The Herald, 1911-01-27, Page 6VISHART GOMING. TOFACE CHARGES New York Broker Says He is Anxious to Clear His Name of Suspicion. Expected in Toronto To -day to Answer Oharges in Farmers Bank Case. Dr. Nesbitt Has Decided to Remain in Seclusion Until Excitement is Over. Toronto despatch•• -1t was anthorita. tiveleasannounced last. night that Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, the first president of the farmers Bank, who is wanted on a -charge of furnishing false reterns to the Government relative to the aseete o.f the institution, will not return to Co ionto at present. This course hag Team adopted on legal • advice, it being felt that in the t.xeited Mate of the public rniud oter the looting of tate bank; east nnprejudic•ed verdict would be difficult to obtain. Until the excitement ocea- eioned by the revel tions of the darii g manner iu which the b:tell; was wrecked- has trecitedhas been allayed the genial doetor• will endeavor to remain under euvr`r. from which he twill emerge when he thinks the psyc•itologiea.l moment has arrived. Be is said to be comfortably situated in Net, Vora. ;State at a point in whielt ike can have dant conunurdeation with his advisers in '1'nronto. and is no dnitbt following with interest the t I' oris oaths Crown to loeate biro. WISH SRT 'ID A.PPEA R. Mr. George \\ishart, who i$ charged with conspiring with Dr. lleattie. \e • hitt to rob the Farmer:, Bank through the medium of the Keele` Mine of fitaol,- 000, has consented to eone to Toronto at ones. Ile would have come to Toron- to some deys ago on!v that he was ad- vised that such action c•n bis part wnnitl he inopportune. Arrangements for the granting of bail to \\'i.Iutrt n'ie ar- ranged yesterday and he is eapeeteci to arrive in the city to -day. Wishart ate serts that lie eau establish that he never received a dollar from the Farmers Bank and that the charge preferred against. him has no foundation in feet. Wishart was associated with 'J'rarer•s and Nesbitt in the negotiations leading nn to the t•ransfor of the Keeley Mine •to the bank. It is intimated that W. T. Lixtdsay- who had ehargc.of the sell ing of the stock when the batik was first )ir•onioted, will voluntarily present himself. In a statement ;;igen out by George Wishart in Nework yesterday, he said: "It is a faet that 1 had stoek in the Keeley aline, It is also a feet that lcni:w Messrs. Nesbitt and Travera, for- merly of the Farmers Bank. of Toronto. Tt is also a. feet that T still have money to my credit in that bank. "I know of nothing that. 1 have done on which a conspiracy charge or any other eriminla charge eould possibly be made against me in connection with the affairs of these two tnen, the 'Keeley Mine or the Farmers Batik." The Farmers Bank sunk in all about $1,156,000 in the. Keeley Mine, showing that •it ought to be a, valuable property, as there was a lot of silver put in it. 'When the mine was taken over by the Keeley Mine Company. Travers acted in the dual rote of secretary of the urine company and general manager of the Vernons 13a,tk, advancing witbouf. an- thor•izaiion upwards of $02,1,000 of the baek'e funds to the mine. TO SAFEGUARD EC11:ARU IBAN K5. • 1t is now announced tlt.t't the Cana. dant Bankers' Association will iuvcsta gator the whole ' pt•obl`'nt eortneetecl with the. inspection of chartered banks in a way to fulfill any duty which they may hidire.tly owe to the country in the way of ensnring depositors and shareholders from loss. It is alto- gether l,t•oba.ble in view of the tamales in„ csf the farmers' Bank and the er•iticiem that the revelations •of the' free and easy methods of the umnagee tnent ?tote engendered may lead to the poctpuuement of the proposed re- tisioit of the 11a,akinr. Act now before the Dominion Parliament. infor-' motion is new being Collected 'by the Canadian Bankers- Associatiotr. - for pt'escreiation to the Government deal- ing spec:ifiretly tt•ith the granting of charters. and method.; of inspection. The c..o.1:11.ion sloes not look favor- ably on the plan of Government in- spection. beldirg that it could not be done, in as efficient' alanntr. it is Iola that ;thno,st nay bank manager who seishea to do so eould deceive a Guts rants nt inspector, anti than ort• der enter Or