The Herald, 1911-01-20, Page 7tt
rat o.
$ON tu':—JA.N. 22, 1911
and Ahab Lead Israel Into
Sin. --1 Kings 18: 15-33,
fE ,TARY,-1. Zimri's r onipir ey
20). Iiaasha ha;l, conspired
1\adab, had. slain hint And seized
one, ie0 Jelah the ;Aon of hi:melut
victim of a conspiracy auti his
was wvrested front him by
alt's servant, Zirnri, was an o£ft-
the army, add' was captain , over
£ the eharlons. In artier to make
secure in the kingdom he slew all
family of Elah .drat there Wright,
to dispute his right.TI!s, tcgn
rt, only seven days.. the army
ging a campaign againet the Z'lailf;,
and were besieging Gibb>?thon. •
i as the army learned of Z,imri's
y made the commander, One
ithdrew from Gibbe•thon and att•
Zimri in the palace_ at Tit.ah.
than fall into the hand; of Ortiri,
pet fire to the paiac'e when he saw
he couid•'ltold out no longer' and
ed in the flames. Iris punishment
peedy and retributive.. Even
ign was of bttse en dayi
is made, that he walked
he way of Jeroboam, anal in Nus sin;
h he clivi, to make Israel to sine". '
. Omri'e, wvieked' reign fwrs. 21-28)
22. Omri did not find •pia �iriay �h;
st easy. While the •arm;y ,een:s,-sii.1
Ong hint as king, the people lirongltt
ward Tibni, of whom ,we know. bili,
le. to ,stake hint king."Tibni:
1 Omri reigned." "The • record 1
of as to leave. it doubtful wheal
t1 naturally or by violence."—\'41..
in the thirty and first year,.. t:
rl-Zimri reigned in the twenty ill
ar of Asa, Ring of Judah, at sorb
e Omri was made king by his alnl',
struggle between Omri tool Ttbni• fl
e 'sole possession of the throne eontiss-O
d for four years, when Omri prew arie('l s
enee "itt the thirty and first year 'kite
sa" he began to reign as undns utci "
]ug. Twelve ears—T!tis in deS'lle011ets
our yeare that• Tibni laltl •a1 1 stir, �t}lte'
crone. Six yeats....l •`Gyera-
toast fixed his capital ate
was cater transferred
Cirzah, which • nea 's "deliglt i I ; c e of
24. The .hill "Samaria. t lie.'
I irzah being in ruins, ()nust, in els eting
he site of his royal residence, arts oat-
zgaily. inflenleae4ureeoa by and adtanittage. itt
h p
entre of a wide. amphitheatre of nroun-
ains, st'bout six miles. from Shcnhem.
ises au oblong hill with steep, v
et 'lie-
?essib'.e sidcs.:tnd a long, flat
l tf, top
ending east. and vett. ant t,
hundred or nix Intnclreti lest' above the
valley. 'What, (.)mri proltably built as a
mere palatial residence, become the tap -
tat of the kingdom instead of Shechenl.
_the choice of Omri was .admirable in :se-
lecting a position which combined
trengtlt,, beauty and fertility.•--4tanletr.
heaver -••'Che Ilebrew form
is 0.1)01.1101%,
tom whence the hill
a. TWO talents of
zip}ng God under
calf, but he intro
Sind the woz'z:hip of
31. A Tient thin
woe so :Meth g,z o:e
boain titttt• ]s 1t.
them that, 'a,.._
ides ed '3''
wee ant
set aside;
other 'pa,
heavier ups
She e appear
evil, She ;i'i4T
er, Ethbaa
religion p;
his owwn;iabi
Jezebel in
be" ho
alit •
lu of
ills esembol of the
tic es. .lin ethoil Idols
Jz.err t
:l Renaud
on- ,...�
it pdontreiel
Sid •i.iicl1
edo le
:her into sin
of Isis own xte-
aesponsible, for
forming such ail'.
