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The Herald, 1911-01-27, Page 5
,rpo'tl',00mm000wooa oo$ ur 1 ninual tearing Sale i Special Bargains in Heavy Winter 2 Wear, from Feb. i st to Feb. 25th. R. N. DOUGLAS, General Merchant, B L A K E. mereeeelea(serecessamema ereaD/Dmerat ...ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock,a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted. for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. BOUT DEICDERT ARU YOU RUPTURED I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford Ont. Dept, R. Name Address ...... Age Time Rup Single or double ' Satisfaction guaranteed Government had pledge self to, e e , the furtherance of the good roeds- movement, and that Targe sums of UNDERTAKING, money would bo asked to build up and maintain public highways. Excitement' and ixiterest in tire' Roundstitah battle beteeeen aivlaroh ists and London. -pease• sgmo time ago received newer• iirnpetee hei.e when it beca,tner known that ;.orders had been issieed frons_ ,Scotitend Yard to all the oUo ti thepoliper and detective, departments ii Pettedie rto keep a sharp Retell':, on liar :ireepicions charaoters in • their :districts, and to be particuleir'ly careful to see to it that they were antler,; direct surveillance for the. few 'weeks prior to the Ce Colati'on, As a result of this the De nin.ion Police. 'under Colonel Percy aSlierrwood have been most active and a ,large• foroe has been sent down to the boundary to board and inspect trains Doming in from the ocean ports of the United States to Canada Thiswork was being done euietly and effectively, but this week Inspector Parkinson held tip a party of four at Rouse's. Point, coming into Montreal from New York. There were two women and ewe men : in the party. The inspector,' told them in his usual quiet meaner,. that'they' woii.id not be • a`bie , tO Onter Canada: One ot the women becoming• angry drew a. long, hat pen and tried to stab the inspector. The oonsegtlent small riot in the sleeping car housed the curiosity of the passengers end the story leaked out. Later, the Inspector announced that never before had the authorities turned back so many people, under one circum- stance or another, tis in the past two weeks, :k lit to Prompt Service Moderate Charges W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, Ontario ello! Look Here! I am ready with a full Stock of Deering Implements in my wareroom Opposite the Town Hall . & full, supply of Wheel -barrows, Extension. ladders, and James Ross are among the directors. The $1,600,000 of com- mon stook which only a short time ago had a market value of less than $2,400,000 has appreciated in'v lue to the extent of between $ 00 and as the stock is concenera•ted for the most part in comparatively few bunds the profit` can be esti- mated at a glance. The Company has been making great profits and some scheme is now under consid- eration forgiving the shareholders a larger proportion than. they are. now receiving from the .ready handsome 8% dividend. rate. It will thus be seen that the 01 P. R. millionaires are very much in the swim and are rapidly adding to their alrea•ly immense forerenes.. If there is any faith to be put in figures, Canada's parole system of dealing with criminals has proved its value during the, eleven years it has been :n operatiuli. Dominion Parole Officer Archib':id, in the conree of an inspection trip at St Vincent de Paul penitentiary, said that. of the three thousand and . seventy •two prisoners who have been released from the eenitotitiar- ies on parole during that period, two thousand have justified their right to freedom by living the lives of selfrespecting and indus trious citizens, nine hundred and ninety nine are still .reporting to the ee thoriteets, and only sixty-two have found •cl;eir way back to the courts through the lures of their old habits and activities. * * There is not very much use try - 1 „a, rceee+� PRESENTATION and., will keep a complete stock of the leading makes of Plows and Points ; Dairymaid Cream Separators, Wagons and Sleighs. Give me a Call and see if I can't satisfy you, If I am. not at home call at the Zurich Feed Store—they' will show you my Stook. See our Clover Leaf Manure Spreader before you boy. These Goods are SECOND TO NONE. s S. MELIOK DEERINGAGENT mwa elr.fe ' ,r4, v a,� {, GIODUDRIAOR®MEM 43DQ.AGO®GD+ODDDIMMOWMODIt�CD®D)hDdDDD00111DGOCOM DMOD 0DQaDID®a }s A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Dlr. E. Mer- rier on Thursday evening last, when the members of the Young Men's Adult Bible Caahered to spend the ss to the number of aboutforty,b evening with hint before he remov- ed to his new home. During the evening Mr. Merner 'u -t prasented with a handsome leather bound chair, acoompanied by an address. Mrs,. Merner was also given a Bible by the Class. The evening's programme was brought to a close by a few aptly spoken words by Rev. A.D. Gisela - ler, after which the co pang de- parted wishing Mr. Mern; abund- ant success, The following is the add' Mr. E. Merner r..'