The Herald, 1911-01-27, Page 2++ar...r.wM4�r+!a,•:yrs"
13 M ins Searing
A Cheerful Old Friend on the Thane
of Skibo.
net this g turg of wealth is a very
tliffe'1Ent tbirg (tout the getting of %vie-
doin leas been -•hotvn neo again, and
Paris, Ont., once: again by ;:111•,-Vnlrew.Ca Carnegie. Ile
()et, :2 let, 1()013. Maas) hese l its the hell de o twenty* -tout'
Leer Sir: -!lee z lean 1i•n$t,e:e. Wit h ik Ila tor Elihu
'I wish eau to nut my letter on reeurrl
fre. the sake ' isutterilu;.lttnllaulty. 1
have • Suffered 113 umathe tsith lltlst'ula r
1•t?ac'utnatisna 111 my lank_ 1 have spent
at. lrretrt 442J,(1O on bile and liniments
during that time, but noosing would
ease; me, of tile •pale, --'in feet it Was -a
,'hteenio pain. For these lung 1S liionthe
it Furred right with lee SC)8Uitinles: '01r-
tu:civo and cramp-lil' causing ;ue tel
semen and exy nioud. Every moment
WW1 torture. 'F could not turn in .bed
without yelling out. Now I will al -
*aye bleeis the day when -I first started
-to rub in. and to take interzutlly "Ner-
t':'ste," After using four bottles,, lily
(wane have left me. I shall always .take'
off my hat to "Nerviiiue" fled axil llon-
eetly say it's the poor loan's beet friend.,
be tiusc it will always drive away- froth
yem the Demon --Pain.
lour truthfully,
Thomas Co.;e,
1 r, only 1N'erriline. Sold in 25e mill
bottles the world over.
(New Yorlc Sun.)
Mieliehte se strong that a dose alt'71st
lt:' :intitod to seven drops had been pre- Many a person eerries around in their
Peeitit at their hteu:tl, the snite of two mil-
1hn,1 .its pa Per :tent., bonds, with `the gen-
oral 1neI-Ia utioit that the trental inter-
est, it illi U1t',(1 thousand puhutdS -•it
sounds inure in dellttry--is to be devoted
to haeteeing tltt` iiholilion Of Interim -
Uinta! Wal•, J1r, •('arllegie does not say
how it is to 18' (piste; the ttrouty-four
trustees. are, lett to intent methods. And
that 1s not all 1i !len iuteruat•iunaly- warMeebeen atedi,.lecl (when, not if) the
revenue 3s 'i'o be applied 'to alleviating
and eliMinnting the -next Most degrad-
ing evil." -suffered by 88111. _Bight we sug-
gest 11151 - IUtttre Carnegie t1'nstees,
"when •war bats been abolished," will do
quite tee wiaelt to attempt to' "abolish"
the war between the sexes or to elimin-
ate the taste for blood from carnivore,
Or to train America to believe that man
ettnnot live by 511CCOSS alone Fntility
ran 11(1 further go. 0 that nli'n should
ant dollar; in their poeketa to steal
attvay tlieir brains! -.-front the Satur-
day Review.
Are Your Bowels Stagnant?
xi ted fur the man with unsteady
bands. His finally also had shaky banks,
:lied as there was no medicine dropper
honse it looked as if somebody
would Iato to make a milnlrtk trip to
the drug store. But a visiting relative
t.Tet;.t they had put up for the night -ug-
“steel an alternative.
