The Herald, 1910-08-26, Page 2Mrs. M. Barrett,
tion Morena St,
Montreal, says:
" A horrid
rash came out all over my baby's ?ace an
spreaduntil it had totally covered his scalp.
It was irritating and painful, and caused
the little one hours of suffering. We tried
soaps and powders and salves, but he got
no better. He refused his food, got quite
thin and worn, and was reduced to a very
serious condition. I was advised to try
Zana-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful
how it seemed to cool and ease the child's
burning, painful skin. Zam-Buk from the
very commencement seemed to go right to
the spot, and the pimples and sores and the
irritation grew less and less. Within a
few weeks nay baby's skin was healed
completely. He has now not a trace of.
rash, or eruption,"or eczema, or burning
sore. Not only so, but cured of the tor-
menting skin trouble, he has improved in
general health."
Za,n•'3u1: is sold at all stores and medicine ven-
dors, sec. a bon, or post free from Zorn -Bak Co.,
Toronto, for price, 6boxes for $2.$0. A certain cure
rnr all skn rimea«s, cuts, bunts, etc., and for piles..
0Dr3 risyi,
Brought to the Surface Through Re
t• pair of Government Cables.
,St:range monsters the like of which
have said= been peen by pian were
dragged up from a depth of 8,500 feet ley
the crew of the cable ship Burnside
when they repaired the Alaska cable of
.Mount St. Elias last month. •
The Burnside is moored at eta buoy in
Elliott Bay after two months of repair-
ing and relaying the e.tbles of the Unit-
ed States Army Signal Cops system. On
board were a ecce of huge flasks filled
with alcohol. In then floated strange
shapes which it was hard to believe were
living creatures.
.Balis of red hair which looked like
tousled human heads proved upon dissec-
tion to lee a strange kind. of deep water
.crab. flesh colored round masses were
found selinging to the cable by. minute•
tentacles. One. creature is shaped -like
d'ia.blo toy, narrow in the middle
vvitlt big white disks at either
entl by which it catches hold of any ob-
ject. The sailors on board the. Burnside
have named it the spool.
• Anther strange Marine creature . is
shaped like an octopus but has at least
two dozen tentacles instead of eight.
Many octopuses were found clinging to
the cable, but they were thought too
common to preserve. Whole sections of
the cable pulled up for inspeetion were
found covered several feet deep with
strange plants and animal life. Sea-
weed, black instead of green, epongss
and sea urchins predominated.
Probably the strangest creature fount?
en the cable was a flesh colored fish not
more than four feet long which was
found enveloped in the tentacles of a
young octopus. When brought to the
surface its body was swollen like a bal-
ie. u. Dr. J. E. Maloney, the ship's stir -
gran, who examined it, slid he believed
the fish was choked by the hold of the
The section of cable upon which all
this strange life was fnund had been
down ten years at a depth of a mile and
a half. , The specimens which have been
.preserved and which are now on board
the Burnside are to• be handed over. to
the Smithsonian Institution for scien-
tific study.—From the Seattle Post-In-
I -low tare Run 'a' 'Street Car •With Com-
fort f.o'. All' and Without Delay.
Some .st'eeet car conductors don't care,
some take an interest; some make their
pe sengers and theinselves misera.lile
and delay traffie; some are helpful to
their passengers, while at the same time.
they expedite traffic.
Ire this last class was e conductor why
was running a cross seat open mar. Sonne
conductors • on such a car stand on the
footboard with a hand on the bell -cord, •
saying sharply: "step lively now, please, .
step lively," this for instance to a bunch
of harried looking people standing on the
ground,, or maybe running irlong the
ground at' the ear's side, vainly looking
for a,,place where they can squeeze into 'General irritation here, on the
part of those *eating to get aboard and,
oa the conductor's part, and also delay.
Now. see the way things are done by the
conductor on the job.
As , this coolheaded and capable con-
ductor walks along back and forth on
the footboard collecting fares he takes
note of every cross seat and carries it
as it is at tele moment in his mind, and
when somebody heits the car to get
aboard this conductor kaows what to do
with him, just where to place him if the
newcomer doesn't know himself. Now
the alert conductor says "Seats for
ward," or be may say "One in the rear,"
or wherever seats or a •seat may be; and
he speaks it with a calm eertiiuty that
inspires confidence. The teen looking
turns instantly in the direction indicat-
ed, and there be finds a seat and prons t-
ly lie steps aboard and clang goes the
bell and the ear rolls on its way,•with n
running back and forth in confusion,
with .every -body pleased and satisfied.