lis Government certifieaf.e nonernit greater erimc titan ever ages u<t•. his depositors and shareholders. The manoet• in which 1 -he i arnters )3ank cle- reiverl 111. (,'rivet' nnsut both tee to its stetter and the nature of its assets is e:itra lie n “it itt paint, rli:\\-I 1 t STILL IN 3h.Ii.. . Travers „i stat, eonfined to • the Teen mem jail, and it ig not probable that Ito will be sent to Ttiittg ton uutil after the proceedings agminat the provisional eireite•rt•, which will he opened • ori ih'iciey, The eetion against \Visbart may also require the presence of the ex -manager. as it wee 'Wishart -who ohtt,xtted the option on the potrperty for (;be Keeley Mine Company. • "free vers need \rr iehart's mane in some• t� Get time'. lett itt -the ettratnt s stetruteut t.herr is 'nothiptg to shod (lint \Vieh r etbl local tune euont t from the !Oneonta;!Oneonta;]'lank: aritihtirt will lir "itt t i eeil:mt to ei eke clear just what anemia of drtrl- opue•ttt weak tt;ts etnt1101('on the property, ttntunahowhowtouch of the 10011 +` was avtttn!1 v .';el,rtrl• :l girl the mine, i )u his dm ip•r=. itracts;tion:, which. wi'tt Varied, ii, ijr, 1 t ti °-ie` Nesti; ' tram. itoll idrntifit`•l withwiththe itteel.n 11atedne W1(1(1 '1'0(11 ('ti:illutnt •, It+ 1 tIr`-1 111 Pili` (i1 (.11 Or the ;looter,: life. 'Cite' Crown afate that ail�litional ire f<<rl1 tliort will It u ie eel io elar. atttt1n t m01111 aitl tn ire mes(e(lated with 'flavors itt ilii 1vi'ii'king if the brink. 'reroute de.epttielt There are se WWI n- elt.rtiI1 cit ve'f Ola:0011;-` :It Fit 5.111 e`rs Mink tieiley, and it t - w':• i118`'. tall, nbc nt. Blore t-arrn;ii le he is- sued hitt there ig nothing (1e ^Mite. in ell prebehtll1. ('n?. M1'nro ! of nibro, the president of the wreeloul iustitn- lialt, ti°'ill rt 'civ' 11 smolt, 00 regtO l- rn; his pe .:srrtee in vourt• bot, noth- hter ttl(re rimalie is uii ("1‘.V.). e AVishnrt, th,' pronroler, is &I1t1- u sed to have 'left'leftNew York City for 'Toronto. butbuthard not errivetl at nowt. "'\\`ill 1,e arra Bail if 1114 S' i'r'-• sci'f nit`s 111-1)',0:111"111-1)',0:111"1)11110;111 \y\11.1Saal:eci, "Doi ea ever lutnw of n than vita log htnt,sif no whet did not gtt ball" tsts the arlifieont reply. "Ther"Thereararepolite to be ;,tt:e t'trll- ing ('meostlre. yet." This was the o;rly thinethine1nepeetor 1)ruica.n would trrlmit this morning. "There are' mates' peot;u ple illime! transaetintts with the Link elm are juet shakingshakingin their haat: ritrht n+ate," he e, ttitit•e'l. "But"Butthe time ie not riles. far eivi't; trny'liing out for put liea;ion yet 3l.rste:t, stare as s, erteo have a.srv- ed roti;••. cru 1151 i t of 1\ . 11. ''Food that they will mime !afore' 11r. Jn:=- tii•e Britten venter:et, t: ii:i order winding up Farair•r-• Ercall. lir. Wood liar. •t ria irn of 5.1.050, as bolder of notes of the 1'',r:rjt17Boni:. and 1) i; fiiso a. li re't:.l+ler for $100.He cheerer that int•"e liar been en itopel:• treat of c:+l:t;al by tea sea of the bolt., 10the leeml'y mine and he a -hs :1n t:1reetigrt14,;1- F, \\, Nair, owner of 'tae lr.tiiditr:, in eittrh rile Ft;gnu rr' Ilvnl, Oras oifi^e i artl:tted. and a .le1t•irb^r n!ri't the hank for a r•.e:ieirtettilrte• nee moo• -:vied to-rhiv the: he ilea .pokrii to tell. minim. the President, on 1.15,. 15. Italia ntrarion.rtg featfeare reghc s it the Kerleyntiue and ether ireeseetioee. Ile aide01,1 he told ('ol. tholes, that if he ea,: n 11 farm:- iar mita c'and:t.ioas he should ievesth gate n'ttllolrt delay. ('e1. 21unn to -day admitted he had 1151'11 si,aken to Ly hitt deg -lar. ea that no definite r'iia:rge 'had lii`eti made, and that there wee ae:1'qr for lung 10 take hold of, lie admitted rely- ing no the oifhiial monthly repeat,in.stead of s r .eking to Unman tir F t. _:b - bon ori to tate bank . ft<tat;ees, W. .f. Lindsay's snit agatiest the Far- mersBank involves a el;tim Of about 8]3i].000 fur m contissinn on stock. at suma share, and for work dime itt Nemeectiott with the sale of it. The hank denitA tbat there was a eontralel for morethemone year. and state' that the ernlnticsion has been paid to 'Aire Travers and his Oahu, if atty. messhe ermine. Hint. Thebank counter realm; against 3 nri't=y nn an overdraft for $1,81`2.93. DUKE OF 'BECK May be Governor-General if Duke of Connaught Dogs Not Come, Ottaway, Jan. 2:1.