"Take that half of that raw egee eh:'ll
Craw, mind you; cooked egg she'll is
'Attie and crumbles too e i;i'-
System a cesspool t mpoaed of half-di-
gested. putrid, &ci ting food that the
overloaded sto.iiii h can't get rid of be-
cause of constipation No wonder that
anaaenua, blood raelies, headaches and
n h n N o
are so common. o .
cure is known :hal )1,. lI_V tTIL'117t';
NI'T. Taken at night, you're well next
morning. They Iluyh out the system,
sweeten and tone •Vee stomach, iwprove
it:c 1a t crumbles
, a digestion, filter and purify the alo°el, re -
that saw lying on a saucer in the cup- 1 store lost complexion. give vim, leaoyae-
tr and robust good health to young :and
board, drip a hose in it the size r,1.:t obi. To look. feel and always be at
lain head and. let theIteedieinr trickle vote• best, use 1)I1. ]t''-V,M1I;To\'S nuts
regularly. 'we per hux, dealers or the
Catarrhuron Co-, Kingston, Ont.
A ,',ct!enran of .lapaar said recently
BABY'S" OWN TABLETS. in eunt'ertation I had with him:
our 3a1;ao::ar1 e undoubtedly have
n",.eat1Se fla=y 111.0 the only 111editnnt:
dtan. gond for the incOMls of ver people,
iv:delt gavos the guarantee of at (tut0ttt- t
lnt�,e; Itt.aly-st to uantaf4I no (11)18111, nkat,_
het they have done tar emelt for our
health and strength 114 a :nation. They
through that. It will be sure to ta11 eat
in drops of the required siie an t von.
•r'0ttltin't remake a lttitttalu if you wanted
l,ltifre t other harmful naveetic. This
inmate telt' mother eat give title nte,lie'itte
to lar youngest baby with abeoiute
safety. Thousands o1 mothers know
this end will -rive no other
their little °nes. 'Che Tablets enanut do
stories- they asst ;tys do gond. ii hen the
littler Volta has a cold; baby indigestion,
t!. whie11.11'•has worms -or Ila; tee=th
eee troulliing'kitu, Dashed Own '.tablets
will. prove their worth. - (yt(neernin¢ ()Y ria! u0tlutry, llearrv;hite in .fist
ria n• Mrs. ] Merriam, Shetland, One; countries of '.tri 110' the incrra9c of pop-
ttth; 1i "1 nye flallv'1 Own Tablet; ,fur ;,111 in 5011111 countries,
m three. ones and eoneider them ttlattun 14 ylo
the very beet u; thine during the teeth- a; in 1 France, it. ;, hardly increasing at
116" eeeiod, The ']'abhors are seta at ''1 all. 1Tt _i,rtletat,t rime 3010/110 ie hec0nlln;i
vents e. bo: 11y all medicine dealer.; °r, aloentingiv prevalent. --Melville 1). Stone,
three ; from the 1)t. \Cil!iaau: M'•tlicine J in The (11i'khien Herald.
• co.. Brockville.. Ont.
JUST ABOUT BABIES. kr, ie very dihfit'ult to (tV' the inside of
• „,.• it anin•ilrr, haft':,sue. The beet way to
. a.t<1e(re sllou!d. be t:dtica l.e,i in ow i
es.''ntials of infant hygiene." Dr, Wit.
11a;, I'. Lucas, of Boston.
•tirieett out of every ](1(l ba=de;
lee.% aline die in Money."' ,Edward R.
]'?fere, editor of the Atneriraltt
writ cr.
"No perfect ;u:n;titule for efotiter's
milk can ever be Matte. Mortality is
Always larger among bottle-fed t)nt11 the
hreaet-fed babies.''- 1)r. 'Phomas S.
,a„ltitwortll, of New York.
-Arousing present and fttittre mothers
to a fall consciousness of the signifi-
e am a of childbirth and the reslloneibiii-
iie•s of motherhood its surely equally im-
port -elle as this teaching of (.reek and
,tlgibra to children who will perhaps
Lever make any pl:'u•tical nese: of their
1 evev'e.lg'ct along t.lieee lin a,"-'Witbatr
t .• l?i iilipa, Secretary New 'York Milk •
c,nne to Il; With tioc:.ors 1110( nurIet. and
hospitals and sellouts. Before Perry's
arrival 2.(1(A,000 infante were horn every
year in .ln(tan, and for lack of proper
tunn} meatinres"they died. Now with
the let pitels .and -sanitary and hygienic
methods. introdu.'oti by the mtssionalieet,
tltc.2,0ti3).0tt0 ..lul.lron alre:23uin, t)ei.t tuft's
do net die." This is true, of ere i y'. other.