Refreshing person to meet. the gaol.
efficient eondnctor on the job. •
bought a horse with a0 sup Beed him
curable ringbone for
with $1.00 worth of MINTAItD'S T.,INI-
MENT. and sold him for $55.00. Profit
on Liniment, $5$.00.
Hotel Keeper, St. Phillipe, Que.
Hip , ILD
Mr, H. Marchessault, high -Con-
stable of the Province of Quebec, who
lives at St. Hyacinthe; thought he was
going to be, disabled for life.
8 terrible pair1 in the back kept him
In the house and under the doctor's
care for months. Nothing seemed to
give relief..
Then he tried "Fruit-a-tives," the
famous fruit medicine. Note the re-
sults. -
"Fruit -a -lives", cured me of conic
pain In the' back that was so severe
that I could not drive my horse,"
writes Mr, March essault.
If you have Weak ICidneys and that
Biting Pain in the Back, by all means
try "Fruitea-tives." which is made of
fruit Juices.
50e a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box,
15c. At "all dealer%, or from Pruit-a-
tives, Limited, Ottawa.
A Charity Worker.
Benjamin C. Marsh, New 'fork's char-
ity expert, was discussing a notorious
"As' oharity workers," said Mr. Marsh,
'those people remind nia of little Tom-
my Sands.
"'My Temmy,' said Mrs. Sands one
July morning to a neighbor, `has become
a wonderful charity worker.'
"'Indeed! How sol' the neighbor emir -
"'Why,' said Mrs. Sands, 'he's worked
three charities for Fourth of July pic-
nics and two Sunday schools for free
sandwiches and fireworks.'"
Your Druggist Will Tell -ion
Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes,
Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart,
Soothes Eye Pain, ar.d Sells for 30c. Try
Murine in Your Eyes and in Baby's
Byes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with,
references from your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and per:
=anent cure assured. Send no money,
bli' tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8,
Windsor, Ont.
a •
Insurance Agent --Why don't you in-
sure your life? Yea can't have a better
company than none. 4'ictim='No,
thanks, gid man. 5 don't seem that I'd
like to feel as thoush 1 was worth more
dead than a]ive, don't you know.
Kitty—How bee i qty rude that, fellow
is in the pew on the right! Elsie—
That's nothing, deer! He's my husband,
but he's so awfuli;; short-sighted that he
thinks I'm some '' leer woman!
Jeames (annot:n ing the arrivals at
the Duchess of Greadelbug's bal masque)
What character: do you represent,
please? Guest—Oh: none hi particular.
Jeames (loudly). -Te n ladies of no par-
ticular character.
Mrs. E.-1 see t3: re's a man
France who has to", d+ -red three of his
wives in succession. I'd like to see the
man who would murder ;,Fie. M,e. H.
--So would 1, my dear.
Adolphus, very much smitten, asked
an experienced' friend if he thou?at a
young man should propose to a girl on
Itis knees. "If he doesn't," promptly re-
plied the other, " di t girl should certainly
get off."
Oh, Those Women!
The Duch'eas•'of denaug'ht is a sharia
in„ and kindly won`ttan:Spat she has a
keen sense of eseeet, is Niue to her royal
rank, and when at the coronation dui
bar at De1ii., _the .pate Lady Curzon, as
wife of the viceroy, was put beside her
in such a way as to convey the impres-
sion of equality of rank elle deliberately,
in the sight, of all the assembled vassal
rulers and laudatory princes of ,Jadia,
allower her handkerchief to drop to the
ground for Lady Curzon to pickup.
Lady Curzon, who was Miss Mary Let-
eiter, of- vvashingeon and Chicago; thor-
oughly }tnderstood the object of the
duchess. - For the latter already had
given signs of displeasure at being rele-
gated to a place in line with the vice-
roy's ,wife instead of preceding her,
There was a momentary hesitation oil
the part of Lady Curzon when the hand-
andkerchief dropped, and both women look-
ed at one another, not in an altogether
particularly friendly manner. Then Lady
Curzon bent down ,and picked up the
handkerchief froth the ground and hand-
ed it to the duchess, the deep flush,
succeeded by an intense pallor, plainly
indicating how she felt about the mat-
-0 9 •
Sprinkling a Trestle.
A wooden tre..ale on the Klamath
Lake Railroad, in Oregon, is protected
from fire iklikaig0 season by e system
of sprinkl eel, keep it ao114Anuelle,
wet, A pipe rung the entire length -of
the trestle between the tracks, 'and at
short eeseenecs `are holes through which
the water is sprayed over the structure.