itctd this purely
Teroboani had pre -
by setting apt. the
He built a
,�rr•�,('.teil tri altar wl
jr Ise • offered to . Baal.
ate tro i'ties• .Were built; especially
T Yptit
the 'capital, and t .
eitat f.. the.. new - cult'
t nes o
cs � .o
rtt .. �'
eta ta,'+,�rra,ntl scat .
tini07tts of all kinds,
, procession of robed
incense, bands: religious
to frenzy yr
he like. Astarte'e em -
N id,' aild 110ense was g y-
tof'Worship, tt3a1v}ite
xe excesses! --
,ove=•"Made' the Ash-
a erected all image re-
al).* the goddess of the
represented the male
sip of these wvas tilos(
;ore This. opportunity.
great, hut through
!vent so far as to sur -
Pa u1 ; .predecessors in wickedness.
Ahab ln�irxit' ever stand as a synonym of
evil in l?i1 h places. No amount of tent-
potni success could offset the volume
of sin of which he was guilty.
Questions --What were the tzaincs•of 1
the kings of .Israel between jeroboam:
and thane? `How long"did ea.& -ruled
•What were their characters?On
in Judah at this time? How ala,
obtain the throne? Wbo•contested. the
kingdom with hint for four years? Now
long diel On -tri reign? What was hig purchase foa
acter? What hill did he
talo From whom? What? price
for 25
nems. or ,oatrw.c. ',elus ariw-
er--A little less than $1.000. ti at Otnx] who,was an .o
base tea times as' much clad g
I have been treated by doctors for
on ray leg. They did tfor aheir it b st,, bat failad ease of ed
10 ray leg• own doctor• had advised me
to cure it. 'My
to have my leg cut off, but I said X would
try the em ikecdies but Ir do rtotethink
"try them 1 yougood," At this time my
lthey was
do any
Wa peeled trlecethe
of raw flesh land' I
foot was like 4M ,P
has to walk on crutches. i bought a cake
of duticura Soap, a box of Cuticura.,Otnt-
ment and a bottle: of Cuticura Resolvent.
After the first two. treatments the swelling
went down and in two months' -use.
Cuticura Remedies my' leg was a doctor could
red and
the new skin grown on. wy that
not believe his own eyes when he sa
Cutieura had cured me and said that he
would use Cuticula for his own_ .�
But for the Cuticula
c I am Remedies'
edieratretut for
have lost my
the wonderful .cure that Outicura, wrought.
I have many grandchildren and they are
rrequent users of ecommend it most (highly as a sure and
economical cure for skin troubles.
(Signed)' kits. J. B. RENAUD,
277, n¥entana St.. Ttontreal.
'ut cttr
T41,000bmxhi1 alit flu(, G:kile z r inner
I With Thorp Kansas Farmers iso Their
Morning Chortle,
Topeka, Xan.- YV'ithllt tett yearr, le-
Privity willlighta inajoriiey'0
119'11(1S and ron)ttry $911001* a'anl , tach 't,q,
of i,he State, it is pieille told g.,, aloe lit!
lightie:l' fel tit elear iehy ars 'i'Ii+)w> d
hexed by Ilan veils, e.
With the getter:it toe of Ilii �,
riugbl0 tine has I,i?et) • tutele ]+y
Eleetrte light artd power 1 comp>i.,
several of the eitiee ,rte alit,
plans by which they eau eu iply t4 .f
witlt enr'rent from their trunk lino
notable ease of this sort is fault r
Manllattarl, where the polder for eleatl
'tr n t?
t *
geuet,ttian is ftlriu• h t } ad, 3 an
13ig Blue River, four miles from the {hits
Soap and Ointment
pd. the speed( �t Send most aconemies) treat.
• meta for affections of the akin and scalp, A
single tablet of Concern Soap and box of Cutt-
ers Ointment are often en'diotent. Sold
throughout the World. Potter'Aori ��Chem.