VC 9 dlrf t,,eWa
,,40° to 1et(1F3rnb,e'
laia"°".1 wean you
need aId^y31
...ems"'-. .._. ...,, ..... . _ _. _... .
1 t e )Angie:t1 gra'e,
}.' lie-:!ctrink . of they three.
, and t:.•,). n e bean tifttl of•
0.11 1L) eons,:.1 s toe eticeetls
t1 1.1.4
...:1,i• 4a y. it vi8t;:0r1 be 1l'iOb13.tOU 10
t .t.
-. ''arse; ]r; ,.,,t.?101. 1•'i:e, and the best
• "rk 3u1, 1s• et r lore ,.f (Tod, ane! telae
1•,t, t, ore' 'Fe ;.,sa'l't 'loving, from the
1;08 "
t e!•;arltr it"it,cip and
4',.:4414.,441 to let-'( 3) 1.1401st
V114,,..i•.":a t•c 'AIMS 1,-i t"i, 10i).',' ;lac heart
(!:,tn it 'after using i4 to grind stale
;•+ • ,', ut of 1)14,9,1 t:trough it. 'Phis will
he foam! to enlleet 311 the grease. fat
and .skin fr'nu the email knives. \Wipe
with :a 'Aeon cloth.
11, tibiish 4ireple ,1 alg'lt teeth:ton.
laa.4, not pries agents' interviews, from
well -:mown 'W0^li,,
Front all over :Atnerica they testify to
the' merits of STINA11D'S b1Nrl.M1X1'.
the beet, of Ftouseh0!d Cternetli; s,
;Vdl:ti.a111)'t LINIMENT CO.,
ii30 : t .ti'litng, 4.4f J din''eir h, seol.!ancl,
eelar: r,1 tl:o other "say, 4035 I.n•Itwn far
at_(# • ul`t tat t colleetor of hor,eshoee,
I,ow (poet row of shoe, clog"nth !robe the
time of the ]tolnan a,) Cent) .tl1et:1, Anel 111•
'617dicg those r 1 !:`114+± and 'flocku: Sand,
•sting on the ual's of this 'lhop.
YOU Cannot Forget Your Corn
*11110' 1➢zia1 't,00 much. Perhaps you
leave Wed "this, that and the other rem
e''dy -von still hove darel. Yon do not
experiment l,tn t't. twhell. you use Putnam's
Pniialeee (,'ern a'.x l'netilr. In twenty-four
hours the siurere4s is removed. In as day
or two :6,1n are rid of thorn, root and
branch.. Keep the name insight because
it 'tel)-, the : 8101;-, Patna/tea P0131184
Cora hsi1'OCIOt. Solis by druggists, pricer
Roplantin eua•ned Forest IDiltrlet.
Jllallt.iiter forests while thegrriund is
r,.o,vered 1r1(14 1.Y4131 ttv1) to three; feet of
4,i.Ow, eked, thotse doing the work travel.
ling; ver the t'nurll.1 J in saot,411oes, is in
iirog1 e'0s le the lett :eel over forests : of
So'uthtr*a "Oregon.
Forest Sli.11, t t 1 hrtt' )hrk'ton, with head
qu4lt,re in 'rf(-5foril, !has reccivcd
lairgc 14i11l Irr1 ?If sons froth the big se-
quoia ;;rosy, 1°1 1'sliioenia, 3.11,1 has a
number of lima out in the 'Crater Lake
natio/nil forest rceeree planting 51)438.
