The Herald, 1906-08-10, Page 1TILE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. VII., No. 3 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1906. Shorthand AND Typewriting The following is a partial list of the firms engaging our graduate stenographers within the past few days: W. J. Gage & Co., Toronto Barrister Vanstone, Wingham Cottam Seed Co., London Marks Electric Co., Detroit Monarch Typewriter Co., Toronto Clinton Business College "Affiliated with Winghaan Business College." OPENS SEPT. 3rd Drop a postal for information. GEO. SPOTTON Principal ®groes �a�c� )41p4-"."4-14114-11. . The masons have started the brick work on Peter Koehler's new residence. The flax pulling for this season is over, the gang finishing up on Wednesday. Mr. Edgar Magel visited relatives and friends in Stratford and Ber- Iin over Sunday. Messrs. W. Berry and Earl Speck - man of Exeter visited friends in town over Sunday. Miss Tillie Well returned to Toronto on Monday, after a plea- sant visit at her home here. Mr. J. Preeter and family re- turned last Friday from a pleasant visit with relatives in Michigan. Quite a number from this section intend taking in the harvest ex- cursion to the West next Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Hess, Sr.; and daugh- ter, Flora, visited friends and re- latives in Berlin for a few, days this week. Miss Mabel Buchanan B. A., and sister, Blanche, of Jarvis, were the guests of their uncle, Dr. Buchanan on Wednesday. J. F. Rickbeil has improved his residence by replacing the old porch with a handsome cement one and giving the house a coat of paint. Messrs. Albert and Geo. Snaith have purchased a fine 80 -acre farm, with stock and implements, near Croswell, Mich. They intend to move onto it this fall. Sunday was a very hot claw and persons who had a horse and rig, spent the day at the lake shore. The rain in the evening cooled the atmosphere somewhat. Mr. Leo Charlesworth, while passing along behind the counter in the hardware store on Tuesday, had the misfortune to come in con- tact with a pane of glass which projected over the edge, with the result that he received a bad gash on his leg. He has to use a cane to travel about. SHOOTING MATCH, Last Thursday evening an ex- citing shooting contest took place between the members of the Gun Club, Two teams wore picked out, one, the "Champions," being com- posed of those having the highest average scores, and the other, the "Scrubs," being composed of those with lower average scores. The scores throughout were good and the "Scrubs" set a hot pace for the "Champions," but the latter won out by 9 birds. Yungblut and Schenck were tied for the medal and it took four birds each to break the tie, Schenck capturing it by hitting three out of the four. The score : CHAMPIONS. LOCAL NEWS. W. Hess, Capt. 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 J. P. Rau 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 W. O'Brien 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 J. Truemner 01 11 0 1 0 1 0 1 C. Fritz i 1 1,1 111 1.0 0 J. Schuettler0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 A, Zettel 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Geo. Bess 0 0 10 1 11.0 1 1 8 7 7 6 8 4 7 6 53 SCRUBS, E. Zeller, Capt0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 4 H. Yungblut11111111 01 9 M. Meidinger1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 6 P. Lamont 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 Jacob Deichert0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 P. Sipplb 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 W. Schenck1 1 1. 1 1. 1 1 0 1 1 9 A. Mittelholtz0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 5 44 New ads—Yungblut & Deiehert, Sovereign Bank. Miss Olive Peine of London is visiting relatives here for a few weeks. Mr. Win. Brown of Toronto visit- ed friends in this vicinity for a few days this week, Wm Hildebrand and family have moved to Hensall, where he has se- cured a position. Messrs. Wein and Bertrand of Crediton `called on friends in the village on Tuesday. Mrs. J. J. Merner has returned from an extended visit with rela- tives in Toledo, O. Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Howald visited their son, Henry, at Berlin, for a few days this week. Miss Annie Woolly left on Mon- day on an extended trip to visit friends at Tavistock and Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stelck, who have been visiting relatives here, leave for their home in Dauphin, Man, , tomorrow. For sale :—A Newcombe piano. As good as new. Will be sold rea- sonable. For particulars apply to C. Eilber, Zurich. Miss Mabel Capling, daughter of Mr. Peter Capling, Blake, who has been teaching school in Alberta, is visiting at her home during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock and two children, of Souris, Man., and Miss Strang of Dauphin, Man.. are visiting at the home of Wni. Fee, Goshen Line, at present. Misses Vera and Beryl Jennison, who have been visiting relatives here. returned to their home in St. Joseph on Wednesday. Miss Olive O'Brien accompanied them and will visit for a short time. Mr. Henry Weil. who has been confined to the house for some months on account of illness, is able io go about with the aid