The Herald, 1910-11-11, Page 5The Zlunch Herald. FIRST CLASS TILE. I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2i in, to six inch. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf. Moved! Movedt SHOP AND STOCK MAIN STREET directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just —little bit the Nioest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Flings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, N ecklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins, Everything in this Linea COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. �7 E TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year, k,4 and thank each and all for having made the past year our most prosperous year i since we have been in busi- Hess. We ask you again for your hearty support gI for 1910, and we will do 0.0 our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. R. N.DOUCLAS9 General Merchant, B L A K L. DSO b CDM CD Cii:20 05,9191 1D al= C®OD COEIDOg ... ZURICH ... EAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We snake our own sausages. Give us a call. UNCUT & BEICHERT. A E YOU RUPTURED I can cure the worst ease of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J, S. Slung, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford .Dept. 5. Ont. Milne ° Address . • Age .... ..Aire eRup a r Single or double.........., Satisfaction guaranteed egeeesh ;5:24CI zcafat 2.1tlex s S*;*004 DASHWOOD Mr, T. Yellowlees, secretary of the Shantynuan's Christian As- sociation, spoke in the Evangelical church last Sunday morning, in the interest of tLe Temperance cause. J. Ehlers met with an accident one day last week while assisting in the grist mill. In some manner his sleeve got caught on a set screw on a revolving shaft and in an in- stant he was wound up tight and had the sleeve not torn it might have been much more serious as it was. He escaped with only a bad SCUM. Messrs. W. Kleinstiver and Geo. Steer are receiving the congratula- tions of their friends this week over the arrival at their homes of a girl and boy respeotively. We extend our congratulations also. Rev G, W. Ray will again leo. ture in the Evangelical church, on Thursday night Nov 10th. He will illustrate his lecture with views of the people and places of South America the °our try in which he labored for thirteen rears as a missionary and explorer, E, M. Brokenshire was in Credi- ton en Friday night of last week. Mr. Sol. Miller and Mr. Garfield Ridley of London spent a few days with -friends in the village They left on Wednesday for Granton to spend a few days at Mr. Ridiey's house. prior to leaving for London. BLAKE CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and family take this the earliest opportunity of returning thanks to their friends and neighbors, who assisted them during the illness of their son and brother Wellington, and for the sympathy and un- expected generosity shown since his death. Three men were killed by the collapse of a scaffold used in the erection of the immense standpipe being built in connection with the new water.\\ prl:v }',tem at Weston. The names of the dead Hien are : Robt. Mo(;regor, Weston ; James E. McVey, 429 Gerrand St. East, bToronto ; and Louis Smith, a macedonian. The men fell 70 feet to an iron floor, and their bodies were taken ont in a horribly mangled condition. In the opinion of the doctors they must have been dead almost before they struck the bottom of the tower, and nearly every bone in their bodies 'was broken. The standpipe where the fatality occurred is an iron tower 20 feet diameter and 80 feet high. A CREDIT TO CANADA. Canada nen boast of many great enterprises but the one in parti- cular that all Canada is proud of is that great weekly printed in Montreal. The Fancily Herald and Weekly Star. With its 28 and 32 pages every week of the best react- ing matter, it certainly is a big dollar's worth, and then again every subscriber for 1011 haw an opportunity to win a Free Trio to the Old (lonntry next .Ione. Any one who is not already a render of that great weekly should rote no time in sending in an order. The price is only one dollar. MARKET RIei?ORT —The fol lowing is the report of Zurich mei-het Corrected up to Thursday Barley.. . ..... 50 to 5 Peas ...... 7e Bran 20.0 Shorts ., 22.00 22.00 Oats Wheat .... 