'Corp..' Sole Props., Boston. send
outt„ra Boot on treatment of akin damages
new Capt of ` •-
clyd Ire pay? W did he
can tri cr
.1"A FIRS' 14I�l.IwiMJ;T.
vil)ts of grain •on the ;street
ere, cmiy 300 betebeht, There were,
ais of barley, which sold at 49)
'owl 100 bushels of oats att �38e.
";013tet, with sales of 1 loads at $17
;i 100.Sti:tw is wanted.",' it ie
t, bits to $17 is ton.
4, hogs aro firm, with' quotations
'i'$i0 to $S)O0O.
'bite, °a 0, 87. $ 0 01)
O 04)
0 he
O 8i1)
0 413
0 64
city. ii/Pete
The etrrretlt geiurated is usecl.;� fort i„ries
eleetric lighting soul street ear purposes I me,
farmers It Ve
'art t 1 w
Sri the city of ;6lanhattan, and i n 'Has,
living veer the trunk fine are using at
in their reticle eves. barns and feed lots.1)a r;:
In the. early' mooing hours when the leo
farmers feed turd rare for their stock , 1;ave]; ,
aril do the nolking electric lights are l o, ei ynsrf)le l
ee to be very useful. 'No, 2;:' lfto,h el
foi l
i In 0 rich farming community 'learn `s,o. ;i, biome./
ltor•th of Atchison the farmer$ have de.- Red 010w�sl', ' o.
1 rat
plant ' light:No, ec,tt1 a. t
n c l g 1
citlyd to have a email '
their mem. They will 1)011(1 a 1)o., os,,,.,,7
power house where current will be ;en- I)tc,, ,,s„"ls'_ .,
crated and from vhkdt it will he cnrrvil 1'll r, ruin;
into their brutes. Fifteen families ( {
:share in this modern' system of lIght.
n 78
1) :38
. d 78
0 60
.. 0 62
uiliial . , , 0 48. 0 51)
19 0')
tot) . 34, 00 1 '0 fit)
an .. 16 00 17 64)
'hat was the character ; ;, his ruin to the hear When he
Ahab? How long and when i
What eon you • say of Jezebel? united in marriage }`� the Bible iujt nc
What did Allah build in Swlmaria.'?' unchristian girl.
1 IC'AT� APPLICATIONS. tiara, "Ile ye not unequally- yoked toge-
1KACx ear 0f Asa" titer.with nnbclievers" (2 Cor. f,: 14)•
"In the thirty and first
of Abi-
"Ahab dill mere to provoke the Lord
(v. O3•) AAsa, :son and suceeb Gad" (v. 33.) "7'be•anger of,the. Lord is
h on the throne of f hist, was ineticilt� not. a pettish feeling of didptcastteea an
a alt of his reign to
1 exhibition of temper -or ;thy, sudden ask
ed it, the first p pulse: It •is the Ind}tietis of •zhe 41 -
away with the idolatries
bya his fathers,. telnyt: •attitr�-_ th cod
Later had been p , vine nature' °••at
years loves righteousness and h ties Solgesity.:,
Later he forsook God and failed to fulfil He, who nine tleliberatele ci`efieetOod de -
the bright promises' the earlier .
Was in the latter part o. liberatelir.•---A. C. M.
iyeri. It ffin.I
several farmiVS living -ten `:ten nitres .west
of Atchison bare smellOynamoc ou,tlteir,
farads providing electric light for their
homes. bents and dairy buildings: Be-
cently the town of '1'ro} forty utiles
north of Atchison, contracted for light
• from the Atchison plant. • A trunk tine
Mire was stretehcd between the two
places, and now twenty -fire farmers.
a]ong the route aro connecting their
homes,with this trunk line.
Far 'out in Western. Kansas the farm-
ers are using electricity for lighting
their 1,olnes. Near Garden City, which
a few years ago wits eh the centre of,
the great American dessert. there are
farms where all the buildings aro made
of eenieut concrete asci each is lighted
with eleetrieity'senetated by a gasoline
en_iue on.the place.