The! 1.011(1434 have alteaty'plotted 11(10 or
lttlil (1,ereis in the burned—over district,
and there remeine a00(1t 1,;Uri aerc,s to
be seeded,oAil1131(tlt Falls eor,eltfsnail-
tined, San Pi ersi ieuo Chl'etniele.
A balm in 14. iioirse is ;a; wet!-1pring of
plcasut'e.• -r41 441'1.
€urs 3.0 0440 d0 Teta,tlolfn.
Ce lar azA 8$!tdd .e Galls
qi Ze;Urlloiap ;�Ye.. w1411Iite'"
•0ct"ber 11314 1)41.._
"1 Spy., u,' 71.14 Swint Duro on J a Sprung
Tondon'arith 11 - 1 '74410 Anti1 can re,t,ala tinct 11
for Cohar nail • Goss t1o" .1. 11. ttatIott.
Sp :,wig Cure
Is a biassing to (.'::rr arts;(eck lova. to the frost
40years, Sew.. - &vin Unre Sam 11144nliTiliVeet1
roilliana of d. ':' for horse owners.
rola the one r ?1.F that rva ativ5ya be depended
upon to eine n 17 a4te Spavie. litnabont,
eptlut,Swelan. k Lemma.
Siever bite r• Sava O,, turas th. lair rrbit..
As good fur too 4far knot.
%eon SCmud" i'8 31511) handy'. Ir. n bottle,-
6fur$b, Alae t .y at pout dealers, get copy
or One boot- •rmi Ore 9ca The Ha1ye"-it's not
--or ,rite es 51
DR, 11. J lilt I LI a 8„ tgeo'aar5 Fails, i't.
f Y.,iN TS.
"There is a. 11.,10: difference between
i•Itorourb'Weds a:'4 05 001(37 plants as
between t11u •41431 tr:'ede awl: ordinary
animals." TO- ztv.tenlent le made by
D.' 1I. Ferry A , 411' Detroit. the great-
est flowerale! vegetable breedeve ill
the country. 1;e: appears in their 1911
annual catalogue'. jest iseorel'. They ar-
gue for the �eit.tue emit[ economy 11
thoroughbred . e
e-.Any fundamental
natural- law veil" It applies to animals
applies equate o, plants." A good
cow (i.e. a th1 feel bre41) eats uo more
than a poo 'll t'. :111' miry Ora twice as
much butterfat•. •('1onl hlo,xi" snakes
as ranch Jaffe t' ee.t.ith corn as with
cows. But th, t'*0u hbred Slants, like
thoroughbred est ..,als. are not produced
in ono or two geteration.e, for no mat-
ter how superior 1a individual of com-
mon origin 1111)31 bre its prugeny are as
a rale like the '314110ral 1'uu of its aute-
eedents. Denim the need for seedmen
like D. CI I ere'Y tr.. Co. They have ex-
p(rienc'e. the Hail (1151117 breeding egtrip-
311etlt in the 1`i ted ~totes, and the
business ac drat' 1: ,. sell only 3801 ,seed'
as have 1 "n 1,>:• from 1111' thoieeet'
etOtkS for tltt y: r aerations,
D. M. ferry ki: to seed anneal for
11111 may be 1r ei :a -oe of charge by writ-
ing to then:' Windsor, Ontario. It.
contains much ,' ;,thereat for those who
Send 501' free Sample to Dept. Ti. L.,
National Dim- & Chemical Co., Toronto.
(Lipllirleott's Magazine,)
Your old keotehrnen, the remnant- of
a club formed sone •ul) yea1'e ago; were
seated around the table in the club 1.081.
It was 5 a. m., and Dougal looked
aea'ose at Donald and said m a thick,
slippy voice:
"Donald, d'yc notice what an awfu'
peculiar e.:tpression there is on Joel:'a
"Aye." said Donald: "T noire that.
