The Herald, 1910-07-15, Page 4'0D Capt. 431) 431)4721104D t'vuw :a 4{t" OD c:.,siax ClD QD flD tig The 1 ®lsons Bank a al paid up $3,500,000 Reserve Fund $3,850,000 v,7 BRANCHES Alberta—Calgary, Catmrose, ).)tamond City, Edmonton, Lethbridge.ee British Columbia—Revelstoke, Vancouver, Westmhester A. ee Manitoba—Winnipeg, Portage Ave. Ontario-^Alvinston, • Aeherstburg,Aylmer, tttt,x Brookville, , hestirvil 0,` Clinton, 1)rulubo, Dutton. Exeter, Forest, Iroqudfr, Hen ell, , Hamilton - 1 nn, James Street, Market Branch, Highgate, i eA e LLambtcn il1tlls, London, Leeknow, ,'1ieeforo,vrMerlin, rli , o S sbe , Norwicle A . n Ottawa. Owen Sound, Port Arthur, Ridge Marys, St. Thomas• �°1 est Encl, East End Branch, 'Toronto -Baer Street Queen St, W., Trenton, Wales, Waterloo, West: Toronto, Williamsburg., Woodstock, Zurich. Quebec•—Arthahaska, Chieontimi, Drammondvide, iroserville and se 0 Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, Lt1.olline Locks. rd Montreal—Cote des Neiges. Se James St„ St. Catherine, St. Breech. v St. Henri Branch, '1.Iais•annenve Branch, Market and Harbor Branch, ville, Quebec, Richmond, Roberval, Sorel, St. Cesaire. Ste. Plavie Station, St, Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vietoriaville, Waterloo. Q At;ENTs I.a tlttx:.>,'r BRITAIN AND Cox 0NIES—London and Livelf lool—Pair's v Bank Limited. b elaan l ---chaster & Leinster Bank, Limit©dod, u tralia an o Nnd New Zealand -••-Tile Union Bank of Australia, • of South .lfriea„ Limited. y alk. 13e1 CJ © `atFoi i loans, Soei, 0, Generale, Germany --Deutsche B © FeilFit \ 1Ui\ • i'tttil4� plum kutwc>rgt-% t Banque d' Anvers. China and Japan—ylIong Kong and gli ' '.ankle,;; Corporation. Cuba__Banco Nacional de Cuba, • in all the ,5}iim�,t..tt L AGENTS IN 1 \1T1:1a:E STATES—Agents eats and Correspondents w principal cities. 3. A. CONSTANTINE'', Agent 1 ZItl-a ch Br-inchal 0 eligeD4r3DIZIODit3DONSDetraragEKitit0DGEZEID (ID GAM G3Eli01 bit nDnilfMt3 LEGAL CARDS. Uea.d Office Montreal W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS J.1). COOIE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieitt'r, NotaryPnblie, Hensen, Outstr.io. At Zurich (Zeller's ofdee) every Mon- day. NROt DFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goilerieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair. she close beside trim. a want; tit? know about my father, how he died, all about him. Nurse berdly and with effort, concealed the start this unexpected demand geve ner, what could it mean? "Now Master (instill," she commenced, '`you know your mother is far too sensi• tive and delicate to be bothered with suoii questions" "But I ani not bothering my ,another with thein, Ann." he made ready answer 1 am sensitive, too, when such questions are asked me and I am unable to answer them. "To bo sure, to be sure" soothingly "but you know, my'` darling you were naught but e babe when your fath- er died and not expected to remem- ber anything, and your poor moth. er's nerves made it impossible for her to dwell on her losses or lives thein over by their repetition." "But why?" cried the impatient youth, "why should death bring tier such lasting sorrow. That answer satisfied me in my boyhood but it will not now. People outlive the first agony of loss. I have heard of those who loved to men- tion the virtues of their dead. I feel sure mama would thus delight to speak of uncle John were he dead. But she alludes to my fath- er's band through his arm and led er in any way. , There is a reason her away as he . had seen him do for this silence besides delioate "Is it possible ! Then you, too, have been wronged;" not a word further could be said, as several persons now entered the roan, one of whom bore Gostin away with hint shortly atter. But ouough had been said to fill the youth's heart with misgivings, his head with queries. Ho islet his uncle's troubled eyes awhile after, as he drained a glass of-chain:atge°, with a look of disdain and avoided him sedulously. Another interest had taken hold of hint that battle fair to rival Blanche Arlington's olaims on his attention. ' Unconsciously she added fuel to tbo flame her father bed already: kindled as he stood a few moments at her, side. 'Look at Dr Drently, (ustin, did t ever strike yo11.., his devotion to your mother" "My another is an invalid, and uncle has beea not, on- ly her physioian but her one natu- ral protector, here brother, for years," reviled the young than en the defensive ; though something within him rose hotly as he watch- ed while his uncle drew his moth. - j. D. oth. I: ERNE' ,1?unLISHED 13Y E. ZELLER. FRIDAY. JULY 15th 1910. THE DEADLY HOUSE FLY The campaign against the house fly is proceeding this year as never before says Good 13.ousekeeping. MEDICAL Moving pictures secured in England -_ -...