The early pioneer gray of living and
the modern system are blended on one
farm. A farther is still living in a sod
house. built a quarter of a.eeuttu•y age.
He is constructing a new and up -to -elate
home in which he has installed a gaso-
lene engine with which to generate elec-
tricity for lighting.. Ire will not move
out of the ole: sod 11,ouse until March
next because cif, Its wtirnith incl comfort
in winter, but• Its is •Pnioyitig electric
lights in that pritilitiye ftw elliwig. Tt is
believed this is the only instance in
wllievlt n sod house has been lighted by
Inn the natural gas regions of aouth-
eastern T as sea the, electric light is
.a er:than gas.
,he 4.
vel."e h V. worsewenthan all that
, farther than tb01' t4ielw-e years awns a kosti etsgary to Jexo•
trIIe went waked in
's •t> Ill ,, • •'Ne objectof
lett (v. ,y6•) 'rhe leading
tad ande, in' egtnlis subjj tnigv'rty
awe and fr14. his subjects read in itlicatt Je oboam's policy was to widen the
hull bine in it.: telthe keep- breach between the two
s of
1:16 of the "statutes of Omrie� lit:b t. Judah and Israel. To this kend, ol etsera
a • of which made 1yr:tel a dc.
WS; ran not doubt 'thee, these •p1P,i net to :!acrifieo the
totu•y.} inviolable interest
of t)nu•} were zueasul°es adopted forbidding his
ur more completely tsolsw.ting the people the covenantpeople,tbe one temple ands
rout the house of the Lord At ;Termer- subjects resort
em and of perpetuating,-- perhaps ho altar of. Jehovah at Jerusalem, and by
ceasing -their idoblt,rous prliottce'. t>stablisliing slirine5 at 73et11el and Dan--
011ie ,s at striking ii1l 3ra,t. oil of ,the trxtremitiel of }uIrs gdasisymbols
into. 3 'cgolden ;calves were setp
Ile truth that sin is t•uttzllt ty lv .Seemed Jehovah, Ienr.';, the. "s}ns of Jera-
0 leads 4. :mother. hie One. i4 of
o be of the t0 oft which
be lw , lita.ztllie biwattl which. he sinned, and which he
mode Israel to sin"(1 Kings 15: 30), be-
26otal of the, r,ius of wbirli Ice was i; �, brass in describing the
bo he Aso in in all the awak toIur(il e 'evil eatlle a a1an�dinn p
waysof his r ,ecesso . but not Aso with rinlctuzl)' .,fro5l : which, .no king of Israel
°nue of predecessors. owns, but,do. evi. 41,epnrt erJ:;', Leant to set a good example
It. woes Lo evil (haze. to )e your exampng
roweis tdn? lord Gocl.... io ab zts ., t�tao it Iy r followinglare actor
p 4 o -t, engaged in a uanuf
'sml is notlthe anger of pati5ian. L frequentjourneys, and
i i ilk journey • ,
izYdi;rttai,!on ,t;aiust. sin, ramt.tesw*ij•' + ± �' ri ls�+ �
tt it is often t•m9008 ill the (1' § , i;+ sk�4 r qil 1t his return to his fans
tamest of false Bode. and (lit' wvarY i9CT f1lt;llrH i,.1tj't1 hi Sunday is fa e.
paid to thein The Moo is tl'rat ;7t m 1> 3{ 4 ('01J 'z lit -
deity is nut lung, and meld pr yet, ,eft 50 s� � i isle had nlothdrgone, hriss it
have uo result. Ca1t11Jrzth .I,iltlt ,nets < good man. tra-
the Neft'1'c stamenf tleo4 the same
1 i t { � �yX �t ' „Iy� , "Because he has so
meth ichiliis. thitT sty*s, 1] rt�iiw t ;q",111aw�tnma„” asked -the
ant would para ' Iiia reign z
en sit would note. in' army of Israel, was suildent dee"
25. wrought ev}t----"3)id that which Was eeful one.
wwel'e elareci. king. of Israel. His reign of
A, V3•t
Ottawa report: A bulletin of the
census office issued to -day gives the to-
tal area of field crops grown in Canada
last year as 38,711,06E :levee; and the
value of crops $507,185,500, c0Mr it
with 30,065,550 acres and a value
$532,882.100 last year. Wheat., oats and
barley llaci last year a• total of '18,017,-
000 acres, with a value of $280,144,000,
and this year with an acreage of 2X40,.