Tie's deead 1 --he's been deead these four
"W1tat! 'Mead! h4"hy dict ye no' tell
".ah, tum no, no," ;said Donald "A'ne
no' that seams u' 311411) 10 disturb 11 con-
vivial .evening.".
„ 9,'
gittottiystorm et:nigh4, cures colds, heals
the throat and 34715434. . - • 25 ccutrs.
. "Wlieneoer a man is in earnest there
will always be some to 3)41430le what
they term his folia. 'lie is something of
a hero NVIlo ettu Stents being laughed at."
_• "A Gentleman oi Virginia," by Percy
James P,reeb8el:
"There's two things that are no tee
worrying tbntlt, Net two. One of 'em is
the thing that le ?May can't help..'I"oher
it_ the thing that a body can help.:"-
"Aunt filth -tall," by. C. N. Cooke and A.
Megane 61111 r..
"Tho 411` Power *Weil weak you into
the world will t1111(41 care 41f you while
yon remain in it,., and after you leave 1t."
-- Sall)& Macdonald," by 'tits.
"floe 31041) Wren r=ow the best you can,
lend ot%els tt ha14(41 with theirs, let "'sod
sere to the rest." -"We ni the 'Nc or -
Never," by Mrs. Aeneas Gunn.
"There is marc merit in some r,en'li
failings then in 'other men's triumphe."--
'"The Silent Main," by 511as 11R. lltreki ig.
"To' 'b 3(3)1344tly 1n1turested..'ifle,atte'S
0914 onvlroomon, is to lta,ve aciltid the •
se'eret of Lapioness, after
na'S Love story,"'by Guy ;s=hored.
-There 'err times when, this truer b
1rit%ndship is .Mist to .stand on one side,
and ask no g1.1e6ti0U3 A--"Capt.tin 1)ezo..
mond, 'V', C.," by Maud Diver;
Mlinard's Liniment Oures 1Giaa'get 111
Paid for Being Smuggled Into This.
Country Even 'if tont Back.
t talc \villa,- .10.wi:it5,41Pt. • 4h't10 04'4)'
In the SI111'13 u0i'itt'1fl$
C laint.,0 1,1140 Lite' ij'0LIrl,itt.5 su:1,
tfes;: culltl'al^y
ro (113• .hent yiptiu, DANT't tFeIJ1 ,:au11(etl t'e
cF,lablsn 111er (11183110511 5 pi,v elb11(1.
1 one ly" lu Ur1 line+a s 1.1•7.lizhste 1 sot a, Said
t nt 11. _h ihyan oC C,7atr�llt
"1 141101" 01' 433,1* 1111 i 1e11ttl,'4as((S an.
0'!)) In his younger 434.1y13 403„4.41, profess
((n3,lmu5g3 1 3,1 11(1 operated oil in CaXi"
110 Ian ` bOreler, -etre d1,,i', not deal 111,inks
of any al'tttalea ,o t c omeier ce lie lttntlea
i t„erleo 01 smuggling (,ttSU seen across
tOn border, educcot;, 1, 3. 019
_stutenlent amassedits8en0rrmlz11 18(0(l3111ti 10 5?(11..
111810eli up in,:t4 c00101table, taurtilesa.
"He has often sant that the ,find of, a
1)toiessional, sXnug„ lel' 'eticle,,) when tile
Ghir.arna.n was lauaded o11 tee. kait of 4110
United States. l'1'zalt 7t was iba the
eineerg'ler a'ot his money. Ariel' that it
std not fall to hint to mok our (8 kite':
Otiental who back been, 00 Charge• Ninety
rine tithes out of every hundred the
( iinainatll WAS at)preh'en(tead' a1h11 sent
back to itis former abode 4:. 011e immi
;,ration authorities.