._. D Sir and Teacher, ing 6o play the role of stock mar- ket Bear these days. The tendency is all the other way and the bulls have the call every time. Tunes are too prosperous just now to think or talk of declining values. The bulls even say that Canada is getting to the . tage where e. set back across the corder would not effect us to any marked extent. The enormous inflow of capital from different parts of the globe, but particularly front the land of John Bill, :;lit,\ no sign of cessa- tion ay d with thea doe elopment of our own great resources keeping, on r:pnet' it looks preaches :;,t of fee boll element ought not to he far wrong, even if it _does appear atattie over enthuse astir to tho moderate man in the "Street " Several .things have occurred ithin the pest few months to give Constipation is the cause of any ailments and disorders that snake life miserable. Take Chane- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets, keep your Dowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealere- SCEtOOL TEACHERS SCARCE DECLARES QUEBEC'S PREMIER Anarchist Runt Reaches Canada Value. of Canadian Parole System, 'Canada's Morgan (croup• Montreal, Jan. 2• The dearth of school teachers, ever a live topic, it, the rural districts of the eountr, ,. bids fair to become oven more cote in the near future on account f the legislation foreshadowed by it Lomer Gouin at the opening of ue Quebec Legislature concerning dvancement on educational rojeots in the Province thatof nebec. Sir Lomer say penial inducements are to be ffered for the •e t ©g different of ale teachers by that in tbia pool 'boards, ay, he hopes to be able osee duration in the country parishes o_ual that of the cities. At present s 'soon as a school .teacher pro• ares a diploma he or elle invariab- moves • Westward. Sir Leiner ays now that he will have work r them to do near home, and at the expanding West must look leewhere for its supply. The speech from the Throne also .ntained another • ant ouncement f considerable interest to the hole of Canada. it was that the w additional strength to Canadian erodit abroad and nothing could have been finer in that respect than the recent demonstration of, elle wonderful earning capacity of the Canadian Paeifie Railway as shown by the decision of the directors within the past few days to place the stock on a 10% dividend basis. The completion ot. the new power plant of.th i -Shetbruoke Railway & Fewer Oo , has drawn 14lontreal Card Wits! attention eeway t'roi0 their ,street railway its the, r to ra promising dialed() utility , r nes, in the Beatern Town"thip' Sherbrooke Coropuny 5 e,rev .,' ler I have a large supply of the very a veer: old. is h>svine lee en hest tile on hand, from 2e, in. to six 1 you need any ll, write ess: Dear i 1 nowiug that in' the' :wee t a you purpose removing from our m) , we, the officers and members of the 'li'oung. kten's Adult Bible Class felt that we could not let the opportunity pass without expres- sing to you in some small way our sincere appreciation of your services a5 teacher'of the eless, Since the organisation of the '.clew in April, 1910, it has steadily grown, under your leadership, until now it has an en- rolled membership three times as large as at the befnuning and we feel that no small part of the credit is due you.. While we sat and listened to your teaching Sabbath after Sabbath, we could not help but feel that a mastery of the lessons, such as you possessed must have meant a very great deal of self-sacrifice and s� 1f•dvnial and of thoughtful, prayer- ful study, Not only have you ever striven to im part to us lessons that would help us on- ward and upward to a truer, nobler man- hood, but your own life has been to us, a great lesson, teaching us what faithfulness, de erminatiain and perseverance can accomplish. We, therefore, beg of you to accept this chair as a slight remembrance from the class and with it our siecerel,terishes for your future success, and' the hope that, sometimes as you recline in it .. after the day's toil is over you may think kindly of Lbae Zurich Brotherhood Bible Class, whose .members cannot easily forget you. Signed on Behalf of the Class nsshre s Sec. W. O'Brien Pres., Humphreys; ? Giveusae.11 1 5 1 as 1 9 1 1 5 1 OGUp QD QD{{g, pD� 4D ®aD®4D®4D DDS OD�dD�O CIM ODGOmaD®dD®4D®GD®DD ®UD MIDCl and you will find out that we will use you right. Come and take your choice in