902,900 acres the value is only $24S,-
738,300. The decrease in value is $40,-
405,700, which is $14.509,100' more than
the decrease fox all field iS 5Pc op • and bang era
lower production of ,
of wheat, 58,686,000 bushels of oats and
0,981,000 bushels • of , barley : through
drouth anal heat in Manitoba, Saskatche-
wan and Alberta from act area SOWu
greater by 1,857,300 acre' accounts for
the whole loss. The
rsanflry , peas.a
buekwheat, mixed grains
this year an area of 1,793,385 acres and
a value of 828 708,000 enmpared with
;1,487,611 acres and a wal.tie of $26,707,-
000 last year. The hoed and cultivated
crops, conlprisittf beans, eorn for husking,
potatoes, bumps and other: roots and
sugar beets. have fallen off in both
area and value, the area this yeaue r
1,137,417 acres with a
006.200. Ncoznpored with 1,180,095 acres
and $68;737,500 last year. Fodder crops,
which include fodder conn withd bay. and
clover, show for this year '
8.787.860 acres and a value q of
073.000, compared' with ,•
and $3.47,403,200 last year.
The production of fall wheattis 136,
010,000 bushels, of spring f' barley 33,-
379,600, of oats 449,000,
100. of buel.Wbeat477,243l>tl0, of mi.500, of peas xed
grains 19,433.600; of flax '3,802,000, of
benne 1,177,800. of emu for husking 18,-
726,000, of ,pottitocs 4.048,000. and of
turnips and other rooth5 05i207,000 bush-
els. The yield'oe hay is 15,470,000 tors.
of fodder torn 2,501000 and of .sugar
beets 155,000 tons, The yield of wheat,
oats and barley this year in Menitoba,
Saskatchewan and • Alberto Iz i 362,27b0
000 • bushels compares]
bushels last tette:' She value of
Competed with last years sh Island of
field craps in "'settee T'i
$9,988,100 to $0,213,000 rsi •:it)0va Scotia,
$21,2,0O,000 to $22,319,3041; 130 t1'evn Brt1•ns-
wicl ;$18,1 )9,000, to $ 181 llo qdt rhe Ontario,
bee•, $97,107.000 tn'sgo
,rig, i. 4nnitstii000t it Math
1)0 iilfcs tear
• :3 0
. 5 00
1.0 00
.0 25
0 21.
flogs. rat -}!v 1 tarts dol
: .1.0).0
Ihu hl>
flhit`}kc n. t�ir ; 0 14
tl 1,0
ilei4P' i C� a ; :... 0 13
pr,'li:>, i,tTf +. ; 3 Of:
Ca lllrt(n d tflatn ”' .. 0 35
f {aaitaifl,)y Pl, defeat , •. n 75 1 oil
Chzztft}�,,; b tor, . ,'> • 0 40 1 tier
Pet,tteee, •bag'. f) 00 ' 1 ne
Beef, liiudeptarters 0 50 10 Oil
fore;uarters ..7 00 s
ehoiee, earease , $ ''t) 9 '"
1)o.. median. carcase 7 n S
'ttsttott. per ?act. .. . S 00 S)
r erel. prime, per ewwt. .. 10 On `�
Lamb, t n t . .... ...' 10 0n) 11 Oil
7 5Co
tT 01)
7 00
10 .317
0 31)
0 11
0 1:.