- It is learned by your eurorspondent from high alttlior- ily thet Itis ,Serene IIighness the palmof Teck- eldctt brother of ween :tiary.may be the next, tlovernen•-tlerteral of Can- ada. Although no official advices have been received here by the Goverment,yet that the Duke of Connaught will he unable; to come to Canada this year as representative. of the King, owing to theneed of bis presence in England until the Prime of Wales is old enough to assume the ditties of his position, present indi- cationsrare that Itis Royal Highness will be prevented from coming for that rea- entp It is understood that the Imperial Gotcrltrnent is now sugesting in an in- formal wait that the Doke of Teck ',emir' be it sttitalrle choice av 81100m:10r to Lord Grey. in ease it is found that the Duke of Connaught cannot be spar - rid. The matter. hug as yet•not got be- yond tile stage of teutatirc suggestion, lint itis known that it is ander consider- ation. • His Stamm. Highness, ie o.gr mason of tare •first Dukes of Cmtnbi•idg,t and the eldeet son of the late Duke of Teel: and of Tit R. 1T Prince :Stare Adelaide. Ile wee born .d 1ti,ttsixrginn Palma oit Aug. lit ii, :ma sew service in Louth. Africa es tritneport officer of a eninposit.e eav- 11lly regiment. the treq t'empnrery ntiit- tstry al:te(l at, 'Vicuna in 1901, C. N. R. tiEAD OFFICE. Toronto. ,r all. °... ••-- The Ctnad.n ia 'Northern Dailtv.t,y Co. will 'MVOits head tfflet- Mini Uttar preeentposition on the 1 eaten of Kilos; toner Toronto streets to a new site 011 the south side, of Queen street west 6:cas'ily opposite tlttiycrsity _avenue. Ott '.l''treselay lest the sake of I(3Ctt6 (armee street west to Sir William1V1,teel<s tt ie was registered. but the reg. istrsttiori does not disclose the priee. J. I lvn appeared before Pollee Mag. isttaterBoggs, at Cobolirg. charged with setting fire to the 'tenseie whir% he of lured, gird was &imitritteti for, trial. REF Railway Men at Toronto -to be Put flit l;till Time: Mr. Jas, Foos YPays Off Deficit of Mgtreal Hospital. ran AGRed Steamship Company Be- ing Formed. Tile temia.,.tore nt frit•-: atuperf; iet five elogin's' true acro, tie'etadest. terve kiuiwit the r Di. p 1' tir•ehv vat el,*eterl chair. men of the '•ir•rtiiford Pttldit School Boatel at t , it:.rugural meeting. It is mum at. Liverpool that an all - red etea t. -•h: ornitiiny is beteg framed, with tr emelt. et : two minions. The rune. a•ieiit ' of (hare Claude .i:Iut street, auto. has decided to sell the edifice . •] muter` elsewhere. Guelph .'t• ,ytory elected as 114 1110 - dem r or. 110-deraror, t , , (1, \\'-ilsott, of Acton. who summed- ',•t`. W. 11. 1!eIntosit, of Elora John l'iv'uc'. •. e farmer living in Chef - fey T(ttu hip; is amt -.ler arrest, rbarged %t'itli threaiee ar to murder .i Mrs. attthle. Official sten-live is -tied to-rley show that ItiOirttu ,el18ttiards. (indented. in 11110. tunt:y 411 item going to ('anada and the thlited St: tee. A Mit-taiga:: • 'entre' express struck a Speeder t ItttL east. of Edwards, Ont., mud badlt int tail a section foreman named Let, le, site speeder teas clrnutli p- erl. Falls. Ont.. a yoair; mart nairteei ,iii ,l,!i .lenitt had his feat i,ttli- iv frozen, 11t' w, working for .t fann- er near 1'respet't tit the time chopping mond. 1)alhottsie l'rrtversity. Halifax. N. S., hoe ptu•c•ltatail Ilse Studley estate. forty sores. awnedby the late Dr. Robert 2 ii'1•ay, Tor tz50.00C. It will erect new buildings. At the an118.al streeting of the Royal Viet oria Ilosp.ittl. Montreal, it was an- nnuneed !bet .Mr. atones ROSS ltad agreed tri pa), off a deficit of 514.791 on the teat oral. The White ` i•ar Line training ship Mersey. white:140? Melbourne. Jan. 10, is overdixa at ti vdhey, N. 8. W.. presum- ably resum- atily lememeaWitt ileeevere easterly gales prevailing. :, nu es of 113' M- :1'he ,. t I.etC�s?g residenc:e, 1lyseltkoff a millionaire, tuns tlevtroyed by fire. The building contained r: veto - aide art collectlam including Van Dyck's printing of 'Stimson and Dallies" At a joint ,session to -day the Parr.