— for this special purpose by the ------e----------- —' �� —� American Civic Association, are 1—e R,. T. P. MCtAUG1:1LIN, for- being shown at the theatres of the 3J merly with Drs. Jansen regular amusement circuits far Halle and Biers; of Berlin, Ger- and wide. These are accompanied. t by a short talk setting forth the Agriculturai Savings and n C o without thought a thousand times before. "If all that people say is true" went on the lady inisehiev- ously "there was a time when he ninny ; also assistant surg Moorefields' (Royal London Opthab, mit) eye Hospital and Golden Square ;Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. • OFFICE DASRWOOD, ONT. dangerous habitbl o thii efly and to stimulate the p g t is sometimes termed "the moat dangerous animal on earth." To kill atlorlies in a room Tint a spoonful of fortualin or• formaldo hyde in a quarter of a pint of water and set where the flies can drink it. Another poison, -which is not dangerous to . human life, is .biohronide of potash in solution. ..BUSINESS CARDS' IDissolv0 -'one dram of the drug which. can be bought at any drug 1 •______:________;___________ - ~--� " -��^ store in two ounces of water anti B. S. PHILLIP%, ndd alittle eugar for sweetening. AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Expose this solution in shallow dishes. Sales conducted in all parts. Sails- "At the present time," said a faction guaranteed or no pay. Terns; recent issue of the New York will be promlitly attended to. ,eason•tble, Orders left et this oilice. Medical Journal "tile house fly— nerves ; I am oldenough to know what it is, and I will, recklessly.. "O any puir bairnie !my puire bair- nie" exclaimed Ann, who had in was not content to take a brother's her make up somewhere a drop of position. I have heard that your Scotch blood which would manifest father and (A he were rivals." ustin 1 itself in moments of excitement. started visibly. "clad. you not I .,0 my puir bairnie, you will kill heard that? she exclaimed. "why your own dear mother if you take there are those who do not cease to on like this. Listen to old. nurse wonder that your another is still a and let the past go widow and you r i:ncle still a baohelor." "I'd like to hear any one gossiping about them," he said hotly. "Foolish boy ! do not or not?" asked Gnstin sternly. "I adore your uncle.? Is not he the do not ask advice but facts, will flower of -all mankind?I Why should yon nr will von not tell me about 0o by.Whydig up the secrets of the dead? Let 80 titres solely owned and occupied by him them rest iv them." "Nurse, do or by his father, Mother, son, daughter, you intend to answer my questions brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing ray pre-empt a quarter -sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price 83.00 per acro. Duties ---Must reside six months in eaoh of six years from date of homestead entry (including, the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain. a pre: }m emption may take a rchased homestead • in certain districts. Price 83.00 per acre. Unties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect - a house worth $300.00. • W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for.' • and this does not necessarily ex- clude other HEAD OFFICE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given to, applications for loans, E ZELLER. Zurich,. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Laud Regulations. ANY person who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18.ycars old, may homestead a quarter-seetion of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must • appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be inade at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader.' Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine Iles of his homestead on a farm of at least 1 flies ---stands accused of ANDREW F. HESS, tilts; IN L0T,(1N- transmitting tubercthlosis, leprosy, Ce notllt, representing the London, cholera, :snnuneI diarrhoea of Economical, Waterloo, 1lonarcb, Stand- ard, children, plague, carbrinele, yaws. 4VellfrejnS.antl Guardian. Every oxsevict tapeworm, swine plague thing in fire insurance. not your mother think so, too? He turned on her fiercely. ' To admire is not necessarily to love," he cried ; "ansa to some natures there is but one love possible, the love of a lifetime, not to be put off and on to suit the fancy." The last of this' sentence, so evicleiifily