8t h Five Roses flour Purity .... . Royal Household. Ohoce family.. . , .. Hay .b Driea apples... . . Clover to cd..4..... Potatoes l3titter Blegh Hog liveweiget HOUSEHOLD „ACCESSORIES One of the little things which make kitchen work easier is having plenty of thick lifters for handling pots and kettles. Several thick- nesses of cloth of any kind that may be found in the piece bag folded square and overcast around the edges may be used, and if extra precautions against the heat are desired a thickness of asbestos paper may be inserted between the goods. These . little conveniences should be placed directly at hand, where they may be snatohed up in a hurry at any moment in handling hot dishes. Not only will the hands be saved from many a soar, but the dish towels will be spared both dirt and hard wear by the use of these simple holders. Brushes of many different kinds are also useful in the kitchen and save the hands and make work more easy. Of course the sink brush is always ready at hand. Then there should be a bottle bush for reaching into the narrow necks of the milk bottles or the preserve jars. The vegetable brush not only saves the hands, but cleanses the vegetables more perfectly, and there should be a snare"1 moll breem for oleaniree out the gas range. Of dish mops there should be at least two, one for dishes and one for the kettles. The "iron dishcloth," as some pall the steel meshed pot cleaners, are very convenient, and particularly where they have the scraper at- tached. There is a nonspatter attachment for the faucet, which is a prevent- ive of the shower tee often take inadvertently. Of course you know about the divided kettles and stewpans which by a division wall make it pos. Bible to cook two and even three foods in the same utensil over one gas burner. SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report of the pupils of S. S. No 4 lLten for the month of Ontoher. The report is bayed on the daily work of the pupils. Names are in order of merit. Sr IV Joseph Duoharme. Jr 1V Mandy Mosseau, Verne Geiger. Flossie Surertts. Sr III Aaron Gingerich, Tu:f- neld Dnoharmo. Jr III Dennis Duoharme, Her- bert Mosseau, Lydia Deitz:. Sr II Gertie Kaerchelre Harry Bassow, Edith Bassos. Jr II Myrtle Ortwein, Edmund Gingerich, Lila Melick, Ada Deitz Pt II Clayton Ortwein, Catharine Volland, Evoline Dueharme, Luella Sierran, Meda Sueerus. Jr Pt 1 Pearl Ortwein, Bruce Klopp, Esther Jantzio. No on roll 27. Average 21 L L. hartleib, Teacher. A CHEESE FACTORY. With cheese bringing 10 to 15 cents per lb the past years, we believe there would be a fine open ing for the farmers to start a factnrV berm. In the County of Oxford, farm lands are selling for ah.'ut ;100.00 per acre tend this high price ie mainly dee to the splendid ebeese fiicteriee there (nr farmers are just a7 thrifty as _ any in Ontario, but he' keeping more and better cows land would increase in productiveness and 51 value and the cash returns would •;;really increase the farmers' bank 0 accounts. Even the business of our town would be greatly benefit-, ;il 32. ed, as increased production of the; 'canning cominnnity will mean a: corresponding, increase in business 0D0tt10DOMODOBID0D0YIM0000M:1QP®.0D0INO0DOM 0D01111DCDa11111D0000W a DZ 7NJ, Give us eall and you will find out that we will use you right: Com and take your choice in FLOUR==Milverton, Exeter, Ilensall, Parkhill and Royal Household. We take eggs, cash or any kind of grain in exchange for flour or anything we sell. All kinds of Feed and Grain always on hand. Oil Cake, Bibby cream equiv= alert, Flax Seed, whole and ground. J. fiASC 9 ic 1 1 0 1 1 8 1 2 £•,O001041D®e DOS GEIGIL}i IDGINDOMICODGD®OD=CDCD®GD MEM OD 02419 0CSOD(119ED G012D OMR) OD =ID GU= G is the number of new names we want to add to our subscription list, and to accomplish this W3 will send The Herald to any address in Canada, to the end of the year, 3.0(( 0'` prosperity, We believe ft would )be in the interest of ella local busi- . 2.75 ness people to bake hold of this 0 &natter et an early date and devise r gems inetbod whereity afactory ' ',en( ,,*td. eri•rt, -led, either 5 by eoeturi•'ti of the farmers 0 t( eeelvee:a stock company i 1't n stet ~ • r:, r•• :l..1 required is .i I net lam. , proportion to the busi- I Mees thee could be established. We would be pleased to publish (the viewe of anyone on this portant subject. 6.80 'TEMPERAN (•E(,' illi•WENTION 6.00 7.0 5 .. 8.00 0.n( . 23 .t 20 2 24 2. 0.6 I•IENSALL MARKETS Conk's; Best Flour....... 