- gua.ayn congress (tceepted the resigna- tions of Pre.eident Manuel Gondera ages Vice -'President ,Tuan Geeta, and elected ('ol..1ara..mresident of the r'epublie. A. large eagle, ravenous with hunger, attacked and. killed a doer near Enfield,' Mass., Monday. Farmers watched the en- t:miriter. but did not interfere as both eagle and deer: are protected by law. Fire broke out this morning in the premises of the Maple Leaf Milling Co.. at Brandon. ktan. The firemen were able to confine the fire in elevator No. 1, and the loss kept down to $75,000. The New York Tribune to -day' an- netutees that Governor Dix hes request- er) the resignation of Cornelius Viollins, State Superintendent of Prisons, and that Superintendent Collins has rel iseti to give it. At a meeting of the Nova. Scotia Gov- ernment of Prance Edward Island, the resignation of Wm, Laird, New Glass- gow, Liberal member of the second die -1 triett 'of Queop'B, was considered. III - health is the cause. The majority of the Grand Trunk and Canadian. Pacific shop employees in the Toronto terminals are pleas- ed men today with the knowledge that they are to be put on full time from :February last, Fire which started from some un- known cause in A. G. Parker's geacrtl store at Pownal, this morning •dear aired that building, the pout -office, M'r. Park- er's house and. barn, the Baptist Church, and two large ;storehouses. Prof. J. -Geo. Mains, president of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, addressed a representa- tive meeting in the railway committee room of the house of Commons on the tuberculosis problem in Canada. Word, was received at Toronto oa the death of. Mrs. Elizabeth Ketchum in New Jersey, 'iii her 85th year Mrs. Ketchum was m. residattt of tate "gin er House' for iiiirty-two years and a sister of the late Mr. 3. C. Palmer, of the 'Fel- tner House. The iiht :`draw Cement Works, Calgary, Alb., were sold in sheriff's office to the Oana,dian Cement merger for 51,000,800.- G0. To bind the bargain $120,000 in cash was paid down.. The I:xshow Co. went' into liquidation at the request of the die - eaters. OLD SAFETY PINS. New York, Tan. 23.—A London cable to the Herald altys Charles )udley Ward, tan English archeologist, who is making excavations a.t Colchester, To - ports finding safety pins more than tefd thousand yenta old. ': Ile says they ap- parently were in comtxon use by the WI - dent 1oin,ans- S COLUMN JOSEPHINE, CHAMPION COW EARNS, $4 A DAY a. •P0: I)o you keep ' -it cote? Would you like to keep, a vow? Have you a bunch to be a dairy-- man—a farmer? Well, beret-:• tate stars of Josephine —Chief Joreiiliine, they call Iter— w�ho is tit ;resent the champion; of ! merica. This is the tatiiinotut's problem: "How can 1 p oehire the greatest amount of rncil. and butter at the least expellee?" Chief Josephine, bred laid owned by the agricultural department Of the )Jnrt ere: ty of Mieeouri, at Col- umbia, it(0., baa- come -tearer solving this problemthan env otter cow on earth. it caste about 77 cents a -.ay to keep Josephine. stmt bee daily pro- duction as worth more than 54. Thus Josephine taroks: 118 much each -Iasi' as the average mechanic. She rnrtkes more eitch .lay than the average preacher, and, Outwit as much as the average college professor. The plumber, the glees blower and the head wait^ r Have scmeth og on Josephine in the way of earning., but most of the rest of its might, do worse than to work at Toseplrine's reale, Of course, the 77 Bents expense does not include all the little extra attention which Josephine receives from Van Note, foreman of the dairy barns, but as an offset 1..; this she is the mother of a calf valued at 53,000, which is not included in -the 54 estimate of her product. The year'is test which Totiephine is now undergoing will end Jen. 17, and unless sire falls below ber present daily aeterage. kFhe will exceed the world's record. In the first four anonths of the test Josephine yielded 11,536 r,.,unds of milk, or nearly ten times her weight. The highest single day's yield iwas 110',; pounde. When hall of the strenuous • year had rolled around, Josephine had to her credit :t product of 10,834 pounds of milk. This exceeded her only real competitor. A. Wisconsin cow, named Johanna, by 1,293 pounds. At eight ntarths Josephine still easily held the world's record, of 21,- 698 pounds of milk. During the en- tire eight -months elle, .maintained a daily average of 89 pounds, or 42 quarts' --103a gallons. ttT OF CHIEF JOSEPHINE. , Beginning, with the ninth .tnonttc her record ,began to drop perceptibly, but at the end of the month she was still more than a ton ahead of her C:,ntpetii or, Chief Josephine is now a little over eight yearn old, and is of the Hot - stein breed, otherwise known tis Friesian er Holland. Of c_lut'se, Josephine's diet is care - folly and systematically looked at - ter. She is fed alfalfa hay and court silage frit enarse feed, and for grrairt she is given a.ntixture of corn, bran, lineeocl meal and cottonseed meal. The amount she requires of eaoh is carefuly computed from the cheat - :teal composition of the feeds. During the walrni summer mon he Josephine consumed about thirty gal- lons of water daily. Just now half or less of this amount is all that able calsl for. The water is warmed to c1. temperature of about 70 degrees. which has been found to give bent returns in milk. Through the 'whole routine of her daily life, Josephine is never forced to rho anything; above all, elle ea. never struck or excited. Up to tt few weeks 'ago, she was milked four, times each day.: No one railliartga has been 'discontinued,: ',rho question to -day is: "Will Jose-- phine� win the tvorfld.'s champion-. fillip? Three months ago the a.n.swer to, this gtestion would have been em- phaticaly in the affirmative. But to -day they . is an air • of •uneasinesa out at the state farm. She is cham- pion still, but it remains to be seen whether she remains champion -t:t the end of the- twelvmonth. Josephine is no freak. What sale has done can be repeated in any ne,r- nta:l milk -giving cow. It is a fact that any cow can rte devlaped to give milk beyond what is to -day considered a good average. It is largely because dairymen are ignorant of the latent pcsitibilitien of their herds that the present aver- age is so low. All that is required for a start itt a cow that is normal in every re- spect. Front this point pian is the chief factor—man with a training such as ,is imparted at the college of agriculture of the University of Atl ia- souri, and at other like colleges the eountry over. .mss BUNG FORCED our Liquor Bottles in -Barrels of Frozen Water Seized in New Ontario' Cobalt, Ont., Jan. 23. --Chief Of Police C:'oidbeck returned 'this efternl,stt :from Kelso, where Constable Lefebvre seized sixty casesof liquor being shipped into the gold country.' A. very r:inesious method was used for cone.: 11'ttg part of the shipment, consisting of five easee. The bottles were packed in straw in 'bar` eels, which were filled with water. This was allowed to freeze, the Barrel ]head wan replaced and the whole painted over. Lefebvre raiseoveeed' the goods because the bung of a barrel was forced out by the freezing of the water. Thai was con- signed lfrom Torr-mto to the East Whit- ney Mining Company. lite *balance wee. .,paeketl.:i rrcaset ttn.d addressed to fictitious names ire R1riall lots. Samuel Morgan. of Cohrit, was summoned to explain the motto., as he, was said to be endeavoring to get the shipment through. JESUITS GET IT ALL. Will of John Sandfield Macclonalerte Daughter is Settled. Toronto, <Tan. 23.--X ilia, daoghter ew,' the late Jolie Sanford Macdonald, form- er premie of Ontario. died is 1894, willing her estate to the Jesuit cram F. Schauer, on behalf of the order, ape plied at Osgoode Hall for an order that the annuity which was set aside in iter' father',a will for the deceased lady, altai. which since her death had been divided, among the other ehildren, shoal 110 i:t- stead.to the Jesuit Order as part of the estate. The Jesuits will receive $11,3,200 from the other heirs, aecording to arut- ing to -day by ,Iustiee Middleton. The Rayo Lamp is a highgrade lamp, sold at a low price. There oro lamps that coat Mora, hitt there Is no bettor Iamp made at any prion. Constricted of itoltd brass; Woke' plated-eae(ly kept clohe; *W ornaMnent t�oq &Thy root/ to any glome. nem ie nothing known to t ant of latnp•making that can add to the valga* et the RAY() Lamp as a lfithb Wing devioe. Woe& dealer everywhere. It "at wt yonre, writ fordo. couture otratlav to th. floored, M► of into Qu$iq City 011 company; Limited, Twist*