0 11t
t) 1
0 If.
n► 1''2
:i sl!'
t1 4:-.
that• 8:4). is not013>9 in the wwcit <,if,10I: o+l ailow�'real:
lit -
that there is .nnne other God buten)) t, ��•,
felts wvizen tt. seems neves•'
Gar. e res s of hie ns return #lar mother relay
27. the rest of tile acts of Orari: thl, � 'remark. imnliee that but a. few here,
er, recorded"•t;r nulilr azuwtc.,
twelve Thr u, the nlas'it
"Tell Biro " Was
answer "I stand cor-
relgu are
14ugars are rtwlot5rl in Toronto n ;fame.
eier cwt., nG followeo
Tetra "ranultttP,l. Re,lp tleo ....IS » •'t:
))n.. St. Lgwr'enee .. .. . . 4 5r:
ft:111Cr1a1. grarlttl•,end .... .... .. r1-
Reaw0r ere mile fed .... .... ... 4 •
\' •: 1 rrltnw. l3otpath'e .. 4 1::
110,. `;t:. 1'swtenre ... ... 4 r'i
ibis, els:0', 4• if*
1)0...ea OI>( uubrin,}ed 3 n:?
'.these olives re for nlnlivrrF Isere. _ n.
lute se loot i'r'ks) in hatrrc's are 5r
more pe rewt.
The quality of cattle, was common.: ,a
medium, with a -few loads of goof to
Wade *as good, Atilt not as bi]s•'k for
eattle its on the . other two days of the
week, that is, it took longer to snake
deal. but. prices were no
llutehers.-There hoe been a • •
steam trade for eati.le all weer..; :oint
mencing with Monday.
Prices have been firm mild all uff.`r•
y -e,
ings traRlily tail en a1: the pr]re5 given
flail George l.owwttrec bought for the
flareis .hbti•tto•n (`o., 200 rattle at follow-
ing prices: 'Steer„ and heifer $5.40 :o
X55.00, cows, $2.50 to $i.10i'bulls, $8.7a to
$5.30. hurl
S •'t r era.- ll,trry
Stockers and 1 ' d
who is again on deck at the mother.
reports foe, stockers and ft edere •,n n'f"
fee and few hein+o enquired niter. Moo
by. Maybee . fit Wilson sold 5 load- 'f
butchers, good to choice at $O.30
eommou to metlintu at $4.S3 to ie.
Milkers ant elpr urgers.- T i 1 `t• t
eeipts of milkers and springers, ,nld :'t
unchanged prices, going tet $1;1 r,t f70
The production of honey is ranked by
our statisticians. as a•"minor industry,'
brat that it as not an insignificant one is
evidenced by the fact, that during the
past three years there has been an an-
nual output of honey and bees' Wax of
about twenty-five millions of dollars.
This represents. only that part of the
supply .of which the Department of Ag
rieulture in,\ iishiigton has been able to
get a record. It is safe to •say that halt
as much more has been produced by
small apiarists who hare made no re-
port of their products.
Since it has been discovel•ed that bees
can lie kept- with safety to neighbors
and with much pleasure arta some proitt
to the amateur: in small gardens, and
eters on the roofs of toxin houses, inter-
rst in this subject is no longer' confined
ouutry residents. fatozed by the
r iftt , ��,�•
siareae saws that ha founded.
z.e), insomuch i�o.` dlz tittst; 1 shall never again do
conspicuous horse f \wL s �+ })rete statnbiingrblock to
that the Assyrians
�usne £ •the
°ortheru Wed': 444:1 ,, Aline )ball Stever have it
kingdom es "the • , ,1 historical f reveille d' tit it"'. tlicir father led tlieru
'29., "
rotd Ott death of a king, rind is gencth. i an i N,w r3 'r on domineered. w
},y followed by a statement as to t> l (4^ b-tltrotc•from a writer
place of burial. 1" a31{tttnt isle, though not a
IST. Altabs more ww'iched reign (vs, w ? r t'T1,; monarch was
wt ,,.
of the CIloucic;, tie
are noir to?t iS. slept with his faihrr:� hetet; +�khr t of Omri reigned" (v..