meant for the young lady's benefit, would have seemed absurd had lie not been so sadly in earnest . Blanche laughed. "A single love may be as admirable in Dr Droutly as in anybody else" she said. "li'ew leen with his wealth and position courted and flattered and run after too, as he has been, would have re- mained true feet,tat-; who cared t lived to nurse , tai, there have • 'trust have eel). devotion 011.1'. A. SEL:,bERY, DENTIST, G1tA- tluate of the Loyal College of Dental Burgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every :t en - day. E. ZELLLR, CONVEYANCER ANI) Notary Public. De e d a, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared, Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. L,.tC:DGE MEETINGS �'1 Court Zurich No. 1240 C. 0:11, meets every let and :ird Thursday of each month at 8 (Meek p. in the A. 0. U. 4�i . Halj. l. tIF1�.-, ER, C. 1'.. notal ing "for. huts, ad dead slaw. been hints ti been a reaaor or , ` tiVhat do other than its -Lanett,. "• you mean?" The voice was so stern the girl vet half a:ttt,rtled teat c,f her lightness, Her main pur- pose in the oonvereation had been to shield herself. ''What do I mean?" she repeated haughtily. Pelt ups von w,tld better inquire of those who say these things and i r ot; of the one who merely repeats' fireworks than ever before, as well them. Everybody knows your as enlarged and' improved -grounds uncle spent months on the contin and new tmildings• encs mm•e eat with y,aur mother after your exhibits, it is believed that the million mark will bo bit at last nay father?" "And what would you know? that he was as bonny and gentle as yoursel,' with the sante eyes and mouth and hair ;, and that your mother worshiped him next to her God?" (To be continued) Ethel M. i�•illiams, Pres. Supt. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, euro constipation and sick headache. Sold by 3. J. Merner. THREE•FOURT1dS OF A MILLION Number ofPeopleAttending Can- adian National Exhibition in 1909. The attendance at the Canadian National Exhibition last year was 52,5'20 people. This year. with l;r ituin's hest military band, air ships. an entirely novel spectacle• • the Navttl Ilcviev; at Spithend, and a bigger and more varied bill of and typhoid fever ; and it may be father's death and was otiirt,inll:illy confidently aeserted that we have i 'miming basic and forth while site already a sufficient amount of ex - remained reruained thrre. They know also perimental and cinical evidence to dist your father had a princely strove our ease ttgttinst it." .Don't forget fora moment that fortune --was partner in the firm where his son t•erves as clerk. She the fie is born in manure and come., I met hila in tbi+hail with an anxious e V • iJ •�7 Itickb93 Lodge O•iJ • :1 • No. S ell meets the 2,nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in their Hall. A:lerner Block. nen. WITw15it,DI. W OVER ed YEARW' EXPERIENCE TaaAsE MARKS DESIGNS COPY�4iGFt`ras anyone sending asketch and deeoninttnn may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an tuvention 1s probably' pate/1ta l_e. Ca,mrnuntca. tions strtetlyeonddenttal.t1A5DSf tont'atents sent free. Oldest a eney for, at g patents, Patents taken through Munn St Co. receiv0 special 9,notice, without charge, lathe p,7� A. handsomely iilustrateri weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scienttao journal, Terms for Canada., 813.75 ra year, postage prepaid. :'ole by muNN & Ce 36fi0roadway, Newyork teranch Olnce, 67.5r r St.. Washington. n. O. straight from t swill bnclrets. sp tions, offal, to your dining table, if he can possibly get into the house. Ile was dubbed last year the "typhoid fly," because he bad been oonvicted of spreading typhoid by wholesale in army camps and elsewhere. He is also the "dysenteery fly," having conveyed disease and death to countless children. These, aro established facts. Remember that when any where absolute cleanliness prevails there will be no flies. Look daily after the garbage loans; see that they aro clean, sprinkled with kerosene oil and effectively covered. By all moans whatever preoau• tions may be taken or not taken. don't let the flies get near the milk. Cor,c, Clesiera aflO Chamberlain's 7Di it,,E6t R'cinectq., *lever fails!. Buy it now. It may save fife. face. ,1f1O mother was suffering with a hcadaelte and sent her re- grets to her co:', since she could not be with him. Had he been to breakfast yet? nurse inquired. "No, it way late when he awoke and he needed no breakfast; ho would like a few words with her• self however. The good woman troubled over the perversity of her nurseling, led