"Nevertheless the smuggler rt,oetvati 11(8
PaY. Never, according, to the 3104-s .mics
me by the old matt, and numerous. O')(0r.4
who have been c08lheet041 In 011 feeent
Way"With the ernaggring of CIII11 ti, e t Its.•48
there been known an Instarnce whom
r a.0*
smuggler was defrauded of the 1) •i,'e
promised Xilin. This (iiustllate,1 the 5341-
eiklnllnaflt trait of honesty) 1n 1•.( t 11121c13a
-From the SV5,ttur1g4uxt
TO CURE A COLD IN 0114 t»vi
Take. LASATIV'1'.'RROm° Quinine dentes
lets. Druggists rotund money it iv
to cure. k W. GROVE'S 814110ture (5 42(3
each box. laic.
s_ a
An attempt lilts been nedt' tale peel.
4481)mer to inLrodnce the Alonricanrobin
into Terrey, with apparent SucCesa. )ii'(
pairs turned loose .last ;rude near 'Guild-
ford have1e:r 1 about forty nestlings.
The name of our robin :las given by the
PilgrimFathors to. the•laaaeet and most
numerous of the A1ne1'ieult thrushes
(turdnt lnigratoriolls), bemuse of its
red breast and friendly association tvitlt
'.fhe. .uleriean :01)111 ie eloeely related
to our blackbird, and has a sweet, melod-
ious song. :Its introdnet1(1(4 to $tin -e
will be regarded by market eardenere
with notc=h tttisgivine, for though ilia ,
food eonsists chiefly of ev0r(n'c or itese'•te
he works sad harm. among the cllerliee.
•'Westminster 4,avette.
:ISSUE NO. 4 1911
L' postal for circulars, or 100 for
samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lou-
don, Ont.
Agents Wanted
Two. new Lines. Apply, Sol'lery, 28 Al-
bert street, Ottawa.
chit's, coughs. Dollar. Druggists
or Prof. Castle, Hamilton, Ont.
Accountants, Etc,
Special Rate on all outside audits. Apply far
terms, dates, etc.
The process of making powdered
milk has been greatly improved 114
recent years, so.. that it is now more
favorably regarded and is even recom-
mended by physicians far invalids
iui71 convalescents on long voyages
k r',;u'txse of its keeping qualities un-
der all climatic condition: and the
r' m/tee:01enae of carriage. An Ameri-
7 411 1.('000044 has been introduced into
Norway recently where e company nee
undertaken t184 contract of ,supplying
300 tons of powdered milk each year
for three years to an 10.tigi:sit firm.
i eats
nlcltlyl glares comAirs. c,srea cotds
A v - 1 43 cents,.
the thrash and iutori9- - ,.,,
(Philadelphia Record.)
What Is known as the Amerieall
1,01e gets four dollaa't; per outward
mile, undo: th( law of twenty years ago,
for each of its steamers which has an
American register, and it proved its
devotion to the American fl:lg by order-
ing two sue:enters 1)11114 abroad ars 'soon
as it sec•urcd the old flag and :an appro-
priatioli for two of its steamers that it
nureitased in England,
Can be handled verr easily. The stoat 01.0 cured, and 013 others
In aspic suable, no matter now" ket Crum having1,
the disease, byusing :POLM'SLIQUID DIS'•OICSIP 9R 0014)3.
Give on the tongue or ata feed. _tern on the blood and. expels
germs of all rortasee distemper. Beast remedy ever known
for mares in foal. 60e and 51 a bottle; ted and 511 dozen. of
'druggists and harness dealers. Gat shows how to ppaattico
throats. Our tree l;ookletgives everything.Largest • selling
horse remedy In existence -15- years. Distributers -ALL
W IIOLLS,4I Iq DRC(1(11545.
SPO}ihl lin EDI CAL. CO.,, Chemists 01441Iacteraotogists, Goshen, and., U. S. A.