Q i 4
Three packets of ' t'ilson's Fly
Pads cost twenty-five cents, and
will kill more flies than twenty-
five dollars' worth of sticky paper.
(Everybody's M'agazine.)
There came to the home of a negro
in Tennessee and addition to the family
in the shape of triplets. The proud fa-
ther hailed the first man who came
along the road and asked him in to see
them. The man seemed greatly interest-
ed in the infants as he looked them
over, lying in a row before him.
"What does yo' think?" asked the
"Waui," pointing to the one in the
middle, "I think I'd save that one."—
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, E -c.
(Rochester Herald.)
The ban on one kind of baseball on
Sunday, while the other kind remains
undisturbed, illustrates the habit of
legislation in New York. For a g000d
many years it was unlawful to bet on
one side of a fence, though lawful to
bet on the other. In the course of time
the absurdity of this state of affairs be -
mine apparent to the brilliant intellects
at ,Albany, Some day, perhaps, it will
dawn upon this same intelligence that a
condition of morals does not depend up-
on the gate receipts.
Let the minister gather (together
what little of this world's goods he can
master and, to supplement these mea-
gre resources, take a flyer in real estate
Love was playing hide and seek,
And we deemed that he was gone,
?Fr ou esun;clieek
For the setting of o
Dark it was around, above,
But be came again,• my level
Anel our mfllauckiol'y (test
Yoke to radiance Ins his rays.
Who wore the look of opo we lost
Ira far -away dim clays; • '
Ivo prayer, we sighed, the• ,dead. ' may
" Vet he'.carne again, my leve.! '
Love Went to sleep, but,not for eyer,
And we deemed that he was dead;
Nay, shall aught avail to sever
daarndsr his grave we wdeed ove,e
But he came again, my love!
—Roden Noel.
The land of the a to free to the
ec erarda as well.—'loride 'liar-ertl tlon.
Late Inventions.
One of the neweaa wave power motors,
the invention of. a Californian, 00114i4l5
of a small truck running on a track with
a broad tail. The wakes strike the tail,
push the truek up tae treek, and com-
press air in a tank by a piston on the
head of the truck.
An attachment for acetylene automo-
bile headlights has been invented by
which the gas may be lighted by short-
circuiting the regular sparking system
with a switch from the driver's seat.
A Georgia man claims to have discov-
ered the secret of prodiucing a black rose
and is seeking a patent for his process.
Tivo California men have patented au
electric flatiron with an automatic cut -
of, so that the current is used only
when the iron is in actual operation.
An automobile foot warmer which re-
ceives its heat by the eirculation of hot
water from the cylinder jacket of the!,
motor is a recent English invention.
The French navy claims to have ob-
tained the sole rights to an invention
which. will stop leaks in submarines auto-
A Nevada inventor has patented a
power driven rotary hoof parer, to take
the place of the horseshoers tongs, knife
and rasp.
A acetylene heating stove has been in-
vented in England which is said to be
explosion proof and to be capable of tem
perature regulation,
A recently patented door closer is'
made adjustable, so that it will doze a
door completely or return it to any de-
sired open angle.
A New Yorker has invented a monkey
wrench provided with a detachable
toothed jaw, w i ch may be inserted and
fastened with a loop over the head for
holding pipes or ; any other round ob-
A hog's habit of scratching itself
against a post liar led to the invention
of an automatic disinfeetor for animals.
which it sprays as they rub against a
suppnrting column.
A new putty knife, the invention of n
Naw Yorker, has a, scraper attached to
remove the surplus nutty.
., PLATT1.Rl$1).
(Columbia jester.)
First Ply—leave you seen that new
Second Ely --'No. Is there anything
about ns in it?
First .Fly--Certitirly. An Attire page
is devoted to us --the fly ileal:
Is ac' entrated extract of spices that
f avors catsup and preseroes it for a!1
time, Many people have given up the
making - of catsup because it always
spoiled. You can now make better and
nicer looking catsup than you ever made
before it you insist on getting Parke's
Catsup Flavor from your grocer. It
leaves the natural red color of the toma-
to and imparts the most delicious
flavor. Sent post paid on receipt of
Z0 cents.
No Moro Sour
Catsup Flavor
and Preserver
ISSUE NO, 34 1910
for new patent musical instrument; re-
unites no teacher; anyone can play the
tuner at sight, No experience required.
cn rs,re
Ll postal rrirrcas, ar 10o tam -
tees and terms. Alfred Tyler, 'London.
Dr. artel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre.
pared remedy of proven worth, I het
result from" use is quick end per-
manent. for sale at all drug ;stores.
