The Herald, 1910-07-29, Page 4qD eeM-a The Z-richl `V. C. ri, U. THE CRY OF TEE TWO-THIRDS ,, t�ia < : r�;±a) 431i � EIS d! iY.-.--i _- 01> �{D <,r«;,� GD deed rt ., rlolsons Bank Reserve Fund $3,550,000 Capital paid up $3,600,0 001�01i1t$"e�.l �lea�i Office BRANCHES f Columbia -Revelstoke, Vancouver, 4\Testmiulstei thbridoe. a A. to British Columba Ave. cy Alberta -Calgary, Camrose, Dymond. City, Edmonton, Le 19Canitoba- �Vinnireg, Ports a , Ontario-Alvinston, Amherstlurg, 'Aylmer, Brockville, Chestervilla, Dutton.1?�xeter,. Forest, Frankton, Honsill, Kingsville, amUtofl-, Clinton, tree,, Market g g James Street, olliCa Branch, iH Highgate, Iroquois, Morrisburg,Norwich, ei g Ottawa. Owe1n SoundO1Port aArthur, Ridgetown, Sinlcoe, Slniih s Falls, S. ,, Marys, St, Thomas, West End, East End Branch, Toronto --Bay Street orf}liainsliurg•, r3 shoo Queen St. \V., Trenton, "Wales, Waterloo, West Toronto, I hand on the youth Woodstock, Zurich. et Ruiek as a flash it was shaken oaf, v mr0 l ZuArthabtslza, Chicantimi, I)rnmmoaidvi}l©, Fraservillo and cli.ee 1 Ido not ask Tent ioueh but your . G7 ^._ s.i,. my father? 00 Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, L tchine Locks.• Montreal—Cote des Nelsen. St. tt`Tacket tumes Se, StHaxbori1Branch St. $Taal e - Brendle vide, Quebec, , ea St Ours,Sto. Therese de Bl wills YictouavmAe, Waterloo. . Londa/ and p 1 P s "Dr. Droutly:,•—the voice un- steady with repressed. excitement as well as wine.—" ,l have a ques tion to 'put to you and it /lust be answered immediately. "Then it must be asked very quickly, Justin I have just three minutes to spare by my watch. A case of life orI death awaits . my roguing." father," tile youth's voice* was low Hoarse-" my father'? how did: he he ais? what-wbo killed him. self•eontrolled Han used to beeping his nerves well in hand started. per- ceptibly. Re turned and laid a it stood at the door. As he had. de 1'n��� shred Jilatin, a critical ease de- ik ee mended d wasted soleus his immediate press He had already wase pi an d time. What should he do? Keep Savings this rash boy from his mother's side at all hazards. His resolution foolishwas taken, and as the yonth a, Mi St. Henri Brandi, ;4l ond, 'save + t e Richmond, Rober'1&, Sorel, St. Cesafre at rl, Flavie ` Station, Sin ' , • Livor oo — err AGENTS TN GREAT 13 u -%1\ AN I) COLO'SIES• New Limassol-ThelUn ionitliank- o Leinster 1.ustraliiaa,Lnl Limited. SoutAustralia Africa -The i�,Towv Leal;inci 'L e� �y Staudairc. Bank of South Africa, Limited. t .Scat and ca Foarinx Ansx,rS - T�ranee(So�ciete Generale; Germany-Deutsche erm ny-D`autsc ee Bank. Bel - Sahni Shanghai Banka La ]Shin -}e 1 n Slianghai Banking Cor emotion. Cuba -Banco NacioYialr�e/Cube, ; 9 • AGENTS IN UNITED• STA/TES-Agents nod Correspondents in all the 0 principal cities. A ar'`QT' STAIel'1"INE, Agent ca Zurich Branch LEGAL- CARDS. e. HE r ER us tf. J. 1). C00KE, BARRISTER AND SO- lioitc'r, Notary Public, Hensali. Outaiic. et Zurich (Zeller's Chloe) every Men - day. 1'ROUDFOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, Ii AR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Godorieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. G. Hays. 0. PUI)LISUiEI) BY E. 'ZELLER. "-. FRIDAY. JULY 29th. 1910. attempted to spring through the door he was seized pulled gently men o)r1+'iog' but firmly into the study and the door .locked, He was bellowing LONDON - ONTARIO like an enraged bull.now and striking fiercely' at his uncle, who, evading his blows, quietly but quickly put under look and key every artiole with which, he Could harm himself or open a way of escape. The windows were tee high for a leap. ' E[e would make him a prisoner until his . return, "Justin," he said, looking his nep- hew in the eyes while lie held .hit/ firmly in his strong grasp, I ani going to detain vola for a little tongue, ,.. ....... his death? its causer The 'w o while, I cannot take a risk of your truth without reserve or delay." i a sarin before your mother just I °'You are not yourself, Justin, or lpl? g qet When 1 return 1 will set you you would not expert me to tell the ' free, be quiet ii.nci lie down. You story of a lifetime in it little less cannot possibly; get out, and any than 'sixty seoon l i'' Then yell noise you make will be greats use - refuse mywill',1?'" °I refuse less as I shall inform George of nothing, but 1 will t,se you to wait. your presence. Then he went out It