2.75 Wheat 1.08 32 32 4€s 58 80 ti Oats ,•.. Barley .. , .. . t�,. . Pea' Hogs livoweight..,...... 0 ;3. 011ty. The annual meeting of the Hur- on County Convention was held in the Town Hall, Clinton on Monday the 7th inst. Alter the opening exercises the minutes of last meet. N T �r ung wore read and adopted., l+rotii these it \vias shown (,hitt of z8 "0• II municipalities : Ashfield, Colborne, dM• I Grey. Hntt, Tnakeven itli, Stan- ' i ley, U:cbnrne and West Wawanosh are under Local Optinnanel 9 others have no license, of the remaining 15 places 8 have given majorities, although not the 60 per cent re. quired. The report of the Executive wste subtitled reeonmrencling, 1-- -That each niunicipalite be asked. to cou- tribute :t5.0() towards br:ng'ing due Executive on a working bathe and. + COad Cholera Ana EdiAllrbertann S biatt'hoert Remedy, assisting thein to do more aggrcs trie'erfaiis. Zi?:v'itnow. It may saw tife. Highest Prices Every Tuesday forenoon ,s � »aen� J, P TO LD C'.4 4111Y Open to all readers of The Herald The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is going to send three or more of their readers to the Old Country next June at the time of the Coronation, with all expenses paid from any part of Canada and a liberal allowance for spending money. We have completed arrangements with the Family Herald pub- lishers by which our readers can enter the competition for this prize trip and it certainly will be a trip to be remembered. Here are The Conditions The Issue of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of September 15th, 3010, had 656,370 readers based on an average of five readers to each paid subscription. How many readers will the issue of March 15, 1911, on the same basis? We offer Trus: Heettr.n and Tho Family Herald and Weekly Stair for one year each at $1 75, and every person accepting this offer has the right to make an estimate and The 1'eniily Herald and Weekly Star will send the first three of its readers who make the correct or nearest to correct estimate to England with all expensed paid from any part of Canada and a liberal allowance for spending money. Estimate coupon$ can be hail at this nflice, -which must bo filled in andaer't)•nivtnr your snbserinti.tn to the two pa eee. The .Family Lit and Wee ly Star, of Mont reel. is the i:reateet Fancily and Farm paper nn this (`ttntinent, and can safely he+ depended upon to carry out this unique competition impartially. We hope to see some of our readers win the trip, Send in your subscriptions in now. THE HERALD, Zurich I TI 1 11 CI bad butter sive work, also that the six Tenni. 1 eipalities, Goderieh, Goderiah Tp., West Wawanosh, Morris, Seaforth. and McKillop be requested to launch Local Option Campaigns) for Jan. 1912. carried unamious ly. The Treasurer's report showed a. small balance on hand. The officers; of last year were all re elected. The evening exert se., eeere ).f the most interesting and p ofit:kilt d c+l:aracter. In the absence t f the Pres,. T)r. Stewart l`rnsiclent Tho principal speakers wero the Rev. '. Messrs. B ft. Sp°tree and J. (x 14iiller, gave an address which was °' t' p �« r V > Esq 4-0 greatly appreciated. Il.r itlristrat- a iE4„„L k . & i� ed by personal observation, and well authentaeated Statistics, the nee sarm r no 'o a. maker left in the land with all the theory and opportunity to pi'acti- e alle test the modern appliances. ()no way to cull out those who will not inulin e is to :;rade the finished article end fix the market price aeeo' t c y. �" ve a let of dandy l) .tc'r nein; around here for wl I heir are 'let outi'. t. :.i. Cha1i1!r9(Divitz.ii: a i):�t'I'?ti.u.i x•.t !t:e.:tr: Never t:ii15. firs` is , n'. a sa'.•a:::te awful and tragical effects of the kie d Liquor Traffic, and charged home upon the voters the terrible re. spnnsibilitp of containing the Licening System. He also spoke 1 o ai most emphatically of the benefits of local option urging n11 to rise in their might amide all in their power to secure its adoption. Mr. Spence dealt largely and vigorously with the political aspect of the question. He affirmed most positively and sustains d the affir• intatlon by strongest proof. that the time had, come when the Government of this province, what- ever party might be in power must deal s:liiarely with this question. a $Fa Coy, rri:.\r) 0i"i'Z" E LONDON - a ONTARIO Money advai.lcccl. oa cool Farm t� urm Mortgages, Prompt attention given. , to al'pEcaticlls for loans, E ZELL ER Zurich.