Fortunes In Flowers,
'In the Channel Islands it is estimated
that an acre of daffodils should yield
over 500,000 flowers, and if they fetch
three halfpence a dozen—they often
fetch considerably more—the gross value
of the crop would be over £260. Though
English growers, coming later into the
market, must be content with a lower
price, there should still remain a very
handsome profit. indeed, it would be
difficult to suggestany other crop which
would be likely to show an equal profit
for the same oualay., London Graphic.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
s• -o.
The great sunlit square is silent —
silent, that is, for the largest city on
earth. A slumberous silence of abundant
light, of the full summer day, of the
high flood of summer hours whose tido
can rise no higher. A time to linger
and dream under the beautiful breast of
heaven, heaven brooding and descending
in pure light upon man's mere loveli-
ness overcome every aspect of dreari-
ness, why shall not the light of thought,
and hope—the light of the soul —over-
come and sweep away the dust of our
lives?—Richard Jeffries.
Ct D. SHELDOH YnvEl.: ant
A. specialty made of investments
In Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stocks.
Write for full particulars
regarding plan of investment.
Room 101, 108, St. James St.,
e tk^eVer.t it'ruia t
1,Cc" a n ,tail$;&ret'µ.
M inard's
Liniment Cures
Garget in
.A Wall street broker has a boy who
stutters badly.' • One day a neighbor
wanted to send a note across the city,
and borrowed George to carry' it for
him. The trip was a long one and the
boy was gone quite three hours. When
he returned the broker asked him how
much he had charged for his services.
"F-ff-ff-ft-fi-fi-fifteen 0 -c -0 -c --cents I" was
the gasping reply.
"Oh, pshaw! Why didn't you make it
a quarter?"
"III -I e-c-c-c-ouldn't say it s -s -s -ay
it," replied George sadly.
This se a golden opportunity for any-
one to own an instrument. We have a
large stock of used pianos, taken to ex-
change on Heintzman & Co, pianos.
These instruments are such well-known
makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines
Bros., Thomas+ and Dominion, and the
price is from $60 to $125. Each one
guaranteed for five years, and, will be
taken back in a cehange with full am-
ount 'allowed any time in three years.
Do not let this chance slip by you. A
post card will bring full particulars.—
Heintzman & Co., 71 King street east,
Hamilton, Ont.
(Brantford Expositor.)
The Chief of Police, Ottawa, has is-
sued an edict requiring all newsboys in
the eity to be off the streets at nine
o'clock. The order is based upon an old
curfew by-law, which, of late, has been
more honored in the breach than the
observance. The police have noticed,
which needs very little close observation
to perceive, that the presence of young
boys on the streets at nights leads to
the acquirement of vicious habits.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
The hair of the Indian yogi or relig-
ious medfcant, owing to long years of
neglect, 'becomes matted together in
a fashion more easy to imagine than
to describe, and certainly could not be
brushed out. It is of 'very great length,
and when allowed to hank clown trails
on the ground. "On night," writes a
correspondent in the Wide World Mag-
azine, "one of these yogis was sleeping
under a tree, when a snake wormed its
way into hi's tangled coiffure, and he
had quite a difficult task to get rid bf
it in the morning,"
4' a
(Woman's Home Companion.)
Teacher—Timmy, you look very pale
this morning. Are you ill?
Jimmy—No, ,ma'am. Ma washed my
face this morning herself. - W_
Stop it in 30 minutes,y�without any harm to any part of your system, by taking
"�,q - RU -CO',
;' eaadache Wagers 25c. a box, at alt
1's � druggists'.
�..,,.m. ___. PATENTED RT
The Beet in the Market
Made of aluminum, light . and
driniwhmzleon. Cannot get
nuzzle off. Held in -mouth by bit
back of tusks. Does not worry the
animal. Price 60 cents, any .size.
Enquire from your dealer,
230 Barton Street East,
Hamilton, Ont.
— _-,..-._.—.....-•—.•.«„
ca."` s'JT',S��'.t t"E•A'olein'"axe`'.s'frw-" • its ..;!'' rna •oiVO ' V. ''(ys4t:It ftp ; 4, : -' '..1211? ice. " (" '•t1
At the Outset.
Young. married couples should start their housekeeping careers
aright. B.em.ember, ears. June -Pride, that
ddy'S.sind r t.
is the BEST on the market. A1ao that Eddy's "SILENT"
absolutely safe and harmless. Matches, Paper of t..11
Woodenware, Pails, Tubs and Wash Boards.
Matches are