is quiet ltt#rs Le down an tete and locked the door behind him. coFind take a sleep while, I tonfiee slioke to the Housekeeper as- gonene,, 1 will come baolt as soon as it curing hos shore was no cause for is possible, then you will uncles- uneasiness however noisy the oe- :stand what 1 have to tell you, I oupant of the library might be - would not leave you now, but And Come, as he was a drunken youth impeim- rative duty demands it who would thank hien ton]orrow intl)erative duty demands thatoII for saying him from appearing be - unmask you, cried the excited yfore others in his present plight. youth: "You the Murderer o f Then_he withdrew. having left the your own brother 1 where did you key with George, cautioning him spirit him to? and my sister? what to keep strict watch, but under no of her? how did they die? what Circumstances to let the prisoner have you done -with ill fathers out When the doctor returned, a wealth? Tell me or 1 will tear. the 1 of hours late, answer out of yorr . hese heart," and he sprang on 1T:s /Hole like a maddened tiger. John's face was white was death ash tore himself Soreness of the muscles, whether { froth the frenzied rys' n1i of his nep- F Blair. induced by violent exercise or in_- I ha`v, and confrvzr • d him. "Justin, jury, is quickly relieved by the you are in a cruise. condition ; you fres application of Chamberlain's need care, 1 mnst go. but I beseech S®B�:AZ. Liniment. This liniment is equally you, nay, 1 cornr�,and you tore- _._ I valuable for muscular ihenmatisgn' retain quietly here until my return. end always affords quick relief. Then, God helpin • 1 will satis- fy your questaoiiieg, and rid. you of these dreadful impressions. Jostle look at Hie. you know- 1 am tettiltlees of all your accustations." I know rio such tient/ I will prove your quiet yet. Slice you will not answer me I will r. , to my another and question her,. :tike, too, must be undeceived in Ler opinion of t1, "He turns e as if to depart. Money advances. on good: Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given to applieaticiis for loans; E `. ZELLER. Zurich Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. }'1 NY person who is the sole head of 0 - family, family, or any male over 18 years o1ch niay homestead a quarter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewani or Alberta. The app appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. ang Entry by proxy may . ,father, agency, on certain conditions, by mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Danes. --•Six months' residence upon anthrd couple what a sig i cultivation of the land in enol met his eyes -the blackened walls cultivation ears. Ahomesteader d in eo within nine of his library, the scorched draper- miles of his homestead on a farm of at least les, defaced Couch and smoky, be- grimed face of his serving man 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hire or by his father, mother, son, daughter, "Hits hall hoot, Sir," said this last brother or sister. greeting him through the dirt. non.Sttirttain mclistpre-emptmI homesteader rin ee- "And Justin?" ` say," hoot too, sir• tion alongside his homestead; Price 83.00 - with sorry to answered Geo walla a touch of ]rumor. "God Per acre, Duties -Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead sir -the sir, 'sees the very devil, entry (including the time required to earn sir -the pe very devil i't 'e set saving homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres goer presence. Didn't 'e fire to extra. the couch an' 'intself hon hit? 1toxAimlto red right ander s cannoo has t olbtainea p o - (To be continued) M. em lion may take a purchased homestead. Ethel M. . illiams,upp ' PreS. Stll)t, in certain clistxicts. Price x3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside six months in each of -+ '-" three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE, a house worth 8300.00. The next Census of Agriculture N 13 _U'nauthorized publication of this Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. DR. T. P. MoreAU(=,IiLIlte for- merly with Drs. Jansen 'Hallie and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- teeny •, also assistant surgeon at Moorefi.elds'. (Royal London Opt hal muic) eye Hospital and Golden Square; Nose and.Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied.. OFFICE DASBWOOD, ONT. Sold. by J. J, Merrier. Chickory eau be grown wherever carrots can be grown ; culture the sane. This refers to °hickory of coninieree which is tt- od • as an adulterant of coffee. is large rooted variety. 1 wanted, sow the cam + v, which should he tr sand in the cellar an ately moist, whben a w will. start , .tees t erf h ly• se.' very laigbly prized by BUSINESS CARDS. l B. S. PHELLIP6>9 AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Sams faction guaranteed or eo pay. ..easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW i� .i HESS, FIRE IN the LRely - ce agent, p ' .. Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. , DIt. F. A. SELLER;i, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate wvork a speciality. At Dominion house, Zurich, every 7 -Mon- day. day. 1;. ZELLER, C01iVESAN Mortgages G'* I ANI) Notary Public.De e d s, g Wills and other Legal l l(1evir:oF t • care fully and promptly prepared, Office, - Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.. LODGE MEETINGS TINGS Court Zuriob No. 1240 jm 0,F• meets every list and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'eloek p. m• in the A. 0. U. W. hall. B. J, J. NIEENSu,C. ries German Cooke. ar l you air, I shoed :ouch perfer you A Pittsburg houseviifc Mistook bo drop all s, p:'ri.atives when ad - her belated hubby for u brerglar eeeseing isle. They comp poorly and showed what an adept she was from your moutb, lam my father's at eyelet embroidery with the aid san.,, -Yon al., indeed ; God help of a 7 chambered revolver. Either you?'., groaned John, but he made better hours will have to be kept, another effort to restrain him. Let a`signai code established. or the the /tatter drop just now, Justin "shooting iron" locked tip if the tomorrow when Pittsburg reception Style comes into vogue in Canada. In the 11 have meantime it might be a good idea for some husbands not to wait for the curfew but spring a surprise by getting home before his better - half had set the night watch. Tho„e lead pellets are awkward things to dodge atter dusk. W. W. CORY, r e,,ill im hack' J'us, l will be taken under elate o est t.a,feet e e 7�,,;.,�` with Se , a - nee,.1911, I: youth loos e a rain hats htii The area, product aa value of ° l' CZLnnft reni5j4L and if it please field crops harvested in 1910.will be enumerated for fall wh Vie, springwheat, barley, corn for husking, buckwheat,. beans, peas, flax, mixed grains, hay and clover, alfalfa or lucerne, corn for forage, other forage beets, turnips, ma.ngolds, other field roots, tobacco and hops ; Come in tonight or acme and grass seed. red olover seed and I have leisure and 1 promise to talk alsike clover seed will be enumerat• this matter over °I slit]. a eel for product and value. the truth and the whole truth be- Grain and other field crops for A.O.U. Rickbeil Lodge • No. 3 03, inoets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 3 o'clock, in their 1Hall,Memel'\ IVA y ,1l1 Block. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, ante constipation and sick heaclaolle. Sold by J..7. Merrier, Laugh ten tines each day, six times in the forenoon and four tithes in the afternoon. It may hurt your face a trifle at the start but practice will snake it easy and like a badly in your house you will Wonder how yon got along without it. This old world is a place of great delight when we shape our couree to Catch its sunshine. Let us get a song in our heart; a senile on our countenance ; a word 'of cheer on our lips and an open hand for practical helpfulness and there will not be much time left for tears, repining. fault finding or gloom. Try a feint smile as you read this editorial note andsee how it works There, it di11m1't pair) yon much., did it? -Ex. fore I sleep, Dr Droutly. If y have anything tc say, say on,” „I Gen - have something to say." The r our tlennan's voice was stern. heather's life hangs by a thread. Inc rash word soap 1 t thread and leaveyou an orphan. e'er. God's sake, for ben sakes be calm, Justin, and listen to reason. he Stay. here all rest until- youne roman turned /may imltatien• ty. A hand was land' upon his arm, "As her physician I warn you. Your /nether has hears dis- ease; a sudden sboek may kill her -do you understand?" "I under stand. that you are trying to intitni- dateme, my mother maybe safely trusted in the hands of. her son." John groaned. .This madu]an would take the life of the one, he loved best, Where would this tragedy of rani end? Carriage OVER S Yt"A i a+ TRADE i1flARKO COPYRIGHTS etc. 