--Woe expression ordinarily used to t tl 5 _ , tye� illi: of Alt ei ne being
d » •er
try r;
ileo my
lir. Wwrl1
"'Ile fiat
rated ertec
lt,a wife:,:w
1 cleft#,St'a'g',
Chr. hard
tlzis'ww ria•:.
TheI., 1 3 '.
2,9413). .aetatiliog lo is ann.-
Zi. the thirty and eighth year of ,Aea
--Asa reigneO three years: after tliie. -Ilethe beer' IR, woe
4..i.,i;,14e,:yanclifishad. the
gat to reign, loft during hie reigoi Na-
' -'leads And at laot
dab. Battelle. Onals, Zinu•i aod 000' had
-point eenditione were by no mewls hope. 'illtonoli in
dieds began Ahnb---Illogn a. moral Stand.,
as rapidly as the years WeiT ve.ssing, vent
ful. The nation waS pluoging into sin
The reeorel of Altabls reign is full. owing. aid '
:trio—Sammie bad become the ,pernoo Itistolot .
no doobt; to the prominentse of the pro.
pilot Elijah dab* that time.. 1st Ham -
SO. did coil, ...above all that were be.;
to P .. „ for tlte' bulk, with a ;few
�. t $80 AM stud ane rt ;int te,l Ott t•ti,tSheep and Lambs--Iteeeipts moderate.
'Claietian Herald. its,
neat eapital of the northern kIngdom, mos
foto 111m --Ile had wicked examples only e,
'before blim The morals of the peoples or
'rile redigitme .eystelo was
it a Si
iorropt. As Owl bad oxeeedod All ors
coated even Vila. Those '-who Wire be- into toefitet
swlwee tt$4 1to$4.4)0pereWt.:
"1d to ,6,40, with a few select:el l:0e ',i
'50. to
7'1ieIs for vec,l 'n
.,. __ aL.:, n r., wll til tit`?' rw:!.
eels. It ea: 1 that lee
.. v:1111201. gfri their hog,
t station, whieh 08,4,11;00A
Quebec Farrner Tells What
Did For Him.
:move ior oexi week. One snyes told The
Franklin Centre, Que., Jae. 10.--(spe. 'World Opt be refueed hogs 11) a r. .' t
YeAr right le to get the health right, wore rePorlod t"*lav "'., 47',,,h," l o '401.. '1;
ttmi Mr. William ()ambles a well known foi hr 14.',.. ft‘r1 ona wat,ro" a, ,.''' '"''''''s'
farmer living near hove le telling Isis i :mil $7.,;:i to $7.411 wee PAM for h"Oh ''
neighbors how he got his health right. I olr. eArs rtt etetetry points.
"I am a farmer sixty-seven -yeats o
age," Mr. (fallible sgys, "And 1 suffer.
ed with a weak back aml stoppege of
water off and on for ten years. 1 lieed
several boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills,
end they made a now man of me, Dod 's
Kidney :Ville arc the best medicine 1 ,
have ever taken."
Dodd's Kidney Pills will mahe a view
Kidneys strong eml healthy A,
to do their work of sttain
impurities orit of the . Woe
teem and renewed. ste
all over the body.
Doda's Kidney Pills eirr
1C.idney Disease from
Bright's Disease,'nod they-.
m great Work by giving refi
gOd energy to thoueaside oil
who are run-down, tired and len 1
feeling no good fOr anything, gar t
new year by toning op the Kidney's with
Doild's Kiduty Pills. It will pits, fleets. beef. ilakier, at 0 3-e to loe.
ti, lbs. mi., 111.1e; tin pails, eis
ort cot mess, harrele, O3 to 43 Oiveee,
eis half barrels, $12.75; (3 %nada
a 'and look poik, 45 to 55 pieces. bur-
eotes,bot fat. Iterrids, WOO,
11 1-20 ;tressed weight,. refrigera t or