FLOUR—Milverton, Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and Royal Household. We take eggs, cash or any kind of grain in exchange for fiour or anything we sell. All kinds of Feed and Grain always on hand. Oil Cake, Bibby cream equiv= .lent, Flax Seed, whole and ground. M. & LiASC 8i e! 5 5 1 ZUf!LC!1t Nursery Stock For Spring �1'elivery FIRST CLASS TILE the old Sherbrooke Street l•dailwa�. lust year, but already it is com- 1,,eraoing to show the free labor and thought in the manner in which it ie grappling with the power and transportation problems of the townships. Mr. Clarence LeIOCanig. on whose shoulders the principal burden of reoognization of the company has fallen, and whose energy has been responsible for getting the plant into the excellent running' order it is to- day, is figuring on even larger plans with a view to .giving quick transportation end, pryer to the city of Sherbrooke and the sur- rounding district With this , end in view he hes purchased three water powers an Ghe Magog river and has commenced development. The result will be thattile: ,town• ships will eventttallly .have , their hydro electric power. Anosher concern has . beam a great winner ire the stook. rnerket, within the past few flays. This is Lautentido Paper of whin% Sir William Van .Horne is ,president and 13.13. ,Angus, C R. T osinete inch. It , n eta . or telephone to John Foster, Zur- icee, 13riek and Tile yards, 11 tf WANTED A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sel1 nursery stock. and offer We pay lib rally steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a.'rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and, Ornamental stock. 'Seed .potatoes, Etc. Write for terms and catalogue. STONE &WELLINGTON The Font hill Nurseriee, Este 1837 Tor'ontb Strong, straight trees with good tops ani all ab- undance of fibrous roots. Every tree guaranreed strictly first grade and true to name. Our assortment of Apples is complete, We never had such a fine lot of trees in this line. Send in list of stock wanted, strAing ci,iantity. We will quote you special prices. Ask for Catalogue. Take the Agency. 1 heti W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd.. R1DGEVILLE, When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamberlain's cough remedy is most effectual for colds, coup and whooping cough and that it con- tains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. Ott tai io • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Adam S. Faust late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, undertaker deceased, Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claim or demands against the late Adam S. Faust, who died on or about the 15th day of December 1910, at .the Village of Zurich aforesaid, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Mrs. Polly Faust, Zurich, one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their names and ad- deessess and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND NOTICE is further gives that after the 15th day of February 19111 the executors will proceed to distribute. the assets of the said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard, only to the claims of which they shall then fibrous routs. In sraz+t 11• i i €Fits the ' have had notice and that the said exneeu tors will not be liable for the said. assiete Herbert Fasphentee and' 13laok: tell • Raspberries aro uar heaviest yellers as they aro big money makers for ' the sma11 fruit gnawer. Oar nurseries have bean visited be sone of the lergest truitgrowers in Canada and after ne. inspoctiou of cur tree tee `.:a i;iv. us their orders. Write for our rata - Logue and gie a t't;? a Feet of your wants. Brown. Eros. Co,, Browns .eenrseries, Welland(�n , Out it on Thursday evening of last week. The hall was crowded to the door and a good program was reneerod. Mr. P. Cleave was the guest of Mr. Geo. Campbell one evening, last 'Week. Mr, W. W. Snowden was in Gode- rich last Thursday, e':1 brsir 631• 'Aire H ,' „z ;st tr. 111. in the Methodist ant c:: • ear! in Bay- field. day eves T. Robe Mr, W $4Pq. s steer last a, ::1> ;a< tee was gone too far when 1 1' ,oticad. it was sick, to nave r. Mr- E. Snider spent law Sunday at the hone ot Mr. A. Sterling, FRUIT TREES, Now is the time to pace yeller" order foe frrait and o,nameneal' trees, i`r a have tlto largest line • of nursery stook w en ie CJarrela. Our Api,lc, Pear. P1- n Cherry and Peach tree' are unsirrpeeoed for or any part thereof to any person of ose notice. Datedthe 17th ast of January 1911:, T1. .lit Cooke; Solicitor for said executors: claim they shall not then have received STANLEY TOWNSHIP A large ntsmbfrom Stanley at- tended the Methodist entertain nent held in beey'fteld, Town Balls