'anyone sending a sketch and deseriptln-wn,ay gutakly eacertaln our opinio free Lather an invention 15 probably patentablet Communion - tions strictly catrndenttar. 11aNDBlla1l ons stens sant free. Most agency for secarang„Futents, Patents talon t rough blunts Sic Lo. receive spedia6 %Such, without charge, in the 1QatsiitutrIcatle ale5ni0'lwounn/largest ell, a' s�Ptiin jr1. Canada $V25 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by nilnewedealera. �UNN©�� (),,,fir® ssii rosdwav, l 1,0„.„ °ace, oe H' steerage/mewl, lee. 1 q• . y.aro.o ,Mss r -°sale, sono A,�lirtlbC..'7 n o'Auie is nr,]u. %leaver fails. Ary 3t n^n1. May :,ave tate ESEEKEr EkCNJkS '' 'ice TO tit F9. d� I a3 y k. O KJ no'.JJra-1,- TRIP fATRE aelrrO DATES 1 Apr. 6,12 3en? 1,4, 2a Aug!. 0, 23 htcy 3, 12, 31 July 12,26 Sap:, 6, 20 ' T110,011011 ,°,1'I C1AL TfAINS. TORONTO TO ' itrirnrxo ANT) FYBST Leave Ti,,roxaio 7'.00 pan. on . above dayFl Through First and Second Class Coaches° Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C.1),I1. Agent er write It. X . Thompson, :Dsi.A., Toronto. est refit 11Ou122Et1[E1lS' l'AteettLET the harvest of 1911. will be a by areas only, as none of these crops will be ripe at the taking of the census. The products of these crops will be gathered later in the year from the reports . of corres• pondents. Animals and animal products, also under the head of agriculture, wilt include the nueiber of horses three years old and over, horses under three years, milch cows, other horned or moat cattle,. sheep, swine, turkeys, geese. ducks, bens and chickens and hives of bees held or owned by each person at the date of the census on let June of 1911. The member of horses, milch cows, other horned or meat cattle, sheep, swine and poultry sold in 1910, wall be recorded, as well as the wool, milk, home -trade butter, home-made cheese, eggs and honey products of the year, and the quantities of milk and cream sent to factory or sold Pure-bred animals registered, or eligible for registration, which are owned at the time of taking the census will be enumerated for horses, cattle, sheep and swine, but their number will also be counted with all other animals. runners His �v n t;l 4 _ Vaant . n e= pairs for Spring advertisement will not he paid for. 3F For Zurich and surrounding district an ,energetio'reliabie .agent. to take order for nursery stock. . GOOD 1'A Y WEEKLY, OUTFIT' • FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY please order now. Anyone wishing New or Second hand Machinery, call and. see if I cau't fill yore wants. Coo Acres. under cultivation. We- gtatrantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contritct grade. We can show you that there is good money in representing a well known re- liable firm, Established over 3l years.- - Write for particulars. .Also Agent for Fairbanks Gasoline Engines4 Weigh Scales, Feed Grinders. All kinds of Sawillig Machines Buggies, C 1rriager and 132\•1N WAQONS Jas. Whyte,A0. fit• MASSEY.IIA`3 IS 00. PELUAll NURSERY CO. Johnny," said the boy's tooth" er, "I hope, you have been a nioe quiet boy itt school this afternoon.' ' "That's. what I was," answered Johnny'. "I wentto sleep right after dinner, and the teacher said she'd whip any boy in the rootn who waked me up. lubbingg r ate QlarWo have made arrangements to offer the following low oliibbirig rates 'with Tnn 1,1141EALn 4.25. Daily Globe , Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe 1,60' ,m Mail b'a:Fmnpire 1.00 Berlit-.er Journal (German) 2.110 Family herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.76 Weekly ,Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sian y .75 Farmer's. Advocate 2. 25' TORO NTO, - ONT, A NI A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stook. We pay lily rally and. offer steady en]i,)loyn]ent. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice list of s early sellers in both fruit and Ornamental stock. Seed Potatoes, Etc. Write foraterms and catalogue. STONE ,.' ./1 ELLINGTON The Foothill Narseriee, Est. 1837 Toronto -. - Ontario, When the stomach fails to per- form its functions, the bowels become deranged, the liver and the kidneys congested. causing nuttier-, oris diseases. The stomach - and liver must be restored to a healthy condition and . Chamberlain's Stonetelt.:and Liver Tablets can be depended eponto do it. Etasy to tele) and- Most effective, Sold by' .7. J. ,2F'ferner.