of canes and expects soon to recover his usual good health. The intense itching characteris- tic of salt rheum and eczema is in= stantly allayed by applying Cham- berlain's Salve. As a cure for skin diseases this salve is unequalled. For sale by J. J. Merner. Dr. OVENS, M. D., London, Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Hensall, on Thursday, Sept. 6th. Hours 4.30 p. in. to 9 p. rn. Glasses properly flitted for relief of failing vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf $ 1. Per Year. Many from thevillage spent Sun- day at the Bend, Mr. Mike Meidinger took in the sights at the Berlin Olcl, Boys Re- union this week. Special missiona Y, services will be held in the Lutheran church here next Sunday. Miss Maggie Schnell of Detroit is visiting at her home on the 14th con. for a few weeks. Monday was Hensall's civic holi- day and a large number of the citizens passed .through Zurich on their way to the Bend. Mr. Daniel Smith, of the Sauble Line, spent a few days last week with his. brother, in the vicinity of New Hamburg. Remember, for the email sant of 25 cents we will send Tian H4RALD to any address in Canada dr the United States until the end of 1906. The Misses Morrow"ef La Riviere, Man., are visiting friends and re- latives in this vicinity for a few weeks. Among those who attended the Masonic picnic from a distance that we had the please 'e of meet- ing were Messrs. Preeter, of Zurich Ont. and Brown of Orediton, Ont., Mr. Dennis Durstein and wife of Bad Axe, whose acquaintance we had the pleasure "way back oast" in the "80's." Say, Bennie, but that visit did remind, ns of olden times—Doan get on' .Ole Sofa or you may have a Rau.—Caseville Critic. Mr. J. Preeter, who visited var- ious points in Michigan last week, states that for Sunday excursions the railroad running from Pontiac to Caseville has them all beat. On week days the train Consists only of one passenger coach and this usually has only six or seven per• sons in it, but on Sunda} the trains are made up of six andseven coach- es and all are packed with people. Surely Michigan ice in need of a Sunday. observance lane There is certain to bemuch more than the usual interest taken in the municipal elections next January. The reeve of each township will go to the county council, as well as the village and town reeves. Many of the men who have served faith- fully in the home councils for years will thus have a chance to enlarge their experience and usefulness. It is also argued in this way that the very best men in a Local municipa- lity will be secured for service in the councils. " aking Powder Prizes. I have just received NO prizes of white Gran- iteware which 1 am giving with Arts Baking Powder. Follow the list below: I.. Large white granite preserving kettle with 1 lb Baking Powder. 2. Large white granite 6 quart pudding pan with 1 lb. Baking Powder. 3. Large white granite wash bowl with 1 lb. Baking Powder. 4. Large White granite loug-handled saucepan with 1 lb. Baking Powder. 5. A set of two white -granite pudding pans, 1?: qt. and qt., with 1.1b 'Baking,l'uwvder. 6. Assorted set of *bite graniteitiro--1 small saucepan, 1 small pudding pan, 1 ten .inch pie plate with 1 Ib. "Baking Powder. White:granite set -1 medium sized. saucepan, 1 long- . ,handled. .101e, 1e, 1 mug, with 1 lb Baking Powder. • Be ieire .and cal! 'to see these Bargains. • SIfiNTAWIMMRAWMAMPMRAMARTWAJ 2 a.-a•0.c.. ..' •a.a•a•a d a•a o•a a.aqv.o•ea. o•a ,?OOGO"G°t7d•P•Gy�•O 040U4't7UG�"4,�a�, 0..6 ‘i 0 0 I t re t her Shoes. �I / 40 We have a fine line of Shoes for Qli QD Summer Wear. . Our white c an - (r, p vas shoes are neatly made, look D dressy and are reasonable. in price, They are just the thing for com- b. 0 fort and coolness. ""- r eC ,3;:Oul lines o�. shoes �c�.c ba.l,,,�t.,�,;:�....,,. . Lathes and -Men are complete. D00 We have the latest styles and our 0.�0 prices are right. Give us a call. 4.6 4.p Good Qu aiity—ReasonabJle Prices. o . F FT � The �� � QOM_ 00� 4,�, p�l�e.f»�bSM� � ��3!n {,4, .reit, i�"l, �.���e .�.�,:����a'., �t��a ,..i Lr X• :i{`�, � ���r+� v4 i'J��ir� '�+. �k.� �C�.� t{..�'�til���MJ��` +;7�.:.r°' a.wsp xjw-�ae 44 •Vito tai BOY suIT We have several nice lines, for boys from 3 to 8 years: Plain Navy Duck, trimmed with white and Sailor collar, for 1.7 Dark • and light blue stripes with blouse, per suit 75 CENTS Plain linen Coat and Pants, extra valuo, per suit , 75 Also- linen Blouse and skirt, very stylish and ser riceable, per suit .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 2. 0 2a 25 These are the correct things for little folks during the hot weather. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS We have several lines of these, all have to go at a big reduction; they must be cleared out. 1 line in light and dark patterns, exceptionally good value at. MkteedelMsetaaveoneeremslaNtioneP MUSLIN Our Muslins are moving out rapidly these warm •days, but we still have a nice assortment to select from. We are giving special values in all the newest patterns and cloths. HITE, We have a full range of white. and tan Hose for Ladies and Children—all sizes—the kind every- body is looking for. Also Long White and Create. Lace Gloves at 25ets a pair. r. TAN HOSE J. PETER , GEN 'tianW AL MERCHANT ICH 0