the label of every Cough Cure containing opium Chloroform, or any other stupify- ing poisonous drug. But it passes Dr, Shoop's Cough Cure as made for 20. years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr Shoop's Cough Cure is absolute- ly. safe even for the ydungest babe —and itasures, it does not simply suppress. Get a safe and reliable emegh cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let the law be your protection. We cheerfully recommend and sell it. j 3 Merner. Harness DOUBLE and SINGLE HARNESS, FUR ROBES HORSE BLANKETS, FANCY RUGS, COLLARS WHIPS BRUSHES,'PUR- SES, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, Etc, Repairing Done Promptly H. WELL, = Furniture PARLOR SUITS, BED. ROOM SUITS, CHAIRS, TABLES, FANCY ROCK- ERS, BUFFETS, SIDE BOARDS, BOOK CASES, WRITING DESKS, PIC- TURE FRAMING. Organs and Pianos.il = = Zurich, Ont. The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand. . C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good niaterial. I also do CUSTOM SAWINC and PLANINC farChopping done every Tuesday and. Friday. F. C. ICALBFLEISCH, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH ZURICH'S GROCERY and FLOUR and FEED STORE E beg to call :your attention to (Air nicely assorted stock of fresh Groceries. Our aim. is to buy nothing but the best, and a look through our stock will convince you that our goods cannot be excelled. Buy your Groceries here and save money, A. call solicited. alommineoarreramoommiaswwwftoosmonwitneirecumaimetve.erso 11:12.11M11111000=1•11.1011.11.1111MMOMM11111110M.11 Fine and Coarse Salt, $1.4o per Barrel. 1111.11.1111.11.11 4.11.101•143. OUR FLOUR AND FEED DEPARTMENT always contains a fall supply of • Shorts, Bran, Middlings, etc., etc. In flour we handle only the best at prices as low as any. Try some "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" or "STAR" and you will use no other. Give it a trial. INTERNA.TIONAL and CARNEFAC Stock Foods. 8. ane & Son CREDITON Percy Banes is attending the ormad School at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ewald and. children are visiting relatives in Saginaw, Mich, Geo. Eilber, jr has returned from New Ontario, where he has been fire ranger for the past few months. Messrs. Zwicker and Brown spent, Sunday in Zurich.. Oscar Floclgins. and (laughter of Detroit are visiting relatives here. Alfred Bedford and family have moved to London where they will make their future home. Much damage was done to orch- ares andshade trees by the snow of Wednesday last breaking off the branches. Don't despise a man because he ie poor. A lion is not leas royai because he happens to be chained. Great trouble is found this year in getting men for the lumber woods. It is said by a western operator that for the past two or three winters many of the lumber camps were but half supplied with wood choppers, 'while one or two camps were not opened. up at all because no men could be found who would work in the woods. The present generation is not learning the art of chopping down trees for the reason that there is future a- head. ST NLEY TOWNSHI Mr. Monteith and wife of New Ontario, have returned hotne, after 'visiting near Brucefietd. The sawmill of Monteith & Beth in New Ontario is now run- ning full time, employing 22 hands. James Dale, of the 5th con.. who bought John Chapnia.n's place, set out some fire recently and it spread on him and has burned several standing trees of considerable value, It has also got into W. Hart's bush 'and has done some damage there also, Mrs. Jones and her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hart, have arrived on a visit of some length. They are daughters of Mr. John Cochrane, of near Hillsgreen. The suit of Moor vs Burns which was brought before Judge Holt at the last sitting of the Division Court at Bayfielcl was decided in favor of defendant, his honor find- ing the mode of procedure advanc- ed by Mr. Moor did not justify a. decision against Mr. Burns. It is our sad duty to record the death of Miss Luella Rouatt, daughter of Robt, Rouatt, of Lon- don, which took place in that city after only three days illness. The deceased young lady was only in he twenty-first year and was a native of Bayfield, the family only Moving to London a few mouthet ago. The remains were brought to Bayfield far interment.