It is Short Step • From the Original
to the Bizarre. t;,,,'
N' it are :rir:t'Cn to .1 slt Unrselvell 50tile-
t 11024, beth 10 01ir theatre;, nail In the
'fa4515011s01e gatherings 441,0)0 the leaders
of the Mede 13iaet lit congregate, Stow far •
our lova; of originality eccentricity .,.t, ic•ity will
left's us, writes our Paris correspondent.
The other day I saw :i very elegant
woman 4930) hip; a bat 811 11 .4153 ett0 111'
which caste down over 1"r sheuWer,
twi:.ted itscif round teseit m.,1fin-
ished antler her 011111! t4,--tue t,'tilette4 we
56.0 aro (ray t•:u•es.S10t) i.l , "ir fackeel'U!-
1hr:Ss and 1041311 to 171:'1.' bean tle;derale•l
by a, caricaturist 1•at1.")' Aruna c.)nt111•ier,
Certainly originality is t0 ea ,'11"0uraged:
but between tastthll atatl a
"getup" vrltich makes ti:e wears' r'-
senlble an African princes" is a wet., step.
The other evening at 7 rehearsal at 41'.'
I"olies Pe1'geres one of our most popular
actresses appeared wtdy a L.,atkail ess con-
sisting of fi3U1' green reatuel's Stock in
her hair a 1a 114119040 and f3:;ln4 down to
her ey'c s In front.
Tour druggist will ref1il41 .1.011•:y if PAZO
OINT3iE\'1.' 'fails t•a (11113 env case 05
Itching. :Blind, :Bleeding or Protruding
Piles 1n 6 to 14 days. We. •
The Passing of the Hobble Skirt,
The Moble skirt did for a brief 'period
prohibit the wearing of beautiful under-
skirts, 1115,5503 of 'foamy. billowy clouds
of Ilnislin. lawn and lace, the snowy
whiteness relieved with 1)1'('11- 000lrod
ribbons, and now it is :t 111a iter for eoth-
griitnlatiol3 :het. the reign of the hobble
is over. --Drapery 'Pitnei.
Minard's Liniment Cures Golas3 . E:tc..
P 0 '8•
(Washington Star.)
"%iron Fuensh wants to kra,lew it you
fawns his suit," said ni
411., ambitions o-
"°\'Need," replied 'Mr, ('*11170x. `•1 (loii't
avant: to judge any, ntair 51100 rfieilailrr,
But his clothes are harder to forgive
than anything .else about biro."
Fare laborers `Ontario
'I')he f :1t1rbe iliepart:Pent`t)f Agri-
gri-t•ult are 1410 devoting species attelltitkn
towards "triaging :farm laburers and
others :Miters for farm work tel• this
These parties will begin to arrive
)fere early in February,
Farmers requiring 111(11 i'11t:u:d sp-
lay some tittle. In ativat1Ce of the date
:rhea required. Write for applicra-
tion forms to
Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
An 1114(1111045 bed for a baby is made
of a clothes basket covered with o.
bright color, with a frill round; a sofa
14110w for mattress. The handles could.
be tied with ribbon to match valance.
• .A baby can be easily carried abount is
, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper,
(Washington Star.)
"There is only one trouble about a
Chinese 430014." said the man from the
"What is that`:"
"You een never tell whether he 143
Singing at his work 0r whether he hats
bunt himself and 14 lamming' 8lth,pain.'
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
Potato water is excellent for cleaning
unid stains from nearly any hind of clods
Or garment.
-7 4"
Stop it in 30 rat subs, without any harm to any part of your system, by taking
"NA.Dk .C/O�s Headache Waters 25dra So 6 ntll
7fftantiair4gen 1 1a):11Yk( l'?11Ii IERI+ VAZ
rimy snake tao noir}e or sputter -a quiet, steady flame. 'The nutttth
or the etato'k t••;, the office and the hold*.
411,g pdt, rdi<erlt,l� ili;,a d1,; Ekire Wooteenwara, B'tbrewert,
'rubs, l'alia anti Washboards.
The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited,