The Herald, 1910-07-15, Page 1The Official Organ, of Zurich and Hay Township,
Vola X.
MORNING, JULY 15, 1910,
Happy vacation time is with
0, us once ;lore. You can add
much to your pleasure and scorn=
fort by being prepared with cool
Wearing apparel. we carry a full
line of everything suitable for
warm weather war, the best
goods obtainable in the world's
ti markets. Our prices are right
quality considered. Our stock
of this season's Wash Fabrics is §
at its best. We have marked
them at prices that will interest
Scotch Giilgh<ims, Shamrock' Szutings,
Linen Suitings, India Linens, New
Muslins, Swiss Muslin~, Mercerized
Lawns, Persian. Lawes. Shanting
Snitings, Belfast Poplins, French
Voiles, Best English Prints, Silk
Muslims, Silk Mulls. All colors.
Two-piece .Suits, Neglige
Shirts, new Straw Hats,
Cool Collars. Summer
Underwear, Leather
elks, Fancy Socks,
Fancy Vests.
We Are giving special value in all men's
ready-to-wear clothing.
We are sole agents for
Zurich for Plymouth Twines,
Gold Medal is a twine to swear
:VOA"rt by. Every ball guaranteed.
Average length 650 feet. The
price is lower than. ever.
See us before you buy your twine
Isn't Fine
To have a• hammock in a
nice cool shady spot these
31 hot days. • Coma in and
see our line, ;y look
nice and, are good quality,
We e handle the celebrated New Perfection AI
Oil Stoves. Best on the market. Easy and y
safe to operate An intense heat in a second.
No home colxa.plote without one,
j. Pre
Telephone: g
eeiraare-eiraftee•geeireeleeeteereeneeee 4"2
�raat`a�a�tpag�,a .^ate.-A���
Miss Petrie, of London is visit-
ing with Miss Ethel Williams.
Miss Jennie Hardy. of Exeter is
visiting the Mimes Rickbeil, this
Miss Ella. Weseloh of Waterloo,
visited friends in town, the east
Mr, John Weihmiiler, general
merchant att Hsansen, intend, locat-
ing in the West.
Miss Fredet Bess, who has 'a
school near 13iw th is horse for the
summer vacation.
.Found --A. purse containing a
,,tna11 sura of money. Owner call
on A. Mittelhol'tz.
Miss Aima .Axt is spending a
few weeks with her sister Mrs.
Kaiser, at London.
MT—Angus Nl'ttrrar has returned
home, from a two weeks' visit with
his daughter in Welland, Mrs.
bKewliss Etie.. aabeth Rinnie has passed
her examination in Musical Porn).
at the Loncl'cin Conservatory of
music, with first class honors,
Bayfield. Juniors tnruecl • the
tebles on our boys on Wednesday
evening in a. good fame of base
ball on the local diamond.. Score
10-7. •
Miss Lizzie Geiger of New York
and Mrs .Joseph Toms, of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, are visiting their
father, Mr. Abram Geiger and
other relatives.
Anybody wishing to have tame
black and red raspberries from
Dan Smith, kite ` ''1 Ieave order at
Mrs. McCori k's restaurant.
Orders will bo p4' a ziptly tilled.
The ebildrer e •a, c the Fresh. Air
11Yissinn of 7'� v}o ill sing in the
:i vangeli t ..l -v>t Buaciay
evening in ' ' tltion with the
evening ser efeke 31 etre invited.
Young men are so blind to their
fntnre interests that they never
admire the girl at the picnic who
stays and helps the old folks clean
un the baskets s much as they
'admire the snippy girl, who walks
off acv soon as she has had all she
wants to eat.
Mr..T, A. Constantine. manager
of the local branch of the Molsons
Bank and Miss Chidley, of Clinton,
were united in marriage on Thurs-
day at one o'clock After a short
honeymoon in the Georgirn Bay
district they will take no house_
keeping in town. Tns HERAL
extends congratulations and bes
wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Con
fantheran Church.—Rev, 0, 0, ,T
Maass being ' absent Rev. 0
Klaehn, of Stratford will fill the
pulpit, in St, Peter's . Lutheran
church, on Sunday. The morning
service will be conducted in
German- sad the evening service
in English, The weather being
favorable the choir of the Strat.ferd
Lutheran church will sing at both
The recently -married young cou-
ple had. been very happy, but at)ength the inevitable rift in the
lutea occurred, "George" she said
reproachfully, across the breakfasttable, "it was after twelve when
you got home last night " "Wo-
men," exolaimed- George, with a
fine assumption -of astonishment.
"are ntovt ineemprebensibie nresa-
tures. Why, my dear, before we
were married von didn't care how
late 1 got home."
NO. 50
itltt wUiJe9vhhi QtYfQf 4'Gtot�S�ti i split �i� w
We Ibve .M.e
A Wollderfijatigi
'�rhi .o
and are noiv open to give
you the best attention.