hinr into her own room and shut the door. "Now, Master Gustin, tell old nurse what worries you," lie began, when he was et'sited in her eitsv el7eir and . For Zurich and surnateadiug district an energetio reliable agent to take order for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Men of former ages, unless they lived near the sea or 0 river, had 'great difficulties an gratifying their taste for fish. Tho great houses land their fish ponds or stews, but sea lash, such as cod, bream, stur- geon, herring and sprats, were salted, and the excessive consump- tion of highly salted fish in the middle ages is said to have pro- duced leprosy. Fish was also baked in Dies to enable it to be car- ried for great distances. Farmers Wanting Re= pairs for Spring THE WESTERN CROP Reports received from all parts of the West show that the recent rain was general, and the drought whioh has been burning up the crops is apparently at least broken In Northern and Central Manitoba, there was 0 splendid four hours' rain, and the farmers are jubilant. In the north the crop outlook is. now exceptionally good, and in the oentre fair, In Southern Manitoba there were also heavy rains, but not as heavy as in the north It is feared, -however, that the rain has come too late and while conditions are improved it is feared that 'in many portions there wall not be more than half a orop. The same is true also of Southern Saskatohe wan and Southern Alberta. In taot the whole eountry along the boon. dary line has been so burned up that many of the fanners have plowed up their fields. please order now. Anyone wishing New or Second Hand Machinery, call and see if I can't fill your wants. Also Agent fir Fairbanks Gasoline Engines, Weigh Scales, Feed Grinders. goo Acres under cultivation. We gnitrantee to delivee stock in good condition and np to contract grade. We can show yon that there is good. money in representing tt well known re- liable firm. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars. I,IWO NURSERY CO RAILWAY Y-QUASLAD. AGAIN The Divisional Court, Toronto, Wednesday last gave judgment at Osgood() Flail, aillowing the appeal of Williton Dale, the younger, from the refusal of Chief Justice Mulock to quash the debenture by-law passed by the Townshig fBlan hard, authorizing the granting of aid to the extent of .20,000 to the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company-. The oourt confined itself to whether the voters' list was conclusive as the right of -esters ; and whether, if not co.aclusiyo. -.Mr. Dale had succeeded in establishinfi that a sufficient number of unqualified Persons had voted to overcome the majority. The judgment of the court is that for a money by-law the list is one prepared from the assessment roll and is therefore not that made conclusive by section 24 of the Voters' List Act. .As regards the voting the court finds that five ungtiatlified persons voted and as the majority was only four there- fore the by-law as invalid. An order isaccordingly made quashing the by-law with costs agatnst the municipality' through- out. Chances for the St. Marys and W. Ontario Railway reaching Exeter are now very remote --Add v c sate, All kinds of Sawing Machines Buggies, Carriages and BARN WAGONS Jas. Whyte, .Ag't. MASSLrY.$ARRIS CO, TORONTO, — ONT. ENTRANCE EXAMS. (Continued on page 8.) • May MoBurney (11 624. The public ion results will be p week. The lists and follows (the minim to pass is 390 ;for IiLrNSALI, PUIiLIC SCHOOL. Arthur McArthur 410 ; 400 ; Aggi.e Hatbl Scott 449 ; Jean Ingram, cD'oneli 412 ; ltutkt Nellie Carmichael 393 YPIb:LD PUBLIC SCHOOL. Anna Woods 398. ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL. CVeitlo, 39'3 ;George Flora Hess 4117 ; 394 ; Muriel Pre O'Brine :102. AS1IwO0D PULI.IO SCHOOL. Hoffman 438 ; Pearl Addison Tiernan 390 Cit)tDITON PUBLIC SCFI lydr $luett .44'f ; V' 392. MAY 1 Maximo Denoni Truemner 390 ; R r 42G ; 10 Greco L+ s Walper .392 ;15 Schroeder 394. £iT:tNLIC'Y, 3 Minnie Tippet Taylor 417 ; (North) 4 Vic 6 Wm Mc.�'atnghto Moffat 490.; 14 Arthur Lola Il..tth-ve11390 ; A 1; Herbert Kehl 392. STEPHEN. No. 2 Llo9d England England 394; 4 Otto years of: agtal school' �e graduation published next we inarks. are asum re- quired honors, 487,) OL. Arth Elgin Mc- Arthur cirk 419 Inez Sc am' 391 ; Faye M Rennie 390 ; .r „,11A Ann L. Earl Deicehet• 428 ; Z,Freda Kalb- fieisch titer 444 ; Olive ooL. D Tiernan Ora 402 ; oOL. Eve Wellington. Haist No. y 390; 8 Ohlen hienhold Mille Elder 390: Agnes Wm, B. No.408; Pearl Tayl for Evans 438; n 408; 10 Peter Jones 423 t Allan Fish- er 40 399 ; Mel- ville Brown., 441.•