Vatch this space next week
for arm �'
You need not go out of town or send
away for Men's and Boys' Suits. Bring your
ti ready cash to us, and you see how much you
can buy for little money. Bargains in Men's
and Boys' Ready -Made suits. We will give you
a snap on Children's Bose for next week.
A bargain in Men's shirts. We are here
to do business, and will giz- e you good value
for your money. We invite you to visit this
store, and dill it your store.
e are in iii Lynes
of .G.mllei! l ro
All Farre Produce taken Ata exchange
n Miss Iva Weber is spending. th
t week with friends, at Berlin,
• Mrs. S. Rannie and family lean
to -day (Friday) for their cottage a
• Grand Bend, They expect to re-
. stain about six weeks,
e )Jost ---On Monday a bot contain -
ins; rubber nipples. Finder please
e leave with Herman Bender or at
t this office.
Miss Erma Rannie of Hensel%
spent a few days this week at the
home of her ;aandnother, Mrs.
5, Rannie.
Miss Alvada Weseloh of London,
returned on Wednesday evening to
visit her parents, Mr, arid Mrs.
Henry • 'me. oh,
The rain of Saturday and Sun-
day came as a great relicf. Satnra
day was the hottest day this
summer, the thermometer register-
ing 90 in the shade, in the
The trunk line, connecting
Zurich and Dashwood by rural
telephone has been completed and
fifteen snbscriders at the latter
place will shortly enjoy the benefits
of the rural telephone.
The world's most snncessful
medicine for bowel complaints is
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera. and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It has reliev-
ed more pain and suffering, . anci
saved more lives then any other
medicine hi use. Invailuaable for
children and adults, Sold by J. J.
Quite a, number from here a t.
tended the football waateh, eat
Brncefield on Monday evening.
between Niarega Falls team and
Brumfield. The game was to 1
decide the championship of West -1
ern Ontario, wait Niagara one I
goal ahead in the first round. The
first half Niagara was one goal
ahead, During the first minute of
the second half, they scored a.guin
giving then u. lead of three. From
this point to the end it was all
Brucefzeld, the farrier boys scoring
three tines in succession before
time, was called, and tieing the;
score for the series, The tie should
have been, played off° by two ten
minute rounds, but owing to the
darkness this was not done. The
deciding game will likely he play-
ed off en neutral ground, very
sheltie', Both teams played well
end the spectators were kept at a
high pitch of excitement from
start to iitztish,
Mrs. H. Cxuenther'a.nd slaughter,
Miss Euloeen, of Dashwood, visit-
ed with the former's mother, Mrs.
5, Rannie, on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Satin Faust left on
Thursday morning for Pigeon
Miele to attend the fuueral of the
former's cousin, Miss llllenbaatm,
Mr. R. G. Nichol of Hickson
formerly merchant in Blake, was
in this vicinity tor a tow clays
this week, renewing acquaintances.
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist 'will be at Commercial
Hotel, Zurich, on Friday, luly
22nd, IIonre all day. Glasses
properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated.
The second round of the howling
competition fur the u,,rdort Medal
resnite-1 follows: I';, Koehler 17;
J, A. Constantine 1:: A. 1leidt'inatn
7, \1 , Meiht 2:i: J. P. Ilse 1:1,
Lamont 15 .1 liiekbeil 5, Dr. 13. 0,
Campbell, 1,5: ,I Pre ter 8, A
Iless ee: Peril IIess a bye. The
third round resulted as follows: I'
Lamont 10, A F Iless 13: W Moise
13. De 1> Campbell 10: Ferri Hese
3 7 , J A (Constantine 8.
The .Robert Bell Engine & Thresh.
er Company are constructing two'
threshing outfits for the exhibition
to be held at Winnipeg, nand also
two outfits for the Brandon fair.
The engines are 30 horsepower,
while the separators are of the
laargest sire. Another exhibit that
they will have a,t the fairs will be
a small size separator to be operat-
ed by a small gasoline engine. The
enterprise displayed by this firm in
bringing their outfits and the
nanie of Seaforth before tho people
of Canada should meet with the
hearty approval of the citizens of
that town,
Gild Edge binder urine 050 ft to
• ]b, has all other' brands beaten, a
mile Its the kind where the lumps
are all taken out with a nc w invent-
ed maehizie called the silent
inspector, always on the.job. Cali
and get prices, same price as Lumpy
stuff you buy els cwvh :re, at Hart -
Forest fires have swept over a.
large section of the country llie-
tween Fort William and North.
Bay. In the vioinity cf Port
Arthur the loss has beenpartioo.lar-
ly heavy, and in the vicinity of
Lake Nepigon several construoti.ont
camps and powder magazines be-
longing to the Transcontinental
have been destroyed, Serious loss
of property has also ocourred last
t�he settiement in the 'vicinity of